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Aug 2024 · 162
Jack Aug 2024
Story tellers
Weavers of word
Criers and friars
All on a mission
A goal in the front of mind
To tell the stories of all mankind
To teach the lessons learned and past
To those in the future so they may last
Aug 2024 · 105
Deja vu
Jack Aug 2024
A memory
A fleeting color or feeling

Not so much a place
Not so much a word

It's something greater
Deeper in meaning

Yet less refined

Something that was and yet
Never existed

A memory created in a time destroyed

Gone in the moment you notice it

Simply morning mist on the river banks of your mind.
I wrote this a while ago but I thought it was important.
Apr 2021 · 657
Jack Apr 2021
Empty Hollow Pain
It drives my brain insane

I don't know how to explain the words
The feelings
Blocking my way

You were a friend first
A lover second

You were someone I loved
Someone I cherished

I'm sorry it had to end
Goodbye sweetie

Forever yours
My love
First friends, then lovers, only to be ripped apart and torn asunder
Feb 2021 · 665
Hate what you create
Jack Feb 2021
They asked
Can you Hate
That which others hold so dear
That which is the product
Of your blood sweat and tears

How can you Hate
That which you create

The answer I give
Always the same
It was piece
I made it out of vain
It exist
Just because of pain
It's worth
Justified by those who say

What a beautiful piece of art

Unfortunately burned into my brain
The praise of the piece
The one I hate
I really hate the poem I wrote called rain and this is honestly how I feel about it. I haven't taken it down as a lot of people seem to enjoy it but I feel the emotion is just what people want to hear. It doesn't really mean anything so much as it was just how I felt at a time.
Jan 2021 · 2.0k
I love you
Jack Jan 2021
I love you
I mean it when I say it
I mean it more than you know
I love you so much it hurts me to know you're sad or low

I just want

No I NEED you to be happy
Because you make me happy
You bring a light to my heart
You give me a pulse, something to spark a flame
Burning your smile into my brain
All because
I love you
**** dude I love her smile and I always want her to be happy and content in life.
Dec 2020 · 1.2k
Smile for me
Jack Dec 2020
Show me a smile
One from your heart
The same heart that breaks when we were apart

Show me a smile
Give me one of the best
Make me see that you love me, more than the rest

I know it's not easy but we can make it work
Just as long as you
Smile for me
Me and my girlfriend can't see each other right now because we are still locked down but I hope she knows how I feel when I see her smile.
Sep 2020 · 331
Jack Sep 2020
People always say
Let love go and it will come back
This notion held me like a tether
Like a thin rope of leather
Lifting me up light as a feather
All so you could help put me back together
Find a friend or lover that can put you back together after the worst of it.
Sep 2020 · 431
Jack Sep 2020
People always say
You realize what you had when its gone
But what if love wasn't gone
What if you were apart
What if all it was
Was a piece of your heart
Just something just wanted
But never thought to start

It's this recorder playing in my head
Saying what has happened to your family
You get it too
You'll be torn apart
Aug 2020 · 416
For you
Jack Aug 2020
Every day
Every night
All of it
For you

Every action
Every Reaction
All of it
For you

Everything I do
Everything I feel
It's all for you

So please say yes
And I swear.
I'll do my best

For you
Here's hoping
Aug 2020 · 261
look at the brightside
Jack Aug 2020
People always say
Look at the bright side
Enjoy the small things
Just keep moving forward
I used to say the same

Except people change things

He lives in the dark

Her small problems are what hurt her

They are weighed down by who they used to be

Everyone has problems
Everyone needs a little help
These People can be themselves
Just be there for them
Be their friend
Because in the end
Helping them can be your own step out of the dark
Aug 2020 · 433
Sunrise to Sunset
Jack Aug 2020
As I watch the sunrise
I feel my heart set

The early morning light makes sure I can never forget

The lies
Broken promises
Shattered dreams

The love you give to me
Covers what's beneath the seams

I've seen your true colors
I won't fall for it anymore

I've risen past it all
And gone of to my own sunset
Jul 2020 · 393
An Embrace
Jack Jul 2020
An Embrace
It brings me close

Close to your heart
Close to your soul

Bringing me to where I feel whole

This feeling
Being blessed by your touch

It fills me with a Lust
A Lust to make you happy
To help do the things you never dared

To make you see the world through new eyes
As you make your own path
With a supportive Me at your side

All of this because of the light you given
In an Embrace
A poem from the heart
To the one who has captured mine
Jul 2020 · 311
Jack Jul 2020
I feel like a puppet in suspension
Like I'm not really myself

I'm just watching this world from my lonely little self

I'm forced to see the same **** things go by
Every single morning and every single night

I don't have much to say in the matter of this plight
Even if I did I wouldn't try to fight

Because no what you do
Or what you say

It always repeats
Every single day
Apr 2020 · 261
To those who go before
Jack Apr 2020
Dear those who have passed,
      You were the guiding light
To those of us who were in the dark
You helped us through our darkest times

Even when you suffered more

You shaped us
Molded us
Built us into the people we are today

Even when your own body wanted to take you away

You deserve the world
Just like the one you gave to us

So thank you for your Words
and Deeds
That lead us here today

Wish you the best,
The one you guided home
This goes out to my teacher in High school who recently lost her battle with cancer. She was a light that was put out too soon. You are forever in our hearts Mrs. Taylor.
Oct 2019 · 640
Ballads and Balconies
Jack Oct 2019
I watch
High above
Everyone is so small
I see cars and buildings
All so magnificent and tall

