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Starry Sep 2019
I walk to fight
The demons
Of the past
That I fight inside me
So I go out for a walk
I the hopes that this battle
Can ease off
But sometimes
It does ease
And some times the painfull drama previails
So I take another walk.
Sep 2019 · 283
Strange stone
Starry Sep 2019
In a sea and mountain of liquid mercury
One of the toxic elements
There on top is a yellowwish
Orangery topazy with
Silver spheres
Problebly baodings of  varying sizes
Is this a dream or did I take my meds
Sep 2019 · 142
Vaporwave friends
Starry Sep 2019
In the parking lot
Two friend
Talk to eacother
Catching up and
Remembering the good
Old days before
Te pink and purple vaporwave sky disappears
Into the night.
Sep 2019 · 90
Purple catastrophe
Starry Sep 2019
Purple ocean
Purple waves
Pink sky and
Purple clouds
This cruise as gone vaporwave
And soon everything is in pixels......
Some vacation!!!!
Sep 2019 · 98
Rush hour
Starry Sep 2019
Freaking rush hour
I am either
Trying to get home
Or get to a flight
This time it's a flight
And there are many cars
Stop and go
Will I make it to my flight
On time
Or will I miss it because of
Rush hour.
Sep 2019 · 214
Starry Sep 2019
Shouldn't we all
Be hippies
And flower childrrn
For they are happy
And easy going
The world would
Be a better and
Happier place.
Sep 2019 · 122
Starry Sep 2019
A lifeless
Cold barren
Waste land at
The other end of the world
But when I see it
I see life
And a interesting place
Think positive.
Sep 2019 · 100
City leaving
Starry Sep 2019
As the cruise ship
Lives the city
I wonder what
On the other side of
the pond
Sep 2019 · 85
Tornado of emotions
Starry Sep 2019
My emotions twisted up
and destructive
like a tornado
Watch out for my mood
The winds
And my annoyance the
Window speed
Watch it I might tear your roof
Stay out of my way.
Sep 2019 · 69
Love and remember
Starry Sep 2019
Who ever said
Love and forget
Is wrong
You will love
And you want to remember
They betray you
Then love and forget.
Sep 2019 · 381
Blood on lips
Starry Sep 2019
Hey squashhead
See that blood on your lip
It's not from a fight
It from a fight you
Are going to have
With cancer
A fight
You mostly not win
If you keep on freaking smoking
That blood is from your damaged longs
Sep 2019 · 113
After hours
Starry Sep 2019
As the light hit s the out line over her face
Just by the outline
That this is
A tortured
Soul both
And physically
For she
Had childhood trauma in her life
But as broken as she is
She tougher than leather
Ans wants to live life
Sep 2019 · 297
Ranoldie Love Morty MD
Starry Sep 2019
Try learning that
You very first love
Is druggie
And has ***
When she used to be so brilliant
And loving
And full of life
When you two had
So much in common
That is pain
Right there.
This is the poem of my first love  who is in a desperate situation
Sep 2019 · 106
Early childhood trauma
Starry Sep 2019
You want to know about pain
Try going to sleep
Having nightmares about
Your trauma

You want to know about pain
Try waking up to
The flashbacks
Of the physical
You endured

Want to know about about pain
Try having people trigger you

Try living with it all your f*cking life
Sep 2019 · 140
Colours wash of life
Sep 2019 · 76
Love letter to Hill
Starry Sep 2019
My loving Hill
My sweet heart, I cannot wait to start and finish med school. So we can be together both as lovers and coworkers. Two pathologists, two persons one soul.
I hope that your kisses taste as sweat as your sound.

Your lover
I know this is not a poem. But wanted to share it with you.
Sep 2019 · 132
Poem of love lost
Starry Sep 2019
Love has come and gone
The trust is fleeting
Like blossoms
On a tree
How can I tell witch is
Loving fact
Or hurtful lie
When you betray
Our love
I am like seasons
I come in phases
And I know that I will find
Another in the spring
This is not my current situation but it was In the past.
Sep 2019 · 3.3k
Love letter
Starry Sep 2019
Dearest darling Hill Morty
I am writing this told tell you them I wasn't able to talk to you my love. Our loving conversations  that which we have keep me sane. I cannot til we me and have that first real kiss. I can just feel it now.

