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Heart of Silver Apr 2018

Naked from my mother's womb I came
not a sin to my name, so insignificant
Naked from my father's bones I came
Little Eve was born an innocent

Adam walked around like he was the first man on Earth
He called himself the image of God, tried to diminish my worth
You tried to tempt me as a snake but now I'm on alert
No matter what you say you're still made from the dirt

Welcome to the Garden of Eden!
We tried as hard as possible, its still filled with heathens
Look at Adam, look at Eve
Won’t be long now till they’re forced to leave
Geez, this was meant to be longer. Sorry! ^^''
Heart of Silver Mar 2018
He gave a gap-toothed grin
I watched it spread across a cute face, dappled
with lovely little angel kisses
and red red cheeks, my rosy apple
A sweet little boy. <3
Heart of Silver Jan 2018
Your words are soothing, your voice even more
So when I become terrified I run to you and let it pour
Into that ever patient smile, those oh so gentle fingers
Tapping cryptic messages into my shaking spine
Erasing any tensions and fears that might linger

My eyes walk a line, my mind level tenuous
My speech and my smiles, to put up are quite strenuous
It seems every time that I become unhinged
I hold onto your reassurement, but my claws dig in
In efforts to not harm you, I scar my skin
And with every struggling effort, it seems I’ve infringed

The rules you laid down and the promises I spoke
But you of all people should know there’s lies in my speech
So if you don’t like when I’m hurt, cover your ears when I screech
Sorry, that was unfair and rude of me...
I always speak without thinking clearly
Or even worse, I’m inconsiderate and hurt the ones I love dearly

And you! I promise I hold you quite close!
You’re lovely in my mind, a first and foremost
And yet for all my lovely words, and unabashed claims
It seems you’re affected by my hurricane state most
As I waltz on your heart and lay it to maim

You have a precious heart of gold
And yet despite that, the one you hold
Is my quivering, worthless silver one
I don’t understand how you love someone like me
Or in my silver heart, can find beauty

I don’t know which way I love you, what to say, or what to do
But I do know with everything in me, I most definitely need you
(directed to the one I care for most, my beloved golden heart. )

And so the real question is, do I ever let you know?

on a weird side note, lines 15 and 16 should be combined, but with the hp formatting, they didn't fit sooo
Heart of Silver Dec 2017
Leaping from foot to foot he mockingly calls
to my blind parents "I'll catch, I'll catch your daughter"

and every night I don't sleep he laughs in glee
and announces "I got her! I got her!"
"Do you see? Look, I've caught her"
Heart of Silver Feb 2018
It is a human capability
or perhaps an emotional fatality
our hearts so easily remove morality
and we forget a dear friend
we move on and let it end

Maybe it's some
technical fault in our DNA
a kind of glitch that wont go away

Perhaps it's a break in our genetic code
that allows the friendship kind to so easily erode
The unspoken agreement to not abandon our loved ones- I've broken the "friendship code". I wonder how humans can so easily sever precious ties.

Congratulations, me. I've finally left someone and it *****.
Heart of Silver Dec 2017
I've got a binder 'round my lungs
I've got a lock upon my useless tongue
I've got spirit too big for my vessel and a mind cluttered up with thoughts to be wrestled

My muscles tighten up and
my head lightens up and
night lights chill my pulse
and veins feebly convulse

Oh dear

Lungs, not quite up to par
as they fill with liquid stars
Do you see? This tissue is burning to scars
destroying this lovely "ours"
I apologize for destroying your property again. I know it somehow hurts you when I'm in pain.
Heart of Silver Mar 2018
I can be very empty-headed
Yes, I'm pretty dull
but I should like to think there's bubbles in my skull

Constantly blowing, floating
little ***** of light and color
Oh, these bubbles, I hope we're not
separated from one another

And perhaps I absentmindedly chase
silly, pointless bits of air
but wandering out my head, I'm pretty happy there

