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Morgan lily yu Jul 2013
It means seize the day;
Try and enjoy life
The sky’s not that grey.

Easy for them to say
They have Don’t have it bad
They don’t know how you feel
And it drive you mad

They can seize the day
If they ****** want it
But in this day and age
The day ain’t worth my spit

Your life maybe be hell
And it turns you insane
A phrase for the mundane

So why should I Carpediem
Should I conform and live life for them
I take my dignity
That’s my Carpediem

and to a cat the meaning of
carpediem is to be more dog
Moomin May 2020
A delicate crimson rose endures
The snow and winds of winter's grasp
And closes up and wilts a while
Until Summer sun it finds at last

In this world of unrighteousness
Where brutes and ogres' egos roam
And selfishness abounds like weeds
She exists in shattered form

With silent seething disilusion
And saddened, unrequited love
Maddened by the unjust acts
of those who advertized their “love”

A vain and self-indulgent god
Did sieze himself her mind and oath
Presiding as the demons do
In hidden acts pronounced as gross  

Enduring the madness of matriarchs
And the hostility of tribal gang
Where smiles of familial welcoming
Turned into savage, jealous fangs  

Yet though the bitterness seeps through
And anger permeates her skin
Sweet dignity she still retains
And devotion stll resides within

Her adornment incorruptible
Her spirit mild and resolute
Did not return evil for evil
But stood and conquered it with good

Happy is she who has endured
And in mild subjection did remain
Showing honour to a painful degree
To bring honour to Jehovah's name

And though she stumbled in despair
Yet withstood for righteous sake
Her loyalty, the beast could not sever
Nor divine concsience could he break

For like the rose at winter's end
That bears a striking sharpened thorn
Her petals still are soft and pure
And her soul with beauty still adorned

For the righteous one who sees all things
And whose love she yet retains
Will never for eternity forget
The love she showed for his great name

And should she reach out and beseech
And trust his salvation once again
She would know with certainty
He has never let go her hand

(For my precious daughter, Cheryl, who has been to hell and back)
would I,
like to know
what, the world is thinking?
every individuals
original thought,
every hippies
high aspiration
and every radicals rebellious rave?
why yes,
yes i would.
beyond ALL practical desires.

would i, also like to know
how it is you mend a heart
that bleeds NOT body
but soul?
to sieze ones rustling memories
and understand the pain, accepting
and still stay sane?
why yes,
yes i most certainly would.
MY mind
it still does ponder.

you COULD know
the blue prints,
in which you were to follow,
would you fight
to stay on track?
rising up to every challenge
that falls along the way?
would you choose
another path?
find peace, without predictions,
far of the beaten path
carve the wood, another way?

would like the knowledge
of one too many things.
STRIPPING life of all its wonders,
and THAT
my friend
is what MAKES me human.
Kim Yu Jun 2015
I'm young and wild,
Adrenaline rushes through my vains
I have a roar that rattles a child,
That burns like eternal flames.
I vitiate a jungle with my rampant fever,
Rotate the world, the wrath of my paws,
My tyranny drowns all that preys the river,
My ambitions defy nature's doltish laws
My soul craves a sense of power
To roam freely whenever, wherever,
Let me sieze and live in this hour
Because no one is meant to live forever.
"You are the painter of your own mood and your days are only as grey as you allow them to be."
Would it matter if the solid was ethereal?
Would it be real if eyes couldn't see?
Would it make sense if systems of knowledge didn't exist?
Would words have meaning if there was no language?
Would there be telepathy if silence was all there was?
Would there be colour if there was no light?
Would there be waves if there was no sound?
Would there be electricity if there wasn't magnetism?
Would the sky fall if you walked on your head?
Would you scale the underground bases if your feet could think?
Would worlds be dreamed by higher powers if thought wasn't?
Would reason breed perception if the beam of knowledge was narrow?
Would you understand if there was no essence?
Would you be if you weren't passed from a tether?
As you learn about the degrees of light, the frequencies, and leagues of the seas, the moment you sieze, time is lost and you are at a point of entirety

As you concoct the architecture and manipulation of all that is; you learn about the ladder, the prism of cycles, you learn about the source of all creation. You learn that you are connected to the essence of creation, you embody the tether, you connect as you climb up and down on the wisdom ladder.
Rickie Louis Jun 2011
We have our allotment,
our bit and our share,
an instant, a moment,
it can seem so unfair.

I'm running and chasing,
I'm trying to subdue,
theres no way to stop it,
it can quickly allude.

It's often just wasted,
or squandered away,
and feel so eternal,
like a long lonely day.

The cost,
you can't buy it,
and it's easily misused,
It's treasured and priceless,
and can never be reused.

No matter,
how badly,
you try and hold on,
you can't even touch it,
then it's suddenly gone.

