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Sep 2014 · 3.1k
but i didn't paint my nails
Adelina Marie Sep 2014
my hair was done
my outfit looked great
my jewelry was in place and
my lips were painted.

but i didn't paint my nails

it didn't dawn on me until you pulled
up to the driveway and i had
been anxiously staring at my hands
that i had forgotten something
i didn't think i looked perfect
like i had previously
the doubt sat in the back of
my mind as i kissed you hello,
hoping you wouldn't notice that
the color of my nails were
chipped, fading, and
various shades of dull.
as the day went on, you still
held my hand with the
grip you had before, you
still looked into my eyes as if
they were galaxies unfolding
in your line of vision, you
still played with my fingers and
kissed the back of my hand, and you
still kissed me till my
painted lips were smeared.
i laughed at the end of the day and
but i didn't paint my nails.
it didn't matter to you.
you probably never noticed.
This is in reference to all the time us girls (and some guys) spend getting ready for a special someone or even just to go out. Not everyone cares about every little thing we do to make ourselves look "perfect". Stop worrying about the little things you forgot to do. Because guess what? They probably never noticed.
Adelina Marie Sep 2014
it's hard for me to let go of material
things, i'll admit
but i can,
without hesitation,
put you above my passion.


a pen and paper has always
been there for me
when i needed it,
almost like a
security blanket.
but with you...
i am at a loss for words;
the stanzas are jumbled
and the words are
crisscrossed in my mind,
for you are all the poetry i
could ever pen.
the words that make
up the metaphors that
make up the stanzas
that make up the poem are
all entangled in the
flecks of hazel
in your eyes.
those eyes look at me with love,
and ****,
am i a lucky woman.
cause you are my poetry, and
just maybe..
i'm your fantasy storyline.
I love poetry. He loves Homestuck. He is before my passion and I before his.
Sep 2014 · 643
the length of time
Adelina Marie Sep 2014
i want to be with someone for so
long that it takes me
a few seconds to recall
how many years it has been.
not because i'm forgetful, but
because it has been
*that long
I saw a couple today in the doctor's office and someone asked them how long they had been together. It took her a few seconds but she said "66 years", and I thought that was beautiful.
Sep 2014 · 1.6k
Adelina Marie Sep 2014
everywhere i look
is a haunting reminder
of you...
i can only dream that
ghosts crawl up and
circle your
when you see something that
reminds you
of me.
Sep 2014 · 489
the words won't flow
Adelina Marie Sep 2014
there's so much more to say
and a lot more to show
but i can't find the right
arrangement of words
to put it all together
so i'll keep it confined to the
spider web of thoughts
locked away in the
innermost part of my mind
you're the only thing that
makes me feel anymore and
i crave your touch so i can
come alive again
for i've been dead so long;
a corpse with a beating heart
and i have done nothing to fix it
yet i lay here day in
and day out
thinking about how
we long for days that
may not exist and
the sunrises and
sunsets that are
existing without our eyes
in awe at their beauty
the stars that come out and
the wishes we aren't making on
the heartbeats that aren't syncing
the love we aren't making
the breath we aren't sharing and
simply the life we aren't living
i'd love to tell you all this because
there is so much more to
a feeling than an
initial explanation
but i'm just me
and you are all of you...
i shouldn't love you

