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lovelywildflower Oct 2018
You know all my dark secrets
And you still stick around
That means so much to me
Because I'm always scared someone will leave me
when they find out all the terrible parts of me
But you stayed
You're still here
And so I just wanted to say thank you
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
you left right in the middle of me trying to make you feel better
and i know i'm not the best at giving advice
but at least i try to help
and i'm sorry if i said something wrong
i was just trying to be a good friend
and when i saw that you left
my heart broke into pieces
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i've always wanted that kind of love
where they stare at you laughing
because they love seeing you happy
the kind where they make you smile
to the point where you can't stop
the kind where they tell you
that you are beautiful
because you are to them
even if you don't see it yourself
the kind where they want to share every piece of them
so they write you poetry and create art about you
to prove how much they are in love with your everything
the kind where they love everything about you
and they tell you that all the time
just to remind you
the kind where they tell you they are thinking of you
just to let you know
they give you pieces of the future they want
and it fills your chest with longing
for that life
and i want it, baby
i want all of you
every single thing that makes you who you are
i want everything
the good and the bad side of you
the fighting, the arguing, the making up after
little kids and a house where we live forever
waking up beside you and falling asleep in your arms
walks in the park, going out on dates, and you singing songs
everything, baby, i want everything
i've never felt this feeling
i want you
i need you
and there are people who will be against us
and people who will try to tear us apart
and i've told people so many times
that i would wait for their hand to hold
but never kept those promises
i'm not proud, baby. i'm not proud.
but that was before i knew what love was
and now i know that i love you
and i promise with all my heart
that i will wait and be patient for you
i do not want anyone else
i want you. only you. my one and only.
and if i get into a lot of trouble loving you
then i will smile all the way through
and i will never let go
because you are so worth it, baby
you are worth everything
and for you, i would give up my soul
i would die to save you
i would give up my life to make you happy
i would do anything for you
i hope you understand
that if we are torn apart by people who don't like us
that i will wait for you
and think of you
and never love anyone else again
and one day, i will find you
but we don't need to worry about that
until it happens and it won't
i love you with all my heart, with everything in me
and i think we're meant to be
i will not back down without a fight
and i will fight until my last breath
because i love you
and there's still so much more i want to say
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm always so scared of ruining everything
i think i just need to keep my mouth shut
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
All you ever do is put me down
and i don't even think you know that you do
i'm finally happy
i'm finally okay
and then you find something awful to say
you try to convince me that this isn't right
but i will not back down without a fight
i never really asked for an opinion from you
you may be trying to be a good friend
but you just leave me feeling blue
you make me feel not good enough for anyone
you convince me that the worst possible thing could happen
and this whole time i thought it was other people
but it's you
just let me be happy for once
even if it's the wrong thing
don't bring me down
and tear me apart
just because you're jealous
that someone else likes me
and i don't want you
because that's the truth
i do not want you
i think it's pretty clear
i want him for the rest of my life
and that's never changing anytime soon
so stop hurting me
because you are hurt
i'm allowed to love who i want
and be with him if i want to
i do not need permission from you
or from anyone
i love him
and you may not think so
but he's my only reason for living
so thank you
but i do not need your opinion
i shouldn't have told you in the first place
now i'm just going to learn to keep my mouth shut around you
i'm sorry
but i'm so tired of getting hurt
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
writing about you
mends my heart
just like your existence does
it's you baby
you're all i need

lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm just sitting here
waiting for you to leave
waiting for you to remember why you left the first time
waiting for you to break my heart
i'm sitting here
my feet propped up
smoking a cigarette
in a daze
sitting here in a rocking chair
rocking back and forth
between loving you
and realizing i should do better
smoke dancing with the chill in the air
my heart beating slowly
the clock is ticking
and i'm waiting for the battery to just give up
waiting for the end of us
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i knew it
it happened
you broke up with me
just now
i was waiting for it for awhile
and let me say,
i'm so relieved
i'm ******* free
i have felt so trapped for so long in your embrace
wishing for someone else
wishing for a better relationship
wishing for someone to treat me right
and now i'm free
free at last
thank you
i was too scared to do it myself
oh **** i'm free
i dont even care if this poem is good
i just feel so much better now
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I always steal your sweatshirt
Because it smells like you
And you are my favorite smell
I always look for you in the hallways and everywhere I go
Because when I see you, you make me feel better
And you are my favorite sight
I always dream of kissing you again
Because your lips were so soft and sweet
And you are my favorite taste
I always poke you and hug you and touch you any way I can
Because your touch makes me feel safe
And you are my favorite thing to touch
I can pick out your voice out of a whole crowd of people
Or with my eyes closed
Because your voice also makes me feel safe
And you are my favorite sound
You are my favorite person
You are my favorite everything
My best friend
I love you
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
I started crying in the middle of class
Tears secretly flowing from my eyes
A river hidden from the world
Tears in a sea full of laughing people
Tears falling from my face
Not bothering to wipe them away
I'm sorry
But when something is too full, it overflows
I just couldn't hold it anymore
The funny thing is
I don't even know why I'm crying
It just kind of happened
Is anyone even noticing?
That's fine
I don't even want to be here
I would much rather be in your arms
Everyone just needs to leave me alone
All I know is I've been in pain for a week straight
And the pain tried to escape from my eyes
Even my pain doesn't want to be associated with me
I do not blame it
I'm just surprised that the tears fell in the middle of a classroom
And it doesn't help that I really didn't give a ****
I just let it happen
I sat as the warm raindrops streamed down my face
and dropped onto my shirt
I'm okay
This is just the pain trying to escape
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
bring me sunflowers and mint chocolate
on our first date
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
sitting in the nurse's office to avoid class
my head hurts from thinking too much
leaves running after each other outside the window
why can't i be that free?
i just ruined another thing
got yelled at by a friend
accused of something i didn't do
but my protesting didn't work
the leaves are still falling
they're scattered on the ground
scattered like raindrops from my eyes
the road up to the school is painted with leaves
the cracks in the pavement are just the scars the world bears
can't you see the cracks in me?
now i'm afraid to touch everything i see
afraid to ruin another thing
i'll just leave
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
you keep calling me "lovely"
and it warms my heart
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i can't argue without tears streaming down my face
i can't stand in a crowd without my hands shaking
i can't look at something even slightly sad without my heart breaking
i can't look in the mirror without hating everything
i can't speak my mind without feeling like i ruined something
i can't think of the future without my anxiety haunting me
i can't go to bed without it being hard to fall asleep
i can't stand up for myself without my voice shaking
i can't speak to you without my heart racing
i can't be me without being afraid you won't like me
and i can't help but think you won't really want me
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I used to tear open my skin to release the pain inside
The addictive, luring touch of tools used to split open wrists
It was the only thing that felt right to do in times of despair
Loneliness and despondency clung to me like gum stuck to the bottom of a shoe
The only thing I could ever focus on was dragging a sharp object across my thin arms
That was me

Two years back on one April night I found a new shiny object
Tore it across my skin to numb a pain I can't quite remember now
Of course I did not realize that new objects have sharper touches
I went too deep...
I panicked like I was being pushed off a building, a fight to stay alive
Isn't it crazy how you think you want to die and the moment the possibility of death is in front of you, you battle to live?
I ran halfway up the stairs and stopped, too afraid to admit what I had done to myself to someone that would help
So I took matters into my own hands
Cleaned and treated the wound like I was a surgeon
Bandaged and kept that part of me free from any harm
The fact that it probably needed stitches scared me
I've never cried harder that memorable night
I will never forgive myself

Two years later down the road
I love myself and I feel like a ray of sunshine all the time
Light radiates from me whenever I can do it
I've never been so on the positive side of things
And I did, I did forgive myself
Two years later and the scar has still not faded to a white line
I hated it. I hated looking at it continuously day after day
I was ashamed
I tried to love that part of me but I couldn't
It was so hard

