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Emma Jan 2015
I loved him
   He loved me
        But love wasn't enough
Emma Jul 2014
Silly one,
   your flaws
      only make me
          love you more
For those who think they're unlovable.
Emma Apr 2014
Too many people
Have lost the art of

And I'm not talking about
Texting or
Messaging or


I'm talking about
Grabbing a pen
And taking a paper
And pouring your soul
Through hard labor of fingers
And thoughts
And taking that piece
Of great effort
And sending it to someone
Who's holding your heart
Emma Dec 2015
I tell you it’s dark inside 

You say turn on a light

I say it hurts my eyes

I’ve gotten use to the dark 

I can feel my way to my heart 

And lay down on its surface

I can tiptoe my way

Around hopelessness 

Slip on a few things 

But not fall

But you’re still new to it 

You still trip on my

Newly discovered fears

Still drown in my overwhelming 

Sea of sadness 

You've gotten bruises

From slipping on my silence 

You have fallen on my weariness

And I’m sorry 
I never meant for it 

To swallow you too 

Loving you makes a difference 

But you can't fix a ****
With nothing but a twig 

You can take a horse to a spring 

But you can't make it drink 

You can love me all you want 

But I have to learn 

To love myself 

Enough to turn on the light 

I will try to ease my eyes
to the light 
But fire eventually burns out
Even candles know that

I’m sorry I’m not okay 

I wish I was

If only it were 

To be well enough 

To look into your eyes 

And not feel like I’m drowning

To be able to feel 

The trace of your hands on mine

And not wish you didn’t have to

Feel the scars 

I’m sorry I’m not okay 

I really wish I was 

If only to be able to tell you
How much I love you 

Enough to not die for you

Enough to live with you
I choose you.
Emma Apr 2014
I sleep
But I don't rest
I eat
But I'm not fulfilled
I love
But I'm guarded
I'm free
But I'm haunted
I'm alive
But I'm not living
Emma Apr 2014
Round and round
That's how we go
This re-run show
This old game
We better stop
It's all the same
I'm letting go
You're holding on
You say were good
I say move along
What do we do
I'm hurting me
I'm hurting you
We're tearing at
Each other's scars
You say it'll work
But I'm running far.

