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Oct 2015 · 573
Edgar E Tobias Oct 2015
If I admitted, that you still hostage my love
Now if I admitted, would I turn into the one that you want

No, this is something I doubt

If I released, all of my inner thoughts
Yeah, if I told you, it was you I picked out

No, I doubt, that that'd be enough

If you were to come home, with a smile on your face
Oh Kali, please come home, another day I can't take

..."No, I love you more from far away."

"I love you more -"

"Like I said, from far away."
Oct 2015 · 332
White Noise
Edgar E Tobias Oct 2015
I send out little requests
Like, "listen to what I'm listening to"
Not because I'm depressed
I just want to somehow be connected with you
Edgar E Tobias Oct 2015
I don't want to give you the satisfaction
Of knowing how much I adore you
No, I don't want to show any reaction
When you say, "I miss you"

You were and will always be my sunshine
Even when you make me feel like ****
Cuz it is mostly in the pitch of night
When you forget your sunrise kisses

If every guy treated you like an angel
Like the ones that I pray to
Yeah, if they were all capable
I wouldn't be the one you come back running to

Between the moments they call you back
When they do I return
To the slack of rope around my neck
To the liquid burn

You could have been my Eve
It was me who propped you up
To grab the apple from the tree
I guess you always kind of were

If there's such thing as a Heaven
I'm pretty sure I've been there
And if I were to go again
It'd be your love that takes me there

Take me there...
Oct 2015 · 480
Kali, the Destroyer.
Edgar E Tobias Oct 2015
Beauty's in the eye of the beholder
Thank god...
I held her.

Would it be better if I never met her?
Wish I...
Could forget her.

If I held you, but don't hold you now
Laid my eyes on you
But I don't see you now
Does that make you ugly
Are you a disfigured scowl
Or, is it just resentment
Playing tricks on me now

Who's this weeks holder?
Who sees you like I saw you then?
Who's with you playing strip poker?
Who holds their cards tight?
Now as you reveal your chest

An arm's length
Is close enough to still touch
An arm's race
You will **** to get what you want

Why can't you see?
You have more to offer this world
Than temporary
Satisfaction they found in some girl
Cuz you have more
Than an arm to offer this world

Poison drips in to your brain...
We are both in love
With the same thing
I cannot be saved
But I have hope for you.
Oct 2015 · 419
What's Your Number?
Edgar E Tobias Oct 2015
I have your card but I don't have your number
I try to recall but its hard to remember
A plan, tonic, mixed with your half slumber
Just because they pretend doesn't mean that they care

I read your words and its easy to see
That you've been a basketball after everyone from me
Passed around like you were hot gossip
But they all left once you gave what they wanted

Why was it so hard to accept what I offered?
We both did things to anger each other
And after that we realized
It was ourselves we came to despise

I'm tired of faking
Tired of playing this act
I'm sick of pretending
Pretending like I couldn't care less

Don't tell me your number
I'll only falter
In the act of moving on
Don't tell me your number
Cuz these images
Will be my roadblock.
Oct 2015 · 314
A Joyous of Endings
Edgar E Tobias Oct 2015
Relax, I'm finished
Feel free to open your eyes, look and see
What I've removed from you...
Sat back, I relish
These acts I can't undo, prove to me
I didn't take back what was mine...

Heartless, harlots always are
Heartless, our bodies now on par

Feel free, to express
I cackle at the thought
I ask but I know you cannot do...
Did you, expect this
Myself even I've surprised
Before me, slain, you are strewn...

Last kiss, open mouthed, and agape
Last kiss, I have made you smile
From cheek to ******* cheek

Heartless, I cackle at the thought
Heartless, finally you really are

I have finally made you smile
From cheek to ******* cheek
Our bodies now on par...
Oct 2015 · 391
A Eulogy for Everyone
Edgar E Tobias Oct 2015
I dance between the graves
Of the bodies that came, but didn't stay
Praying to make it home dry
There's a storm raging in the sky

As if it were a camera's flash
Lighting strikes when I think of them
Counting back from three to one
That perfect moment, forever gone

"Always and Forever", etched on the cast
Of my broken heart that looks like broken glass
And the Jack of Spades fell for the Queen of Clubs
But she ran off with
The King of Diamonds

There's a storm raging in the sky
There's a storm raging in this guy
There's a storm raging in the sky
There's a storm raging...
Oct 2015 · 367
This slow parade...
Edgar E Tobias Oct 2015
Day breaks under the heaviness of night
Blue skies and bright light illuminate
The scars created under a backdrop of stars

Battle wounds only show defeat

Defeated or defeatist?
The ending's the same
A  morning masquerade
To hide the reason for this slow parade...
Sep 2015 · 442
Nothing Remains...
Edgar E Tobias Sep 2015
Time stands still, but the sand drifts away
Another "x" crossed off
Yet the memory remains

Why couldn't you stay instead?

