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13.7k · Jun 2012
If I were pretty.
The Redhead.
The little auburn braid
wrapped across a freckled forehead,
revealing the natural orange and blonde streaks.
The china doll face,
with porcelain skin.
Pale lips, pink cheeks.
Eyes like the sea,
turquoise with speckles of green.
A crooked, imperfect, perfect smile.
A constant smile.
5.3k · Nov 2014
The month of crescent moons and indigo flamed candles.  
Of burning sage and twinkling hooded lights flickering in frosted windows.  
Of chipped nail varnish and lips chapped with bitter cold.
Of darkened mornings with knitted scarves wrapped beneath pink noses and wet lashes.  
Of lonely evergreens and sleigh bells a distant howl in the wind.
3.9k · Jun 2012
You’re frightened but, there is no need for fear.
Your eyes are barely open.
Your vision is blurred beneath your thickened lashes.
Blinded, you are.
Hazed, you are.
Sick, you are.
Lying on the minted tile floor,
back arched and your cheek pressed to a faded rug,
you roll on your side.
Tilting your head up, you moan.
The vicious pulse begins pounding your wounded head.
You roll again on your shrunken stomach,
bubbling over with an ocean of alcohol.
You drag your eyes up to the piercing light above you.
Adjusting yourself slowly,
your hands fumble for the floor beneath you.
The muscles in your arm strain as you push yourself to sit.
No strength.
The stained bathtub provides something stable to grasp.
Smeared makeup.
Hair stuck to your hollow face.
Memories scattering in the wind outside.
More pounding, but this time it isn’t in your head.
It’s booming outside the door.
Screaming and movement is caving in on you,
suffocating you.  
Who’s outside?
  What’s outside?

"It's okay”, he says “You’re fine now.”  
You turn and stare.
How long has he been here?  
He’s been watching you the entire time.
He knows something.
He’s done something to you.
That’s why your in this frightening room below the ground.
He stands and walks towards you.
You must stay strong.
Don’t flinch.
No weakness.
A gentle arm glides just under your leg
and the other behind your waist.
He lifts you up and a small whimper escapes your lips.
There’s pain.
He carries you into a familiar room through another door.
The pounding from outside grows softer.
Shoulders relax.
Forehead cools.
Sleepiness comes.
He sits on the bed with you in his lap.
Suddenly your alertness fades and you feel comforted.

“How much did you drink?”  He asks timidly.  
You lean your head back.

“Just a little”,
your words slur from your swollen tongue.
You start to giggle.
Arms begin to sweat.
Stomach tightens.

“Shh now.  You’re fine.  It’s alright.  Breathe.  Breathe.”,  He coo's
and slowly strokes your spine.
Tensions released.
He stands and walks to the door.

“No!  Come back!”, You cry.
He’s leaving.
You reach your hand out,
like a child,
but draw it back quickly.

“Haven’t I always come back?  This time is no different.”
Only a second passes and you’re out.
Not all the way.
Eyes closed.
A window opens.
The fan goes on.
A blanket covers you.
He’s there.
3.7k · Jun 2014
One Night Stands
Brushing lips
Cotton rips
Swiveled hips
Who needs relationships?
3.4k · Jun 2012
I need you
to write to me,
to hide little poems for me.

I need you
to paint for me,
to create little portraits for me.

I need you
to bake for me,
to make little cupcakes for me.

I need you
to create for me,
to give me little droplets of you.

