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May 2015 · 25.6k
Lovely Adventure
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Two love adventurers
Welcome the night
Many curves to explore
Trace the unknown haven
Clues spelled out with soft sighs
Finding each other’s comfort
Soul’s feel the warmth to the core
It’s an inseparable embrace
Sending shivers down every nerve
Finally to love adventurers
Exploiting the lovely terrains
Reach the peak of contentment
Now they lay exhausted
After a satisfying adventure
May 2015 · 1.4k
Stronger Bonds
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Pick up the strands
Unwounded painstakingly
Making the rope weaker
Hands that held on to it
Now cannot rely on its strength
Weakened bonds may give away
Before it’s too late
Pick up the strands
Let the hands work together
Test its strength
United with passion
Now bonds will be stronger
May 2015 · 1.1k
One Word
Amitav Radiance May 2015
There is only one word
That holds the entire truth
Speak love and you reveal
The deepest secret of this universe
Love is the building block
And the sacred foundation
Love will stand the test of time
One word holds the entirety
May 2015 · 3.4k
Cosmic secret
Amitav Radiance May 2015
The cosmic secret
Revealed to the seeker
Aware of every particle
Everything becomes tangible
For the soul
Reality is conveyed
Through the simplest life forms
Look closer
Listen carefully to the silence
Clandestine meetings
With the Oneness
Not fragmented anymore
Everything is part of a whole
May 2015 · 1.4k
Amitav Radiance May 2015
So much avarice
Brings existential crisis
Race to fill coffers
Depriving others
Living a deception
Rancor spills over
Darkness has
Never been darker
May 2015 · 1.1k
The Search
Amitav Radiance May 2015
We keep on searching
Inventing and re-inventing
Dexterous minds
Looking for solutions
Problems seeded deeper
Takes root firmly
As we hone our skills
To mitigate our fate
We create a bid divide
Chasm wide and unfathomable
Disarrayed paths
Somnambulists take the lead
Unknown hurdles
Every time they falter
May 2015 · 1.1k
Fine Lines
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Fine lines appear
Splitting the thick veneer
Many layers of thoughts
Seems to give away
Because of inclement weather
Layer by layer
Scraped away to the core
Hope of revealing the truth
May 2015 · 943
Bright Colors
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Bright colors
Pristine painter’s canvas
Soft touch of the brush
Sees the colors melt
Into each other
May 2015 · 835
Silent Surrender
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Secrets of the sea
Warm sunshine
Lovely blue gaze
A silent surrender
May 2015 · 1.9k
Being You
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Is that you?
Standing against the whole world
You and everyone else
Difficult stand, no doubt
Feet firm on the ground of individuality
On the verge of iconoclasm
Feel the world staring at you, in disbelief
Why not conformity?
The usual stance taken by others
As if you are standing trial
Nothing seems to be convincing
Your ways do not seem trustworthy
That’s how it is, with the world
Convicted of not being a part of the whole
Standing out without remorse
It’s you against you
When the whole society will push you
Towards trials and tribulations
You have to be stronger to hold your ground
May 2015 · 3.9k
This Wanderer
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Undulating meadows
Glimpse of the horizon
Blue and green is a contrast
Deepening colors
Sun kissed grasses
And dewdrops sparkling
Trees sway in merriment
Romancing the wind
Birds give a clarion call
Into the heart of nature
It’s a realization of different kind
Hope springs in heart
This wanderer is not lost
May 2015 · 15.0k
Amitav Radiance May 2015
As you paint a silent picture
With you inner feelings
Take care of your emotions
So not to distort the painting
And smudge with arrogance
Creating an antithesis
May 2015 · 998
This World
Amitav Radiance May 2015
World full of tantrums
Truant hearts scheme
Against the forgiveness
Time maybe exhausted
For those who trivialize
The grandeur of life
May 2015 · 1.6k
In a Café
Amitav Radiance May 2015
In a café
Rich aroma of
Coffee brew
Morning welcome
Happy faces
Flitting newspaper pages
Reads the world story
Over aromatic coffee
Discuss local happenings
Perfect blend of
World with the neighborhood
Over cups of coffee
Animated discussions
Some ideas may
Change the world
Microcosm will fit
Perfectly in the macrocosm
Small world
Can make a difference
May 2015 · 855
Muffled Voices
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Muffled voices
Trying to communicate
The deepest secrets
Eyes engrossed
Soul’s clarity
Reflects true love
Echo of feelings
Sounds like a jingle
Warm embrace
Enraptures the moment
Muffled voices
Speak out in love
May 2015 · 882
In Retrospect
Amitav Radiance May 2015
A retrospect fit
Modern dilemma
Unanswered questions
A disconnect
With yesterday and today
In between life happens
Vacillating mind
Heart’s left behind
Trying to gather
All the memories
Do not answer the puzzle
Scattered pieces
Unfulfilled spaces
A retrospect life
Soul lives for today
With many questions
Hovering in the mind
May 2015 · 971
Amitav Radiance May 2015
We have created paths
Where there were none
Humanity marches on
Roads interconnected
With ambitions
So many crossroads’
Crowd of humanity
Wading though
To reach someone else’s
Roads shall remain
New crowd will join
Same roads and destinations
It’s time to take
A different route
May 2015 · 1.2k
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Face yourself
In front of the mirror
Can you tolerate?
