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Emma Dec 2015
The sky, the sky
was a perfect shade
of dark blue
the sky, the sky
won't stop reminding me
of you
The sky, they sky
was a perfect shade
of you
At least we sleep under the same sky.
Emma Apr 2014
And for a split second, there we were again. In a world with no troubles, summer had no end. The nights were long, but never too cold, for though the sun didn't shine, your strong arms never grew old. The stars, there were plenty, illuminated the rivers. All I could hear was your voice and the wilderness; all I could see was the beauty above. Your hand clamped in mine, your arm protecting me, felt so tied down, yet astonishingly free.

But then it was gone, so soon as it came. Your eyes suddenly vanished; dear, did you grow mute? The memory stayed but you left with the wind.
But no sooner do the stars come up, does it all start again. I hold you for seconds, I take you back in...the smell of your hat, the feel of your skin. Why do you torture me so? You're miles away but still drag me so low. But I think it's time I say bye, for holding on to your memory might cause me to die.

And maybe one day, you'll be lost in thought, will remember those nights that you'll think I forgot. And maybe that day, you'll come back to me, maybe not to stay, but to set me free.
To Jesse, the stars are in your eyes.
Emma Oct 2014
I wish I could write you a library
full of books containing all the
all the things I've been wanting to say to you
I wish I could send you the oceans in a jar
a drop for each tear
that spilled down for my face for you
I wish I could send you a desert in an envelope
each grain of sand representing the times you've
crossed my thoughts during and
run through my dreams
I wish I could send you the stars in a voicemail
one for every night I spent awake looking for you in the night sky
I would send you the moon on a postcard
To show you how far I've gone to find you in pieces of this world
the sun in a light bulb
to say that I still find the light that use to shine in your eyes
in everyone I meet

I would send you the silence in a small town at night
and the dark of a crowded forest
to show you my heart
now (but not for long)
It's a dark night of the soul.
Emma Jan 2016
There were words
Waiting to be said
There were things
Hidden in my head
That would hurt him
So I kept quiet instead
I'm glad I never told you.
Emma Jan 2016
This is not how I wanted it to be
At least not between you and me
He left and the roses died
Pain stayed but the tears dried
This is not how I wanted it to be
At least not between you and me
Two years ago we sat as lovers
Today we stand alone as strangers
This is not how I wanted it to be
At least not between you and me
I prayed the feelings would go away
And that peace would come to stay
This is not how I wanted it to be
Especially not between you and me
We sleep under the same sky tonight
I guess that's how I sleep at night
We sleep under the same sky, I guess that's how I sleep at night.
Emma Jan 2015
You look at me
as if the stars were my eyes
as if my very hands
had sculpted the moon
When I walk in the room
I notice your eyes roaming it in
search for my feeble body
You look through me
and see universes trapped inside
My tears are diamonds to you
Too precious to be wasted

You look at me as if I were everything
when to myself I am nothing

Thank you for showing me someone can love me
even when I do not love myself
Emma Apr 2014
People say
that time flies by
and one day
you realize as you're lying in bed
that you're 80 years old
and it's 3 in the morning
and you're trying to remember
what it was like to have
a 20 year old mind
and a 10 year old heart
but see
by the time I was 10
I already had a broken heart
see when I was 9
I met a boy whose eyes
put the stars to shame
a lad whose smile
could light up the entire world
see when I was nine
I met the boy of my dreams
But to him, I was but
another weird girl
see what he doesn't know
is that the first time I saw him
leaning up against that wall
I thought to myself
I don't want anyone else
but him
see what he doesn't know
is that as we grew older
I fell in love with him
see what he doesn't know
is that no matter how many times
he breaks my heart
my heart still looks
for him
but there is one thing
I know
and that is
that when time
suddenly flies by
and it's 3 in the morning
and I'm 80 years old
and have forgotten everything
and am trying to remember
what it was like to have
a 20 year old mind
and a 10 year old heart
I know
I know
that I will remember
My bestfriend.
Emma Oct 2015
Acho que a gente
Olha a os demais
Com o olho da mente
Você me calma
Do meu coração
Até os profundezas da minha alma
Eu fique com homens
que falavam que me amavam
Mas confundi sus golpes
Y os nomes que me chamavam
Com as carícias do amor
Que lamentavelmente deixavam
meu corpo de um cor
De azul e vermelho
Acho que você me olha
com o olho da mente
Você não é como os outros
Você não é como os demais
My first attempt at anything in Portuguese.

