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7.2k · Jun 2021
Turning of the Tide
Owen Jun 2021
And suddenly you see it
as you hit rock bottom,
as you break down
into the smallest, sharpest pieces,
and your existence screams
at an empty room
to be saved
to stay
to live.
No echoes in the dark.
You see the incredible life
that is waiting for you;
that was always waiting
for you
past the veil
of your despair
your vices
your masochistic
self centered
You choose to be greater
than your fear,
and freedom ensues.
The night in the hospital I chose life.
3.8k · Mar 2022
Owen Mar 2022
The hunger,
The discipline,
of ground gained.
Losing Integrity, it all falls apart.
3.5k · Sep 2022
"Censor Yourself"
Owen Sep 2022
Men are 3 to 7 times more likely to commit suicide than women.
Men account for 55 percent of the workforce, but account for 92 percent of workplace deaths.
Men live on average 5 years less than women.
Police shoot more white men than any other demographic each year.
The vast majority of people in prison are men.
The majority of people suffering from homelessness are men.
Men are encouraged to seek help with there mental health but are ridiculed or ignored when they try.
77 percent of suicides are men.

"Be more open about your emotions"
"Stop complaining, you have no right to complain"
"Man up"
"Don't be a *****"
"That's not a real man's job"
"Grow a pair"
"You won't even fight back?"
"I need a man that can afford me"
"Men don't cry its a sign of weakness"
"Men have it so good"
"All men are trash"

"**** all men"