And in between getting better and holding on to the past
I experienced heartbreak for the first time
I swore he was the one
And he broke me into pieces like I was nothing
I hated everything
Why didn't anyone want me or love me?
No one showed up to save me
So I started to love myself instead

Today, September 20, 2018, I realized my worth
Today I looked down at the reminder of hard times
Today it has almost completely faded
Sometimes you don't even realize the moment you heal
But you do
I promise you that you will heal
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i feel like a beer bottle
that's been thrown against a concrete wall
in a fit of anger
shattering as it hits
the pieces fall to the ground
i fall
splinters of glass are embedded in my skin now
blood trickling down my arms
and from my heart
every breath feels like a war
blood falls to the floor
red paint on a ***** canvas
until it spells out "help"
sweat runs down the side of my face
onto my bedsheets
from wrestling the demons
i'm worn out
broken down
i just want the agony to end
i don't want to fight anymore
i smell of war
and blood
and pain
there are stab wounds
and bullet holes all through me
it all hurts so very much
i just want to be completely tranquil
and at ease for once
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i was going to write a hate poem about you
but decided not to
i don't want to write any more poems about you
you're not welcome in my life anymore
you told me to get out of yours today
so that's what i will do
i will pretend you never existed
and i'll be much happier without you
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
it's actually pretty simple
i'm too scared to feel
i've only loved one other person in my life
and i was broken
you see
i thought he was the one
i thought it was going to be him
and my heart shattered
when i realized it wasn't
maybe it is
maybe we just needed a break
maybe we're really meant to be
why would we be so close still if it wasn't
i'm still holding on to him
that's number one
but number two is that i'm scared
too scared to open up
too scared to let anyone know me
too scared to feel
too scared they won't like something
and then leave me
you know exactly what i mean
there's probably more reasons i don't know about
it's whatever
it doesn't matter
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
someone help me to feel again
i haven't felt a thing in 3 ******* weeks
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i sat, leaning against the wall
guitar in hands
my fingers dancing on the strings
i closed my tear-filled eyes
and let my heart take over
i recorded the sound of my broken heart
you may not like the sound of it
but it wasn't meant to sound pretty
it wasn't meant to sound like a perfect thing
it was meant to sound broken
just like me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i never got to meet one of my grandpas, my dad's dad.
he died a year before i was born
i wish i could have met him
every time i think of him
i think of a love song he wrote for my grandma
i can still hear him singing even now
the recording my grandma showed me on repeat in my head
"The Stars Up Above"
that's what it is called
i only listened to it once
but i remember it word for word
my dad plays it on the guitar sometimes
and it brings tears to my eyes
can you even miss something you've never had?
i think so
because i miss him so much
my heart aches
and tears flow out of my eyes
longing for that relationship with him i never had
the stories i hear about him are great
and i know i would have loved him
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
your heart is connected to mine
and that's why i think i feel so sad at times
because when we're apart
our hearts still communicate
and the pain is just you missing me
and me missing you
i wonder if you feel it too
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
sneaking into the neighbor's yard
jumping on the trampoline
the cold hurting my throat
but at least i feel alive
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
call me "lovely"
and tell me you want to love my mess
bring me flowers
and kiss my lips
hold me for eternity
and never let go
stay with me forever
and call me yours
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i wish i could feel your touch
i wish i could hear your voice
i wish i could hear that fake laugh you do
i wish i could have a tickle fight with you
i wish your lips were on mine
i wish we were sleeping side by side
i wish you were pulling me close
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i had a dream that someone found out about us
but i put myself in a worse situation to protect this
i put myself in more trouble
i put myself through more hurt
to protect what we have
and that's something i would honestly do for you