They're bouncing and bouncing
from bone wall to bone wall
Joyous bits of air- I wish to capture them all!
Heart of Silver Jan 2018
You can, you can....
wrap me around your precious vase soul
I'm promise, love, I'll keep you whole
and I can protect you from
brats who touch things that aren't there's
and stick around through the wears and tears
I'll protect you.
Heart of Silver Apr 2018
I've got a crayon in my hand,
a color for every lost syllable
There's a brightly scribbled drawing
to make my mouth and head reconcilable
Heart of Silver Jan 2018
To the person who must think that I'm just an intrusion:
Don't worry, I see the truth now, I've been disillusioned
****, this comes off angrier than I expected it.
Heart of Silver Mar 2018
Somewhere in the distance, someone is singing

I've got the dank smell of earth plugging  my nose
It hurts so bad, so bad
and everyone swears to God you wanna know
but I'm a bit busy trying to do this on my own

In the night, filled with nothing but the reek of human sweat
I've been trying to sleep, it won't let me yet
In a garden, filled with not even flower heads
a scared little girl writes

I've been writing to you, letters in crayon
flinging them over a wall
and as I sit and rock and you don't reply, I wonder
did you even read them at all?!
loosely connected to "garden wall"
Heart of Silver May 2019
He called me an angel, and yet

failed to mention he wanted to be
My god
Angels are seen as divine to humans... but they're still the servants of God.
Heart of Silver Jun 2020
There’s millions of stars in the sky
Not unique, they all leave
When the day comes by
And I’ll never call you my sun
Cause when darkness settles in
All he can do is run

But maybe you can be my sky
And hold these lights in your hand
I’d treasure all your day time
all your nights, I’d try to understand

And maybe I could be your Earth
And you could cover me like a quilt
I’d be your haven, your home
And you’d make my planet tilt
Heart of Silver May 2018
"Most of my life I liked to play
with the lights that fell from the sky
though they died within a day."

Vacant eyes and a simple personality
"... I thought there was only ever me."
and she says it in a voice so flat
I pulled her body against my own
"Now you're not alone."
She asks, "what's that?"

Hey sir, you're so unusual.
Mister? I think you're beautiful!

My dear, you seem so magic
but, my love, you're just so tragic

There's so much you don't know
so much you've never been shown
..but you don't seem to care

It's something I've never seen
Now it's suddenly surrounding me
These lights are everywhere!

Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Light fragments!
They're my stars (My affections!)
Gorgeous, I think they're so gorgeous!
Whatever they are
Excuse my corrections.

"Mister? I think this is kind of unusual."

"Well, yeah, but don't you think it's beautiful?"

All righty, bear with me, these might be some long notes.

First off, here ya go, Jeff. This is written specifically for you. :)

Bold = the sky-creature speaking/thinking/something
Italics = The young girl speaking/thinking/something

This is the sequel to Paper Stars! I didn't want to give them a star-crossed-lovers bit, so instead I elected to go with this type of story.

The young girl lives by herself, and therefore has no comprehension of love, relationships, or even loneliness. When the sky-creature arrives, she cannot feel love for him, or at least understand if she is. On the other side, because she is naive and childlike (not to mention a human while he is a creature of the sky) the sky-creature doesn't, I wouldn't exactly say respect, doesn't view her as his equal. He does love her, but in some ways he doesn't see her the way a lover should. He is subconsciously patronizing her.

Over the course of their time together, he falls deeper in love with her (and comes to see her as his equal, and treats her as so) while she develops affections for him (though I don't think she quite understands them yet).

They're not exactly lovers yet, though they have formed a casual relationship. :)

Ah, excuse my rambling. :P
Heart of Silver Mar 2018
My first thought? The grass tickles
it pokes into my dress
thousands of offending green prickles

I am planted in a garden of wilted flower stems
My eyes flicking around, the only truth-be-told gems
and even those, they stare dully around me

little girl I am, looking around like a woman of seventy

It's disgusting here I think of the place I'm seated
Will anyone come get me? No?
I huff, angrily, defeated

My hands inch towards the crayon, my eyes flick
towards the wall, built from fading red bricks
That's very high, not to mention thick
and the more I think about it, the more it makes me sick

I don't know who he is, but on the other side is a child
and in this whole ugly world, so horribly defiled
he shall be the only one I can count on

too bad we've never spoken
too bad your head is horribly broken

But he shall love you, and he shall care for you
he loves you, and he'll take you far far away
and for the rest of forever, you two will play

but first, you must speak

"I love him, forever and always, I love this child"

I have never seen him, I trust he exists
But I'm annoyed. It is so boring here.
Can't he take me out of this?

