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Jan 2022 · 1.6k
Black Sheep
Sandman Jan 2022
People grow old
Like the withered roads they drive on
Like the houses who hold them while they dream
Forgetting their future one second at a time

The day after tomorrow
And the day before yesterday
Slipping away into distant worlds

People pretend to be people
Forgetting yesteryears memories
Who will be the last one standing

People wait nervously
For something that is nothing
For nothing that is something
Perpetuating endlessly
(Dreaming of black sheep)
A paradigm of calm insanity

People cry out into the dark
But only the soft ticking of clocks answers
Killing time with each inhale
Killing themselves with each exhale

In the end
The question is the same
On the hospital bed
Or on the battlefield
"What did I do to deserve this?"

Soil and flame pick apart the body
A ghost remains
The black sheep
Nov 2021 · 1.4k
Eternal Silence
Sandman Nov 2021
Eternal silence
Before the breaking light

The trees outside
With all their color
With all my color
Tumbling down
Into black and white

A sinking feeling
Origin unknown
Fleeting dreams
(Some mine, some not)
Absurdity moves through us

Random thoughts collecting
In the gutters of my mind

Concealed within a single teardrop
Falling from a roof top
The final step
The last breath
Oct 2021 · 623
Sandman Oct 2021
A falling tear in my dream
Tells me she's not real
Another tenant for my waking thoughts

A perfect snapshot of her smile
Lost in a twinkle of time

Spilled dreams washed up shore
Sep 2021 · 692
Sandman Sep 2021
Sisyphus is buried beneath my feet
I confess that I am happy
Dionysus is in my dreams
Keeping me drunk on love

Face pressed against the cold window
Were you ever real
Or just somebody to forget about
I feel myself suspended in love

With no direction
To no avail

Love is for the phantom mind
I wish I could tell you
That I am in love
With the idea of falling
In love with you
Aug 2021 · 1.2k
Sandman Aug 2021
A warm touch
To the aching heart
Seizes all thought

A nervous rush
Cycling deep inside
Hushed to sleep

By the memories
You emit sight unseen
Into my dreams
Aug 2021 · 1.3k
Sandman Aug 2021
The world contained within itself
Dragging along slower than time
How did we get here

A world beyond reason
Where the sinners are free
And the innocent in chains

These wicked wastelands
Run thick with blood
And endless suffering

The forests and skies
The creeks and rivers
Into shadows that speak our universal silence

All the smiles captured on film
Playing backwards until
There is nothing but an empty feeling

Of weighted loneliness
That burrows deep
Into my heart
First time posting in a long time! Miss writing poems :)
Mar 2020 · 420
Sandman Mar 2020
Seldom are the streets quiet
The children age by the window light
Outside it is spring

March brings the turning of the cold
The adults fester and rot, feeding themselves to their resting places

Wicked things brew far and wide
Sizzling and spewing like acid dissolving bone and flesh

The morning moon glimmering
Time has burned itself to the wax
Everyone is meandering their minds
Searching for a smooth door handle to grasp

There are doors but none to open
There are windows but none to peer out of
There are cars but no one to steer them
This is the apocalypse
Nov 2018 · 371
We are Death
Sandman Nov 2018
Death came down from the clouds.
So quietly.
So very softly.
He landed like a dragonfly on a flower.

Death is all of us.
Is in all of us.

I cried by your side as your breath blew away.
So now I'll wait for what feels like an eternity to be back with you.

The more I push away Death the harder he pushes back.
In the end we all die.

We all fall victim to the unavoidable.
Death is already here just look in the mirror.

We are Death.
We are the thing we fear.
We are what we strive not to be.
We are death.