So just make the best,
and do what you can,
sieze every small moment,
in this very small span.
Eleete j Muir Jul 2012
There are none so blind as those who will not see
A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country,
Let the cobbler stick to his last; the nearer the church
The further from God; speak the truth and shame the devil
Every bullet has a billet, curses like chickens come home to roost
Comparisons are odious we are light years of discretion away
A little tin god enough to make angels weep
Sitting on thorns telling **** and bull stories,
I'll sieze the nettle and foul my own nest
Straight from the shoulder the sinews of war
To smite hip and thigh cut to the bone playing
Merry with lotus-eaters an elephant never forgets
Pull devil, pull baker man proposes but God disposes
Theres nothing new under the sun
Pitchers have big ears and pride goes before the fall
Even a worm will turn as fine words
Butter no parsnips, still waters run deep
Physician, Heal thyself.

Oh midnight muse of mine,
The clock ticks by, yet, seems frozen in time
Your gentle breath whispering thoughts of grand design
Pulsating softly, smoothly, and sanctuously in rhyme
"I think you can, I know you can, feel yourself shine
I think you can, I know you can, allow your dreams to align."

Just as the day's about to break my spiritual back
And I lay down to obsess about all that I lack,
We deeply connect through channels unknown
My inner self ignites, burning deep down to the bone
I feel a warmth entangle every inner part of me,
Those that said there is nothing I can have, do or be,
And when it grabs hold of these negativities,
They sieze and melt instantaneously.

What a wonder it is to watch your flame burn
Who knew, that by watching, I, too, would yearn
To fervently learn. A hunger for more begins to stir
Driving me, forcing me, inspiring these words.

Oh midnight muse of mine,
you release me from this box we call time
and, in this eternal and bliss-filled stasis,
Creativity, gratitude, and love are my basis
What a foundation to build upon, so strong and so true
On which I will build a bridge beaming towards you.

Though my eye lids flutter with ever increasing weight
I am gently pulled forward by the energy you eminate
Into a world where I am absolutely free
No shackles or lack pulls or binds this new me

Goodnight, midnight muse of mine
Shall we meet again?  Same place?  Same time?
I need not hear an answer for I feel it so loud
I will join you now behind this familiar dark shroud

My gentle breath whispering thoughts of grand design
Pulsating softly, smoothly, and sanctuously in rhyme
"I think I can, I know I can, feel myself shine
I think I can, I know I can, thanks to you, midnight muse of mine."

- BPW  12/24/2013
Marco Jimenez Mar 2010
those we've loved
those we've lost
those we've hurt
the lives we've cost

we've never actually taken the time to think about these things
the good people
the bad people
everything real

there is a saying that states 'in a mans imagination is where he can truly be free, thus is now, and thus will always be'
but that doesn't change the real things in life
it doesn't change what we see
it doesn't change the reality
it doesn't bring out more light
it does't bring anything to right

but the power rests within our hands
to act on what we feel
to change the stars
and make our dreams become real
so that we may expand our thoughts
expand our lives
and remember those we've lost
remember their lives
and so they had not died in vain
use their power
use their will
use their pain
and give the world something to gain
give it heart
give it strength
give it purity
give it a life of greater length

pay tribute to the dead
remember who changed our lives
remember who we loved
remember who payed for our lies

pay tribute to the dead
do something bold
pay tribute to the dead
remember the people of old
pay tribute to the dead
live our lives for ourselves
pay tribute to the dead
remember loss
pay tribute to the dead
know regret
knoe the cost
pay tribute to the dead
we have strength
pay tribute to the dead
we have the power
its in our hands
sieze the hour
change the land
change the stars
change the world
the time is ours

carpe diem
sieze the day
take your life
and never give it away
Andy Plenkers Mar 2012
Cease your perpetually rushed tendencies,
and listen to a boy who believes himself to be wise.
Calm the churning of your thoughts,
open your eyes and broaden your horizons.
Feel the steady beat of your heart.
Slow your breathing, and ready yourself.
I speak in metaphors and analogies,
in an oftentimes futile attempt to understand life.
I spend my days writing, singing, hoping and dreaming.
Sometimes, it is an incoherent and nonsensical mess.
Other times, I find myself caught in an epiphany.
In those moments, I take one step closer,
closer to an answer, to that one question all ask themselves:
What is my purpose for being here?
In the short span of years that I have been alive,
I have experienced a diverse multitude of things.
Some of them possessed of a ravishing beauty.
The soft caress of a lover, her sweet words whispered in my ear.
Or the involvement in something greater, better than myself.
Others have had abhorrent and malevolent qualities.
The loss of oneself to the avaricious fingers of addiction.
Or the helplessness of holding a loved one as they leave this world.
At times I have found myself fighting for my very life.
At others I have found myself willing to leave it behind.
I incessantly find my heart vying with my mind for *******.
I have foolishly stood by and watched with apathetic eyes,
my slow and agonizing departure from sanity.
Even consumed by insanity there is truth to be gleaned.
If only one finds in themselves the exit from its’ purgatorial cell.
Life is not preordained, it is not predictable, or even reasonable.
Life simply exists in its’ entirety with multitudinous choices.
The body is the vassal for life, and thus, you have a choice.
Life is what you make it; you can choose to make it good.
Or, whether through naivety or foolhardy bravado,
you can choose to make it irrevocably bad.
This is not to say you will always choose what is right.
But rather that you alone have the power to define yourself.
I am no longer a child, nor do I profess myself to be aged.
But I can say with undeniable certainty, that my mind,
being enigmatic as it is, has surpassed my physical age.
If only now I might find the remedy to purge my heart,
for it pumps the poison of love into me everyday.
But even being as caustic and acidic as love may be,
to rid yourself of it would be to squander your life.
Harness love and you wield a double-edged sword.
It can cut you down just as easily as another.
I have released my heart to do as it will.
In someone else’s hands it now lies insecurely.
But with a stubborn valor it remains there despite my calls.
With askance acquiescence I call no longer.
I wait with a stoic trepidation overshadowing all hope.
But even cast in shadow as it is, hope has its own light
So now I find myself waiting, forever if I must.
The answers I so desperately yearn for are just on the horizon.
If only I could reach out, with feeble, trembling hands,
and sieze them before they escape my grasp again.
Perhaps then I will reminisce upon the past,
therein finding the reaason behind every occurence of importance.
I've never been the most hardy of people.
But despite all of the walls obscurring my path,
I have somehow endured, and so I shall continue to do.
Zach Davis Dec 2012
Just blinks of the universe on the skin of a pale blue dot
hovering at the edge of a swirling miasma of a myriad stars

