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janelflorendx Mar 2017
I will love you until the day the moon will vanish into its dark vast space
Until the stars slowly untwinkle as you close your eyes during the night.

And until i see the morning sun rising reflected upon your brown eyes

I will unconditionally love you until  our universe will inevitably explode into the void

Just as how defeaning our world crashes and collides,
Is just as perfectly how i would want to loudly speak your name and yell how solemnly am deeply inlove with you
J Dec 2016
The calendar that hangs on my white brick walls has been empty since the day I moved in. I don’t plan anything from day to day. I load up my year, usually in January. I fill it up with different colors, louder sounds than years before. I made a vow, or a dozen. I lost count after a while. I lose my train of thought real easily, and I find my progress derailed once a week, twice if I’m in a slump. But anyways, I fill my year up in the Winter when the frost pierces my brain and I’ve dirtied all the dishes in the house already. By March I’m hungry. I switch it up. Even louder sounds, ones I’d never heard before, ones I barely could because they grew so slowly, I grew impatient, it took time,  like that Madagascar Palm plant I read about 3 nights in a row without stopping. I hyper fixate on plants and people that promise even a glimpse of hope for me, it's pathetic. I got off track, oh yeah. It takes 100 years to flower, and once it does it dies. I thought I would do the same in March, sometimes I still do. Sometimes I want too. I take so long to grow that sometimes I forget that I still am. Back to the story, I switch it up in March. I get itchy for Spring flings that will defrost my bones and this year I remember counting every hour for a week straight, not in minutes but in ways I was alone. I counted each day in stomach aches because they never went away, even when I stopped eating to see if what I’d been feeding myself was the source of this and if abstaining from it would help. I thought the same when I left him. I lost 20 pounds in two weeks and I was happy about it because it was defeaning glee, the way people finally looked at me. And when I was counting the ways I was alone, the noise grew louder. It flowered.

I broke in May. I kissed three different boys in the same day and I remember going home and promising myself it’d be okay if I decided to stop living because if one plant that grew beside me could do so, beautifully and quickly, and I took longer, while it leaned on me without ever touching my roots underground, than there was not reason I had to be here. It didn't need me. There wouldn’t be anyone around to see me flower. Humans only live to what, seventy? I didn’t want to see twenty. I stopped growing. I chased ***** with whiskey to see which one was the first to hit me. Which one gave me a worse hangover so I finally had an excuse to spend beautiful July days rotting in bed? I remember the first time I took a shot of whiskey and it was ******* gross but I'd already adjusted to that fuzzy, churning pain in my stomach so I kept drinking. I drank a whole bottle. I was 19. The first time I tried ***** was at a party after you told me I'd turned into a "real ****." I remember that perfectly but the rest of the night is blurry and now I drink to get the fuzzy feeling back the way I had it for a day in May and thought I'd fallen in love again.  I never understood why I knew what it felt like to feel alive but chose to sit and brew inside a room that smelled too much like the Walmart perfume I wore every day the first year I fell in love. I still get choked up. It’s a weird feeling, to not love someone anymore and to forget, day to day that you ever did. But to remember how it felt to hear your heart beating inside your chest before your very first kiss, and how it felt like papercuts when you had your last. I disassociate when I get scared so I start putting “you” when “I” should be there. That’s something to note. I know how to let go but not how to take responsibility for my actions, ones crafted by loneliness, or bitterness. I counted this year in let-downs. How quickly it went by, too. Would you believe that? In just three months I will be able to say that I spent every day of my life, 365, thinking about you. I almost don’t want to publish this, because I forget that there is more to me than the way I felt in 2016. If anyone cares, there’s more to me than what I just stained the page with, right up there. I laughed this year too, with new faces. I drank in new places and got new bruises on body parts I hadn’t seen in years for fear of ridicule. They’re  black and blue but they’re beautiful. I spit words out sometimes and they don’t always make sense nor do they make a perfect sequence but that’s another thing I’ve learned this year. It’s hard to measure in numbers, what do I count when I’ve been out of order for the whole thing? Which parts do I mention when I start remembering the year that cut me open, and the year I bled for all the world to see because I needed validation, of any kind, I needed attention, from all eyes, for once because I could. How do I measure the year that I lost 170 pounds of freckles and lies and gained 40 in beer and candy? Or the year I finally made it to 32 months self harm free but that I talked about killing myself every day in between? How do I measure a year when I never feel like I’m flowering?
Peris Wambui Apr 2021

I looked at myself in the mirror,
Smiled,  but hit back with a frawning reflection,  
My thoughts lingered on the darkened soul,
Where the black suit sheltered pain, deep sketched scars of a tortured heart...
A place they found as comfortable as home,
A place they cry and mourn.

Daughter of fate as written,
Happiness buried deep within my soul,
Screams and cries of the vengeful beasts inside,
Wanting to be let free,  
And ***** the whole situation up.
Echoes of the defeaning silence,
Sending me to hades...

They watching,
My every move tracking,
Leading me on a journey there's nothing like retrieving,
Where I hope to have an unerrinng ******* life,  
Where I wish they lull me to eternal sleep.

Their voices becoming louder as I pootle in,
Gravitating deeper in the gloomy atmosphere,  
Wild thoughts circulating in my mind,
Suicidal thoughts taking the better part of me,
with a force greater than centrifugal,  
dismantling whole of my right mind.

Their open arms luring me to hug back,
No one can save me now,
No one can unhitch me from these chains of torment, condemnation,
My mind is all frozen,
My heart is all broken,
Nothing's right,  
Maybe signing my fate is the only real thing,
Maybe I'll no longer feel this emptiness,
Just like leaves gyrate slowly to the ground.

Everything happens so fast,
In nick of time, blade in my hand,  
Gashed both of my wrists, half-arsed,
Gush of blood flowing,
I pass out,
In a pool of a blood,  I lay helplessly,
Waiting for my flipping Will to be read out.
Signed fate...

JA Balaguer Sep 2017
We ignored Truths for temporary happiness--
said we loved when we really loved
ourselves. We could not break the walls
separating this room within our rooms, our hands.
We lived without a fault, nails to our
hands. Our hands

tattooed skins and glazed with rain.
Ain't no pain they say, this way--
out of the door and into the pit
all the while playing fire,
at the end of our wits. Be sane

once, and lose it all later,
you hold my hand and say
a prayer. Lord, where do we go when we lose
Where are you? He called
the angels' sirens defeaning.