lovelywildflower Oct 2018
she said the difference
between me and you
is that i'm pretty
and you're not
and that's why she won't be with you
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
am i pretty enough for you?
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i keep having dreams of you
when we were kids, you were my knight in shining armor
my safe place i ran to
i don't even think you knew
in my dreams, you come back
and i tell you how much i missed you
and i free the words i've been wanting to tell you since the day you left
but you never come back
you never hear those words
you never see me in your dreams
or do you?
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
oh god i'm ******* screaming
but you won't listen
a poem i wrote a while ago
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
je t'aime tellement et je veux être avec toi pour tonjours.
Je pourrais continuer encore et encore et vous dire ce que je ressens,
mais ce poème serait trop long à lire du début à la fin.
sachez simplement que je vous aime plus que tout et que j'aimerais qu'il y ait suffisamment de mots dans l'univers pour vous un dire plus.

i just felt like writing in french
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
if i said i didn't like pain
i'd be lying
it makes me feel alive
i don't inflict pain on myself on purpose
but i am a little more dangerous
with things
my legs have not looked clear in years
there's always scabs and bruises
splattered over my skin
like paint on a canvas
as soon as one goes away
another one shows up
i'm like a little kid
who always has skinned knees
playing rough
and acting tough
it's who i am
and i do not cry
when i get hurt physically
i always laugh instead
my bones break
my skin tears open
my blood says hi to the air outside
and no tears exist in my eyes
i'm tough on the outside
because i'm so fragile on the inside
people have said they're scared of me
because of my tough outer shell
people have said i'm intimidating
but if they saw what's on the inside
they would laugh
it's a good thing i have this wall built up
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i think of you every second, every day
i think of you whenever you're away
i think of you always
i think of you now and forever
please always stay
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i love that you're my first thought when i wake up in the morning
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
how can i tell you that i'm still broken?
that i'm not put back together yet?
how can i say that i'm hurting
when there's nothing there to even hurt me?
how can i let you in
when i'm afraid you won't like what i have to give?
how can i say that i'm a raging ocean
i do not want you to drown in?
how do i say that all i will ever be is a mess?
and that's not something i want you to witness.
how do i say that i'm scared?
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i can feel it, darling
my heart wants you
there's no stopping now
i only fall from here
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
my heart likes to fall for lovely things
and darling, you're one of them
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I would show you my poems
But I'm too afraid you won't like what I have to say about you
But I guess that's just another reason to let you read them
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i should have never approached you
because once i learned about you
and who you were
i was jealous
and it's not that hard to know
that i'm not as good enough as you are
everyone keeps telling me that you like me
and that you wanted to ask me to homecoming
but i can't believe that
why would you want me?
maybe it's that i don't want you
maybe that's the truth
yes, i've been avoiding you
but i'm doing this for myself
i can't put myself down because of you
isn't that what i should do?
i have to make myself happy
not you
i'm sorry but that's how it needs to be right now
i can't feel love at all
except for him
and i'm not going to apologize for that
i can love who i love
and it doesn't mean i can't love you
but i just can't feel at all right now
for anyone else
and to be honest
i'm too scared to
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
we were walking up the stairs at school
and i said something a little too loud
and it echoed off the walls
causing everyone to look
and i didn't see the look on their faces
but you did
and the way you described it was hilarious
we laugh about stupid things
things other people wouldn't find funny
we couldn't stop laughing
and i was laughing so hard
i had to lean against the wall
with tears in my eyes
because i couldn't breathe
and i haven't laughed that hard in weeks
and you're the only person who can make me laugh like that
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i'm considering actually jumping in front of a car
just so i don't have to go home today
i don't want to go
i'm going to be in so much trouble
i could run away
i could jump in front of a car
i could just sit here and not leave
but if i do not continue to exist after today
just know i was in a lot of pain
and that i'm sorry
i wish i could have stayed