You gave me life through blueprints of your eyes
You gave me something I never knew existed

I've lost, you're gone, you won't return.

I will steal every glance I get.
I will **** every chance I have.

Nothing remains.

Perfection is formed in my mind.
Perfection's form remains in my mind.

Nothing remains.

It all goes away...
Sep 2015 · 457
It's all about Perspective.
Edgar E Tobias Sep 2015
A drug addict's mother will view every overdose as tragic.
While most anyone else will think of them as pathetic.

A family who has a member **** themselves are filled with a hidden resentment.
But those looking over the edge are jealous and happy their pain has ended.

A ****** victim always died "too soon and too young."
But to his enemies, he was just a target on the run.

An accident is just that, and there's no one to blame.
So loved ones forever mourn, quietly going insane.

Disease is just bad luck mainly.
So children left behind often ask, "why me?"

Old age and war are the most honorable ways to go.
But put yourself in their shoes... the newly departed are finally joining their friends.

Death is all about perspective.
And it's always a selfish act.
Not on those that have left us.
But those that want them back.
Suicide is not selfish.
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
On Average...
Edgar E Tobias Sep 2015
One third of our life is spent asleep
25 years off in some dream...

Another third spent in work or class
50 years gone, ****, just like that

25 years left...
But of course there's more.

1 year spent using the bathroom.
Now only 24...

6 years' time spent on cuisine
Down to 18...

4 years doing housework,
A year looking for things lost,
And another 5 in line we wait.

75 given, only left with 8.

2 years watching commercials
Where did it go? Only 6?!

For a woman... 1 year is spent choosing the clothes they're wearing.
But it evens out.
Men spend just as much time admiring their choice by staring.

So down to five
But I'll end it here
It's on you now
How to live your final years.
Do what makes you happy.
Sep 2015 · 435
Edgar E Tobias Sep 2015
Just as time moves forward
Just as a river current flows
Just as age brings death us toward
I must also do so

Just as a wound will mend
Just as spring leaves grow
Just as a hiker does ascend
I must also do so

I must accept
I must move on
I must not regret
I must be the love for someone

Oh, precious Hope
I feel you leaving
You're always last to go
Please, don't leave me

For if you do
I will too
I will not follow
But I will leave all, just as you
Kali... please come home. Oh, how you've stayed true to your name. I miss you... I will make you miss me. I love you. I wish you still did too.
Aug 2015 · 352
The Night of Shakes
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
It isn't here yet, but I know its on it's way
I'm breaking in my bed; I don't know how much more of this I can take
Bad habits are relative, its all about perspective, and that is why I'm restricted...
I've painted myself on my side of the bed
Pretending this black is the back of my eye lids
Trying to dream but instead I long and remember
What is was like when we tangled ourselves under the covers
At least for now I can fake it through the night
Contorting my limbs in a lonely fight
Fending the chill, I will trick myself and say I'm fine
With not sharing the sheets with you anymore
But even the humming that grows in my ear
In the black silent air knows
I'd still opt for the warmth of your body
So it may not be tonight; it might not even be soon
But I'm preparing myself, saving all the sullen words
For that impending night that I shake for you
It isn't here yet, but I know its on it's way...
I have notebooks and letters combining to form
What I plan to be an imperfect sonnet from me
You never quite understood the beauty in pain
You'd rather keep it and me away; that's why I'm here alone
Still trying to dream of the night you return
And we struggle to find a position to sleep
Fixing our bodies like a puzzle's piece
The dream continues...
I know you're not coming
But the night I can't take it much longer is on it's way
The Night of Shakes.
Aug 2015 · 713
Untitled #1
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
I will be your David.
Chip away...
But if you find you are upset at what you discover underneath.
I never promised to be some sort of masterpiece.
I just gave myself to you.
You are sculpting me.
Aug 2015 · 599
Like a Thousand Butterflies
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
I am an outline of my life
White shapes made by black lines
Waiting to be colored by light bursting from your eyes
Oh how it shines through your glasses like a prism
Exploding into every color imaginable, and then some
When it hits me I cannot help but feel like I'm floating
Drifting with the softness of your spoken breath's speech
Like a thousand butterflies fluttering in me
Take me now; I'm yours
Don't be afraid if the colors clash
Or to stay within the lines
I want to be your most beautiful mistake
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
It was only a few hours ago when I convinced you
All so convincingly that she was all I needed
I even started to believe it myself
But it was only a fleeting moment of grace
A thought of a lover's embrace
It makes more sense when you have a reason to think
About it less
But coughing up change when she looks away
Pretending you had it all covered
The entire length's stay
"So much it hurts..."
There is beauty in pain
Be the shooting star's wish - the one to come true
Be everything and more
Let me be the one to walk eternity with you
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
I feel estranged every now and then.
I been trying for months to explain, my lack of, conviction.
Half-hearted attempts to force something pleasing.
The only thing I'm sure of these days
Is that I'm not sure about much of anything.