I need you to be my artist.
3.1k · Jun 2012
Catching Starfish.
We lie awake in the cozy sheets of the shoreline,
letting the infant ripples crawl over us
and then slink silently away to the sea.  
Your bare legs tremble
with each gust of wind,
with each heavy breath,
with each gentle touch,
with each kiss.  
The speckled sand remaining on my lips envelope yours
and a trickle of peppermint breath swims across the tip of my jaw,
as I lull you to sleep.  
We are the ocean,
the turquoise kissing a burst of orange sunlight on the horizon.  
We are infinite.
You're a little pastry box wrapped in blue tissue paper.
You’re the first bite into
every brownie,
every ****,
every pie,
every cute little confection.
You're that thin ribbon of caramel across a layered slice of cake,
You're the sugar still lingering on my recipes,
the little puffs of flour with each turn of a page.  
You're that extra dash of cocoa
and that sprinkle of vanilla and  
the egg stained finger prints on jars of paprika
and cinnamon
and nutmeg.  
You're the soft crack of a brown egg,
the raw taste of extra batter..  
The sizzling butter in the bottom of a pan
You're every scent of spices and salts and frosting
and the sticky sweetness of glazed honey.  
You're the walnuts and sprinkles on top of last summers birthday cake.  
You're the peppermint sensation on the roof of my mouth
and the sweet flavoring on the tip of my tongue.  
You're the delicate drizzle of chocolate
over a homemade batch of sugar cookies,
the finishing touch.
2.2k · Jun 2012
My sweet buttercup* he whispers,
his lavender hush echoes through my mind
and penetrates each curve of my inner skull.
My pretty daisy, my lilac, my blossom.

The tall grass laced with dandelions wraps itself around the both of us,
as he wraps himself around me.  
The meadow hides us until we choose to be found.  
Until we emerge, we are lost.  
Only when the last petal is picked off,
will we be truly seen.
1.9k · Jun 2012
But I'd rather be where you are, in New York City.  
Able to feel the crisp air turning my cheeks pink
and chilling my little knuckles,
to feel you wrap around me as I shudder with every tiny snowflake.  
I'd rather be walking along the streets,
with every stoplight in our favor and every cafe open,
welcoming us in for coffee and cake.  
I'd prefer you in a long black pea coat and you prefer me in green.  
I'd rather it be near Christmas time in the empty part of the city,
where no one can hear you whisper to me.  
I'd rather the bakery scents draw us nearer and nearer,
through the park,
down the alleys,
to the heart of Manhattan
and capture us with pungent tarts and little pastries,
I'd rather you kiss away the crumbs from my cheek
and feel your scruffy jaw against my neck.
1.8k · Jun 2012
Pretty girl,
You’re so bright.
Your everlasting eyes
in violet midnights
will burn through the flesh,
through the bone,
through the hearts
of the young and wild ones longing for you.  
They just want to love you,
but only for a single sunset,
only for a day and then retreat like tide to the sea.  
They only want to touch,
they can’t cover you when the rush comes.  
They won’t whisper to you in heated fields,
or give you roses wrapped in newspaper,
or subway kisses.  
They only want pieces of you,
small speckles of what really matters.  
They only see a waist,
dark hair,
freckles and fingertips.  
Pretty girl,
you must always remember
that no one is lovelier than you.  
So, twirl pretty girl,
and dance underneath lightning,
and drink your iced tea
and pick dandelions,
but not with the pretty boys,
boys just want to explore.
1.6k · Jun 2012
She’s so dainty,
with her sparkling, springtime smile.
I wish to be her.
I envy her whimsical dance
and how she prances through sunlight.
She would throw her hands up to
the lavender laced skies and twirl.
I once asked her how she remained so pure.
She replied with a pretty song.
Her voice was silver and crystal.
In that melody, I realized I would never be her.
I had to be me.
She was peaches and sunlight and sparkles.
I was the earth, the night, the moon.
I made an attempt.
I sang in the meadows and weeped beneath the trees
and for a day, just a day,
I was something of a fairy.
And as for the present me,
I want to remain this way forever.,
to remain happy as she is.
And I shall try.
But, it is late, however on my dark little corner of this foggy earth,
so I think I’ll blow out this fire,
crawl under the ground
and drift to another world,
until sunshine sings again tomorrow.
1.5k · Jun 2012
Self Worth.
I like my dark orange hair,
the way it hangs low beneath my shoulders
and drapes down my spine.  
I like how it looks in braids.  
I like how pretty my toes look when I wear scarlet polish.
I like how tiny my ankles are.
I like having a little waist
and how it tilts to one side.
I like how cute I feel with my face naturally
and I like my round nose.
I like the way my teeth look
after I have Oreos and coffee in the morning.  
I like my spidery fingers and my baby wrists.  
I like how dainty they look when I play piano.  
I like how they look with chipped nail polish.  
I like my body
I like the uneven scatter of bones and ridges,
like when the plates under the sea collide and rise.
Pretty words make the negatives desirable.
I like these things today.
1.4k · May 2014
She sits in the dark
clinging to wall spaces
where light switches used to matter.
The power's out.
He is her only light in a city turned black.
She fears the darkness.
It makes her skin curdle
like the warm milk sitting in the fridge.
The heat recedes slowly from the apartment.
He lights candles and brings her something to eat.
Her pulse steadys at the sound of his breathing,
but quickens as the winds thrash outside,
knocking trees, houses, people.
Inside isn't safe.
More often than not, danger draws her in,
but not now, not tonight, not with nature as a foe.
Her family has gone, evacuated with the rest of them.
So, she's alone, and
she sits in the dark,
with him.
1.4k · May 2014
I could make a home in the warmth of his arms,
my cheek pressed to his chest,
his pulse puncturing my ear,
breathing echoing in the small space.
The blue pools of his eyes could redefine the sky.
My ribcage could be occupied by his fingers
and we could be happy.