RIP Smudge. My sweet kitten Smudge passed today from FIP.
Nov 2018 · 896
Fallout Ocean
Sandman Nov 2018
Taylored pockets fit for the poor.
Fit for helpless men wandering lonely and lost.
To shove away nostalgia.
Incompetent loose bodys trailing willfully into two worlds.
One remembered.
One forgotten.
Spitting dust at winter.
This is Deaths sunset.
But in the end even Death him self will perish.
Buried in bones.
Buried in blood as far as an eye can see.
Swimming in an ocean of ice
That liquidates into darkness.
To create a fallout ocean.
Oct 2018 · 2.6k
Deja Vu
Sandman Oct 2018
Somewhere out there is something through all the dangling darkness.
There is a pitter patter of reverse rain.
A string quartet of meaningless existentialism.
We are caught between two worlds.
There is no turning back.
Each person here to play their own part.
Every thought endlessly echoing for future generations.
For future generations.
I don't know why I am here, why I am enhanced and injected, with fear.
Perhaps that while death was sweeping the sea of people he forgot me.
The choreography of shooting stars passing by us.
Here we all are together in this world.
Love is like deja vu seemlesly causing the whole of the universe to function.
Woke up today in my dreams and I walked to a blurry window and looked outside and I could not tell what was real and what was just dreams.
I feel we have been told by society that dreams and things that we think are fake and only the tangible world is real.
But dreams and thoughts that we think are more real than anything.
For a half remembered dream was created by you and will stay with you.
Random thoughts repeating.
We are the children of tomorrow birthed from our ******* up insecurities that laugh at us.
Ha ha.
Based on the movie Synecdoche, New York
Oct 2018 · 421
New York Taxi
Sandman Oct 2018
Life is passing by a lot faster than I thought.
All my memories seem so far away.
It seemed just yesterday that I was on the train to New York City.
With the phantom lights dimmed down and my guitar in my hand.
Strumming away the days like grey rain raining down cafe jazz.
But now in my cup of coffee is a blurred reflection staring back at me.
All the things that I seen and all things that I have done stored in my memories.
I'm riding in the backseat of a taxi with my face pressed against the window looking out at familiar faces.
Life is passing by a lot faster than I thought.
This is from my imagination
Oct 2018 · 1.8k
Wandering Souls
Sandman Oct 2018
Up above.
Church bells that vibrate with resonance.
Down below.
The solid earth that grapples with the fear of an apocalypse.
Grass that grips and pulls.
Luminous moonlight from my distant dreams pooling from my pores.
This over growth is my home.
Down by the creek,
you'll find me if I am what you seek.
Turning water into wine.
When I close my eyes I know that there is no difference between this land and me.
Break the darkness.
Break the veil.
The green ones with their seeking limbs, filling up the air, filling up the forest deep.
The leaves and twigs that collect in the drifting yellow suns.
As the deer stood high on the cliff a delicate rain of golden tears shed light on solemn hidden faces.
Seeking light on this path of mine.
Dangling dark vines that swing like pendulums collecting lost souls.
Those that do not make it through left to perish,
left to die.
In tomorrow they restart.
High fidelity voices that press insecurity into them like fists in dough.
The voices in their heads.
They're slippin',
Shaking their heads trying settle down the storm of razor blades within.
There is no return from this far off tear filled island.
All that we see.
All that we are
is wandering souls lost in time.
First draft of spoken word poem
Oct 2018 · 493
Glass and Blood
Sandman Oct 2018
Tires gripping in the wet.
I am slipping.
Somewhere not here I am waiting for myself.
Tear drops the size of entire oceans rain down.
Can not see past my glass windshield.
Break down infrastructure of existence.
The premonition of my future.
The orchestra in me.
There is a dust in the air.
I am slipping.
What ever happened to me.
Immediate **** forward.
Off the cliff into the sea a thousand feet below.
I am weightlessly suspended in my golden light memories.
Way up here in the silence, the people down below carrying the weight of their problems.
All my life I have gripped the earth,
felt the power of the tree of life.
Is powerful and it breathes.
A flood of blood pours out of me.
Glass and blood tucks me in forever.
Oct 2018 · 500
In Yellow Waves
Sandman Oct 2018
She dreams in yellow waves.
In summer time she wishes that she were asleep than awake.
Eyes shut.
Weightless but not for long.
A shot of blood against the windshield.
She regrows her roots into consciousness at the speed of darkness.
She thinks.
Over contemplating the smell of burnt rubber and musky metal.
She watches her dislocated broken body wash from the ocean cliff into the abyss.
Oct 2018 · 370
A Random Thought
Sandman Oct 2018
It feels as though life is just a modgepodge of thoughts drifting like autumn winds in a China shop.
These endless thoughts that carry the weight of fallen birds.
I was really tired, like exhausted and I started writing without thinking and this is what I wrote.
