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Tyler Man Apr 2014
What's given
Can be taken
Life constantly mending
The rules that are continually bending
Our troubles from alarm
From people trained to bring harm
Now do we live to love
Find ways to rise above
Or cave into
The things we think we'd never do
Lose the things we came to be
Never knowing what we could truly see
Rough patches through the dark
Even though we've all been given an ark
Some choose to live that path
Living in a continual blood bath
Using hate to make us feel provin
Living a life that's not worth livin
It's easy to just give up
And get obsession and disrupt
But I beg of me come away
To shine on and shine today
I beg of you to do the same
Do not let the darkness bring you  shame
Move through life with a great light
Something that will eventually shine bright
I know it's hard when dark destroys
Trying to fool you with all it's mental ploys
But your are strong
You'll learn to prove life wrong
Or maybe right
Cause life could be bright
I say to you with great haste
make sure to go out and give life a taste
Cause it's worth the time
do not commit the crime
Stop abandoning your morals
And begain to remove your quarrels
Life will transcend
It's only around the bend
Don't give up I beg of you
They say couple people make it only a few
But I believe if we all really tried
That everyone will make it before they all have gone and died
So I say to you be the ones who tried
And give up the  you who once lied
Keely Jan 2015
It was on the 182nd floor
When I first saw you and my heart
began to soar.
It wasn't long after that day
I begain to relize I would have to pay,
For the love you never deserved in the first place.
Days went by as I became broke
Looking at you I had started to sulk.
Realizing you'd never love me
like I'd loved you
All those day spent thinking of you?
And you never gave a single ****.
You watched me follow you like a dog
But i'd never envisioned you thought of me like a hog.
You're a ******* I hope you know
And I should of never went to that show,
On the 182nd floor
Where I had no idea my heart
had accually started to sore,
And I've had a realization now you're accually
a ******* *****.
Pauline Morris Apr 2016
Black slimy books, black slimy words
Black slimy fingers cramed them into a black slimy worlds

In my cracked up mind those slimy black words sunk in
This is how the end will begain

Blackbird sitting on my windowsill
Wait for me to seal the deal

Those black slimy words soon accumulates
They become black slimy books, my imagination stimulates

The black goat waits outside my window patiently
As the black sheep walks around aimlessly

The black slimy books have now become blood slimy pictures
Seen through my mind's eye with stricter
It was all becoming the perfect blood slimy mixture

The black goat has now donned his crown
He beckons me to come on down
To stand beside him on the earths ground

The blood slimy pictures are now a blood soaked movie in my head
That plays over and over and over, till I'm filled with blood soaked dread

So I seal the deal with the blackbirds blood
Emotions overwhelms me like a torrential raging flood
Then the emotions are suddenly gone with a thud

So if you are reading this you might see why
I left with the black goat, so dont you cry
Maybe I'll be back as time goes by
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Everyday we're dying
So why are we still trying

Everyday we're closer to the end
From where we all begain

Everyday we lose
Less things we can choose

Everyday that slips on by
Leaves us closer to the day we die
Pauline Morris Jun 2016
A weird vibration coming from the ground
Shakes me from the vision I had found
I glance at the demon's horse, but he is not the reason for the sound

A bright light flashes before my eyes
I turn my attention back to the sky
It had been the sun glittering off the dragon's silver laced wing's, on every up flap rise

She is circling, she had heard my chanting song's plea
It looked like she was going to trust me
And my heart felt chant she would heed

She slowly and softly starts to descend
I tell the knight to keep his sword sheathed, this mighty beautiful creature I would befriend
The air rushed violently around me as her wings she fully extended
LEANA stood now before me, I begain to speak in the tongue of the dragon's so she would full comprehend

I was surprised to see her flowing silver main
And pearly white scales covering her body, and even the tail had the same
They threw off rainbow colors in the sun, and with her silver threaded wings make other dragons look lame

I tell the great dragon of our plight
And that the dark lord we are prepared to fight
But to secure that he will never again walk the world at night