We search for our place; let down by our lack of role in the grand scheme of existence
But only because we value ourselves too highly.
There is a beauty in the void; a renewal of spirit in acknowledging that we are not bound to a fate,
that we can go in any direction- that we may live our lives
without them simply being a test. There is no plan.
But who wants to live a planned life?
We search for the meaning that is not there to console ourselves in the cold reaches of the universe.
We find nothing- nothing but our own desperation.
We exist. Nothing more, nothing less than simple existence for us to interpret as we will.
That’s enough for me.
With this in mind, our lives- while still just phantasms fading from the skin of a pale blue dot
hovering at the edge of a swirling miasma of a myriad stars, gone before the universe’s eternity even begins to tick- have a purpose.

No longer are we bound to an eternity based on a mere shadow of a life, but now we can live! We can be free!
Our lives are ours to make what we will. To discover, explore, learn, to savour, to love… to leave the world better than we entered it, yet we do it not to please the cosmos but for our own enrichment. This is the significance of our lives.
Carpe diem, sieze the day: because it is one of the approximately 29 219 your being will ever have. Our minds are but the transient states of the universe, convening for a brief touch before going their separate ways- use that moment. It is all you are.
Let’s be reckless, do amazing and stupid things together for the brief cosmological second we share. Life flashes away as the universe’s heart mechanically beats.
Life is fleeting, we are sad, but there is nothing more than life- so let us live
Even though we are simply accidental spectres of thought on the skin of a pale blue dot
hovering at the edge of a swirling miasma of a myriad stars
KZ May 2015
Tired Sundays,
What a fun day,
Make believe,
To fulfill my need,
To be happy,
At peace,
And to sieze
Vane glorious and absolutistic,
     though I defiantly,
     cavalierly, and blithely attest
Yukon bet your (laugh-in) sweet bippy
     mine acidic breast

houses anarchic, anti-poetic ballistic,
     barbaric, and bubonic
     cannibalistic demons within thy
     safely guarded Pandora chest
atomic cesium clock

     timed to trigger avast
     burst of anxiety, frenzy, and
     (What me worry
     Alfred E. Neuman) blast
ting mental quietude at most
     inappropriate, inconvenient,

     inopportune, out classed
adrenaline rush, nausea,
     palpitating heart, vertigo
besieging, corrupting,
     endeavoring fractured arrant

cleft daemonic gripping
     hellishly psychic chant
rendering unto sieze ****,
     a choking vise grip extant
yule hiss sieze indomitable

     banshee fully controlling grant
diabolic, dogmatic, and dynamic,
     anguished corporeal ache
easily, egregiously, and emblematically,
     exemplified historically

     graphic fatalistic, and ecstatic coup,
     (koo), when I caused furious frantic flight,
     and/or fight betake
king angst causing just desserts
     for Marie Antoinette,

     who got her humble pie cake,
thence dispensing with formalities,
     where a joshing drake
     (named Gill O. Teen)

also known (solely known
     to mine selfish source error ways)
alias i.e. as; the Lewis (loose)
     lunatic, heady harvester,
     and decapitation Deacon trumpeting,

     trouncing, and triumphing tranquility
     for fifty three Tuesdays,
thence sea king punishing psychotic
     pre pound payment
     basking in glory (re: gory us)

     amidship crashing quays
music to mine ears hearing plaintive neighs
high pitched straining
     vocal chord hamstrung keys
regaling oceanographic
     lambent hagiographic essays
and keeping at bathos bays.
Filomena Apr 2022
I won't bite the hand that feeds me,
But I'll fight the man that bleeds me
Though the fear of him may sieze me
I won't let the terror freeze me

