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KAE Jan 2021
“If you are mean with me, I’ll be meaner with you”
When you do something “wrong” or the evilest thing towards someone, they take revenge of that
Instead of take advantage of that situation and person and trying to be better than those, than them.
They need, they have the desire to be more devilish.

It’s pathetic. Mediocre.

People seem to be angels, the purest souls. Even the ones who are good human beings.
But we all have a demon burning inside of us, yelling to escape, to be free.
But that chaos which people have is major.
They sell you an angelical aura, the best moral, and the darkness inside of them is unexpected.
Even the one who can be “an angel” is and could be the malevolent ******.
Nov 2020 · 1.5k
The Raising Queen
KAE Nov 2020
I’m a queen
I’m strong
I’m independent
I don’t need of someone. I don’t need of anyone
I have confidence
I’m mature
I love myself
I don’t need a men. For nothing. Neither to protect me or love me
If someone tells me that I can’t do something, I’ll prove them wrong

I will raise to my throne like a dancing fire to take my crown to my top
I’ll make people respect me like they’d singing a chorus of song
I will be fear and I will be soft
But the most important of all
I will be a priority. I will be listened. I will take care of myself. I will love me like a king loves his queen.
I will raise from this hole of darkness to see the light again to take what is mine back
I’m the wolf that will never bow down to a men because I only bow down to this raising queen
Oct 2020 · 1.1k
The Wildcard
KAE Oct 2020
oh darling...
whenever you feel down, out of yourself, or even, if you feel that you can't with the situation, because you are not feeling strong enough...

use your Wildcard.

you don't have different personalities for nothing, don't you know?
when you are feeling negative, we are the replacement.
you didn't build another you for nothing, too.

don't be fooled, love. we are the devil in disguise.
reminder: use your Wildcard.
Feb 2020 · 262
let me tell you a story;
KAE Feb 2020
doctor sleep
let me dream
take me into a nice trip
where my soul can Rest In Peace
and my body can take vanish issue pills
the little kitten sleeps in my bed showing my funeral part
there’s no more time for headaches
there’s no more time for  nightmares
let me rest equally, peacefully, lovely with no darkness and full of brightness

Oct 2019 · 664
in n’out
KAE Oct 2019
I used to breathe you (in)
now I’m breath you (out)
I'm throwing you out
KAE Jan 2019
Fury running through all my veins.
Fire goes through every part and centimeter of my body.

Fury and fire sweep through my whole being, soul and spirit. They destroy everything in their path, as if they were a hurricane.

They consume me. They take over me. They take control over me because I can not control them, they are stronger than a thousand demons.

I feel like I become a beast while fire and fury grow inside me.

A beast thirsting for hatred, revenge, with a huge pleasure to destroy everything around her.

They can not break free and I lose control.
Because of that, fire and fury are trapped in my skin and in my bones
Dec 2018 · 2.9k
dear Elena
KAE Dec 2018
Dear Elena

dear Elena, do not give your heart to anyone. not everyone deserves it
dear Elena, keep your heart and your most beautiful feelings for the indicated or someone worthwhile
dear Elena, hide your purity
dear Elena, take care of yourself. Nobody breaks you, no one breaks your purest feelings
dear Elena, be careful in this ***** world, beware of these twisted people
Oct 2018 · 629
KAE Oct 2018
In your arms I feel safe
In your arms I feel no pain, no suffer
In your arms I feel warm
In your arms I feel no insecurities
In your arms I feel loved
In your arms I feel no fear
In your arms I feel that everything’s is okay
When I am in your arms I feel that you are like a magic pill because you can vanish all the pain, all the suffer, all my fears, all my demons, all my insecurities.
You are magical.
Oct 2018 · 330
Pray For Me.
KAE Oct 2018
somebody pray for me before it’s too late for me
these demons still chasing me
but angels, they stay with me
they wait for me faithfully
when I fall into the dark, they awaken me
they view ****** as beauty mistakenly
Sep 2018 · 756
Sunday September 2, 2018
KAE Sep 2018
At 05:26am, you sent me drunk texts.
You said that you still loving me, you miss me like a crazy and you need me, you told me all that things that you used to tell me.

Then, we started to talk.
It was beautiful, like before.
You said that the next day, you’ll come to my home to talk about us and try to fix things and be what we were.

We did it.
Yesterday, you came to my home.
We talked about us.
You said that you want to fix things with me, you said that you want me back, you said that you want us back. Me too.

And now, we are trying to be what we were.
We are back together.