"We need your help we need a part of you
I hope there is a way you can see your way through"
LEANA nodded yes and lifted a few scale plates used her sharp claw to cut her fleash pulled out one rib, I watched as another one in it's place grew

She handed the rib to me as the kight lifted his sword
Was he so stupid my warnings he had ignored
But I caught a flash of movement, it was demons he was racing towards

There was a cave system I had not seen, that's what the vibrations had been
The thousand demons stomping through them
Our future was looking grim

He fought them till he was covered in their blood he did so gallantly
But still a hundred at lest had jumped on the dragon's back and was ripping her apart so savagely
I used the wind and exploded all of them from within blood and guts flew I stood with face flushed, I stood there so angrily

My vision had come true, LEANA was drawing in lifes last breath
Saddness overwhelming me I did the only thing I knew to do, I pulled out the talisman I kept close to my chest
I pressed it hard to her breast

I knew with that single action my life would be cut short
For I had given her part of my life sources
But I had to she had given to much to stop on this earth the evil force

As my spirit flowed into this creature that carried no sin
Another brand with white hot pain sunk in
I could feel the evil sink below the skin

I could feel it course through my vains
The knight rushed over,on my face he seen the pain
And all my color drain

The mighty dragon let out an ear splitting cry
Took to it's wings and disappeared into the sky

I collapsed into the knight's arms
He's eye betraying his growing alarm
I could tell he loved me and was afraid I had came to the demons harm
Paul Hardwick Dec 2012
the joke shop man has lots of gags
the boys formed a band
then never looked back
as they driffread  for miles
john got addicted to coke
and the band begain to grow
and driftted for miles
we do what we do
and why do we do it
I do not not know
but we do every day
when Mr peters parrot say's HELLO
Then yo know
it time to go.
Dizzey memorys
Paul Hardwick Apr 2015
Some good friends of mine invitted me out
lets make a night of it was there shout
have a few drinks and move on
maybe something to eat ,  ohw! lets eat Tia
on that we all agreed
and the night did prceed
all the drinks man where good
seamed to me like we joined the hood
and hungrey the Tia begain
went to this Tia resurant
well man
I do not know much about Tia dress
but the hostess had a long dress
but revilled by her moving hips
I did glimps a stocking top
well to me that is like rocket going up
and I could not leave for an hour after playing the bill.
TRue or not only you can decide       Love P@ul.
Paul Hardwick Feb 2015
Looked up into the skys
the sun burnt my eyes
so begain to hum
then giving that full voice
What The **** Was ThaT
looking up hurts your eyes
so now I do
my looking in.
Pauline Morris Feb 2016
Standing in the shower with my head against the wall
Letting the scalding water fall

Wishing it could wash away my skin
Wishing it could wash away his sins

Maybe when my bruises heal
My soul will once again, begain to feel

It looks so fragile with all it's holes
Where the monsters took and stole

But it's sewed with spiders threads
So it's as strong as a spider's webs

There's really nothing left to say
Except that maybe one of these days
I'm gonna be ok
Pauline Morris Apr 2016
Halloween will soon begain
People will be wearing fake masks with grins
But I'll be walking around in my own skin
For I know what resides within

When the Halloween weekend finally resounds
I'll let him out to roam around
To scare everyone in this town
Even the corpses under ground

My beast doesn't need the moon to come out
A little liquor lets him walk about
Just so you have no doubt
He feeds off every scream, every shout

He'll make the children never sleep
Make grown men cry and weep
He will sow and he will reap
After all to him your sheep
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
A weird vibration coming from the ground
Shakes me from the vision I had found
I glance at the demon's horse, but he is not the reason for the sound

A bright light flashes before my eyes
I turn my attention back to the sky
It had been the sun glittering off the dragon's silver laced wing's, on every up flap rise

She is circling, she had heard my chanting song's plea
It looked like she was going to trust me
And my heart felt chant she would heed

She slowly and softly starts to descend
I tell the knight to keep his sword sheathed, this mighty beautiful creature I would befriend
The air rushed violently around me as her wings she fully extended
LEANA stood now before me, I begain to speak in the tongue of the dragon's so she would full comprehend

