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Dorothy A Oct 2013
Everything faded to black. He had a hard time remembering just what the hell happened. He wasn't sure of downing some random pills from of the medicine cabinet-- his first attempt to end it all. Making sure he would not recover-- if the pills didn't do the job-- he had already devised the set up of the noose in his bedroom. Definitely, he didn't recall anyone cutting the rope, forcing him down to the floor.

Lacie joked with him. "Dude, you've got nine lives! You must really be a ****, fricking cat in disguise! That's why you'll eat those nasty tuna fish sandwiches they serve in the nuthouse! "

Chris grinned at her.  He had to agree. To refer to it as the psych ward at the hospital made it seem like more of a jail term, but calling it "the nuthouse" lightened up the severity of the situation. As grave and nearly tragic as everything  had become, it was kind of laughable to him.  He supposed he had more chances than a cat's fabled life. It all seemed so crazy that it must be funny.

Well, what could he say? He had flirted with death, but unwillingly managed to escape its grip. "Pathetic..."--he commented. "I don't not even know how to die well..."

Chris  eventually realized that he had been rushed to the hospital, but wished it wasn't true. Since then, everything was either a total blur or a bizarre state of mind . Even waking up in his room was like a remotely vague memory, almost like a long ago dream that might not really have happened.

Maybe, he was somewhat aware that his sister was screaming in shock and horror at the sight of him, shouting out downstairs to her boyfriend to help her. But the walls were turning red, a glowing scarlet- red, with an added fiery orange and yellowish-gold-- all joined together in pulsating embers. He was quickly losing consciousness. It was like some, bad acid trip. Not that Chris knew this firsthand, but it sure was like something he saw on TV or at the movies.

And now he was the star of the horror show.

Did he die?  Death was what he planned on, so waking up was not a relief, or a reality back into motion--just the opposite. It was as if being awake was the real nightmare, a delusional time when everything was not true, and was only an scary, offbeat version of the life of Chris Cartier.

The bad acid trip continued. He recalled hospital staff rushing about him, seeming like real people-- sort of. Then they morphed into fish in scrubs. From overhead, an IV was dripping into his arm. Tubes were shoved down his throat. His vital signs were displayed on a screen that made beeps and sounds, increasing the chaos and adding to the mayhem to his mind. Soon, the vital signs machine started talking to him that he was a "very bad boy" and other such scoldings.

He was thoroughly freaked out. If he was still alive, he'd rather be dead.

He wanted to run. One of the fish pushed him back down and muttered out undecipherable utterances-- like underwater gibberish . Then that fish used its slimy fins to inject him with a needle in his arm. The other fish circled around him like fish out of water--with opening and closing mouths-- as if gasping for air.

As they surrounded him as rubber monkeys shot out from the walls and bounced all over the room. On top of all this madness, the florescent lights above were flickering on and off, in sync to the wild music, like the drum beats of a distant jungle. It was one bizarre tangle of events, a freaky, crazy, out-of-control ride in which reality could not be distinguished from the animation and mass confusion. It was one overpowering ride that he would much rather forget.

When Chris got out of critical condition, he found out that he could still not go home. That would take a few weeks more. Dr. What-The-Hell's-His-Name assured him that he needed to start on the path to his psychological healing--just as grave as the physical--right here in a safe place.

It didn't seem so safe to him.

The enemy wasn't what was out there in the world, but the big, bad wolf was actually him. He had to be protected from the true culprit--himself-- and that was a mind-blowing concept. Just what did he get himself into?   

He never had been a patient in a hospital before. In all his twenty-six years, he didn't so much as even have his tonsils out. Feeling now like a prisoner,, he was still scared out of his mind-- as if it was day one all over again. When was he going to get out of here? Chris began to fear that they would never let him out. No professional had a definitive answer, as only time would tell of his improvement.

Man, why couldn't he just be dead?

His parents visited almost everyday, but it was of no reassurance to him. His mother always left in tears, and his father was lost for words. This was nothing new. When it concerned their troubled son, they felt inadequate to help him. The best his dad could say was, "Hey, Chris, we're pullin' for ya". That was of no comfort, whatsoever, like he was some fighter in a boxing ring that his old man had a bet placed on . His mom always clung to him as she said goodbye, like she needed the hug more than he did, saying to Chris through her sobs , "Miss you". Her emotional state just unsettled him to the core, and he was worried for her more than for himself.    

At best, his outlook was grim. But then he met Lacie Weiss, and things started looking up.

Lacie was one of the quietest psych patients in the ward, always sticking to herself. But then he found himself sitting right next to her in group therapy, and they hit it off. He had no idea that she had a fun side. She usually looked apathetic and quietly defiant to society, a nonconformist in the form of a Goth, with edgy, dyed black hair, dark eye make-up and some ****** piercings of the eyebrow, tongue and nose. Her look was quite in contrast to his light blue eyes and sandy-brown hair. Chris never was into Gothic, viewing those who were as spooky creeps.  

