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Dec 2017 · 379
..One world..
One man Dec 2017
Love and anger evoke in me
strength and hatred that you see
Makes me fight and carry on
even more when hope is gone

When I am cold and feeling done
love warms my body like the sun
helps me stand when I feel weak
fuels in me the strength I seek

Anger makes me forget the pain
keeps me walking through the rain
hate it now because I can see
What this world an life should be

Love and anger are my fuel
and yes together they do duel
one cant exist without the other
so stand with me fellow brother

Use your anger and your pain
help this world get back to sane
spread love and hate evenly
an make this life what it should be

© One man
Change can only be good.. for the many not the few
Nov 2017 · 445
One man Nov 2017
I will not be seen by your eye
in deep grass and striped am I
hiding not but hidden still
until I know it's time to ****

Low to ground I hold my stance
hidden from your every glance
yet I know you know I'm near
as I can smell your building fear

I choose my timing to announce
now any second I can pounce
It's far too late to keep on walking
now that stripey death is stalking

© One man
Nov 2017 · 557
..Political Correction..
One man Nov 2017
Tell me now then Mr minister
why is politics all so sinister
In past controlled us all with fear
now they fear the truth is near

Divide and conquer is the goal
hate what they cannot control
Internet means communication
no longer divided globalisation

We are numbers this they know
struggling to keep us all below
on our shoulders they've stood
not helping others as they could

We all know about their crime
and now I think that it is time
for a simple an affective solution
has anyone heard of revolution?

© One man
Like it or lump it
Nov 2017 · 608
..Man made..
One man Nov 2017
I think it's time for a conversation
about human beings an our imagination
Great inventors like in past days are rare
and it seems that society just doesn't care

So just what happened to free innovation
it's now controlled like a railway station
Some great ideas aren't being inspected
well inventors of hoovers are getting respected

If they can't control it they make it stall
as mankind's inventions could free us all
Letting them do it will be all our regret
Man made are we and we shouldn't forget!

© One man
Nov 2017 · 1.9k
..Wo man..
One man Nov 2017
Judge a woman by her lovers
just another one after others
Wouldn't do that to a man
welcome to bed who he can  

Judge a woman by her clothes
her material and fabric throws
Criticised for what she wears
doesnt matter still gets stares

Judge a woman by her hair
try it different if she dare
It shows now, nerve reveals
surely you know how she feels

I Judge a woman by if she cares
deals with life and how she fares
In what she has a sense of pride
and the feelings she has inside

Judge a woman how dare you
exam her and what she do
It does more harm can't you see
to look at her so judgementally

© One man
Like it or lump it
Nov 2017 · 355
One man Nov 2017
A fellow poet sadly has just departed
a good man was so kindly hearted

a talented wordsmith and lyrical creator
John by name and indeed by nature
Family he was but also good friend
many a meal sat, time we'd spend

Didn't see you recently but hope you know
I hate the fact it's your time to go

and know when we gather as family
it won't feel right without you sat next to me

© One man
Nov 2017 · 1.1k
..New Style..
One man Nov 2017
Poetry to me had become boring
pretentious writer craved adoring
"Likes for this one" it overtook
a simple love of a poetry book

Poems to me had lost there flair
no love up here or under there
with every single word I'd gloat
in the dribble that I wrote

Yet now a new style I've found
playfully written wrote for sound
Simple to read and flows to say
so fun to write with words I play

And helps keep the ego at bay
loss of identity some would say
but to not be "known" I feel I can
relate to all as just One man

© One man
Freedom found from judgemental critics
written just cause I can
Nov 2017 · 376
One man Nov 2017
Greedy rich still take from the poor
seem to think they still need more
If I had one wish it would be
to try to help and make us free

I'd wish all on earth have one wish
from man to dog and from cat to fish
This one wish would come with a rule
to keep it fair and make no one a fool

You could only wish for another
maybe dad, mother, sister or brother
Couldn't share or make no deals
just to see how good generosity feels

When best of plans have been laid
all the wishes should be made
to change these people make them see
you don't need stuff to be happy!

© One man
Nov 2017 · 467
..Our shame..
One man Nov 2017
How dare we sit skipping on porcelain throwns
passed pics of children starving on thousand pound phones.
Remember singing "feed the world" and watching band aid?
it's no natural disaster this in balance is man made.

Life should be the most valued of things
and not only helped when the Irish man sings.
We need to take action and not let it get filed
just think how you'd feel if it was your child?

It's time for a change and the sooner the better
people are people to me they're no debtor.
We must change this world even if governments must fall
cause if any debt is owed then we owe it to all!.