Welcome to manhood.
2.7k · Sep 2022
Time Machine 2013
Owen Sep 2022
Melting snow and chill winds.
Wisconsin spring days,
where the only heat is the sun's rays
through a clear sky.
***** snow piles
on the sides of the street in the city.
Puddles on cracked concrete.
The scent of unveiling foliage
on the breeze.
Quiet moments alone,
the calm before the storm.
Dead to the world
but never feeling so alive
as thoughts creep in.
Wishing things could've been different
Wishing no one had to be wounded so.
Take me back to slow life.
Take me back to no cares.
I wasn't planning to survive.
1.8k · Jul 2022
Men Today
Owen Jul 2022
Mens mental health month
came and went without a word
swept under the rug.
Just like it always is and always was
1.8k · May 2021
I Hate Sundays
Owen May 2021
I always hated Sundays.
They riddled me
with anxiety
from morning till midnight.
A sense of dread,
hanging my heart
and my head.
Another week gone
and I'm still here,
feeling all alone
its all almost
too much to bear.
I'm crippled by
lack of control.
Sunday's my chest caved in
with the weight of my soul.
1.7k · Jun 2021
Owen Jun 2021
I dont care who you are,
please speak ill
of the men and women
that walked through hell
that carried on as their family fell
that gave everything
to include their lives
so you might sleep in peace at night.
Go ahead,
speak ill,
so we may serve you,
so we may silence you.
If you served or are serving you know the frustration of knowing people who will never understand, who will hate you for what you do.
1.6k · Jul 2022
Standards ×2
Owen Jul 2022
She's got needs.
His heart bleeds.
She deserves the best.
He can have whats left.
She can live at home.
He's out on his own.
Without a job She's fine.
Jobless he's not worth the time.
She pulls all eyes.
Invisible he dies.
Heartbroke she finds another.
Six feet under he's a number.
She's always the victim
They don't care she killed him.
Finishing drafts. Men still have no intrinsic unconditional value in society. Only Women Children and Dogs have that.
1.6k · Jul 2022
The Riptide
Owen Jul 2022
And it all repeats.
Over and over
the scene plays,
the body tenses,
flooding senses,
and I'm drowning
sinking, drinking,
fighting, against my own
Wishing I'd died.
Washed up
on a shore of purgatory,
and it all repeats.
Im sinking again. I feel it. Its time to fight again.
1.6k · Jan 2021
Owen Jan 2021
Im sorry,
but tonight
I want to forget
and everyone before
this night.
Ill drink and medicate,
let go of control,
for just a night.
I just want to feel,
I want to be ok,
and want to cry
at the same time.
I want to be wanted
and give love.
I want to laugh
and look at her smile
all night.
I want to smile back.
Search her eyes
and memorize
their hazel perfection.
1.6k · Jul 2022
Owen Jul 2022
This life is lonely.
This life is hard.
Everything and nothing.
Everyone and no one.
Living and dying.
Love and hate.
Pain and peace.
They want all of you,
and none of you.
No Balance.
It never ends.
It never ends.
It never ends.
1.5k · Oct 2020
Intellectual Intercourse
Owen Oct 2020
She keeps tempo
the back and forth.
Tantilizing conversation.
******* each others psyche.
A dance of words and minds,
thoughts and passions,
sharing wavelengths.
Shes mystifying
but emotionally so.
The sapoisexual in me
could never say no.
This girl....
1.5k · Jul 2022
Owen Jul 2022
Always an option,
nothing more.
Always on call,
but gets a closed door.
No one hears,
bleeding out on the floor.
Always cautious,
around their chaos.
Smiles all day,
inside he feels lost.
Death sounds nice,
despite the cost.
Sounds better than this,
  mind's fire and frost.
1.4k · Jul 2022
His Greatest Fear
Owen Jul 2022
He came to the realization
far too late
he would still never be
good enough
or enough
for those he loved.
Always missing something
they were looking for.
A means to an end
not an end in himself.
A stepping stone,
a wrung,
an asset.
Used again  
used for love,
all used up.
Hung from the tree
he grew to trust.
A cycle that turns him
back to dust.
1.4k · Jun 2021
Fuji Sama
Owen Jun 2021
Grandfather mountain,
watching us worry and die.
Spending six weeks on Mt. Fuji
1.2k · Apr 2021
Suicidal Ideations
Owen Apr 2021
It is winter in my head.
Even as the warm summer breeze
touches my face.
It is winter in my soul.
My body enduring
the constant ache
of a frostbitten heart
and numbness is sought.
All bread,
all fruit is ash
in my mouth.
I long to feel empty
and this pain lifted.
I yearn to be buried,
cinders sifted,
fallen leaves
to be my shroud.
I dont always daydream, but when I do.....
1.1k · Jun 2022
Desert Goodnight
Owen Jun 2022
As dusk approached,
the fire in the sky
lit the mountains of the Mojave
Painting the horizon
as hot coals,
destined to smolder.
Gray haze hanging
in the valleys.
The breeze brought night,
the moon, and stars
It was life, and
the peace,
and violence
When I retire I want to live somewhere nature is painted all around and the beauty of earth can lay me to rest each night.
1.1k · Nov 2020
Owen Nov 2020
I have never been considered
a city, or country boy.
More a godless jesus of suburbia
with better intentions
than the next guy.

But recently
my eyes have been opened
to a different way of living
where the country songs
all hit home.

A life of community,
honesty, and substance.
Where a stranger wont feel alone,
but like family, in a beer and a half.
and the warmth in my chest
is not only the whiskey,
or the bonfire.
It's a girl's smile,
the smell of barbeque,
diesel, or the rain in the woods.
Its the sound of a truck,
a guitar, boots on dirt,
the rock and roll.
Its feeling alive.

Where hard work pays,
and southern hospitality
Where the rolling hills,
fields, forests,
and grand skies leave you
with no words

It's freedom.

I get it now.
I was raised in Wi, in a college town, so there was always a good blend of country and city. But I've been living in the south for 2 years now and the country is growing on me.
1.1k · Mar 2023
Cleaning the Wound PT. 1
Owen Mar 2023
And there it is again
that feeling, that inescapable, tormenting
The quiet is a knife and my limbs are like lead.
Rocks in my stomach as air leaks from my
and will not fill them.
I'm breathless and silent as the grave.
to be told that you made a mistake,
that it wasn't your fault
that it just happened
and you didn't want it to,
but you don't even want justice
for the things he did to you.
It tears me apart.
pain and hate
it's too late
to take back all the love, time, and life
that I poured and poured into us.
And you take his side
when I say how I feel.
You tell me
I'm overreacting


I am passionate
A man of action
I pay all my debts
and fulfill my promises.

