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Diving I am deep into ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here and nothing is hue & cry.

Heart my got broken , knavery when played they all.
I also did some trick, waggery did, made them fall.
Soul my knocks now, and making me feel shy.
Diving I am deep into ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here and nothing is hue & cry.

I was fragile , shaky and suffering over last.
Used to compete with them whosoever growing fast.
Now that fear is over, seldom  now I vie.
Diving I am deep into ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here and nothing is hue & cry.

I let them laugh at me, who having envious heart.
I let them mock at me, am accepting odious ****.
Malice brings no peace in me, not making such a try.
Diving I am deep into ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here and nothing is hue & cry.

Wrong which they done to me, all have forgotten now,
Only thing which yearn now, help all but when and how.
In the land of hatred me, sowing peace and multiply.
Diving I am deep into ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here and nothing is hue & cry.

Was bursting volcano then, now flowing river is me ,
Heat of that summer over, clouds pouring rains in me.
Dirt of soul gone now, bade the evil good bye.
Diving I am deep into ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here and nothing is hue & cry.

Venom of hatred receded, jealously no bitterness,
Longing to assist someone, is there so eagerness.
Sipping now drop of love, peace in me glorify.
Diving I am deep into ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here and nothing is hue & cry.

Light of wisdom arrived, Night of ignorance gone.
All my grief ended, joy in life has come.
Riding at the peak of virtue, now I am flying high.
Diving I am deep into ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here and nothing is hue & cry.

Now only truth here ,  no place for any lie.
Diving I am deep into ocean of bliss O' thy,

Ajay Amitabh Suman

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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In Mahabharat, Yudhishthira was considered as the most Pious Soul. He was considered as Epitome of Virtue and it is said he did not commit any mistake, except one half lie.

At the End of Mahabharat Epic, when All Pandavas tried to Venture to ascend to Heaven alive, it was the Yudhishthira only, who ascended into Heaven Alive. During the Way to Heaven, all other four Pandavas , including  Draupadi died.

It is said that Yudhishthira was so Pious , Vrtuous and so truthful that his Chariot Never touched the Ground. Because of Truthfullness, Right fullness , he practised in his whole life, his Chariot Never Touched the Soil. Such was greatness of Yudhishthira.

However, Yudhishthira had to Visit Hell for some time where he saw all his brothers including Draupadi tortured. Even Karna was also seen being tortured in Hell. Later Yudhishthira  was explained that he did committed a half sin in his life as he lied regarding death of Ashvatthama. It is said that this was the only half sin , which he committed in his whole life. This was the only reason, Yudhishthira had to visit Hell.

But what about Betting his Wife Draupadi in Gamble. Mahabharat is totallysilent on this aspect. In Mahabharat , Yudhishthira was not held guilty for betting his Wife Draupadi in Gamble and loosing her. Yudhishthira used his Wife as Good. I think this is one of the most heinous crime committed in Mahabharat. Yudhishthir Must had to be held guilty for that.

But instead, this was rationalized. During the Exile, when Bhim and Arjuna held Yudhishthira responsible for all this, Sage Vyas reached there and told them story of Ram and Lakshmana that how Lakshmana left his wife for his brother Ram. Thus Yudhishthira was protected by Vyasa.

It is a matter of Great Surprise to me that Mahabharat did not consider betting of wife in Gamble, A Sin. In my view betting of wife Draupadi in Gamble , by Yudhishthir is the most heinous crime , he committed and for this he was not worthy of entering into Heaven alive, like other Pandavas and Kauravas.

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I am the author of this Article. This Article is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation to my Article, as available in law. No body is entitled the use this Article , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
With Goal in the  mind
you focus your card,  
Forgetting days nights
and working so hard,

What ever has come in
the target your way,
You have always strived
to keep it at bay.

Resources are albeit
but skimpy and low.
You Seldom get worry
and never  you bow.

While eating and moving
or going for walk,
You put your attention
on measures you talk.

Virtues that you own
not common in mass,
Seldom are found and  
tough to surpass.

Perhaps  is the reason
why I have regard,
Your focus certainly
deserves this reward.

