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120.8k · Aug 2018
Sounds of the ocean.
Ann Aug 2018
keep your eyes closed love.

           e     t      
       m           i
    o                 m
s                        e  
                            s     all you have to
                                                                ­ l                  to is what the sound
                                                           ­      i            n
                                                  ­                s           e
                                                               ­          t

                                                              ­                               v
                                                               ­                         a        e
                             ­                                          of the  w               s
                         ­                                                                 ­            tells  you
                                                                ­                                        to do.
"Keep your eyes closed, love. sometimes all you have to listen is to what the sound of the waves tells you to do."

When I was much younger, beaches were my second favorite places. I still love watching waves as they go by, crashing against each other and the whole process repeating all over again.
7.3k · Oct 2018
When lovers write.
Ann Oct 2018
when a heart broken
pours out all
her feelings and
translates them onto
words. something
beautiful gets created.
appreciated by many but
never the one
she's always written her
heart out for.
2.7k · Jul 2018
The beach reminds me.
Ann Jul 2018
c l e a r
blue skies
the air warm
the familiar smell
of the s a l t y ocean water
the gentle crashing of the w a v e s
young children rushing down to collect shells.

happy faces
old memories
familiar feelings.

I smile at myself
at how  f- a- r
I’ve reached.
2.2k · Jul 2018
was it a mistake?
Ann Jul 2018
I’ve waited for you,




i’m tired now. but I hope
one day you remember me.

all those,


               ­ texts,

1.7k · Feb 2019
i met this guy once.
Ann Feb 2019
he reminds me
of sunshine bottled
up in a jar.

the furthest i’ve

was probably
trying to c - a - t- c- h
that bit of warmth.

when bottled up jars

once tightly shut
never opens.
"the furthest I've fallen"
1.4k · May 2019
happy birthday to you.
Ann May 2019

your birthday
is away by two
silent minutes


I want to
wish you. I really do.
there's this hurt
which makes me
doubt everything
which has happened.


keeping all
the pain aside
I breathe slowly.

s l o w l y typing the
1.2k · Feb 2019
a starry wish.
Ann Feb 2019
if dreams were real
like they said.

wouldn’t you
   meet me?
under                               *    
                                   *      *     *     *      *
                                   *         the      *   *
                          *      *      *          *    *      ­

                                    *        eiffel         *     *  
                          *             *           *             *       *
                        *       *          t o w e r         *         *
                       *    *      *      *        *        *          *     *
                              *    where lovers meet.
whoops accidentally got deleted.
1.1k · Sep 2021
a web of lies
Ann Sep 2021
they say friends are forever
the older you turn, that can differ

they say memories are meant to stay
truth is, a lot of us change along the way

they say family is meant to last through thick and thin
but, friends can always turn into chosen kin

they say, life is easy once you have it figured
the older you become, life becomes more of a jigsaw to fix.
1.1k · Jul 2018
Ann Jul 2018
I needed you once
and you needed me,

till she came and took my place
all the kisses
                             ­     cuddles
                                                are no more.

But i'm glad i was your
f i r s t
and you were mine.
1.0k · Jul 2018
you left without me.
Ann Jul 2018
i fell
hard for
your love.
                                                           ­                                          why does
                                                                ­                            it hurt so
                                                                ­                   much? even
                                                            ­            after you've
                                                          ­ left. it feels like
                                                 you took a
                                     piece of me
                           and just left
              without even
saying a goodbye.
1.0k · Oct 2019
is this really you?
Ann Oct 2019
I want to
love you.
really really
do. rather you
pushing            me                a w a y.
937 · Oct 2018
when I drowned
Ann Oct 2018
b r e a t h e
he says

i open my eyes
barely recognizing
all those people around me

he takes my hand,
the familiar touch of it
a tingling sensation
making my heart do a tiny, little dance
a smile creeping up in my face

b r e a t h e
he whispers.

it’s all going to be okay.
884 · May 2019
Ann May 2019
(tiny crushes) from the top
on the first of may
sunny bright, blue skies.
you look at me.
with your slight cheeky grin
taking my fingers, slowly
t h e - d r e a m
trying to wake up from
the reality which was  mine
to begin with.
(until you cheated) now read from bottom
tried writing a reverse poem! hope it makes sense
881 · Feb 2019
have you?
Ann Feb 2019
I'm okay.

but have you ever
wondered to ask
personally "I'm okay" does not seem really convincing to me?
858 · Aug 2018
Ann Aug 2018
I learnt to


after you’ve gone.


