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kylie formella Nov 2014
pathetic magestic
horrendous poetic
thats seven rhymes for unapologetic
and i cant forget it
got to forget it
tragedy is aesthetic
this is unexepected
theres no way to do this nicely but i gotta end it
Semerian Perez Aug 2012
Pink and white
Flutter to the ground
To form a gentle blanket
That gently rustle
In the cool spring breeze
I watch in awe
At your beauty
As I leave this world
My mind will fall to you
Oh magestic
And delicate one
Whose name is
Kim Essary Apr 2018
Listen closely to the sound , this seashell that has floated upon the shore  of white sand, as you place it's magic upon your ear, the rippling sound of the crashing waves is what you hear.
Oh how I wish I could fit inside, for the tide descending back into these Waters of blue, carrying me into the majestic ocean floor beyond the sands never touched by man, the beauty these Waters allow us to see, I am imagining how mysterious the rest could be, for we haven't a clue.    Laying beneath the so much unseen , lost city's, sunken vessels, treasures of a time long ago , the story of another time  all buried beneath a place we dare not go. Laying beneath the grounds of our feet another world  left undiscovered , only to imagine, the the secrets it keeps , the magestic land that remains unseen.
The ocean holds so much beauty and mystery of a time long ago. I would live to discover all the things we don't know
Joe Cole Mar 2014
My south country that we call the Sussex Weald
A place of gentle landscapes of softly rolling hills.
My south country where I grew up and played as a child
Where I learned of nature as I studied life in the wild.
They stand in magestic glory between the land and the rolling sea
Those magestic hills we call the downs
we of the Sussex Weald
Yes, I'm a man of the Sussex Weald, of generations long gone bye
I'm a man of the South Country
And as a south country man I'll die
Karijinbba Jun 2019
Once Upon A Time
I once stood up ****
immortalized in photoshoots
as my lover's VENUS.
Down I laid in deep shame
more than to pose for
an unanounced **** Cannon
photo shooting spree there
upon a cut tree I stood prompted
to lay down on it.
A tree of life simulation a second chance to birth a new dream
the huge cut stump sadness
signifying our child lost!
Our magestic forest land dream
upon that Hill was born.
A new Adam a new Eve a new beginning.
Stonned by past orphaned wars
unawareness dormant beast
was the pain of denial my abandonment syndrome.
It all proved futile yesterday
but today I share my true story.
all awakened struggling to heal

I hate this car filled city
my heart breaks in loneliness
I surely must love the suburbs.
being sociable realizing my lossess
where i missed my marks

My secret friends are trees
ancient green cedar woods.
Others are masked behind this cyber mirror eagerly reading me
some even ask me, hey
How do you do?
To not let the dark
get to me!
commenting and cheering me
so, the mystic forest trees
see me, hear me
re-burrying my past secrets
and pots of gold in roots

I do love the woods now
that always had terrified me
since my dad was shot nearby
in our forest land's I was five .
I still hear the gun shots!
I hear my babies cries too
in the enemy's hands hurting

The stump became
my millionaire mystery bank
burrying all our cash loot as dowry
my grieving lover twin flame divine
with insignias it all had arrived carefully inscribed
"Great fortune to Believer"
"Fame true love to the adventurous clever digger beauty"
"Deathly curses, bad luck,
great calamity poverty to the
foolish desserter unbeliever"
urgently advising to
"Hurry up it's all time sensitive!"
yelled my fiancee's love letters.
A stump, a tree and a elite lover
among magestic tall green trees,
carved my fate today to return!

And in that mystic Hill far away
And once upon a time true magic touched me thus changing us both
and with this mystery to rejoice
life makes sense where love lost.
All trees now tell me bittersweet stories and I bitterly weep.

The stumps chopped trees
in the nearby streets hurt deeply
I was once that Queen bee of
Once Upon a Time
chosen to change Earth
where rich could marry poor
women not men would rule
Where wealthy share
their treasures earned
or inherited cheerfully so
changing lives by the score.

I was promised nine diamond tiaras
For each baby ours born of twin flame twin souls our "glued together baby."

Our Memoir book to linger forever linked by the magic of true love.
I found my old dream of dreams
my peaceful own Reign RDDBBA!
That was then joy happiness lost
it's life saving rejuvenating today.

Although the trees in
that forest lands adored me
they too detested me.
Covertly wearing masks too
furious with my dead calm silence
then misunderstood no more tonight
all tests buried to be worthy ofof joining my lover's world
Green yellow leaves thundering
in wind murmuring sad songs
no one but me can now hear
their frantic Psalmic cries;
Nature it seems it too
takes back as much as it gives.

Our bitter harvest dreams
burried abandoned sleeping
where our road fork bent in
as I laid posing his Venus of Urbino
in the **** back then;
stonned bewildered scared
feeling abandoned alone,
all by me as punishment seen!
All a secret remained a lifetime.
So heartbreaking it is.
the nagging pain won't subside
Without timely Second Chance Vissions
our awesome dreams
couldn't breathe in the face of reality
my lover's gap dividing.

