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Nov 2021 · 2.1k
Beautiful darknesses
Yousra Amatullah Nov 2021
We don't like keeping in the dark
Thus, we sleep at nighttime
Only when the brightness of the sun kisses our lands, we wake up

Like flowers, turning towards the sun
In order to grow

It's almost as if we're eager to forget that seeds grow healthy long before they're greeted by the sun
It's almost as if we're eager to forget that we're always in need of darkness in each of our lives

Flowers absorb their nutrition out of the dark, like humans, only to grow stronger

Thus, we sleep at nighttime
Only to run towards His light as soon as possible
'With hardship, there is ease'
Nov 2021 · 2.7k
Autumn ๐Ÿ‚
Yousra Amatullah Nov 2021
Like an autumn tree
Let us absorb reality
Starting at the roots
Until our branches rain mastery

Reflect upon us like the sun does
Enlighten my trunk, my fiber
Sweeten the fruits of my leaves
Only to match the touch of saffron soil

To grow green, silk & brocade, I pray
Ending fall season, turned into gold, I supplicate
Naggingly I ask You, ูฑู„ู’ู…ูุนูุฒูู‘
Gather this four-season-Ummah with just one breeze
Nov 2021 · 140
Gold green
Yousra Amatullah Nov 2021
Grow green & turn into gold
Nobody likes a pretty face painted on mold
Yousra Amatullah Nov 2021
They didn't like me for covering upย 

So the next day I turned to them, vulnerable
Stripped from my veiled self, humbled my eyes, shared the sweetness of my speech as if we have shared the same womb

In exchange, I obtained angry faces, eyes heavy on madness, deaf by the screaming of their own cries
In the raw I stood there, thunderstruck
Reckless tongues spitting words as if destruction lit itself on fire
Now I realize, perhaps it was not the soul but the body they desire
Nov 2021 · 655
He tried
Yousra Amatullah Nov 2021
He tried squeezing moisture out of dry sand
And made of his body, most deserted island
Don't lose yourself by helping people who don't want to be helped.
Oct 2021 · 102
Own your story
Yousra Amatullah Oct 2021
You keep reading
The same word
Over and over again
Wishing and praying for another chapter to begin
Instead of simply turning the pageย 

You keep romanticizing
The same words
Over and over again
Wishing and praying for another's plot
Instead of simply twisting your own
Oct 2021 · 98
My Face
Yousra Amatullah Oct 2021
My face
Curved in such a way only the wealthy can see its value

My heart
To its beating only the blind are deaf to hear

My soul
Like one droplet of a cloud
If one droplet falls, all will fall
We break at the right time
Until we learn to grow
Until we're green, worthy of silk
Until roots find their tree
Until rivers find their sea

Until we rise

Until there is no difference between you and me
Until we're merged, like a cloud, once again
Until we learn to hold onto each other
Until we learn that sweet and salty water don't merge

Until we learn that you and I
Were born to reunite
Oct 2021 · 97
Yousra Amatullah Oct 2021
Beware of those who come disguised as friends during the day
And leave as thieves during the night
Sep 2021 · 219
Children of Palestine
Yousra Amatullah Sep 2021
My beloved children
Your ashes will be rained upon
Your soul, everliving
Your name remains

Let them dream, during the night
Let them feast, during the day
For the occupier
Will find himself occupied
'One day'
Sep 2021 · 1.8k
Yousra Amatullah Sep 2021
Sep 2021 · 132
Yousra Amatullah Sep 2021
You hold my head up high
Making sure that my body survives, continuously

You make me linger above clouds of mercy
Making sure that my soul trusts where to let go, continuously

You made me live on the lowest of grounds
Making sure my ambitions are at highest of site, continuously

My cheeks are not to dry
There where rays of light continuously ally
Sep 2021 · 119
I tend to
Yousra Amatullah Sep 2021

Sep 2021 · 257
Yousra Amatullah Sep 2021
Solitude never tires the one who's constantly awake
Aug 2021 · 1.1k
Yousra Amatullah Aug 2021
Upon words, correct your attitude
Use them with gratitude
As speech was born in altitude
Aug 2021 · 187
Yousra Amatullah Aug 2021
Wear yours with respect
For it suits you
Even if you're able to fit into mine
You wouldn't be able to walk, wearing them the way I do
Simply because they weren't made to fit you
For they suit me
My integrity
Aug 2021 · 724
Yousra Amatullah Aug 2021
You love yourself
As much as you love obeying Him
Aug 2021 · 119
Move on
Yousra Amatullah Aug 2021
Sometimes we need the earth to shake
In order for us to move
Jul 2021 · 499
Yousra Amatullah Jul 2021
I wash my hands with ink
From letters