The reflection
Or makes you cringe
In an endeavor
To mask the reality
Another face becomes true
Which may not be you
May 2015 · 1.5k
Winds of Change
Amitav Radiance May 2015
People will try to read you less
When you have said the truth
As truth is not always palatable
Stand your ground like a rock
Face the inclement weather
Winds of change will bring respite
May 2015 · 1.9k
Beautiful Shower
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Pray to the clouds
To shower you with love
Every drop will revive
The parched garden
Collect every drop
With care
See through cascade
Get a glimpse
Of natural beauty
Glowing with pride
Planted seeds of hope
In your heart
Let dreams wake up
And hope take root
Pray to the clouds
To shower you with love
May 2015 · 6.9k
A Traveler
Amitav Radiance May 2015
The heart’s not homebound
Wanderlust soul seeks to travel
Through the enormous universe
Feel the harmony of cosmic energy
This heart wants to travel beyond
Like an unburdened soul, with valor
Veer away from the usual path
Prepare for the eternal travel
Multiple destinations and one purpose
To enter the wormhole of space
Traveler always and enjoy the cosmic circle
Whirlwind of a tour of the vast eternity
The heart’s not homebound
May 2015 · 3.4k
Our thoughts
Amitav Radiance May 2015
As we congregate
For centuries
Humanity had
The best thoughts
To create an ecosystem
Where all lives can thrive
But somewhere
We have lost the plot
And veered away
From the values
That all lives matter
Now minuscule section
Takes decisions for us
Manipulating the ecosystem
Creating a façade
For us to believe
Lot many minds think alike
Individual thoughts drown
Mirror is the only escape
Where we can talk to ourselves
Without the distortions
May 2015 · 738
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Everyday things fade away
Without us realizing
While we try to embrace them
Trying to cherish them forever
Not realizing our fleeting existence
Like grains of sand, they slip away
Life itself starts without our knowledge
We know not our destination, yet
We have to trust the cosmic cycle
And let everything fade away
Now is all we have to ponder upon
May 2015 · 1.4k
Near the flowing Stream
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Look carefully
At your reflection
Water stands still now
Yes it seems so
Quietly flows downstream
Every moment
Flows with the water
To an unknown destination
You stand there
Water carries away your thoughts
Your reflection
Silently giving you a new identity
You can feel lighter
After cleansed of the past
Look at the flowing water
And choose to relinquish any agony
Your tears shall blend
As part of your inner turmoil
Is washed away
Giving you a new lease of life
May 2015 · 912
To Comprehend
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Not everything can be comprehended
Although few things might exist in obscurity
Before we condemn and deny their presence
We should either try to look for a path
That leads to the obscure existence
Bring them to the light and let the eyes believe
Or we can live in complete denial and not try
If we fail to comprehend, it’s not a shortcoming
May 2015 · 9.6k
Train Journey
Amitav Radiance May 2015
I want to board the train to nowhere
Two parallel track never to meet
Through verdant landscapes
And long dark tunnels through mountains
Through the morning dew
And torrential rains
Between deep woods and loneliness
Let the train travel till eternity
Filled with passengers who does not know time
Winding through the trails of nowhere
This train journey will be on tracks for eternity
Crossing breathtaking bridges
Looking at the dangerous abyss makes us dizzy
Train continues with the journey