I got everything that I had before.
You. Specially, you.
My life is perfect, complete.
I have my other two best friends.
I got you back.
My family is doing good.
Everything is as before. Everything is perfect again.
We are back, together again.
Jul 2018 · 454
Doing All Wrong.
KAE Jul 2018
I think that I’m doing all wrong.
I feel that I’m losing people who I love.
I hate that feeling.
Sometimes I feel lost and I want to put a gun in my head or inside my mouth.
What will happen if I lose that people?
What will happen with me?
What will happen with my heart?
And with my feelings?
My heart, what will happen with it? Is it going to be broke? Lost?
Jul 2018 · 5.0k
Body Issues.
KAE Jul 2018
I used to have an issue with my body.
Three years ago. 2015. The year of horrors.
My weight was 60 kilograms and I don’t remember if I had a few grams more, but it doesn’t a matter. The issues is that I was a bit fat. I have never been fat. I was sad about it and I had a lot of problems more in that year.
My principal problem was that when all of my girlfriends developed their body, I had a little girl body. My body begins to develop and that was when I turned fat, I didn’t like myself, personal problems, more issues. I increased 15 kilograms. I was really depressed. I started hating me more.
Between 2016 and 2017, my body started changing. I lost weight, I hadn’t got issues with me anymore. That was really amazing.
End of 2017 and this year (2018), my body changed completely. I don’t have the body that I used to own in 2015. I am thin and happy, but sometimes when I look at myself in the mirror, unconsciously I see myself as I was in 2015, fat.
That kills me.
Kills me more knowing that I couldn’t talk with my mother about it, because she didn’t understand it. But I could talk with my best friend and with my auntie because they understand it. I’m thankful about it.
What more kills me is the fact that I know that my body it’s thin but my mind shows me another thing, which I hate and makes me sad.
But today, July 25, 2018. My weight is 48 kilograms. I see the real me. I see myself thin. Now my unconscious accepts that I’m thin again. I’m really happy now because that is the body that I had all my entire life, that is the body that I want and which I’m in love with. I’m glad that I got back what I always wanted.
KAE Jul 2018
Gemini are notorious for having “split” personalities, and I am no different. I have two sides of me that are always at war within me.

Both the Devil and the Angel within me are trying to influence me, in the form of thoughts running through my head that makes it seem like i'm talking to myself.

I emphasizes on the fact that my character is composed into two parts, the ‘angel,’ the one that wants to do good not only for myself but also for others, and also the ‘devil,’ the selfish, more arrogant division in my persona that drives me to do things that’ll make me stray off the path of righteousness.

Elena and Katerina, which again connotes the incredible duality and polarity of my character. Even though it seems like they’re almost two different people, they’re most definitely one whole character.

My inner good realized what I am doing is dangerous, but my inner demons insist on coming out at night. When I say “not closing the curtains”, im showing the real dark half of myself.
KAE Jul 2018
I was twelve
I was sad and depressed
She gone
I was sitting on her bed
Remembering her
I opened her wardrobe
I found a long black dress with white flowers on it
I smelled it
The smell of her
Tears where running down my cheeks
I was missing her. I miss her
I used to feel lost without her
Years later, I found my way back to reality, to the world, to all.
Because I get back to her
I can see death people
Now the world is complete
I am thankful of the gift that God, Life, She gave me
I’m with her again. She’s again with me. My family is again with her
Death is not so bad
Because I have this gift and I can see it all
And I’ve got all in my hands now
And today I’m the happiest person in this ******* world, I’ve got everything that I’ve ever wanted: especially her, again.
Jun 2018 · 902
Choke Me.
KAE Jun 2018
I like tall boys
With huge hands
Large fingers
With rings on it
Marked veins  
Hands choking my neck
Calling me “baby girl”
With the thumb touching my lower lip
His nose touching mine
His lips next to mine
And lustful eyes
Jun 2018 · 535
The Prey And The Hunter.
KAE Jun 2018
For a tiny soul.

She felt the need of run away from him. But she couldn’t. Couldn’t scape. She couldn’t run away from her creator.

A lion with his prey.
A prey with her lion.

A rabbit with a lion. That’s how she felt. Cornered by him. Controlled. Invaded. Repressed.

Years passed and the rabbit became a wolf. But not when she was close to the creator. She  became small. A rabbit, again.
Jun 2018 · 490
Turn It Off
KAE Jun 2018
“oh baby girl, as in the beginning, as everything has started. turn off your emotions, your feelings, everything. all over again. so you are not going to feel pain, love, sadness like a fool again. do it and we are going to be just the three of us together like the old times. do it and everything is going to be all right, again.”

K said to me.
Jun 2018 · 382
KAE Jun 2018
I don’t remember exactly what day it was.
It was a weekday, the only thing that I remembered.
The day you left.
There was grief, sadness, pain and suffering.
Those feelings reigned in the living room of my house.
Tears were running down my cheeks from my reddened eyes.
Your soul wandered through the apartment.
Your smell, impregnated inside my nose.
Take years to accept your death.
My memories of you were all sad, even the happiest.
Today, what I cried in the past, became happy moments and smiles.

In memory of my Grandmother.
May 2018 · 752
KAE May 2018
we are like yin and yang
he is an angel and im a devil
he is light, I’m dark
he is white, I’m black
he is good, I’m bad
he is like the sun, I’m like the moon
he is demonstrative and I don’t like showing positive human feeling
he is generous, I’m a *****
he is a match, I’m fire
we complement each other
this is the way that we work
we are perfectly imperfect
but we love that
and we are gonna ride till someone of us will die
king and queen, conquering the world
that’s what we are
but, who said that an angel and a demon can not go hand in hand?

— The End —