To the boy who did break my heart.
Emma Apr 2014
Dolor, o gran dolor
Cuán irresistible te viste
Aquella anochecer
Me atrajiste, me seduciste
A una dulce oscurana
En cuál yo me perdí
Cubriste mis ojos
Callaste mi sentir
Y de pronto, sin aviso
Te tragaste mi vivir
Tan lenta tu muerte
Tan grande tu esplendor
Enamoraste mi alma
Sólo a ti veo en mi alrededor
Mi amante secreto
Mi valiente salvador
Tanta pérdida me causaste
Y aunque se la salida
Me sigo perdiendo en ti
Mi amado dolor.
Spanish poem again
Emma Mar 2015
If missing you was an art
I’d be Van Gogh and you’d be “Sorrow”
Missing you comes in droplets
and tonight I’m drowning
in your Pacific Ocean
On nights like these
I wonder if I will ever
learn from the trees
how to stop missing
the leaves
that have
I do love you, but I can't have you.
Emma Nov 2014
My legs are weak from the miles they've run
trying to escape the reflection of the mirror
stretch marks all across them are
the battle scars from the wars
I have waged against myself
My throat sore
from the many times it has fought back
my attempts to empty myself
and spill the remains of my soul
down the drain
My hands are no longer soft
having held items far too sharp for their own good
My wrists scarred from being the bulls-eye
of arrows I chose to shoot
My eyes are no longer lovely
they display blood-red veins
from the bullets that've been fired at them
My body is a battlefield and I'm pleading surrender.
To all those who suffer from self-hatred.
Emma Jan 2016
New Year’s Resolutions
1. Learn to love myself.
2. Learn to accept.
3. Learn to forgive.
4. Learn to forget.
5. Forget him.
6. Forget him.
7. Forget him.
8. Forget him.
9. Forget him.
10. Forget him.
New year, new me.
Emma Aug 2015
Ocean blue
Our hands fit
Like mine were made for you
We danced on rooftops
Just us two
As clueless lovers
Often do
You promised me you'd be back
But it's been 5 years
And I can't even keep track
Of the different states you've seen
You forgot to mention something
That you got a girl
And she got the ring
Some nights I remember you
And I wonder if
You think of me too
You're getting married and I don't know what to do.
Emma Jul 2014
One day I hope he will know that
contrary to popular belief
I am NOT obsessed with superheroes
or constantly read comic books
that though I enjoy black and white pictures
and old jazz songs
one of my least favorite subjects was history
that though I will deny it to my death bed
I love wearing dresses and would rather daisies to roses
that I am absolutely terrified to watch scary movies
and will forever hate the dark
except on the rare occasions on which I get to star gaze
that I go to sleep at 4 o'clock almost everyday
no matter what time I fall asleep
that I love the taste of coffee and tea
that I dislike marshmallows after the first one
that I feel too deeply and over-think too often
that I hate technology
but I express myself best through writing
One day I hope he will know
the real me
But more than that
I hope he will know that I was
the most me when I was
with him (you)
I hope that one day
you will be him.
Emma Sep 2015
I deal with loss
like people deal with death
I lose someone
or something
and to me
it is gone forever
I grieve it
for months on end
on the chance that
I will never come across it again
People call it dilusion
I call it protection
I lost you, I think. I'm still grieving, I guess.
Emma Sep 2015
Before I met you
I had favorite songs
I use to sing along to
in the shower
When I met you
I realized you liked the same songs
I would listen to them and smile
thinking of you
When you left
I still had your songs
I would sit in the shower
and cry while I listened to them
Now that I've moved on
I listen to the same songs
and wonder why I ever
stopped singing along to them
while I showered
I have found joy again.
Emma Oct 2015
The clock ticked and the timer started
the day my eyes met yours
My soul saw you
and it sighed
it wondered who you were
and where you had been all my life
that day I didn't need any more miracles
my most important miracle stood right before me
It wore your shirt and smiled like you
Your hands made paper cranes
but never quite made it to a thousand
You said you wanted your wish to come true
and asked me what I wished for
I wished on every paper crane in existence
every broken wishbone
every shooting star
that time would let me keep you
but the hands of time were like your own
never quite making it to a thousand
so one night your words broke the silence
And the jumbled words tore us apart
I've been looking for that silence ever since
wishing for once that my life
was not a orchestra filled with you
that dreams were not interrupted by you
that thoughts were not overrun by you
wishing for once that silence
the silence before the storm
would return and perhaps
just maybe
bring you back
For the boy who made paper cranes at the coffee shop. Your eyes are the only coffee brown I will ever need.
Emma Oct 2014
Perhaps one day
someone will come along
who doesn't reek of
false promises and
broken hearts
Someone with hands
gentle enough to
hold the tears
but strong enough to
fight the sobs
Perhaps there is someone
who's eyes are bright enough
to see through
the dark corners of my soul
Someone with lips wise enough
to know when to speak
and when silence is a loud enough answer
Perhaps there they are out there
or perhaps that someone
is simply in me
To the boy who knows how to love me.
Emma Jun 2015
When I first admitted
To loving you
A seed was planted in my being
It grew with every rain of love
It somehow became a part of me
And when you left
My body ached
You are like
A phantom limb
My body cannot
Accept your absence
Some nights
I feel it all again
I relive the moment
I did not give consent for
Such great a amputation
Though I knew the risks
Of keeping a dying limb
You cut yourself off
And months later I'm stuck
With my phantom pain
They took me to psych
Told me I'd gone insane
But after the sunshine of our love
what's there to expect
But cold weather and rain?
There is no medicine to cure heart break.
Emma Apr 2014
Charles Bukowski once wrote:

“My heart is a thousand years old. I am not like other people.”