© One man
Every day this thought is in my mind... how dare we let it slip time after time
Nov 2017 · 433
One man Nov 2017
Life isn't easy but then if it were
all we would do is sit and stare
as our time here passed us by
and far to quickly we'd just die

I wish to be more like water an pebble
big fish no pond non aquatic rebel
No litte ripples want to make a wave
see what new found paths I'll pave

The strength in me is all I seek
to stand up tall and not be weak
To face the problems dealt to me
and finally be all that I can be

© One man
Stand tall but don't fear the fall
Getting back up is what builds your strength
Nov 2017 · 677
..Lion and Lioness..
One man Nov 2017
Born of violence an lived it too
yet here I am gentle
as I touch you

Strength in me you know so well
it is held back now
and you can tell

I care for you and yes it shows
through skin made tough
from nature's blows

The beauty in me on which you feast
seems strange to me
as I see beast

King I am of all I have seen
but what good is a king
if he has no queen

© One man
Inspired by a picture of a lioness brushing up against her mate, both eyes closed in caring embrace
Oct 2017 · 505
..My Confession..
One man Oct 2017
Fear I may be less man more beast
as this is not natural to me at least
Used to hundreds of image's a time
now think in words to try to rhyme

To adapt and try this is my choice
but usually I have no inner voice
Instead of images to re arrange
to think in words it feels so strange

I hear talk yet my mouth doesn't move
as I try to word the words so smooth
For me this isn't easy it is a fight
to stop pictures appearing as I write

Writer I am not nor poet neither
in fact what I am can be no clearer
Ape in clothing and under educated
We know it's fact and now it's stated

These words I still now try to create
But please remember as I did state
This isn't easy all though no exam
but only hairless Humanzee I am

© One man
I am trying despite this being difficult to me
Oct 2017 · 265
..Trespassers warning..
One man Oct 2017
Face covered by a mask
you go to its house to ask
if it had spare something sweet
for you and you're friends to eat

To you this house feels different
this really should be significant
Just hope trespassing it forgives
as something evil this way lives

You had no invitation
and you are no blood relation
yet into its yard you enter
so in its mind you centre

Now you can hear it's breathing
it's too late to think of leaving
Just know your times defeated
your about to be Tricked not Treated

© One man
Enjoy your halloween!
Oct 2017 · 335
One man Oct 2017
Music moves in you and me
a beat and tune so perfectly
renews your soul and resinates
emotion and feeling it creates

They lay over rhymes fluid in motion
and sing them loud with true devotion
They choose which feeling they emote
and put heart and soul in every note

To this no man or woman is immune
can catch your ear like a harpoon
To be received from those submitted
passion written then transmitted

© One man
It can make you cry or be therapeutic
an I've never heard "I don't like music"
Oct 2017 · 1.0k
..Good advice..
One man Oct 2017
Live true
Be you

© One man
Short and sweet
Oct 2017 · 271
One man Oct 2017
Shame I can't tell you what I have seen
a witness to thousands of years I've been
if I'd had eyes I could of gazed
on century's gone that left me unfazed

species lived indeed evolved
there mystery of extinction now unsolved
for I have travelled since earth was made
through time like butter a hot blade

and now this time I share with you
we both are under a sky so blue
but your lot is short compared to mine
and I'll be here till the end of time

© One man
Oct 2017 · 340
One man Oct 2017
Around 4.6 billion years ago
all of our existence started to grow
Dust and gas started churning
and our sun slowly started burning

Speed it gathered as it turned
crushing in all the dust it burned
Melting metal in its concavity
spinning increased its gravity

The larger rocks around it floats
they're not making wakes like boats
Solar system orbits underpinning
as around it they all started spinning

Planets formed in similar ways
they all formed in years not days
A multibillion to say it accurately
formed by timing it immaculately

Now we all live on one of these
3rd planet out blue covered in seas
Lucky are we at least for now
until we mess this up somehow

© One man
Very scientific me
Oct 2017 · 363
..Stand tall..
One man Oct 2017
You called me out so I came here to fight
Now I watch you turn to your left to your right
I didn't know we had come here to dance 
So I laugh out loud as I watch you prance

You raise your fists like you think I am a boxer
Didn't you know that I am more of a mobster 
You throw a punch I turn back with a grin
That means to me that it's time to begin 

A bee I am but butterfly nope I don't float
I am more of the style that I go for the throat 
I don't mind the pain it in fact makes me stronger 
So punch away it's your time you squander 

Punch after punch I stand waiting my turn 
Do you yet realise how harsh a lesson you'll learn
When I fight back you are in for a fright
Remember you were warned I've got one hell of a bite

© One man
Battle poem
Oct 2017 · 505
..Late night stroll..
One man Oct 2017
Some fear the dark and think it cold
to me its the warmth that makes me bold

You see my eyes see better because they are "broken"
a gift given to me birth right no token