And that's more than can be said
for you.
I have nightmares
1.1k · Dec 2020
Repair Man
Owen Dec 2020
One whiskey neat too far gone
Im not supposed to think,
just be strong.
I dont feel, right?
Dont hurt, or cry.
So its ok if you lie,
and ok if you've lied.
My old innocence,
so naive.
Memories pound
as I stare and freeze.
How many times
was I used
as an honest fool.
Never again
will I be a tool
for fixing broken hearts
Overthinking old friends intentions
926 · Jun 2021
Dry Heat
Owen Jun 2021
Seeing the desert
reminds me
of things I wish would die
like memories
of love lost,
of fake friends,
and lies.

And yet the desert calls me
it's beautiful geology.
The sandy, rocky, dry heat,
the tumble ****,
the cool nights,
the Vegas lights,
the histories,
it hides.
896 · Apr 2021
What Do You Do?
Owen Apr 2021
What do you do
when everything feels wrong,
when you can find no reason
to go on?
Everything is perspective and perception. A worthy reason to one is not that to some.
880 · Sep 2022
All of My Heart
Owen Sep 2022
All of my heart
will always be yours.
My body and soul
forever more.
And all that you are
is all that I want.
No matter where we go
we'll not be apart.
The love of my life
has always been you.
You opened my eyes to what
love is like when it's true.
You love me like no one
has ever before.
So all of my heart
will always be yours.
To one year happily married to my wonderful wife Allie.
876 · Mar 2023
Light after the Darkness
Owen Mar 2023
And yet,
even as the world burned,
the children died,
the fathers wept,
the mothers cried,
there was hope brought
by every sunrise.
In every breath drawn,
the courage to take another.
The will to fight on
though we all
are doomed.
865 · Jul 2021
Expertly Naive
Owen Jul 2021
In matters of love
I am expertly naive.
The scars on my arms,
my heart, and mind
covered and deep.
And I have learned my lessons,
learned to ask myself questions
with every move I make
every smile I fake.
Maybe I long for the heartache
of losing love.
The pain lets me know
I'm alive
though every breath I take
is shallow, and I
keep opening up
to let the knives
My intuition is always proved right, and the cycle of pain, numbing, and healing continues.
859 · Mar 2021
Silver Linings
Owen Mar 2021
And the shimmering silver threads
made webs,
strung between the pines that swayed
as the wind bent the grass,
sent the clouds sailing
through the sky.
The smoke and scent
of trees and sap alight
rose in the summer heat
to drift down at night,
leaving the heavens clear.
Stars appear
as grains of sand on the beach.
flickering, sparkling, falling.
Those nights
I wish I was next to you
to share this view
of the cosmos.
Two weeks in the field
805 · Mar 2022
Money Love
Owen Mar 2022
She's a ride or die
while her bills are paid by
the man she is with
she wants the grocery list
and the nights out, covered
by his monthly check
or better yet
she doesnt even know
how he manages to get by,
to provide
for her lifestyle.
Its been a while
since he did anything for himself
her happiness is the only issue
she'll take off the shelf
and if he isnt happy its his fault
just for trusting
in her presence,
her support,
her unconditional love of him
thats only there
when he can still give her something
and even if he can't
she'll take it
through the system.
When he's kicked out
she wont miss him
but his money,
its her security
and without it
he's worth nothing.
Seek equality
finishing drafts

