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Yousra Amatullah Feb 2021
Mijn Liefde,
Met het hart op de tong vraag ik U,
Waarom U mij wilt raken,
Met Uw in liefde doordrenkte woorden,
Welke het water zijn van mijn gedachte, mijn hart en ziel,
Opdat U op het eind vraagt naar hetgeen, waarover U mij Zèlf houderschap heeft geschonken.

Mijn Vriend, mijn Beschermer, 
Zolang ik Uw woorden mag voelen,
Zolang ik naar Uw woorden mag luisteren,
Zolang ik Uw woorden mag aanschouwen,
Ben ik U meest dankbaar,
In de mate waarvan U mij hierover houderschap heeft geschonken.

Mijn Leiding,
Dwalend in het donker,
Zoekend naar hetgeen mijn dorst kon lessen,
Zoekend in zeeën van droogte; wereldse lessen,
Ik zag niet, U zag mij,
Gissen in het droge zand, is sindsdien voorbij,
Ik snap nu, U bent het licht waarnaar ik snakte,
U bent waardoor ik niet verder in de afgrond zakte.

U heeft mij houderschap geschonken in verschillende vormen en in ontelbare mate,
Hetgeen U mij houder van heeft gemaakt, Allah swt, houd ik in de gaten,
Zolang liefde van U, als water stroomt door mijn vaten.
Yousra Amatullah Jan 2022
They have occupied the blue
Thinking the green will follow,
Yousra Amatullah Aug 2021
Wear yours with respect
For it suits you
Even if you're able to fit into mine
You wouldn't be able to walk, wearing them the way I do
Simply because they weren't made to fit you
For they suit me
My integrity
Yousra Amatullah Apr 2022
Wat is een kind zonder huis
Anders dan een staat zonder volk
Yousra Amatullah Apr 2022
She is beautiful,
Wearing red

Within her chest
Yousra Amatullah Jan 2022
To tell her she is oppressed,
They try assaulting her for the way she is dressed

To command being served,
They try ****** her for the way she was curved

They're the classless that spit upon her key, her name,
For not inviting them freely into her house. What a shame.

Their violation forced humanity to live early life in a tomb,
Unaffected, she carries on, as she carries the world in her womb
Yousra Amatullah Nov 2021
They didn't like me for covering up 

So the next day I turned to them, vulnerable
Stripped from my veiled self, humbled my eyes, shared the sweetness of my speech as if we have shared the same womb

In exchange, I obtained angry faces, eyes heavy on madness, deaf by the screaming of their own cries
In the raw I stood there, thunderstruck
Reckless tongues spitting words as if destruction lit itself on fire
Now I realize, perhaps it was not the soul but the body they desire
Yousra Amatullah Apr 2022
People never really leave
You either meet them again in person 
Or you'll find their flowers blooming, contemplating that image in the mirror
Yousra Amatullah Jun 2022
We live in a world where people introduce themselves with names of honor, but refuse to act accordingly.
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
I fear the day where 'assalamou 'alaykoum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh' loses its meaning.

I fear the day where we say 'we're family fi deen'
when it's no longer something we actually mean.

I fear the day where pride,
blocks rays of sunlight.

I fear the day where brothers and sisters lose their way,
living life without thinking 'this could be my last day'.

I fear the day where I will not take heed,
from what I've constantly let you read.

I fear for the Ummah,
forgetting about tawheed.
Yousra Amatullah Aug 2021
Upon words, correct your attitude
Use them with gratitude
As speech was born in altitude
Yousra Amatullah Nov 2021
Like an autumn tree
Let us absorb reality
Starting at the roots
Until our branches rain mastery

Reflect upon us like the sun does
Enlighten my trunk, my fiber
Sweeten the fruits of my leaves
Only to match the touch of saffron soil

To grow green, silk & brocade, I pray
Ending fall season, turned into gold, I supplicate
Naggingly I ask You, ٱلْمُعِزُّ
Gather this four-season-Ummah with just one breeze
Yousra Amatullah Apr 2022
You are so beautiful Ma Sha Allah Allahouma Barik.
Yes! I'm talking about you!

Imagine someone putting you together, piece by piece.
Every detail, every inch, every atom that makes you YOU was put together with utmost wisdom. His wisdom.
He swt wants you to look the way you actually look; amazing.

