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994 · Jan 2019
Loveless Jan 2019
Even the feel of summer failed to heat up my heart
Despair and sorrow waged war upon my innocence
Little by little, my abandoned soul tore itself apart
I guess all my heart wanted was to stay in your presence

Thoughts of yours which once used to make me smile
Memories of you became the cause of my sorrow
My heart broke every time I thought of you for a while
Because I knew you won't be there in my life tomorrow

I tried to lock up my tender feelings inside my heart
In a desperate attempt to stop endless stream of my tears
You say the vastness of oceans enough to keep us apart
But I guess, your love ceased to exist after all these years

It hurt, it pained like hell but with all my efforts, I tried
To cast away and relinquish the thoughts of you
Your voice echoed in my ears, my soul died, my heart cried
Because my dear lover, this time you didn't love me too...

It was September 2017 when I rhymed for one last time in my drafts.
I tried, I tried my hardest. But I just can't rhyme anymore...
986 · Dec 2015
Loveless Dec 2015
My friend,
Do you fly away now
To the world
That abhors you and I
All that awaits you
Is a somber morrow
No matter where
The winds may blow
My friend your desire
Is the bringer of life
The gift of the goddess
Even if the morrow
Is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall
My return
The fourth part of the poem LOVELESS

Each part have various interpretation
My interpretation
You will take flight
Even if the world hates us so
A painful tomorrow is all that waits for you
The twirling winds of fate will not stop their flow
981 · Jul 2016
Loveless Jul 2016
He was pushed
Into pit of hell
But he grew wings
And flew to heaven
Just a lil story in four lines
956 · Apr 2016
Angel - act III
Loveless Apr 2016
Order and chaos
Reborn on our world
They fight, they merge
On the first day of a new world
By the creatures of shadow
Dark sun,the destruction
The star possesor
Shall choose their way
Fourth part of poem angel
A poem with various interpretations.
Though I'm writing it as a story but still it have many meanings and it means what you understand out of it.

Other parts coming soon...
927 · Dec 2016
Loveless Dec 2016
The only ones who can adore love the most are the ones who have been loveless their entire life.
A thought
Loveless May 2016
Cruel was the fate
They gave me their hate
Any longer, I couldn't hold on
All the chains were withdrawn
So much hate, my heart choke
Inside me you arose, awoke
You took over my soul
My body under your control
You burnt me in your flame
I couldn't stay the same
My eyes wept blazing fire
Wrong choices of mine you admire
Serenity hid because of fear
I may hurt the ones that are my dear
Rage rage go far, only words I could say
Never come back any other day
You were powerful and so strong
I could have done something wrong
The symphony of destruction, the devil sent
I know this moment I'll repent
Over you, I feel so weak and powerless
So out of mind and senseless
My ruth fell on that day
I didn't heard the pleas they say
I could see, with fear they shiver
Hailing the devil, the pain giver
Forgiveness and mercy are lost
Took the revenge at my serenity's cost
What had you made me do
You were that dark, I never knew
Now you disappeared, inside me you are gone
I wish next time I'll hold on
The bloodshed remained in the barren battlefield
The time flew past, the past is sealed
And I'm here repenting, lost in grief
Crying a sorrowful momentarily relief
Just wanted to rhyme again.

Sometimes lose my control over me and rage takes over because of my step family and its them who is wrong always when my anger takes over.
And this is all I feel about it. The three phases, Changing into someone out of control, they trying to run and hide from me and then I realizing my way was wrong.

I hope I could hold on next time
Loveless Nov 2015
The broken hearted
Madness in the brain
Longing to fly again

The wings are soft
Eyes are blurred
A small lost bird

The middle of sea
Want to reach the shore
To end the war

The flapping wings
Just want to fly
All they see is the mighty blue sky

Everywhere is blue
Smile lost its way
For a better future, waylay today

This side stands life
See her dance, hear her sing
Happiness she shall bring

On the other side is death
Standing still
Everyone good will he wants to ****

Which side to go
He have to choose
He have the wisdom by his wit to loose
Story of a lost dove in the middle of oceans

Peace is lost, terror is reincarnated
859 · Jan 2017
Loveless Jan 2017
The stone envied her
Because she feel
She envied the stone
Because it didn't
858 · Dec 2015
Loveless Dec 2015
There is no hate only joy
For you are beloved
By the goddess
Hero of the dawn
Healer of worlds
Dreams of morrow
Hath the shattered soul
Pride is lost
Wings stripped away
The end is nigh
Third part of the poem Loveless