I was surprised to see her flowing silver main
And pearly white scales covering her body, and even the tail had the same
They threw off rainbow colors in the sun, and with her silver threaded wings make other dragons look lame

I tell the great dragon of our plight
And that the dark lord we are prepared to fight
But to secure that he will never again walk the world at night

"We need your help we need a part of you
I hope there is a way you can see your way through"
LEANA nodded yes and lifted a few scale plates used her sharp claw to cut her fleash pulled out one rib, I watched as another one in it's place grew

She handed the rib to me as the kight lifted his sword
Was he so stupid my warnings he had ignored
But I caught a flash of movement, it was demons he was racing towards

There was a cave system I had not seen, that's what the vibrations had been
The thousand demons stomping through them
Our future was looking grim

He fought them till he was covered in their blood he did so gallantly
But still a hundred at lest had jumped on the dragon's back and was ripping her apart so savagely
I used the wind and exploded all of them from within blood and guts flew I stood with face flushed, I stood there so angrily

My vision had come true, LEANA was drawing in lifes last breath
Saddness overwhelming me I did the only thing I knew to do, I pulled out the talisman I kept close to my chest
I pressed it hard to her breast

I knew with that single action my life would be cut short
For I had given her part of my life sources
But I had to she had given to much to stop on this earth the evil force

As my spirit flowed into this creature that carried no sin
Another brand with white hot pain sunk in
I could feel the evil sink below the skin

I could feel it course through my vains
The knight rushed over,on my face he seen the pain
And all my color drain

The mighty dragon let out an ear splitting cry
Took to it's wings and disappeared into the sky

I collapsed into the knight's arms
He's eye betraying his growing alarm
I could tell he loved me and was afraid I had came to the demons harm
Pauline Morris Apr 2016
Black slimy books, black slimy words
Black slimy fingers cramed them into a black slimy worlds

In my cracked up mind those slimy black words sunk in
This is how the end will begain

Blackbird sitting on my windowsill
Wait for me to seal the deal

Those black slimy words soon accumulates
They become black slimy books, my imagination stimulates

The black goat waits outside my window patiently
As the black sheep walks around aimlessly

The black slimy books have now become blood slimy pictures
Seen through my mind's eye with stricter
It was all becoming the perfect blood slimy mixture

The black goat has now donned his crown
He beckons me to come on down
To stand beside him on the earths ground

The blood slimy pictures are now a blood soaked movie in my head
That plays over and over and over, till I'm filled with blood soaked dread

So I seal the deal with the blackbirds blood
Emotions overwhelms me like a torrential raging flood
Then the emotions are suddenly gone with a thud

So if you are reading this you might see why
I left with the black goat, so dont you cry
Maybe I'll be back as time goes by
To translate my poem, the first stanza is how my words build world's inside my poems. -2nd- I would continue to write till I die -3rd- blackbird represents the muse-4th- my poems have become so many it could be several books, and my mind won't stop -5th- my demons wait and watch while I the black sheep is lost. -6th- my poems show pictures of my agonizing life. -7th- my demons show themselves through my writing and shows they are not going away. -8th- is how the memories are on going. -9th- is when I finally write every emotion I've ever felt down. Thus killing the muse, and it leaving me emotionless. -10th- with that final written poem I'm truly insane. :) hope you enjoyed!!! :)
Pauline Morris Feb 2016
Standing in the shower with my head against the wall
Letting the scalding water fall

Wishing it could wash away my skin
Wishing it could wash away his sins

Maybe when my bruises heal
My soul will once again, begain to feel

It looks so fragile with all it's holes
Where the monsters took and stole

But it's sewed with spiders threads
So it's as strong as a spider's webs

There's really nothing left to say
Accept that maybe one of these days
I'm gonna be ok
Pauline Morris May 2016
The darkness spoke and I did listen
His kiss upon my lips still glistens
It held me tightly within his shroud
Of himself he was proud
For I fell,I crumbled
I got tripped up, I stumbled
I had tried to fight but my life was to jumbled