In the end my tree of life sighs
as it burries my body
deep dead asleep
under its mighty living roots
the stump and the tree
left behind devour all
all whats left of me,
By: Karijinbba
All rights reserved
revised a 6/29-19 /10-2020
In the end we matter only to those kindred souls who remember us in our true light understanding
our inner core loving us
as we were
in good and in bad times.
thanks for reading
Curly Steve Oct 2019
It's not all been bad.
I have had some fun
I started to surf
when I was young

If ever I was lost
And out of reach
I'd often be found
Down at the beach

My own little sanctuary
Where I could be free
Either sat on the sand
Or out in the sea

I love the ocean
It blows my mind
It's Calming yet dangerous
Misterious yet kind

The energy's magestic
The feeling of joy
Has captured my attention
Since I was a boy.

It's led me to travel
To far distant shores
I've met so many people
Opened so many doors

I've surfed with monkeys in trees
And elephants on the beach
Surrounded by dolphins
And turtles within reach

I've surfed during sunsets
And sun rises as well
Trippy seas and Trippy skies
As if under a spell

I've almost **** myself sometimes
When caught in a gnarly rip
Being dragged out to the big stuff
That aint no ego trip

When you can't see beneath
The deep grey sharky water
And the fish race away
Is it me for the slaughter?

But hang on, there it is
Thank you neptune and peseidon
Look out to the distance
there on the horizon

A little bump
It's coming near
A pulse of swell
It's almost here

I turn around
My stick I straddle
I face the land
And start my paddle

Then suddenly
It lifts me up
Propels me forward
Fills my cup

It makes me feel
so very awake
I jump to my feet
For goodness sake

I'm 100%
Right there in the now
Conjoined with nature
No interest in how

Just doing it because
I'm it's biggest fan
Loving it loving it
because It's there and I can

Already a treat
This gift keeps on giving
I put in a few turns
Life is so worth living

Then the wall gets top heavy,
It's the best feeling ever
Everything goes quiet
It's a sublime endeavour

I'm inside the wave
for a second or two
The green room, The barrel.
Deep in the blue

There's no feeling like it
I can't even explain
Wonderous, breathtaking
It's ******* insane

I pull out of the journey
Can't get any higher
Full of adrenaline
My brain is on fire

Riding those waves
Gives me so much pleasure
I guess like the pirate
Finding the treasure

The greatest way
To improve my emotion
Is to float about
In that big old ocean.
Greyson Fay Dec 2014
The friends he has are wonderful and magestic to the fullest

He creates them

Coming to life in his own reality
He creates abstraction.
Karijinbba Jul 2021
Two Men's vibes
burning reach my Evez ice.
Two my diamond cave enter.
underneath my water fall.
Vibration's from beyond,
  two distinctive voices won,
ever twirling on and on;
deep as violins his pitch fiddle
his electrical guitar's timbre
command starry skies above!
My tantrick abyss below.
I love thee two, lovers mine.
Punjabi voice lover divine.
I thirst for yours all's mine
Our stars wisely magnetized!
Both cosmically energized.
A state of knowing is ours.
dancing eons on two poles,
to twirl on and ages on,
the mornings and eves long.
I twirl on two magestic poles.
Long shiny studs hard as steal!
First pole's twirl echoes longer
Kemah lover elite's older
  ancient memory hunger!
Implant blue pill chip slumber.
From willow tree, past pole lover
to renewed beloved my forever Kemah twin oaks
two glistening poles
I am art twirl divine

from past to present LOVE
Lives on and on!
By Karijinbba
All Rights Revised 7-29-21.
Just Melz Oct 2014
I love that magestic look in your eyes
Blows my mind to see you staring that way
The design,
every part of your face
I dont want it to fade away
Your body lying next to mine,
With your curves
closely curved into me
Another half to my whole
Completely enrapturing my soul
I wake up from a nightmare,
Middle of the night,
You're there,
holding me tight.
It's so hard to let you go
But your body is starting to get cold
People have started to wonder
where you are,
I'll keep you close though,
I already dug you a hole in the back yard...

Karijinbba May 2019
My father's sister Salome crossed the rainbow bridge she was my French and native link to family root I found after 28 years appart
My daughter Rose drove us to a nearby ocean front to apeace
my grief, breathing in the gentle
sea breeze and sitting on the sand together
Other people enjoyed beach activities too
I had water in a paper cup
but no food remained in a bag,
when a crow unexpectedly landed alone by my side
no other raven/crow were seen.
perhaps attracted to my silvery long hair flying maybe from
my daughters house 1 mile away from Marina where I often fed crows and ravens cat food.
This raven/crow's feathers glistened in magestic dark bluish green hues. I'd caress its plumage but didn't not to ***** it
it wasn't my purring feline!
It deared trust me further  though pointing it's beak at my cup of water and it drank thirstily as I held it joyfully to its beak gently quietly as it drank;
then it pointed its beak
to the empty bag so I
appologized moved in regret
for no more food was in it.