What was meant to last eternity
A star's sparkling mystery, always shrouded in dark
Instead it all came crashing down in the beauty of a shooting star
Wishes are no different than secrets in this sense
We all have them, and tell no one
Keep them tucked underneath our pain
A journal entry's page kept safe through memory

I want to be the Nothing's you whisper
In the ear of your lover
To dance along the strings of your heart
A romantic arrhythmia played in perfect time
Pausing for a brief moment
Of enthralled dyspnea

Some might call it foolish, but they are right...
For all the wrong reasons.
To be brave, you must be a fool
Looking at your fate with sunken eyes, stoic
Yet, you push forward, no this is not an escape
This is acceptance in its purest form
The difference between courage and a coward is distraction and denial
Why run from the inevitable?

I'm not inviting him in, but I will acknowledge the existence.
Trying to form any cohesive line of thought is getting more and more difficult each passing day as the line between reality, dream, imagination, and memory become exponentially blurred with each passing night. Psychosis' cold hand is creeping in... But to experience it sober? Now that is a novelty I've yet to experience... I think? I may have had a dream about it. I could have made it up too... Does a beautiful girl fishing for compliments make her any less physically attractive? No. So, why are so many who are close to me convinced this is some game I'm playing? They choose to read my journals I hide. They know nothing of this site or this alias. Yet, their simple conclusions bore me to the point of not even having the strength to say, well... anything at all. Silence is golden. I am King Midas!
Aug 2015 · 611
Fingering Her Box
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
Her body stares at me, craving all I lack
She's plain, white, and empty
The urge to fill her void, it excites me, I cannot deny that fact
My fingers linger, praying she rewards me with her love
Each day her number grows, thousands flock and stuff her box
They selfishly empty themselves, all hoping for some relief
But as the end draws near its clear to see
She gives out love to all that seek
But to win her heart you must tell
The darkest secrets of yourself
She waits for you in the blackened rooms
Eager for the thrusting of your fingers
To expose the inner self
You must be content that she will share it with someone else
So I fill her box almost every night, accepting this arraignment
There are times when my fingers ****** for hours
Yet, somehow, she can always take it
She never tells me about her pain
Instead decides to tell me stories
Of the others who have filled her box
The others who came before me
It's not about *** so relax. This is about the act of writing poetry into HP's "body" section when you "add poem". Sheesh...
Aug 2015 · 726
A Death Rehearsed
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
The words come back and conversation
Flows under excited pressure
Just like the red rose when I register
Its been a while so the better in me knows
And tries to send a message to me
But my psychic energy grows
More intensely on a memory's
Lows, I always get the best of me
Tolls, Happiness isn't free
I wish I could just be fine with settling
Stop hoping that my two halves will quit wrestling
Over who drives while the other is directing
From the back seat, this is where I belong
A siren is my life's theme song
Hand in hand I'm dragged along
To some place I'd rather not be
Put on a face so they won't see
Anything that's felt inside of me
Learning to survive by blending in
Once released, spin cycle repeats
Pumping poison bought off the street
A death rehearsed I'll never know
When rehearsal ends, begin the show
I'm drifting off into sleep...
But this time it's too deep.
Aug 2015 · 609
Rorschach's Apprentice
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
Another one fallen, he's taken the plunge
Such envious feelings boil within
What was he thinking as ledge left 'neath his feet?
What was his last thought when his face did smack the street?

Rorschach would be proud, these designs sprayed behind
I can't control the urges, I will soon join the other side
A bullet is painless, but the rope is much cleaner
What is the difference? - If soon you'll join the reaper

To leave you with such pain is not the intention
"Coward... So selfish! His action's, so senseless!"
Your mirror's reflection bounces back self-hatred
This razor's edge grazes flesh, goose-bumped and anxious!