He wants you to have that skin color and texture. He wants you to have those beautiful eyes, even if you can't see through them. He wants you to have that beautiful nose, lashes, eyebrows, arms, legs, hands, feet and so on. Even if certain parts do not work properly, even if you do not fit into the beauty standards of today's world. And even if people start calling you names.

Remember, He named you first.
He swt named you with utmost wisdom, care and love.
Don't lose that name. Please, don't lose the way He created you just to fit into a beautified lie..

Love, I want you to understand that there is wisdom in every inch of your body; His wisdom. Meaning you're constantly carrying His wisdom around. That way you're constantly reminded of your name, of who you truly are;
A servant of Allah swt, crowned with the beauty of His wisdom

Yousra Amatullah Nov 2021
We don't like keeping in the dark
Thus, we sleep at nighttime
Only when the brightness of the sun kisses our lands, we wake up

Like flowers, turning towards the sun
In order to grow

It's almost as if we're eager to forget that seeds grow healthy long before they're greeted by the sun
It's almost as if we're eager to forget that we're always in need of darkness in each of our lives

Flowers absorb their nutrition out of the dark, like humans, only to grow stronger

Thus, we sleep at nighttime
Only to run towards His light as soon as possible
'With hardship, there is ease'
Yousra Amatullah Feb 2022
A believer's beauty is found in his sight,
Rather than his eyes.
Yousra Amatullah Oct 2021
Beware of those who come disguised as friends during the day
And leave as thieves during the night
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
You're named,
And considered,

Your name,
Needs special,
Yousra Amatullah Jan 2022
Het is haar natuur
Wisten zij van hetgeen haar takken droegen,
En *** het water haar met de grond deed verenigen

Dan reikten zij de wolken,
En waren zij, eveneens
In regen bezonken
Yousra Amatullah Dec 2021
Verdronken in geest
Tongen blind gemaakt
Harten, met lood ingegoten
Doof voor eigen naam

Als waterdruppels hebben zij zich laten absorberen door het stof van deze dunya
Zij verkeren in droogte, enkel en alleen om mee te kunnen praten over de hardheid waarmee zij de ziel wensen te verpletteren

Zij hebben *** huizen kostenloos weggegeven
En zijn gaan leven in de bek van een slang
Achteloos wachten zij op de sleutel der goedkeuring
Vol wetenschap van *** mogelijke ondergang
Yousra Amatullah Sep 2021
My beloved children
Your ashes will be rained upon
Your soul, everliving
Your name remains

Let them dream, during the night
Let them feast, during the day
For the occupier
Will find himself occupied
'One day'
Yousra Amatullah Sep 2021
Yousra Amatullah Sep 2021
You hold my head up high
Making sure that my body survives, continuously

You make me linger above clouds of mercy
Making sure that my soul trusts where to let go, continuously

You made me live on the lowest of grounds
Making sure my ambitions are at highest of site, continuously

My cheeks are not to dry
There where rays of light continuously ally
Yousra Amatullah Feb 2022
If I do something wrong, correct me.
Correct me (directly) by reminding me of Him in the most beautiful of ways.

Please do not mock me for not walking properly,
For our enemies carry the same name.
Yousra Amatullah Sep 2023
Courage is
acting upon his name

While beauty is
guarded with the veil of her Lord
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
My hair is covered, my intellect is not.
My feet are covered, yet I'm still going places.

My ears are covered, my hearing is not.
My back is covered, yet I'm still standing.

You've imprisoned my tongue, my words will never surrender.
You've imprisoned yourself, yet I'm still trying to set you free.
Yousra Amatullah Aug 2022
We're still fighting life
as if we stand a chance against Death.
Yousra Amatullah Mar 2022
I fell in love
With His words, His promises, His ways

And I fell, hard
Into sujood

The day I had fallen in love
With Death
Yousra Amatullah Oct 2022
Achteloos proberen zij aan het licht te sleutelen
Terwijl de hitte van de zon hen inhaalt
Yousra Amatullah May 2021
Zij aan zij,
'De wereld is van iedereen' - rei,
Ver reiken de rijken niet,
1 schaal leegte, 1 bedolven onder haternij,
Armen zijn afgenomen,
Ruggen recht, bevolen had Hij,
Ledematen zullen spreken, vrees waarheid,
Oh huichelaar, vrees meest vernederende tij.
English version is coming
Yousra Amatullah Mar 2022
A lot of men are quick to think that they're loved by everyone just because of one kind soul.