It is not a feeling most can
Being a youth in skin
Yet having wrinkles
In your heart and mind
But I do
I understand
What it's like to
Find "plastic" conversations
A bore
I live in a paper town
Maybe we all live in a
Paper world

But if you're one
Of the other inhabitants
Of this old youth


You're not alone.
Just thoughts.
Emma Aug 2015
I wrote you poems
On pretty papers
With pens
So that when the rain came
It wouldn't wash them away
You tattooed your words
On the walls of my heart
So that when the pain came
The letters would stay
My ink was bright blue
And yours was black
I'm left with your tattoo
And you're left with a stack
Of papers with poetry
That will only serve
For mockery
I will always wonder
If you meant what you said
And you will always know
I meant what you read
I wrote you stacks of poetry and you never whispered a word.
Emma Oct 2015
I'll be the ink
you'll be the poetry
I'll write the words
with every ounce of honesty
you'll be the rhythm and rhyme
the ones I'll perfect
one at a time
I'll bring the paper
you bring the pen
if we mess up
we'll start over again
I'll be the ink
you'll be the poetry
we'll bring the life
into this story
You're breathing poetry.
Emma Oct 2015
Words aren't bandaids
for wounds of the heart
and promises aren't plane rides
against the distance that keeps us apart
Your absence is the loudest sound
I keep its' echoes for when you're not around

You can only send
so many postcards
before words like "love"
become a language so dead
your own tongue has forgotten how to speak it
You can only mend
a heart so many times
before "irreparably damaged"
becomes a definition on its' label
before you start to pretend
that the space between them and you
isn't tearing the two

how can it be
with so many around
I still want you here with me

You cannot build a body
solely from pretty words
You can't build a human form with words.
Emma Apr 2014
Quien soy?
          La pregunta
              que flota
          en mis labios
                 Sin descanso
           sin respuesta
I'm Hispanic and I love the Spanish language, so don't think this will the last time.
Emma Mar 2016
You were like
the first word in a poem
The first note in a symphony
the first beam of sunlight
in the morning
and the first star
in the night sky
I loved you more than
the moon loves the sun
the ocean loves the shore
my lungs love the air I breathe
but what if we were
the dark before a dawn
the rain before a rainbow
the calm before the crash
what if all we were was prologue
Emma Oct 2015
We were a puzzle
waiting to be put
alongside each other
waiting for the chance
to fit in somewhere
with someone
Someone broke off my edges and we couldn't quite fit.
Emma Jan 2015
Loving him was like
lighting a candle
I was a pyromaniac
addicted to the sight
of seeing him burn with passion
of smelling his splendor
I was lost in love with the victim
of my lethal affections
Emma Nov 2015
Sadly, we both know
Everything begins and ends
Right where you begin and end
God only knows the number of nights
I stayed up thinking
Only of you

Right where I begin and end
Our story is written in my bones
Do you know I still dream of you?
Right where we begin and end
I sometimes see the lines blur
God only knows the nights spent thinking
Only of you
If Edgar Allan Poe can write a poem using the letters of his lover's can I.
Emma Jan 2016
You see, forgetting you
is not a one time thing
it's a constant daily battle
stop thinking about him
remember the times
he stood you up
remember the times
he broke your heart
remember the things
he said in his anger
remember the way
he left you all alone
remember how
he gave no explanation
oh but remember
the roses he brought you
remember the late night conversations
remember the first time
he told you he loved you
remember the secrets
he confided in you
no, stop
remember what's good for you
remember he's not good for you
remember what you deserve
forget him every day
every morning when you wake up
and your brain wants to bring him up
remember the nights you spent
crying on your bed
remember your best friend
cursing his name
remember your mother
cursing herself for not stopping you
remember your brother
cursing himself for not protecting you
remember the days at the hospital
the pills, the drops, the shots
remember what is best for you
he is not best for you
remember that
and forget him
every year
every month
every week
every day
every second
if that's what it takes
2016 will be a better year.
Emma Feb 2016
Every I love you I said 

sounded a little more

like a goodbye

but it was only because

your heart is a restless ocean 

and I never was good
with learning 
the tide cycles
To The Boy With The Whale On His Thigh.
Emma Sep 2015
Ring around the rosy
Pockets full of posies
Ashes, ashes
We all fall down