But often  I doubt
your fire your zeal,
Queries comes to mind
this what I feel.

Is it your passion that
makes you work hard?
Or Else is pushing you
jumping the  yard?

Since I have also seen
a victim  a prey,
In forest jumps hard
when  lion on way.

Just see if guilt,Fear ,
doubt and remorse?
are not controlling
your action of course?

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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The kind of decision you take in your life,  determines the kind of life you're destined for? Is it more important to enhance your phoney ego or to have job satisfaction in your life? What do you prefer: looking at others or working on improving yourself? Between obsession and passion, what should you choose? It's absolutely your decision what to decide.
That pen was not just
another pen like,
Was close to his heart
soothing moonlike.

He bought that pen
after paying huge cost,
That was one reason
he liked that most.

For sbowing status for
showing the fame,
What he had achieved  
position and name.

Pen was a symbol for
flaunting repute,
That he was on top this
no one dispute.

It reminds him also
reminds the all,
He reached at the top
after many so fall.

But one day in office
that pride was lost.
It was that pen that he
liked the most.

He doubted in office
workers and staff,
At times in office
abruptly he laugh.

He had suspicion on
ally and friend.
Driver & sweeper too
themselves to fend.

One day in office clerk
found  that pen.
Was hidden in file and  
lying since then.

He wished to say sorry
and  admit the guilt.
His ego but came in
his way as a hilt.

Ajay Amitabh Suman:
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In many cases, a man is willing to apologize for something he has done wrong, but his ego stands in the way. What could be the result of this, except regretting the mistake?
You are suggesting my Soul to wait,
When time is ripe and future in shape.
But present in sight, which I may control,
This body may fight, and not my soul.

Water change its form, and Man his faith,
But sitting and waiting not changes the fate.
By itself the Water, not changes its nature.
when freezes, turn ice, when heated is Vapour,

Lord Rama killed Bali, Behind his Back,
Bhima picked  thigh, in war to Attack.
Krishna once broken his promise his word,
Pandava bet wife, lost pride and Sword.

When time hostile , situation more worse ,
Condition challenging and getting adverse .
Then character of a man examined indeed,
Standing on your feet or changing in need.

Things which eternal in world,  not I met.
It depends how handle , example you set.
Deed of a man earns name bad or earns fame,
This only decides, one's fortune, ones fate.

Ajay Amitabh Suman

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
Inhaling the toxin
And sinking in dust.
Here comes winter
The Choking is must.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
I am the author of this poem. This Poem is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation to my poem, as available in law. No body is entitled the use this poem , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.
I failed
Not because
Unable to read
His face.

I failed
Because he is not one,
In fact Many
Trapped inside a case.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
I am the author of this poem. This Poem is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation to my poem, as available in law. No body is entitled the use this poem , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.
Queries were many
as the boy was crazy,
answers were few and
Old man gone tizzy.

His questions unlimited
but pure was his heart,
and man was unable
To quench his thirst.

Failing in answer
Man replied the boy,
An authentic man can
surely lead you to joy.

Questions unlimited
Thirst growing more,
Kept looking for man
Whose heart was pure.

With lamp in hand
Through day and night,
Boy searched for years
and continued his fight.

Having tired of journey
and efforts relent-less,
One day in mirror
He saw his face.

and started to dance
and laughed in joy,
Old man got anxious
and asked the boy.

Free from anxiety
and no more in swamp,
Replied the boy
I have saved my lamp.

  Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
Ajay Pandey Aug 2017
Declaring victory,
Over every part of my heart.
Holding portions of heaven,
in her cute little dimple.
She knew she will win over me
which was yes, simple
So, She took my heart

Teaching me,
the meaning of life,
The rays of her smile,
took me grounded.
The fiery feeling for her and,
intense and limitless memories, which hold me surrounded
****, she took my heart

Searching her,
In my imaginations.
Gives me feeling the best.
That feeling which is enough for the life to rest.
By Showing me the glare of reality.
Oh! again, She took my heart.
                        -Ajay Pandey
What you give up,
what you disown
What you collect,
what you own.