A lot of women are quick to think that they're hated by everyone just because of one sick heart.
Yousra Amatullah Feb 2021
Words are like water.
When they are being used well, they become a source of life for every living being on this planet. A source of hope.
When we waste them on the other hand,
our tongues will be the first ones to suffer.
Yousra Amatullah May 2022
You can keep inhaling the ashes of my people

But i assure you
We will keep exhaling poetry,
For our breath is burning hot

Surely, one day
It will reach you
Yousra Amatullah Dec 2023
We greet each other with assalamou 'alaykoum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh
and we start with bismillah

Now, please explain how your tongue still finds the energy to utter every negative over every positive

Please explain how your tongue is spitting sin after sin, causing it to lose respect for whom is supposed to be its master

Yousra Amatullah May 2022
I don't want to fall in love at the end of downfall

I want to fall in love when the world starts to come to an end
Only to witness true strength, true principles, true colour

I want to fall in love with one who already has fallen dead in love with his Lord

And when I do,
It's because he asked Allah swt to whiten his sight, and to increase the glowing of his chest

And when I do,
It's because He placed love in me too

Yousra Amatullah Feb 2022
Jannah is just around the corner

If it is true love what makes your beating heart,
Remind me of death
Jannah is the Arabic word for Heaven/Paradise
Yousra Amatullah Dec 2021
He got distracted by the shimmering of a fruitless mirage

He drank until drunk

Dust covered up his tongue, forcing his heart to swallow stone

He drank until dust

He drank until mirroring
The very same mirage

He drank,
Yousra Amatullah Nov 2021
Grow green & turn into gold
Nobody likes a pretty face painted on mold
Yousra Amatullah May 2022
The wind is chasing trees,
I hear the green leaves
And I hear the green leave,
I see a desert giving birth
To another sea
Yousra Amatullah Aug 2022
Hetgeen van de tong druipt
stroomt door het hart
Yousra Amatullah Nov 2021
He tried squeezing moisture out of dry sand
And made of his body, most deserted island
Don't lose yourself by helping people who don't want to be helped.
Yousra Amatullah Dec 2022
He swt declared our right 'to be covered' fard, SoubhanAllah. He declared our hijaab fard as a sign of His Mercy. Yet we fail to remember our names. We fail to remember what our beloved prophet Muhammad saws went through, and those who came before him. We forget about those who suffered and died for the sake of Allah swt. They went through so much pain, spreading and defending women's rights. Telling her that she is utmost valuable and that she should be cherished, protected, covered.

We fail to remember the blood that has been shed. We do so when we perfume our hijaab, and when we show off that little bit of hair. We do so when our headscarves don't match our skinny jeans and when our freshly painted faces don't add up to the beauty of haya. We do so when our hijaab is see-through, showing our beautiful curved bodies to a world that in the end will testify against us.

My dear sisters, you are so beautiful wearing His shield instead of the world's corruption.

Please, for the sake of Allah swt, protect yourselves.
Yousra Amatullah Dec 2022
Him, I told everything
I told Him about the sleeplessness of dunya
And about the dreams of akhirah

I told Him in poems,
As eyes started to speak
And tears started to colour the prayer mat

Every tear, on their knees
Every met grain of sand, sees
Overflowing pages, and their never ending stories
Dunya = world
Akhirah = hereafter
Yousra Amatullah Sep 2021

Yousra Amatullah May 2021
The one that doesn't ask, isn't willing to gain knowledge.
The one that doesn't gain knowledge, doesn't ask - he already knows..
Yousra Amatullah Mar 2021
Leer van jouw ogen,
Zij zijn als boten welke altijd in goede conditie verkeren,
Zij zijn niet in staat te verdrinken door het water die haar binnenste opvult,
Verstrengeld als zij zijn, staan zij hoog terwijl de tranen die zij afscheiden zich naar het laagste punt wenden,
Blind of verblind, zij zullen altijd blijven werken - zij zijn op'gedragen.

Mijn geliefde peddelaar, waarom dwing jij je ziel dan te verdrinken in zeeën van gedachten welke het licht niet hebben gezien, noch de zoete smaak van zuurstof hebben geproefd?
English version in progress :)
Yousra Amatullah Jan 2021
Poetry runs through our veins. Meant for cold hearted people, whose hearts are covered up with stains.
Until pure love is the only thing on this planet that rains.
Yousra Amatullah Jul 2021
I wash my hands with ink
From letters

I wash my heart from ink
With letters
Yousra Amatullah May 2022
Light is the tongue that speaks his heart, using 'aql
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