First, you must talk.

All right, all right. I let out a sigh
grab the crumpled paper sheets from nearby

*Dear, Lord, how're you today?
This didn't quite capture what I wanted, think I'll have a part two eventually.
Heart of Silver Jan 2018
My filthy eyes, they're getting kind of dry
Your mouth is filled with lies... but I don't really know

Reason, it's fled, in wake of the pounding in my head
I need you but you're gone instead and I'm feeling quite hollow

You're the one that I never see
but I'm the one who's a ghost
It feels like you're not here for me
when I need you most

I love you, and I love you, but regardless I feel dismayed
I love you, and I can't blame you, yet I feel I've been betrayed
Where are you?
Heart of Silver Apr 2018
The stars stopped in their tracks
When you came walking by
This star girl was immediately captivated
When you came, and caught my eye

Don't you know I think the world of you?
In everything you are and all that you do
Don't you know I think the world of you?
I'd give you my world if you wanted me to
Heart of Silver Jan 2018
I’ve been asking you not to come
‘cause I’m so desperate  I’d say
“I love you” through rotting gums

Watching with watery eyes
Why is it everyone  who smiles seems covered by gray?
I never know what to say, I never know what to say
I don't think I actually "love" you, but rather, need someone to "love" me to make me feel less hollow.
Heart of Silver Feb 2020
”It’s tragic, I take it
To be stuck on a blanket
A girl from the dirt
A child, from bones

And you, you’re so grand
since you live above land
Above love, above hurt
but completely alone”

“As high as a ceiling
Above earth, above feeling,
love, and even hurt
A human, not quite

And you, you’re mundane
Yet on your quilted plane
I sought out your comforts
I yearned for respite”

Those stars you let fall?
The sparks that you threw?
My love, they were, exactly for who?
Not me, I can promise
My love, just be honest
Those stars were scattered
Entirely for you
Wanted to write one more from the girl’s perspective :)

the reason you wanted to hold me
Is it simply cause you were lonely?
Heart of Silver Apr 2018
My heart
My warm, warm heart
with every thump it bleeds a little more
This rotting chunk of flesh
covered in oozing sores

There's a couple bits of glass
buried deep into my flesh
little bits of muscle
seep over the
shards that dig into my heart
my warm, warm heart
and it's
sharp, sharp glass

A heart can't beat around glass

Take matters into your own hands
take my heart into your hands
and dig those fingers in
pull out every piece you find
each offending frgament
it hurts
hey, it hurts a lot
you remove the glass from my heart
with your blood-stained hands
my blood
each piece falls to the ground
you throw them away
and my heart begins to
beat again
I begin to
feel again

Her hands like silk
and her
gleaming sunshine smile
and her
familiarly exotic tongue
I know people who can sew with
the prettiest golden thread
and heal with
the most compassionate of eyes
while simultaneously laughing the
most vivacious laugh
and each shared laugh stitches a new
cut on my skin 
and I begin to heal again 
The scars do not stand out
and instead those shimmery strands
gleam proudly
showing off my newly constructed
golden heart

Silver, silver, silver
She offers me the most beautiful of silver
the tears of the moon
Resting in my hands
or my pocket
Golden thread is very weak
and so are humans
Temptation is a *****
Heart of Silver Dec 2017
You scream, you scream
But I don’t ‘cause I don’t really care anymore

So I just sit here with my thumb in my mouth
Wondering what you make all this noise for
I've always wanted to do my own play on the "I scream you scream" thing. ^^
Heart of Silver Feb 2018
Hearts fall and rise, fingers shake sometimes
Occasionally I disrupt the flow of certain rhymes
I break words like I break my head

I've worn Silverheart for so long
But them calling me her feels so wrong
I'm not a heart of silver, a heart of gold
I'm an empty body growing cold

Today I crumbled the mask of Silver
and all of the people I love crumbled with her
I'd hoped the pounding in my head would silence
with this, but it's only served to make it louder!