Search of the world,
remain futile
Until you know ,
nature of own.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
I am the author of this poem. This Poem is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation to my poem, as available in law. No body is entitled the use this poem , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.
Harsher than life, no Misery,Pain, groan?

But reason not fathom ,What foul I own.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved:I am the author of this poem. This Poem is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation to my poem, as available in law. No body is entitled the use this poem , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.
Why does come Monday first always in Week?
and Looking in East why, West cannot I seek?
Why from month January ,  year to begin?
Is January so great and December mean?

Why yellow looks so yellow and red is red?
Why chair is called a chair  and bed is bed?
Why day is destined to never meet a night?
And there no darkness, where ever is light?

How cement keep together one brick to brick?
When Frozen, turn water ice, what is the trick?
Why the cow choice eating grass, leaf & fruit?
and juice for feral panther never substitute?

Why chilly taste hot so and apple taste sweet?
Why river's bank parallel & never they meet?
Why always two has to come after one?
No body to answer, no reason yet come.

Why eye for watching and mouth to speak?
And Mountain so high and valley so deep?
Why fire for burning and water to wet?
Why language ever need many alphabet?

Only thirty days in a month, when, why & how?
No answers to these questions, leave them you now.
And why the God created this multiple world,
Can not be explained ever, can not be solved.

God is the originator and this is the fact.
This world is how it is, you have to accept.
This is the Nature and this is reply.
Alfa is alfa  , so  pie is pie.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
You are suggesting my Soul to wait,
When time is ripe and future in shape.
But present in sight, which I may control,
This body may fight, and not my soul.

Water change its form, and Man his faith,
But sitting and waiting not changes the fate.
By itself the Water, not changes its nature.
When freezes, turn ice, when heated is Vapour,

Lord Rama killed Bali, Behind his Back,
Bhima picked  thigh, in war to Attack.
Krishna once broken his promise his word,
Pandava bet wife, lost pride and Sword.

When time hostile , situation more worse ,
Condition challenging and getting adverse .
Then character of a man examined indeed,
Standing on your feet or changing in need.

Things which eternal in world,  not I met.
It depends how handle , example you set.
Deed of a man earns name bad or earns fame,
This only decides, one's fortune, ones fate.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
You may
hold her,
Hug her,
Kiss her,
Smooch her,
Press her waist,
Even undress her,
You may touch
Her bare neck,
Bare Breast,
Bare thigh,
Bare back,
Bare body,
You may know
Everything about her,
But untill you know
her heart,
You know

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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As you are just get going for a talk,
Few queries I have please do not balk.
Is this  important , what do you speak?
People have issues, solutions they seek?

Or you have soapbox, desire to show,
What is inside , you need a window.
To ***** the all , which have been repressed,
For years days nights ,yet to be expressed.

It matters not whether, they make any sense?
Already so clamor , making  it intense.
What solace you granting, while making this talk?
Or you need someone, with whom you can walk?

Think just one opinion can make someone fall,
If treated with care it, may shape someone tall.
Not always a weapon which wins a war,
Words can often be lethal and fatal at par.

Wordings are blessings and your asset too,
So use them with wisdom and not just a boo.
You know It is foolish to go  for a walk,
Like Jackals in Jungle gather for  talk.

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Rights Reserved
What purpose will it serve if your talk , instead of pacifying someone's mind, is creating ripples of worries? What is use of your thought if no one gets any benefit out of it? Just be watchful whether you go for a talk only because you need a companion while you walk, Or is your talk making someone happy . It is really worthy to talk only in case you making someone laugh.
The Lion is Lion, fearsome of all,
And rat is a rat, So poor so small.
But when in net, Lion was trapped,
One who freed lion,was that puny rat.

In forest a tiger,can Pounce at prey,
But can it run like,on Sand camel may.
The Mango tree mighty, but ever it laugh?
That I am gigantic, and you mere a grass.

A serpent can bite, and Peacock a dance,
But Monkey can jump, on  tree by chance.
A rose is so minor and banyan so tall,
But in the fragrance, seen banyan to fall.

