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Feb 2018 · 665
The Black
Allena Iris Feb 2018
I want the night to stay its night
Stay its blackness and dimness
I want the night to drop its curtain
To cover all the realm
Where humans roar louder than beasts
And do more murders than tigers
I want no day come into light
For hunters can see the clearest
And blood looks the reddest
Let the black sweep things down
From the dreadful streets to the peaceful forests
The world of fear doesn't deserve the light
'Cause darkness is sweeter than nightmare
A poem for the cruel and wicked world
Oct 2017 · 399
Allena Iris Oct 2017
Tell me when the fate will carry away
Serve the time for me to see you in a way
Under the shining dusts
Amids the winded grass
I will be taken away with delusion
Where my hands are touching complexion
Fair and soft in coldest day
Drawn the perfects they can stay
Rainbows of skies
That lay upside down under your eyes
Eyes so bright and green
Nose so sharp and keen
O take my hands on your cheeks
Where I can see your lines
Falling down for too much joy of rhymes
And your lips are just as full of summer's treats
Where the color of bright roses makes defeats
Can I forget all the happiness
And go back to where I belong
O here I am to be a human
A human to God's creations
Wondering how you get those features
Oct 2017 · 461
Seasons more temperate
Allena Iris Oct 2017
If there were seasons more temperate than the warmth of May
I would want to be there with you
Were there light more tender than a full-moon's light
I would want to lie down underneath with you
Had there a face more bright and full of remembrance
It would happen to be your face
And a name as easy to say
Easy to say it together with mine
Will always be it
And when the starry skies shows its best light
I want to stand the night right next to you
Shakespeare detected
Oct 2017 · 451
Allena Iris Oct 2017
I am bad at vloe
When I vloe someone I can't show it
When I'm in vloe I hold it
When someone vloes me I can't give them vloe
I am bad at vloe
so bad I can't even spell it right
Can you spell it right?
May 2017 · 474
Allena Iris May 2017
It is now empty
The pen that I used to grab
Writing joy and fate
Now I stay with emptiness
You should've never left
Before the ink runs out
Now it's thousand years
To wait you to come back

Give me another pen
Ink as black as the old one
Either I'll write another fate
Or erase the other joy
I'll stay with emptiness
Until you are here
With a finished "Joy and Fate"
I want you to come back
Feb 2017 · 1.0k
Beauty turn to me
Allena Iris Feb 2017
Beauty turn to me
Put your head together
All the fairness go restless
Shine to me
A bounty is worth a heart
A heart that is pure
Beauty take my side
I am no queen
Nor will I when I own you
A bounty is worth a while
Inside a heart that is eternal

Beauty who's your king
Tell no king is right to rule
A love that is sure
Tell no realm is far to go
When a love is near
I can call you 'beauty'
What else with those nice eyes
Fair cheek and big smile
You rule all the realms
Yet I turn you not a king
If I were the most beautiful girl in the world, would you turn to me again?
Dec 2016 · 835
The story of a Glass
Allena Iris Dec 2016
A glass to every drink
All the lights
Shined through it
All the eyes
Glanced on it

A glass for every lady
A lady with a diamond
A lady with a gold
Or a lady with a chain

A glass to every party
All the water
Wetted it pretty
All the napkins
Wiped with perfections

A glass to a catastrophe
Broke into the floor
With no one felt happy
Or sorry
The glass had broken
Into pieces
Cleaned and banished
And the party continued
Hail the glass
Dec 2016 · 670
Smile and I see you
Allena Iris Dec 2016
Smile and I swear you
I can't carry the whole world in my hand
But it's here to see you now
Smile and I see you
I can't afford seeing another life
Yet my life is so beautiful
Smile and I beg you to stay
Tell you I've found somewhere to dwell
So you don't have to leave now
This poem is dedicated to no one
Dec 2016 · 562
You're not coming, though
Allena Iris Dec 2016
I've been calmly caught
Among dark matters
Thought I would find you
For you are not in every place
For I've been here for thousand days
Without your voice
Not even your shade
Thought maybe someday
You'll come and greet
But someday got to be too long
And today got to be too sick
No I'm not dreaming
For dreaming is free
And still you aren't here
So when
I will greet you
For I'm not worried
The Time lasts forever
But me lasts whenever
You're not coming, though
And I'm making lyrics again
You're not coming, though
Waiting for life
Dec 2016 · 621
Allena Iris Dec 2016
Sitting under galaxies
Holding my sadness