My girl took photos of this awesome moment but she
never mentioned its greatness again my Rose simply said something unexpected to me
"don't feed crows in my home"
Jeff does't like them around!
and I felt her tongue's needle
also in my heart!
Such rare moment in time
a universe in itself!
time had stoped!
with a hungry raven/crow
this tender moment
lived only in my memory
without the pictures taken
untill now sharing one crow's gentle greatness and courage
to land close to one human
seeking food.
The graceful raven/crow's
Rosie's own loving mom,
instantly reveared and
trusted BEST by a greatful intuitive trusting creature
a raven/crow!
How special it made me feel!
to choose me by the sea.
How deep my girl's comment
stung that since married
Rose behaves indifferent
where once tenderly moved!
wrongly misguided by
strange racist bad people 
Rosie"s hill billy superstitious
ignorant white trash in laws.
My evil ex's sister ugly snake
in every Mothers paradise
a "fat pig" she calls herself a Mansons advocate almost
turned me into a murdered pregnant Sharon Tate!
Lizz in the habit of arranging
calls to my three girls in laws, sons in law, my old boss at various employment
bussnessess a hate crime of old
saying my name and cursing them so I get fired then telling my girls nobody liked me at work either! brain washing them
and assassinating my character!
Lizzz since age 12 a drug user ******* to control rage in her brother two pees in a pod
my ex once told Lizz in a moment of lucidity;
"you'll never be half the
woman my Mexica-American beautiful wife is."
Since then my life is hell
No. I don't blame Lizz shes mad
I blame myself trusting her
hearless impotent brother
my grown girls are under their spell they mingle with vipers now
Surely even a courageous
greatful raven/cow has
more grace and common
sence to trust me Mom
to nourish and care for it.

This is my life in the big
apple USA
who wants my script!?
it's up for sale!
povery is a *****! please hurry.
or I'll be famous after death!.
All Rights Reserved
Revised 4/2/19
(excerpt from my memoir!)
(AA/Bba/Asg. (proudly)
We all have snakes in our paradises
I am proud to make friends with raven/crows cats dogs poets and pietessess who read write and understand who is who and judge
not on greed the haves and have not i choose wisely between good evil criminal or victim I feel ballanced on the justice skale I am passionate stern but understanding forgiving and second chances appeal to me best.
Thanks for your time.
Kitt Apr 2019
Notre Dame is burning
This we all have seen
But Notre Dame’s been burning
For longer than this dream

Families and their children
Have worshiped in her halls
But families and children
Were stolen by its falls

Notre Dame was sacred
For worship and for song
But Notre Dame’s not sacred
As it had not been for long

Maybe this magestic falling
Is what the world must see
It’s this tremendous falling
That may set the children free

Worship moves with ages
No building must we *****
Elaborate walls do serve to hide
Wrongs we can never correct

So mourn her burning if you feel
But spare us the unending plea
For Notre Dame and her ***** deals
Must end before eternity.
The church was a beautiful reminder of tradition and grandeur, but the sercrets that go on within the walls of the Church are better off cremated.
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Rainbow a mystic glow.
A beautiful sign, for that moment in time.
Magestic and epic.
You can't rewind.
A creation uncredited.
A creator you can't find.
A memory for the mind.
An image that's kind.
Romantic chimes.
Harmony that binds.
A treasure to find.
A pretty sky for seagulls to fly.
Never say "good bye".
Mysterious when you don't know why.
Precious & sacred.
Priceless & holy created.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Butterflies and ladybugs,
Lily pads carrying frogs,

Water dragons and other reptiles,
***** cats and all kinds of dogs.

Wild horses and elephants,
Monkeys in the wild,

White doves and eagles -
She has adored wolves
since she was a small child.

Alpacas and llamas,
Whales that grace the magestic seas,

Seals and dolphins
in the big blue oceans -
Whenever she's lucky enough
To see some...
She feels so alive and free.

She adores
Animals in nature,
Her heart is captured
by all of them,

She believes that they each have
A precious soul
And a beautiful nature,
Even her noisy rooster
And her big fat hen!

By Lady R.F ©2017
I love animals!
Tristan Claude Oct 2011
I thought you were beautiful,
With eyes that melt me, forest greens and browns,
My thoughts like clouds, don't know where they go, but they go,
And dissapear into magestic sunsets, the colors of blush,
If a mirror saw it's reflection, would it be embarressed,
I've danced with the thought of being here or not,
And she doesn't have the fanciest footwork, this thought,
Or hear the music very well, but she leads,
She leads me so much more than I lead her,
I thought you were beautiful,
It was leaves like those green leaves,
From green to yellow, and down to scarlet red,
My heart forgets to think, as a pianist forgets their place,
And it's melody slows, as your breath breaks the edges,
A sonata, with written letters to oppose it,
I love to travel, from feet to eyes and ears,
Adore, the hills and valleys,
The lips of local songs,
A neck of paradise, wrapped up in anaconda whispers there to stay,
If your smile was a lie, I'd worship treason,
And live for lies,
If goodbyes were hellos, I'd always want you gone,
And if staying means cold and winter winds,
I'll fall, and I'll autumn and I'll never spring to summers heart.
Semerian Perez Apr 2013
Predatoral instinct
Emerges from darkness

He catches the scent
Of his next prey
Is it an animal
Or is it a human.