Sep 2018 · 270
The Final Exhale
Sandman Sep 2018
Every now and then
A thought
Inside of us.
Lingering orchestral emotions stranded on the deaf note of darkness.
All this in the final exhale.
Sep 2018 · 739
Tree of Life
Sandman Sep 2018
Down inside of me something untouchable preludes my grace.
Leaves falling down like Chopin's Nocturne op.9 No. 2.
Through the looking glass a sail boat touches your watery eyes.
Standing by you.
Life is in the vine.
Hues of darkness against the light.
A thousand lifetimes in the flash of your smile.
Swan flight in the open field.
Breathe in and breathe out.
The softness your smile against the cold ice of death.
How does beauty and grace carry on even after death.
Up above in the clouds,
floating down down a creek
till the tree of knowledge is reached.
The tree of all life.
That which yields the ability to choose.
Sep 2018 · 765
Back to You
Sandman Sep 2018
A buzzing sound against my ears.
I think I'm dying.
I think I'm crying.
All the things you felt and every breath you took I can feel in my blush.
All that we are
Is a blink in time.
Star bombs blowing up inside of me.
Frame tick tick tock by frame.
These pre-chosen paths reside in me.
I'm thinking about you.
I'm trippin' backwards.
Falling forwards.
Back to you.
Aug 2018 · 421
Future World
Sandman Aug 2018
My synthetic sleep catching up with me.
In the darkest hour
all my past and future selves collect into one.
Falling apart.
Piece by piece.
This artificial world, what ever happened to you?
This insomniac world that never goes to sleep.
How did we get here?
Disconnected people polluting the hallow veins of earth.
We think we are free but we are caged in by our highly technologicaly advanced smart phones.
Through out the existence of mankind we have sought to create tools which would further our abilitys to live easier lives but now we have surrendered to our own creation.
Have we become subjected to empty shells or is there still hope?
Somewhere out there is a future world surging with infinite peace.
Aug 2018 · 317
Sandman Aug 2018
Insanity creeping up behind me.
On the soft note
I become the victim.
The colors of the rainbow are changing.
The colors are changing.
Aug 2018 · 710
Era of Peace
Sandman Aug 2018
Every moment.
Any moment.
Could be that moment.
That last life breath would escape.
And you would fall
And die.
So in this moment of reckoning we stand still.
In the light of a new era
We breathe golden light.
Light pulled down from the heavens above.
We are rooted to the earth.
To the rivers.
To the rocks.
To mountains high.
Golden sacred light flows deep through the energy veins.
It flows through everyone of us causing a great surge of Enlightenment.
An infinite moment of peace for all life and all who dwell on this Blue and green planet.
Long has the fight between light and dark dwindled on the strings of the human race but now
We are free.
Now we stand together.
United we are everything.
The light will break every darkness and will echo through out time and the universe.
Aug 2018 · 1.1k
Happy Life
Sandman Aug 2018
When we were young and beautiful,
We would so gallantly bathe in glorious sunlight.
So that when dawn would break, the black ravans would flutter and float into the dying of the dark like swollen embers from a marmalade campfire.
I can not recall such bliss and happiness.
Seconds go by.
Minutes taken away.
A gratitude for life.
Hours gone by.
Its time to go in.
Days go by.
The moment of bliss slips through our fingers like dusty sand.
Weeks whizzing by.
Taxman coming down on us.
Years torn up like wasted paper.
You are dangling by your neck.
Decades crumbling down like collapsing buildings.
I my elderly self rests in my shallow presense enjoying the antique memories of what a happy life looks like.
Poem about a guy who recalls when he was young the small but yet blissful moments he had that were slowly etched away by not taking control of life.
Aug 2018 · 602
Artificial World
Sandman Aug 2018
Till I escape, I am unkown.
Perceived in shattered reflections.
I am the absence of what I think I am.
Falsified reality shows me a series of random fates.
Lucid imagery clouding up my mind.
Stray from empty streets.
The lone wolf in me howling.
Till I break these iron shackles I remain tethered to an artificial world.
Jul 2018 · 813
Sandman Jul 2018
Walking out on open water.
Where I am going I ask my self.
These shattered dreams
sewn through my soul like needle and thread.
A figment of the unknown.
Aware in all directions.
Life is in a rain drop falling from the tips of a sacred tree.
And you and me, we would dance in the rain.
Years flowing by and time after time we would get older and older.
into the stars.
Open up your heart and see the universe within.
So many colors in the sky.
Somewhere vivid cuts the light.
Beauty leaks from shattered points.
I do not know where I am going but in this place I know I am safe.
Jul 2018 · 421
Sandman Jul 2018
Close your eyes.
Let your body relax.
Let every tissue, muscle and fiber dilate into the clouds.
Collapse into dust, into the other world, break out from this planet.
Reach out.
Way out there in the middle of nowhere, where nothing even exists, where you will soak in a cosmic bath of star waves.