I wash my heart from ink
With letters
Jun 2021 · 84
Yousra Amatullah Jun 2021
Wherever I go
Let my destination be heavenly
With You
Jun 2021 · 407
Noem mij
Yousra Amatullah Jun 2021
Ik regen,
Noem mij intens,
Wolken zijn om te breken,
Vruchtbaar is het land waarvan ik oogst.

Zonnestralen verlichten plaats en tijd,
Kleuren komen tot leven,
Ik reflecteer.

Noem mij bij wet,
Als jij leest en begrijpt,
Mijn naam is een gegeven begrip,
Voor het leven dat zich in regenbogen manifesteert.
Jun 2021 · 4.5k
Yousra Amatullah Jun 2021
Her genre,
Her design,
Her character,
Her pages,
Well lettered.
Her story,
Like a book, mesmerising,
Yet too often judged by her cover.
Jun 2021 · 138
Yousra Amatullah Jun 2021
Al zou je haar verbranden tot een diepzwarte wolk,
Haar as zal jouw longen nooit verlaten.

Al zou je haar familie tot in de eeuwigheid uitroeien,
Zij zullen blijven stromen door jouw vaten.

Al zou je haar tong schade berokkenen,
Jij zal haar blijvend horen praten.
Jun 2021 · 232
Yousra Amatullah Jun 2021
A lot of people will read your words,
And a lot of people will listen while you speak,
But not everyone has the courage to hear your voice.
Just a simple reminder
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
I fear the day where 'assalamou 'alaykoum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh' loses its meaning.

I fear the day where we say 'we're family fi deen'
when it's no longer something we actually mean.

I fear the day where pride,
blocks rays of sunlight.

I fear the day where brothers and sisters lose their way,
living life without thinking 'this could be my last day'.

I fear the day where I will not take heed,
from what I've constantly let you read.

I fear for the Ummah,
forgetting about tawheed.
May 2021 · 308
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
Onbekend, een vreemdeling,
Voor wie nimmer heeft gezien.
Verafschuwd door zij die weigeren te aanschouwen.

Geapprecieerd, geliefd door zij die trachten te vinden.
Geliefd door Hem,
Die voortdurend ziet.
English version is coming soon!
May 2021 · 1.2k
Square root...
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
Hearts skipping beats,
Unable to vent,
1, 2, 3...
ุงู„ู‰ ู…ุชู‰ุŸ

Lungs filled up with dust,
Medical was attacked,
11, 12, 13...
ุงู„ู‰ ู…ุชู‰ุŸ

Eyes running out of tears,
Unable to occupy,
21, 22, 23...
ุงู„ู‰ ู…ุชู‰ุŸ

Voices heard deeply,
Some pilloried, some bombed,
31, 32, 33...

โˆš'Wir haben es nicht gewusst'
71, 72, 73... Suffocated by injustice.
ุงู„ู‰ ู…ุชู‰ ูŠุง ุนู…ูŠุŸ
ุงู„ู‰ ู…ุชู‰ุŸ
Till when?
May 2021 · 521
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
With love, gratitude,
I travel,
Upon paths,
Infused wisdom, depth,
In order to meet,

In order to meet,
ุฐููˆุงู„ู’ุฌูŽู„ุงูŽู„ูย ูˆูŽุงู„ุฅูƒู’ุฑูŽุงู…ู
May 2021 · 165
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
Haar tranen, onbezet,
Haar woorden, authentiek,
Haar hart, windroos,
Haar bewegen, historiek,
Haar vreugde, onsterfelijk.
English version is coming
May 2021 · 786
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
The oppressor,
The oppressor.
Ever thought about going into therapy?
May 2021 · 174
Die dag.
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
Zij aan zij,
'De wereld is van iedereen' - rei,
Ver reiken de rijken niet,
1 schaal leegte, 1 bedolven onder haternij,
Armen zijn afgenomen,
Ruggen recht, bevolen had Hij,
Ledematen zullen spreken, vrees waarheid,
Oh huichelaar, vrees meest vernederende tij.
English version is coming
May 2021 · 1.8k
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
Them breaking and entering isn't because they seek some sort of hospitality,

Them breaking the law effortlessly, meaning; destroying humanity,

Became their drug, their simple way of gaining sanity,

Sickness is its base, they haven't seen health in this plea of insanity,

Since the world keeps her mouth shut, afraid to lose her own vanity.