finishing more drafts
797 · Feb 2021
On My Mind
Owen Feb 2021
Tonight, like every night,
and every day,
she is there
on my mind
all the time.
Her smile and her eyes
looking at me, and I
am the luckiest man
and I know that its true,
because my dreams of you
are inebriating, lucid, stirring,
She really gets me going :)
787 · Aug 2021
Lucky Us
Owen Aug 2021
We are the lucky ones.
We figured it out,
cracked the code.
Birds of a feather,
fated souls.
And I could drown
deep in those eyes.
This beautiful woman
makes me feel alive
makes me feel awake,
with a mind thats at peace,
with the world,
with this girl,
I am finally at ease.
And it makes no sense,
at least not to me,
what'd I do to deserve
to be so lucky.
778 · Jan 2021
Hazel Eyes
Owen Jan 2021
Hazel eyes
she has these hazel eyes.
They warm me skin to bone,
heart and soul.
They get me lost,
in leaves and sunbeams,
quiet morning coffees.
Steam rising
through the boughs.
Crunching snowy footsteps
in the forest.
And when her smile
reaches those heart melting
breathtaking eyes,
I let go of doubt,
and I surrender.
If I was a believer I'd say those eyes were heaven sent.
771 · Aug 2022
Slaughter House
Owen Aug 2022
It all repeats
The same pain
Cutting to the bone
Sinking hooks
The same people
Holding blades
Holding on while you fall
To your knees
Draining your blood
And drinking deeply
Till the next victim
Let's down their guard.
765 · Jun 2021
For Her
Owen Jun 2021
Im the farthest thing
from perfect
but she makes me
want to be.
For her.
744 · Aug 2022
Driver's Seat
Owen Aug 2022
He sits in his car and
listens to the rain.
He should be at work but
he's on the edge again.
He misses her so much.
Every second they're apart.
Not sure how it happened
but she takes up his whole heart.
His world has been breaking
cause she feels like dying.
His chest keeps on acheing.
In the driver's seat crying
It's all the time now.
And he just wishes
he could
stop the pain.
741 · Feb 2021
Owen Feb 2021
It seems inevitable
that I break my own heart again
and again.
Each time it comes
for long sad smiles,
and embaces
Yet time and the world
are the stronger
and we fall apart.
And every touch lingers
upon my skin in memory.
Leaving only ever gets harder,
and I yearn to be free.
739 · Dec 2020
Moonlight and Sand
Owen Dec 2020
You and me,
Tybee in the moonlight,
with blankets
on a windy Savannah night.
It's not a great beach,
but its a beach.
Sharing body heat.
Nowhere, but here.
No time, but now.
No one, but us.
on a quarter life crisis.
Jumping off the roof.
Soaking up lunar rays
on the way down.
Touching the tide,
covered in sand,
hand in hand.
I love it here.
733 · Sep 2022
Owen Sep 2022
And suddenly
you were a stranger again.
And the little things you did hurt.
And I was never ok with it.
And I'll say I'm fine
but at what price?
728 · Mar 2021
Nights Like These
Owen Mar 2021
I want to be alone
but the loneliness
strangles me.
Nights like this
I'm wasting away
eyes wide with anxiety.
I want to die in my sleep.
But tomorrow I'll wake
suffering will resume.
724 · Jun 2022
These Days Pt. 21
Owen Jun 2022
Sol beats down on my body
all day.
The wind howls,
the sweat drips,
the sand sticks
to everything
A dizzying clear sky
no clouds
no cover
no respite.
And on the inside
my mind is ablaze
punishing me
as the cogs and the gears grind and nash.
Thoughts that feel like
self immolation
cling to me.
There is no water that
can quench the flames.
The only way out is to suffocate.
**** the brain.
I wish I could shut it all out but...
722 · Jul 2021
Broken Thing
Owen Jul 2021
I'm in poor condition
a broken thing
and everyone tells everyone
to leave it alone.
So alone.
Even when the sun is shining,
the sky is clear, I'm next to you,
I am so alone.
It still rains in my eyes.
And I've just been fed lies
to keep my resources around
It's no surpise.
And I've come to expect
that everyone will tire of me
and move on to the next
more interesting and easy
Another man
another lender like me
who is happier or
more likely to supply
the love drug
everyone is on.
706 · Jul 2021
Going Home Pt.2
Owen Jul 2021
Im going home again
still confused as ever,
as to where my heart resides.
Im flying cross an ocean
to try and find
a normal life.
the word feels empty,
a lie.