It was obvious that Chris was scared and confused. Now although trying to seem tough and stoic, Lacie seemed so little, almost fragile, yet obviously trying to hide her broken self together. Petite and somewhat girlish in appearance, she was barely 5 feet tall. Chris was 5 feet 11 and a half inches, close enough to the six foot stature that he wanted to be. Only a half inch less really didn't cut it for him, though, even though his slim build gave the impression of a lankier guy. He would have loved to be as tall as the basketball players he so emulated. But such was life. He was never used to having the advantages.  

At first, Lacie never opened up, not to a single soul. Like Chris, she certainly acted like she didn't need this place, and nobody was going to help her--or be allowed to help her. As stony and impenetrable as she tried to be, group therapy it was hard to disappear in. Everyone was held accountable for opening up, and the leader was going to see to it.  No way, though, did Lacie want to crack or look weak in her turtle shell composure, in her self-preservation mode. So it was agony for her.

She first spoke to him, whispering loudly to him, onc,e in the group circle "This is all *******!"

Hanging with Chris was the one salvation that she had in this miserable experience. They both could relate more than he ever realized. They both really liked motorcycles and basketball. He had his own Harley, and it was something he loved to work on and go on long rides with it, his own brand of therapy.  In spite of how she looked, Lacie was also actually close to his age. He was twenty-six. and she was twenty-two.

They first broke the ice with casual introductions. "No, the name is not pronounced like Carter", he corrected her about his last name. "It is like Cart-EE-AY...... It's French".

"Yep", she replied. "Like mine is the same way, but as German as brats and sauerkraut,  Ja dummkopf?"

Chris gave her a weird look. She continued, "My mom's dad was from Germany, and I got my mom's name. Ya don't say it how it looks. You would say Weiss like Vice, but I couldn't give a **** how anybody says it. Nobody gets it right and original, anyhow." Her dark brown eyes flashed at him as she said, " But I think I like Chris Cutie, myself, better than Cartier.....cutie it is for me. Huh, cutie pie? "

Chris laughed hard. She was pretty coy for a die-hard Goth. She batted her eyes playfully at him and winked."You're worth being in here for, ya know", he told her, blushing, still laughing at her silly remarks.

She studied his face in response, all laughing aside. Suddenly, her mood turned solemn.  "I'll bet".

They began hanging out in the commons, walking down the halls for exercise, and swapping stories of their plights. Chris quickly found that she Lacie wasn't so steely and unapproachable as the day he first saw her.  And she discovered that he was more than a pretty boy.

"My parents weren't home when I tried", he told her one time after lunch was done. They were sitting in a corner, trying to be as private as possible. "Twenty-six years old...and I still live with them. Yeah, that's my life. I got a twin brother, and he's moved out and doing alright for himself. My sister's younger, is going to college. Wants to be a doctor".

Lacy didn't have any siblings to compare herself to. "Must be cool to have a twin", Lacie said. "I always wondered how that would be to have two of me running around! Scary, huh, dude?"

Chris shook his head. "No, it's nothing like that. Jake and I aren't identical. We are just a two-for-one deal...I mean  is that my parents got two babies in one, huge-*** pregnancy. Jake and me don't even act like twins. Half the time, I don't want to be around him."

No, it wasn't like his cousins, Adam and Alan, who were identical friends, mirror images, and best of friends. Chris never identified with that kind of brotherly relationship. He and Jake never dressed alike, or knew what the other one was thinking. And Chris felt that his brother always felt superior to him. He was the popular one. He was the ambitious one who landed a great job in computers, as a system analyst.  To add to Chris's feelings of inferiority, his little sister, Kate, had surpassed him, too. She was acing most of her classes, and boarding away at college. She was well on her way to becoming a doctor.    

"So if your mom and dad weren't around...who saved you?" Lacie asked. She stared into his eyes with such a probing stare that Chris almost clammed up. Just thinking about that day was overpowering.

" sister and her boyfriend were hanging out in the basement. She was home from college, and I didn't know it. My parents were out-of-town. Our dog, Buster, was acting funny. He knew something was up..."

Chris stopped abruptly, but went on. "Kate, my sister, explained to me that she saw me in my room, getting up on a step ladder. She says she yelled at me to stop. I don't remember...but I guess..I guess I was going to do it anyway, and she wouldn't be able to stop me....stop me I hurried up and jumped off before she could stop me."  

Lacie could almost picture it, as if she was there with him. She said, "But she did stop it. She saved you."

"Yeah", he agreed. "Buster started it all...barking, alerting my sister to come upstairs from the basement, and upstairs by my room...." All of a sudden, he felt so weird, like he was having an out-of-body experience.

"Hey, it's OK", Lacie reassured him. "It's over now. You aren't there anymore".