I am not here, I said. I am not
here. *Hear
, He said. Here.
Shantelle Macasa Mar 2016
Once there was a lonely swing
It swung slowly at midday
But stood still at midnight
It was out of curiosty that i held its chain
Rusted from years of use

Slowly i sat and thought
"How lonely it must be to be forgotten"

To give pity on a swing
I must have lost my mind
So I held on and pushed
Slowly pushed on the cold sand
The swing creaked with each movement
Reminding me of its sullen old age

It brought me higher and higher
Euphoria filled me to the brim

I reached out as
I aimed for the stars
The constellations
The galaxies from afar
Grasping the dusts of the wind against my palm
Inhaling the cold city air

Breath in
Breath out

"Higher higher" i screamed
Lashing out to the nothingness that surronds me
Cringing to the sound of rust against rust

The silence was defeaning as I swung
So i pushed harder and harder
Till the universe embraced me
It made me dizzy as it took every ounce of my breath
So I had to stop
Because madness was an armlength away
Beckoning me to let go as i reached the peak of the sky

Maybe it wasn't so bad
To experience what it was like to fly for a moment
To be one with the midnight sky
Escaping reality for a second
Knowing i'll be crashing right back into its arms

So i gripped the chains and stopped
Allowing gravity to pull me back from my thoughts
Now the galaxies seemed to looked farther and farther
Seemlessly miniscule for my sight

The sound of night has now reached my ears
The harsh air has now reached my lungs
The insanity of what i may have done has now reached my mind

I then descend downwards from my fantasy
Landing from my left then to my right
I felt the cold sand against my worn out shoes
As i walk away from the lonely swing

The lonely swing that once gave me thoughts of madness and wonder
Kristie Aragon Oct 2015
It was on those sleepless nights
When I was alone with my thoughts
That I realized
Noise is not just sound
Because silence can be the most defeaning.
Kyle Andree Ore Aug 2013
behind the movie screens,

behind the fall of the curtain,

behind the defeaning screams,

behind the fame and the dreams,

behind all this glory,
   an actor fell on his knees
      and brokedown.

behind the limelight is a stage that
   doesn't require any set ups.

behind the character is a story
   that dont have a script.

behind all this drama and chaos,
   the Director says, "Cut!"
      and says, "Take Two!"

this is the story of an actor in his make believe,
   temporary world.

and the Director who gives second chances and
   many more chances.

in this stage called Life, may You focus
   Your spotlight on me Lord.
Kd Pascual Aug 2019
Here you are again,
Caught and hauntingly scarred by
defeaning silence.
It's hot
and it's humid.
But it's the perfect temperature,
and the best climate.

The bugs are all over me,
a distraction.
A thousand tender caresses
from The Mother.

I am wearing too much clothing.
But I am completely naked,
and exposed
to the air
and the light.

On opposite ends of the wood,
I am too close to you.
But I want so badly
to be inside of you.

There is no sound here.
And it is defeaning.

I am completely sober.
And out of my ******* skull.

I feel like ****,
and have never felt better.

with you,
I am all alone.

My books
all define the Infinite,
while void
of any meaning.

I Want so fiercely,
like a ******* hole in my chest.
And I am content.

I miss you all,
now that you are here with me.

The wind swirls around us,
and nothing moves.

My belly,
my heart,
and my head
are all empty,
so I nourish the insects
with my skin,
and my sweat,
and my breath.

And when the storm
finally breaks,
and the rain
finally comes,
I will
be dry.
The Noose Nov 2013
The night sky ruptured and bled crimson
The souls of tortured and restless spirits of the departed descended upon us....
Hovered around us

Their defeaning twisted screeching and whispers  fell into our trembling ears

Those who took refuge in the fort that cannot be touched by the unholy denied us entry
We begged and knocked until our knuckles bled
Till our fingernails fell off

The ground crumbled beneath us
Opened a giant sink hole to oblivion

Trapped in the shackle of near damnation
All we could do was endure the inescapable ruination
The Noose Apr 2016
The shadow of death
Seeps through the fissures
In the walls
Carefully sculpted
Arcadian descent
Ominous, fated
Where has this life
Drained away to
All that remains is
Discarded fervour
Inertia's unflinching grip

Past the border of
illusionary threadbare mirth
Lies blinding white
A penumbra of defeaning static
Looming over the being
The violent hollow that consumes
And never dies.
Taylor Marion Jun 2014
The magic released from your fingertips purr like spikey legs of a cricket, and although the pitch can be quite much, at least it fills the defeaning silence. And that's better than nothing.
It's everything compared to nothing

See, it's a different type of suffering.
As cardinal as the cardinals sing,
sound still sounds more radiant from your mouth; light as a cloud and tempting as the devil's cake, but it's much too **** loud for this headache.

Just as a hummingbird you urge each redundant peck deeper, and with it comes a blatant crooked creek. It's such a lovely repeat to wake up to, but the minute reality sets in I just want to shake you and retreat back to sleep so sound.
Retreat back to sound as sleep.

My cloudy head floats peeking at your ground,
and I can't make up my mind when your earth is bringing it down.
AstralPotato Apr 2019
Deep within the darkness
I lay staring at the sky
With nothing but emptiness
And of defeaning silence's cry

Into these hollow walls, I stay
Awake from the unending nights
From the quiet tavern, I pray
For my soul to take flight

The birds I've heard years ago
To the sunrise that casts at dawn
Here I am away from the echo
Of the living; I'm left all alone

This is my cave, my home
For years I waited on a throne
With nothing else, from sight
Just my darkness, my only light
I was feeling all trapped these past few months; trapped within the cards I've laid out myself. Sympathizing with a character from a book which I think completely reflected me was what this poem brought along. This poem is heavily inspired by Mitch Albom's Time Keeper protagonist: Dor.
Stand still...
Feel as if the silence is defeaning your ears—
Hear the fear beating within your chest—
Think of it as a test, this twenty-story height
Fright is sublime as the dark sky is as black as  daylight is bright
Yet at the same time inside, you fight
Because tonight eternal punishment is your delight

Spread your arms...
The warmth of the cold city wind is home—
Alone is no longer a word to describe yourself—
Help is not a number to be dialed on a phone
Help is the couple hundred feet, your distance from below
Your adrenaline rush as your feet push concrete robust
Memories flush as cold wind brush your skin
Pushing the thoughts of hard concrete replacing satin wind

Peripheral visions alert you
The sound of trickling sparks are familiar too
Ecstatic spirits embark on a journey to
The center of their world becomes those sparks in a blast
A vast symphony from an ear bleeding band
Yet this show is never bland unlike this man
Standing on top of a building ready to fall face flat on pavement or that conveniently parked red van

You wonder how you got this far.
You wonder how you got this low.
You wonder what it's like when your already six feet below.
Maybe, I guess so, you just want to be the star in your own show
Because you couldn't do it in life 'cause they ignored you the most
So you got provoked
They invoked suicide in your mind like a card shark owing the mob a loan

Alone you see the lights start moving
Spiralling sky high astonishing eyes on the ground
The visual equivalent of an angry concerto
Hitherto, you've been standing amazed
On how everyone's in a daze with lights that quickly fade
It made you think that no one would notice what you're about to do
So you step a little closer to the edge in front of you.