Frog of a pond when, hears a cuckoo song,
Does he regret his, sound hoarse, so wrong?
A candle throws light, but does it complain?
have pity, have mercy, please put me in rain.

Can a fish fly and,  Eagle a swim?
Singing for cow, is always a dream.
When on the branches, flutters a crow,
Does ask tortoise, Why lazy, so slow?

When does a panther, run fast for ****,
Never he worried,how does prey feel?
While river gets solace, in making a flow,
But Moon in its cool, ‎and Sun in its glow.

A banyan is Banyan, And grass is a grass,
Never judgemental & No creed, no class.
The Being assigns this knowledge to man,
Tranquil , equable should always remain.

Seldom it care what, darkness what shine?
This is the sinful or that is divine,
With beauty is playful,with grave also fine.
Not worried for virtue, Nor guilt it define.

Always sustaining,No ego,no greed,
Feed vegitation & also Feed ****.
What tiny what big & minow what tall,
The existence provide, A shelter for all.

In cloud, in thunder, in rain that you found,
In roaring of lion & bird's chirping sound.
If fire then glow, in human is thought,
If air then flow, is water when drought.

In Color is rainbow,is morning of  day,
In fragrance is mellow,if Sun then it's ray.
In blossom of flower and growth of seed,
Pervading eternal & all that you need.

What right,what wrong, it never support,
Although indulgent, but never put force.
All that surround, but separate indeed,
Such is this isness, Not captive, nor freed.

    Ajay Amitabh Suman
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Once Budhha came, with beautiful rose,
and sat under shadow of, tree he chose.
Then Looked at disciples, sitting around,
to listen the master and hear his sound.

Hours were passed, he didn't speak,
as if  ignorant to answers they seek.
Keeping the queries, their worries at bay.
Lord Budhha smiled , had nothing to say.

All gone tizzy had, questions to ask,
but questioning Budhha,a difficult task.
and master enjoying the ultimate bliss,

Looking at flower and resting in peace.

Though body still and not any sound,
mind was restless & running around.
Waited & waited they,sat on the ground,
All of a sudden one, laughter they found.

This was Mahakashyap,touching his feet,
O Master so humble ,so gentle so sweet.
Budhha behold  him with gentle gaze,
And gave him flower,removing his daze.

Destroyed illusion you, cleared my haze,
Disciple was singing,aloud in his praise.
While sitting on ground and giving me rose,
O Budhha you flowed in my heart so close.

Shown me the horse & shown me to ride,
now nothing remaining, for you to guide.
If still to explain and, something to say,
One thing but certain,all  miss the way.

Revealed in silence that cannot be said,
wisdom through mouth seldom conveyed.
If one is ready ,when  silence speaks,
Then truth is his , ignorance retreats.

    Ajay Amitabh Suman

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Craving for victory
And Chasing for fame,
Thought only of power
And labored for name.

Soaring up above &
Keeping head high.
Not humble as ever
And rude was reply.

Riding for Zenith
And dreaming Sky,
Not knowing to walk
Knows only to fly.

A Hurricane is Fast
and River is slow,
But which last longer
A Gusting or flow?

Victory Important
Defeat is but must,
It makes you polite
& humble Just trust.

I saw him broken
At coming not first ,
Could not accepted
He could not adjust.

Enjoying the Success
And  Power, Speed,
Not agreed for failure
He did not accede.

Not rooted on soil
On ground so fade.
Not pliant,so shaken
That man, Ego Made.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
In the shadow of hill
and Bank of a River,
Father and Son were
Treading together.

Gentle was air though
Forest was thick,
Rabbits were playing
A hide and seek.

Saw the son, birds,
Chirping in rain,
Flowers were flowing
In beautiful terrain.

What a dusky cloud
And rainbow by chance,
Exclaimed the father
And begun to dance.

Tears flew through eyes
With gratitude and Joy,
Bow down to Gardener
Father said to the Boy.

And boy was surprised
In such forest and rain,
Where is the Gardener
In such man-less plain.

Why he would take
such fruitless task.
whom to show this and
Still hidden in mask.