The ***** which I spewed from
Thinks she is to blame
Not for her actions
But 'cause she birthed and gave me name
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
It's called self-esteem for a reason
But how do you change
Your reflection and the way the world sees it
When people's perceptions are all the same

To focus on your worth
It's a hard thing to do
Self-image is always backwards
Because my right is reflected
And is always wrong to you

Mirror's force you to begin
Where normally you would end
This is when you realize
The importance of the hyphen

Separated and apart
Each word becomes their own
The finish was the start
And you are still alone.
Aug 2015 · 934
Youth in Revolt!!
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
Flick* bic


                 bubble   sizzle   POP!

drop   ...bloop  splatter  --- hot.

                           insert   slurp   tink! tink! , prepped...
Lighthearted take on IV drug prep, style inspired by "Youth in Revolt".
Aug 2015 · 968
If You Only Knew (Imagine)
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
I can only imagine what it was like for you
Sitting at the foot of your bed
Scared for the welfare of us two
And you'd imagine
What sort of things I'd make her do
To support our habit
Did I sell her off, make her *******
There was nothing I could say
In your mind that was already the truth
I still remember the day when
You posted bail and said
"This isn't real love... because if it were
you wouldn't poke her skin
with a needle's *****
and fill her with poison!
This is ******* poison!
And you're killing her!
No, this isn't love... you're a ******* monster."
If you only knew how powerful that was.

I want you to imagine now
Just for a moment what it was like from our side
She was handed to me
I was given sole responsibility
But we'd never imagine this
That we'd resort to the things we'd do
To support our habit
Try to get a bag or two
And find the strength to sit up straight, at the foot of our bed
Scared for the welfare check
Was it coming in, or do we have skip dinner again
I know we made it look so easy, like we had it all together
But who wears long sleeves, in the middle of the summer
Just to hide our scars
Never staying long because we needed that needle in our arm
Behind those jail bars
In a physical manifestation
Of the prison hell that lived inside ourselves
Now we were under real investigation...
Can you imagine?
With the threat of jail, our mental hell, seeing her poke herself... fo(u)r hours
Crying out to me, "Baby, please?!
I can't get it, and my arms are so swollen!
Look at them bleed!"
So I was stuck with the ****** truth
Let her keep damaging herself... I know she'd get it eventually
But how many more hours until she felt
The needle slip into her vein...
Or I could step in and help
Quickly end her pain, I knew
The result would be the same
She'd get sooo HIIIGH
So I'd have to choose
I thought what I did was right
Well, I mean, it was the lesser evil of the two
If you only knew how powerful that was.

So, I'm sorry you couldn't sleep at night
But just imagine if you had to poke a needle
In the one you love
Just to make her...
Make her feel alright.

If you only knew, and not imagine, how powerful that was.
Aug 2015 · 300
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
Interstates and mile markers
Give credence to the old saying
Absence makes the heart...
...I wish it were true
Waving goodbye through the tinted glass of a cab
I don't blame you for, for never waving back
This inner state's constant reminders
Of our mistakes, all driveways are
Our driveways are...
...Connected by a series of roads
Just a pattern of turns
Is the key to this code
To see your face close enough to kiss
A block or a mile it doesn't matter how far
Your body rests
Love will get me where you are.
Aug 2015 · 789
A Sordid Love Affair
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
Hidden in the shadows of the trees
The crickets soft consistent swoon
It's gentle and floats with the breeze
It's only the moon and me

The humid July air
Adds yet another "X" in your mind
How many more days of sweat dripped hair?
How long 'til my sordid winter's love affair?

Until I am released from the guilt
Of being inside "wasting" my day
A policed perception's tilt
When it's cold you all feel this way

Never wanting to see light
Dreading weather's daily plight
The only difference you from I
Is the cold I feel in mid-July
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
There are no roses left to give
More is a habit you are forced to forget
A glass house you are made to live
You've made this bed
But you can't fall asleep in it

Day breaks under the heaviness of night
This house shakes with a fluttered tongue's plight
Stuck 'neath my feet are shells colored white
Every word spoken lends more heat than light

I am morphing from beast to child
Accepting numb in exchange of my guile
Remembering the West, dangerous and wild
As I clutch the throne expelling my own bile

Transitions have never come easy
Introductions weren't always my best
Getting stuck somewhere in the middle
Must be where I belong
Like the weight felt deep in my chest