Oh god oh god make it stop please
I'm not writing poetry, I'm writing pleas
I'm writing to make my head quiet but it never will
I keep writing and writing and writing to no avail

i miss you i miss you i want to desperately forget you
Heart of Silver Dec 2019
Never have I seen a girl with eyes so dark
Made blacker by the light of my star sparks
I have never met a child so utterly
Who stares at me blatantly with
The cold dead eyes of a fish

Who would believe? I-
Who could conceive? I-
A girl so naive, I..
how shameless of me to consider you primitive

There I go again, I
Say I love you, then I
go and mock you when I
Make your name into something so completely diminutive
There’s no way to love you if I
Stand on pedestal made from sky

It’s been a long time since I wrote about these two :) this is from the sky-creature’s perspective

“an indefinitely small quantity; a value approaching zero.”
Heart of Silver Feb 2018
Boys love their toys and girls want a thrill
with their ever-wanting hearts needing a fill

Strings tied upon my wrist, they pulled her in every direction
Didn't you know? Filial love wasn't meant for dissection!
Your expectations and love are cutting into my skin
But no, I'm a child, I don't have an objection
I should be grateful for such affection.... no matter who wins...

One side of the tongue oozes sticky love
the other devotedly applies words quite vile
Someone turned benign qualities into a way to beguile
In that way, our family was something to defile
Well, hey, this was something we've known for a while, so...

Let's just give up
Divorce is messy, y'know? As a kid, it hurts to be stuck in the middle of it.
Heart of Silver Jan 2018
You are my nightlight

because while the stars' glow may be unreachable
you are right here
illuminating my otherwise dark closet and
showing that the monsters
can't touch me when you're around

I'm begging you
don't get unplugged
Don't leave me. Don't die. I need you, and I love you.
Heart of Silver Apr 2018
I can feel the bricks I laid myself
I beg you, say you put some here too
Don't let me take all the blame
It's so much easier to put some on you

Take me when I'm desperate
Take me when I'm crying
I'll write messages of desperation and then send them flying

Look at 'em go, are you happy now?
Tear-stained paper planes.. are they found found found?

Spit covered, blood smothered, letters in ****** condition
I've been trying, talking night after night, do you even listen?

Smashing little fists against bricks desperately
Aching knuckles and broken skin is all that's left of me
I've never gotten a letter back
I've never heard you respond
Sometimes I feel this is a bit of a one sided bond

How do expect me to love someone who never visits?
I've tried so hard to do so, but all I can do is believe you exist...

Take me out of this garden before I climb the wall myself
I'll fold each limb meticulously
and leap out of this barren hell
Oh god.

Okay, I feel this one is a bit more... accurate then my previous attempt?? idk
Heart of Silver May 2018
Close your eyes

Your world, not extending
beyond the soft quilt under
your skin, unending

Soft ripples of cloth, and picturesque seams
Nothing here but
You, me, the sky, and soft dreams

I'll reach up and take the stars from the sky
If only to lay them at your feet
to place them in your hands
to bring light into those glazed eyes
or give a glow to a world so bland

and each one would be folded
into a beautiful origami castle
I, the lord, and you, the vassal
Or perhaps me as the king
and you as a queen, whichever
My gentle playmate.. which one is better?

I'm a majestic creature of the sky
You're an empty-faced child on a quilt
Each star shall be used as a stepping stone
so I might meet you in the place I built

Let us meet, as lovers, or
at least equals
on this starry floor
And your body falls into each soft fold
It's here, right here, that I can hold
you close, keep you safe and warm
so you, from the rest of the world
I'll withhold

Consider this a "romantic poem".. but not about me! Actually, this is a story I've sort of written. :)

Hmm, let me try to describe it. A little girl living in a world all her own, a world that's nothing more than an empty quilt with an endless sky. Above her, lives a sort of "sky-creature" and he happens to be in love with her, so he builds her a castle of stars.
Heart of Silver May 2021
And I'd fold each shining point
into an origami castle
fit for a queen, fit for you
and perhaps... me too

I, a majestic creature of the sky
You, an empty-faced child on a quilt
Look, look, at what I built

I'll use each star as a stepping stone
to meet you in this world
so you don't have to be alone
and I don't have to feel like I am

Place your hands on these walls.. can you feel my love?
Stand on your balcony, stare at the sky up above
My gentle playmate, is this better than the empty world you knew?
Look around at your origami castle, I made it for you
Written April 2018
Heart of Silver Sep 2018
Down by an endless ocean, sitting on jagged rocks
Creatures entice with emotion, they sing but never talk
A lamenting in devotion, while Demeter cries and mocks

I cry out, “From my arms, away from me!
“Hell has stolen my Persephone!”

