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Nov 2015 · 453
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Sorrow Cain Nov 2015
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Gazing into summer nights,
Sleeping under city lights.
Wishing on a star so bright,
To get the wish I wish tonight.

Wish to be, woe behold,
An angel with a heart of gold.
Who, for those with broken souls,
Paints their smiles, and fills their holes.
No idea what this is
Oct 2015 · 330
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Sorrow Cain Oct 2015
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Why is it so hard to find an unbiased opinion?
Oct 2015 · 514
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Sorrow Cain Oct 2015
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The world is full of obvious things that no one by any chance ever observes.
Oct 2015 · 443
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Sorrow Cain Oct 2015
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These mere words can't capture,
The things I hold inside,
They dance and tease, just out of reach,
The monotonous draw just not quite.

The rhyming poems do not rhyme,
The sentences bland and bleak,
The quotes and sayings out of time,
The powerful seem weak.

The story sometimes moves too fast,
Sometimes far too slow,
The characters aren't alive,
The paragraphs don't flow.

The twists are pitiful and turns are weak,
And easy to predict,
The truth as truth is never true,
And sense doesn't click.

It doesn't weave into a web,
But into a chaotic knot.
Where grass is blue, and crystals grey,
Straying from the plot.

My thinking far too twisted,
For people to understand,
for all extents and purposes, this poem has been left incompleted. Partly because it will amplify the meaning of this poem, mostly because I'm dead tired and can't be bothered. Feel free to use it, just put my name on it and send me a message so I can see.

S. Cain
Oct 2015 · 519
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Sorrow Cain Oct 2015
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Hope. It's as pointless
As waiting for the waves to
Come and take you away.
So effing bored!!!
Oct 2015 · 510
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Sorrow Cain Oct 2015
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"One night, Zhuang Zhou dreamt he was a butterfly. He was a happily fluttering butterfly. It was so much fun. He could fly wherever he wanted. And he had no thought of being Zhou, but suddenly he woke up, and was startled to find that he was now Zhou. He couldn’t decide: Was he Zhou who’d dreamt he was a butterfly or a butterfly now dreaming he was Zhou? Between being Zhou and a butterfly, surely there must be some distinction. This is what we call the transformation of things."
No by me!!!
Oct 2015 · 300
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Sorrow Cain Oct 2015
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Summer nights and city lights,
High in the sky, though out of sight,
A guiding light, shining bright,
A wish to be made tonight.

Summer nights and city lights,
Wish upon a star so bright,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.
I feel like writing about stars today...
Oct 2015 · 313
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Sorrow Cain Oct 2015
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Star light, Star bright, First star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight...
Sep 2015 · 397
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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A desperate cry, a frantic shout,
But all is final, fate is out,
Sit against the wall, but it's too late,
Pulse fading, crimson through lines so straight,
A slit of light, falls on your tears,
Try to plead, but no one hears,
Didn't want, to go that far,
But there's no going back, as the devil laughs
You ask who it is, the cunning elf,
Why it's sitting on the floor, it is myself.
Sep 2015 · 383
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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You call me a freak,
You call me a ****,
You say I'm mental,
You say I cut.

I shrug them off,
And laugh it away,
But the scars are still there,
Getting bigger everyday.

Maybe I am mental,
Maybe I hear voices in my head,
Maybe every time you bully me,
Maybe I see red.

Maybe I do care,
When you insult me,
Maybe I die a bit inside,
And yearn to be free.

Free of this body,
Free of
And most importantly,
Free of  Y O U
Sep 2015 · 419
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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You scrub away the blood,
And wipe away the dirt,
And put on a clean, free expression,
Pretend you're unhurt,

You convince yourself relentlessly,
That you're okay, you're fine,
That you don't swallow your sobs,
You've got a smooth, uncracked design.

You don't cry yourself to sleep each night,
You're as happy as can be,
You're not yearning and pleading,
I wish I was anyone but me...
Sep 2015 · 566
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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Everyone wanted to test me,
To see if I would break.
Everyone wanted to take down my walls,
To see if I was fake.

Good job, you have broken me,
And I'm never going to mend,
Good job, my walls are down,
And now you can see my ends.

You saw more than you wanted to,
But you can't forget now,
My death is on your hands,
Let's see if I can break thou.
Sep 2015 · 573
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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Anger, anger, the only thing on my mind,
As you smiled sickly, and left me behind.

Sadness, Sadness, the only thing I feel,
As you lied through your teeth, leaving nothing real.

Despair, despair, the only thing in my heart,
As you stomped out my hope, and tore my soul apart,

Betrayal, betrayal, the word rings in my ears,
As you strutted away, leaving me in tears.

They said don't judge a book by its cover,
But thats what I did with you,
You were just a lie,
You were nothing real.

I was a dainty white rose,
But now I have grown thorns,
I don't trust anymore,
A demon reborn.
Sep 2015 · 2.9k
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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I'm writing these are a class project! Feel free to judge!