Sitting by the window, landscapes scrape by
This train to nowhere, is the ultimate journey
We are all passengers traversing various lands
Two parallel track never to meet
May 2015 · 4.8k
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Dragons spewing fire
Incarcerating the burning soul
Hatred seeded within
Raging across the premises
Engulfing everything
Turning to ashes
Blown away by the winds
Remnants of soot
Scathed with dark stains
Fire burns one and all
May 2015 · 867
Just write
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Just write
Poetry shall flow
Let words be true
Knock at
Heart’s door
Listen to the emotions
And feelings galore
Just write
And be true
To yourself
Let words speak
The true feelings
Through poetry
Nothing else matters
When you
Just write
May 2015 · 700
Against a wall
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Leaning against a wall
Give a feeling of
The wall leaning away
Giving in to the pressure
Of bearing the weight
For far too long
For everything has
A threshold point
Beyond which
All support seems to give way
May 2015 · 715
A frozen heart
Amitav Radiance May 2015
A frozen heart
Long forgotten in the cold
Warm embrace
And patient nurturing
With promises of true love
A seeking soul
With light in the heart
To rekindle hope
Light shall show the path
For two souls have found
Each other
Once a frozen heart
Now blooms with joy
Love’s aroma all around
May 2015 · 1.3k
City Highs
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Concrete walls
Solid foundations
Rarefied air
Epic elevations
Cornered lives
Distant views
Modern amenities
Unaware neighbors
Plush condominiums
Soft beds
Weary eyes
Deprived of sleep
Lonely hearts
Sleeping pills
Soothes nerves
No dreams
Only hallucinations
Constant fear
Of going down
Alien grounds
Will reclaim
May 2015 · 1.7k
Modern Spaces
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Wider roads
Reclaimed our abode
Lesser spaces
More roadways
Leads nowhere
Classy vehicles
Steering for long
Congested traffic
Life comes to
A standstill
Homes push away
Further from heart
Electronic signals
Directs our journey
Everyone back home
Waits for none
This is a journey
With a passion
Without a rear view mirror
There’s no looking back
May 2015 · 1.2k
Mystic Moments
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Mystic air
Whispers a secret
Heart’s content
After the message
Special heart
Common rhythm
Tugs at the soul
To embrace
The world
Protect the beauty
Eternally yours
May 2015 · 1.2k
New Light
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Take off the night’s cover
Welcome the first rays
Feel the harmonious waves
Soft melody of the Earth
Pleasant notes hits the ears
Wait for the drapes to go up
View the world in new light
It’s time for dreams to take off
Meditate on the possibilities
May 2015 · 1.7k
When Night Descends
Amitav Radiance May 2015
When night descends
Darkened corners hearken
The soft pleas of soul
Waiting for some light
And explore every line
Sometimes crossing over
To forbidden territory
Opening the gates
To the earnest traveler
So many surprises wait
It’s a dream destination
When souls awaken
To the euphoric celebration
When night descends
May 2015 · 1.5k
Forsaken Identity
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Forsaken identity
Distant nature
Deepening chasm
Between worlds
Tired minds
Clichéd diktats  
Concentrated power
Iron fists
Crushed rebellion
Tired souls
Unsavory history
Swelling disharmony
Point of no return
Given a chance
Missed opportunities
For many centuries
Time to wrap up
The hegemony
May 2015 · 728
It's Time
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Time is nigh, for, we have tracked the chimera for too long.