Who is here to enjoy
The  flower and rain,
and what is award
Boy asked with disdain.

Not able to watch
Not able to touch,
Why such a puzzle
Throw you so much.

Smiled the father
Replied to the boy,
No body is required
To celebrate in joy.

He cares the plants
With water through rain,
gives sunlight to grow
And makes beautiful plain.

Food through soil
And thorn to protect,
Shelters the flowers
Can not you detect.

Can not we touch him
Can not we watch,
But he is surrounding
Where ever we walk.

He is prevailing in
Fragrance you love,
Blossoming of flowers
And  Cuckoo of a bird.

And Son you are asking
What is his award,
This dance of nature is
making him to laugh.

  Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
Ajay Pandey Aug 2017
I want to take you there where we three only exist
You, me and nature
Just walking through woods
Holding your hand so firmly like snow
Understanding you completely nothing more to show
Air struggling to pass through us.
Yeah, I still wish for that moment.
I still search for you.
            -Ajay Pandey
It does not matter,
how much you eat,
Scolded the poor,
and beaten the weak.

So what in life,
often you lie.
Always talk non-sense,
without a shy.

It also not matter,
you cheated them all.
Who trusted you high,
You made them to fall.

He knows all of,
desires your deed.
That on the ground,
you grow only ****.

But such his heart,
and such is his ways,
With  pity in eyes,
The God always says.

What matters O' dear,
whenever you seek,
God always is there,
But you never meet.

The Jesus is there,
and Buddha in you,
But you have to say,
the Evil bid adieu.

When a man keeps on committing sins, then he develops this idea that godhood is not meant for him. But truth is contrary. Whatever crime a man has committed, howsoever grave his crime is, there is always possibility of a man to evolve spiritually and unite with god. ANGULIMALA was a Dakoit and killed 999 persons. Still, in company of Lord Buddha, he attained nirvana. This poem is based on the idea of possibility of a man to get enlightened, irrespective of his indulgence in sin and crime. The door of God is open for all, even for criminals.
Howsoever it may look,
it may sound,
But no other way till date,
I have  found.

For tasting the heaven,
the God's domain,
Give up the counting ,
what loss or Gain.

For God is not  loss and
  benifit you count,
Nor he can be bought
what be the  amount.

You hear the sound  ,
the whistle of train,
But never you find,
the whistle of train.

If candle will try,
for catching  the heat ,
And music will try for,
catching drum beat.

Can cloud get success,
in catching the rain?
And can a bird find,
sky the empty terrain.?

Like fish never fathom,
what water what sea,
And fruit  seldom find,
  the bud and the tree.

For  a Fish  is in  water,
and a bird in  sky,
Sea cannot be found  ,
whatever fish   try.

As breathing not separate
from body from life,
And  family  just dependent
on  part of a  wife.

God' business is different,
and different his way,
He is closest  of the  closest,
and still far away.

A man is not separate,
nor different from God,
No question disecting ,
the source with a sword.

The Proof  of heaven is ,
within you my friend,
Just venture your search,
in your heart's terrain.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
A man keeps on looking for God in whole of the world, but seldom succeed in his effort. His effort is  just like a fish looking to find the sea and a bird try to find out the sky. It is very difficult for them to find the sea and sky. In fact fish and bird are imseparable part of the sea and the sky. The only path is to took within themselves. Similar is the situation with Man. Man and God are not separate. When a man starts looking within, it will find the proof of heaven, ultimate abode of the God.
While living in Berlin
I dreamt for  Sanghai,
when crossing the river,
Never sail, tempted to fly.

What is there in mind
seldom comes out of mouth,
Say yes with emphasis
When clouded with doubt.

Treading for north
And thinking of south,
while talking of peace
Often I shout.

When hate is in heart
Then soft is response,
Always calculative
cautious of pros-cons.

Pulling the water
when out of a well,
Am enjoying in mind
A flower and smell.

Aspiring for love
and desiring for life,
Spending life as if
a planned strife.

Who is this man
"Amitabh"  I thought,
Replied my mind
I am, I am not.