Ring around the rosy
Pockets full of posies
Ashes, ashes
My pants go down

My pants go down
And I am pushed against a tree
No one is around
It's only you and me

It's only you and me
And I can't find my voice
I struggle to get free
But I am only a little girl

I am only a little girl
In a white little dress
Your hungry eyes watch me twirl
Your hungry eyes my body undress

Your hungry eyes my body undress
Until your hands are on me
I am afraid to confess
These crimes committed to me

These crimes committed to me
In the dark and in the light
But how can it be
That I still see your face at night

I still see your face at night
As I pass through the hidden alley
I try to run at the speed of light
Those places are my death valley

Those places are my death valley
Gravestone of memories
Of pain I cannot describe verbally
Of times I was in misery

Of times I was in misery
That would follow me for years
I'm not asking for sympathy
Just for you to understand my tears

The tears of a little girl
Whose eyes were bright brown
Innocence white as a pearl
Before you tore her gown

Before you tore her gown
When they trusted you
When no one was around
When I trusted you, too

You caused me to hate
Every place that I loved
To be home as early at eight
Even to fear the darkness I loved

You are the fear in my eyes
When a man stares too long
You are all of the guys
I am afraid to let tag along

You are the shudders
When they touch me
You are the years
Spent in therapy

You are the crack
In my voice
You are the solitude
In which I rejoice

I am no longer a little girl
And now I can speak
My lips I let curl
Into a smile, though it is weak

I am no longer weak
I have learned to ****
It is because of you
I have mastered this skill

I will skin
Any man who dares touch
Who dares put anything in
Any little girl or such

I no longer fear you
It is you who will learn to fear me
For, believe me, I am through
Letting pigs like you run free

To the little girls out there
I solemnly swear
To protect your life
With tooth, nail and knife
To the boy who used and abused me: I am cutting myself free from you. You did not win.
Emma Jan 2015
I miss him so much
I feel it in my bones
as they bend and break

Like a bullet
ripping through my skin
I felt the emptiness
make my body its home

I spent 4 months
trying to throw up the remains of you
left inside of me
My hands cold
trembling with the weight of memories
My eyes weary
spilling my final regrets

You brought me roses
but forgot to remove the thorns
and I didn't realize until now
that it was a foreshadow of
If they say they don't want to hurt you, that's the first thing they will do.
Emma Sep 2015
I have spent my life running
away from everyone in it
It has almost been two decades
but it feels like centuries have gone by
since the last time I took a break
from racing the wind
My legs have grown tired
My hands cannot seem to stay still
I try to sound strong
but my voice still cracks
and my breathing comes out in shakes
I have learned
that when you grow used to something
living without it feels like
trying to breathe with no air
So I keep running
From sunrise to sunset
Closing doors
and burning bridges
leaving no trace behind
of where I'm headed
mostly because I'm not sure
where that is
I run, though my legs tremble
Because my heart has known
the pain of change
Eventually I'll run myself
into a grave
Change hurts but so does growth.
Emma Aug 2015
You made my scars
Bloom into flowers
But soon your affections
Grew sour
You breathed out your love
Through late night phone calls
Quiet whispers
Willing me to fall
That you'd be there
Through it all
But is it love
If your actions left me
Breathlessly broken
Begging to be set free?
Is it love
When you painted
Purple bruises on my heart
And slowly, but surely
Tore me apart?
2 years down
Your games continue
And I'm still around
My skin is thicker
Than when we met
My heart is wiser
And that is why
I took the decision
To finally say goodbye
To Tito. Don't ever call me again.
Emma Oct 2015
Physics states that
anything that goes up
must come down
due to gravity
it also states that
when something comes down
it accelerates
Perhaps this is why
the greater the rise
the greater the fall
the greater the pain
the pain of it all
We rose so high only to fall,
my sun, my moon, my all
Emma Sep 2015
Spring showers
bring May flowers
bring Summer sun
youth and good fun
bring Fall(ing) in love
make leaves fall from above
bring Winter Winds
bring you to my mind

Seasons all change
come and go again
why won't you
come back again?
Emma Apr 2014
She is
      fears in
My friend is the sunshine to my days sometimes.
Emma Jan 2016
He hides a small birthmark that has the shape of a whale on his upper thigh that he treasures. I think that's why he's always loved the ocean.