Chris started to cry, but tried not to. "If it weren't for Brian, Kate's boyfriend....she would not of had the strength to hold me up by herself, and cut the rope, too. I must have been like dead weight, and Brian grabbed a kitchen knife and told her to stay cool about it. Yeah, sure, like that could have been possible ! She was trying to keep the rope slack, while trying to save my sorry ****...and she was scared, shitless! "

Lacie opened up, too, relating her tragic past. She had an unbelievable tale, one hell of a ride herself.  It was amazing how detached she was when relating it, though. "Well" actually I got to fess up" "I'm not really an only child....I mean I am...but not really. I know that sounds weird---hey--but I am weird. Oddly unusual is the story of my life-- even before day one. "

Chris had no idea what she was talking about. "What are ya' trying to say?"

She added another surprising bombshell. "Also,  I have a two-year-old boy. His name is Danny. He don't see his dad--ever. The guy's a waste of space. Anyway, my mom has him. She can afford him more, and can do a better job raising him than me. Well, she does OK money-wise. Anyhow, my mom deserves him because she lost everything. And I mean EVERYTHING! Her whole fricking family practically wiped out!"

The shock that Chris had on his face-- his widened, blue eyes and open mouth were expected.   Most people had a hard time believing her.

She explained, calmly, "I mean she nearly died--way before I was born--in a car accident. And her two, little boys were with her in the backseat...and they died that day. "

Chris looked pale. "That is so awful!" he said, hoarsely, barely able to say it.

"Yeah", she continued. "Not a **** thing she could do about it, too. She was like in a million pieces. I know a part of her died right there and then, too. I just know it.  You know, dude, my mom was once really, really coasting along, just doing fine. A typical wife and mother-- a bit older than me now-- life was good. Her little boys were just cute, little toddlers--like Danny. I found out from my grandma that she was  pregnant, too, just a month or two. Nobody could have imagined it coming. She was just driving--doing nothing wrong-- when some idiot broadsided her.  I don't know if it was a guy or a lady, if they were jacked up on ***** or drugs, but they were speeding like a demon out of Hell. Her husband was at work and wasn't around."  

The boys were Benjamin and Gerard, but Lacie couldn't remember their names, for her mom could barely mention them without breaking down. It was an unbearable loss.

Chris was so horrified, amazed that Lacie related this like it was someone else's story. She was almost too cavalier about it.

"And they died ?!" he asked.

"Yeah....*****, don't it? Pure, pure agony. Downright Hell on earth. My mom had to learn to walk again. It took about year, I think."

"Oh, no! What about the baby she was supposed to have?"

"Miscarriage. Worse yet, the **** doctor told her she'd never be able to have kids again. She lost everything, man! Her husband couldn't handle it and left her. **** on top of ****, on top of more ****, on top of more. If it wasn't for her parents, and her sister's help, she would never have made it.

"But she had given birth to you, right? Or were you adopted?"

"Yeah, she gave birth to me. I was her miracle baby, and she didn't give a rat's rear end if my dad wanted me or not. He'd send her money, once in a while, but he wasn't really into either of us. Who cares though? She didn't give a **** what he thought. I was her baby. Truth is, before I came, she ended up slitting her wrists--just like me. What was the use? At first, there was nothing to live for. But now she has Danny.

"And you!" Chris quickly pointed out.

"Dude, are you kidding me? I have been NOTHING but grief for her, a real pain in her ***!"

Unlike her deceased, half-brothers, Lacie grew up before her mother's eyes, from a shy girl to a ******* rebel. Since the age of twelve, she would sneak drinks from her mom's liqueur cabinet. Eventually, she smoked *** and tried ******* and ******. Dropping out of the eleventh grade, she soon away from home, living with friends or boyfriends ever since.  Thankfully, she wasn't doing drugs when she conceived Danny. And her drinking wasn't as prevalent as it was in her teen years of partying and binge drinking. That didn't mean that her drinking problems magically disappeared, or that she was cured. Immediately, though, when she knew she was pregnant, she refused to touch a bottle, but it was just a white knuckle process that was effective momentarily--a band aid on a more serious wound. And going months without a drop of alcohol didn't deaden her urges--quite the opposite--as it only made her crave what she could not have. Often, her fears caught up with her--of especially becoming
Silence- complete absence of sound.

It's funny,
How they think silence,
means you can't hear a thing.

But you can hear silence.