       Ajay Amitabh Suman
Copyright Claim:.  (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ) I am the author of  this  poem. This Poem is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation  to my poem,  as available in law. No body is entitled the use this poem , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.
is worship
here namaaz,
Sun Temple
here is Taj.

singing in temple
Dancing day night,
While shutting
His sight.

Is here
Here Ardas,
This India
Not Country
but a collage.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
Are of three types.

Who wag their tail.
By their habit
By their breed.

who wag their tail
Neither lick  boot
Nor do they bite
And do not assail.

Second one
Who lick the boot
Out of affection
Love indeed.

Who lick the boot
Neither wag tail
Nor do they bite
And do not assail.

Another one
Who do attack
And often Assail
Such is their manner
Such is their deed.

Who do attack
Who do assail
Neither lick boot
Nor wag their tail.

And Man

Also wag tail
Also lick boot
Also do bite
And also assail.

Out of their Choice
Out of need.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
I am the author of this poem. This Poem is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation to my poem, as available in law. No body is entitled the use this poem , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.
No one saluting ,you Zero , Me one
The useless , futile, and Worthy of none.

Me one  an idle,my Value Just dead,
It was your consort which made me hundred.

You came my side and made me your one,
My credit went higher and always we won.

So what you  barren,and So what  Zero,
If I am the winner,then You my Hero.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
This is my Life, this is my chess,
Let me play myway please don't make a mess.
I let horse killed then why do you surprise?
I played my move and I face this sacrifice.

Not asking suggestion, not seeking advise,
Not looking for favour, O learned man wise.
This game is mine, and this is my name.
The loss would me mine, and mine the fame.

This game is of mine, and mine is fate.
How can decide you, how can dictate?
You intended to gift me win but I deny.
If I to taste heaven, then you cannot die.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
All are demanding,
him to be in race?
Whipping him lagging,
behind in case.

How many marks,
he ever scored.
Else he has always been,
Thrown out of door.

Papa and Mama
and teacher they all,
Guide him how to,
Rise, how to fall.

Amazing his life,
amazing his place.
No Option, No choice,
he always in race.

He likes the music,
and likes the dance.
He also rejoices,
the singing by chance.

But no body cares,
what cares he all,
No rise in chasing,
Not bothers the fall.

The things he likes
that gives him solace.
I wonder Will ever,
He get his space.

This the story of a small boy, which I have witnessed. Now a days there has been sea-change regarding the way parents are handling their kid. The parenting is commerce oriented. I have seen that everybody including parents and teachers , are focused only on the aspect of making a child competent enough to earn requisite money for leading a lavish life style. The saddening part of the child was that no body ever cares about the inclination, interest of child. I have seen the child struggling against his desire and doing so many things, which ultimately making his condition worse.
Your mere presence
on this occasion
is enough.


having Vices many,
Neither you bad
nor a bluff.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
I am the author of  this  poem. This Poem is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation  to my poem,  as available in law. No body is entitled the use this poem , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.
The golden
morning rays.

Of Bright
Warm and
Sunny Days.

and I
dew on
greeny grass.

like a
tiny glass.

You hug me
Or I
either touch thee.

One thing
But certain
The grass
Gets unburden.

And me
To loose sight
The tiny my life.

But why this
eagerness so
I can not

What is this joy
Celebration of Death.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
How many of us would like to Die?
I think for certain, No would be reply.
But in case happens only by chance,
Just I'm guessing asking in advance.
As none of us is having  any control,
One day, but certain death be on roll.
For time of death, uncertain unknown,
But you can rejoice no time to groan.
God  has given this freedom  to you,
Have option to cheer your death too.
f you decide for gifting someone a life,
Post death, donating organs to survive.
This Choice of gifting organs post death.
Makes you stronger in facing the wrath.
And Goddess of death shall  also be shy,
Salute you surely if this option you Try.