I am the clay you grasp with your hands
I am a mold made to fit your demands
I'll be whatever you want me to
I'll be the needle's eye you're pulling thread through

You all promised it'd be better
You told me there won't be any more fear
I should have listened to my doubt
Cuz now I see it was yourself you were talking about
Aug 2015 · 532
One Shade Less Than Perfect
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
Combining in me is this false sense of security
Fatal attractions to the fetid flesh of the dead
Such aspirations have brought me to my own end
I lower my blood levels purity
Mixing with it chemicals bought from the street

Oh! What is with this sick obsession I have obtained?!
Oh! Why must I fantasize a grave stone barring my own name?!
Oh! Such a sordid love affair with my demise!!
Oh! To ****** thyself, death by suicide!!

I practice the act in such ways like self- mutilate
If God were to witness I'd be the focus of his holy hate
I'd inspire him to bring back the days his love was called wrath
I'll be the testament for which our free will is taken back

Oh! What is the problem that I have with life?!
Oh! Why must all my dreams end in suicide?!
Oh! I cannot wait for the day!!
Oh! When I am finally lowered into my grave!!

You are one shade less than perfect
You are nothing and you're worthless
You have given all that I need
But the one thing most precious I will not keep
Edgar E Tobias Jul 2015
How happy they all seem sipping on their
Little ****-
Tails of light burst into the air-
Conditioning cools this empty room
Service each other with meaningles-
Slaughter them all into oblivio-
Us and them, we've all had this conversation in the past-
Ure is where I'll hide them al-
Ways pushing their questions on me-
Aningless they all are-
As for graves I've already picked and the sight I quite en-
"Join us!!" She demands from the crowded tab-
*Les douleurs
Jul 2015 · 361
Give it all Away
Edgar E Tobias Jul 2015
I was only given so much to go around, but it must show
Because all the waitress in all the towns, act as if they already know
Always flashing that concerned, half-turned smile
When they call me "Darling" and whisper, "Will you be stayin' a while?"

I'm not sure if it's out of habit or respect?
But I always do it, do what manners expect
Look up with what part of me is left
Smile back but I think of you instead

When I'm with my family
And they shower me with love
I can't help and wonder, "How do they all do it?
Care so much for everyone..."

Do they only give out smaller bits?
A fraction of the painting
So when they all come together
All the pieces seem to fit, to form something amazing

Its almost impossible replicate
Each person's own vision and version of love.
Breaking it like all the rest is one thing that I refuse
So instead I give it all away, every last bit and piece to you.
Want to make some changes but its as close to how I want it to be than it will ever come.
Edgar E Tobias Jun 2015
All you need is a needle, a pop can, and cotton
If you're new only a couple of bucks
But for those down on their luck
The stubbornly tough
They will need
a few

All you need is a needle, a pop can, and cotton
And not mind being alone
You will pawn off your phone
No one calls you anymore
Cuz you'll need
a few

All you need is a needle, a pop can, and cotton
The ability to lie, steal, and cheat
You'll undoubtedly use these
Even on your own family
Cuz you'll need
a few

You thought you were different than the rest, kid...
You thought you'd give it a try
Was it all that you expected?
Thought only this one time
And the others paved the way
To your biggest life mistake

All you need is a needle, a pop can, and cotton
Jun 2015 · 1.3k
I'll Go Stag - Staggering.
Edgar E Tobias Jun 2015
False idols only lead to false hope.
Got a choke chain necklace
A Rosary noose around my throat.
We all love, We all die.
As long as I still struggle to breathe
You won't see how selfish it is to keep me
Crawling by.

Oh how lucky the depraved are!
Oh how brave the saddest were...

I've tried their medicine, I made it mine.
No note; Nothing to say Goodbye.
Maybe my blood will thicken their tears?
My only salvation is my biggest fear.

So here I'll stand... But I'll go stag - staggering.
I hope, not, to bother you
With these thoughts
that keep us both awake.
I've had some Help, my reflection in her eyes
And she said as best she could, "keep your friend in mind."

Trying to hang on - to something - but it's lesser everyday.
Brave friend...You once said
"Me and you, we think alike. Share the same troubles..."
Maybe I'm just jealous
Cuz my struggles are now doubled.
Edgar E Tobias Jun 2015
The world is waking up, I'm lying down.
I'm down, down again...
Watch the shadows grow and crawl
Envy fallen leaves becoming one with it all
Someday Goodnight will be Goodbye.

