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May 2014 · 17.9k
Hand in Hand
y i k e s May 2014

we will

join hand in hand

when the time is

May 2014 · 632
Good Things
y i k e s May 2014
a hot cup of coffee
late night snuggling
freshly cooked pasta
warm bread sticks
snowflakes falling onto your tongue
fresh breaths showing in the bitter air
footprints in snow
brand new hoodies
and the best thing,

y i k e s May 2014
here i am

writing another poem about

such an immature event that took place today.

here i am

writing another poem about you

just because you took time out of your day

to sing to me about ****.
he really did sing to me about ****.
May 2014 · 470
All Aboard
y i k e s May 2014
your thoughts are a rain shower
your mind is a tornado
your actions are like a hurricane

you're implacable
and i'm an inexperienced conductor
May 2014 · 269
Tucked Away for Better Days
y i k e s May 2014
deep down lies

everything i tried to hide.

buried away,

tucked away for another day

to be put on display

for such a dismal array
May 2014 · 4.0k
Thank You for the Laughter
y i k e s May 2014
"please swipe your extra care card"


we all laughed

"help is on the way"


we all laughed

"please stand by, assistance is coming"


we all laughed

and all I'd like to say is,

thank you for the laughter.
May 2014 · 655
y i k e s May 2014
       what a lovely day
                    to float  away from here
May 2014 · 2.2k
In Summer and Winter
y i k e s May 2014
just another poem
describing my low mood
with an irreverent metaphor
comparing my low mood to
the drastic change of temperature
in summer and winter
May 2014 · 1.9k
y i k e s May 2014

a flower that just bloomed
so beautifully divine
and gracefully eloquent

the model of beauty and grace
and the paragon of righteousness

and i'm so lucky
to be raised by someone who knows
first hand about how unfair and unjust the world is
but still has positive hopes from everyone

happy mother's day, mother.
May 2014 · 8.9k
Hamster Wheel
y i k e s May 2014
your mind is a hamster on the wheel

running, running, running
spinning, spinning, spinning

never knowing

when to stop
May 2014 · 792
y i k e s May 2014
next time

the waves come to shore,

i'll let them crash over me,

and bring me to shore

because just like a message in a bottle,

my body holds calls for help
May 2014 · 179
y i k e s May 2014



May 2014 · 3.0k
Far, Far Away.
y i k e s May 2014
far, far, far away
lies a house
with a fireplace
and an old rickety rocking chair

even farther away
lies a mountain
and behind that mountain is a box
with a lock on it

in that box
lies a small, battered bag
and in that bag
is every piece of joy
which you stole from me.
y i k e s May 2014
the crowd needs another beer

              the ball smacked off the bat

                          the eyes are glued on those baseball boys

                                    strike one
                                    strike two
                                    foul ball
                   ­                 strike three
                                    everyone is filled with glee

                    ­                         Except for the opposing team
*i fixed my dumb typo*
May 2014 · 22.3k
Symptoms of a Crush
y i k e s May 2014
butterflies and jitters
stutters and whispers

shaking and sweating
hesitating and forgetting
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
Such an Innocent Soul.
y i k e s Apr 2014
king of the streets
dictator in the sheets
ruler of the weak
destroyer of the meek
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs.
y i k e s Apr 2014
What if

that tiny bug you just killed,

which in no way was harming you,

just wanted to make sure

you were okay?
I actually can't stand bugs
Apr 2014 · 391
Discovery (10w)
y i k e s Apr 2014
and the young child

found out

the world wasn't desired
Apr 2014 · 474
Come Sit Down, Dear.
y i k e s Apr 2014
Come sit down with me, dear.
Would you like a glass of tea, or are you more of a coffee person?

Come sit down with me, dear.
Allow me to wrap a warm blanket around you so you can be warm and cozy, in my arms.

Come sit down with me, dear.
Tell me about those things that keep you awake at night.
Those things that haunt your dreams
those things that remains you everyday you're less and less who you want to be.

Come sit down with me, dear.
Shall we share a bite?
Maybe your favorite food.
Or something new
Shall that tickle your fancy?

Come sit down with me, dear.
In that big chair.
There in the corner
with the red velvet arm rests
in the dimly lit room
that is so opulent.