Your lover
This is my love letters to my boyfriend.
Sep 2019 · 118
Trading souls
Starry Sep 2019
One night
God and the great satan
Were in the graveyard
And trade souls
From the
And from the ******
The blessed when to paradise
The ******
Where cast
Into the hell fire
Every Halloween.
Sep 2019 · 322
Fading Colours
Starry Sep 2019
As the anime thinker
Is contemplating
On her pas
Different things
The good
To the not so good
But she sits and stares
In to
As if catatonic
Or ******
But then
She realizes
Let your
Sep 2019 · 209
Of boeing's and butterflies
Starry Sep 2019
As the boeing's engines
To fail
Gaint purple butterfly swaps in
To save
The plane
It's passengers
And its crew
From certain
Sep 2019 · 155
Creations in the sky
Starry Sep 2019
As I go
I see that someonr
A sharpie
And draw all over the sky
As the sun sets
Are the work of the creator
For only
It can do this
In a drawing
Sep 2019 · 234
Hell Dippers
Starry Sep 2019
The love we shared
With each other
Has gone to hell
And back
Now our love
Forms the stars
Of the Dippers
Sep 2019 · 484
Ripped and cracked
Starry Sep 2019
The whole universe cracks
And the fabric of
time and space
Sep 2019 · 84
What love is
Starry Sep 2019
The bull
The drama
The cheating
The lies
The trust of another
The Loyalty
The compassion
The romance
and passion.
The caring
Aug 2019 · 125
Ptsd poem 36
Starry Aug 2019
Dad stop
Forcing me to
smile and laugh
I am not a dog or cat
I will
Smile and laugh
On my terms
Aug 2019 · 137
Ptsd poem 35
Starry Aug 2019
Did I will
Started smiling
And being respectful
When people aren't going to try to cure
And autism
But accept people like me
As we are
Aug 2019 · 102
Ptsd poem 34
Starry Aug 2019
Aug 2019 · 155
Ptsd poem 33
Starry Aug 2019
Since the TV
Looks down upon
My fellow sufferers
I look at the TV with derision
Look down at it
I do watch it
For the ignorance
It prepelles.
Aug 2019 · 127
Ptsd poem 32
Starry Aug 2019
Dear Unfollower
I have a medical condition
With a name and
That name is
Post traumatic stress disorder
If you don't
Enjoy or
Like the things I
Write about then
Forever hold you peace
Thank you
Aug 2019 · 293
PTSD poem 31
Starry Aug 2019
PTSD is a form
Of stress, anxiety, and worry
It is not a flipping
Excuse to
Act like animal
So criminals grow up
And admit you faults
Cause this is
******* me off.
Aug 2019 · 13.3k
Starry Aug 2019
This is no
Ordernary bus
You do go on it
To go to work
Or to school
Work and school is
Battle field
And your job is to save the world.
Aug 2019 · 12.9k
The axe
Starry Aug 2019
The guy looks like he is going
To climb Mt Everest
But that axe isn't for ice
It's for fighting off enimes
And saving the world
Swing he will
If you get in the way of
His goals.
Aug 2019 · 10.7k
Pretty in pink
Starry Aug 2019
This pink teddybear
Is not like all
Pink teddybears
You don't want to take
Her to the hospital
Or to a sleepover
For she has
An additude
A foul mouth
Aug 2019 · 175
Star of achievement
Starry Aug 2019
With the fact that
This young woman
Did a lot more
Than house work
And Imvu
This week she
Proudly holds
Up a star
Offering it
To the creater.
Aug 2019 · 110
On the rocks
Starry Aug 2019
The bartender asked
Dark matter
What do you Want to
He said that he wanted
A tiny star
On the rocks
Thus the star is gone.
Aug 2019 · 152
Shine star
Starry Aug 2019
Little star
As Rihanna
Shine bright like
A diamond
A diamond in the sky
Or star.
Aug 2019 · 311
Bottle poem two
Starry Aug 2019
This empty
Bottle of Lemonade
Though ankockious
It my minds play thing
I can set it up
Take pics
The way I want to.
Aug 2019 · 326
Bottle poem one.
Starry Aug 2019
On the stone wall
There stands
An empty bottle of
It was throughly
By the person
Who left it there.
Aug 2019 · 176
Billionaire sight
Starry Aug 2019
As I fly in
My private jet
I sea as we climb allitude
The clouds rolling
Over the mountains
As the sun rises
What a wonder full
Aug 2019 · 104
Drive through turkestan
Starry Aug 2019
The rosd to
Is along
And ordugious
But if you think it is
With it
Then take the trip
There are many landscape and scenes
From history.
Aug 2019 · 135
A river of tears.
Starry Aug 2019
Cry me a river
For crying
Is the best
Way to let it out
With out
Using the F word
There is no shame in it.
Aug 2019 · 150
Don't do it
Starry Aug 2019
Little girl
Don't do it
There is hope
There is a light at the end of
Of the tunnel
Silver linings
And without darkness
We cannot see the moon
And the stars.
We All go through this at some point.
Aug 2019 · 137
For the better
Starry Aug 2019
We all
Change places
We All change time and history
We All change our
We can change the future
For the better.
Aug 2019 · 63
Sound off
Starry Aug 2019
Desperate person
I just want you to
Know that I am hear
If you need me
Need and ear to sound off on
Some to get you through
This hard time.
Aug 2019 · 347
Imagine space
Starry Aug 2019
When I see a
Clear dusk sky
In the evening
I like to imagine
We have more neighbors
In our solar system
And that we have more moon
Like that of a scifi or fantasy novel
Back to reality.
Aug 2019 · 80
Starry Aug 2019
Beyond someone's
There stand a body of water
A pond
The evening
How surreal
Yet beautiful
Aug 2019 · 134
Imvu chat room
Starry Aug 2019
Is this an imvu
Chat room
Hell no
This  is made by the universe
Not related on
A mortals compute
See the sheer beauty
Of it all
The i Island and a bridge.
Aug 2019 · 464
Alpine flowers
Starry Aug 2019
I the alps
There are
Many a wildflower
And flerishing
Aug 2019 · 464
A rive flows through
Starry Aug 2019
As an ice River flower
The locals
Say it was from the gods
And goddesses
Of the Himalayan
For each peak
Is the home of either.
So when you see a river
Think where it came from
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