It's so fricking loud.
You really can't miss it.
neko May 2014
hey buddy did u know that under a powerful microscope a wood chip resembles our universe just let that sink in

we are so small we are so fricking small ok u hav to make yrself known or else u'll forever be nothing but a tiny floating speck

is that what u want to be for the rest of yr life??? a **** fricking speck no i dont think so

thats some horton hears a who type **** ok thats not ok

u know what else

no matter how known u make yrself u will always be just a tiny little speck but hey u know what

some specks can be bigger than other specks and this is not always physical

sometimes the traces u leave behind are bigger than u will ever be

so make a **** impact

voice yr stupid dumb beautiful opinions and voice them loud

be the tiniest speck and climb up as high as u can get and fricking shout at the top of ur little speck lungs

we are here were r here we r here and all that good jazz u kno

did i just write a poem about horton hears a who *******

shoutout to dr. suess for being a radass motherhecker thats some deep crap right there ****
dan hinton Nov 2011
Let me tell you something
About life as seen on TV
It may appear ideal
But that ain’t the way it should be
The goodie has no end of ammo
The baddie is never in with a shout
But in our world today
It’s always the good guy who loses out
He loses out to the *******
The puff with the SUV.
The girls drop a nice one instantly
For a flutter of profanity.
The ***** always get laid
While the dude’s  left out to dry
And for all that goodness he’s got
He’s alone a lot and why?
It’s a question I asked myself
For years and years to come
To the conclusion that all winners
Are deadbeats, jerks and ****.
Cody Al Oct 2015
This isn't fair!
Don't you try to blame this on me!
my love for you was bulletproof but your the one who shot me!
and ******* it!
i can barely breath
this fricking binder is possibly killing me
but it really helps me look even more like a man
and don't you even know
my name is Cody
and I won't respond to anything else
I'll keep saying that I am male
no matter what you say
I'll scream it at the top of my lungs
this is going by the song bulletproof by pierce the veil
Max Evans Mar 2013
We have to pull together.
Why is every word that comes out of anyones mouth start a war?
A war against words and our guns are our very own tongues.
Artillery is just another word for vocabulary.

If we keep acting the way we are
Earth is no longer a community.
It’s soon to be a rock floating in the middle of space
With a bunch of ****** human beings
Fighting over the most worthless things.

Its like, a fly on a lake.
It still has a pulse but it cant fricking move.
It still spins but it doesn’t fricking think.
It still makes ripples, but does it affect the current?

It’s like the Joker had a bad day and managed to end up at a sad clown convention.

We meant something at one point, but then just joined along.
Earth will live on forever,
and so will humans.
But will human kind stay?

Its just another pine tree in a logging operation.
Soon enough we will be consumed by products and machines
and we will amount to nothing.

We will be consumed by the the sharp teeth of the saws
and eaten alive limb by limb
by the community that is our own people
and don’t try to tell me that “its not that bad”
Because it is.
We tell a white lie to live past the darkness hoping it would spread a little bit of light.

We have to collaborate. Humans and giants have to get along because who else would we turn to when the light bulbs keep burning out and the ceilings get higher and higher

Humans are made to be the same.
Thats why there is a plural at the end.
Because we are all humans and not animals like we have been acting.
Grow a pair of nuts and confront your problems and not just ***** and moan about it and literally start a war of the words.
Thorns Feb 2019
Hope you feel better than i do
Todays my moms birthday...
i feel so nervous
im tired
my stepdad called me a *** and goth over me being emo
and almost killed me for the 3rd time
i feel like the cover of a fricking Nirvana album
I don't kno any more
I, no I mean WE will not be defeated.
Now, hope might seem depleted
But I promise that at the end of the tunnel there is a light,
It might be small and barley in sight,
But it is there and it beckons for us to hold on,

Hold on to each other: our friends, our sisters, our brothers,
Because in a world full of hateful slurs,
Where name calling and bullying still occurs,
We need to see each other as more than just negative labels,
It is up to us to look into the eyes of hate and turn the tables,
You might look at that person different than you and call them names,
But all you do is lose sight of, that despite you trying to give them a new one, their name is James.

And James is a fricking genius. No he really is. He is solving high school math problems in the 3rd grade,
And that little James plays Behtoveen on the piano like it has never been played,
But you missed out on all his amazing talents and the best hug you will ever get,
Because you were too busy trying to impress your friends, not worried who you’d upset.  

It is time to learn there are a thousand better words than ******* or gay,
And most of y’all who use them don’t even know what they mean anyway,
So I will fight on to spread the word to end the word,
And no matter how many times they try and break us down,
I will never be deterred,
Because for the one’s I’ve known who are affected by this kind of speech,
For the kids I see every day, the students I teach,
I want them to live in the kind of place,
Where we give up hate and learn to embrace
So if you are with me, make the change today,
Buy a dictionary, find a better word to say.
This might be a sloppy poem but I just needed to get my frustrations out that people still use the words "gay" and "*******" so casually in conversations without any regard to the damage they are doing to others.