Where you can drift on cosmic waves of energy then slowly dilate into a more vivid world.
Jul 2018 · 1.6k
Sandman Jul 2018
Life is something we can not even define yet it is the very reason that we wake up in the morning.
So many people in this earth and so many caught up this fools chase of money.
They never realize how special every single one of them is because all they've ever known is how to survive and EXIST in a world where nobody will ever warn them of their insanity because they are too busy paying attention how many likes or how many views their last post got.
In every moment you are granted a choice: live or exist.
Maybe wake up from this slumber and start loving the world around you.
Because if life is so important to us the that we fear losing it, then why do we spend our days trapping ourselves in a  game where all we do is exist.
Jul 2018 · 518
Sandman Jul 2018
Ashes all around.
The bombs were blasting on the ground.
These city lights dying.
The airplanes in the sky.
Time stood still for a moment.
So you thought you could escape.
So you thought would run
And try to hide.
In the darkness of the night when the moon was bright and the light of dawn was breaking through, did the city collapse.
In the end the only one left was death.
All the faces we passed and all the smiles we shared are blowing around stupidly in the wind.
Heaven only knows
What golden light would peirce the clouds.
Reaching out to the sun
To the above.
We are all just fragmented space colliding amongst each other.
Jul 2018 · 510
The Endless Sunrise
Sandman Jul 2018
Feathery wind blows my hair.
Golden dust collecting at my feet.
Sunlight breaking through at the brink of dawn.
An awesome collusion of colors in the sky.
Ashes free falling all over me.                  
Explosive hearing damage.
I hold my breath and close my eyes.
Fading out into the stars.
Warm water filling up my lungs.
I'm waking up on a beach with you.
There is no time.
Our mortal bodys rest trapped in a car buried in the ocean.
We are infinity.
We are bound to nobody or nothing.
Day after day.
The endless sunrise.
Jun 2018 · 488
Twenty four seven
Sandman Jun 2018
Twenty four seven.
Clock stops.
Phone rings.
I got space cadets dropping like bombs.
Certain smells bring back memories.
Bling bling bling.
Ca-ching ca-ching ca-ching.
Dollar bills bleeding out of me.
I got a criminal mind.
I never see behind.
I only look ahead.
And I can't remember what I even said.
It seems to me that I'm just heading forward into the future.
Everybody around me stops the clocks as their mind rock on the fine line between fantasy time and reality.
Time goes back.
And the phone rings.
The world goes black.
And I go back to the start.
Twenty four seven.
This is a poem about a guy who is into crime but can not remember anything at all. He thinks that he is moving forward but he is not. The week resets itself so that he is in a never ending loop of crime but unaware.
Jun 2018 · 305
Sandman Jun 2018
A humming sound inside my cotton ears.
Vibrating at the speed of sound.
I can't hear your voice.
Between flaky birch trees there is a hidden mysterious wind.
We can not go back.
Ominous clouds craddle me in blessed light.
In this golden dust we sleep.
I shut my eyelids and let the weight of the universe hold me down.
It's everywhere.
In the shadows of my life.
Through out my wholesome slumber it is quiet.
When I wake the sound will return
The sound will return.
The sound will return.
Inspired by Hearing Damage by Thom Yorke
Jun 2018 · 1.1k
White Nothing
Sandman Jun 2018
When you come up too fast and your breath leaves you.
Your mind spins round.
Sirens flooding out white noise.
Nothing really matters as you trip over yourself.
Majestic space collecting itself.
Back to the never ending repeat beat.
Eight track dusty film reeled up in my head.
Electric jolt, slap my face.
Reality cracks and the clocks going back.
Little bites at a time.
Free fallin'
Never stopin'.
All the way,
full throttle into the great white nothing.
Into the era of no escape.
Jun 2018 · 341
The Invasion
Sandman Jun 2018
Field of vision blocked.
Spaceship halo rays for us.
Slip into the sky.
May 2018 · 400
Sandman May 2018
We are all imortal gods of Earth.
Brewn from the great conscieness.
Woven through matter.
Wholesome laughter echoes among hidden forests.
Concealed within us is a vibrating boisterous light that defines the proximity of the universe.
Collapse into a million pieces and the children of tomorrow would look up into the night and wish upon scattered remnants.
Love is the universal language of consciousness.
Apr 2018 · 355
Back to the Begining
Sandman Apr 2018
The reverse piano roll startles my memories I store inside me.
I whip-crack back to the begining.
A purple haze glazzing the infinite horizon.
Everything I've lost comes back.
As I go back the rapid flash of a thousand lightning strikes silently illuminates the intake of my breath.
We are just here under the light
While the remainders live in the darkness of tomorrow.
Mar 2018 · 407
For the Pleasure of my Mind
Sandman Mar 2018
I found myself against your shirt.
Buryed deep in your grace.
Don't you let go of me.
Your tears smell of sadness.