lovelywildflower Oct 2018
we tried this once before
actually twice
we ended up breaking up both times
i wasn't good at a relationship
you were my first
and i never dated anyone since
i was too clingy
and wanted attention
i was too annoying
so we settled for friendship
but you are too irresistible
and i guess i am too
because it didn't take you that long
to be stuck like glue
i know i failed the first time
and the second time again
but i promise this time you won't regret this
because i know what i did wrong now
and i won't make a mistake
so i hope we will work
because if we don't
why does the universe keep pulling us together?
why do we keep saying i love you?
why can't we seem to stay away?
I'll break
lovelywildflower Jan 2019
this tree aches
it's bones rattle in the wind
it's longing arms reaching to the sky
why can't this tree be the bird that sits upon it's branches?
so free
it flies away
instead it's rooted to the ground
stuck in one place
perhaps part of this tree will reach new places
but it never stays for too long
here, it is stuck
here, it is aching
here, in the forest of my heart
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
sitting outside by the bonfire
hands cold from the weather
church bells in the distance
the smell of smoke in the air
wearing a birthday crown meant for a 3-year-old
goodbye my lover
goodbye my friend
you have been the one for me
James Blunt playing in the background
and my heart breaks a little
honey, you were the one for me
at least i thought so
and now you're gone
who is going to be there for me now?
i'm so hollow, baby
i'm so hollow
i'm so alone
and the fire is not enough to give me the warmth i need
someone come here and save me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
All I know is
through all this agonizing pain
You look at me
with good intentions
You care about me so much
And you're a good friend
My best friend

All I know is
through all this agonizing pain
the smell of you emanating from your sweatshirt I'm wearing
calms me like a cigarette would calm an addict
I'm like a person who relishes drugs
Except you're my drug
And you won't end up killing me

All I know is
through all this agonizing pain
your hugs pull all my broken pieces back together
and although I just end up falling apart again
You're always there to help me

All I know is
through all this agonizing pain
I love you
And just the sound of your voice
your smell
your touch
anything about you
heals me
And you don't even know that
do you?
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
the clock in the upstairs bathroom
stopped at 4:06
i wonder what happened at that time
for time to stop
and want to stay there forever
a poem i wrote a long time ago
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm in pain
jut let me be
let me cry
until i fall asleep
i'm not important
i'm not enough
just let me give up
i can't breathe
i can't think
i don't even matter anymore
i just want to scream
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i'm tired of waiting by the clock
staring at its hands
watching minutes go by
spinning 'round and 'round again
wondering how long it will be before we're together
honey, i wish i could have magical powers
because i would turn this clock into you
your hands on my body
the minutes passing by
you spinning me around
as we slow dance together
but right now
i'm just watching time move slowly by
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
hey, Alex
remember me?
maybe you do
maybe you don't
i don't see you anymore
where did you go?
did you decide to go to college?
you graduated last year
i cheered for you at the ceremony
we didn't get to talk though
you used to work at walmart
maybe you still do
but i'm still in school
i remember waving to you every time i saw you
and you knew i liked you
you always smiled at me to make me blush
and it worked
i remember when we first met
in the back of a school van
on our way to some plastic company for a field trip
you were a senior
i was a freshman
the trip was for seniors only
but the teacher liked me
so he let me go
you knew my sister
and that's how we met
it's crazy how things happen
we would wave to each other every time we passed each other in the halls
and eventually, we had a handshake we would do
there were many times my ex was being an *******
and made me cry right in the middle of school
and you would always be there to comfort me
then my friend told you i liked you
and i was always a coward when it came to this stuff
but i walked up to you in the hallway
asked if you had a girlfriend
you said no
but that you weren't looking for a relationship
i was upset
but it was okay
i wonder where you are now
every time i saw you
my heart would race
i bet if i saw you now
it would do the same thing
i still remember your voice
i wish i could hear it again
i miss you
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
my head is somewhere else
light on my body
my vision fading in
just breathe
and out
don't forget to breathe
my head spinning
drink water
my vision keeps blurring
keep drinking the water!
i hate feeling this way
feeling like i'm going to faint
oh god, just breathe
just focusing on one thing
moving slowly
just be careful
you're okay
keep breathing
the anxiety only makes it worse
you're okay
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