If we have a rightful reason
To commit an act of treason
Then I see no better season
To do more than put our pleas in

And so what if someone sees it?
Don't be quiet to appease it
To the system you don't matter
So be heard over the chatter

Can't you hear the summon pealing?
From the body comes the healing
Till the time of our releasing
Our resistance be increasing!
lina S Jan 2014
Myself is as toxic as this cigarette
I'm breathing
But I'm still alive
So might as well keep breathing it      
Inhaling it's glorious poison
Into my body
Cause I feel like I have no body
Even when everyone is around
All I hear is the silence between the sounds
It's a battle with endless rounds    
I'm bruised and I keep taking these punches
I'm so deeply bruised
Can you stop this for one sec. !

But life doesn't stop for anyone  
So I keep saying just this once
As an excuse for all the mistakes I've done
And from every problem I run
But it's a race that's never been won

I thank god for every breath I breathe

But I keep breathing this disease
help me please

Cause I'm empty
And the smoke fills me plenty
With sweet nothing
Such sweet nothing

I do truly believe
In the greatness I can sieze
But how can I pour out so much of me
When the the truth is I'm empty
And the right guidelines I don't follow

I'm so empty
So hollow

I'm the worst and best thing
That's ever happened to me

So the punches I'll keep on taking
And I'll keep doing the same mistakes n'
I know it will end up okay

If it's not okay
**Then it's not the end
Tori Armstrong Jun 2013
I will never be ok with Us
Your love will never be enough
The feelings all will fade away
And now it's time to sieze the day.

Your fickle words all run dry
Every lie can pass me by
Love is just a game to you
You say it, yes, but is it true?

You let me down times before
When you left me on the floor
My heart has crumbled up inside
But these feelings I will always hide.

Wishing I could have you here
But I know and truely fear
That you will never be the one
Never be my Golden Sun.
Shrey Mar 2018
Us humans are sensitive,
Over little things we cry.
Men walk up to a girl,
And unnecessarily shy.

At top of a skyscraper,
We feel the breeze.
But when little but vital moment comes,
We never sieze.

We come home from work
And are usually tired.
We work our *** off,
So we dont get fired.

Nothing's perfect,
Life's always flappy.
We think it's cruel
And start feeling ******.

We fear death,
But eventually we're all gonna die
Us humans are sensitive,
Over little things we cry.

We all have a dream,
But we stiffle our curiosity
We never take a stand
Or run against viscosity

We either live this world
Or we survive
We can have our dream life,
But we need to strive

A little true effort,
Can change who we are.
And one day we'll be stunned,
We've come this far

We can make our life worth,
Before we die.
Us humans maybe emotional,
But now we wont cry
I'm fairly new to the world of poetry, so not too good in rhyming and making perfect sense in what i write. But i try. Please do leave a feedback, even if it's not good. Would really appreciate it. :)
Just got back from a little trip
wasn't planned, down the mississip
started out from just one sip
of a drink I can't remember

went on down to the land of cotton
woke up really feeling rotten
I can't remember the drink i'd gotten
but, I needed one again

head was fuzzy, vision blurred
one more down, and i'd be cured
instead, now my speech is slurred
but, ****...that drink was smooth

chose to go down to the river
my brain not working, nor my liver
my eyes were closed down to a sliver
I had to find that drink

I saw a re-enactment of a battle
I didn't listen to the prattle
the armies were just led like cattle
to their deaths without a chance

I knew that I saw lots more men
than were actually there right then
my vision saw five score times ten
while there was only twenty two

I relaxed and I loved the feeling
this drink had set my mind a reeling
I feel I could dance on the ceiling
all of this from just one drink

no matter, I swore I'd behave
no comments made about a slave
or I'd be in a shallow grave
and would never drink again

I searched around for near a week
my throat was closed, I could not speak
I hadn't eaten and was weak
but, **** I needed more

i'm sure it had some blue cacao
I need to find out, find out now
i'm not sure when, but I know how
I'll go back to the start

I flew on home and went to where
i'd had the drink on someone's dare
another one of the dog's hair
and i'd start it all again

they told me that the drink i'd drunk
was just some automotive gunk
they moved it cause it smelled like skunk
and I chose to drink it down

some oil and some antifreeze
was the drink that brought me to my knees
they thought i'd die, or at least sieze
but, I guess I proved them wrong

so next time when I have a drink
I think i'll take some time to think
will I notice if it has a stink
before I choose to drink the brew

before I go some sage advice
don't be like me, at least think twice
if you want a trip with added spice
order up one drink from me.
MicMag Jul 2019
Once is never
Or at least never enough
Life can be quite tough
But einmal ist keinmal

Let's try something new
See if it rings true
That despite what we do
Einmal ist keinmal

No inhibitions, no regrets
Do what we feel like
And never forget
Though einmal ist keinmal

Take risks, be bold
Don't harden your soul
Nor grow stale and old
Einmal ist keinmal

Live in the present
Be now, be here
Have no fear of the future
Cause einmal ist keinmal

Feel this lightness of being
As if nothing matters
Our significance shattered
Einmal ist keinmal

Sieze the moment
Give it your all
Live life to the fullest
Knowing full well
Einmal ist keinmal
Inspired by recent philosophical reflections on the German phrase "einmal ist keinmal", roughly translated as once is never.
Dawn of Lighten May 2016
Cradle upon the spooned arms,
And the sunken fetus lay at ease.