but ****

i do.
An aimless rambling.
Sep 2014 · 551
Adelina Marie Sep 2014
how could you
be a failure
if you make someone feel
as if they've found success
in their life
*finding you?
Sep 2014 · 632
a message for a friend
Adelina Marie Sep 2014
you know what? this kills. knowing you're probably lying there with a head chock full of thoughts that i wish i could ease but i know i can't. it ate at me all day because i knew something was wrong. i still don't know exactly what is wrong, and that's okay. that's your business. but hey, i'm here to tell you something. and you're gonna listen, okay? there is so much more to you than what you see in the mirror. you're so used to your own personality and physical features that you don't understand how your supposed weeds could look like blossoming roses to another. but guess what? they do. sure, your smile says "happy" but your eyes say "help", but there are still universes to be discovered in the depths of those eyes. they say that eyes are the window to the soul, and god, your eyes are like windows to nebulae bursting with light and power and colors and stars. your smile conveys what you may be too shy to say, and your laugh is the call of an innocent child trapped in the body of a man who has had a rough life and has been shaped by it, for better and possibly also for worse. i'm glad that you can forgive, only hoping as time goes, you can forget. because you deserve so much more than what you've been handed, whether you agree with me or not. you deserve the world and all the stars in the sky and all the time left and beyond to do what you strive for. but there is a limit to what i can give you, so i hope you will take with a generous hand what i have to give. i can give you the love you deserve and perhaps a hand to hold. and maybe---just maybe---i can help you see that the weeds you believe that are growing in your heart and polluting your ribcage are actually roses. they've got thorns, but pain is easier to handle when it's divided between two. And i would gladly bleed for you.
I wrote this for a friend who has had a really bad day... I figured it would be nice to wake up to something so heartfelt.
Sep 2014 · 491
metaphors of space
Adelina Marie Sep 2014
i lay here in bed
and think about how it would feel
to have you here next to me,
to have your hand enclosed in mine and
feeling the soft pulse that
resonates through the soft skin
of your fingertips.
all i see are the gentle hues of the
sun against the dimming sky,
and i think about how
insignificant it probably seems
in comparison to the
galaxies that form and  
radiate in your eyes, for
the descending sun is
merely a speck in the
solar systems that inhabit your
heart, mind, eyes, and soul.
Sep 2014 · 454
ten words
Adelina Marie Sep 2014
my skin is
so cold
without you
here with
Sep 2014 · 5.9k
Adelina Marie Sep 2014
i wish i had taken you by the shoulders
and told you everything i needed you
to hear before you left
but i told myself every night afterwards
as i curled up in bed
that i'll tell you everything when you come back
yet i'm not 100% certain you are.
Sep 2014 · 2.3k
dumbed down complexities
Adelina Marie Sep 2014
i'm beginning to develop a
schoolgirl crush on you, my dear,
for you make me giggle as if i were
five years old again.
what i feel for you is
a dumbed down version of
a complex mixture of
and puppy-love infatuation.
i simply do not know what
has gotten into me but
i do know that i'd
love to feel your lips on my own.
i would be delighted to delve deep
into your embrace and
give names to the galaxies that have called
the depths of your eyes
i haven't known you very long and
i have had not the pleasure of feeling
you in person but the pleasure of
hearing your voice pronounce
my name.
just to see you standing in
front of me once
would perhaps give me
some insight as to
how i feel in
regards to you.
or maybe i'll be more
puzzled than I am
as of now.
Aug 2014 · 466
ten words
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
there is just
to say, my dear
I have so much I need to say to him...
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
i tried to drown you out with
my tears
but i ended up choking and your
memory flooded my mind
and now between a welt-covered wrist and
a new infatuation
my love for you lingers in limbo
which is what i've been trying to
these past six months because
letting you in was a death sentence
and i knew it
and i tried to escape it
but each time i ran i fell
deeper in love with you
and i'll forever look for you
in every man i speak to
and in this time i am separated
from you
i've found someone new
to make me giggle like you
used to
and perhaps i'm falling for him
but i know as soon as
i hear your voice come
over the phone
i'll be right back at the beginning
in love
choking on your memory.
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
i never took you for granted, contrary
to popular belief.
i cherished your presence
with everything i had and
not once did i ever expect
you to be at my every beck and call.
but you were.
and it destroyed me in the most
wonderful yet terrifying of ways.
you became my sole comfort, for i
didn't know anyone else who
would respond to me
like you.
i miss our witty banter and
the experiences only we've had
i miss everything you've done for me
and everything you've given me.
but not once have i taken you
for granted.
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
i stared at these blank lines
night after night with a
trembling hand
trying to form sentences for
a poem i had promised.
crossed out stanzas and
dried-out pens
made up my failed attempts to
write about you in any way i could.
by my last attempt, i realized that
no organization of words
could do your utmost magnificence
you're more special than you think.
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
i'm tired of hearing the phrase
"i should have said [...]"
because no one is taking away
your right to speak your mind.
except you.
you're afraid of rejection or
some negative outcome but
you spend the hours following
wishing you had said something.
something more.
what was really on your mind.
stop waiting.
you'll regret it.
if you are a woman and you
find a man with whom you wish to
spend your life with,
get down on one knee;
stop waiting and regretting.
stand up for what you believe in;
stop waiting and regretting.
throw your ideas out there and if
by chance they happen to
get stomped upon and lost
in the shuffle...
be proud you didn't wait.
you won't regret it.
Aug 2014 · 305
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
no amount of tears
can bridge the gap
of time i will spend
without you.
Please don't go...
Aug 2014 · 645
the game
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
for months i wondered
what you saw in me,
for i was not perfect nor
was i beautiful like your
exes had been.
but they left you when you
drank and cheated on you as
soon as you fell in love.
i could never dream of
leaving you when you
needed me most.
the dating "game" does not apply to me, for
my relationships are not levels in
a flash 2D scroller.
i date to fall in love and
i fall in love to be able
to breathe again.
i don't smoke, but i'm coughing up
bad experiences like tar.
don't make me regret
leaving my lungs
vulnerable again.
Aug 2014 · 2.1k
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
you fell asleep in my arms...
and i watched you as you drifted off into a dreamland that
reality could not compare to.
your forehead against mine,
i looked down at your closed eyes and thought about
how amazing you are to me.
i love your flaws
your romeo heart
your mind.
everything about you.
i breathe in and take in the moment...
your body next to mine,
legs intertwined,
matched breathing.
"i love you..." i whisper.
because i do, and i need you to know
that i need you.
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
i will end up changing these sheets
and they will lose the scent of
our *******.
i will end up changing my clothes
and they will no longer smell like
i will end up washing my body
and your touch will rinse off of me
and swirl down the drain.
i will end up brushing my teeth
and i will no longer taste your breath
in my mouth.
but no matter how hard i may try
i can never alter my heart or mind
and there you will always remain.
My boyfriend is leaving for basic training on Monday. God... how I will miss him. He will be gone for a long time because he has other places to go after basic. I'm trying to come to terms with it.
Aug 2014 · 484
is there anyone there?
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
i can't deal with the pain inside my
******* up mind.