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”

― Mother Teresa
Jordan Resendes May 2016
Getting progressively less aggressive yet
Regretting regressive Tendencies while
Obfuscating observations never rest at ease
Wherefore in the hell am I?
Introducing revolution of myself and higher
Notions of positivity, hope and resolution
Getting better at forgetting, and accountable Black Betty

Oh darling, keep me going on and going strong
Let me know and help us show the power in the now modality
Duality of reality, uncertain inevitability, love is the language spoken by the best one.
Every mess another lesson, every action an int(erv)ention
Required equilibrium, balancing of harmony.

Occupying other spaces, distant times of contemplation
Ragged lines dividing nations, abundant labels redundant reservations.

Becoming who we think we are exeunt what we believe
Every step towards a tepid order of a shorter quarter pounder to the ground
Taking one's self life as validity, intrepid sense of depth wrecked by anonymity
Tirelessly questioning, ticking box for poor & war decorum
Either tired or sick of fricking chrysalis, yet perpetual metamorphosis
Rampant maturation, semi millennial cycles of illumination. Falling floundering freedom of(f)light.
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
There's one "special" Holiday, in the **** can I will toss
The Pagan Calibration, of fricking Santa Claus
If that ****** Bozo, down my chimney tries to come
I’ll blow his *** away, and beat it like a drum
Then I’ll shoot his Reindeer, I’ll have a jolly feast
Hey Rudolf Dancer Prancer, you will be deceased
All the Queerass little elves, I’ll blow away as well
And that stinking slay, I will go and sell
To the North Poll I will go, with an Atom Bomb
500 megatons!! And drop it with aplomb
December 25th, from the calendar I'll wipe
And all the goody-goody "Good Cheer", and all the Farceass Hype

{If you are getting the notion that I don't like Christmas, you are right! Why? I think it's blasphemous to associate the birth of Christ with a Pagan Holiday} {AND the way it's celebrated !!!}
CAM Mar 2020
Why didn't anyone tell me
That being "mature for my age"

Was actually just depression
Speeding up my mind's age.
maddy Nov 2018
here i am
so fricking irritated
i cant get on
and i just want to play
so mojang LET ME ON
let me get on some server
or create my own world
i just want to build stuff
thank you
also if you have minecraft
and no longer play
please give me your account
thank you again
this is my rant for today
i know it isnt a poem
i really want to play minecraft guys so if you have an account and wanna let me have it because you dont play anymore, please let me know:)
Makenzie Marie Oct 2014
That’s all I am
in this open empty state.
And exhausted.
                                  So fricking tired.
     And the glass feels half empty.
Though the sky is so full;
I can’t help but feel alone.
Because no matter how much love
is handed to me
for my benefit,
for their gain,
it’s nothing real.
There’s nothing gained
only lost.
One more broken piece
of myself
handed away.
               One more wasted day.
And wasteful.
But hopeful, at least.
      Am I even     progressing?
Or am I moving
to the crap that used to be…?
I can hold myself up,
but after so long
my strength goes slack.
     because I know what I lack.
I feel so dang alone
          and can any of us
                    ­                       make it alone?
Anais Vionet Sep 2022
It was Friday afternoon and we’re discussing weekend plans. “You know,” Anna said, introspectively, “we were different people last year. We (Sunny and Anna) went out both nights, Friday and Saturday - for weeks. We got a taste for it, we were absolutely feral.
“True,“ Sunny admitted, “but we were high school nerds, we had to go a little crazy.”
“I can’t imagine going to the frats this year.” Anna said, with a quiver of revulsion. “Not that we’re living the nun-life, exactly.”
“Not exactly,” Sunny confirmed with a chuckle.

In fact, it’s been very quiet in our dorm suite recently. We’ve been ASMR-ing 24x7 and I have to say I like it - there really is something pinequal about it. We’ll be on campus somewhere together talking very softly with our heads pressed together - we get looks - but we’re not the only ones - it’s a trend.

Another trending is “That’s why I’m the way I am” where you have to tell an off-beat story about your pre-college self - ending with “That’s why I’m the way I am.” All in whispers, of course.
We’re all sitting on floor pillows around a large, low rectangular coffee table where we usually study.

Leong, whispers, barely audibly, as we all lean-in and strain to hear. “One time, when I was playing softball in high school (this was in Macau, China), I got benched and I started planking on the bench in protest and somehow, the other girls thought it was hilarious and it started a trend at my school, of planking if you got benched or something and the school administration thought that attitude seditious and threatened to stop the playing of softball altogether if players didn’t behave. That’s why I’m the way I am”

I take up the game with “I had this evil French teacher in high school, Mrs. Chew. She hated me because she knew I didn’t have to try very hard in her class to get an “A”.
One morning, Mrs. Chew was being a real *****, and she asked whether I was dyslexic.”
“Well,” I answered, innocently, “I got into Yale.” (With an implied air of - “f*ck off”)
“That’ll be a lunch detention,” she said, one-upping me, it was unfortunate and tragic. That’s why I’m the way I am”

“I started this whole kerfuffle yesterday,” Sophy said, out of the blue, “by saying “THE” Ukraine.” “GOI,” I snapped, “THE United States!!” And I think I crushed THEM.
“Have you been spending time at the med school?” Lisa asked, “Did they give you something?”
“If so, share,” Anna laughed.