 that’s one of the best things

                                 I’ve felt in
                                    a while.
844 · Jul 2018
I waited for you.
Ann Jul 2018
you told me you'll

              and i did. i waited for you.
              but maybe i  was not your type.
           ­             day

                   you broke my heart. and then you went
                   just like how others did.
817 · Jan 2019
present tense.
Ann Jan 2019
my heart

is left

all the
which y o u
possibly can't
feel as you
     o f f.
Ann Feb 2019
sun setting
waves crashing.
a smile forming
hands grateful.
skies darkening
waves quieting
779 · Dec 2018
a dream afterall.
Ann Dec 2018
dreamt of watching
the whole world with

little did I know
in your head
i was      n
                    o         t
          h          i              n
                         ­    g
685 · Dec 2020
on the other side.
Ann Dec 2020

its been so long. how are you?
I hope to write more soon, haven't written anything for a while. Life past few months has been a rollercoaster. Anyways... hope you've been well!
671 · May 2019
to my heart.
Ann May 2019
hey you. why
do                          you
always                       want
to                          confuse

t      .      h
when emotions goes overboard. what do you choose more- listening to your head or your heart more?
628 · Aug 2018
teenage love.
Ann Aug 2018
forever with
is always
going to be a
snatched dream.
620 · Aug 2018
Her secret best friend.
Ann Aug 2018
the only
thing which

           to hear

voice which spoke
inside of
                            ­   r

                            ­         a
600 · Mar 2019
20 percent of me.
Ann Mar 2019
there's this part of me
which I left
you walked away.
the young & shiny me.
somedays i still
feel lost
but i'm
my best.  
//        \
\        //
\     //
| o  |
| o  |
| o  |
a tree symbolizing growth, but you see it's not perfect because I still don't see myself as the best version yet.
587 · Mar 2019
just wanna say i miss you.
Ann Mar 2019
hey stranger.

so is this what
the dreaded feeling
gets described like?
from best friends
then two individuals
who've stuck with
each other from every
move out's
even grad.

hey stranger.
we're much older
stuck in a more
complicated version
of 'me' than ever before.

hey stranger.
so is this what
drifting away feels like?
584 · Mar 2019
Ann Mar 2019
when I was younger
home was the best place ever.
whether it was birthdays
which now feels like
a long-lost dream. since we lived in a tiny
house. a family of six huddled up together
in a tiny room to celebrate. maybe times
were simpler or maybe we didn’t have much then.

or on days, mum cooks
which always was a rarity.
she never played an active role
but our younger selves made sure
at the end, we’d be grateful.

things began to shift
when we grew older.

the happy house felt like a dark
gloomy one. smiles began to
be replaced by shoutings.
birthdays began to be less common
and sooner like we all imagined
it would become something
attached with the past.

when i became older
i tried becoming friends with
my younger self. somedays were
a disappointment. somedays we faked it.

I’m still trying to.
562 · Aug 2019
a constant action.
Ann Aug 2019
I wish that  

                                   s i n k i n g

down to your
empty promises.
554 · Apr 2020
Was it real?
Ann Apr 2020
shadows fiercely
dancing around the fire.

with us twirling

a r                             ar                           ar
    ou               ou            ou           ou
           nd.                              nd.          


we  s l o w down.
the last of our fiery red streak
faintly visible across the room.
541 · Jul 2019
a hi, hello, hey.
Ann Jul 2019
hi i feel like                                                    
a part of me has
sunken for couple of months.
sometimes i try to sleep
late at night, staring
into my dead computer screen
hoping for some kind of instant
fizz from my fingers to type furiously.
otherwise, it's all just one liners broken
off with a dead-end. i feel like i've been
stuck in a rut for far too long. trying to
get back into writing and hoping to
say a hey, hi, hello to the writer in myself
some time soon.
it's okay.
539 · Nov 2018
Ann Nov 2018
i wanted to
or more so,
touch everything

this year taught
me differently.
526 · Oct 2018
Let time heal us.
Ann Oct 2018
maybe it's time
to say goodbye
as much as I know
you'd hate that.
maybe time w i l l
bring us again together
another day
another place
with another
version of us too.
521 · May 2019
last few months.
Ann May 2019
everyday i stare
into the screen

hoping words
spill out from
my head

it seems to all
stay within
I don't know
the reason why.

my fingertips feel
numb from pressing
on the same k-e-y-s

everyday i stare
into the screen


                  l                     g                 to make sense.
  i         l          i      n
I haven't been active the last couple of months. I guess inspiration sometimes is hard to find.
512 · Mar 2019
red flags.
Ann Mar 2019
d                     n
     r            w        i               g      in your
            o                       n               love. except
                                                      i can't see you.

                                                      cause you're never

                                                                                 h                     me.
                                                                                       e         p
a past relationship of mine which drained me towards the ending. should've seen the red flags but guess I was just too "in love" to notice.
509 · Aug 2018
a memory.
Ann Aug 2018
loved     -    y o u       -    kissed      

                       cried for  
507 · Aug 2018
feels like yesterday.
Ann Aug 2018

you’ve gone.
all those memories

you and me.