Sometimes I wonder if he was born
with those thin black fibers perfectly spread across his jaw
and that tired, intelligent shadow
beneath his eyelashes.
It was the swift eyebrow raises that got me.
It was the tiny smirks from across the room,
the glances,
the suggestion.
We were shoulders brushing,
eyes nestled on one another,
lowered voices,

We were dangerous.
1.2k · Jun 2012
Drunk scribbles.
My poetry comes in pulses,
in waves, in breaths.
Take it all, crumple it into a little ball of flavors,
and scenes,
and lovers,
and sadness,
and scents,
and magic
and swallow it whole.
Don't chew it, or grind its little letters up.
Let the ***** on your tongue sting it,
make it a little delusional, a little wild.
Let the alcohol twist its meaning.
Don't spit it out, don't *****
because it wouldn't be the only thing sticking to the lining of the trash can.
Taste it completely, intoxicated or not,
let the little droplets burn your throat,
let the beer stain your lips with poetic regret.
Let it consume you as the bottle does.
1.1k · Jun 2012
I'm not the stranger you are so looking for,
I'm not the desired caress of warm air breathing through open windows.  
I'm not the speckled face you long to see washing up on imaginations shore.  
I'm not the sweet sensation of a preferred wanderer here to comfort you.  
But, love I promise you I'm here.
I've decided to explain this one.  I follow this girls blog.  She writes the most wonderful things and she has an anonymous stranger who writes things to her.  She posts about this person often and I wish that my words were as powerful as her strangers.  But sadly, they aren't.
You used to like untangling my braids and bobby pins.  
You loved it when my knees were just draped over yours.
You said you liked the way my skin looked porcelain over your sun kissed legs.  
You'd kiss every freckle and define my gentle jaw with your lips.  
You never called me beautiful,
you were more creative,
more artistic than that.  
You hid poetry around the apartment,
under chairs,
on window sills and my favorite,
in empty pockets for me to find when we weren't home together.
You'd hide the best ones underneath the floorboards, for only us to find.  
As long as those words were hidden, so were we.  
Your favorite place to hide is in the kitchen masked by flour and spices,
waiting for me to find you.  
And your favorite place to find me is running the bathwater among lit candles.
I didn't finish this or even figure out what it was about, but it seemed to be done.  So I kept it like this.  Underdeveloped.
988 · Jun 2012
May flowers.
April is a liar,
baptizing you with tears, tears.  
April tells you pretty nothings
as it pours down on your already drenched and pale face.

"Patience dear, better things will come."

When will its tide retreat?
When will you be able to loosen your grip
on the window ledge above its raging ocean?

"Patience dear, better things will come."

Aprils tidal wave swirls around you
and locks your bones into place.
When will its sea part?