Leong gasped, “Did you guys hear that car last night, cruising back and forth by the dorm dubbing? The fricking stereo was bassquake - I was ready to **** by the time they drove away.” “Yeah,” we all groaned.
“Let's hope THAT doesn’t trend,” Leong added.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Kerfuffle :a fuss caused by a dispute
ASMR - (autonomous sensory meridian response) involves barely audible, whispered conversations, and other placid sounds like hair brushing, breathing or other soft sounds.
pinequal = oddly satisfying
GOI = get over it
dubbing = playing DUBs: B-sides of reggae songs, where they add effects or go instrumental.
bassquake = bass sound, from a car, so loud that it shakes the ground
Leyla Aurora Dec 2014
What ****** me off the most is your smell
What ****** me off the most is that look
You give me and throw me into prison cell
What ****** me off the most is the hook
That makes me interested in what you'll do next
What ****** me off is the sound of youк steps
When you walk up the stairs and send a text
To your stupid, lost and ruined friends
What ****** me off the most is your fricking voice
Your tone and the notes you sing out when you lie
It's like a pinch in my heart, it lives me no choice
It wakes up my anger, I wish it could die
What ****** me off is the light in your eyes
Everybody have eyes, why yours seem so special?
But I won't surrender to your spell, my mind fights
With my stupid beliefs that you're my obsession
jeffrey robin Nov 2014
(((     (((    )))     )))


we act like we are so fragile / so frail

                        So                    S  a  D !!


So hurt       ( b o o    h o o ! )
So weak !!
so fricking INCAPABLE  of doing
anything        Human !!!!


So POETIC !!!!!!!    

So s a d !!!!!


So   RELATABLE  in our mindless misery !!!


Down da toilet with ya all !!!

Down down down

Down da frickin toilet !!!!

Down with yer cowardly lies !

Yer pandering deceptions as to what are real feelings  !

Yer child abuse inducing excuses for yer criminal behaviors !

Yer pretence     !!!!

Yer sadness is self induced !

Attention MONGERING at its lowest level

Be done

Come child soul



Truth gathers

The healing has begun

The healers are here

And love

( despite what these betrayers have to say )

Is real

Wholesomely complete

And is waiting

For you
Eve Sep 2017
This heart of mine
Beats rapidly with time
But with every beat
I forget to read
To count and check
The luck I wreck
With every thought
With Every pain held
Tremendously Over-felt
With every love broken
Abrupt agony's awoken

But now I'll try
Cause there's a reason why
Why that heart still beats
And why pain repeats

To form a strong soul
To help mend and mold
A mind so withstanding
A persona so outstanding

To help write a story
With so much fricking glory

Naume Mapaseka Apr 2016
Here I stand before you, pleading that you bring back the heart that you stole
I was so naïve, I thought  you cared about me but all you seem to care more about is you, and only you
I tried to love but failed
I do not have a heart,
It seems like a knife just struck me, left me with an agonizing pain
I can’t take this anymore; everywhere I go here you are, just like a fricking mosquito waiting to bite and leave me with the awful itchiness, itching until my skin turns pale
I cannot bear to think that my heart used to skip the beat for you and now when I see you it just turns sour, my whole body just aches
My heart is stuck somewhere in the wilderness, where I threw away
It was I who threw it away, not you
I tore it from my heart
I did not want anyone to be in possession of it and remained heartless
And so a heartless body I was, sitting in the shadow of darkness, fearless I remained
Until I choose to give it to someone who’s worth deserving, then it will remain where I choose to put it, out of the reach of vultures like you
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018
I'm sprawled on my couch
Fan is on, in bra and briefs
It's too fricking hot
I'm melting here...
Even with all the fans on and the cold baths, I'm still boiling
Be back soon,
Lyn ***
EmperorOfMine May 2018
My eyes feel the unfortunate kiss of the sunlight

Man, it burns so fricking much when I try to grip onto woke

I anxiously glance at the time even when I have no plans or promises

I wonder what day it must be

Climbing out of bed without a routine can be bittersweet

It's as grand as going to work every day other than payday

But what's the most unfortunate thing about the morning light

It's the fact that yesterday happened

You can't wake up and see that everything was just a dream

Funny, I could've sworn this already happened before...

It's like the world is trying to tell you something

Hey bub, did you know that hell is just tiny build ups of agony and then never remembering those agonies happened. Over and over again, you're living in it.

Who would have thought I'd be mourning in the morning...

I'm too tired for this

I should probably go back to sleep...

Maybe when I'm gripping woke again...