He then told me why "For you have lived all your life in my essences
Always was my stark dark presence
it's all you've ever known
You tried to be strong but weak you have grown"

With that he gave his most devious smile
Than begain to spew more rancid bile
"I will forever keep you in my frozen clutch
Look around you'll see it's such
Of those little pills you took to much
I came to you in a rush"

I looked around and I could see
There was no going back for me
I had already passed deaths threshold
My body upon the bed was blue and cold
My soul from my body had been ripped
With that single kiss, that still lingered on my lips
Pauline Morris Jan 2016
Black slimy books, black slimy words
Black slimy fingers cramed them into a black slimy worlds

In my cracked up mind those slimy black words sunk in
This is how the end will begain

Blackbird sitting on my windowsill
Wait for me to seal the deal

Those black slimy words soon accumulates
They become black slimy books, my imagination stimulates

The black goat waits outside my window patiently
As the black sheep walks around aimlessly

The black slimy books have now become blood slimy pictures
Seen through my mind's eye with stricter
It was all becoming the perfect blood slimy mixture

The black goat has now donned his crown
He beckons me to come on down
To stand beside him on the earths ground

The blood slimy pictures are now a blood soaked movie in my head
That plays over and over and over, till I'm filled with blood soaked dread

So I seal the deal with the blackbirds blood
Emotions overwhelms me like a torrential raging flood
Then the emotions are suddenly gone with a thud

So if you are reading this you might see why
I left with the black goat, so dont you cry
Maybe I'll be back as time goes by

(Note found in the same room
As the rocking drooling fool, Chanting about the coming doom)
Mark Toney Jan 2020
"Uh oh, we encountered an error
           Making this page for you.
           We've been notified and
           will fix it asap."

Excuse me, but what's your
Definition of asap?
As slow as possible?

My HePo adventure begain
With great expectations
Each day I try to upload
My profile and cover photos
Again and again and again. . .
Always getting the 500 Error—
          "Uh oh, we encountered an error
           Making this page for you.
           We've been notified and
           Will fix it asap."

Really?  Imagine that!

Excuse me, but what's your
Definition of asap?
As slow as possible?
If you're not going to fix
The process for uploading pics
Then why don't you just
Be straightforward and honest?

I think I'll try to upload again!
          "Uh oh, we encountered an error
           Making this page for you.
           We've been notified and
           Will fix it asap."

Really?  Imagine that!
Ad infinitum  
Ad nauseam

Since I've become a HePoet
Each day you also ask for donations
          "You look good today.
           Why not donate?"
Each and every day
Over and over and over. . .
Well at least you say
"You look good today"
I think I'll try to upload again!
          "Uh oh, we encountered an error
           Making this page for you.
           We've been notified and
           Will fix it asap."

Really?  Imagine that!
Ad infinitum  
Ad nauseam

Oh, here's the donate blurb again—
          "You look good today.
           Why not donate?"
Well, I'm glad you asked!
My response is as follows—
          "Uh oh, I encountered an error
           Making a donation for you.
           I've been notified and
           Will fix it asap."
                    That is, as soon as my
                    Photos are uploaded
                    But I won't hold my breath. . .
                    Don't hold yours either. . .

Otherwise, I like your site
Please get it right

© 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
01/01/2020 - Poetry form: Free Verse - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2020
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
the darkness begains to spread like sickness i have never wanted to see. people turning in to savage animals when the riots begain fire breaks out so dose blood shed. the one peace full small sleepy town has became the place where you cant hide anywhere. the ones who are traped is me ad my life. this madness grows bigger and bigger. swat teams start to come from every direction hellicopters heavey armered vhicles even tanks. what was once a place for peace has broken out in to blood shed with no escape. all you hear is guns  and screaming all around. me and tho oness who have hidden deep in the shadows of the buildings just watch as the anger spreads. who even knowes if any of your parents have even survived. what was once started cant be stop'd by force alone. no matter what shows is only blood pools lining the street. only 2 nights there were no blood shed but just watching threw your hide aways you just see the people who was taken to violence ending something so corrupt that it will only take the ons who follow in the shadows to take down the danger of threat. what was once a simple sleepy place now is complete ruins. theres no place safe to step out in to the light exept for us to follow the plan to fight with no violence but psychological taking down each part slowly. even if it means if e grow anger? but thats how the sickness spreads slowly turning people in to vishious animals. what me and my friends who hid in shadows the image is to grusim ****** dead bodies lay all around .