Come sit down with me, dear.
So I can let you know
that everything
and I mean everything
will be *alright
the things you come up with when eating spaghetti
Apr 2014 · 507
y i k e s Apr 2014
your eyes

so filled with lies

often gives me hives
i tried to make a good rhyme..
Apr 2014 · 11.9k
y i k e s Apr 2014
you're the worst kind of drug

and i want to you in every way possible

smoke, inhale, snort, injection

and i want to get

Apr 2014 · 1.3k
y i k e s Apr 2014
Children are gifted with candy from a strange bunny
though they are told not to accept candy from strangers.

Parents hide eggs along their yard for their kids to find
and the kids run along outside, digging, racing.

Food is cooked for a family meal
in honor of a all-knowing being
that's believed to be real.

It's Easter, dear.
Happy Easter!
and if you don't celebrate it, Happy Sunday!
Apr 2014 · 1.7k
Such an Odd Little Soul
y i k e s Apr 2014
you're such an odd character

        a sixth toe
        the one piece of untrimmed hair
        the fan of a fad that has long ended
        the one question you got wrong on a test
        the single cloud in an almost sunny sky  

why won't you go away?
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
y i k e s Apr 2014
being with you
makes me feel like a flower
that just bloomed
thanks for spending friday night with me.
Apr 2014 · 9.8k
Paint Brush
y i k e s Apr 2014
now that you own a paint brush,

i no longer have to paint a smile on my face
Apr 2014 · 293
Fallin' (10w)
y i k e s Apr 2014
i can't help it-

i'm falling in love

with you
Apr 2014 · 560
Rear View Mirror
y i k e s Apr 2014
through the rear view mirror
i see your smiling face
bright and beautiful

through the rear view mirror
i watch as you keep a close eye on the cars ahead
do you not trust me? am i not a good driver?

through the rear view mirror
i watch as your eyes grow hazy
full of fear
am i driving too fast?
i'll show you, i'm a great driver.

through the rear view mirror
i watch as you jolt forward,
jumping, trying to rip the stirring wheel out of my hands.
no, i have this.
why can't you trust me?
through the rear view mirror
i see your lifeless body
now laying down

through the rear view mirror
i mumbled a, 'sorry'
i'm not a very good driver.
Apr 2014 · 138
y i k e s Apr 2014
thoughts: gone
mind: blank
feet: pain
hands: shaking

you: here
i have no idea
Apr 2014 · 894
Award Winning Idea..
y i k e s Apr 2014
i very much enjoy the idea of us being one
it seems to make a lot of sense
as does the idea of you not being such a hardheaded *****

i very much like the idea of you talking to me
we could come up with quite the conversation topic
it could stir up a *** of friendship!
yes, *** the silverware, not the plant

don't you see,
what could be
if it became we
this was written as a joke btw.

i hate this idiot.
Apr 2014 · 26.0k
Sorry Eyes
y i k e s Apr 2014
I love

that look

in your


right before

you say

Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Summertime Blues
y i k e s Apr 2014
summer is fast approaching

here comes the shorten shorts
the chopped up jeans
and the showy shirts with the split sides

summer is fast approaching

the beach parties are on
and the flip flops are out
the kegs are filled up, ready for action

summer is fast approaching

beach ***** are blown up
bathing suits are selling out
cars are filled with gas, ready to go

summer is fast approaching

i'm inside
fully clothed
awaiting for winter to come
i'm not much of a fan of summer
Apr 2014 · 223
Wild Things.
y i k e s Apr 2014
do you know where the wild things go?

they hide inside

playing with fire

ensuring that every mistake they make



                  ­            mark.
yay for being half asleep
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
Spring (10w)
y i k e s Apr 2014
time to peal off the skin of sadness,

it's spring
Apr 2014 · 277
'we were fated to pretend'
y i k e s Apr 2014
even with the music blaring

all i think of is you
you ruined mgmt for me

ha wow i forgot is

i hate myself

yeah i fixed it
y i k e s Apr 2014
i want nothing more than

for your soft hands to cup my face ever so gently

and for

your lips to touch my lips

in this overly extravagant fashion where

butterflies fly out my stomach

and flowers bloom around us

because i want to bring new beginnings to life

and i want you.
this was inspired from a tumblr post
Apr 2014 · 314
And on this very day
y i k e s Apr 2014
the sun shined just right at the right spot
the clouds were in the right place
the right things were said
the right actions were made

and everything went *well
i had an amazing day and i'm really happy

**i fixed my typo**
Apr 2014 · 521
Fact (10w)
y i k e s Apr 2014
all i'm sure of is that


inspired by i wanna get better by bleachers

link here:
Apr 2014 · 5.7k
Nine Lap Jog (10w)
y i k e s Apr 2014
i very much enjoyed

jogging around the grass

with you
Though we barely talked...