He follows his target
Down the street
He watches her
Her body movements
The way her skin glows
In the perfect moonlight
Her hair framing her perfect face.

His stomach churned
Was it hunger
Or the urdge
The urdge for *******
He wanted her
He needed her
To save his soul
And heart
From darkness's curse.

She rounds the corner
And he follows close
Only to come face to face
With her
She felt him
Inside her mind
Her heart.

He claimed her then
Making her his.

The wolf
Claimed his Salvation
Forever walking beside him
The wolf and his Shadow.
joel jokonia Jan 2022
Dark as night,
her eyes.
Where did the glow,
Cold as ice,
her heart.
Where did the warmth,

Pale as death,
her lips.
Where did the delicacy,

Gone along with
Perishables treasures?
Instant pleasures?

Don't you worry,
Magestic as an angel
You heal! You heal!

Fresh as a rose,
her aura.
where did the pain,
free as thought,
her mind.
where did the worry,
Sandile JUNIOUR Nov 2015
Happy birthday to a
Fellow poet she's been
Gifted with the gift of writing
She cannot let go of the pen

All to well our fellow poet
Is a magestic imaginative one
She sweet as the candy mountain
Bold as a holly spirits she
Faces her darkness with a conquering pose

Happy birth day to our
Fellow poet for she is now
Chasing after her adult life without
Fear happy birth day Joubert
Follow Nolwazi joubert
At hello poetry and just say happy
Birthday she's part of the family
Magenta sunset skies,
Delicate fluttering butterflies,
Clouds drifting past the moon.

Crimson treetops,
Random raindrops, like teardrops,
A storm, that you can sense,
Coming soon.

Wild flowers scattered
Across fields of plush green grass.

Old wooden shutters
Banging on windows
With dust stained glass.

Wind chimes tinkling
With the wind
On an old rustic porch,

Squeeky, creaky, timber floors,
Making use of a candle,
Or a gasoline lantern,
Instead of a torch.

Swings swaying
From magestic tree branches,

Haunted castles and
Victorian mansions.

Pebbles crushing under my feet,
Leaves rustling--a sound so sweet.

Stepping stones,
In a tucked away,
Beautiful stream,

Just some of the splendors
In which I often dream.

~ And then there's you!

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
2D World Jun 2016
Ah, everything felt so magical and it was a night to remember
I carried the one I love and we saw fireworks happen between us both
Hold on let me get out of the fantasy I wish I experienced
I was unloved and too shy to ask anyone out so I went by myself
I couldn't feel an ounce of happiness while tears fell on the inside landing on the cracks tearing my heart apart
I thought it was suppose to be a magestic night but instead I was depressed
Everywhere I looked I could see people having blast
But I was lonely and somehow sat with people who had their beautiful dates next to them
No I didn't mind going by myself I just felt so lonely seeing see everyone partnered up
I faked a lot of smiles to cover up the undying sadness crawling through my heart
I pretended to enjoy the night while all I could do was cry on the inside
The only thing I realized was I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life
I used to be so excited but for what, a sad and lonely future
Why must I live a curse that can never be broken
I feel like the male version of sleeping beauty but only I'm awake and living the nightmare
I had to watch everyone make the most out of the moment while I quickly whiped the fluids draining from eyes
Yes I was alone but I had no one to cheer me up
What good was I even being there surrounded by joyful people
Why should someone have to worry about my depression on their special night
I couldn't help but fight back the tears and lie about how I felt
It just seemed like the only way to hide it all
What good did I do feeling lonely and hopeless
I just waited for the night to finally be over so I could quietly sob to myself at home
I've always wished for the void to be filled but I could never imagine it
That night made me realize that I was alone and will always be
#LonelinessForever  #Depression   #IWillAlwaysBeAlone   #IAmLonelyAndMisunderstood   #WhyDoGoodGuysGoThroughTheMost
Satsih Verma Jul 2017
How far? How far the goodness will survive?
Born to suffer, a troubled mind
was punished, for melting down.
Livid with revenge sun bleaches
the man made God, a personal anger.
Executioner was on the street
lighting bonfires of your principles.

