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Aug 2015 · 1.3k
Summer Rain
BlueAliceOasis Aug 2015
All Day
I could stay by the window
Listening and watching
Clear gray skies
And the fall of the rain
On a Summer's day.
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
BlueAliceOasis Jul 2015
Like a child who drew
Rain and Clouds
On a dusty window
On a clear and sunny day.
Inspired by a poem on this site called Optimist.
Jul 2015 · 2.4k
The Fan
BlueAliceOasis Jul 2015
Sometimes, I'm just like
"Is the fan even on?
I feel the vibrations of its movement
In my ears
But I don't feel it".
Does the fan even work?
Does fan even exist?
Jun 2015 · 839
Us (Long Ago)
BlueAliceOasis Jun 2015
I remember when we were One,
Me and you.
Together, us, inseperable
Before it all.

War, that killed,
Emotions, people, our love.
That split us into one,
Two, three, four
All the same
We are no more.

No longer is our love,
My love.
We are individuals.
We are many.

We have lost us.
And we've lost ourselves.
Before we became
May 2015 · 673
I Don't Know (The Poem)
BlueAliceOasis May 2015
"I don't know", I always say.
" Do you know ANYTHING??"
"Yes. I don't remember the sound of my mother's voice".
This is truth.
May 2015 · 1.7k
Bound By The Rail
BlueAliceOasis May 2015
I love being free.
To be no longer bound
By the Rail is freedom.
To be slowed down no longer
By protection.

But to be free.
No longer bound by the rail.
Openly prone to harm and danger.
Is to be no longer bound
By the Rail.
May 2015 · 405
I Think I'm Depressed
BlueAliceOasis May 2015
I seriously think I'm depressed.
I'm pretty sure I know why.
Yet it feels like I don't know.
I'm so confused.
I've left a place of joy prematurely.
(For a perfectly valid and understandable reason)
To return to a place of stress and *******.
Back to memories and the same sights.
Oh how I miss the place of wonder.
Peace. Freedom. Pure happiness.
To this place.
"Everybody says that when they leave" you may say.
"Everybody has their problems at home".
But it's deeper than that.
My problems are more legitimate than you think.
What I have to return to is nothing happy.
Nothing feels the same.
I'mstarting to see life with a different pair of eyes.
I'm so confused.
I'm not sure of anything.
Except I want to go back forever.
Or until things are better.
I know for sure
I don't want to be here.
May 2015 · 525
BlueAliceOasis May 2015
I lost you.
(All my own fault)

You left me.
(All my own fault)

I tried to get you back.
(I failed)

I thought you would forgive me
And come back.
(You didn't).

You hate me now.
Or probably I'm simply not worth remembering.

Now I bleed.
Now I bleed.
Now I bleed...
May 2015 · 652
Me Myself and I
BlueAliceOasis May 2015
Me, Myself and I
The Starving Boy
The Lacking Boy
The Alone Boy
The Melancholy Boy
The Misunderstood Boy
The Demented Boy
The Clueless Boy
The Intelligent Boy
The Loathed Boy
The Provoked Boy
The Ignored Boy
The Aggravated Boy
The Livid Boy
The Cowardly Boy

The Rather Miserable Epic Failure of a Boy and maybe as a human being.
May 2015 · 661
BlueAliceOasis May 2015
"Sometimes, there are questions that I have, That bother me", She says.
Where are these questions from?
Up above,
Or All Around us?
I already know what questions they are.
Or to be more precise, the type.
They are questions,
That only others
Have the answers to.
That will change the way I
You and me
You and he
She and me.
That can only be answered
Not by the Genuine answer,
But only by LIES
Meant to satisfy
The Deluded Ones.
May 2015 · 7.8k
Pain, Pain (Having no WiFi)
BlueAliceOasis May 2015
Pain, pain.
Shame, shame.
Why can't we all be friends?
Sorrow, sorrow.
Fear, fear.
Why am I so afraid?
A people hating its own
So much hate, pain, fear.
Why can't we just be at peace?
You can never truly win.
Your negatives will always outweigh
The positives.
True happiness is nonexistent.
Why? Why?
Why can't  we reason together?
Sit and drink tea together?
Why all the schisms and hypocrisy
And hatred? Bias?
Why am I here?
What is my purpose?
What is my existence?
Do I mean anything to anyone?
BlueAliceOasis May 2015
Trying to find my way.
Summer nights.
It is still not the same.
May 2015 · 815
Is This The End?
BlueAliceOasis May 2015
Is this The End?
Because if so,
I'm sorry.
That Paradise
Was Lost.

The End to all
Our Hopes
And Dreams.
The End
To all Our
We've Lost
So I'm sorry.
BlueAliceOasis May 2015
I can't sleep.
I can't dream.

No longer
Can I discern Reality
From Fantasy.

I thought I was healing, but
I guess not.

I don't know who I am anymore.

— The End —