You never did much in life, for them not much,
Never even touched the life of at least one person you know
This life is ending on the sour note at the end of show
I let myself freefall...
Let mother earth pull me towards her cruel embrace
Falling, I still chase for limelight's given grace
Crestfallen, I face the skies hoping I go to heaven after my grave
Yes, an appalling fate
Self-inflicted with distaste
As I crash on that red van I saw that people paced,
raced towards my body...
I smiled, because before everything faded everyone's attention was on me.
Read more of my works on:
Stephanie Little Dec 2013
how can i explain
the earthquake
the silence
how the world stood still
and white
the blur, defeaning nights
times spent waiting
standing still
feeling everything
ears beating
their silence
i was the one left dying
again and again
there's hell in the sky
and darling
i'm the captive
miki Oct 2017
He's on the edge, staring blankly at the dark abyss below.  Tears on his cheeks, broken heart in his chest, contemplating to end everything, wanting everything to just stop.

He's now inching closer and closer and my chest and lungs constrict tighter, air finding it hard to make its way down my throat. I ran. Ran towards him. I screamed. Screamed for him to stop.

I love this man, with all my heart. I'd do anything for him. He's the reason why I fought so hard against my mind to survive. He's the one who taught me that love is a choice, and no matter how much it gets hard, I'll choose him over and over again.

I'm choosing him again now.

He looked back at me, and he shook his head from side to side. He doesn't want me to come near him. Just then, he inched closer to the edge and with just one more step he will fall.

Panic rising, I did what I have to and ignored his protests. And when my fingers can almost touch him, he screamed. I stopped, tears already falling non stop on my cheeks while I shake my head.

Don't do this, I screamed. Don't do this to me.

I walked closer and gripped his shoulders. I looked at my hands and realized they were shaking. I was shaking the whole time. Fear. I am afraid of losing him forever. I gripped him tighter at the thought and begged him more.

And then, he pushed me.

He pushed me in the dark abyss. Before I could even react, I was already falling. The face of the man I love was the last thing I saw before everything went pure black. My chest tightened at the sight. Oh how I wish I could wipe those tears away, but his face were so far away from my hands.

I'm sorry.

I then felt the hard ground hit me. The silence screams on my ears, defeaning, everything was pitch black, blinding, the solid ground cold on my back, excruciating. I fought hard to breathe, frightening.

I then remembered my angel's face, and realized that this is all nothing compared to the pain he was feeling. My heart was about to burst and I screamed, knowing I can't do anything to help him.

I'm sorry, love.

He will jump. I know he will jump. I saw it in his eyes and I felt the fear on my heart. It was all real. This is real. And I don't know what to do.

I stood up, my whole body aching. But I have to.

Maybe, I'll just catch him from here. That's all I could do.
Not a poem but I have to put it here.
Khairah Afellay Jan 2015
******* what did I just say,
I'm pretty sure now it was a fatal mistake .
Blinded by the drug that's sipping through my bloodstream,
You're halfway out the door, God help me please.

Forgive me my darling,
I'm on my knees begging
Because if you were to leave me tonight,
It will be a flatline with defeaning beeps.
pluto Dec 2018
Bonds of paper pressed and folded
Bringing with it such paper planes accurate
Dipped quills, ink splattered across the white ream
Lanterns lighting, defeaning silence of the whispers of the wind's realm.

Entrusting aflame candles, flewn for enlightenment,
Trembling with the breeze's whistling accompaniment,
White as newborn clouds, creased lines across it's edges,
Books pilled up with history and insights, torn pages.

Storms swirling ever so swiftly,
Drifting folding paper dancing to the wind gracefully,
Following the rhythm of the hurricane,
Remaining resilientㅡ free from stabbing pain.

Tint overflowing each ream precisely,
Tainted with dreams crafted so idly,
A little push, realising grip,
A wish fleeting away, once one to keep.
caperuzza Mar 2014
the night falls, and so does her.
she gets into bed and crawls straight to the sheets
on, between, under
the thin layer of the heavy
hearing the defeaning sound of
hearing the whispers of life leaving.

the absence of light
as a state of comfort
was very sugesting,
she wished it to stay
for good
calm, timid, flirtatious, unreadable

the rain wakes her up abruptly
form her desire
from her plans to fulfill dreams...
rain drops hope
because it doesn't want to stay up there,
it has to flush
stalled liquid
and a kid splash it
barefoot, naive
rushed about tomorrow
not knowing that it means.
smash to dissipate
craked, shattered,
water becoming future,
water becoming nothing.

a soft but noticeable sneeze of wind
pass throught the window
not asking for permission
but convinced about
cover everything
sinking into every inch of space.
there comes sharp
the smell of old wood and fresh black dirt.
dawn is not allowed,
not this thime.

death sits in the corner of the bed
to read a story
about Mara,
and then
oblivion kisses her goodnight.
05.03.14, caperuzza
Taylor Marion Jun 2014
The common desire to define ourselves is defeaning and my ears are ringing. I'm searching for the foundation of the sound, the definite core where I grow from the ground. I have the power to water my basis but instead I let the impression of myself through anothers biases dry up and dust away. I'm kicking rocks below my barefeet, hoping that when I spread and share my air the opinions of who surrounds me wont pollute it to the degree where I can no longer breathe. And now im rocking back and forth in this creeking wooden chair, the roots of relative minds rested below me reminding me what was once there and whether or not something tangible will result when the inevitabilities of life chop me down and leave me bare.
So I guess until tomorrow, or a week, a month, a year, I'll disintegrate into the soil before any of my peers and it won't hurt so bad to be left alone when I know their roots above still continue to fully grow.
Jhoerina Honrado May 2016
what's heavier than
the unbearable pain
& inevitable worries
your heart carry?

what's worse than
a mind lingering a
painful memory?

and what's even defeaning than
an ear hearing
the saddest story?

lover Dec 2020
did you ever look to see if my window was open
like I looked for your car hoping to see you in motion
why do I always go back there?
like a grave of a loved one, I would still visit the thought of you every day
bringing along fresh flowers
is seems that the stone heart you gave me is stuck inside the ground
like the time I would beg to lay down in your arms
one glimpse and I worship your presence
maybe I romanticize the death of our love
boats were never made to stay on the shore
planes were not meant to lift high for those who can't pay them for
silence is more defeaning than the word goodbye
I cant see what the sun tries to tell me about you
if you've closed your eyes
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017
oh i'm ******... now i'm lurid.

you think that taking a *liberal

reading of the nag hammadi
library will not have consequences?