tortured within,
help is nonexistent for me.
every body uses me.. But i
rarely get the help i need.
every one is out to get me.

all of the thoughts ricochet and there is
no relief at all.
yelling for help inside my mind,
only to hear my own echo once again.
never has anyone come to my rescue.
endless chaos.

take me away from here…
hold me in your arms.
everyone is out to get me.
rescue me.
every one has left me.
Aug 2014 · 470
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
i could easily sit here
and let you cloud my thoughts and
run through my veins
because i have never come across such a
perfect mix
of poison and perfection.
your heart holds scars
from stories suppressed
deep in the corners of your mind.
to know your every detail
is a feat i wish to conquer.
it would be an honor to be able to
brush the dust off of your deepest memories
and have them relived all anew.
i wish to know what has shaped you
into the man i've fallen in love with.
my love for you is unlimited, and
my happiness has no bounds.
i want to try and rekindle the parts of you
that are seemingly broken beyond repair.
i'll start up the parts of you that are dead inside;
i'll keep you alive.
you are my entire world, and
i am yours.
let's merge them, and become
one in both mind and body.
i wish to know you inside and out,
to hollow out your bones and
fill them with my love for you.
because my love for you is unlimited, and
my happiness has no bounds.
Aug 2014 · 505
for when you feel nothing
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
forget me not; i wish my arms were
omnipresent to be there when you
reach for me.

waking in the night, needing a
hand to pull you out from the
endless emptiness and
numbness you feel.

yelling to receive a reply back is a rare
occurrence, but i promise you my
undying friendship and empathy.

fear not, my friend, for the
end is nowhere near; your
eternal soul deserves all the
love and care that can be given.

no, let your body rest; reality
occurs more smoothly with a mind
that has found solace in sleep.
halt your spinning thoughts and
i will calm the storms.
nothingness can be a curse.. But also a
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
your shirt
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
i hold your shirt
in my hands
each time i crawl
into bed
because i can't
hold you
in my arms
as i drift
off to sleep
just  yet
Aug 2014 · 2.9k
fairy tales
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
we are not a fairy tale
and we never were
our hands don't automatically
find one another's
and we don't kiss in the rain
or plan our futures
together under night stars
our kisses are sloppy
and we aren't lip-locked
every two seconds
i don't steal his sweatshirts
and fall asleep in them
or take silly pictures with him
while kissing his face
but we never fail to say
"i love you" each day
and make sure we mean it
every time it's said
we do what we can for
one another and i
always tell him what i
adore about him
whether it be in stanzas
or hushed whispers
against his chest in our
numerous embraces
because love isn't meant to
have a stereotype
and the things you see
bound in paperbacks
are teeming with seemingly
indestructible souls
but we are fragile creatures
and love is a fragile
flower that must be
tended to daily
we are not a fairy tale
and we never were
but we're crafting our
own story to tell
one sloppy kiss and
one "i love you"
at a time.
Aug 2014 · 5.5k
Adelina Marie Aug 2014
i feel deep sorrow for those who are
not because they cannot
distinguish the difference between a
red rose or white, or
a green dress and blue, but
because they cannot see
the beauty that is the sunset.
they cannot tell of the colors that
hold onto one another and
mix in perfect harmony as they
blanket the sun and let her
sleep for the night, giving way to the
glint of the moon.
they cannot see the hues that
cause lovers to become awestruck and
fall deeper in love.
but they can see shadows and light.
they can see how their girlfriend's hair
darkens her profile a tiny bit,
creating contours.
they can see how beautiful she looks when
the sunlight hits her eyes and
makes them shine a brightness in competition
with the night stars.
they can see how the light slips from her face at night and how
shadows replace the brightness.
they can see how the morning light pushes out these shadows,
making room to lighten her face
once again.
perhaps the rise and fall of the light on a woman's face
are all the sunsets a
colorblind person
ever needs.

— The End —