The starry night, filled with light,
Mother Nature at her height,
Wall of blaze, so scarlet bright,
None near escaping, no one might.

Flames rose, higher and higher,
Shrieks and screams, life so dire,
Then silent came, peace a liar,
For thousands died in the roaring fire.
Distant clouds, go round and round,
Darkening silence, not a sound,
Imminent storm, clouds inter wound,
Vapour like wisps reach the ground.

Wisps tower. Clouds grouping,
Intense power. Motion stooping.
Energy soaring, Nature's violence
Winds roaring. Area timeless.

The cloudy sky, begins to cry,
Even as the clouds up high,
Begin to spiral, create an eye,
Come whooshing down, covering the light.

Swirling tempest, whirling storm,
The tornado begins to form,
Fierce gale, thundering gust,
Tearing houses, leaving husks.

The storm rages, no one can flee,
For winds spin faster, tear down trees,
Finally subsides, the clouds go free,
But the damage is done, too much to foresee.
Sep 2015 · 378
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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The truth will set you free,
Ignorance is bliss,
Now the truth terrifies me,
What foul contradiction is this?

I almost don't want to know,
Fear of it grips my soul and mind,
But I have to know which way to go,
So truth I must find.

Now that I am aware,
Ignorance weighs heavy on my heart,
'Tis a heavy burden to bear,
And I don't know how to start.

Flip a coin in the air,
On one side lies death,
On the other destruction is there,
I can only hold my breath.
Sep 2015 · 458
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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Fire ablaze in my eyes,
A smile concealing all my lies,
Screaming, crying, calling out,
A final, desperate, frantic shout.
Scarlet tears drip from each vein,
A vehement covet to end this pain,
This silver blade goes in my side,
Cause all hope inside has died.
As each day ends, and darkness draws,
The Devils toys with all my flaws,
I'm helpless, alone, a worthless mess,
A broken child, he must address.
I'm tempted when he calls my name,
A way out, an escape, an end to shame,
To make it seem a lot less real,
A deal with the devil, in blood must I seal.
They'll say I died of suicide,
But no one knows how much they've lied,
It wasn't a blade, rope, or pills,
That broke my soul, gave me chills.
I died inside so long before,
To live each day, an endless chore,
Pills could not **** what was already dead,
A twisted heart, an empty head.

I beckon the devil, with the key of self harm,
And I open the door, with the blood of my arm.
Sep 2015 · 479
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With breaking heart, torn apart,
And sharpened blades in a row.
Sep 2015 · 384
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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Look at that cut,
Look at that scratch,
What's that mark?
Just a cat.

Look at those tears,
Look at her cry,
Are you okay?
Just dust in my eye.

Look at those lies,
Look at the fake,
Why do you wear bracelets?
Stop asking questions, for sake!

But they're not just cuts,
Or tears or lies,
It's just one more,
Until you die.
Sep 2015 · 506
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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Demons in my heart,
And monsters in my head,
They must have crawled in,
When I went to bed.

They taunt me and tease me,
To finally give in,
They tell me to do things,
All the seven sins.

Pride, envy, lust, gluttony,
Anger, sloth and greed.
My best friends, Even Though my brain,
tells me to take heed.

I just want to give in,
To the voices in my head,
To let go of my worries,
Without being dead.

Its so easy to give in,
To have the easy way out,
No wonder corruption lies,
Its a thing I can't do without.
Sep 2015 · 783
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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I don't know why sometimes I think,
That my friends aren't traitors,
That my family aren't backstabbers,
That the people aren't fakers.

I always fall into the trap,
Of thinking everything's alright,
But then they disappoint me again,
Extinguishing the light.

They all just,
Leave me in the end.
They turn and never come back,
Never were friends.

They still have the knife
Behind their back,
Still dripping with blood,
From other times it has hacked.

That's why I don't trust anymore,
Why I never take down my walls,
If I take them down again,
Deeper I will fall.
Sep 2015 · 754
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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I'm unstuck in time,
Wondering what part I will,
Have to act out next.
Sep 2015 · 293
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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She walked up and said,
"What's your name?"
I didn't say anything,
Had to take the blame,

"Why do you never talk?"
She persisted,
I couldn't tell her my life,
The story twisted.

She stayed standing still,
But I couldn't reply,
Couldn't spill the beans,
Couldn't tell her why.

She finally snapped,
And she walked away,
Saying over her back,
"I didn't want to talk anyway."

I watch her go away,
Knowing it is true,
But I just wanted,
To finally speak out my view.

So I went on my way,
Walking down the street,
And ran all the way home,
Sighing with defeat.

I'll never work up the courage,
To let my walls fall down,
So I'll run away forever,
Always be abound.

Until I perish,
My secrets die with me,
I'll just be unheard,
Just, for now, let me be.
Sep 2015 · 1.4k
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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I am saddened by my betrayals,
Powered by my rage,
Reinforced by my despair,
My life has turned a new page.

My heart melted by fake love,
Shattered by the betrayal,
Hardened by revenge,
Cooled by prevail.