As the night sky yield a breeze,
And the illumination of dawn woken by the alarms.

Serendipitous actions peak with charms,
And all things calm to a breathless sieze.

The presence brought myself to a knelted knees,
For the shimmering fire showed no harm.

We can only glisten by the laughter it gimmer that all things are going to be okay!
Symbolically spring is beginning of life, and there are stories in every spring, also known as rebirth, or dawning of a day! The more you can let go of control of a moment, the moment will flow with the stream, and with it you can take a journey where it flows with the current.  Such is life willing to take a chance, and see the results unravel it's mystery.
Tanisha Jackland Dec 2015

Feed the licks of the Sun
with your immortal womb

Sieze the comfort
of the light before it dies
tried woman
waiting in the amniotic fluid


Show up in the afterbirth
before the hours
have gone fetal
deliver yourself from gender

Live the unknown gaps
free, black and forever
Womanhood It ain't always pretty, folks.
Listen here:
Dawn of Lighten Apr 2017
To those who have an estranged parents would not need an introduction,
And those of you who have the gaping wounds would only be christened in self propelled justification,
But any of us in these journeys like all adventures do come to a close.

Proving to everyone your ways are correct,
Or dismiss the very thought you been wrong,
And all finales the conclusions the end is not all we may seem to understand.

No one will know the inner conflict that stirs all emotions into ejected unspeakable anger,
And no self righteous religious leaders would know how to quell the demon shadowed in your best illumination.

For all things are never bygones,
And patriarchs or matriarchs are but a human beings with chipped characters,
But no amount of apologies would dismiss their old follies.

Then the sands come to claim us, breathlessness plunged into a moment of silence,
And all solice come to a halt with all whispers sieze.  

The person you feared all your life has become pale,
Body mass and muscles have left them,
While the frail body yielded them a hunched postures.

No matter the prospect you will not be fooled by their weakness,
Nor will you show sympathy to their coming times,
And all senses of love have been depleted bone dry.

No one can tell you "You are wrong,"
Because no one has dealt with your past,
And the world must shut their mouth.

That was about a 6 month ago,
To some it would take longer,
And others there would be no second thought.

Sometimes deepen pain can never be healed,
And those of you who took the picture of the frail parent in the hospital can't deny your feelings,
As you look at the healthy picture against the dying parents you have made up your mind.

The breath is asunder as the lungs clinge to what little air to grasp,
But those of you who choose to make peace and see the dying person one last time is a better person then I,
For not all of us can forgive and forget.
Marco Jimenez Mar 2010
what would you do
if i socked you in face

would you forgive me
knowing it was only an act of hate
would you walk away
knowing the terrible things it can create
would you be okay if someone knocked you to the floor
would you get back up with forgiveness
opening up friendships door
would you give him/her what advice you have
would you try to prevent him/her from doing it again
would you save a heart
would you prevent it from further pain
would you shield him/her from angers rain
would you tell him/her that anger isnt the only way
would you repeat it every day
not letting a single heart go astray
and if someone told you to stop
would you keep doing it anyway
would you remember right then
that the only thing we must fear more than evil
is the indifference of good people
would you put more passion in your beliefs
more than im putting in this pen
would you become an unbreakable lightning rod
would you rise above all evil
and ascend as a god
would you take your newfound power
and help those with none
would you sieze the hour
and help those who dont get one

and would all the people helped
all the lives you've changed
would the look at you wierd
would they treat you as someone strange
they would treat you as their friend
someone who helped
when life seemed to be at it's end
someone who knew
someone who told you why
someone who was there for you
smoeone who would never let you die
- From The Strongest Among You
Dawn of Lighten Oct 2016
What is this movements to the notes and rhythms,
The breath that breathe life it's essense of eternal ether?

Mourn to moan the formulation of birth to ****** propatuate procreation and then to final destination, cycling the very foundation of life, rebirth, and death in sound that carry over from one another.

Music preformed by guitar, violin, base, cello to piano, or any of the string instruments that symbol the living life strand of the life we wheel.

As our longevity is finite, but with infinite choices to play with strings until our lines are cut or break, and no longer play the songs we so love to hear so dear to our ears.

For a beat that tinker to our muse to the music that linger in the faint of our memories, those memories we try to keep close to our soft pillow and tucked away in our minds to comfort us in our less then pleasant boundaries leaving us empty, like a good age wine to lets us dream.