Maybe it'll be the evening.
Anais Vionet Nov 2024
Have you ever been wrong?
I was wrong.
Ugly, smugly wrong.
Psephologically wrong.
Hit the iceberg,
smoking’s good for you,
the treaty of Versailles,
left on red,
Copernicus, Aristotle, Custer,
I’m not claiming an excuse,
It wasn’t you,
it was me,
Just fricking
kiss a frog
Wrong all along,
wrong about the world,
reevaluate me wrong,
wrong, wrong, wrong.
I can admit I was wrong.
Can you forgive me,
can I forgive me,
Songs for this:
Waters of March by John Roseboro & Mei Semones
Stabilise by Nilüfer Yanya
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 11/05/24
Psephology = the scientific study of elections.
Jess Apr 2018
It’s the world we are attacking
When we all start fracking
The blue skies we used to know
Are now grey and lacking snow
Our earth is getting warm
And we are stirring up storms
We do this all for money
To bring in wealth for our honey
But behind the mask of riches
Is what truly scares the sales pitches
What do they do?
They thicken the mask
For every bad thing always seems to last.
Demi Coleman Jan 2016
Why can't we all just get along? Life would be easier if everyone you saw could make you smile. I just don't understand why people don't like other people, just because they are them... Why do they have to hate instead of encouraging and loving? Why does everything have to be so fricking hard when it could be easy... Humans as a whole don't appreciate anything. We trash our lands, we mistreat animals, we hurt our own kind, we hurt people who don't look the same JUST because they don't look the same... It's sooo ridiculous. I don't understand it. And if someone isn't the perfect "model type" we want to put them down and take away their worth. THEY ARE WORTH SO MUCH! We can't even respect ourselves enough to love everyone... And why? Because we feel bad about ourselves we have to make others feel worse? The concept of "misery loves company" is embedded in humans today, and it shouldn't be. We should all be soooo happy that when people look at us they become happy as well. Just imagine if everyone was happy in the world. The less fortunate as well as the extremely wealthy... When I close my eyes I try so hard to dream of a better life, a better world. And when I open them again, it's the memory of that dream that keeps me going. It just makes me so, so, eminently sad that not a lot of people dream that dream.
S cape Jan 2017
My face lights up at the mere mention of your name
I run to my phone
hoping its your contact I'm greeted by on the screen
My teacher asks me why I'm not paying attention
I tell her I'm tired
but really
I'm can't stop thinking about you
I cant sleep
- wishing i was in your arms
You make me feel protected
Yet so vulnerable

We stay up talking about the world
You take me out to lunch-
-I cant stop smiling
I love your eyes
I love your smile
I love your unwavering sarcasm
I love that you always know whats going on in the news
not pathetic
I loved that I  could always count on you
...I hate that i believed that.

I saw you with her
Through the glass window of our favorite cafe
You took a toll on my mind
-And I let you

I cant sleep at night-
Wondering why I wasn't good enough
I turned off my phone-
To avoid the temptation of calling you
I skipped lunch-
Because I couldn't stomach the thought of you
You made me see the world differently-
But I hate this version without you

I hate your messy hair
I hate your quick wit
I hate the way you read your stupid books
And the way you listened to your stupid songs
I hate the way your mouth curled, and your eyes glimmered with passion when you talked about your stupid poems
-I hate that I'm lying
I hate that I miss those things

I hate that I cant help it
I hate that I can't help but think about you-
with her-
I cant help that it breaks me
The image of her in my seat of our cafe
The image of her in my seat of any  place
I hate that I cant help that shes better for you
I hate that you chose her
I hate that i 100% understand why, I mean who wouldn't
Lets face it
I hate that I just cant help but be anything other
   than, hm what's the word I'm looking for?
So fricking
nick armbrister Apr 2018

The old woman says the system only works for certain people

She's right for the system really fricking *****

In the worst possible **** way

Some people waltz right on in there

And get what they want with no worries

Like thieves in broad daylight

Not giving a hoot about being caught

While those on the list are stuck in limbo

Caught up in a system that doesn't work

And never will for it was invented to fail

And be fricked and ***** people over

While the sneeky ones get away with ******

Ramming their hatchets in our backs

And grinning their grin knowing they've won

And we all failed coz the system is bust

Our ghosts just nod and move on

Waiting for their next corrupt life

Not even Groundhog Day was this bad
Bones Apr 2019
I don't expect you to understand
I don't agree with what you're saying
I dont like you, so let me be
Why aren't you fricking talking me?
Jeff Lewis Oct 2019
Rain on a Monday.
It’s been done.
In that over-and-over sorta way that so much of
life has been done.
Like crippling heartburn after tacos on Tuesday,
or crippling heartbreak after that wonderful date,
or DECLINED while you’re standing at the register,
when you know you’ve got money,
or thought you did—
and of course there’s a huge line waiting,
or burnt-on-cheese in your favorite pan,
or that traffic jam on Friday afternoon.
You know,
when you had those plans
with her
or him
or whomever,
or whatever.
Weekends spent laying in bed,
staring at the ceiling ’cuz that’s the only way
to face the week ahead,
and the only real positive you can find is
you don’t really wish you were dead.