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Rights Reserved
Life is extremely uncertain and so is the death. As a man can not decide his time of death, his parents , similarly we also do not know as to when our time has come tell this world a good buy.  We do not and cannot have any control over the Timing of our Death but certainly on the quality of Death. Still we can choose what kind of death we are destined for. God has provided us an opportunity to turn this misfortunate incident into delight by gifting our ***** post death, to some one,  gifting a life. This act of donating our organs to some one , post our death, we can still see this world , through others body. We are having option to outlive our life and death too.
Raising the pitch of
Speaker so high,
Drinking a bear
Without any shy.

Going berserk and
Frenzy on road,
Raising in hand
a flag and rod.

Creating a noise like
animals gone mad,
Making ill gestures
Behaving so bad.

In the name of god
You fiercely occupy,
The road, the place
and law all defy.

You think god likes
this drama this rush,
This chaos, this shout
pageant this rumpus.

Creating a ruckus when
ugly you dance,
One thing but certain
You have no chance.

In the realm of god
and at his place,
No scope for such non sense
No room, no space.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
Sipping the Coffee and, talking on phone,
The Boy is slowly itching  cheekbone.
Never in morning, he preferred a Walk,
Reading his Message,on Whatsapp and chatt.

Been Live on Facebook, And Sharing Status,
Enjoying the Nature, On net , not in Campus.
Now Playing his games on Laptop , I pad,
Enjoying his Win on , defeat getting Sad.

This is the boy , whom Appeals Instagram ,
Pininterest and Twitter but not Epigram.
And Throwing in Almirah, all his rotten books.
Shaping the Future of nation like schnooks .

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
I have Two eyes ,He also two legs,
I rest on Chair,He also needed beds.

He passed the virtue while blessing with hand,
But I picked a  fight, while raising my hand.

He uttered truth only, opened when mouth,
and I talk a north, when doing a  South.

Gandhi is Gandhi and I am me How?
Difference is this much of Jackal and Cow.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
You are suggesting my Soul to wait,
When time is ripe and future in shape.
But present in sight, which I may control,
This body may fight, and not my soul.

Water change its form, and Man his faith,
But sitting and waiting not changes the fate.
By itself the Water, not changes its nature.
when freezes, turn ice, when heated is Vapour,

Lord Rama killed Bali, Behind his Back,
Bhima picked  thigh, in war to Attack.
Krishna once broken his promise his word,
Pandava bet wife, lost pride and Sword.

When time hostile , situation more worse ,
Condition challenging and getting adverse .
Then character of a man examined indeed,
Standing on your feet or changing in need.

Things which eternal in world,  not I met.
It depends how handle , example you set.
Deed of a man earns name bad or earns fame,
This only decides, one's fortune, ones fate.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
When Jesus said I
and father are one,
come to me you all
Before I am gone.

Declared the krishna
that I am the one,
Who created the world
all things have come.

And under the Bodhhi
When buddha attained,
Bursting with joy then
Humbly proclaimed.

Which cannot be seen
Which cannot be known,
That nothing is me
That void, that none.

Then often you ask
And wanted reply,
A Jesus , A Budhha
Egoistic so, why.

What they conveyed
you never perceived,
With clouds in mind
Truth seldom received.

When they asserted
themselves so high,
You looked at them
With doubting eye.

Your ego is trouble
And it is the one,
doubtIng forever, in
Always suspicion.

Either you boost it
Or get it nurtured,
At times pretending
You Look so cultured.

In Krishna, in Jesus
Where is me, my,
They refer the source
When speak of I.

Mirrors are they
and simply reflect,
Who ever you are
What ever project.

Until  you know
language unknown,
No one expecting you
Rightly respond.

The Krishna,The Budhha
The Jesus, names long,
recognize them always
After they gone.

The Nanak, Laotse
Same Light with names.
Where ever you touch
The sea remains the same.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
Looking for Wealth and seeking quick Rise,
A man of spice sought old man's advise.
That trader crossed desert crossed river and Land.
Reached Forest, searched trees as suggested old man.

But found fruits and trees  the useless stone,
But what he was searching, spices were none.
Being frustrated returning after home,
He asked Man wise what wrong I have done?

The Old Man smiled said Road was so long,
Your idea created distractions thousand one.
Spices not there  but sparking stones,
Precious than herbs, were infact diamonds.