So I walk with more speed and confidence than most
and slip through the shadows I move like a ghost

You may hear me come but wont see till I am there
I just pass you by with no thought and a stare

Exposed by the light for a moment at least
like a man starved of food given chance your eyes feast

Back into the darkness I fade from your sight
you let out a breath relieved of your fright

You wonder what it was thats just passed you by
but dont care to ask for fear you may die

The black clothed man that went passed like the wind
hiding in shadows like those who have sinned

He paid you no interest like a wolf who had fed
he just carried on as you walk home to bed

You wonder where he has been and what he has seen
as you lay your head down and hope it a dream

I walk on still fighting my fight
just enjoying how all looks in the lack of the light

© One man
Love a moonlit stroll
Oct 2017 · 293
One man Oct 2017
I wonder now
If I would
travel back 
if you could 

To times gone by 
live them again
see if moments 
feel the same 

But time is like this 
it has its reason's
It has to change 
just like the seasons 

So new can come 
and old can go
just like a river 
it has to flow

And those we've lost 
we have to know
you can't see again
to let them go

cause if we could
in grieving time 
change it all
and redefine

bring them back to
see there face again
yet we'd still know
and feel the pain

We'd still do it and
repect no border
so time it has
to stay in order

© One man
Oct 2017 · 271
..Praise be.. praise me..
One man Oct 2017
I hear of your gods yet see no proof
how can this be if this is the truth
they say that he created me 
and every single thing that I do see

Did he create me or are they wrong
I hear they still sing and praise in song
but in this world all I tend to see 
is greed and a lack of humanity

This world is worsening day after day
so wait for your god but I wont delay
believe what you like but I believe in me 
and only us can change what we do see

And too your gods I do declare 
until we meet I will not share
in praising them I will not try
unless this world they justify

© One man
It's an opinion
Oct 2017 · 266
One man Oct 2017
Sunlight glows start's ascending 
a new world lit by light so true
darkness fades as night is ending 
shadows fade now lit right through 

Corners deep cracks no hiding
contrast to a night time frame
animals adapted now no finding 
nothing changed yet non the same

Once all hidden now is showing 
light's up earths fair vanity
sky so blue clouds are glowing 
distance seen in clarity

Golden now as day is ending 
darkness creeps the night is soon
goodbye waves the sun descending 
cheered on by the eager moon

© One man
Oct 2017 · 268
..Foresight of Icarus..
One man Oct 2017
They hide behind me wings so wide
not yet right for me to glide
No swoop no soar still more to climb
folded tight its not yet time

I'm not yet all that I could be
so still I wait impatiently
Knowing this life I owe it more
gazed by a window still no door

One day my wings I know will stretch
a change so big I know I'll fetch
I will change how the world does see
when I am all that I could be

© One man
Destiny awaits us all
Oct 2017 · 319
One man Oct 2017
Hallow's eve you took a walk 
the storys dont scare you
ghosts, ghouls and zombies
you know them all untrue

Another trick or treater
approaching through the night
but then you notice something
no feet he seems in flight

Step into shadows hiding
you breath so quietly 
but now it halts as if to smell
stopped dead as night is he 

He turns your way and tilts his head 
It seems to know your there 
he moves toward you silently
just floating through the air 

A smell of death is on its breath 
like a thousand rotting meats 
the air it chills as it gets close
as if the heat retreats 

Your heart it beats but froze is it 
no fire in it to brawl
only one question now remains
So "Who you going to call?"

© One man
Bit of Halloween fun
Oct 2017 · 265
..Lift me up..
One man Oct 2017
Please now music
play for me
Divine sound
carry thee
Just travel along
on a melody
Lift me up
so I can be
Away from here
almost free

© One man
Originally wrote as a 28 word challenge for a contest
Oct 2017 · 325
..Twisted words..
One man Oct 2017
released are they
vexation, irritation
and indignation
so thoughts 
are pure 
just concentrated 
thoroughly manipulated
word after
word in
in word
after word
manipulated thoroughly
concentrated just
pure are 
thoughts so
indignation and
irritation, vexation
they are released

(Now read it backwards or reversed)

© One man
Fun idea.. pain to figure out
Oct 2017 · 906
..I am me because of you..
One man Oct 2017
Sink I do
into my pit
through with life
I'm done with it 

Life has taken
its next bite
Tired of stress 
no will to fight

Beaten broken 
but don't you bet
Against me as
I am not done yet

I still remember 
the reason why
I get back up 
and now I try

She is my light
on her I feed
You cut her skin 
and I will bleed

She'll be herself 
an heal my mind
with her help
the strength I find

But if she weren't here 
to stand with me
I have no idea 
who I would be

© One man
True story

— The End —