now i understand the term
liberal... loud & clear...

and this will only happen in post-
christian protestant countries...
this liberal reading
of the nag hammadi library?
**** me! this can't end well...

so you think you can have
a liberal reading of
the nag hammadi texts -
and expect the muslim to not come?
of course they'll be fed
     the lie that western males
are infertile, and that western
women are infertile...

the texts have been hidden for
2000 years, in urns, in
some abandoned bin laden-esque
caves for 2000 years...

so you want to release this
heretical propaganda into society
with the authority of the church?
you sure?
     you sure?
   i'm not surprised why this also
translates as: oi! bruv! ali!
encourage ahmed to come on over!

this is the: ******* nadir of
the: shephred's luck -
the guy who found these texts...
by the way?
   the dead sea scrolls have nothing
to do with the nag hammadi library...

so you're telling me,
that they burned the library
of alexandria... for this?!
   you read this crap?
the dead sea scrolls rever to isaiah...
not jesus...
         isaiah? cut in half, at the abdomen...

but no... oh now, why should we even
consider an idea of a father -
some abstract entity as a well-meaning
          let's do away with fathers
                 freeze our eggs,
turn us into quasi-iceland...
   take to one *****-donor,
   and then watch the rain of
partial limbs and limbos of down syndrome
kids playing the cute role...

but you take a liberal reading
of the texts, prior to the church: mind you,
they were so ******* slow to read
the texts and state some authority
as to owning them...
     believe me... the whole
da vinci code myth is a load of *******...
you can burn that library,
but keep the marbles...
   it's worthless: the cogs are already
in motion...

why do you think the muslims have
suddenly retaliated? don't listen to
the theological mongrels of baghdad...
western men aren't infertile,
but western women are: by being fickle...
oh jee-zoo-sussy said so...
   you give the nag hammadi library
into the hands of the mob,
or liberal priests in america:
you're going to get a hell-hole...
   i just don't see why europe has to pay...
when the actual debt, belongs
to americans... and their fooooooooo
king jesus belt evengelists! ROT!

oh, by the way, thanks for the soundtrack...
**** feels greeeet, like a silk-bound suit
in purple, while listening to
dry **** logic's song rot...

but you know... i'm starting to think...
mmm... what was it... grenfell tower...
i'm thinking grenfell tower + anders breivik...
why were most of the residents in
the grenfell tower muslims?
                 ooh... a conspiracy theory!
let me in... so, johnny... what happened?
   ah you know mate,
  bombs are quick... takes a few minutes
to barbeque a cinnamon ***...
       plus... bombs leave no screams...
just a defeaning ring in your ear...
  fire? ha ha! you can hear them and that
translates into terror in the eyes of on-lookers!
ha ha!

this is for disrespecting the authority
of the church, and leaving the nag hammadi
library in the hands of idiotic liberals.
J Valle Apr 2016
I wanted to say I needed you,
That my minds drags you like an old toy.
And that you won't spare me a thought,
Not even if your life depended on it.
That I hate you so much,
For breaking me like that.
And pretending like I never existed.
That it angers me.
How much I believed those brown eyes.
And fall for all now I know were lies.
That it breaks me even more,
To think about us,
And remember you everyday.
That you are a ghost that haunts me,
Everywhere I go and everyhow I feel.
That the image of you both together,
Is the center of every nightmare I have.
That it fills me with rage,
How I still fall for you,
And your sick games of power.
That I hate just how much I think of you,
But what I truly hate,
Is my inability to hate you.
I wanted you to know
Cause the silence is defeaning,
And this feeling overwhelming.
Gray Dawson Oct 2019
walking in a dark forest
Leaves crunch beneath my boots
the only sounds come from snapped twigs and fidgeting bodies
Along the tree line are staring eyes
People shifting occaisionly, not speaking
Just staring
They don’t break eye contact
Not once
I keep walking, holding myself tightly
Walking towards a light, but every step I take,
the more the staring gets to me
I try to ignore but then the whispering starts
And suddenly I’m getting chills
their eyes are cutting into me
Now I’m running
Crunching leaf sounds are behind me
As the whispering becomes defeaning
Covering, covering my ears
tears mix with grime
Breathing heavy
sprinting away from the whispers
Finding myself on smooth pavement
Heart beating rapidly but the whispers have stopped
Collapse onto the ground
in a pile of tears
But the stares are still there
just at the edge of the woods
Watching, emotionless.
I saw it then
The pain that was woven
In the very tapestries
Of her heart
I knew that,
At the final call
As the curtains drew
The applause would be
And the grief
Would shatter the world.
misterN Oct 2018
Defeaning , Depressing.
Hurting , Suffocating and Paining.
Spreading slowly across the Domain.
Angel Jan 2021
Staring at the ceiling,
Finding my words to describe this feeling,
Silence that can be defeaning fills my room,
Emptiness that is overflowing,
To the point that I can't control feeling the gloom,
Trying to understand even though it's confusing,
Having piece of mind for being alone,
But looking for someone to ease the loneliness that I feel for so long,
Trying to find a flower that will bloom,
In a garden of withered blossoms,
Hoping to feel the euphoria,
But in the end I still feel the misery,
Thinking of surviving this life and being alive until now is still a mystery.
I haven't posted anything here for a long time, so this is my quick writing...
Javier Garza Mar 2019
Guide me, please I beg of you
Light the dark seas and lead me to shore

The waves crash and roar,
The defeaning sound of doom,
I'm not sure if I can stay afloat
This anchor tries to drown me

Please hear past the waves,
My cries and pleas, are they falling on deaf ears?

I know your lighthouse stands on the rocky shores
Won't you light the bulb?

Please, the water burns
Seaps and claims that which is preacious

I can't break free, soon even the dark skies are gone
And the darkness of the deep claim me

My tears add to the vast seas
Darkness will claim all that I am

If you had lit your lighthouse,
Could I have even been saved?
Had this anchor been destroyed could I have swam to safety?
If I had begged, screamed, and cried louder could you have heard my fleeting voice?