A silent hope revolts, like green fire,
evergreen, possessing the pride spurts
of hot flames, as the age grows,
the grieving will stop, and when the borders sleep,
it will rise on the horizon, a new moon on
a majestic innocence
of pure hills in sky!
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Fantasy a chance to be.
A treasure you can't measure.
Ordinary magestic fairy.
I stopped eatting dairy.
Beautiful mermaids,
With gems they made.
With hearts scorned.
Holy vessels everyday born.
Backstabbing witches.
Two faced *******.
Ugly trolls with firebreathing dragons.
Hidden moles on wagons.
Angel voices & moral choices.

What will you find inside my mind?
My thoughts can never be bought.
My dreams are like moonbeams.
They glow really bright.
Being a mommy should'nt be a fight.
Taking a child from there mom isn't right.
My nightmares are not fair.
They can't care.
Images that haunt.
Bodies that flaunt.
My destiny is what is left of me.
A misery you see should not be.
Your thrills make me ill.
Promise not to laugh about anything from my past?
It's unfortunate it didn't last.
A curse was cast.
My life was ruined fast.
The face had no mask.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
ClawedBeauty101 Apr 2018
I started out simple... Flat, plan, and white...

The first few folds were easy... But it's finished form was far from the light

"What is it? What is it?" They constantly asked

I didn't answer them, because I wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to complete this task.

I folded, twisted, and bended the paper in many ways

And when I had to throw it away... I heard laughter of great dismay

Continuous fails... At creating a sensitve beast

Different structures brought different problems with every crease

Doubted, Slandered for even trying, over something fragile and small

What threat could this Paper Dragon be? Into the trash it falls...

Origami is window that makes the weak paper stand out as strong

Conflict built its wall, Tension rested its tent, is what I'm doing wrong?

Hands stiff from determinations curse... At last it was finished

Excited to reveal my plan for such a magestic beast.. But too soon that was diminished

Although it was white and pure, its appearence and identity was shamed

"Why a dragon? A symbol of Satan, A sign of distruction, Hell as a name?"

Can you stop seeing me and the things I create all a symbol of darkness within me?

You say I am what I create, and I can't say that you're wrong. So this is what I want you to see

I am that dragon... You think all my words are out to melt and burn

You think I am strong enough and big enough to take on your drowning waves you think I've earned

But I am a Paper Dragon... I look strong and fierce... But I can rip so easily

A simple motion of pulling me in different directions can bring the end of me

I run to you with my webbed wings spreaded across the sun burst sky

Greeting you with a firey smile, and a glowing warm heart... And yet I'm despised

A sword is impaled through all the scales you assumed were tough

They surrendered as easily as paper... And down I went...only wanting to be loved

I am Paper Dragon... I'm not dangerous... I'm not evil or bad!!!

I am of creation!!!  If I use my ferious fire on you, it is to protect me from you... Which is sad...

I have been Labeled... Along with the things I create

Isn't it amazing? This majestic paper king of the fire in the sky... Can't you relate?

You call it a demon... You call it a mimic and a mockery of purity and light


... If you don't want the fire the Lord has gifted me with to melt your ice...

Then alright... But I won't allow your waves to soak me and wash away this life...

I'll be perched on a hight mountain top, looking over you and your waves from a far distance...

You wonder why I'm so far away...  Why you feel so much resistence...

My glowing charcoal eyes you can still see... You grow more confused and ticked!!!

All because... Of this Paper Dragon Conflict...
I made a Paper Dragon Card for a dear friend of mine a few days ago and the response I got out of working so difficulty and ******* it was not what I was expecting...

Dragons I know are one of the most misunderstood and misjudged creatures... They were once living things, they are an animal, no different then the dog or the bats or dinosaurs... Along with snakes, theu are seen as evil, but it doesnt mean they are themselves are evil... Theu can represent something, but it doesnt mean that they are what they symbolize or represent...

It's loud and clear that there are so many things that I do or make that causes question to my family... But I know that these labels and discouraging words are to test me... To see if im going to fall into focusing on pleaseing them, or focusing on who the Lord says I am and focus on making sure I am becoming more like me and my reason for doing or making something is good and is for His glory.

All I can say is... Thank you for accepting and appreciating the Paper Dragon, that was a deep relief for me. XD

It taught me alot while making it, and I know the Lord had strangely strengthen throuh that long hard drawn out process

Happy Late Birthday? XD lol sorry I had to write this poem, dont be mad at me.
Mariya Jawed Dec 2018
Oh God , Oh God
never heard you ,
never seen you,
just talked to you
when i needed you,

Doing sins,
Just knowing it,
That the god above me
Is seeing it,

Knowing what is right,
Is something bright,
Knowing what is wrong ,
Is something strong,
But that isn't enough ,
talking to someone
in a tone that is rough and tough,
Seeing ir hearing something bad,
Knowing that I am so sad,