2. He is like winter: cold and distant for a while but then slowly melts away. He'll be silent for days, but don't worry...he will come back in time.

3. He'll say "I miss you" in the dead of night, in the cold of winter, in the break of dawn or in the heat of the summer. He will drop it like a bomb and it'll shatter your bones but remember he's not yours  to hold forever.

4. He will want you to hug him and he will want it so bad that he will ask you to do it. Please don't ever turn this opportunity down, you will never want to know the pain of not feeling his warmth.

5. His love will feel like a forest fire but it'll leave trails of ash when it's gone. Learn to deal with the burn as you enjoy the heat.

6. You will swim oceans for him and reach for the moon but sometimes even that will not be enough.
It may never be enough.
Emma Feb 2015
I drank 4 shots yesterday
Every single one
"in the name of those we lost in love"
Feeling the burn
Down my throat
Tasting your last
And watching it infect
The blood in my veins
I felt the dizziness of
Being lost
The kind you feel when
You've just lost a friend
Or the one you'd fall asleep next to
Or both
I felt the nausea rise up
Like a roaring sea
With the memories we once had
As I stumbled down
To touch the ground
That for once felt like home
Trying to rid myself
Of the thoughts of you
Swimming in my mind
Sober or drunk
It's always you that
My heart remembers
Alcohol tastes better than sadness but it's not the answer, I promise.
Emma Apr 2014
Dulce soledad
Estás donde estoy
Me acompañarás donde iré
Me persigues donde voy
No hay forma que me escaparé
Mi fiel compañera
Mi eterno enamorado
Mi peor pesadilla

Amada soledad
Por ti vivo en terror
El desespero es grande
Me ahorcas, mi amor
Tu hermoso dolor
Me encanta sentir
Pero en tu intoxicación
Ya no puedo vivir
About solitude.
Emma Sep 2015
If you look in the corners
Of my heart
You'll find One
One was the first to plant
The small seed of love
In my young heart
From it flourished a red rose
He found it so beautiful
He decided to rip the petals off
Once he held them in his hands
He decided to go find another rose
One was the first
I wanted him to be the last
He was there in the past
He will be there in the future

Was the second to arrive
He found the red rose
And saw that it was dry
His eyes were oceans
And he drowned the Rose in them
He was not satisfied with having
Only one Rose
He found someone else
To be his last
I opened the door for him to leave
So he wrote his name in the past

Was the Christopher Columbus
Of the oceans of my heart
Three rediscovered the dying rose
And nurtured it
til the petals grew back
He wanted to erase the past
So he painted the petals white
And said it represented innocence
He adored the Rose
And admired its' beauty
He sang songs for it
Believing it would
Grow more beautiful
2 months too late
He realized it never would
He loved the idea of the Rose
Not the reality of caring for it
So he ripped it out from the roots
And wrecked it with his hands
He left empty handed
And left me empty hearted
Three was the third
I still dream about him
Being the last
I wish he wasn't
Stuck in the past

Was a gardener
He knew his way around flowers
And had with him many dying roses
I should have known
He planted a rose bush
Fed it love poems and pretty songs
His voice was the only water
The roses would ever need
Once they had bloomed
He ripped them out
And went on his way
Onto some other heart
He was never truly mine
I had always been his
He won't be my last
He left too many scars
I put him in my past
Three, I still dream about you being the last
Emma Jan 2016
You'll always be my soulmate
you'll always have
a part of my heart
and that scares me
but science says
that after 7 years
every cell in my body will be replaced, so maybe in 7 years
I will be a new person
and you will be someone else
and I will no longer love you
with the undying love that I do
Sergio, you'll always be my soulmate.
Emma Sep 2015
Everything in this world
draws me back to you
As the spring brings the showers
Every year it stays true