If only...
Sometimes one cannot fight their inner demons alone and require the aid of others. It's ok to ask for help, and to help others. There are always signs that give someone away, don't pretend and hope that they're getting better, watch them because they may be crying for help. Save them while there's still time.
old willow Aug 2020
People say I'm a rock.
Sitting here, I wait, not knowing who.
My heart ached, like ink drop in water.
The rain glow over eastern gate,
defeaning the sorrowful people.
Downed in solitary,
the muffle cannot shatter my loneliness.
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2022
what a ****-show...
    i don't have the luxury of renting... not in London...
i know that in Anglo-Saxon culture living
with your parents in your 30s is a bit weird...
and well into your 40s... probably your 50s...
magically weird...
     i truly understand it...
         how could a boy "love" his parents so much?
love?! what the **** is that?
i loved my grandfather, maternal...
my paternal 'un abandoned my father...
i don't even know what my paternal grandmother
looks like... or looked like... is she dead?
don't know...
            i have a fond memory of my maternal
she used to feed my grandmother: toddler...
opiates on the front in between the warring
Germans and Russians so she would shut up...
opiates... makowina... a poppy-seed milk...
my maternal great-grandfather?
oh... i remember him too...
a shadow... a shadow-form...
probably my first memory...
   he used to be a security guard at a nursery...
so one time he took me on a shift...
he played the big piano... i played the little piano...

it does look weird... it feels weird...
but me renting a house with random flatmates
while making some Pakistani landlord rich?!
sorry... what?!
       and living with five random strangers would
make it easier to go out and bring some poor
girl round for a one-night stand?
would it? could it?!
    as much as i abhor English egalitarianism...
i'm going to have to side with the Japanese
and the love-hotels:

learn from the outsiders... of all Asians the Japanese
are most likely to feed into the beloved state
of European queer... in-ness...
the isolated "genius"...
    of all the Asian people... the Japanese feel as much
isolation as the Europeans...
why do you think they competing with "us"
in ski-jumping events?!
  eh?!   any Thai any Chinese ski-jumpers?!
the eternal smile of Noriaki Kasai...
                                  ノリアキ   カサイ...
i love sport... i love sports...
   female tennis... ++... Olympic judo... Olympic wrestling...
Olympic pingpong... Olympic archery...
i love sport because i'm not a fanatic
football hooligan...
           i like kissing rough...
sometimes biting lips... sometimes smashing teeth
against teeth...

point being?
                   ラブ ホテル
(rabu hoteru) - love hotel...
                     well... we don't have that in Europe...
we just have brothels...
and the alternative being?
is there an alternative?
i couldn't love just one woman...
which makes me smiles whenever, yet another Muslim
colt decides to be all brass-***** and blow himself up
for a reward he hasn't tested in owning...
hmm... hmph... ah ha ha...
it's as if none of them sat in a waiting room
of a brothel with a carriage of... line in sight...
folded, naked legs...

or ****** two at a time...
   i'm wondering about these supposed "martyrs"...
these involuntary-celibate frustrations...
sure... some ego-boost if i had my own condo...
revenue of a corporate lawyer blah blah...
eh... life's cheap... no need to buy dinner
or cocktails... we used to do that
in our teens... an art gallery ticket: bought by me...
a cinema ticket... bought by me...
a sushi bar finish off... bought by me...
then the grand disappointment...
a blow-job on the bunk-bed... she shared with her
sister... telling me while she was doing
the deed: what would by daddy think
if he saw me...

     **** your daddy... and i'm ******* off...
talk during *** is a bit like...
a bit like... ******* out a tapeworm when you're
also constipated...
i don't understand talk during ***...
can't eyes just speak for eyes...
eyes eat eyes... and... onomatopoeias...
can't we just pretend like we want to say
something: but can't?!

of course it's weird that i still live with my parents...
down the road an Asian household
undermined the English architectural sensibility
with three-generations of Asians living under
one roof: "Baroque" ugliness...
sorry... forgot the hyphens...

                 i get it... angry living among white people...
angry whittle-Asian kids... don't blame me...
blame your parents... for abducting you:
for not teaching you your mother tongue...
it's so funny when they become angry
in a tongue that's not theirs'...
akin to Asian Dub Foundation's: La Haine...
oh sure... because the Japanese are on board...
******... Pan-Asian reinterpretation of
of the Pan-Slavic movement that was Communism...

reiterated with the ****** left in the west...
pink hair: rainbows! rainbows! unicorns! unicorns!
not all Asians are Pakistanis...
some are Japanese folk that like
competing with Europeans: ski-jumping...
because we share: winters...
******* copper-necks...

it's not enough for a Genghis Khan to ****
your women once...
it takes a mind like me to **** your
women twice...
thank you: Manchester bombing...
yeah... thanks... Bangalore and
Lahore is: waiting with open arms!
Darwinism and the leftover of logic...

                 funny how these angry youths
are not speaking their own tongue:
oh... i have a retainer...
i was spreading it concerning the conflict in
Ukraine... brat brata pocharata...
i still have my tongue:
i was born into it...
                 too bad for these metaphysical nomads...
who probably require psychiatric care...
since... they can't be evaluated as quantifiably
   no... most of them? i've seen
the "process": INBREDS...

awkward looking people...
         INBREDS... they look comfortable...
but if i were adorned in Hugo Boss **** uniform...
  would i, think, twice?!
i like the idea of dangling a stick... while eating a carrot...
but i also like dangling a carrot and...
using the stick for kink...

my mind warped... sorry...
you don't come near me...
even i don't want to come near me...
no one comes near me, unless it's trying to **** me...

ha ha... Muslim colt martyrs
wishing for a harem...
the same ones... that... never visited a brothel?!
o.k. let's test the waters... and of the supposed 72 virgins
how many would: could: would:
cut the phallus off of the dear: "adventurer"?!
dearest... Odysseus?!

how many could bed the said "satyr" for eternity?!
i'm... *******... waiting!
Asian my ***...

yeah... it's weird that i still live with my parents...
do they have to pay mortgage payments?!
do i own Nicholas II banknotes...
and gold coins with the effigy... yeah...
but i'm "poor"... so?
do i own a rare bibliography... yeah...
but do women look beyond the stated obvious...
no? so? i'll be 70 years old looking at a 20 year old girlfriend...

i'll become a true artist!
        or i'll just simply **** myself...
    because... why the hassle? why the bother...
              i like blinking at a blankness and nothing
and something resembling a tree...
and that's because:
sometimes... people seem...
oh seem... oh so very... "borrowed";

can't tell the difference whether i want to **** on them,
**** on them or simply ***** on them;
hell... maybe all three... or perhaps the one...
finding that marvelous medieval cure using
leeches... bleeding out... maybe that's my first choicest
of choices.

aren't the dentists in England forcing people to
drink too much whiskey and perform the "detail"
using pliers?!
    really?! it's that bad?! the herald state of capitalism
is hiding dentistry issues?!
           thank god that i don't need anyone
to do my nail-clipping.

this one girl i was trying to date...
beautiful auburn ginger hued NPC...
her dog started licking my wounds on my knuckles...
weeks passed... i turned into a dog...
and started to nibble on my wounds...

father, dearest... mother's not dead!
first day she's gone...
he comes home and i get a shouting down...
why isn't the fence painted?!
why why why...
but the hockey stick is still a hockey stick...
ice is still ice...
i cooked  medium rare steak...
and the chips...
and i poached the pepper just about right
with the green beans?