You pulled away and now I'm sad.
I'm growing up old and mad.
Synthetic smiles
Seen for miles.
I wish I could feel you one last time.
To tell you it would all be fine.

Life is beautiful like the warmth I used to feel between us.
Your a sudden drop from my heart.
I'll try and think of all the happy things we used to do.
Pay attention to the detail.
Certain smell
Texture taste.
The more I remember the more I destort because certain things we did can not be recreated for the pleasure of my mind.
Mar 2018 · 595
Sandman Mar 2018
Black soot coats the earth as falling bombs in an airstrike wipe us out.
Fallen bodies cluttering broken streets, 1944, the soldiers march through a ****** fog. A city once full of life lay dead and covered in blood. Like graceful synchronized swimmers the soldiers compress the soot with the heels of their boots. The weight of the rifles grows heavier as the march goes on.


Solidifying into solid lead. The blue sky whistles bombs like children whistling to lullaby's. One by one they melt into puddles. One by one the black  bombs shred us apart.
I was inspired by Pink Floyd,s The Wall
Mar 2018 · 569
Wax Sculpture
Sandman Mar 2018
Plastic water dripping all over me.
You scream at me and all I do is scream inside.
I collect everything.
Sculpt it.
Shape it.
Make it.
Solidifying while I'm crying.
Sticky gooey insanity contracts me into a wax sculpture.
You just watch me.
Collect my thoughts.
Watch me melt as I burn down like a forest on fire.
Mar 2018 · 301
Sandman Mar 2018
Dreams sought to find sound;
to be real
Faces washed over me.
I'm pushing through a deaf crowd.
Its black and white like old film flickers.
An orchestra plays for me.
They go deeper and deeper the more the music speeds up.
Finally I snap like a twig.
I'm slammed back to where I was before.
Put out my mind like a wild fire.
Don't need my dreams today.
Only my time.
I look out the window as cars and faces
and busy bumbling people scrub
the surface of my window.
Time flies.
But after a while I start hearing a noise coming from the back of the room.
Kinda scratchy.
Kinda old.
Then louder and louder and LOUDER.
It was the sound of the music from my dream.
Feb 2018 · 403
Sandman Feb 2018
We are the stars.
The dust of the cosmos.
Our thoughts are the immortal children of a never ending time.
While we burn out like strands of christmas lights our light travels on for infinity reaching (but never touching) the outskirts of the universe.
Feb 2018 · 783
Dandelion Snow
Sandman Feb 2018
Sunlight cups the water wind.
Wisper the cold valley into my head.
Moutain edges cut the horizon for miles and miles.
Wet stone like charcoal
Dipped in Irish green moss
Caught in the ocean mist.
Standing in the icy creek with waterfall water washing at my skin. Light blissfully rests on my closed eye lids.
Feel the ground.
Empathy for the folds in the valley light that crawls along magnificent for infinity.
I can feel the dandelion spores.
They swing on strings and bring the clouds down.
They pick apart all the clouds until it snows.
Snow silently crystallizes leafless birch trees.
Winter flows in every direction until the creek unfreezes.
Feb 2018 · 435
Stampeding thunder
Sandman Feb 2018
My porcelain body crashes.
Light explodes for infinity.
Silently expanding on the dust of the revolving universe.
Vibrating against time.
Golden light specks charge the black void, powering stars and planets.
A blue flame blooms across the universe.
I am
falling off my feet
into another world
one that goes beyond
In the silence of the night the wolves of the cosmos howl like stampeding thunder.
Sandman Jan 2018
There is a place between life and death
A place where you can bathe in nebulas and saturate your skin in the dust of the stars.
Where colors consume you.
And angels play medicinal harps.
Rainbow flares and flashs kiss your  eyes.
Sound is felt within every part of your consciousness.
So open your eyes as wide as you can so you can see the universe as it was ment to be.
Jan 2018 · 415
Fragments of you
Sandman Jan 2018
I am driving along the coastline of my mind.
Sunshine swingin over my head.
Blue light pooring out of my heart.
Waves dance putting me into a trance.