"Patience dear, better things will come."
...but April darling,
I've already drowned.
965 · Jun 2012
In juvenile terms.
Some people think it's sad that two perpendicular lines touch only once
and then drift farther and farther away forever.  
Some people think it’s sadder that two parallel lines are so close to meeting,
but never ever do.  
They think those lines just travel the same course alone, eternally.  
But if I’m a line and you’re a line it’ll be okay.  
I don’t mind.  
Wherever I go you’re right there next to me.  
Sure, we can’t hold hands,
sure we can’t embrace,
we can never kiss.  
But, if we were perpendicular, it’d be the worst.  
I’d meet you
and you’d meet me
and you’d be gone.
You'd turn away
and just go on.  
Just keep going with out looking back.  
I would too.  
I’d miss your lips and your face and your hands.  
You would have been mine, but only for a moment.  
I like it parallel.  
You aren’t mine and I’m not yours.  
We belong to ourselves, but together.  
You see?  
I’m glad that we can never be,
you have you and I have me.  
And that makes us very good for each other.  
We’ll always be together,
as long as we’re apart.
948 · Jul 2013
Today was the first time I saw my grandfather since his passing.
He had a chubbier face
and was behind the wheel of a red Toyota Camry
next to a woman who wasn't my grandmother.  
Becca was in the passenger seat beside me.  
She didn't see my knuckles turn white
as I gripped the steering wheel tighter.  
Then the light told me I could go.  
She didn't see tears fall as I accelarated into the intersection
when all I wanted to do was turn around follow
the man who wasn't my grandpa
in a car that wasn't his
to a house I'd never seen before
and wouldn't miss when I left.
851 · Jun 2012
An invitation.
Who wants to come over?
We can paint our nails with pastel colors
and experiment with our hair.
We can plan trips to places we’ll never go
and then bake brownies.
We can tell stories we’ve both already memorized by heart
and act like they’re new ones.  
We can laugh at nothing
and comment on how soft my old blanket is.  
We can go through my closet
and create **** outfits
and wear them out because we’re both a little too self conscious to wear them to school.  
We can get pretty for each other
and go through a random box of stuff in my parents closet.
We can plan an elegant dinner just for us
and dress up like fairies.
We can make jewelry with the little plastic beads I still have from when I was a kid.  
We can be cliche and stupid.
We can be happy.
Maybe another day.
844 · May 2014
August 1975
We spent our days
sleeping in the summers haze
and years being together.

No shoes, no worry
and no need to hurry.
The time was on our side.

In the bright morning sun,
through sprinklers we'd run
and eat honeydew in the shade.

But now in fruitless meadows we cry,
fearing that those lovely memories die,
but you and I shall remain alive.
Obviously I wasn't alive in 1975, but whatever...
Countless hours,
everything looks the same.
I've written this sentence over 14 times.
It's been a week since my artistic pride.
and in that week I've most certainly cried.
Tears should inspire, and flourish and bloom.
...but mine don't,
all they do, is bring me to doom.
But wait, what is this?
Those are words up the page.
Those verses, this stanza can end all my rage!
Perhaps I'll ignore it, no jinxing my feat.
Just write calm and steady, no excepting defeat.
Words now flowing freely, everything's alright,
but before I lose this magic, I shall say goodnight.
I haven't been able to write in a week.  I don't know what happened, but hopefully this pathetic little poem broke the ice once again.  I better be able to write again soon.  Somebody should give me a prompt...just saying.
760 · Sep 2015
She was sick of hero's,
of the boys who tried to save her from herself.  
Her world had become a constant blur
of innocent liplocks and hair neatly parted,
of well-made beds and early curfews,
of speed limits and no trespassing signs.  
She was trapped within the parameters of goodness,
condemned to the ideas of sweetness.  
She wanted to succumb to something,
to submit herself to the darkness of a boy who didn't want to be fixed.  It was a realization she had the night she saw him,
truly saw him,
a boy who had been a stranger in a bar
and weeks later became the fixation she couldn't manage without.  