i will never fall in love with q woman:
i can't allow myself to belong to somone
so much...
       no! nein! niet! nie!
         we were eating steaks come 5pm...
in absolute silence...
              you love her too much: you miss her too much:
i can't lace myself to love a woman like that...
let's just put it plain: YOU'RE WEIRD...
not fantasy weird akin to...
              NORMAN BATES....
   just ******* weird...
               normal weird...

i'm not you father...
i need to **** more women and love them
even less... i need to die with a heart of stone!
call me night... call me wind... call me the defeaning
wilting of all things confined to a skull.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2020

for weeks prior to your death i sat with a premonition
of bad writing and a toothache -
not that i ever thought much about my writing -
or that i would have to think very little of it:
more on the lines of - id est quid est -
                                      mind you - i took my mind
off writing by working in the garden  -
the pergola had to be erected so an evergreen could
be cut down -
and the wisteria that was hugging it
could be cleaved from it and dropped onto the:
prior mentioned pergola...
there was some light cement work on the fence:
a little trench had to be dug so the neighbour's
weeds would not burrow beneath...
                all that since i last saw you -
come late july - most certainly - no... wait...
come to think of it... it was late august...
me and your son-in-law (my father) were driving
across all of europe -
and on the way back i remember the heat on
the belgium france border...
                 it was an immense sensation of
whale lung thrown onto a frying pan of a stoney
beach... or at least: the sensation of stickiness
is how it could be imagined -
                perhaps that's how you can ever
begin to read a bruno schulz's cinnamon shops -
immediately from the first sentence:
that barrage of ultra- something or other:
ubergrammar - no... just that necessary style i am
yet to accustomed myself to...


that was 3 months ago - and i'm still learning
that: we live by regrets and memories -
which are hardly sins -
just as i remember, you'd say...
'call me every month and check up on me,
call me up and say "hey grandpa! how's
it going?!" i know we both can't talk
on the telephone - to talk you need to see
hands move, you need a face to peer at...'
that is my regret...
although the last words we exchanged
were about you wanting to buy me the rest
of karl ove knausgaard's mein kampf...
which, 3 months later, i knew you would...


i've finally sat down to scribble something
down - if i were using my right hand
and a pen on a piece of paper
you'd immediately recognise my hand-writting
and tell me how unrefined it is:
that i'm chicken-scratching -
that i write like: kura pazorem -
   and i'd tell you: precursor of the next
stage in the process: i'll be typing
through and through...

      you died on the 23rd of october
at 5:30am if i remember, 5:10am
sounds better - circa -
            your wife (grandma) called
circa 11am on the 22nd of october and left
a message - i was out walking
complaining: how i'm not alone enough,
premonition after premonition -
she called in a confused state although
i beg to differ - that you were heaving
your last pangs of life
in a hospice - or that she just placed you
i had my ticket booked for the 24th hoping
to catch you: just yet...
on the 23rd i was told at 8am...
your daughter my mother told me
upon waking, then left the house to pretend
nothing had happened...
i got up, cleaned the house...
i begged a deity or simply ex nihil that
i might cry that i might be left with
a sinking sensation...
by evening i was sitting with a headache
worth a siamese twin and hardly
welcoming the next morning where
i would fly out...
    sketchy: barely any details...
and that's how sorrow, grief, anguish...
began to creep in...
the tears your daughter cried...
i would gentle waver in a pseudo-dance
with her in the bathroom
as she cried into my shoulder
and would later
blow her nose into my t-shirt...
it pained me that i was unable
to release my heart from these piles
of rock...


it's the 1st of november: guy fawkes night...
i'm sitting sipping a 30% cherry *****
and pretending to chase it down with some pepsi...
3 months ago i told you i quit smoking,
i lied and i didn't lie:
i continued to smoke 2 a day -
when i wanted to write, when i pretended to write -
and on the odd occasion that i proved
to myself that i was writing: i smoked 3 per evening...
hardly the usual pack a day...
3 months ago when i last saw you
i didn't smoke a single one...
for the last 3 weeks i saw you...


the most vivid image i have of you is you
picking up knausgaard's autumn and reading
an extract about eating apples -
how he never leaves apple cores -
just eats the whole apple so that there's
a pleasure and then a debt at the core:
of bitterness -
i pondered this twice on a walk...
if you leave enough flesh around the core...
three bites along the length of the apple...
and you fiddle the apples seeds
with your tongue and teeth...
there's hardly any bitterness of...
eating an apple like a magician...
hardly any lesson invoked concerning life...
but that wasn't our usual conversation:
you already exhausted your cameo cinema
of memory to the point where
i would remember the surnames /
names of the people in your life...

colonel zydaczek in your days
as a military gendarme...
on parade in warsaw...


the intricacy of the hell that is family...
i can't be fooled about how unhappy your marriage
kept for reasons of propriety or some other:
safety mechanism or the best kept excuse imaginable...
what might have been preserved if...
say... if i were the sort of man that was born
into the 20th century -
                many years prior to 1986...
you would have been a great-grandfather for
at least 10 years...
it was hardly necessary to be the only grandchild
but that i was... and remained...


you're dead and i'm still three-quarters alive:
how can i write some solace for myself:
how can death become this spectacular cut-off
point where i can no longer harvest
any memories of you...
you're dead and i'm lingering -
not completely debilitated:
just unsure whether a mountain is this
grand metaphor for something
that is:

today i tested whether grief is an aphrodisiac,
i ****** off to humbert humbert's
fantasy since it was already freely
available and felt no need to go beyond
what was already taboo...
then i took a shadow and i knew that
if on high: herr omni- c.c.t.v. cyclop eye
would not be looking at such details...

you're dead and i'm not going to beg
for rhymes and odes -
to write some miraculous epitaph -
beside cutting up onions today -
tears! finally! tears! i managed to cry
authentic tears once more!
it only took cutting up an onion to do so!
but, with such tears...
no softening of the heart -
heart's still a stone...
and brain is still... hardly a whirlwind of
disposed thoughts
and only: pickled with eye, ear and tongue
pretty hoarding fungus chappie: sort of...


i'm happy to tell you the world is still
"happening": whether by concerns for dasein
or a lack of thereof... but the mud / **** flinging has
never been greater...
you took the best of what autumn had to
a bouquet of bronzes and geld,
of frivolous yellows and burnt orange translating
itself into bold deepenings
of transcending prime artifacts of:
her gown of sweet scented rot: of(f) brown...
you should have seen the light
as it married itself to a fleeting of once
formerly amen of green...
the blistering sky as blue as a aristocracy of
angelic blood: formidable events took
place: i imagine you were in conversation
with someone...