I dont know where
I fit anymore.
I feel adrift,
a hollow core.
And nothing's real
and nothing's fine.
705 · Aug 2021
These Days Pt. 16
Owen Aug 2021
And I've been thinking
about how it used to be
the up and down
the mania
and depression
numbly crawling
through the days
numbly drinking
to drown the memories
and burying my instability
in the graveyard
never standing still
never enough,
undeserving of love.
704 · Sep 2021
Enough Pt.2
Owen Sep 2021
I'll never be him
I'm not sorry, I wont.
And I am the only one
whom I'll let make me feel
that I am not enough
And I am never
Owen Apr 2020
The love hate relationship with food,
is so strong. It consumes your life. It is on your mind every second of the day. It becomes your only reason for it all. The only source of contentment, but also the source of your fear, your self hatred, you want it so bad but you abstain because you're scared of the guilt and the consequences you will subject yourself too. To earn your right to feel happy. You impulsively exercise to extremes. And your peers will applaud your dying body.  You have to keep the routine because without it  you are terrified of the free time without focus, because the cycle of hunger and hate will set in. Society has convinced you you're not worthy of love unless you are a *******. If my peers knew the state of my mind they'd ridicule me for not being manly. There are moments, everyday, when you spectate a battle of reason and anxiety in your head.
And all the while you're on a timer. Counting down as your heart rate slows, organs strain and cease, friends drift away from your inability to pretend you're ok, and you are left alone and family beg for your sanity, because you inconvenience them. Everyday, ending it all seems the best solution, but you know better than most, how hard you are to ****. You're also a coward. If there is no intervention you will die, slowly, but assuredly you will. You have the final say.
I wrote this when I was 18 when I was having the good ol battle of reason with my self. I thank myself everyday for having finally won that battle to see the light in this world.
Owen Apr 2021
If you took a look
behind the smiles,
the smirks,
the laughter,
and blue eyes;
under the scars,
and ink,
I think
you'd look away.
668 · Oct 2022
These Days PT. 22
Owen Oct 2022
You and I found a place
where we hurt a little less
and the only tears on your face
come with a smile.
Where everything's still a mess
but some things are certain.

Cast me to the woods
Unbaptize me
Unbaptize me
Bury me
under leaves
in autumn,
set me ablaze.

I found heaven in your eyes.
Peace, pain, and no lies.
And I don't know
what I'd do
or where I'd go
If I lost you.
I'd lose me too.
666 · May 2022
Owen May 2022
All he needed
was safe harbor
a place that would always
be there
when he came back
no matter the storms
no matter how broken his ship,
how torn his sails,
it would be there.
Giving him the strength
and security
he needed
to be able to leave
Leaving is always hard. Change is even harder.
635 · Jun 2021
Anxiety Pt. 1
Owen Jun 2021
And I'm freaking out
in this moment,
in an overpopulated space.
My heart begins to race
and I go to a dark
secluded place
in my head,
and it scares me
that I default
to desires of being dead.
Cue the flashbacks
and the dread.
It sticks around,
hangs over me,
till some kind of violence
hangs me.
Running is the only way I know how to cope that works now.
631 · Mar 2021
Great Escape
Owen Mar 2021
The wanderlust
is a front
for my need
to always be running.
To hide from the demons
To escape the parts of me
I want dead.
621 · Jan 2021
Mr. Lonely
Owen Jan 2021
How bold of me
to keep thinking I'm fine
on my own.
To forget the heaviest clouds
are waiting to catch me alone
Their deluge
of insecurity,
numbing sobriety,
comes crashing down.
A reminder of countless
empty nights I survived.
Feeling a pulse to ground me.
And I remember
and I am not okay.
im not ok by myself anymore and i hate that
615 · May 2021
Owen May 2021
Tonight, I'm intoxicated
under oak trees,
and moon beams,
feeling things I've not felt
in too long.
I have been so
out of touch.
I've been too much
in my head,
wishing I were dead,
in agony instead.
And so,
I'm intoxicated.
Next page