Rocking by the swing
humming to myself
fingers reaching to

where you sat.
506 · Apr 2020
a fullstop.
Ann Apr 2020
Fingers touch
eyes dilating

he moves closer.

One last kiss
long but sweet.

I move away
with memories.
504 · Sep 2018
it all happened once.
Ann Sep 2018
Her face touches,
the cold glass
window pane

she realizes it's too
late already

looking outside,

at the moving objects
slowly each lined one after
the other

trying to remember
each piece of herself.

She tries to blink,
her tears


                          down helplessly,
            searching for  h e r s e l f

at the girl whom,
she sees

staring back.
Trying to touch
slowly disappearing
with the moving
objects one

as they slowly
everything which
she has
Her head,
leaning against the

breathing softly
murmuring words
to herself

she know's its too
late already

looking outside
searching for
that girl,
who she herself was
502 · Apr 2020
these days.
Ann Apr 2020
the soft rustle of the wind
blowing the leaves gently
forming a pile soon, once again.
blades of grass swaying with
rhythm of nature.

four walls, my friend these days
white hospital beds, a cold place.

longing to feel the touch of the w i n d.
494 · Apr 2019
an end.
Ann Apr 2019
you took my heart
said you'll return it
gave it to one
with a different name
than me.
481 · Aug 2018
what about the 364 days?
Ann Aug 2018
it doesn't
have to be
your birthday
makes you
Ann Aug 2018
confused mind
mixed feelings
i'm sorry. you got hurt.
oh the feeling *****.
470 · Oct 2018
it's a long wait.
Ann Oct 2018
o *  O   o
o                   o
O                O
o *    O  o *
                                                   like the s t a r s                                                    
of the night sky
you'll be
of someone's
happiness too.
457 · Aug 2018
in my mind.
Ann Aug 2018
it hurts.

but stay

   /      \
/           \           ^^^
d           p         /       \
    r    o           /          \                 ^^^^                                &    the pain
                      d             p            /          \               it goes.         disappears.
                          r    o       ­         d              p                                        ­      
                                                        r ­  o
I've just had a long talk with a friend of mine few days ago and he was talking about his self harm recovery and it's just been on my mind;  my friend and how it all happened and this just sort of came by.

There's nothing to worry about as my friend is recovering and goes for therapy sessions right now :)
441 · Mar 2019
mind tricks.
Ann Mar 2019
it's going to
be a lonely
day without
him, my head
w h i s p e r e d.

           probably one of
           the best feelings
           ever in a long time,
           my heart r e m i n d e d.
420 · Sep 2018
remember 8 years ago?
Ann Sep 2018
tiny houses
big dreams
best friends forever
we promised it all.

                                  ^^          ^^^
/\     /\                    \           / /
  -        -                       \  /   / /
||      ||                     \ \ / /
||      ||                      |      |
||      ||             ­         |      |
||      ||                      |      |
                                                    ­                                 tiny houses
                                                                ­                     again.

                                                         ­                            do you still
                                                                ­                     remember them?
                                                           ­   d r e a m s    which we
                                                              ­                      talked about a long
                                                            ­                        time ago.

                                                           ­                          tiny houses
                                                          ­                           big dreams
                                                          ­                           best friends forever.

                                                       ­                         but hey,
                                                                ­                 you know what          
                                                                ­              we made it all.

                                                           ­           we did
                                                             ­          o n c e  in our tiny heads.
There's a house, a tree and oh that's grass! (which I hope you can figure it out)
419 · Aug 2018
a feel.
Ann Aug 2018
every thing
f e e l

y o u ' r e
beside me?

419 · Feb 2019
Ann Feb 2019

  l a  r  g e

           S      S

you created.

don't think you
can fix it
can you?

                                                                                   a - w - a - y
411 · Sep 2018
you see
Ann Sep 2018

of you
hits me
the hardest
that time.

wake up
sit back
stare outside

you for
a min.

wake up again.

this time

410 · Aug 2018
how she felt.
Ann Aug 2018
was                                                          ­                                          
                      ­                                      g.                                       the entire
                         d.                           n.                                             time.
                             r.                     i.                                                  
                                  o.          n.                ­                                    yet you
                                        w.                   ­                                        never did
                                                             ­                                          realize
                                                                ­                                        how she
                                                             ­                                           f e l t  the
                                                          ­                                             entire time.
I wish more people would take feelings seriously or at the least be considerate towards them :)
400 · Jul 2018
December kisses.
Ann Jul 2018
legs tangled
our noses
almost touching.

We smile at each other
one last time

before every little
detail of us gets
by someone else

the quilt beneath us
our heads touching,

we silently make our
last goodbyes,

another year
makes us away
from each other.

legs tangled
making magic,
the last time
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