One night he appeared in the doorway of the bedroom,
soft blue light illuminating his face,
nestled behind his nose
and under his lashes.  
The crease of a smug grin forming at the corners of those lips.  
He knew exactly what he did
and it tempted her all the more.  
He was a villain, a cold blooded creature, a criminal.  
His mouth reminded her of the demons in all of her nightmares,
the hooded figures reaching out to grasp her hands
and pull her in with only the gentlest touch
to let her think she was still in control.  
Those haunted sheets and his pouted lips
were enough to keep her stirring until dawn.  
He hadn't even touched her,
but he managed to keep her squirming under the thought of him.  
He was salt in her eyes and sugar on her tongue.  
He had shown her the true meaning of corruption.

And then it was over.  
She wasn't sure they were done,
but she left anyway.  
He screamed and told her to do what she wanted,
but she chose to live.  
His tousled hair had become too messy for her,
his temper didn't exclude her anymore.  
She was not weak,
she was terrified.  
She was drowning.  
And when the sea had finally come for her,
he didn't follow.  
The swells pulled her deep beneath the surface,
invaded her lungs
and the strain on her heart felt like his fingers across her ribs.  
He let the seas foam lap against his toes
and then watched her foam at the mouth,
her pupils dilated,
skin pale.  
She was swallowed by the swift currents,
consumed by bursts of blue,
his eyes no longer defined the color.
He wasn't there.  
Those nights spent over the bathroom sink,
perched on the fire escape,
hidden beneath sheets,
he wasn't there.  
She knew the feeling all too well
and that things lose their shine under water.  
But at least she had found a home in the abyss.
I would very much appreciate criticism.
755 · Oct 2012
One morning he awoke to find
his nose had gone missing,
the sculpted feature that
clung to his face so sweetly, gone.
He couldn't enjoy the smell
of baking or clean laundry
in his afternoons spent with me,
or even the wintery scent while walking
up to my front door.
Or the lingering coffee before he closed his.
But he still had his lips, his eyes.
That was enough for me
and my button nose was enough for him
to experience every aroma.
752 · Jun 2012
Wherever you are...
Yesterday was rough, but today is gentler.  
Today the fog tells me it's okay.  
It seeps through the open window,
wraps itself in the curtains
and finally curls itself around me.  
The peppermint air embraces
my ankles,
my knees,
my tailbone,
my shoulder blades.  
It whispers, it tells me you are not far.  
You remain in the breeze, just like me.  
You haven't been scattered to the wind, you've become it.  
In the morning you rise from my raspberry tea,
and you nestle above french toast in a pan,
you coil through the glass of my shower,
you perch on the front window of my car.  
And before I drift to dreams,
you wander through the fan
and sink back into the basement,
you lightly brush the edge of the counter as I close the sliding door.  
But, always, and forever
you linger just above my head
and whisper like the fog.
750 · Jun 2012
And counting...
It's been ten days since I've written.
Ten days I've been an uninspired mess.
Ten days I've had the little dizzies after standing up too quickly.
Ten days I've felt rug burn in my cheeks and cotton mouth in my eyes.
Ten days I've felt the grease ooze from my hair down my back.
Ten days I've found a home in the unswept floorboards by the door.
Ten days I've bathed in crumpled, ink infected papers.
Ten days I've drawn blood from dry lips no longer able to whistle.
Ten days I've doubted tomorrow.
Ten days I've...just...
...the hair grease part wasn't about not showering...just so we're clear...I'm clean...bye.
730 · Jun 2012
Smirk at me, please.
You gave a smile for me today.
I knew I'd impressed you.
I must've said something coy.  
You turned and gave an

I've told you about this one

look, to a face across the room.
Do it again, please, but look at me this time.

Lean your head back again,
raise your eyebrows provocatively again,

I've told you about this one

Shrug your shoulders again
Smile like that again.