I've been dreaming of you in another world.
I am traveling down the valley in the middle of my mind.
I look out the window while your silhouette remains silent.
Memories splatered all over the road.
Fragments of you glitter in the oblivion of my mind.
Jan 2018 · 291
Sandman Jan 2018
We are here in this time
Not that time
Nor any other time
But this time

Some where vivid in my dreams
Is a clock
Set for ever

When I wake up I will not know of
And my dreams

But only of you
Jan 2018 · 314
Sandman Jan 2018
Painter sits down
Strokes sun light dipped in moon light upon fjord.
Crystalline blood blooms from valley.
Bird flys high in the sky.
Wind speaks for the earth.
The waves crash amongst each other like uncontrollable dominoes.
In the forest
Alone are the spirits
Wolves and deer stand restrained by there own silence as the golden sun rises.  
The painter redips his brush.
Dec 2017 · 417
Repeat track
Sandman Dec 2017
Words turned
I'll drown in the storm of letters
Repeat every words
For every thing is played back on a never ending repeat track
Repeat track
Repeat track
Dec 2017 · 477
Sandman Dec 2017
Faces stuck like sticky notes to my face.
Tear drops falling off of my dry iris.
Layers shedding like peeling deseased skin.
Memories washed and chopped.
Boiled and broiled.
I while the world goes deaf cry at the bay of my mind.
A sensation of awkward emptyness collects inside me.
The wind blows around inside of me like a wirl pool.
Spiraling upward and out my mouth.  
I am hallow shell on the bay of my mind watching the never ending sunrise
Just letting everyone know that this poem is about depression though I don't have depression. I wrote the poem based on how I feel when I am really sad.
Dec 2017 · 151
Sandman Dec 2017
Shape the world
don't let the world shape you.
Dec 2017 · 279
The rustle of leaves
Sandman Dec 2017
We rustle black leaves with the trot of our feet. Our fleeting feet stumbling against the exhale of death.
We tripped.
We fell.
And all was swell.
Right before our last inhale.
Then we went pale.
Dec 2017 · 409
Falls final execution
Sandman Dec 2017
A winter dusk is falling over the blank sky like blury rain drops smearing a car window
The final execution of Fall before the suns decresendo calls to the spirit of the moon
The snow will come like an ocean iced with fire and will spread drowning everything in its beauty.
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