Save me from hell,
That is fire for one to eternal dwell,
Seeking knowledge of QURAN,
protecting yourself from SHAITAAN,
Knowing the magestic role played by the prophets,
It is that one muslim wants
Satsuki Oct 2013
You came into my life
Like dandelion fluff in the breeze
Sweet, soft, magestic
You floated in with ease
Fresh snowfall
On a crisp winter night
The thought of you
Keeps me warm and alright
You placed your heart
Within my gentle hands
Your love flutters in the air
And in my battered soul it lands
And through my tired eyes
I can truly see
Right through your disguise
You're broken
Just like me
But together we can fix each other
Together we can see
The light that burns
In both of our torn up hearts
With fire and ice
We create the ultimate work of art
Carmella Rose Aug 2018
a little while ago
i knew you
from an old song
sang by my friends
voices magestic like the sky
and lyrics painful as hell beneath
changing my life
spilling the glass of
that couldn’t be undone
i fight for you,
you battle for me,
there is no winning
in a person who
doesn’t want to win

you were all a part of a sky
and i was just a mere ****
of the grounds on earth
will i ever reach you?
fly to you?
enter the magic shop?
hope for someone
when at i’m at my lowest
or even swam the purple crowds
cheering on your master piece
as you produce rhythm
of gorgeous tones

i’m lost of words
knowing that the words
the lingers on your mouth
were reality
crashed upon you
at an early life

you gave me the best of me,
now i shall give you the best of you
blooming a dream
that someday could be reality
imagining holding each other
being selflessly happy
not caring about a single
thing in this world

i do love you,
but you were so up the sky
so hard to reach
and i’m so

maybe one day i could fly to you
i will always find you as my euphoria
the epiphany today
and the truth untold
to my fake love
to thy
so there was seven wonderful boys, that gave life to my soul, me as a mere little girl too naive to dream i’d see them someday, even though it’s impossible.
Annabel Lee Jun 2015
City lights capture hands in the darkness giving shadows to a perfect silhiloette. Eyes meet as the diamonds overhead sparkle with passion. An unaturally warm breeze blows, giving the air a tender feeling. They see nothing for a moment, only each other through a scoping vision that makes everything else disappear around them. They don't see the glistening stars shining or the magestic city lights off in the distance. All they see are each others eyes. All they see is each others soul wrapped in a peaceful gaze. All they can see is each others heart melding into one soul. All they can see is what they have created together.
All they see is all that they want to see, their love
It won't be a series but there will be more than one.
RhettlvScarlett Aug 2019
I believe her every word
here, there and everywhere
written spoken or silenced it's the truth!

Her surviving courage skill
a lesson of good and evil to all
in the face of cowardly
cold blooded assassins
demonizer slanderers
human predators

This beauty is my best friend
I am so blessed
my sister my doved eyed
an in and out beauty-rest
my beauty poetess is

much revered here in heart
her open minded nature
my inspiration she is!

This surviver was noones fool just hurting cornered and alone
in denial stunned
sacrificing all
for the ones she loved
So this lady parrot phrased
your culprits E-mailed
nasty notes  
cursing her mother birthing her!

thats all shes done wrong
to pay for it for lifetime long
is hellish travesty.

In the arena of the masked
the covert world of mirrors
granted a few final words
where compensation
she never sought!

My lady friend poetess
re-builds no sand castles to bridge no past disconnections

in this masked faceless cyber
H.P mirror
bridges tend to re-surfice spontaneously
unmasking key facts
completing past puzles
left unanswered

mis-sunderstanding innocent victims of crimes then left behind is very cruel.

It's induced evil fate
collapsing golden bridges
widening gaps
not even a two cent charity
for her pain was ever saught!
much less cash burried
a bank account could have help trace beloved kidnapped
How can someone valued so high
a genie in a bottle
not be protected
your lying significant other covert culprit
snake-eyed jeweled
is anchored to your bank
not to your heart.
no peaceful land!

No such viper's name can your heart carve
your master bed-room
has no tender grace

your picture painter
a Mom's nightmare ****** killer
shes is all yours to keep.

O I am only messanger on free will
platonic friendship
wins this beauty's trust.

friendship I offered gladly
no study subject intended
and these words are my own
my educated guess at best

yes knowing her
in and out beauty
is loving her!

Understanding her
is trusting her
this in and out beauty

her banner's of honor
is true love and to sacrifice her happiness for the benefit of all
even her enemies.

I remain loyal kneeling at this beauty's feet
whom you left behind
heartbroken trashed cursed

just to go romance
wine and believe
the bone fish stonefish real fool
cursing your beloved d M birthing her
insult she simply returned
to her the curser
not meant for you
oh why couldn't you ask
who sent that garbage to your beloved dreaming of you in that magestic bedroom downloaded copied and published
just to find you,
it hurt deeply
your Mom once called her your dignificant other  
you now call wife.
By: RhettlvScarkett
Reviced 03/20
I am a better bridge I unmasked and gave her protection and emotional support. Inspired and written for a great poetess on her true life events writing skills. Very fond of Karijinbba
Classy J Jul 2016
Got on my Nike's and my sweats and classy T-shirt, blasting my music bout to blast off, so please beam me up captain kirk. Roger that, watch your back, building up a movement and then i be putting it on my back. Running away, no man I'm running towards, I came to make history I don't give a crap about Grammy's or Oscar awards. So political, when you get in the business, but I'm a independent rapper with a unique style, I'm underated but awesome like Nintendo's ness. Time to get out, time to work out, can't hold me back, if you mess with me I'll turn you into a pelt. Scottish blood, native blood, french blood, English blood, imma ethnically cleanse you all like I'm a flood. Going hard, getting strong, while some people smoke bongs I spent my time writing these songs.

