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Gabriela F Sep 2017
Everything we were can be reduced to an incomplete kiss. We had the chemistry, but not the formula. We had the moment but it was taken by a blink of my eyes. We had our lips begging, but for different touches.

We had the perfect picture, but our idea of gradient was not the same, my was composed by different yellow tons and you simply can’t stand this color.  

Maybe this one fact could explain all that situation. I’m too much yellow to your color palette. I’m the color that gives you vertigo while you…

You were the mix of my favorite colors.
Now all I can see is gray.
Llamamos espejismo
A la ilusión en el desierto
Pero no al reflejo propio

Llamamos espejo
A la ilusión multiplicada
Y no a la mirada ajena

Pon tus pies a la luz
Y adéntrate en el desierto
De los hombres y mujeres

Desconfía de los ojos
Cuando veas tu reflejo
De frente y ataviado

Llámalo espejismo
Y que una suave vigilia
Te nuble el sueño.
(enero 2015)

— The End —