Shrieking under shooting stars
Breaking my sadness

Singing for longer time
Begging for justice

Hanging above this universe
Groaning for sign

Who hails this pain?
I'm living in vain
Who notice the unfairs?
I'm turning to flares
Come to fail
Walk to ****
This world is just unfair
Yep. Unfair
Dec 2016 · 522
Allena Iris Dec 2016
If a small heart refused to be lighted
I won't weep down again and grounded
Let me swing down the stream
Living actual scene than a dream
Short poem eh
Dec 2016 · 1.2k
Songs of mine
Allena Iris Dec 2016
Lyrics are things I don't wish
Lyrics gave life, though
Lyrics came from deepest ocean
Lyrics break through crevices
Of rocks
Become so poweful
When reaching the surface

Songs are things I don't wait
Songs gave home, though
Songs come from widest lungs
Songs blow melody
Of nature
Whisper charmingly
Ears to ears

Lyrics are beauty stains to my songs
Like clouds to sky
And songs are good companion to my lyrics
Like ribbon to roses
They both chasing in mind
Serve me rows of houses
Where I sleep in solid peace
I write lyrics and give melody
Thats a song
Dec 2016 · 641
Could there be
Allena Iris Dec 2016
Could there be no love
For me to dive deep
Lost in pitch dark
Rest in nowhere
Could there be no pain
To Heal me bad
Write me melody
Remember nothing

I remember
What is not exist
I bathe in
What is not wet
Numb in roam
I continue my walk
I tread on the air
Read fading signs
I have nowhere to in
So lost and bewildered

What if I go back
And delete our first scene
So there would be no love
And pain
I would have clear sight
And wide lungs to breathe
Empty sheets
And goodness saying
Hey its personal
Dec 2016 · 659
Dying in a singularity
Allena Iris Dec 2016
Wake me up in the flush of a rainbow eye
I saw it bent through the tunnel I've been screaming off
I'm searching for a glimpse of a morning past
And I found you there
You followed me where I would die in a flash
I'm still here watching you dont you realize
Floating in confusion of absolute time
Now help me out

I've been hurting for a moment that turned me down
In a dimmer light
Not realizing how long it was when
We talked and the universe fussing round
I would die
in a minute

Remember it was spherical
Bounding you and me in the dark
But how we look
You fly away
I'm dying
I know it was theoritical
But I dont dream nor sleep
Fall slow and you've gone
I'm dying

Make my hand
in your grab
Just dont leave
I'll be broken down
and interfering our past
Even if I'd come through a wormhole
Could it be me hugging you alive?
Singularity is something about a dot with invinite mass and extraordinary power in the base of a black hole. Now imagine if you were there
Dec 2016 · 451
Allena Iris Dec 2016
The illusion
That I met long ago
Dressed in red
Masked in black
So plush and classy
Enough to turn my view
And twist my mind
That I've been making lyrics
Of songs and poems
And I've been writing million letters
Of diaries and thoughts
I've been far mesmerized
To feel the love and pain
Only for making history
That's enough, illusion
I knew it all
I tasted them all
So I'm weary now to make more lyrics
Or to spill more thoughts
You've taught me lessons
And yes I've learned
What an illusion
Dec 2016 · 319
More and more again
Allena Iris Dec 2016
When it has come to thousand years
All the leaves have fallen and replaced
All the water has dried and filled again
All the souls have died and born again
And I have sat on all the bench at every park
I'll still love
Love you again
And bigger and bigger again

My heart has rolled back and forth
My blood has spilled buckets and buckets
My hand has written thousand lyrics
But still
I'll still love you
Love you more
And more and more again

Don't question
I met no answer
But I'll still
Love you again
And more and more again
Love is nothing like this
Dec 2016 · 643
Allena Iris Dec 2016
How do I look?
I look good
Not that good
Notice my smile
Is there any bent lips?
Not bent at all
They just move following white rhythm

Inside my eyes
Do you see ambition?
I do have all
You just can't see it
My look tells something I don't hide
It only can't speak

Are you surprised?
People have been surprised of many things
I am people
I only live my own
You don't see it
And mind
All humans ever do
Leaves something on my look
Looks are decieving
Dec 2016 · 560
Words that fly
Allena Iris Dec 2016
The words that I made
Did they fly somewhere?
Fly and shoot in the air like radio waves?
Did they fly to outer space?
Spaghettized in a tiny black hole
Then ***** x-rays?
Did they succeed?
Or they just stay black in white?
'Cause I can't even teach them fly
This is about how I forget all my promises

— The End —