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lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm usually the type of person to forgive people
but i will never forgive you for what you've done to me
you made me afraid of everything
and i hate you for it
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i want to experience everything in life
and if that means rebelling against you
then so be it
i'm allowed to be myself
and you can't take that away from me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i love being alive
death is my biggest fear
but if dying would save you
then so be it
your happiness is more important than mine
and i'd give up every bit of my happiness just to give it to you
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm trying to talk to you
but every time i go to type
my words leave me
i'm trying to scream
to tell you how i feel
i want you to know this storm
i feel like you're someone i could like
but maybe you don't like storms
and maybe i'm not someone you could like
and maybe we're just too far for this to ever be right
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i can see us together
looking into each other's eyes and seeing endless galaxies
holding hands and keeping the pain at bay
telling each other our problems
arguing over stupid ****
having inside jokes
falling asleep next to each other
kissing each other
loving each other
i could go on
but then this poem would be too long
So i will stop there because i'm sure you get the point
i see us being together
and i hope i'm not just dreaming

lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i want to give you all of me
every single thing
i'm so tired of being scared
so here
here's my heart
i'm handing it to you
it is now in your hands
please be careful
it breaks really easily
so here
here's my mind
and all my thoughts and feelings
please be careful
i am very insecure
so here
here's my soul
and everything that comes with it
please be careful
it's really important to me
so here
here's all of me
please be careful
i trust you enough to do what's right for me
i trust you to love me and take care of me
i trust you
so please don't break me
i'm trusting you with all of me
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
my heart aches for you
you always try to be what everyone else wants
but i hope you know i want you
and i hope one day you will be what you want
you don't have to change for anyone
it took me a long time to realize that
but the moment i started loving who i was
everything just fell into place
and that's the hardest thing to do
to love yourself
trust me, i know
but it's such a good feeling once you get there
so i hope you get there soon
and i'll help you get there if you really want to
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
stop it!
why do you try to ruin everything?
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
you are the strongest person i know
you've been through hell and you still stand
some days, it's hard for you to even breathe
it's hard for you to walk or stand without being so tired
and you still have the best attitude towards life
you make jokes with everyone
and there's always a smile on your face
you're so passionate about what you do
and you have never given up
you say you still want to do things
like skydive and bungee jumping
but you can't
and i'm so sorry
for some reason, i'm your favorite
i don't know why
i'm not the best artist
i'm not the best student
but i'm your favorite
and you tell everyone that
maybe it's because
we connected last year
the year i had millions of cuts
running up and down my arms
hurting myself in school bathrooms
and trying to **** myself in the woods behind my house
and you saw right through me
and you told me you were depressed
that you know what it feels like
and you still rise
you've been through worse pain than me
and my pain is nothing compared to yours
but we connected somehow
and i want to be just like you
to be able to push through the pain
to be able to smile when it hurts deep down
to be able to have a positive attitude towards life
even though it has stabbed you in the back so many times
i've never had a teacher i felt so close to
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i want to mean something to you
is that too much to ask?
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
in guitar class
holding a guitar in my hands
but my fingers aren't moving
they're not working
i'm trying to play
but i can't
every time i breathe in
a cloud of sadness gets pulled in
and my lungs ache
tears are falling
i can't see the notes
my vision is blurry
why can't i move?
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i wonder if you have any idea that these poems are about you
i wonder what you would think if you knew
but, at the same time, i'm too scared to know
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
you're starting to pretend i don't exist
saying things to other girls right in front of me
when did i become like this?
loving someone who doesn't give a ****
why doesn't anyone else want me?
am i really that bad?
why do you keep bringing me down?
I guess it's all my fault, huh?
dating someone who probably wouldn't care if i dropped dead right here
i'm so done with this
i still can't believe i don't have the courage to just quit
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i want to say i love you
but that would be wrong, wouldn't it?
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i wish you would write a poem about me
just so i could know what your pen has to say
just to hear about the parts of myself i don't see
i want to know what you feel when you talk to me
do you even feel anything?
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i deleted all the poems about loving you
or made them about someone else
and i know i shouldn't do that
but they made me sick to the stomach
to see them existing
and you'll never know the way you hurt me
i'm sorry i was ever in your life in the first place
but i had to leave
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i want to walk down the school hallway smoking a cigarette
i want to have shards of glass protruding from my heart
i want ****** knuckles from fighting my demons
i want broken bones to prove the fights i've won
i want you to see the pain you put me in
i'll wear chains around my neck to prove i'm tough
and i won't say one word to you
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I am disappointed that I cannot fall in love
I never thought this would happen
And I realized that it has just now
My ability to fall in love is gone
It has disappeared for anyone else but you
I tied my heart to you
And I think it's very clear that neither of us has cut it
And I don't think neither of us wants to
I am not upset about that
You are my best friend
and if I can still be that
without ever loving someone again
I can handle that
Maybe perhaps I want that
You were the one
Maybe I wasn't the one for you
But you were always the one for me
I don't want to change that
I don't want to leave
Staying your friend
and not leaving you behind after you hurt me
was the best decision of my life
You mean so much to me
And in my mind
we're still meant to be
Call me pathetic
I don't really care
Because being in your presence is all I need in life
And I don't really care if no one ever loves me again
As long as you're with me
Everyone else is just a distraction
At least it avoids being heartbroken again
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm kind of just breathing at this point
just breathing
just moving
just existing
not even living
i'm not even living anymore
i'm so tired
and nothing feels good anymore
what a way to be alive
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i like to work or stay up
until i'm so tired
just so i don't feel any pain at night
i'm trying to hammer my problems away
i'm doing so much heavy-lifting
my muscles ache
my hair's been drenched for two days straight
standing in the rain
fingers numb from the cold
sitting on the cold, wet ground
why can't i be someone you want to hold?
why can't i be loved?
my bones are broken
the weight of my loneliness crushed me
and now i can't move
tell me
what am i supposed to do?
how can i start building
if i can't move my body?
how am i supposed to feel okay
when no one wants me?
tell me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i guess i never understood love
the way people connect
maybe it's because i've never had it
not like i do now
past relationships are just shadows
they still lurk around every corner
and they still haunt me
not everyone will hurt you, darling
i'll need to perform an exorcism

