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ilina286 May 2014
When it's late at night
And I'm all alone
What can i do
Except think of you.
ilina286 May 2014
And everytime i hug you
the tears start falling on my face.
ilina286 May 2014
I used to be your favourite...
I am not anymore
ilina286 May 2014
I know that i can do this!
And i know that i WILL do this!
No matter how much you try
To bring me down
And show me that I can't
ilina286 May 2014
and every lie you said
was a part of your ****** up puzzle.
ilina286 May 2014
If you're tired and you know it clap your hands
ilina286 May 2014
Build a wall
So i cant watch you
Because everytime i see you
I fall in love again and again
And my heart breaks
Again and again
Because from the first time when i saw you
i died thousand times
And i'll die a thousand more
Because i want to jump and hug you
Everythime i see you alone.
ilina286 Dec 2014
I'm a puppet
You're a puppeteer
Playing with my  soul-
Tangled in my fears
Thrown from the highest spot
The place between fantasy and reality
Love and hate
Sound of laughter interrupted by the waves in the ocean of tears
I'm a puppet
And you're a puppeteer
Playing with my soul
Covering my naked ghost with scars
Like they are the only clothes that fit me perfectly.
I'm a puppet
And your a puppeteer
Playing with my soul
Taking my ****** tears
Producing lipstick
Putting smile on my face with it.
ilina286 May 2014
Take me back to the time
When i was yours
And you were mine
ilina286 Jun 2014
Have you ever seen
Your whole life
In someone's eyes?
A <3
ilina286 Jun 2014
Why all the poems
Are becoming
Sad in the night?
ilina286 Jun 2014
You promised me love
Like the one in the books
ilina286 May 2014
I thought you was different
But you're like everybody else
ilina286 May 2014
I hope that
i will
see your beautiful face
ilina286 Jun 2014
You make me feel things
I have never felt before
ilina286 May 2014
in this moment
i just want to hold your hand
ilina286 Jun 2014
And let me kiss you
A little longer this time
ilina286 Jun 2014
You are stealing my happiness
But its ok for me.
ilina286 Jun 2014
I feel  
volcanic eruption
In my chest
Everytime you're around
ilina286 Jun 2014
I swear that i dont want to forget your face.
ilina286 Dec 2014
Somewhere between
Life and death
Up there
We still exist
ilina286 May 2014
Every scar is another story
Every scar is just one love.
ilina286 Jun 2014
All my dreams fell down
Like the stars i wished upon.
ilina286 Jun 2014
It is beautiful
When the sky
is the only roof
You have left.
ilina286 Jun 2014
Those eyes...
ilina286 Sep 2014
Sometimes everything i need,
Are your hands around me
Because only they can make me
Feel calm.
Forget about everything.
And live a miracle.
Live a love.
ilina286 Jun 2014
I saw you
For the first time
4 hours ago
4 hours from that moment
You are the only thing
I think about
ilina286 May 2014
Can you be my everything?
ilina286 May 2014
I want to be happy again
ilina286 May 2014
Without a broken soul
You cant be poet.
ilina286 May 2014
So i became an addict
Drug addict
You were my drug
And you were my end.
Everytime my lips touched yours
I was a step closer to the death
Everytime i breathed near you
I was left without a breath.
I still feel your lips on mine
I still feel your smell on my neck
I still feel your hands on my head.
And i still feel the loneliness
That i am feeling from the night you went away.
I just miss something i never had.
ilina286 May 2014
And when you smile I see the heaven
When you smile I see the stars
And even in the darkest hours
The light of the moon comes out
When you smile my tears are drying
I am happy with my self
I put the sad words behind
I put the rasors back in the shelf
And when you smile I feel
Like I'm the only one in the world
And i dont feel alone
I feel like thats my home.
And i dont want to miss you
I dont want you to be gone
I want you next to me
I want to be in the heart of a loved one.
ilina286 Jun 2014
Maybe there was nothing
But i swear i felt everything.
ilina286 May 2014
One day I thought I'm in love
Like i felt butterflies in my stomach
Few seconds later i realised...
It was just my anxiety.
ilina286 Jul 2014
When i am with you
Even depression feels beautiful
A <3
ilina286 Dec 2018
Four years and four different lives
Four years and four different deaths
We have lived alone and we have died alone .
What are we supposed to do when the thing that wrecked us comes back ?
ilina286 May 2014
than i hugged you
like i had the world in my hands
i was in heaven
i just wish it was a little longer
it was me,the happiest person
smelling your perfume
in that moment i had everything
everything i ever wanted
everything I wanted the last 2months
i kissed you and i went home
my heart was beating like crazy
i was crazy
Crazy for you.
ilina286 Jul 2014
I wondered...
How much will last your "forever"?
ilina286 Jun 2015
Love is not always happiness.
Love is watching the scars and bruises on your own heart like some art in the museum called body.
Love is listening the melody of your heart breaking,and sometimes even enjoying it.
Love is living while drinking your own tears instead of water.
Painting those memories on your body so you can see the people who are gone.
Loving your pain because is the only thing that they left you.
Living with your pain like you are friends since your birth.
You learn to live with it,because is the only thing that will be with you.
ilina286 May 2014
I wished i could lay down
And sleep
Till i waste all my dreams
Till my heartbeat stops
And the air in my lungs.
ilina286 May 2014
You was looking straight in my eyes
Your look was killing me
My head hurt me,me heart was breaking
Some tears fell down on my face
I was dying
But i smiled,i was happy
I was happy because i was killed by my biggest love
Happy to be killed by you.
ilina286 May 2014
What's the point of hurting me
Than asking what's wrong?
ilina286 Jan 2015
That day I found out how special we are
When I saw a whole new world in someone's eyes
When i found the calmness in someone's touch
When I saw myself as the most beautiful person
Another day I found out how awful we can be
When he destroyed that world
When the only thing I felt was the eternal sadness that hurts more than everything
When my beauty was erased like it never existed
I found out how the same person who made you feel alive
Kills you without doubt.
He changed me but he never changed my love for him <3
ilina286 May 2014
do you know
how hard it is
to walk smiling
when all you feel is pain
sadness and tears on your face?
ilina286 May 2014
why everytime i close my eyes
all i see is you
ilina286 May 2014
I remember how blue your eyes were
The sky was nothing compared to them
How pale your skin was
Everytime our faces touched
I felt like i'm in heaven
But my soul was the hell
When i'd see you
I was burning inside
Like my heart was fighting to get out
From the cage made of my ribs
I'm not sure if it was love
But it was something,something more than my ordinary feelings.
ilina286 May 2014
i had the chance to kiss you
I know that if i did you would continue kissing me
we had the chance to kiss eachother
I know that it would be an amazing kiss
I'm dreaming about it last two months
I look in your lips all the time
I can just imagine their taste
I can just imagine how you're kissing me
And i had the chance to kiss you
But maybe i was afraid.
ilina286 May 2014
I know you're not beautiful
And the whole world can tell me the same
But you'll always be perfect to me
With all your imperfections and flaws
The times when you're angry
With smile on your face,with tears in your eyes
With your lips on my mouth,with your knife through my heart.
I love you always.
ilina286 May 2014
Is it so easy to die?
Is it so easy to go away and be forgotten
They just give you away
To God
To the sky
Everyone is hoping for a better live somewhere in the heaven
But lets be honest
We dont believe in such things
You'll be down...deep inside the ground
The worms will eat you
And in about 40 years you'll be absolutely gone
Nothing will be left
And if you call it heaven
Then have a nice time there.
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