Each part have various interpretations
My interpretation

There is no hate only joy because
Generously you are blessed
With the love of the Goddess
You are the hero of light
Healer of rifts in world
My wish for tomorrow
Shall shatter my soul
For the price of my pride
Wings are torn apart
Flight is no more
And so our end is near
845 · Jan 2017
Loveless Jan 2017
We're born free, all of us
Some don't believe it
Some try to take it away
To hell with them
Mountains of fire
Water like ice
Lay your eyes on them
And you'll know what freedom is
It's worth fighting for
Fight to live
Risk it all for even a glimmer of real freedom
It doesn't matters what waits outside the gate
Or what comes in
It doesn't matter how cruel the world can be
Or how adjust
An inspirational speech I heard in an anime.
837 · Jul 2017
Loveless Jul 2017
Everytime I break,
I feel more broken than ever before...
I guess
I can collect myself
And try to keep my parts together
But those parts will never be one again
They can only break further
And further
To ashes...
835 · Jul 2017
Loveless Jul 2017
Despair, wrath, agony
And endless cries
The sadistic night
Lightened by fireflies

A cruel world
No one's gonna care
If one of the stars
Ceases to be there
784 · Apr 2016
Angel - act IV
Loveless Apr 2016
There is no hope, only despair
Revived by the star
The dark sun shines on the lands
And brings destruction of the world
The warriors , the guardians, the healers
Conspire for the morrow
Fifth part of poem angel
A poem with various interpretations.
Though I'm writing it as a story but still it have many meanings and it means what you understand out of it.

Other parts coming soon...
782 · Apr 2016
The angel - epilogue
Loveless Apr 2016
The angel
Sacrifice life to Gaia
To stop the death of humanity
Disintegrated along with his star
His shining particles light up the future
A new world shall rise
But beware my friends
Darkness shall be reborn again
In another form
And so shall the angel
Last part of poem angel
A poem with various interpretations.
Though I've wrote it as a story but still it have many meanings and it means what you understand out of it.
776 · Dec 2016
Angels didn't know
Loveless Dec 2016
Born on earth
Wings they grow
Once were humans
Angels didn't know
772 · Jul 2017
Loveless Jul 2017
I'll be waiting for you
In the times when I'll just lay around
Doing nothing but gazing upon the inanimate wall
Even when I'll graduate and will look around
In search of a job perhaps
When I'll turn thirty
And my life will become
A world without colors
Dull and boring, like it always have been
At those times when I'll have white or grey hair
My skin will be all wrinkly
Perhaps my mind will question me
How long am I gonna wait
And I'll be speechless
Even when I'll be at doors of death
I'll be waiting for you till my last breath...
Perhaps you still won't be there
But I still won't stop
You know, right?
I'm crazy!
I'll start over in my next life
I'll repeat this cycle
Over and over
As many times as it takes
To be with you
758 · Apr 2016
Angel - act V
Loveless Apr 2016
The stars fragments
Lose their shine to the black sun
Last possessor of star fragment
The angel
Burns with the blazing spirit
Rewrites the will of heavens
His shine blinds the darkness
Dark sun befall
Sixth part of poem angel
A poem with various interpretations.
Though I'm writing it as a story but still it have many meanings and it means what you understand out of it.

Other parts coming soon...
719 · Mar 2017
Loveless Mar 2017
Silent in shadows
Drowned in grief
Joy of mourning
My heartfelt relief
698 · Jul 2017
Loveless Jul 2017
The world we live in
is cursed
  along with everyone in it
a world where monster
do exist but
  heroes don't
a world where
hopes exist
  but happiness doesn't.
Even if everyone
feel this sadness
  they, yet desire
for happiness and oblivion
I can see this curse
   and that's why
I've given up on such dreams
I know the difference
between wishful thinking
  and reality
To be able to see this curse
  I guess
   the most cursed of them all...
     is me...
Just a warning
655 · Jun 2017
That's how I feel...
Loveless Jun 2017
Sometimes it feels like a huge hole
Right in the center of my being
Widening at every instance
The other times, it feels like
Like I'm breaking apart
Crumbling down like a castle of cards
When I look at myself in the mirror
And look at my eyes,
They seem as dead as they can be
It feels so horrible
Like some sort of demon
Or perhaps a beast
Tearing my heart bit by bit
With its claws piercing my flesh
Making me suffer
This invisible pain without any reason
I want to scream in agony
And despair
I want to shriek as loud as I can
But I just sit silently
Drowned in madness
That's how I feel
652 · Apr 2017
One Day
Loveless Apr 2017
I just hope that one day, you'll unite with the one you love...
593 · Jun 2017
Loveless Jun 2017
A nice and good me
Is all I let you see
But do you know
There's a monster in me
I like this word for some unknown reason
558 · May 2020
Loveless May 2020
"Once this fire of love used to keep me warm... Now it's dying embers set ablaze everything they touch.. Stay away, Violet. Or they will burn you too..."

"If that's true, Summer, then let me be embraced by the flames..."
Scribbles that never become a story. I write such things as a means of self-help now.
I name my characters on things close to me. Violet is my favourite colour. Summer is my last rhyme.

— The End —