this sickness spreads when you turn anger in anger corrupts and the darkness begains to take its place in its down fall. th only darkness in me is when i dont know what to do expet turn evil in for revenge

the darkness turned in to and epidemic taing my nerves. i may be a show creature but  i know when darkness corrupys and spreads like a wild fire
such as riots bring out violence!

what was once a small place has been destroyed by a corrupt rummer.


only the ones who escapt and working to take down the spread to make peace again
tired tired tired
Why does every
Journal entry
Of mine
with a question?

And if I'm only
Asking myself
Why can't I find
The answers?
Paul Hardwick Jun 2015
Have a ****
bathroom wash your face
pull your socks on
look for a clean shirt
pull your tie up to the neck
go out catch the bus
never on time
upstairs sit slip into a land which is yours
head to start work
grettings have begain
wake up and be the star you are.
True Story     with Love P@ul.
Pauline Morris May 2016
Standing in the shower with my head against the wall
Letting the scalding water fall

Wishing it could wash away my skin
Wishing it could wash away his sins

Maybe when my bruises heal
My soul will once again, begain to feel

It looks so fragile with all it's holes
Where the monsters took and stole

But it's sewed with spiders threads
So it's as strong as a spider's webs

There's really nothing left to say
Accept that maybe one of these days
I'm gonna be ok
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
I hate this time of night
When nothing seems quite right

The silence sets in, it's a deafening roar
Everything about this time of night I deplore

It's like stepping into a dark abyss
To live all alone and cold like this

The house is hauntingly lonely
With only my demons to console me

Agonizing coldness greets me under the covers
I take my little pills, anything that smothers

The terrifying nightmares that await
When I step through sleeps drowsy gate

But no matter what I seem to do
These nagging nightmares still pursue

Awake most the night, again it seems
Till the sun shines thorough my window it's beams

Wonder how long I can go without sleep
Before the secrets I hide begain to seep

Out of my mind and on to the pages
And everyone sees the battles that rages

But that's ok I think they already have
And the only one that can judge me is Yahve
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
what have i done i k new that i have trusted you but maybe to day i hate what i have become cause every dream i have hate what has been wo did i **** in my own silence. i have the feeling when i remembered something and one day t was to late to say sorry for something i didnt even knew what has happpened
i miss have you as my best friend
i hate how we have gone our own ways
i hated why i needd you the most
i wish i couldent stop my tear
i wish our lives coldnt be this way
i hated how me and you fought over what secrets have been said

my ******* day has became the fear on me getting forced to speak on the stage with fear that im choking up already

i remeber all the gifts and love we are all to gathere but my last day ended threw the sun turning blue

the day is turning in to a misty blue shadow that only begain to folow around me since im not strong enought to follow my lungs fill with fear as my lungs deflate

i hate we could both break the scilence to be to gather

if our self cant what ever
i cry over this stuff when my mind fills when i miss her
Vladimir s Krebs Jul 2018
My love i want to lay you down to rest in my web of your paralizing venom making it painless
Night i cant tell if im awake or in a intoxicating coma dreams begain to form in to terror like buring in your own hell you meddicat my brain but your love takes away everything making your intoxicating aroma **** me jnto your arms i drift into your mind hoping to find you sitting with me. You keep me happy you keep me alive with your voice baby do you know what its like to feel so hollow deep inside your love leaves me breathless your touch changes my mind

Night and day im alive half awake or lost buried in your arms

You take all my pain away you put out my wild fire you blow away the darknezz i seen every day

Your intoxicating aroma as you hold me you lay me down to rest in your arms never leting go
Life is better when you have someone who can understand you when you have bipolar disorder your own living hell
Wandering poet May 2018
He built a cage,
Of ribs and skin,
And promptly locked a lion in,
It seemed barbaric,
To contain a beast,
For surely on his heart it'd feast,
But contrary wise,
The lion was smart,
And lived in his chest,
To protect his heart....