Apr 2014 · 2.3k
y i k e s Apr 2014
Oh look, a beautiful butterfly is soaring in the air

fluttering ever so gracefully in the beautiful, warm, spring air

flying through the air in such an elegant, sunshine filled sky which is recovering from the harsh winters

so astonishingly beautiful...

until the butterfly got caught in the trap of a beautifully made spiderweb

twirled and twirled, it's crushed

and eaten.
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Smokey Thoughts
y i k e s Apr 2014
when rain showers turn into sunshine
when your eyes turn puffy after crying
when dust flies from under your car when you're speeding away
when you spend your last cent of hard earned cash on a few pain killers
when your feet hurt from walking

i want you to know that
you're still
the last thing on my mind.
Apr 2014 · 7.0k
y i k e s Apr 2014
and i'll love you from afar


getting too close is

far too

Apr 2014 · 229
y i k e s Apr 2014
let's be real for a second,

you're nothing but a passing phase.
now let's just hope i grow out of it.
Apr 2014 · 376
The Ending (25w)
y i k e s Apr 2014
and just like a house loosing power during a vicious storm,

there's a scream out of sheer terror

and everything is dark

and quiet

is 25w's a thing?
And idk, I thought it was a cool idea to compare death to a house loosing power since everything is suddenly dark.
it's probably dumb, oh well.
Apr 2014 · 467
Tantamount (10w)
y i k e s Apr 2014
Your mind is almost as beautiful as your gorgeous face
Apr 2014 · 552
Weather Controller (10w)
y i k e s Apr 2014
without trying,

you make

rainy days

turn into

sunny days
Apr 2014 · 11.8k
Early Sunday Morning
y i k e s Apr 2014
early sunday morning
when the air is brisk cold
when i refuse to get up,
because my bed is warmer than the house

early sunday morning
when the house is empty
because my parents have plans
that don't involve me

early sunday morning
when everything is silent
not even the footsteps of the dogs
or a peep from the bird

early sunday morning
when i refuse to get out of bed
is when i come to realize
everything is suddenly dead.
dead is in figuratively

my family members are not dead, nor is my block
Apr 2014 · 791
Balloon Feelings.
y i k e s Apr 2014
i love how you can make me feel high
like a child's balloon, which floated out of her hand
and into the air, soaring
                                                          and higher

                                                         ­           and even higher

until it reaches a simple tree branch and


and then the balloon begins to tumble down
onto a innocent driver who's on their way to work
who's windshield the now deflated balloon lands on
when they swerve to not crash into the ongoing traffic ahead of them
now that an object is blocking their view
and they drive straight into a tree,
and their head bangs off the the car's dashboard
since a worker who inspected the car's model
did not realize that the airbags did not deploy
and they are dead,
all because of a balloon
which a careless child let slip out of their hand.
i love how you can make me feel dead, and alive
at the same
Apr 2014 · 310
y i k e s Apr 2014
Holes are deep,
holes are dark

Wouldn't it be fun to dig a hole?

Dig it deep,
dig it fast

Wouldn't it be fun it dig a hole?

Jump inside,
toss the dirt back inside

Wouldn't it be fun to dig a hole?

Stay inside,
for an eternity

Wouldn't it be fun to stay in a hole?
Apr 2014 · 7.2k
Look Forward (10w)
y i k e s Apr 2014
Don't just stand there

and adjust your bowtie

                                     **ACKNOWLEDGE ME
So, Junior Prom was pretty fun
Apr 2014 · 18.4k
y i k e s Apr 2014
Faces painted with colors that make girl's skin pop out.
Eyes large and done up with circles around them
Coverup hiding the blemishes that grew out of stress and fear
Legs shaved and exposed under the beautiful gowns

Smiles grow on their faces when they see their date; dashing in suits and winsome smiles.
Small flower pins added to their beautiful dresses

The night is ready.

Legs spin around and around as they twirl, smiles in motions and hearts race.
Sweat lingers down their faces as their laughs grow more.

The night is ablaze.
Everyone is smiling.

But only one question lingers,
*"May I have this dance?"
my junior prom is tomorrow, wow.
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