That’s not true, dear, I’m not yours to keep
So, please, you don’t need to weep
Some myths claim that rather than seducing sailors with their voices, the sirens sang to mourn the kidnapping of Persephone, their beloved friend, and call out for her return.
Heart of Silver Mar 2021
Handle me with care
Please, treat me gently
I’ll roll over like a fawning dog and show you my soft pink belly
lick the hand of you who owns me
if it means your harsh words won’t
kick into my sides
I feel like a ***** before you
Show me your sweet affection
I can’t do anything more than hang my head and
Your disapproval is too much to bear
At any moment, all your love may dry up (where will that leave me when you decide to leave me?) and I will be left behind, all ******* in the memories of your love
Even now, I tremble at your kindness
Why do you treat me so roughly?
Heart of Silver Aug 2019
Upon those jewel-encrusted toe-tips
she docilely placed her royal-red lips

A boy not a king and yet she bowed down
to the ******* who tried to soil her crown
Heart of Silver Jan 2018

I sit by a silver pool

My legs dangle in, just below the knee
so that my steps can remember where I've been
but my eyes dont have to see

And below the surface swim fish, lazy
each one holds a memory
unluckily, or lucky, they get a little hazy

I grasp at them, they swim further away
scales grazing fingertips, I watch in dismay
cause the only ones I seem to catch and devour
force my thoughts into such a disarray

I sit by a silver pool
eating painful memories
oh god, I'm such a fool
Fishes ****.
Heart of Silver Jun 2018
With your skin like the sky, and soft cloud eyes
I stare into your face and find myself mesmerized
Tilt my head back, and at the same time tug me closer
And then lay me to rest in a fluffy patch of clovers
Heart of Silver Dec 2017
You're suffering, I can see
so would you let me hold your hand?
Cause, you're right. I don't really understand

but what I do get is that while my
words can't always erase the pain in your heart
I can hold you close to me and keep you from falling apart
I'll hold you together- physically and mentally. You just have to let me. I don't always know or understand what you're going through, but I promise I'll always be there for you.
Heart of Silver Mar 2018
I love cooking! I love making tasty treats!
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, oh-so-yummy sweets!
Experimenting with recipes, (cookies are my specialty)
My place in the kitchen keeps this silly girl upbeat
I'm probably happiest providing something to eat

New flavors.. exciting! Ooh, that cake sure looks inviting!
Mind if I pop this in the oven?
Ah, I sure hope it's tasty...
and since I did so well, don't mean to sound hasty, but
C'mere and give this little chef some lovin'!
Ha, I wish!

Narcissistic as it sounds, I sure as hell enjoy
When the people around like the cooking skills I employ
I gotta wonder, if I made something good...
would you praise me? I hope that you would

'Cause, yeah, nothing beats a good meal
but eating alone sure doesn't feel
half as good as eating with you
and reaching across the table to take your hand
then despite my poor manners, I'd like to demand
you shower your chef with sweet little kisses
for all the hard work she's done as the missus

Eh, even if that didn't happen, I'd love to
cook you up something delicious!

To show you my adoration, to show you I care
and of course a part of me would just like to prepare
tasty, tasty dishes for others to savor
But really! I hope you most of all enjoy the flavor....
I love cooking! :D
Heart of Silver Apr 2018
Down down down under the sea
There, right there, amongst the waters and the sands
A mermaid of unimaginable beauty fled her homeland

An eye for an eye, heart for heart, two lovers wouldn't be torn apart
To join a man above the waves, a precious treasure, she gave
This impossible trade the mermaid made?
She gave her tongue for legs so she might walk by his side
In a world with words she couldn't speak, lived the mute bride


She lived with bubbles beneath her tongue
and the sound of ocean in her ears
And yet, despite her rightful bloodline
A desert is where she'd spent her years

The hair of a siren, with a voice like their song
but the legs of a woman.. it was wrong, so wrong
Her exotic, other-wordly looks, a sailor boy found striking
And his familiar scent of salty breeze gave her a liking

Trailing calloused fingers through silky siren strands
The sailor murmurs to his lover, "What would you do for me?"