The lion said it could not be contained any longer,
He clawed at the beating heart inside the cage,
The heart begain to slow and then the lion was losing his life,
The lion knew his mistake as his heart began to ache,
Hearts are wild creatures that's why they are contained,
And we remember our mistakes as the rain falls down our face.
Vladimir s Krebs Jul 2018
I walk alone week by week with long thoughts. It feels like the worst kind of pain i known. Nomatter how long i go nomatter how far i walk. Ill never know what a life with out pain is like. Day by day these road are less traveld.  But my heart is weak and broken. The love i lost leaves the scares of my past where i have been abandoned and miss treated at alast. Your word **** me slashing and buring in my skin deep anguish. My mind is nothing but long fill shattered dreams. I have to fight or risk my life trying to fall in love with my happiness that seems ro be running away from me. Every scare you leave on my seems to tell a new begain and end were theres no heroic end. Week by week day by day be hind every bend there is a broken mind you played with. In time you will  hear my voice my mind will scream my withered heart will start to beat once more till you decide to push me away and abonded me agin. Week by week day by day all i see if pur love slipping in to my dreams i had. But my road i travel has many doors every path or door has a beginning but never a end. I try to find pure happinnes when im alone but its just seems to flate line like you left my broken heart you have broke with your tristed lies. Day by day week by week min by min second by second i walk alone with all my scares you left. Bc the love you left wasnt worth it bc of you left your cost behind it

Alone i walk with nothing but a endless fading last breath.
Walking alone should only be left to your if you cant find any other way of finding your way
Garrett Johnson Mar 2020
Time again.

Soft and mad.
Left Fields barren remaining without a soul.
Later rehydrated with life.
Cleansed for the bossom of the soil.
To be ended.
Intime for the hard rain to fall.

Garrett Johnson.
Jamison Bell Dec 2021
Merry Christmas Grandma,
Thought I'd fill you in on what's been going on here for the holidays. Since you can't be with us on account of you having your vaginal gout flare up again. Dad says it's just as well since you're not actually my grandma and really just some homeless lady I keep writing letters for. So I thought I'd huff whatever I can find under the sink and write you up.
Timmy had had another bad dream last night. He wet the bed and the Wolfhound that had been given to my aunt by her ex Snott, his name was actually Scott but he couldn't pronounce the letter c. Well it went crazy and killed Timmy. The Wolfhound, not Snot. My sister Tammy is pretty upset since his name had come up in her ****** Advent Calendar.
Mom took us by the prison last week to see Uncle Skinny. He's still in isolation so we had to yell at him though the drainage pipe in the back. Says he's doing well. Still eating skin every chance he gets but hasn't had a cigarette in four months. We're all pretty proud of him. We used a tent pole to shove some chicken skins through the pipe and wished him a Merry Christmas.
Our neighbors are having a dispute over Christmas decorations. Seems our new neighbors the Crowleys celebrate Christmas by going from house to house and screeching satanic verses into a megaphone whilst making their kids dance for nickels. Seriously these kids will not stop dancing unless you have nickels. Try throwing a quarter? Nope, they just dance harder. Nobody in the neighborhood is sure as to whether or not it's child abuse so we just collectively try to make sure we have nickels at all times. These people will just jump out of the bushes screeching and dancing. The other kids are afraid to wait for the bus in the morning.
Well in an effort to get them to stop. Our other neighbor begain having an affair with the wife in the schreechy family. My guess is he was going to blackmail her to get her family to stop screeching and singing. Well she ended up keeping the baby he knocked her up with. Turns out her husband is a cuck and into the whole thing. So now whenever you see them, they're pushing a stroller with his kid in it. His wife left him for her stepdaughter and they're making ***** films in Burbank. Daryl and I are thinking of trying to cheer him up by decorating his house for Christmas for him. We're going to turn a woodchipper towards his house and throw green paint and squirrels into it. Because he's always feeding the squirrels so we think he'll like it.
I found out what my friend next door is getting for Christmas. I saw his dad shopping for trampolines at the trampoline store in the trampoline district downtown. They have to perfect yard for it. They'll probably put it near the pool with the waterslide and the next to the rock climbing wall. Hopefully my friend will do more than just sit in his wheelchair and cry about it like he does every year.
Anyway. I should probably go clean up what's left of Timmy. I was supposed to do it hours ago but the dog has playing with Timmys corpse for a while. He shakes it around and flings it down the hall. Then he picks it up and runs around the house with it. Mom and dad will be back from their swingers party at the orphanage soon so I better get to it.
Tomorrow is Christmas. I can't wait. After I open my presents and have breakfast. I'm going to do what I always do. I'm going to stand in front of the Mosque and smoke cigarettes in a very intimidating manner. Once they come out to see what I want. I offer to scratch their ***** if they'll bring me some figgy pudding. It hasn't happened yet but I remain hopeful.
Have a Merry Christmas Grandma.
Love Billy
Michael Kusi Jun 2018
Christ in infamy on the cross in pain, his injury was our loss for gain.
God had to gain dominion over the enemy to be our boss again.
They put a crown of thorns to his forehead he fell down to scorn on the floor red.
Then the deceased rose again after all that  happened and some must have mused poor dead.
Because there was more blood coming out than was in his human body.
Pharisees mocked him, saying how could anyone assume him godly.
Jesus begain to recite forgiveness, the day became a nightmare for the living breaths.
People must have been so terrified and fear that they were in the prison next.
No one could see, and now the blindness was physically dark.
Jesus came to fulfill prophesy and hit the history mark.
Because when he walked in the garden and met Mary, he did not have to beg pardon.
God said we are all redeemed by the bruises by which we scarred him.
BRON  in a disfunctional American setting with rotten roots of an destroyed family with dead values mistaking lies for love....