For you have broken my soul,
Into tiny, little bits,
Now I have put it back together,
Some parts might remiss.

I'm no longer the go-lucky girl,
Not kindhearted or shy,
Never going to trust again,
You can kiss that girl good-bye.
Sep 2015 · 727
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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This is not about me.

If you actually took notice,
You would know your daughter cuts.
She takes the razor everyday,
Cause they said she was a ****

If you actually took notice,
You would know your daughter's teased.
She is shoved and called names,
They said she had a disease.

If you actually took notice,
You would know your daughter's dead,
She hung from the rope,
And put the bullet through her head.

You try to notice now,
But it is too late,
Her heart doesn't beat anymore,
She has sealed her fate.

Her hope was like a candle,
Getting smaller everyday,
The flame of ambition snuffed out,
But her candle was never replaced.

She had given up on life,
But if one person has cared,
She would still be here,
Her life would have been spared.
Sep 2015 · 385
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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Her heart is a closed door,

With no visible key,

With no visible cracks,

With no way to be free.

Keep waiting, and waiting,

Behind that closed door,

Keep waiting and waiting,

Heart and mind in war.

The girl who never talks,

The girl who's alone,

The girl no one understands,

The girl who's unknown.

She waits for someone to

Break down that door,

But thinks deep down,

No one cares anymore.

Her soul is broken,

Her hope disappeared,

I hope someone will free her,

Her obstacle cleared.

But she still might not come out,

Staying inside her cage,

Fearing the real world,

Fearing their rage.

You might call her weird,

But I have shared her part,

She's just a lonely girl,

With a very lonely heart.
Sep 2015 · 372
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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I can paint lovely pictures,
With blood red ink,
The lines swirl together,
but its not what you think.

There's a twist in this story,
A tiny little sin,
My paintbrush my razor,
My canvas my skin.

My wrists cry tears,
They stain my arms red,
The blood loss and pain,
Is getting to my head.

I see black spots,
And twinkling stars,
They look like the galaxy,
A view from mars.

My walls stained crimson,
My bed splattered red,
My beautiful carpet,
Scarlet like my bed.

I regret everything,
All the things I've done,
This is why I'm doing this,
Why I'm holding this gun.

For no matter how much I try,
I can't stifle the ache and need,
I tried so hard to be perfect,
And I so nearly did succeed.

But now the torment will end,
I can finally be free,
No one can judge my imperfections,
And I can be just me.
Sep 2015 · 360
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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She sits at her seat,

Counting the time till the bell,

Every second, every minute,

Every hour as well,

Dreading to walk out of the class,

To open her locker,

To turn around, frightened,

And see the bullies that mock her,

That stuff her head in the toilet,

That say she is a *******,

That made her life hell,

That broke her, bit by bit,

But now she will show them,

To take some revenge,

To wait till the perfect time,

To show her true intent,

To fall out a window,

To hang on a rope,

To show them that she,

Is devoid of hope,

To put the gun to her head,

To twist off the lid,

To leave them a note,

"This is what you did."
Sep 2015 · 578
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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Have you ever wanted to speak out,
And tell your view,
To let someone hear,
To let someone though,
The cracks in your shell,
Let the light come in,
To let them understand,
What you are feeling within,
To finally let out a breath,
For your secret's out,
Because now someone will understand,
Someone knows what you are about,
They know your desires,
Your Feelings, Your thoughts,
What you want to become,
Why people know you nought.
But if you tell the wrong person,
Your life might become hell,
For some people don't have empathy,
Or guilt as well.
They might tattletale your secrets,
Betray your trust,
Tease you day by day,
Eventhough it is unjust.
Just tell the right people,
Or none at all,
Which is why humans could be better,
To help people who call.
Sep 2015 · 315
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Humans are shallow,
No matter what you do.

For they will help you,
When you are in need,
But just so they don't have,
To see you bleed.

Roses are paling,
Violets are drying,
Blue eyes, blue heart,
No wonder you're not crying.

You might hear my voice,
But not the plea behind,
Or you just ignored it,
Afraid of what you will find.

Roses are dead,
Violets are dying,
If people were shadows,
Yours would be shining.

But not with light,
But shining dark blue,
For this shows your heart,
All the unmoral things you do.

I hope you will someday,
Overcome your mind,
And let your light shine through,
Escape your emotional bind.
Sep 2015 · 327
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Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
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If you looked into my soul,
Looked deep into the dark,
Where I no longer shine my light,
You'll find secrets, bitter and ****.

They are the secrets that act as glue,
holding in my heart.
I know if I shared them with you,
I would fall apart.

Deep desires, sadistic sins,
Secrets I cannot repeat,
Secrets with scars, doors closed shut,
Lies upon lies, wrapped in deceit.

It's too much of us to give away,
But they hold us at our knees,
They rattle around in your mind,
And more and more they'll seize.

Just always keep your guard up.
Keep your secrets locked away,
Just always keep your mouth sewed shut,
And take them to the grave.

— The End —