"I would leave my homeland"

The tang on his skin of a home she's never seen, erase her troubles
Giggling sweetly, she asks him, "And for me, my sweet, love?"

He could pop her bubbles
Heart of Silver Jan 2018
You and I just endlessly play
tug of war

and I know that I'll wind up on
the floor

But my pride won't stop my hands from tugging
and when asked if I care I find myself shrugging

As we struggle and struggle
I know

How easy it'd be for you to just
let go
Even if you were the one to let go, I'd be the one to lose.
Heart of Silver Apr 2021
Fills me to the brim with grief,
that I’d betray my Lord to lie with a thief
Heart of Silver Mar 2018
I see now

My "love" was nothing more than a pedestal
and since I seated you so high
there was no coming down enough
to hold me close
love doesn't require worshiping at the alter, dear
Heart of Silver Nov 2019
I can’t help it
There’s so much hate in my heart now
Anger is flashing it’s ugly claws
And ripping all my kindness out
Cause really
I haven’t been able to take a deep
Breath in about three years
and it’ll be three years till I can breathe you out again
Till I can let you
back in again

My love
if I admit how much you
mean to me
Where will that leave me
When you decide to leave me?
Heart of Silver Apr 2018
There's a heart inside my chest,
nestled snugly between my ribs
As you might've guessed

It's a warm, warm heart
Those hands of yours
will tear it apart

Each thump will make it ooze a little more
That rotting thing from which endless blood pours
Jagged bits of glass buried deep, so deep
and over broken edges the sticky bits of muscle seep

The ever-so-helpful-you digs your fingers straight in
to claw out the offending shards that pierce my skin
Now removed my open wounds have time to heal
And my less-damaged heart begins to kind of feel

They sew with shimmery thread
Gently stitching my wounds together
instead of leaving me for dead
The original draft of "Heart of Gold".

I haven't written in a bit, so I felt like posting this. :)
Heart of Silver May 2018
I watched her cry
a puddle

she rubbed the salt
paper cuts

then drowned herself in it

not every smile is meant to be kind

when you grin with your lips pressed

I can't help but think softness
in your demeanor
and of the kisses
you sometimes place
on my forehead

but if you smile
and bare your teeth, I will be scared
I'm afraid of those
lips parting
and speaking ill words
I would much rather
you tear
my skin apart with those
teeth of yours
you're showing

My dear,
I will gladly accept all of it because
at least you're smiling
Heart of Silver Feb 2018
Everybody's hands drip with color
everybody loves to smear them on one another
We leave  ourselves as duller and duller

Your blue-black soul rubs up against mine
and my purple-y pink hue loses it's shine
as our wispy personalities begin to entwine

Those I meet, we mix ourselves with a simple "hello"
We blend into each shade. Blue! Green! Red! Yellow!
I'm so happy, so happy! Look, I've become a rainbow!

Oh... oh no

From such a buoyant high I've come down
because my vibrant pink has become a muddy brown
With such ugly, drab colors.. how can we ever be happy now?
Why is it we tend to lose ourselves to one another?

When we leave our colors on other people, do we become dull and listless gray-brown or a vibrant and beautiful rainbow? I can't quite tell.
Heart of Silver Apr 2018
All I have is the sound of lost waves in my head
Oh! It's such a shame!

Not a song, a memory, a glimpse into this other world
Even, to my name.
Heart of Silver Mar 2018
They say willow trees are weeping because
their branches sag towards the ground
while all the other trees
choose to reach up and up
towards a gorgeous sky

But perhaps willows just know that
you gain nothing from
grasping towards an endless horizon
and no matter what you do
you will never touch the clouds
nor will reaching them
do anything for you

and instead they let their branches bend
towards an earth
that yields boundless and glittering treasures
diamonds and gold
for those who are willing
to put in the work
and keep their feet on the ground
My work has me weeping :P.

— The End —