she's on the go ,beautiful as a rose, but soonly changed
life from man to man serching for the father she never had
relying on the hardedn streets to deal her a better hand with clouded thoughts with desires for fancy things has a baby as a teen
cycle repeats it self once again.
alone the way soft peddles begain to ruffle bleed from her own throns she continue to ****** deeper ,traped  in the same ghetto as a rose refused to give up give in nither let go knowing if she stops now there's no sunshine and the soil that provides her roots will dry so she motivate her self everytime she hears her baby crys determine to survive while looking into a mirror now ,realize it's her Daugther eyes and see the same rose of the ghetto....
wrote for all woman that can understand the life of growing up in the hood as a single mom
Laura Parsley Jan 12
Wrote it out and letters flowed
Under a shelf the crows did crow
By the lamp in the corner of the room
The plug sockets begain to whisper of doom
The kithen sink had been overthrown
The tap had decided on an absolute no
The plasterbord cursed and swore
As the carpets crawled across the floor
The lightbulb had committed suicide
The mirror discusted, could not abide
The wok was angry nothing was made
The milk was off but still in date
The cheese had crept
grown hairy and wet
The candle sang a sweet pure glow
The coffie table enjoyed the tiny solo
The couch sighed deep
The shoes prayed for feet
The saving foam lay quiet and wept
The razor blades denyed regret
The freezer buzzed with cheep delight
The candle lost the ability of sight
The radiators were sly with cold
The tins of soup felt wrinkled and old
The wooden spoon was burned then sold
A new black sock went grey with shock
The skirting bords pointed & mocked
As a toothbrush choked and twisted and coughed
The eggs were angry
The spoons were not
And when it hit tweve?
The clock just stopped.
Qualyxian Quest Oct 2020
Jack Burden
And his true love Anne

After tragedy
Their love again begain

The divorce of power and value
Which I took at JMU

And now with Donald Trump
Divorce is all too true

Still we look ahead
This too shall pass

Friday at Newman Center
October 12th the Mass

Historical development
Irish working class

Oxford twilight blue
Joe, kick Trump's ***!

— The End —