Mayday, make way, for classy j the future class be destroying anything in his way like he doomsday. Time piece, time to make my peace, feel like I'm on top of the world, grooving and singing so much you think I was a star in grease. Moving on up, movement is **** tough, but i be been known for persevering through it even though it may be rough. Touch down, make them scream make them jump, life is like a box a chocolates yeah I got that from my one of my favorite movies forest gump. Time off, nah man I'm timing in, man it feels so good to feel alive again. I'm having the time of my life, yeah working out is totally worth it, I'm so glad I did not end my life. A little bit of positivity never hurt, changed the style a little bit but I still got a mouth of a murk.

Undalay undalay ese, que pasa hombre, I love mexico man, drinking all night, till next thing I know its already Sunday. Oh crap, I got to get to the flight, even though I got a wicked hangover and don't completely have any sight. Party time, making them rounds, bouncing through every town or city, leaving boring people at the pound. Give me the crown, never see me coming like a RKO, come in the ring and I'll be like Muhammad Ali and with one hit the bell rings as a result of a tko. Free styling every time I write these raps, I can do this in my sleep, yeah you definitely don't hear this kind of rap anymore that why I woke it from it's nap. I was born with it, its one of my many gifts I bring to the table, anything is possible if you believe you are good and able. Locked and loaded, revelled and scolded, don't put my name in italics boy, for a real man's name is bolded.

Time to work out, time to get out and actually live, in the world there is a lot more take then there is a lot more give. So turnt up and ready to have a good time, so turn that music up and bring out some fancy whine. Positivity and negativity, yin and Yan is what I deliver to thee. Good meets bad, but what happens when the immovable object meets the irresistible force, searching for answers, going into the matrix man, yeah I'm getting plugged into the source. Teaching you how to dougie, hip hop and contemporary is the way to go, danced all night now I'm all groggy. Tripping out, drinking energy drinks, cause when I party I go all out. Its funny how as a teen I never had to many friends and never got invited to party's, it cool though because now I get invited to them, and you can bet that a party with me is saucy.

Hitting that one two step, nay nay every day, dancing is such a work out, tell that to your mother the next time you go down by the bay. I could rap all day if I wanted, man I'm on fire, you bet your **** i be going 100. Inspired by tupac and biggie smalls, Canadian born y'all, my rhymes are as magestic as Niagara falls. Back to the subject, working out a message to give to my public. To sum up this rap, stop being so negative, work out, get out, and make sure you take less and instead try to increasingly give.
SøułSurvivør Jan 2015

Sometimes life deals you berries,
And man, you have it made!
But sometimes you get lemons,
And must make lemonade...

I've been through a valley
Where seeds were there to sow,
Mountains are magestic,
But the valley's where you grow.

The above does not contain totally
Original ideas, but I'm afraid I'm a bit
Rusty. I haven't been writing in some months.
I no longer have a smartphone to write
Online. I had to borrow this iPad.
I'm so sorry I had not tried harder to
Stay in touch, but I've been concentrating
On my music. I have songs that will be
Released on the 22nd of this month.
More news to come...  <3
Karijinbba May 2020
Dearest True love
I am the woman
who loves you the most
in this whole world
I am thinking of you
and can't help
but realize
you sure are like wine

I am drinking wine in Hollywood
all alone and bathing in it
since you aren't here
to spill it on me and me on you
I have drank half
and then I made a bathtub
and added half to the bubbles
I love you forever
Thanks for the huge buquet of roses
red and roses white
I pain so sorry for my lilys

Mothers day 199..
roses whites and reds
your grand Hilton's antorage entrance
the shampagne waiting there
  two cups full for two
I see my old letter you kept hidden
in a safety deposit box up above
your magestic lovely love roses

that view is healing magic
it will last an eternity
I miss you love you
mourn US deeply
I am
with you in spirit your home
in your world
every May 10th Mothers Day
still speachless
bad people made sure i had no idea what second chances meant

DARLING It's been
I first met you

46 long years, 0 months
0 days, 15 hours
27 minutes, 11 seconds.
Its been this long since
we planted our garden
45 years, 10 months 15 days,
15 hours, 2 minutes 19 seconds
Hiltons upside down kiss
I didn't know I was ill and dying
I needed you
I didn't know I could earn
your love trust and heart
I've mourned deep within in silence
for us a lifetime now
nothing I did helped to forget you

the life that grabbed me
in your absence
tortured me, abandoned me
to virus my heart of gold and all

but the memory
of your precious love
elates me upholds me
thank you for loving me
once upon a time
and on Mothers Day
yes we never say good bye
By: Karijinbba
Thank you for the rooms filled with roses
in memory of RDD/BBA
1974-to present
jeffrey robin Feb 2014
Wanting it all!