The empty cups shall be the reminder that sound and tone shall sieze to calm with stringless nights, the song has sang the final tune and forever leave it's mark on the heart good night.  

Until that final symphony reaches it final tune, accept the notes as it is a song we live in a moment, for all music good and bad has it's epilogue.

One must choose to play their music, and find their final notes to end their master piece in due time.
Music is life as String is to our living lines, and like a musical string, one must tinker their tunes ever so true for a perfect sound of a music.
B J Clement Jun 2014
Forget your petty woes and gripes
0f who said what- to whom and why.
there is another life beyond
where millions all live and die.
He loves me or he loves me not,
does it matter? not one jot.
Get out there gal and sieze the day.
your heart is broken, it will heal.
You were betrayed,
come on, get real!
Rejoice and live,
you will feel pain.
but think of what you stand to gain!
life and love, all interwoven,
ballet, opera, Brahms, Beethoven!
think how fortunate you are,
how insignificant your woes,
think of children without love
lacking shelter, food and clothes.
put it all into perspective
seek a friend that you can trust,
friendship is so all important,
without it love is only lust!
Don't marry the one that you can live with,
marry the one you can't live without.
Life is there just for the taking,
Time is passing don't delay.
A leap of faith, a little courage,
Lookout gal your'e on your way....!
Patricia Barrett Jun 2015
This situation is unavoidable
I wish we never met
If fallen in love with you
And now you want to leave me
You took away my purity
And now you want to leave me
I made you my all
And now you want to leave me
I love you.
You love me.
But because we hardly see each other
The pain never sieze
Because now you're avoiding me
Just when I decided that
I can trust you
You start to doubt me
And now you don't want me
I hate how life is cruel
But I guess some people aren't
Meant to fall in love forever
ZWS Apr 2014
Why is it that when I'm so unsure, I gotta be sure
Because hypothetically if I were, you'd get the hell outta here

Darling, I'm not trying to live in fear, but love is a scary thing
Especially when you've got thoughts like you might just someday stop breathing

If there's some kind of divine plan, tell me God didn't plan my obsolescence
If there's such a great man, tell me where is his presence

I can't expect a promise to unfold the way I want it to, if you're meant to be
If every decision you make is on part of your happiness

Not everything I was taught as a child was intentional
That life is so hypocritical
That our purpose is entirely self critical
That love and god are illusions of what we want and need, and yet we continue to act like everything we do is so unconditional                                        

But we will continue to sieze
But we will continue to lie
But we will continue to deal in the trades that make us feel the most at ease
But we will always draw the God card just shy
Larry Potter Jan 2018
You can stop the time effortlessly,
And make everything else lose motion;
In this dimension of two possibilities,
I would break the laws of constants,
To rise to this rare occasion,
While I helplessly but mindfully,
Keep falling into your machinations,
Because you're the only variable,
Making sense in this causal prediction.

You can state all of your demands,
While seemingly making a point;
I'll supply smiles to your shenanigans,
And validate all these assumptions;
Let's meet halfway and find the perfect joint,
To sieze the meaning of our existence,
Without a care to this world's boring bustles;
All the other factors can wait in line,
Because you're the missing piece to my puzzle.
The Dedpoet Dec 2015
Am I accepted here throughout
The poetry world?
Though I am a liar
(But you all know my pain)
And a sociopath,
I still love the make beieve world,
Like dreaming I was naked
In an NFL stadium
And had to run across the field
To a door that kept on disappearing
And reappearing on the other
Side of the field.

I know myself better than my
Psychiatrist does,
But the truth of the lie is
I love the words more than myself,
And the mass darkness I live in
Is filled with a universe of
Make believe.

So I write the Galactic Sea
And yes I am a crazy person,
So I defiled my name and the dream
Became reality.
I believe in my words
And I am hungry for these truthful
Poets who sieze poetry
At its throat and follow
Their scripted verses.
(I hear repetition has much to do with insanity)

Sure I am hungry for love
But Im in a relationship with sedatives,
The sadness of these poet saints
In a mammoth sized disproportionate
Ive read my psychanalysis
And it turns out Im a poet with dreams
Who knows the difference
Between a star and a lightbulb.
jessiah Nov 2014
Never thought a mountain could move
Much less crack like a snapping bone
The remnants of majesty are littered
All within my suffering heart

Never thought the seas would sieze
Dry up within an instant
No regard for the long, slow recipe
That made the world wet

Never thought I'd see beyond catastrophe
But you know, mountains grow

Rains fill the reservoir

Beginnings end.
Alexander Coy Aug 2016
If I knew I could have you
in a dark alley way,
behind a Latino
club, Desperado's
or something rather,
without any passerby,

no cop in sight,

I'd still decline

You see, it's not the opportunity
I want to sieze, but the heart
I want to freeze, and burn
it down like a suburban house;

and set ablaze all the green

If I knew I could fill your belly
with one, no two,

please you with
three little seeds

I'd refuse, give up,
sign off and leave

Tuck you like a memory
in the back of my jeans,
au revoir, Nacadoches;