i guess i never understood love
not until now
i am so afraid of losing you
like trees that lose their leaves in the fall
but they come back every spring
but who says people do the same
you won't come back when you leave
that's why i'm so scared
not everyone will leave, darling
i have this one chance to do everything right

i guess i never understood love
not until i was afraid you didn't love me
and you wrote stories in the palm of my hand
to put in my library of safe thoughts
and i was still scared
but i danced with everything i had in me
and it made me think of how you would feel if you lost me
and my heart hurt for you
not everyone will leave you behind, darling
i guess i'll just have to put all my trust in you
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i don't love myself
but i love you
with my whole heart
but you don't love me too
you can't tell me
one thing that you love about me
one-sided love
you take what you can get
and i don't mind it
'cause i've gotten used to the fact
that i'm unlovable
i'm unlovable
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i've been clean for a year
no marks on my skin
but today is the day that i do it again
cuts on my arm
give me a reason not to bring myself harm
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i never thought i would be upset with you
but here i am

lovelywildflower Oct 2018
do you even want to be with me?
do you even care?
it seems like you are hiding so many things
so many secrets locked away
and you won't let them out
i don't keep any secrets from you
so why do you make me question us?
i don't even know anymore
i'm just waiting
just waiting
for something bad to happen
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
sometimes waves of sadness wash over you
for just no **** reason at all
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
what the hell did i ever do?
what is so wrong with me?
i think all my pain started because of you
i'm so happy without you
i'm so happy when i'm not plagued with your words
you told me you thought i was doing drugs
oh, is that what it is now?
is that what you think of me?
that i'm a failure?
that i will amount to nothing?
that i will do anything to disappoint you?
mom, what did i do?
i didn't do anything wrong
all i did was exist
all i did was be myself
am i really that messed up?
you told me once
i remember
you told me you didn't like who i was
that you only loved me because i'm your daughter
what the hell, mom?
i can't wait until i'm out of here
all i know is
as soon as i turn 18
i'm moving out
i don't care if i'm living out on the streets
that will be better
than to live there any longer than i have to
i guess i'll always just be nothing to you