I can only dream of the day
the rain will fall hard enough
to wash away
every trace of you on me
I can't get you off of my mind and it's eating my insides away.
Emma Apr 2014
I love him so
   It's killing me though
Emma Jan 2015
I looked at you
as if you had put the stars in the sky
You noticed me, too
I was your complex galaxy
The moon looked down on us two
and was saddened by the tragedy
We were supernovas
shining brightest after our end

But our beauty didn't make up for the explosion that  shattered me.
Accept the reality of the pain.
Emma Nov 2015
You were a hell of a swimmer
But my sadness was an ocean
That took you by surprise
I wrote you messages
On sea shells
On day by the shore
"I think I'll love you forever"
"I'm sorry it happened this way"
"I miss you"
I think a part of me wished
The waters would swallow the feeling
You were a hell a swimmer
But my sadness was an ocean
And our loved drowned in it
I'm sorry it happened this way
To the boy with a whale shaped birth mark.
Emma May 2014
Tears like diamonds
Fall down my face
Scraping against it
Tearing the skin
Ripping the flesh
And easing the pain
Or increasing it

At this point
I don't know
Emma Oct 2014
Te busco en las esquinas del pueblo
Te busco en los ojos de los caballeros  
Te busco como una niña perdida
busca a su madre
Con angustia, con miedo
Miedo a encontrarte entre otros brazos
Miedo de hallarte con otra boca
Pero aun asi tengo esperanzas
de encontrarte entero
porque de poder encontrar pedazos tuyos
eso si pude hacer
Encontre tus ojos mientras miraba el cielo estrellado
una noche oscura en el Beni
Halle tu sonrisa por ahi en el mar
azul de Brasil
Senti el rozo de tus dedos
Mientras el viento jugaba con mi pelo
en pleno Los Angeles
No te he perdido para siempre
Eso me sigo diciendo
Y sigo viajando porque
te sigo buscando con esperanzas
de poder juntar todos los pedazos tuyos
y que formen el rompe cabezas
mas bien rompe corazones y mentes y almas
y que finalmente te pueda nuevamente ver

Deje mi corazon en tus manos hace mucho tiempo
y al irme, me lo quise llevar
termino en dos pedazos
yo con una mitad y tu con la otra
espero que al igual que yo estes buscando la otra mitad
Me gusto mas cuando me veo con tus ojos.
Emma Aug 2015
I don’t regret meeting him because through him I met a lot of nice people and I don’t blame him for how I am and I still don’t know why we went through what we went through and I’m learning to be okay with that but it’s taking me time, like before I would dream of him and I’d wake up with an anxiety attack and I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t love him when I was with him, but later on it grew on me. But I’m slowly growing out of it. I don’t have panic attacks when I think of him anymore and my hands still get cold when I go to places where we use to go but I think I’m understanding what I’m worth more than anything. I read a quote one time that said “you can be with someone 2 years and
Feel nothing and you can be with someone for 2 months and feel everything” and I think that’s what happened so that’s why it’s taking me so long.
I'm getting better, I think.
Emma Sep 2015
You were the one
I wanted most to stay
You were the one
That got away

You were the one
I wanted most to stay
I'm sorry that I
Drove you away
I woke up this morning thinking of you and now I can't drown the feeling of losing you.
Emma Jan 2016
My arms will be a piano
for you to play the keys
I know they are hard
I'm sorry, there have been others.
my heart will be the drum
your feet will dance to
it is sometimes off beat
I'm sorry, there have been others.
My eyes will be your canvas
you can paint in them the stars
The darkness is already there
I'm sorry, there have been others.
my lips will be your clay
you will have to smooth out the rocks
I'm sorry, there have been others.
My body will be your artwork
you can put your autograph on the cover
I know there are other names printed
I'm sorry, there have been others.
The reason I made it a bit off is because I want the reader to feel how off it is. How off I feel after "there have been others", how off the person writing it a lover trying to explain how she can still be art even after having been used and chipped.
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