My sweet American diet,
c'est la vie

For I am only a finite
creature, on the brink
of immortality

You could do without the
deceit, mi carnal amor,

with velvet blue sky
under your precious feet.
Eleanor Sinclair Jun 2018
Walking on water like a melancholy messiah
I'm on top but I'm not standing I'm sinking and drowning and my constant frowning leaves people asking, "are you okay?"
I'm fine, so I just say
That I'm living the daily dream
While in my head I constantly scream at the top of my Limbic Lobe lungs
Lungs filled with the water I supposedly stand on
A Holy Baptism bubbling inside me
My reverse Rapture to a Heaven upside down
Down down down
Sieze it and bring it down like a crooked crown
A king crucifying his kingdom with his lack of wisdom
Educated but none the wiser
Penny pinching money miser
Minimizing the gravity of the situation
Brushing it off when someone says they need a vacation
I know my station in this dismal world but my lights are dimming and my eyes are skimming the white washed walls for a way to get out but there's no way out and I can't understand what it is about this dreary place that leaves me feeling so in pain
It's insane how no one believes the things you say
Because "that's just the sarcastic way kids talk now-a-days"
Actually no when I say it I mean it and you don't have to dream it to see it come true
I'm talking to you, don't you see that the water filling my chest cavity overflows out of my eyes and I mask it with lies like, "oh I think I have a branch in my eye. Or it's just allergies"
I'm on the edge of my metaphorical ledge
Being nudged closer and closer
I'm the composer of my own sorrowful symphony
I'm more of a poser a bulldozer and situation imposer
An impostor by nature
Growing giant and gaunt green leaves that are speckled with disease
The type that sway in the breeze and are pulled apart by the lightest touch
A touch of pure bliss your poisonous taste on my lips leaves me begging for a cure
Something crystal and pure to clear my tainted pallet
A liquid ballad hydrating my veins slipping down my throat like a garden snake or a cobra because the words that cleanse me are the ones that end me and I choke on the cacophony of your cream filled words and sugar dusted desires
None of which inspires me to do anything except destroy myself
I work to employ myself with time consuming tasks
And no one has to ask me twice to do anything
Because I'm just too nice and I guess that's the price you pay for demonstrating your Holy Christian vice
Let me give you some advice
Don't take anything from anyone
I don't mean things
I mean words and letters that tear you apart and put snags in your favourite sweaters
Each vowel repeating like an owl wondering who who who could be drowning me in my own freeing fountain
I've climbed every mountain to get where I am
I am who I am
Each consinent a consistent reminder of my internal inadequacy
The inadequacy you gave me
The way you made me
The concoction of cosmos you used to create me
But you wanted to add a touch of imperfection and with your clumsy omnipotent hands you dropped the bottle and it all poured into me
And I'm left here with a shattered mirror and a it couldn't be clearer that I'm not what you wanted me to be
"Abide in me and I in you"
But how can I abide in you when you aren't there for me
When you don't answer me
When you let the floods rage within me and you won't part the sea
Don't you see that the flowing water is slowly killing me
But it's you
Your eyes staring into mine but you're not really there
You're no longer part of me like you once were
You don't care
I don't call your name the way I once did
Where were you?
Where are you?
Where am I?
I plead to the sky
The empty barren sky and shriek at its white puffy ashes
The all encompassing vastness of a hollow place
Knock at the gates but no one is home
Did humans create God because they felt so alone?
I can't answer that question
And time in succession to me will struggle just as fondly with the vicious cycle of faith and faithless
To bathe in the endless curiosity
Spinning at a sickening velocity
Wondering where the Lord's generosity suddenly vanished
Like the king who was banished from his own castle
Biting from that forbidden apple
Begging for forgiveness
But nothing except silence rings through the air
Wondering where He could've gone
Only to stare and glare into empty space
I'm scared
Because every living thing dies alone
With nothing to remember them but thick slabs of stone
Nothing but a waste
I've been placed to face the void
Laced with the inability to erase the sins I'm paying for
Salivating for one more taste of that juicy core
Hoping to explore what might lie beyond that gilded door
I'll get back to you one day Lord and I'll even the score
So don't start a war because I'll be armed with my emotional Peace Corps
Leave your arms open and the light house beaming at your shore because I know I will see you again
And although I don't know when, I hope you'll accept me and ask where I've been
kevin kilby Nov 2015
I'm holding my self together piece by piece but the love of god will never sieze my mind is lost in bad memorys that never seem to go away but when the pain subsides thats when I get my pride and gods decency and protection   guide me in truth and away from fright and leads me into the light
Xan Abyss Dec 2016
Ogres vs trolls vs goblins vs elves
Vs Pirates vs Vikings vs witches vs celts
Vs samurai and ninja kind and aliens as well
The wolves will join the party and as far as I can tell
To the victors go the spoils and the rest can go to HELL!