I've told you about this one

But this time look at me.
709 · May 2014
Summer boy
You once said to me
you once told me
I've opened
sometimes, we are
sometimes, you are
You are mesmerizing
In New York, the city aches
biting through the flesh of July
Shy beneath you
707 · Jun 2012
Accidents happen.
She's not done counting.
Sitting in the middle of the bed,
feet tucked under her,
white room boiling over with tension.
She hopes for safety.
What time is it?
The clocks don't keep time anymore.
The rain hasn't been steady in years.
The drums are no longer pounded evenly.
How many months need to go by
for an understanding that the wheels,
those headlights, that copper painted body
won't roll up along the gravel again?
How many extra places need to be set at the dinner table,
how many reminders to turn the light off downstairs,
how many cold sides of the bed need to be felt,
to feel the sting of reality again?
How much longer will agony exist?

Love is like wetting yourself,

unexpected and warm.

It’s out in the open

and everyone knows

You might be embarrassed

at how clearly it shows.

But in the end,

when all’s said and done,

you aren’t afraid anymore.

You show the world what you’ve done.
Genius, right?
670 · Feb 2015
August 24th
There's a lull blanketing the lot,
vacancy consuming the once lively scattering
of girls in pale skirts strolling beneath street lamps,
boys in thin cotton tee's sending smirks over shoulders,
shopping cart clatter,
squeaking door handles
and hollow laughter.  
It's all retreated with the sunlight,
turned to low mumblings,
distant car doors,
crunched gravel growing quieter,
silently slinking away.  

All of the promises there wasn't enough time to keep.  

Trees sway within ranges of headlights,
casting slivers of shadow from across the highway.  
It's all so hollow.  
The clock tolls closer to morning
and it's clear there will be nothing here,
in this lot,

The first breaths of September begin to exhale.
659 · Dec 2013
Not a poem
It's me.  I'm right here.  Don't sit there and pretend to wonder who because you and I both know which face popped into your head when you read those first two words.  I'm the "you" in your daydreams.  You might be curled up in an armchair, sitting at your desk in a classroom, perched on a park bench, or laying in bed and I might be across the room, across the world or cuddled up next to you.  Our sleeping patterns could be different, my hair could have changed, our common friends may have separated and our childhoods might be over.  We could be together, we could be apart.  I could be gone.  Or never here to begin with, but you know it's me and it's always been me.  Don't try play us out in your head.  Just relax, take a breath and stay with me for a while.
653 · Jun 2012
Lover please last.
Stay for a while longer.
I'll hold your coat, your boots
as long as you hold my hand.
The air is so hot out there,
so warm, so threatening.
Here it's cool, I'll turn the fan towards us.
Can you feel my silken hair on your cheeks?
Remain in my eyes love,
behind my ears,
on the back of my knees,
in between my pretty little toes,
or just under my blouse.

Promise me you'll stay.
I'd never lock you away,
never hide you,
never trap you.
I couldn't bare your tears,
your frown,
your embraces retreat.