the ceremony itself was unspectacular...
if the restrictions weren't in place:
i imagine many more people would have come...
three women stood out from
the rest, i imagined them to be your
former lovers...
i stood at the entrance of the church
not wanting to talk to anyone...
closing my eyes i moved from side to side
like a tree teased by the wind...
you were attired in prof. trim of navy
as i was... black can hardly be associated
with mourning or with a funeral...
i chanced upon navy...
grey was also visible...
but black is for paupers / plebs...
something more refined was in order...
navy or a darkening - charcoal grey...
we talked about this: or at least i imagine it
to be so: black is reserved for
priests and for crows...


since your death i have found a return to england,
every time i left you, i left dear mother,
i guess not anymore...
since the headache of all the formalities:
and your son (my uncle) being so unbelievably
circa 50 years old...
never mind... and your wife (my grandmother)
i landed in england as i only landed
in her ***** only once prior:
the first time -
hardly excited like the first time -
but content that i... don't really have anything
to return to: that feral land...
for the first time i can become
so carelessly formal: expediently pressed
to poker my stay in those black-holes of
a land: you were dying like a patriarch
of former communism when
abortions rights were atheistically pronounced
and liberally secular...
the women came onto the streets
in protests of their rights being removed:
that they would have to give birth
to deformed foetuses...
notably? because by biological deficiency:
they would still have to be born...
since ****** or **** didn't play a role...

barbarous land of catholicism...
and all this time i was like:
so... what's it like then?
i ******* into a tissue and flush it along
with the crocodiles...
am i committing genocide?!
if i were given a fixed amount of *****!
perhaps... but this ***** comes
like glue or salt in the oceans!


in the prosektorium...
             the dissecting-room... the morgue...
after all... i knew that walking around town
and putting up the necrologue would be easy...
3 x 100ml of ***** bravado and i was:
pirate-chested hairy!
my long coat and all the your pearls of beauty
would start calling me gwandp'ah...
the bureaucratic details of your death:
someone had to identify you in the coffin...
i was expecting something: completely different...
i'm not sure someone can prepare
you: prepare you seeing a dead body...
esp... a dead body attired for a ceremony...
hell... i've seen a roadkill before:
a fox... i kept feeding a fox for a month...
seen a fox up-close...
i imagine a dead body "by accident" is a lot different
to... i've seen a  man knock another man
dead - one blow to the head
and a pancake on the street...
it's a bit different... seeing someone...
so well presented: for: the ceremony...


upon entry i remember the colour of the tiles:
what a bewildering window-shopping
reference, a sponge of a waiting room,
i don't really knew what it was that it was
supposed to be waited for:
identifying you:
you adamant to not get new porcelain worth
of teeth: milkshake baron you...
slurp up the rest of your meals...
i supposed... you and your missing
prosthetic teeth...
but first came into view your shoe:
which wasn't yours...
but as an extension of your feet
i guess it was...
it was "just there"...
             NUR DA...
                     peeping from above
the horizon of the coffin...
teasing me before i would come
antlitz zu antlitz...

arms folded: immaculately cut fingernails...
a bruise from the igrawka
of dryp dryp dryp...
your sunken cheeks...
your lips stitched together:
yet your sunken cheeks...
your inability to borrow a jaw... strong enough:
that pearl of a pear of your chin...
your frivolous last expectation
of the already lost hair...
of course i couldn't be a pure
atheistic / materialist -
i was a child again: i wouldn't call it
a soul: i would call it
the sigma-of-animation...
the sum-of-animation...
obviously this was missing...
that detail that essence was lost:
the earth implored for the body to be
paid as ransom...

but there you were: face somehow
recognizable: yet returned to the generic
project of the dead, the babes
and all those daddy-long-legs
anorexic models parading exhausted
beauty on catwalks of:
skin a leopard... dress a skeleton etc.

now we have conceived that:
i want to drink to tell the truth...
i will not revise this like some comedy
it's not the best i can do:
it's all i can...
let's not pander to critique or a lack
or audience...


i do remember a "little" detail concerning
you were a philately enthusiast, weren't you?
no wonder only i among the closest kin
wanted to sleep in the room
where you least heaved:
spewed some blood and were
surrounded by books...
and there be postage stamps!
i "stole" 4 albums with a collection of
them... i hardly think of selling them
to pay for electricity...
believe me: sooner i dead in belgian
euros or swiss franks at a dignitas clinic
since i'll be left completely solo
than have to...
sell them to sustain myself...
but as it happens... your wife...
my grandmother... was furiously tasked:
well... tasked me...
with withdrawing the 500zl per day
of all you 7000zl worth...

money money money:
i do wonder what grandma will spend all that
money on...
i don't think i'll want to inherit:
but these stamps are...
well... i have photographs of you from
1965 when you were still a young man...
but you were my grandfather:
i own your identity card...
with a photograph taken circa 15 years ago...

the circus / the church already stated:
you have died you are relieved from
all things temporal...
why the spatial details at all matter:
coordinates "hier" coordinates "da"...
and "sein" and "abwesend"...

you became a brother at the funeral...
you were no longer hierarchal with contest
for power broking future and past...
my brother: not my grandfather...
the priest: father, said so...
       *******' load of hierarchy:
fiddling sputnik violins from kindergarten...
roman catholicism...

grandmother still stresses her upbringing
she still thinks we are vermin-people
and that ****** should have started
with us rather than with the hebrews...
you and i know that's
a ceremony of: no comment...

how would you have detailed this approach:
i know how you would have:
it's not even worth mentioning since
we would already graze upon a superiority
complex with an inability to brush it off
with a laugh...
because we wouldn't laugh...
it would be a a headache to detail:
and i was born with this "other" half


look! we're nearing the devil's dozen...
which comes to the clue:
13: as jesus the hey-zeus!
       proto-paul and the propaganda
of how the hebrews and the wounded greeks
overthrew the romans...
ruled for a bit... and then...
come... the ottoman turks...
sort of... gave head....


we could joke: ich: the plural ownership of they,
ich: haben - that deutsche and i,
one might always expect a dog to bark
come the night...
no no... this all too much detail for all:
the necropolis of poland that's nuanced
egypt - they have to buy up lease
for their graves...
carve out graves without dates of death:
they buy out 2nd mortgages of pyramid
democracy and crux...
the hebrews left pretended to giggle:
hard torn with the ashes...
me buying up history which could
never compete with an anglo-1960s
detail: snippet...


that i find an oyster wriggling in
the shell that's a skull that's somehow
a chewing gum's worth of a tongue...
this phantom of ***** white that's white
that's also stained with burgundian lashes
of agony of sipping wine
while spilling it over the cranium
of golgotha...
learn to detail this new graffiti....