Early mourning, the sun, Blue is creeping in
I'm my lonely best friend.
Today and Yesterday, They are one in the same.
Will it hurt or just a flash? Doesn't matter anyway.
Someday Goodnight will be Goodbye.

Granite, Stone, or Wall. I carve my name.
To prove ever I was here, there isn't much to show.
Happy, Sad, or SOMETHING! I wish I could choose.
Things of the past are all a Catch-22.
Someday Goodnight will be Goodbye.

With open arms, I welcome you.
With open hearts I'll split in two.
No one will understand, looking back they'll see it.
Don't ask yourself, "Why?"
Tonight is Goodbye.
Feb 2013 · 468
Edgar E Tobias Feb 2013
I arrived with a smile running down - trying to escape my pale face
Eyes were heavy and excited, how did I manage to stay away
For so long, I had forgotten how
What the warmth seemed to scream and shout,
"It's alright; you're ok!
You're finally safe and sound - you're Home, now!"

I unpacked, and relaxed, ironed out wrinkles from the previous year
Each pressed in line, showed how much time, made it so obviously clear
That no matter what I expressed with my tongue
It's clear, it's here - this Home -  I belong
"It's alright; you'll be ok.
Just don't over stay your Welcome."

It wasn't long at all, before not a single thought, wasn't of how I over-stayed
But now I live alone, this house is not a Home, I only have myself to blame
Come Christmas time, the needles of the pine, will be the only presents under the tree
Since my return, I relearned, released the monster within me
"It's alright, you're fine...
Just as long as you never leave."

Boy, is it good to be Home.
Feb 2013 · 1.3k
Fool Proof
Edgar E Tobias Feb 2013
I try to untangle my confusion like the tangled webs of lesbian ***
Arms and legs stretched and bent like some circus contortionist
But to ride out my computer brain, not nearly as logical,
Is like an impossible puzzle
To try and solve two Rubik’s Cubes, one in each hand
Is more probable than to solve the mysteries within you
A fever of 151 will just expose vague feelings hardly held too deep
I speak in code, not too difficult to know,
But maybe it is because the look on your face shows
You either don’t care or have grown tired of my games
But this ain’t a game anymore; I don’t think it ever was
I just want someone to not roll their eyes in discontent
In disappointment, a lack of interest
But I can’t blame you because I am the victim of my own game
My shame, I can’t help but giggle and make a mockery
Of these secrets that I try half-heartedly
To drown in a sea of alcoholic, drug addled debauchery
My pupils shrink not nearly as close to the size of my heart
I don’t know how else to scream “Help!”
My music, my poetry, my word choice, my lack of hygiene
Am I just some worthless case that you can’t bring
Yourself to see, the truth of it all
Cuz it hurts too much, to realize what your son has become
So maybe in your mind repeating my last words
Will fix everything inside that burns
But I run, don’t try too hard to hide, the pain beneath my eyes
I don’t know how else to scream I need a real person to confide
I lost her and I lost it all
Why is it so difficult for you to make a connection?
To your own son, your own brother
Until it’s too late, until my feet are dangling
Held high, held tight
By anything I could find, but I couldn’t wrap it tight enough
Fell on my knees, nearly broke my neck and vertebrae
I probably did, but did you have anything to say?
After a week it was all the same again
So I drink my poison, poke my arm again
Wear long sleeves all year long, just to get some kind of emotion
But I suppose it’s expensive to keep me alive
It’s sure as hell not cheap to try and end this reckless *******
Like my body is immune, to heavy metals and dulled ***** needles
A noose, an overdose, a drunken crash, a clash of drugs, splashes in my nose left unplugged
What will it take?
How much more can I endure?
Only a bullet to the brain seems the only thing fool proof.
Feb 2012 · 693
On a Wire
Edgar E Tobias Feb 2012
Strike a pose and disclose, a secret life
To them unknown
You awake in a robe and missing clothes
- a mark to define all evil kept inside
- a mark to define a man best kept inside
A screaming mother without a single shade of life
Just like her son left dangling on a wire

What's left to say to a petty man?
With a coward plan to strike angry clans
And what can't be said
Is best left screaming to the dead

Cuz we all know anger is just a muse
A silly disguise - a stupid ******* excuse

Cuz in the end, what's left?
Feelings left unsaid
And anger at yourself for keeping them in

So we'll take it out on the fallen troop
Who slit his wrist and downed a bottle of *****

But he couldn't die
No he didn't die
So these tears will dry
And be replaced with irate insanity

— The End —