Promise me you'll stay.
I never asked for love.
I never questioned desire.
I never denied satisfaction.
You never offered.
But love, promise me you'll stay.
624 · Dec 2014
This sleepy town is wide awake now that you’re gone.
The blur of strangers and the haze of sunsets are constant.
There are no dreamy midnight strolls.
The silence is fleeting.
I hear everything, but the sound of my own pulse.
There are no restful hearts and restless hands.
I cannot stop time anymore.
I cannot dream here again.
614 · Oct 2013
...And on those nights when the moon is as full as the sheets are empty,
I wonder if what he really felt was love.  
I wonder how the moon can be so completely filled with light
and never question whether it's really even light at all.  
I wonder if when he said it he meant it.  
Maybe he meant something else entirely.  
I wonder if the realization hit him years later
and I wonder if he thought I was worth telling.  
I wonder if my face popped into his mind
and I wonder if he thought about looking up my address
or if he'd ever driven past the old apartment.  
I wonder if I was worth the gas money,
if remnants of my body smothered in nostalgia
were worth those few extra dollars.  
I wonder if he ever thinks about it.  
I wonder if he questions what he didn't do .  
Did he realize what he meant
when his phone would buzz at three in the morning
and I'd be sitting on a sidewalk somewhere in the heart of the city
wanting him to take me home?  
Did he realize what he meant
when the candles were lit
and dinner was made
and I would plead with him
and my hair would be tangled in his hands,
but he was too tired to go further?  
Did he realize what he meant
when he couldn't say it back until the right time,
but the right time wasn't until warm mornings
when he'd still be half asleep
and my whispers wouldn't let him continue
so he said what he needed to?  
I wonder,
I wonder.  
I wonder why I didn't realize it
I wonder when he thinks of me.  
When the sheets are empty?  
When my old candles are finally burned down the wick?  
When the coffee *** collects dust in the cabinet?  
Does it make him wonder what I meant to him?  
Does he even realize?
611 · Aug 2014
I'd rather be where you are.
I'd rather be held by rough hands,
pale fingers upon flushed cheeks.
Make me new again.
You're no stranger darling,
but you can be who ever you want for now
and I never liked my name until you hummed it
beneath blue sheets and bedposts.
I'd rather you remember us
by the way we tug and fumble
over belt loops and knit stockings,
over neck ties and shirt clasps,
over thin cotton and ripped lace,
over me
under you
under sheets
under moonlight
under ceiling fans and stars
under scrutiny and love is all we
understood and love is
under appreciated and
underrated and maybe now you're
under me and I'm
under your spell and I hope this never ends.

I hope it's never over.
565 · Oct 2014
You run from your shadow
as if it's the darkest part of you.  
You carry your rosary through bone yards
as if it can save you from your demons.  
You tell me it isn't always about love,
that you are not tragically beautiful,
that your suffering cannot be romanticized.  
The stinging does not always come from
the imprint of thick palms left behind by lost lovers.
There is not always the devilish grin under a freckled nose
or skin under cotton.
There is not always a He
and you are not a sad poem
written by a
559 · Jun 2012
Letters from you.
Whoever you are,
you need to suffocate me with words,
with language.
Every little note you leave needs to trap me.
Each letter needs to pin me down
and sprinkle me with droplets of you.

Write me stories and poems and sonnets.
I want your words to love me and kiss me and hold me.
I want you to inspire me in the absence of coffee aromas and pretty scenery’s.

Write to me about the little things.
Tell me how the floorboards feel in the dark
and what mornings are like away from home.
Tell me about the draft in your room,
and how cigarette smoke feels whilst dancing past your lips.

Write about me,
about my freckles,
about my peachy skin,
about my auburn hair,
about my skinny bones.

Record the time for me.
Write about the seconds of each minute,
how that hour in the waiting room was.
What do you do in each cycle of the sun?

Whoever you are,
write to me.
557 · Jun 2012
In the warmth of the sun,
through the forest we'd run.
Discovered by none
You and I, we were one.
513 · Jun 2012
Attempting Conversation.
"...and the truth of it all
was that I'd never really let go.  
I'd just distracted myself from the inevitable.
You know, prolonged fate?
and for what it's worth, darling,
I still love you.
...There. That's the actual reality. 
It's out and I can't take it back.  
Now you know.
I still love you."
441 · Sep 2013
On What Can Never Be...
Unrequited love is the most silent pain anyone could ever know.
It is for the lonely, sleepy hearts, the ones who find safety in dangling themselves above rocky cliffs just to be tortured by not being tortured at all.
The hardest thing is understanding that you'll never be able to explore whats underneath the thin cotton that covers his body.
But worse than that, is realizing that so many other girls can.
You'll never know true heartbreak, because he never loved you in the first place.  
If he wants perfect, you'll be perfect.  If he wants broken, you'll be broken, but sooner or later you'll realize he'll never want you.
343 · Jun 2014
The window haunts me
as I wither alone.  
Telling me lies
and looking like home.  
Sweet within you
is the home that I’ve known,
since childhood dwellings
were crumbling bone.

Where are we?
Where were you?
I don’t need forgiveness.
Where are we?
Where were you?
Please don’t deny us.

I miss you.

— The End —