Wealth can be made not only from the spice,
Diamonds were there, could given you a rise.
But thinking was faulty, in method a glitch.
You are defeated  by idea of your rich.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
In whole of the universe is only this man,
Who run after money for hunger & pain.

looking for house or yearning for cash,
Neither such animal nor bird I trace.

Under depression with gloomy face,
indigence in plenty are human traits.

Enough have shelter & enough have wool,
But man never die with his stomach full.

For Quenching her thirst near a Bank,
Bird never worried  preparing a tank.

Deprived of shelter, and wanting in bread,
never with empty gut, found animal dead.

  Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
Though accumulated
power and wealth,
A King was depressed
with anxiety and bad health.

Once he saw a man
With peaceful face,
Mind without qualm
and not in any haste.

He approached the man
and asked ,O peaceful mind,
Life turning out to be mess
Have mercy , please unwind.

You must have seen
The heaven and Hell,
Please show me the way
King started to yell.

Mocking at him
With viscious smile,
Replied the man
Your effort is futile.

Asking useless question
such an idiot you are,
Heaven and hell, imaginery
Donot you know so far.

Being humiliated
And filled with Anger,
King raised his sword
and man was in Danger.

Instead, man laughed
This all I had to tell,
Glorifying self ego
is the way to Hell.

You have broken my ego
and have given a dent,
Realizing his mistake
King started to repent,.

If you desire for heaven
Man said with pity in eye,
Ego is the only obstacle
which you have to pacify.

   Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
Limbs are yet to grow
Am just in the womb,
Eyes are, but without brow
and heart is yet to pump.
O Death, You must be having other things to occupy.

Am such a little kid
Just attempting to walk,
still stutter in uttering
Am striving to talk.
O Death, come later,i won’t defy.

My friends are few
More have to be made,
Books are left unread
Games are to be played.
O Death, Hold on, not the time yet to reply.

Have fallen in love
With gorgeous wife,
Heart is singing and
Joy has come to life.
O Death, give me some time & I will comply.

Children, to be taken care of
Elders to be protected,
Ethics in society shaken
Needs to be corrected,
O Death, time is not ripe to tell the life good bye.

Though money I have made
But no time to spend,
Erred in life many times
Still left ways to amend.
O Death, time is still not ripe, please do not spy.

Yes my hairs have fallen
And I have grown old,
But still Life is a mystery
and I have to unfold.
O Death, come next time, I won’t deny.

The more I desire, the more I pray
Lust turning hunter and me its prey,
Still frustrated, Still unsated
Craving for life, swinging midway .
O Death, the truth is that, I do not want to die, I never want to die.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
My father has warned
my blood to be hot.

But Heat is in Summer
My School has taught.

and Winter suggested
the wool to be warm.

When cold is weather
then Fire is charm.

But life has lesson
to teach other wise.

Warmth in passion
can Take me to highs.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
Limbs are yet to grow
Am just in the womb,
Eyes are, but without brow
and heart is yet to pump.
O Death, You must be having other things to occupy.

Am such a little kid
Just attempting to walk,
still stutter in uttering
Am striving to talk.
O Death, come later,i won’t defy.

My friends are few
More have to be made,
Books are left unread
Games are to be played.
O Death, Hold on, not the time yet to reply.

Have fallen in love
With gorgeous wife,
Heart is singing and
Joy has come to life.
O Death, give me some time & I will comply.

Children, to be taken care of
Elders to be protected,
Ethics in society shaken
Needs to be corrected,
O Death, time is not ripe to tell the life good bye.

Though money I have made
But no time to spend,
Erred in life many times
Still left ways to amend.
O Death, time is still not ripe, please do not spy.

Yes my hairs have fallen
And I have grown old,
But still Life is a mystery
and I have to unfold.
O Death, come next time, I won’t deny.

The more I desire, the more I pray
Lust turning hunter and me its prey,
Still frustrated, Still unsated
Craving for life, swinging midway .
O Death, the truth is that, I do not want to die, I never want to die.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
I am the author of this poem. This Poem is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation to my poem, as available in law. No body is entitled the use this poem , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.

— The End —