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2.0k · Feb 2016
Taki Kumiko Feb 2016
The hurt isn't something that just goes away,
The pain has already come to stay,
It's already such a great price to pay,
But it must be endured come what may.
1.7k · Oct 2016
Two Sides
Taki Kumiko Oct 2016
You are a sickness
Turning me helpless
My mind muddled
Senses in unexplainable chaos
I'm completely wrecked
You alone
Affect me
This way

But simultaneously

You are an antidote
Making me whole
My mind clarified
Senses ultimately heightened
I'm in complete ecstasy
Only you
Affect me
This way
somehow I'm being so poetic about a love I'll never experience
1.1k · Jan 2017
War and Peace
Taki Kumiko Jan 2017
Her words were
like fire to my ears,
poison in my veins.
She triggered
something dark
and dangerous
within me.
Something I struggled
to restrain.

There was something
about her
that made me
feel sad and mad
at the same time.
She was a lone soul
stuck in the midst
of a chaos
she had no control over.
(We used to be friends once. I regret not being able to influence her to change her ways. I hope she'll change for the better.)
1.1k · Jan 2017
The Ex
Taki Kumiko Jan 2017
I'm still in love
With the way you took my hand
With how you said my name

I'm still in love
With your toothy grin
With your hearty deep laugh

I'm still in love
With the comforting hugs you gave
With how you wiped away my tears

I'm still in love
With a person already gone
With someone that's been replaced

I'm still in love
With the memories
Because, now, it's all I'll ever have.
*kudos to all those who are in the process of moving on and to those who have moved on
967 · Feb 2016
Lost Things
Taki Kumiko Feb 2016
When something is lost,
The importance of it is found,
Everyone gives such a fuss,
Until it is safe and sound.
944 · Jan 2016
Taki Kumiko Jan 2016
The pain of losing someone you love
may be something,
But to be betrayed by your own flesh and blood
is everything,

Nothing is as vulnerable as exposing your weaknesses
to the people you trust the most,
The people you're willing to die for and you're
proud enough to boast,

And when the time comes when it seems
that everything is lost,
You become the victim when all you've tried
to be is a host,

Your greatest strength was your
greatest downfall,
You used to answer to their every
beck and call,

I guess it all comes down to just you after all.
882 · Oct 2016
The Star
Taki Kumiko Oct 2016
It was a night like any other. Then I saw you.
From that moment on, I wanted nothing more to stop and stare at you.
It was painful always having to look up to the heavens to meet your gaze.
But I endured it all.
I constantly wanted to be near you, even if you outshone me in so many ways.
I ran towards you.
But no matter what I did to get closer,
You’d seem much farther away from my grasp.
Then finally after so much I had gone through,
Finally I caught up with you!
I did it.
Then I looked again.
You weren’t as bright as I thought you would be.
I was disappointed.
Things weren’t going the way they were supposed to be.
I took one final last look at you.
Deciding that you weren’t my whole world after all,
I looked up.
I was surprised to see.
You were only one star among millions.
You didn’t outshine everything else after all.
I was just too blind to see,
That you weren’t the only star in the galaxy.
one last deep thought before I hit the sack. Duh. FINALLY. Sleep embrace me!
592 · Feb 2016
The Ghosts of My Past
Taki Kumiko Feb 2016
The moments
we can never

The words
we've left

The places
we can't ever

The feelings
that have been long
550 · Jan 2016
Taki Kumiko Jan 2016
They say sleep is a great escape
from everything,
But I say it's welcoming you
to a new terror,
And all you'll ever see is the
endless tunnel of nothing,
It takes you on twists and turns
of an entirely pristine horror.

Now for others it is where
their fears come true,
For some it is already reality
at the dead of night,
What they say is enough to
turn them purple and blue,
None but themselves
can help their plight,

I know this to be true because
I myself know,
That nightmares are not
to be messed around with,
Or else, instead of fading,
they will only grow,
They're horrific, lethal and
absolutely it is no "myth".
Taki Kumiko Jan 2016
A pity party is what
I call this sad affair,
No matter what I say or do
nothing seems fair,

The world is an ever
disappointing place,
None understand or even care
All turning out to be a despicable race,

I'm alone, tears running
down my face,
And it seems everything
is such a menace,

For a soul to understand
it would be quite rare,
For now I'll just sit and sob
in my own depressing lair.
434 · Oct 2016
I never meant
Taki Kumiko Oct 2016
I never meant you to know me
I never meant to let you in
**** still can't sleep and I end up thinking about all those things long long ago

— The End —