To the boy with the light brown eyes: I've never felt so seen before in my life.
Emma Nov 2015
I still remember
the first day I saw you
Your curls were
not yet existent
I said, "hello"
You said, "nice shoes"
I wasn't fully prepared
For someone who'd notice
shoes but I guess
You'd be the exception
2 years went by too fast
We walked the DC streets
Your hands on my back
My eyes on your eyes
We sat down on the floor
Of a library full of stories
And read love poems
Other people had written
"I promise you
I will try harder"
You read
These words were stuck in my head
You were only 22
I was barely 17
The day you told me you loved me
But try as you might
You couldn't love me sober
When you reached out
You reached beyond me
You changed my name
Into someone else's
How was I supposed to know
Love didn't always have to hurt
I haven't heard from you in a while
But some silent nights
I still listen to your voice
Even after going so long without it
I realized nothing had really changed
You still sounded like someone
Who had never truly been mine
You were never truly mine.

Edit: Funny thing is, he wrote me the day after I published this...but I finally learned to say no.
Emma May 2016
We don't talk anymore
So I'll write you letters in the stars, that way I'll know for sure
that you'll read them
I'll say, "I miss you"
"I hope we talk again"
"I hope you're well"
I'll be like the moon
And love you from a distance
We don't talk anymore
And I'm not sure what hurts more
The things you said
Or the ones you didn't
I still can't believe I lost you.
Emma Apr 2014
Somebody asked me
If I knew
The person that
Use to be you
I smile and said
You were my friend
Were because
It came to an end
Were because
Of all the fights
Or all the days
As dark as nights
Were because
Of hushed apologies
Of poisonous words
Of twisted theologies
Were because
I guess it's done
The final started
The end has begun
Friends can break hearts, too.
Emma Aug 2015
You are a whirlwind
Of fire and rain
A tornado
Of sadness and pain
My body is a ******* storm of sadness.
Emma Jan 2016
Hell for me was knowing I'd never love another the same way I loved you.

They tell me someone can't be both the poison and the curing potion but you somehow managed to cure a wound and cause another.

I remember the exact moment I fell in love with you except I wasn't just falling, I was drowning. I should've known.

Everything reminds me of you, even the things that don't.

We met at the wrong time. I'm still waiting for the moment you and time are on my side.

When we first met I was blue. I didn't love my sadness until  you told me your favorite color was navy blue.


I loved the cold until I found an indescribable winter inside me the day you left.
Forever living in winter solstice.
Emma Apr 2014
I told her
she was beautiful
And she looked at me
As if I'd kissed her

Maybe I did
Maybe I kissed her age old
Heart wounds
Whenever someone tells me I'm beautiful.
Emma Apr 2014
Writing is my most
Selfish act

I don't write for anyone
But myself

I don't write because
It's a want
I write because
It's a need

But I did once write
To bring you back
Emma Aug 2014
I use to write like
it was my only way to get oxygen
about all the things I wanted to do
places I dreamed to go
people I had met
and those I hoped to one day meet
my writing brought memories back to life
people back to life
feelings back to life
it would stop the the hands of time
but now I can't write because when I do
I write about you
and it brings it all back
and I feel like I do
after running a mile
in the middle of spring
and I'm asthmatic
Every morning I wake up and re-live this nightmare.
Emma Jan 2015
You were like spring  
to the winter of my soul.
Emma Apr 2014
You and your words
Got in my head
Dug their way
into my heart
My pain is
what they were fed
They illegally
Snuck into
My cracks
And gently sewed them up
They crawled to my bruises
And gave them gentle kisses
All the while saying
It's okay
You're okay
You're with me
Makes no sense what-so-ever. Written at 2:30 am. Only because I needed to get it out.
Emma Oct 2014
I want to be with someone
who cherishes my writing
who treats my poems as
pieces of a puzzle
that make up my soul
someone who
views every sentence I scribble
as a map clue
leading to the final treasure:
my heart.
Because no one I've met seems to genuinely like it.
Emma Sep 2015
"I carry your heart with me
(I carry it in my heart)"
I still do
I always will
If ever anyone carries my heart
It will be you
Heart to heart.
Emma Sep 2015
I loved you
You hurt me
You lost

The lines
I drew
You would cross

You were my muse
the poem to my
Robert Frost

I loved you
I left you
Your loss
I loved
I loathe you
Your loss

— The End —