(All what?)

We come from the darkest of wombs

We enter whatever street is there


Puerto Rican lovers in the rain!

We would enter any shadow

The slightest taste


(For we would find Home)

The songs play on but many the notes escaping

Seeking to find their mates

Seeking to be a new song
A whole song

On their own


Let us go along and know

New images
New rhythms

New faces in new nights

Let us go where mountain songs mingle with

The scents of holy barbaric streets

And where the saints

Dance magestic

Of the time


Let us escape like the notes of the songs

And become

New men for a new world

Where the saints sing about us

One of them


Let us go to our real Home again

All images form at birth
And fade

At death

Let us die now and live

For the sake

Of the eternal tomorrow

Always today
Karijinbba Mar 2020
Hold me holy lover sinner
worldly lover mine twin soul,
like Rhett Buttler
beheld Scarlet in his arms
as she sobbed

hold me speace me madly
love me long like
Rae Ingram (Nicole Kidman) and her husband, John (Sam Neill),
held each other on their yacht
rocked by oceanic waves in
Dead Calm!
Oh beloved gold key come stay rock me hear my plee

regardles of names time and space or sand hour glass
I love you
fly to me I am wearing my red robe waiting for you up the magestic flight staircase,
the captured sacred
chronological dream spell
impregnating imagination

come up quickly search for me
inside your master bedroom
kick the door if you must
grab me apeace my despair
find me shivering in the closet burning with anticipation
save me hold me
put my fire out gold hearted lover mine
praying eons isolated hold on to your photograph
patiently waiting for a word
news thwt you caré as promised
I am breaking save me

Pop up the bubbly bottle is chilled O sweetheart sweety pie
I long to get high with you
fill up my cup full
twist my gold lock open with your
gold key Enter me! I can't live without you

let the fireworks begin to sing
I adore you do with me as you
eternity is ours to love
let me devour you apeace me
the nights long the days and eves long ***
see you ginham shirt buttons popping up strong long
pants zipper tearing up
my He-Man Ruddy divine

the nights eons long I sought you
out of time and space is only for the devil not for true love.

I have dreamt with this dream
since you and I carved it
lovingly photographic memory
and all once upon a time
has come suddently

and though another soul grabs
you tieing you down
as you gave her presence ring and name
I know you love me forever
more as you're a man of your word
hold me for the ocean waves
drown me they now wrack
our boat for you two as I watch
I break uphold me
Oh how it hurts not to feel you
caressing my existence in person

but I have felt your beautiful loving passionate ways
long time ago my gold lock
and your gold key did laid your bridge
openning heavens portal in me.

and that makes all the
difference today

To honor you in memory
closing the chasm with a poem
a gold lock to gold key.
Robert Gretczko Aug 2016
I am the mighty magestic Tetons
the delicate of wisp of a dewy frond
the swirl of confusion and emotional rot
  fourteen ***** pans and pots

moments of passion left in despair
the coolness of fall in the night time air
lost keys and found money
sticky fingers when pouring honey

drawers filled with odd here and there
an hour of pleasure, a moment of fear
a clean, smooth cast of a singing reel
a fist bump after a hard-fought deal

lines and memories of an aging face
  a restful release in favorite place
membership benefits in a local club
  the earnest rebuke to a careless snub

hats thrown high in jubilation
relentless tedium of life's stagnation
curiosity when facing an obvious fact
the surprise erupting from a plot's third act

relativity found as expressed by Einstien
  the makings of men so elegant and fine
sureness that comes from passionate study
the way life can be so slippery and muddy

shouts from the courtyard above it all
the steadiness of desire or suddenness of a fall
nations in strife or surging with glory
the long journey to the end of a story

measures taken in an earnest goal
  how ignorance and deceit takes its toll
children's laughter that tinkles and shines
agreements broken and meetings of minds
Clea Marie Apr 2016
Blue is the colour of the shimmering ocean,
Or of somebody's eyes, filled with emotion.
Blue is the colour of a bright summer sky,
Of of somebody's tears when they cry.
Blue can be the colour of a little smurfs skin,
Or the colour of a big recycling bin.
Blue is the colour of a freshly picked blueberry,
Blue is an avatar who looks a bit scary.
Blue is the colour of a singing bluejay,
Perched on a branch on a winter day.
Blue is the colour of a magestic blue whale,
Or the colour of sadness you were when you felt like a fail.
There are so many shades of blue,
Different tones and different hues.
Not all of them are sad,  
Though blues reputation is rather bad.

— The End —