lovelywildflower Oct 2018
you hurt me and i said sorry
you ran away without a word
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i don't know how to tell you how much i'm afraid
there are so many things that i cannot explain
and i'm not in the business of putting my past on display
just know that i've never loved anyone this way
and the fear takes over and it holds me down
i can't seem to get away, i always drown
i'm so glad i'm the one that you found
but the fear is just always in the background
i'm scared, darling. you already know this
i've been through so many things that are the opposite of bliss
it's like i'm just waiting for the storm that always hits
honey, i don't want you to be another person i have to miss
i'm scared, god help me
i hope we're meant to be
i don't think anything is ever guaranteed
what if i'm not careful enough? what if i cause this wound to bleed?
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i miss you so much
i can't breathe
it hurts
please be okay
i can't survive without you
my tears are falling
please come back to me

lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i cannot tell you why i feel so broken
but i stood in front of the bathroom mirror
and shut my eyes tight
my hands gripping the edge of the sink
thinking of everything that could be wrong
but there was nothing
nothing is wrong
but then i opened my eyes
and saw how broken i looked
and that is what made me fall apart
i started crying
i fell to the ground and hugged my knees to my chest
because what else am i going to hold?
and i cried and cried
and the whole time i was wondering
why the hell am i crying?
and i just fell apart until i was ready to pick myself up again
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I keep hoping you'll come after me
And ask if I'm okay
But you don't care
You just don't care
No one does
And that's just how it is
I thought you wanted me
I thought you were interested
But I guess not
No one ever wants me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i could walk right past you
and you wouldn't even notice a change in the wind
and you say you love me
but you kind of forgot i even exist
thank you
that means so ******* much
i guess i always knew i was just a back up
i mean, am i wrong?
no one else loves you
so here i am
falling for you all over again
you keep pulling me in
and kicking me out whenever you like
and i'm so tired of this fight
you don't even notice you hurt me, do you?
yeah, i didn't think so
it's just the same battle on repeat
every single day
and i'm too scared to give up
i'm too scared to go away
i guess that's why i'm your back up
because you know i don't have the courage to leave
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i really like the cold
it makes me feel really alive
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i spent so long in the bathtub
writing about you
the water turned cold
and my skin wrinkled up
and i haven't even got my hair soaked yet
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
would you still think i'm beautiful
if you saw the scars on my arms?
would you still think i'm beautiful
if you knew my dark past?
would you still think i'm beautiful
if i was just a dim and lonely star?
would you still think i'm beautiful
if i was just a lonely outcast?
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
the feeling of the keyboard under my fingertips
the ease of typing
words flow from my heart
into my veins
and escape from my fingertips
i could write anything
anything at all
as long as i hear and feel
the letters forming under my touch

lovelywildflower Oct 2018
and i wish i could be special enough for you
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
You threw me aside like a child bored of a toy
I would say that it hurts but you did it so much, I'm used to it now
Like someone gets used to their everyday routine
This is my everyday routine, getting hurt by you
You put me down whenever you feel like it and it's not going to happen again
I realized my worth, darling, you can't bring me down anymore

You used to walk me to my bus at the end of every school day
And hug me as we departed, even as friends, even as lovers
But there's something deep inside you that changed
You're so different than how you used to be

So, I'm ignoring you like you did to me
And how lonely you are, darling
Because when I'm laughing and having fun with my other friends
(You know, the ones that don't try to hurt me?)
You just have to join in
And then you pretend like everything is okay
It's not.
Maybe I forgive people too much and that's why you think you have the right to do this to me
But, no, you are not allowed to use me

I was just a back up to you
Someone to hold and have fun with when no one else wanted you
And like the fool I am, I just let you manipulate me
But I know my worth and I know what I deserve
And you guessed it, I don't deserve an ******* like you
I'm worth so much more than this
And honey, just so we're clear, I'm female, you're male
And I'm still more of a man than you'll ever be

No wonder your girlfriend cheated on you
Because you did the same to me
And karma is a *****
You can't hurt me anymore
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i just met you
and even you don't want to talk to me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i used to go to school just to see you
i used to wake up on the days i felt sick and still go
i felt like i couldn't stay home
i was afraid you'd be mad at me
if i didn't show
why was i so afraid?
i honestly can't say
i'm not sure why i let you hold me down
and chain me up
and not let me leave
but you trapped me
but you finally set me free
so i'm staying home today
and i do not feel afraid
i don't owe you anything anymore
and you no longer own me
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
without you
i am nothing
without you
i am empty
like a pool with no water
like a forest with no trees
like a bed with no blankets or sheets
like a tree with no leaves
but with you
i am so full of life
it's hard to believe

lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i know i don't know a thing about you
but i have fallen for your words
i'm probably getting annoying by now
but i don't want to be unheard

i can't seem to stop writing about you now
you made my heart smile
i'm just a loser you would probably never like
but for someone like you, i could wait for awhile

your existence on this earth has made my days better
i suddenly feel connected to you somehow
and although i'm so very sad
you make me want to be alive now

i'm even annoying myself now
so i guess i'll just be quiet
i'll sit here waiting for you to find me
and hopefully my demons will be silent
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i heard you talking about me
talking bad about me
you've always done that as long as i can remember
and they just agree right along with you
apparently, i isolate myself too much
i'm always in my room
never leaving to spend time with family
but maybe the reason i isolate myself
is so i don't have to spend time with people who hurt me
then pretend they did no such thing
i'm not stupid
i'm not deaf
i hear what you say
and i've never felt so disconnected
i don't want to be part of this family
and i get it
some people don't even have a family
some people never had that
i get it so don't come over here and argue with me
but this is my life
my pain is real and you have always made fun of it
making a joke out my self-harm scars
pretending i was never in pain
you really think that will make me stop?
it only makes me want to do it more
isn't it a shame that i have to quickly dry my tears when i hear you coming
so you don't yell at me for having an emotion every human has?
isn't it a shame that i have to fall to the floor in pain
wanting to hurt myself so bad because of the words you say?
isn't it a shame that for the past 4 years of my life
i've wanted to die or run away because of you?
isn't it a shame that i feel no love for you anymore?
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
Today you were different
For some reason
you changed
I don't know if it's because I was interested in someone else
and you noticed I didn't want you
(Which is wrong, I still want you)
But today you kept holding me
and any time someone accidentally hurt me
or said something mean
or anything like that
You were very protective
And told them you really care about me
and told them to apologize
I don't know..
You're just so different
We always put our arms over each others shoulders when we're walking in the hallways together
But today you nestled into me
like we were dating
And kept pulling me really close
Then you hugged me and nestled your head into my neck
and it seemed like you kissed my skin right there
But I might have just been dreaming
And you walked me to my bus like always
and before you left
you kissed my forehead
And my heart dropped
Since when do you do that?
I thought we were just friends
I thought we were never getting back together
At least that's what you said
You're different
You've changed
But if this is how you're going to be
I hope this never changes
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm sitting here crying after reading your words
no one has ever said something like that to me before
no one has ever cared as much as you do
everyone just always leaves me feeling so blue
i haven't felt beautiful in the longest time
you are so lovely, you make me want to rhyme
and now, because of you, my heart is starting to feel again
and i think i'm finally starting to see some light ahead
i'm sorry this poem isn't the greatest of mine
you deserve something of a heavenly design
but you made me so speechless, i can't even write
and darling, you just made my life a little more bright
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
That's all I wanted to say
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i see what you're trying to do
hurt me because i hurt you
trying to get with the girl
that became my friend
just because our friendship
has seemed to end
dear, she came to me worried
and let me read the letter
you say i hurt you
but you're no better
i saw what you said
trying to become closer
by saying how you were both hurt by me
but she knows i didn't do it on purpose
she just wants me to be happy
i think it's so funny
that you call her pretty and cute
just a week after she left me feeling blue
it doesn't really matter to me anyway
but still, you kind of brought us closer today
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i guess you still want me
you waited for me like you always do
i was afraid that after i told you what i felt, you would leave
but you waited
and you held open your arms
and welcomed me back in
and i layed my head on your shoulder and just stayed there
and i held you tight
yes, you hurt me
but that doesn't mean i don't love you
i love you with everything in me
i love you more than humanly possible
i couldn't see it
this blanket of fatigue has been wrapped around me
and it's not ready to go away
i made a mistake
i thought i didn't love you
i thought i was done
because i can't feel anything right now in my life
but after it kicked in
that you may leave
my heart broke into pieces
and i could feel again
just for that moment
tears filled my eyes
i was upset
that i might have ruined yet another thing
i walked down the hallway
using all the strength i had not to cry
and i think that's why i've been so tired
there's too many moments
where i cannot feel a thing
i cannot feel what i'm supposed to feel
and trying to understand that is so tiring
but you're still here
and i told you i was tired
and you told me you would carry me if i wanted
you still care
you still want me
i just hope i didn't ruin this
and don't even know it

— The End —