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May 2020 · 288
No Control
was the charcoal cloud
that draped over me
weighing me down
like a wet packing blanket
until I could no longer take another step
dropping to my knees
only to stare at my hands
pressed against the concrete floor
as the cold hard rain
pounded relentlessly over and over
reminding me to stay down
with no sign of hope
punishing myself
A constant suffering
because I had no control of my mind
and I’ll never know why
Apr 2020 · 284
The somber night
left a subtle breath of tranquility
after the sunrise brought a long day
of discomfort and turmoil
a hopelessness overturned
by the nights crisp air
reassuring our heavy heads
as they touched our pillows
before slumber
Mar 2020 · 303
And for a little while
after I’m gone
they will tell stories about me
some true
some false
good memories
bad memories
but only for a little while
because after awhile
I am no longer making new memories
only old memories linger
like all old memories
they fade and eventually are forgotten
so in the end
I am just a forgotten memory
that once may or may not existed
Mar 2020 · 276
And they
danced and sang in jubilation
although all was not well
they were grateful for every morning
their eyes were greeted by the sun
and that alone was reason enough
for celebration
Mar 2020 · 244
Her eyes eyes
saw me see
what was inside of me
nothing good
nothing bad
just simply that I was sad
what to do
what to say
living life every day
knowing what’s inside of me
on the outside full of glee
her eyes eyes
saw me see
a little part of her
inside of me
Mar 2020 · 292
was a novel
waiting to be written
a love story for the ages
my only wish
was to be a part of her narrative
Mar 2020 · 341
If you continue
running from the world
eventually the world forgets you
then you have nothing to run from
but  yourself
Feb 2020 · 402
Cheap printed sheets
On an old lumpy mattress
blankets piled up at the feet
At the head
Flattened pillows stained yellow
We were becoming bedfellows
Throwing her shoes on the floor
She wasn’t there for the decor
Just cheap thrills
Looking for someone to fulfill
Moaning and gasping my name
Anything to forget her pain
Even for a little while
I definitely cracked a smile
And maybe for a moment I felt special
An old  man claiming his vessel
She was a hot piece of *** on fire
I had no intention of getting tired
screaming like a banshee in the night
Validating my manhood felt so right
Afterwards she said
“ I have to go home “
I replied “Baby don’t leave me alone “
she said
“My husband needs to know”
Her heart was full of cold
Right there I knew she was a menace
But somedays
I wasn’t sure who was suppose to be jealous
Feb 2020 · 182
was the gift
we all wanted
but were too scared to accept
Feb 2020 · 200
Her Voice
stared endlessly
at her voluptuous lips
her voice
like a smooth jazz
on a rainy day
caressing  my ears
while the raindrops
pelted the window panes
eagerly wanting to taste
the sounds leaving her mouth
Feb 2020 · 239
remember a time
when an imaginary friend
was real
and portable phones were
make believe
Jan 2020 · 192
moved place to place
in search of a new face
every where she went
new relationships
only to be left behind
every time she lost her mind
new place
new face
until she found the one
who played the game
and finally won
Jan 2020 · 156
The Seasons
Some memories
were like winter chills
while others were summer breezes
time wasted for many reasons
for all relationships go
through all the seasons
Dec 2019 · 170
Her tongue
spoke words of pain
of a love taken in vain
by a man who drove her insane
leaving her to blame
hoping he suffers the same
intolerable shame
Oct 2019 · 324
The Bridge
was the bridge
that connected our bodies
So our souls can cross
back and forth
Sep 2019 · 230
Special Power
Her special power
was neglect
and I felt it immensely
a feeling I knew all to well
but could never get use to
Sep 2019 · 316
Some Days
Some days
I feel neglected
some days
I feel loved
some days
I feel everything
some days
none of the above
some days
I need attention
Some days
I just need a hug
but most days all I need
is my own love
Jun 2019 · 218
Perfect Pair
She was my beauty
I was her beast
every night together
was a feast
spread her legs
kissed her there
she even loved
how I pulled her hair
ravaged her body
she loved to stare
behind closed doors
we’re the perfect pair
Jun 2019 · 231