i talked to Paul before i took toward
the darkness and two ****** pretending
to be virgins upon the mt. of Kierkut...
he asked me how tall i was...
then he stood a step one above the tally
of my count, above me...
to measure up...
  and as he talked i had no face:
he would only concentrate on the region
that was supposed to be an ownership of
my heart...
once... i talked to a nurse on defeaning
tube train...
i was lip-reading...
but this thief: he told me... Piccadilly Gardens
of Manchester...
in the prisons with
the russians... and those that punched above
their weight... would inject vaseline or
whatever might... cushion a "sudden"
disappearance of knuckles to
make a full-fat-pouch of a fist...

poluse... not ******...
this guillotine measured "short" would bemoan
his luck with women...
around us... women walked like
sacred cows...
any old mongol would have... would have...
soud-hampton high on Herra...
this is just after your funeral...
i had to take a walk and pretend to
breathe and own a dog...
my list of excuses writing you
are drying up...
what with the promises of the islamic
republic of the world...
all these untouched all these
unloved virgins of the wriggling harem...


arktyka - antarktyka -
antarktyka - arktyka -
             sąd - sad -
  sad - sąd -
      judgement - orchard -
           arctic - antarctic...


an... AFFOGATO...
well... that's 30ml of espresso...
and... a scoop of ice-cream...


what daughters-in-law there could have been:
if... bread was skimmed...
and the milk was...
trickling down from heaving...
stones instead of believing oneself
to be a courtesan of cows...
what promises governed the hebrews...
when... for what was their lot:
and subsequent loot...
the qurun drilled a blackening portal...
the arabs celebrated...
the russians would always inherit
estonia was given  snippet
of the baltic sea curated by the danes...
lithuania shrunk into memory and beyond...
germany frau benß fur immer merz...
the huns / gargoyles in southern greece:
i.e. and northern macedonia...
balkan pirouettes of detail:
regained pride...

ah! ya!
ß = "z"
s = s
c = k
z = "c"                 jawohl!


and your finger sticky from all that
translation: herr! bitte! bonbon!
which you always were...
the 1939 prior to the "adventures"
of the 20th century...
which sedated the grand yawn
of the british empire come
the zenith last exhaustion of
the 1960s and then some
"tremor christ" quasi canadian
for the finicky "end-of" summary
of a ******* football match-up...

the ottoman Janissaries vs.
the egyptian Mamluks!
   vs. the Mongolian horde!
                 in german it must sound
ist der straße gerad(e)?
to hell with asking in one's native
spreschen... future bent... nuanced got...
this returned alt vater spreschen...
i come with a shadow that
king arthur combated...


i would be writing a wriggle of russian:
if i were also writing enough finesse of
diacritical detail(s)
but given this diacritical blank:
dyslexia prone pro-latin english
i would be: but apps don't work
with cyrillic or ancient turkic...
čopper... wait... what use is that...
extra P?
hiding the "jew" the god... the mammon...
H - one leg one arm of
the tetragrammaton...

        i don't actually mind...
it's not a conspiracy low i.q. "theory":
the dictates of rhyme and fact...
best posit a revision of
the hyper-stressed: newly arrived at
jerusalem kippah brethren are:
insomniac: "somehow"!

it's more a: huh?!
"they" missed the poetry train
and the hyper-cultural-reinvention
of the 1960s... still stricken-blind by
what... erik lehnsherr (henry hillside)
had to endure...
what are these puffs of blistering
a pyramid a sight... these halves?!

like we'd had to total: amost...
a crew of party poopers...
we were we are... these shadow-deafness
"equipment" best excusing:
           für immer fortschritt!

     tsukunft: in ergets nit...

  so much for hebreq married to germanic...
and not to the neighbour... zunge...
yiddish wasn't born from ****** tonguing
long: oi! oi! lithuanian spears!
the last remains of paganism...
by prior to moscow... blah ah ha ha...

it's not like the jews married themselves
to ****** or russian...
they said their jingle-bells with
yiddish... didn't they?


i've just seen a corpse readied for a funeral...
coffin and all...
walking through a graveyard
at night is... all too easy...
come to think of it...
i want to sleep in one...
my mortal democratic oath:
i can wait...
no matter...
give me two sponges and enough of them
soaked in acid to wait...
allow my tongue to get drunk...
my ears to succumb to deafness...

how you could deviate from german
with a spice of the odd 'ebrew...
you could...
yeah... i'm one part convinced this
secular niqab tactic does work:
as long as the arabs own
all the yachts and the air-conditioning
and all the camel milk and leather...
but... once they show...
entry points for disgruntled
        my corpse is waiting
for the 22nd century for all this to become
a promethenian platitude worth
of yawn as any... prior:
or future:
but thank god...
i'll be left without having made
any genetic investment...
perhaps an idea of mine...
perhaps some artifact that i allowed
myself to keep for a transition

der ende!
as it happens... the world is...
my grandfather died...
i have little concern for the better half of it...
i'm cradling a wound of a quarter...
i guess that's how you
contest things passing guised in
matters of a temporal inquest...
however it goes...

drunk this night...
sober... two nights solid tamed with...
the worst kind of sober:
a socially expected sort of horrid;
a 14 day self-isolation presccription;
otherwise? me?
jog-friendly... whiskey and cat's whiskers!
*******! birth of h'america come

empires die in afghanistan:
among the pashtun women.
oh yeah... lived for being fed the soul
of Karen and Mr. Surprise: a Gein Mommy's
Lover Boy -
butz the baconz iz oh soz sizzlez! ya?!
- Dec 2020
But this time,
It's comfortable
It's not defeaning
It's calm

I believe this is peace.
Niki Feb 2020
Like a torch, my soul is burning
To the pit you just condemned me
Fire is spreading, like a rash
Until there's nothing left but ash
For help I scream, I'm at a loss
Waiting to hear something in response
But the silence is defeaning to my ears
Gave more space to intensify my fears
Little Raisin Apr 2020
Standing in the middle of nowhere
I remember that at the end of this dusty road, there are poor lights flickering
resembles my insides because of old times
(Oh! why is it still lingering?)
Spelling 'I knew it! They're lying!'
Using cryptograms as dancing lights to disguise the warning

And now i'm back in this alley
When did these things started bleeding the royal color?
backwards, i'm walking in roses and rubies and crimson reds from myself and really?
what's with these shattered glasses?
I think it's lousy to hide the lilacs and blue tulips within

Violets and blues are not blurring my views
It's like the red and green of my worlds i made up for years
these places are soft like the grasses where you lay down after a pouring rain
and a pavement where you sit after the april sun shines on it
I'm lost in the the way it could go back and forth

And behind these places is where i'm really a part of
is a fever dream even with the daylights on
A forest that is made with hollywood signs
Hazy, defeaning, pretentious but real
A storm in mid-september that is going on for years
**wishing my raisins out there a life where you wanna stay!

— The End —