May 2015 · 808
Faulty Premises
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Hold on to sanity
Understand the chaos
The core is stable
Ignore the peripheral fracas
Whirlwind of ideas
Guarded by faulty premises
Nurtured for long
(mis)guided travelers
Listen to the intent
Look beyond the edges
Cacophony of hearts
Drowns the sanity
Hold on little longer
Sanity will prevail
Face the chaos
Trespass the faulty boundaries
May 2015 · 1.0k
Poets Legacy
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Poets carry the legacy
Of truest of feelings
And obscure emotions
Fertile minds ponder
Conversation with muse
Fountain of inspiration
From the cosmic core
Poets with finesse
Carry the words with care
Leaving a rich legacy
Bequeathing everything
A magnanimous soul
Poets change the world
With every word
Poetry is the mantra
Chants heard far and wide
Reverberates the legacy
With profound clarity
May 2015 · 799
Eternal Words
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Wrap yourself in those feelings
Closer to the heart and soul
Listen to the heart’s plea
Waiting for you to listen patiently
Travel with harmonious waves
In sync with the cosmic resonance
Feel the bursts of euphoric feelings
Listen to your muse for inspiration
Eternal words shall write indelible poetry
May 2015 · 1.3k
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Tickled senses
Close encounter
Risky pursuit
Playful hearts
Seductive looks
Arousing touch
Ignited passions
Frenzied moves
Strong upheavals
Raised anticipation
Souls entangled
Towards culmination
Deep awakenings
May 2015 · 2.0k
Amitav Radiance May 2015
An illusionary sleep
Has taken over every soul
Eyes wide open
Yet the vision is blurred
Every step is a stupor
Across broken paths
Not an inch of freedom
Spaces are traps
Detached from the soul
Every waking hour a tribulation
Truth swept under the delusion
Under an unknown spell
Magic wand instructs every move
It’s time to wake up
From an illusionary sleep
May 2015 · 672
Love is…
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Love’s quiet reminiscing
Hearts quiver with eagerness  
Every distance conquerable
Enwrapped in an eternal bind
May 2015 · 920
Dangerous Pursuits
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Dangerous pursuits of the heart
Through the rough terrains
Life’s edges are exhilarating
Hanging from the faint hope
Breathtaking view of the uncertainties
Never a boring moment
Life that comes with exciting moments
In the pursuit, one may find treasures
Away from the humdrum
There may be fewer travelers
Dangerous pursuits are for the valiant hearts
May 2015 · 4.7k
To Night
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Night comes with dreams
Brilliance of starry events
Darkness opens the eyes
When soul sees with clarity
Night urges the mind to dream
Darkness sees soul’s proximity
Into each other’s dreams
Playful night is a celebration till dawn
May 2015 · 1.5k
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Masks unmask the real identity
Enacting many roles as actors
Behind a different face and avatar
Under the cloak of anonymity
Many truths comes under spotlight
Masks give the actors, the freedom
May 2015 · 1.2k
At the End of Time
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Glide till the end of time
Break away from the illusion
Experience a smooth ride
With the harmonious waves
Big sea of nothingness
Plunge deeper and swim alone
Experience the tides of change
Away from where you have been
Now you are free of everything
Float in the vast sea of oneness
Soul is fluid and adaptable to truth
Free flow of energy through eternity
You are nothingness and everything
May 2015 · 1.0k
Once that was…
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Once that was
Will not be forever
Faded memories
And sepia moments
Lot of nostalgia
Tired souls
Reminiscing throughout
In retrospect
Fading work of art
Cracked colors
And crumbling walls
Long stint in the past
A standing ovation
From the present ones
Frail limbs support
The past grandeurs
Let’s bow to them
In our memories and
History testimonials
May 2015 · 1.7k
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Wake up with the morn
Inhale the fresh air
Soak in the light of dawn
Taste the dewdrops
To soothe the parched soul
Dreams are new
Waiting to take flight
Chirping birds talk to you
Listen to them closely
How dreams take flight
Nestle your dreams with care
Wide open arms of morning air
Welcomes you in her world
Wide eyed at daybreak
Capture the beauty of this world
May 2015 · 1.2k
Wait for Eternity
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Let’s wait for eternity
We shall meet there
With all these fleeting moments
We will create our world
Every moment will come alive
Never to fade away from our life
Life after this life, we look forward to
True love will wait for eternity
Beyond everyday love and phrases
Our silence will speak love from the heart
Walls of profound sacredness will protect
Lovers from the illusion of time
Let’s wait for eternity
True love will live throughout in our soul
We cannot be impatient now
Our time will come when true love will prosper
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