Thy Tears
Oh that smile
how it sent shivers
down my spine
silencing all noise around me
yet creating a chaos inside me
an uncontrollable urge
to kiss thee
and shed thy tears profusely
Jun 2019 · 253
expect me to remember you tomorrow
when you forgot about me today
Jun 2019 · 637
any man and he’ll agree
women are the most beautiful creatures you’ll ever see
Jun 2019 · 356
Her wicked tongue
caressed my ears
with promises of ****** grandeur
all I wanted was to be held
until I slumbered
Jun 2019 · 405
The sun
shined brightly upon my face
yet I was still in darkness
trapped in between
the walls of my mind
in utter sadness
a love once full of brightness
never to be heard again
left in a life full of madness
Jun 2019 · 364
Stop making excuses
why we can’t be together
and accept all the reasons
why were meant for each other
Jun 2019 · 338
Once again
life has burdened me
with the reality
that not all is simple and sweet
but cruel and full of deceit
simply explained
that all love
is balanced with pain
Jun 2019 · 280
who don’t get it
are those who don’t care
Jun 2019 · 238
who shunned us
when we were in need
will always search for us
that is indeed
Jun 2019 · 218
Warm Space
found a warm space
in my heart and mind
where she will be safe and loved
until the end of time
Jun 2019 · 296
was in utter loneliness
trapped in between
the walls of my mind  
forced to create a universe
that only I found divine
on the outside
I was just a face with a smile
all along on the inside
her and I were floating
down the Nile
May 2019 · 489
A Haunting
The tears
trickled down my cheeks
like the rain on window panes
once again I was left alone
to suffer in vain
with the memories of a love
that will forever remain
a haunting that will eventually
drive me insane
May 2019 · 225
I knew
love would **** me
a death I openly accepted
what better way to die
than being madly in love
and feeling alive
#love #relationships #alive
May 2019 · 283
was in complete darkness
an emptiness never felt before
then I awoke
without a single memory of the dark
an eerie feeling of death lingering
down to the marrow of my bones
a darkness I fear one day will return
Cardiac arrest survivor
May 2019 · 1.2k
A Taste
dripped across my lips
leaving a taste of lust and sin
a hunger I couldn’t control
wanting to devour her from
May 2019 · 528
was a goddess
her touch
softened my heart with emotion  
I dropped to my knees
offering her my full devotion
Apr 2019 · 654
Dance Of Love
Our tongues
frolicking in the slippery depths
that can only be described as
a lingual dance of love
Apr 2019 · 2.2k
Couldn’t Deny
She had a smile
that drove me wild
I smiled and giggled
like a child
a beauty I couldn’t deny
every time she caught my eye
Apr 2019 · 434
Summer Dates
Spring rain
had a subtle hint
of new love blossoming
a prequel to summer dates
at the beach
Mar 2019 · 417
All That Remains
I loved her in a way
that couldn’t be explained
an obsession that drove me insane
a love as beautiful as the rain
fotos and memories is all that remains
Feb 2019 · 331
the price of fame
is not worth your sanity
getting lost in the game
fighting the battle
between you and your brain
left there to die
losing your soul in vain
Feb 2019 · 418
By My Side
I decided
I’m not going to lose weight
because my love handles have been
by my side through thick and thin
a love like no other
better than my double chin
Feb 2019 · 592
people are as false
as my teeth
Feb 2019 · 391
was a star
that once was
the center of my universe
now fading in the distance
Feb 2019 · 360
frolicking wildly
clinging to buildings
and streets
a melancholy beauty
to be admired through
Feb 2019 · 912
begins in the mind
and finishes
when she does
Feb 2019 · 231
I am
a hopeless romantic
always looking for a sign
a love like no other
simply divine
Feb 2019 · 16.7k
tells me that I’m alive
Sunset reminds me
that I lived
Feb 2019 · 206
has no understanding  
why it hurts
it only knows to accompany love
wherever it goes
Feb 2019 · 257
She tickled
my curiosity
just enough
to keep me
with the simplest
gestures of kindness
Feb 2019 · 318
Some stories
never end
they just continue on
long after
you are gone
every time
they mention your name
the angels sing a song
Feb 2019 · 601
between two people
should be effortless
a series of seamless emotions
intertwined within each other
creating a moment unaffected
by time
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