Such a poor mentality.

And for the oppressor,
Who washes his hands with genocide, his head with immorality,

If reason doesn't reach you to stop this act of criminality,

Know, you've never earned what you took, but in the end of days you will earn for your act of brutality.
May Allah be with our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
May 2021 · 1.9k
Dear oppressor
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
My hair is covered, my intellect is not.
My feet are covered, yet I'm still going places.

My ears are covered, my hearing is not.
My back is covered, yet I'm still standing.

You've imprisoned my tongue, my words will never surrender.
You've imprisoned yourself, yet I'm still trying to set you free.
May 2021 · 146
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
The one that doesn't ask, isn't willing to gain knowledge.
The one that doesn't gain knowledge, doesn't ask - he already knows..
May 2021 · 178
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
Ronduit onschatbaar.
Het parelmoer dat jouw ogen verlaat,
De diamant in jou verder doet schitteren.

Jij bent het die geeft,
Aan edel-behoeftigen.
Ook zij in staat zijn te plukken,
Van schitterende vruchten.

Mijn edele moeder,
Magnifiek is hetgeen jij bent.
English version is coming soonโ™ก
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
Pores are suffocating,
Unable to utter,
The flowing words,
In which truthful eyes,
Won't ever suffocate:
ุงู†ุง ุฏู…ูŠ ูู„ุณุทูŠู†ูŠ
May 2021 · 2.0k
Water your roots
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
We shine bright,
Like the morning star,
Because of sunlight.
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
You're named,
And considered,

Your name,
Needs special,
Apr 2021 · 1.2k
Warrior by heart
Yousra Amatullah Apr 2021
You are searching for stability,
As the ground starts to shake violently,
To settle down,
You hold on firmly to your base,
Burying maternal strength, like a ship striking its anchor.

Ignorance sought for what has been anchored, for centuries only to be obscured.

In the eye of the hurricane,
I stand with you,
Estranged from one another,
Yet having the same escutcheon;ย  ุฃู…ูŠ.
It is she who taught us how to lace our shoes,
Who taught us how to walk,
Using the heart as our ultimate compass.

Ignorance transfixed the compasses of our brothers and sisters,
in order to make us wander off.

Don't they know?
We shared the same womb,
Even if we don't share the same name.
It is our vision,
With which we maintain our reverberation.

His ignorance did not recall the ground on which he tried to march.
Nor was he able to understand that her compass was not born,
To be destroyed.

Like an unbreakable ship,
She is equipped with unprecedented durability.
Once again,
Not to be destroyed.
To all my beloved brothers & sisters!

Dutch version is coming soon!
Apr 2021 · 866
Yousra Amatullah Apr 2021
If oppressing becomes permissible,
Law already is underrated.

If colours mean more to you than life does,
My condolences on your gritty being.

If water turns into money,
Fruits will eventually stop growing.

If you are constantly busy comparing your body with someone else's,
Your soul becomes a slave of the wrong embodiment.

If immorality is the trend of this era,
My style is out of date.
Apr 2021 · 346
Unconditional love
Yousra Amatullah Apr 2021
His ink doesn't dry out my pen.
Sometimes, life is as simple as it seems.
Mar 2021 · 1.0k
Take action today
Yousra Amatullah Mar 2021
There's a reason we don't normally walk backwards. Train yourself, focus on what's ahead of you and take action.
Just a reminderโ™ก
Mar 2021 · 270
What goes around...
Yousra Amatullah Mar 2021
Love the words you use.
You will meet them again soon, in the same way you've let them go.
Mar 2021 · 436
Kracht van de peddelaar
Yousra Amatullah Mar 2021
Leer van jouw ogen,
Zij zijn als boten welke altijd in goede conditie verkeren,
Zij zijn niet in staat te verdrinken door het water die haar binnenste opvult,
Verstrengeld als zij zijn, staan zij hoog terwijl de tranen die zij afscheiden zich naar het laagste punt wenden,
Blind of verblind, zij zullen altijd blijven werken - zij zijn op'gedragen.