It’s all been done, every bit,
and so much more.

We need a change,
a different way,
a different plan
some sort of revolution,
but one where everybody wins.

We need a bucket,
But one without a bottom.
a place to drop
all those worried woes.
We need…hell, I don’t know…


…strawberry ice-cream by the gallon?

maybe…wise and kindly dragons?


I want a dragon,
and greenish bronze with scales the size of dinner plates,
a whiff of smoke and a faint essence of sulphur.
crimson eyes that pierce the soul.
And so wise he makes Merlin seem like a dolt.
he’ll tell me stuff—tons of really smart stuff.
All those things I already know,
and know that I know,
but somehow just won’t see.

…and I want ice cream.
and a place that makes time go slow
so I can sit and take a pause.

and, of course—
I need a Fricking unicorn!
Like, why not!
Who couldn’t use a their own personal unicorn on a
                                                  nasty, rainy Monday afternoon?
I think I’ll name him Fred.
LeRoy Williams Jun 2019
Question captive, When you know what to do but but burst the hook that jigs and jiggle the tin can causing fricking friction awsome enough to get merculues the loosliest juiciest tooth defied definition causing crime that rhymes to stain glais missions on mirrors. Enough is bread to the weak when your strong which in this case we are all strong enough, enough snooting shooting stars this is tooth decay before the week is over because Uh uh I uh do not give a **** about nothing less that you stand for for for the forthright because to night you might floss this zipper knowing zebragum has been sill street walker candy because you hell kittens can feel feelings and frogs. Yes frog ripping ribbits are here. and you well you and your banging pipe could flake my furry *** as a ***** chauf. And my dog ***** this ****** to go toadstool stepping Jason Dereulo is ******* grade A easy A freak leash grannies pull nylons on forth right Herculues.
nick armbrister Apr 2018

Why do I care for the dead more than the living?

Is it because the living are moody

Can double cross me

Always lie to me

Ruin my day in a thousand ways

Make unreasonable demands of me

Want all my time for their demands

And so much fricking more

I made the right choice

Prioritize the dead

And satirize the living

Who will all be dead in 100 years
avery Apr 2023
been sprouting prose for years, and every once in a while I get sick of it.
so in layman's terms,
fricking everything *****, but it doesn't
think about everything, but not too much, you'll die.
think about the little things, deeply, immerse yourself, and **** depression, house arrest for your brain that only the sun will release you from.
and **** anxiety, that stuff is nervousness for your daily life,
just excitement buckling over into space
and leaving it up to the sky, the stars, or aligning yourself with the sand, and then multiply, you are strong in numbers
Yenson Jun 2020
Got a story
about this VIP, titled
but its mostly gossip and rumours
the Sub-editor livened immediately
what are you waiting for, write it straight away
but no real facts, nothing substantiated, says I
listen says he, we're tabloids not broad sheet
not ****** Wall Street Journal, not the fricking Times

Go get me the story
write it up, give it the Joe Bloggs slant
Yeah! the Joe Bloggs slant, euphemism for commoners
in the Tabloid Journo world Joe Bloggs is our Target audience
Deep thinking or reasoning is not expected from Joe Bloggs
yet he has ideas and thoughts on everything
He loves gossip and rumours pitched at his cerebral level
the more absurd, ridiculous, embarrassing and juicy the better

Sub Editor says
Over his papers in the day, Joe Bloggs doen't want feel good news
he care little about Climate Change or the state of the Sterling
he wants to hear about who's doing who,
he wants to read about how the Movers and Shakers err and fall
he want to read about losses to rich people
and trouble and strife for the privilege
Listen this is a person that feels under the cosh most of the time
bossed about, always counting pennies
worries here, disappointment there
not particularly bright or enterprising, your bog standard
mediocre, and off course they have frustrations fed attitudes

So I wrote the story for Joe Bloggs
inventive, salacious, mind numbing exaggerations
juicy fabrications, belligerent projections and half truths wrapped
in bog standard distortions and even a fair bit of delusions
If I write David Beckham actually have three testicles
who's going to call me a liar, will DB drop his pants to prove otherwise and suing will cost him money and time
and even help sell our papers more

Man, these privileged lot are on a hiding to nothing
Joe Bloggs loves his fantasies, his escapism into the pains and sufferings of the Privilege people
He lives to poke and **** them
salivates as he tears them down in his mind
making up the craziest scenario, wishing them nothing but
outrageous fortunes
That's how he finds peace in his misfortunes, his lacks, his sad
pathetic miserable unfulfilling, disappointing lives

Yeah!....I know Joe Bloggs real well, he was not a friend of mine....

— The End —