Heavy metal
Swords and sorcery
Battle Fantasy

We are the wanderers
Lost in Eternity
Buried beneath time and silence
But we have finally arrived
To take control of what is ours
We will sieze our kingdom once again
A final time, with violence

Zombies and cannibals are breaking down your door
Radicals and militants prepare to go to war
Wizards of the arcane raising hell & screaming ****** gore
As the phantom ships of ancient worlds crash upon our shores
Beginnings of a song
ZACK GRAM Oct 2023
Long live
Live long
The lord

Baby youre safe
I will be your servant
Any mission or command
Let commandments live thru
Long live the freedom of safe sleep
Make the rivers roar
Jets an rockets saur
13 lines of white
11 stripes of red
Pladded blue
50 stars
Standing tall for our safety

The King has been here
The King is me


Dear Gerald R Ford
I will see
Sieze an occupy
Bring piece from your destruction
Yes baby we will

Free from War
God's Oracle Oct 2020
In the pennacle within the inner sactum of a Human Soul there exists an unsurmoutable amount of interchangeable energies that are transmitted thru the cosmos in form of vibrations and abstract auras. In God's throne there exists Principalities and Powers that precede in intermission with Humanity's prayers that are heard by all Heavenly Host and God himself and are being assessed and the final decision is made by the Lord whether he will act upon your desperate supplications or remain unanswered due to God's perfect nature and inner workings within each individual life here on Earth.

In his Holy Mouintain God subjugates his blessings and trials allowing the King of this World to ******, tempt and test our Spirit thru Worldly Carnal Desires and oversees every human soul working for it's own salvation. The accuser Angel Lucifer seeks to keep us chained to Wordly temptation and continues to torment the Human psyche and weakened fleshly bodies in constant opposition with the Spirit leading us to spiritual destruction and his final goal is to drag us to perdition of our salvation by rejecting The Holy and Only Begotten Son Of God Jesus Christ. Heed to a direct order from the Lord himself...for he says "I am the Way, the Truth, The Life No One Comes to the Father except thru Me" allow him to build a personal relationship with you because he cares loves and yearns to get to know you personally.  Our mission here on Earth is to Love God above all things and to follow and imitate the Lord Jesus Christ as our Sheperd and Lord overseers and intermediator of our souls who he holds in his hands. Most importantly our grand mission is to bring the Gospel of Love, Truth and Peace to all Humanity. Let the lost souls be led towards the Light of God the Father and the abundant mercy and benevolence our dear Lord Jesus has in store for those who want to get to know the Son of Man the Divine Author of all things for he was made before the foundations of the heavens and the earth which was slain being a perfect, holy and was is and will forever be the mirror image of his Father.

In remembrance of his sacrifice we ought to walk living in this World as the "Light" and doers of righteousness. We are the salt of the world and thru our daily spiritual walk and by our spiritual fruits we bear we show others what can be attained thru a solid relationship with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son and Father God the Maker of all souls all things and his plan shall NOT fail because he has NEVER failed before and never will. Bestow upon our heads a crown of life a white robe of pure eternal life and a place in the Heavenly Realm where many unbelievable treasures of perfect obedience and the sacrifice of us exchanging carnal pleasure for a lifetime of servitude and humbleness dedicating our time at straightening our paths and relying on the Lords understanding and NOT ours for if we rely on him fully our paths will and shall be made straight. The Lord wants us to live in this world abide by their rules and submit to our authorities ...but NOT let them take our faith nor our savior much less our relationship which must stay in our constant care and continue to grow, flourish and be surely visible for others to see and in turn either be curious about it and see for them to ask us how we do such things and how are we so concerned on living a quiet pious and righteous lifestyle. By arousing the curiosity of turn we get to touch all people who we come in contact with and get the chance to share freely what the Lord has done for us that we cannot and could NOT do for ourselves which is allowing the Holy Spirit to daily be fed thru reading the scriptures, acting according to God's perfect orders and trying our very best to live by his precepts. We undoubtedly fail the Lord daily but we keep a everlasting submitting soul to his judgment and continue to come to him for everything and forever keep a diligent sincere open heart conversing with him day and night and never sieze our constant mingle between us and him and having the FAITH towards him that unifies our Spirit with his and in accordance to our deeds may he have mercy for all our wrongdoings and as he pour blessings for our righteous deeds in the spirit. We envision a Paradise and a New Heaven where the souls of the saved and redeemed souls will go to abide in when we reach the afterlife...nevertheless, the ones who choose to ignore the calling of the Lord will suffer the ones who remained stubborn and rebellious and decided to follow the World and love themselves more than their Savior will be doomed to be branded and cast upon perpetual everlasting torment a lake of fire where there will be Hellish screams of agony sour tears and gashing of teeth with an endless separation of their souls from their Creator and where they shall curse him forevermore and whatever petition made to God will be unheard. God please have mercy on us may your light and love NOT turn cold on us seeking your guidance daily. Zion awaits the holy and righteous. Amen!!!
The Lord shall come in a blinding flashing light to bring Judgement upon all.

— The End —