Mijn geliefde peddelaar, waarom dwing jij je ziel dan te verdrinken in zeeรซn van gedachten welke het licht niet hebben gezien, noch de zoete smaak van zuurstof hebben geproefd?
English version in progress :)
Feb 2021 · 1.3k
Shallow inhaling
Yousra Amatullah Feb 2021
Shallowness got them waiting on a valueless โ™กletter.
Whilst You've sent them a โ™กbook, containing 114 โ™กchapters.. Oh Loving One, if they only knew better.

Darkness got their hearts blindfolded, they can't see.
He, not my brother, has the soul of a detainee.
Whilst Your Light gave us sight, the opportunity to just be and for our souls to remain free.

Though, there are times where we don't know how to pursue.
Naggingly we beg You to help us through,
Cause all we want is being so heavenly close to You.

Guide, please help the lost too,
And please ูฑู„ู’ุบูŽููŽู‘ุงุฑู forgive this veiled crew.
Every interaction makes me blue.
Oh only if the meaning to Your divine words they knew..

Almost everyday my soul sang,
Trying to cope with the fact that I couldn't get along,
With those who are constantly whispering another song.

I felt left out for generations,
Not impressed by their so called sensations,
Not dealing the same way with worldly temptations.

To the extent that I almost doubted what we inhaled,
It couldn't be the same, with their hearts veiled..
Made me think about us being scaled, and therefore not wanting to act derailed.

I've left myself out of this tremendous way of living,
Only to hear them whisper what I should be giving,
Parts of my soul and body - why bother, isn't He Most Forgiving?

Now I can't say I do,
I give away parts of my breath whenever I try to exhale - for if they only knew..
My soul is still intact, my body attached to the feeling of obeying You.
Feb 2021 · 345
Dripping hope
Yousra Amatullah Feb 2021
Words are like water.
When they are being used well, they become a source of life for every living being on this planet. A source of hope.
When we waste them on the other hand,
our tongues will be the first ones to suffer.
Feb 2021 · 621
Yousra Amatullah Feb 2021
Mijn Liefde,
Met het hart op de tong vraag ik U,
Waarom U mij wilt raken,
Met Uw in liefde doordrenkte woorden,
Welke het water zijn van mijn gedachte, mijn hart en ziel,
Opdat U op het eind vraagt naar hetgeen, waarover U mij Zรจlf houderschap heeft geschonken.

Mijn Vriend, mijn Beschermer,ย 
Zolang ik Uw woorden mag voelen,
Zolang ik naar Uw woorden mag luisteren,
Zolang ik Uw woorden mag aanschouwen,
Ben ik U meest dankbaar,
In de mate waarvan U mij hierover houderschap heeft geschonken.

Mijn Leiding,
Dwalend in het donker,
Zoekend naar hetgeen mijn dorst kon lessen,
Zoekend in zeeรซn van droogte; wereldse lessen,
Ik zag niet, U zag mij,
Gissen in het droge zand, is sindsdien voorbij,
Ik snap nu, U bent het licht waarnaar ik snakte,
U bent waardoor ik niet verder in de afgrond zakte.

U heeft mij houderschap geschonken in verschillende vormen en in ontelbare mate,
Hetgeen U mij houder van heeft gemaakt, Allah swt, houd ik in de gaten,
Zolang liefde van U, als water stroomt door mijn vaten.
Jan 2021 · 244
Living water
Yousra Amatullah Jan 2021
We all come from the same place, have the same home. Like water has its own resting place. The wind blows the water towards the surface of this earth. In order to see, feel and hear what is going on. After a brief moment, that same wind pulls the water back home, back to its resting place again.

Only the water that comes into direct contact with the wind quickly finds its way home; it understands. Unlike the water that is swallowed up by the stones and sand of this world. That water takes longer to understand, but it eventually will go back home too. And it takes even longer for it to understand, that holding on to sand and stones isn't going to change anything about that.
Jan 2021 · 1.2k
Let it rain...
Yousra Amatullah Jan 2021
Poetry runs through our veins. Meant for cold hearted people, whose hearts are covered up with stains.
Until pure love is the only thing on this planet that rains.
Jan 2021 · 459
Veiled sight
Yousra Amatullah Jan 2021
When your eyes go blind your heart tends to help with your sight, but when your heart goes blind you won't be able to see clear.
Even when having the best sight of all time.

— The End —