Nothing compares
Not to You
And that night on the Balcony
I was trapped in ACT prep so here ya go
Sep 2019 · 303
A fight
Jack Sep 2019
Sometimes it may seem
Life's not worth the fight
Nothing about it seems right
Why try if in the end we just


Although some of that may be true
It doesn't free me from you
My family or my life
It just means it will all be harder
More of a pain

Then something magical happens
In the depths of your heart
In the inner machinations of your brain
A force


It drives away the pain
Happiness will guide you
From then on in
You'll find yourself in another
That's where it can truly begin
The healing of a broken soul
And a fight that you can win
I took about a year off to focus on life but I'm happy to be back and I hope you all are doing ok. DM me if you aren't and I would love to talk to you about it.
Jan 2019 · 602
Jack Jan 2019
Lights dance across my vision
People sing and celebrate
Times moving for everyone
Except me
Ever since the day you left
Nothing has made sense
I try to smile it off
To have a good time
But deep down I know
You'll always be on my mind
Your flowing hair
Your smiling lips
Everything I could ask for
Nothing less
All I have now is a memory
Breaking in me
My heart aches
My eyes cry
Just like they did
The day we said
Anyone who has had to say goodbye I hope you can learn to move on and enjoy life as it was meant to be and I hope you know it will heal.
Nov 2018 · 503
Jack Nov 2018
The sun sets on a beautiful day
The lights shown dimmer
The day draws nearer

It’s a dark night
Something to behold
The star don’t shine
The lights are gone
My heart as empty as the sky
The only thought

Kitchens are weird
We cook and clean
All so we can do what
Learn to live
Why would you do that

I love this sound
The scrapping of metal
Drawing out an edge

My room
Almost as dark as my soul
The sharper the knife
The darker the blood

I’ve wasted away
Far to long
I hold it close
Right to my chest

It hurts at first
Then it feels good
I realize my life has no meaning
So a swift stab
Then I keep repeating
It doesn’t hurt it just feels damp
The floor
My clothes

My soul

All are red

Sorry for all those that have depression if you want to talk to someone message me
Nov 2018 · 331
Jack Nov 2018
I just want to be done
Being here
It's just no fun
I'd rather be with you
On a tropical beach
The sun shining on you and me
Your hair flowing in the breeze
As we bask under the happy trees
To relieve stress
There's nothing less
I'd want to do except to be with you
Watching the sun set
I made myself a bet
One day soon
You'd be here too
Listening to the waves crashing up on the shore
My heart singing forever more
All to relieve stress
Hope you all have a wonderful day with lots of sunshine and no rain
Nov 2018 · 356
Jack Nov 2018
I see a void
An empty blue
The pale color
A strange hue
I wonder how I got here
The strange light
The dark night
The end of it all for me
Then I felt something

A pulse

I opened my eyes and there
In this sea of blue
A red and orange pulse
It shined through
It was a strange color to see
The light burning within me
I moved towards it
It pulsed quicker the closer I got

Then a snap

The pulse got bright
It moved to me
I stopped
In wonder and awe
An angel walked towards me
Winged and all her feathers
They shined brightly against it all
She took me by the hand and said
Let me take you away from this place
So she grab my arm and flew away
We broke through my dome of pale blue
There I saw colors
All different shades and hues
The light burned bright in me
All because of you

Then she brought me down to earth

Scaled me to my size
Helped to see the world through new eyes
I spent time with her everyday
I made sure that she was ok
I finally worked up the courage to ask
So we could be together at last

Now I can see
Before her I was stuck
I was alive
I wasn't living
I was only feeling
This is dedicated to the girl I love and I hope that everyone that is feeling blue gets help from their own angel, be it a family member a friend or just someone you talk to
Oct 2018 · 354
Jack Oct 2018
I stand at the black mound
The sun glinting off it's rain crested top
I run my hand along the wall
It seems ok

At first

I feel it rising
The pain in my leg
The loss bright flash of light
My friends body contorting
The scream that rang out
I stop myself before I get to his name

Every time I come here
I relive that day
It's seared into my brain
His scream
My shrapnel filled leg
I remember it all like it was yesterday
That's all it was though
The past
It wasn't me
It was Vietnam
Oct 2018 · 462
Jack Oct 2018
People often cry for help
Never expecting to get any
They look at what’s happened
They say nothing
They think no one will listen
Just as they did to others
But little did she know
The trust and foundation she laid
Would help her through
Her darkest days

He held her in one last embrace
The time had finally come
The healing process began
She couldn’t help but feel numb
This boy had been helpful
To the point of no return
He had lost himself in it all
His price for her
He loved with all his heart
The day she left he promised
I’ll wait for your return
The black ink
The sadness grew within
His heart slowly turned black
Finally when all seemed for not
His light and charm broke through
She came back
She felt better then she had
The sadness had left her
It had left him too
They had no words left to say
They embraced
Hugging and holding until the end
This is how
To be helpful
I recently convinced the girl I love to get help for her depression so she went to the councillor with me and later today she was sent home to get help. I’ll never forget the last embrace I gave her before she left and I hope she recovers ok.
Oct 2018 · 435
Dearly Beloved
Jack Oct 2018
Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today
That's what the man will say
All will be okay
He will say kiss the bride
From that day on
I will always be by your side
My best will pat me on the back

Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today
To unite man and bride
We will love each other to the end
With all our heart and soul
And through it all
God willing
We will be just in love as we were the day we met
This is the poem I will read on my wedding day God willing I marry the girl I want now
Sep 2018 · 1.8k
Jack Sep 2018
I love geometry
It just makes sense to me
I wonder why I can see
When I close my eye
The shapes and colors all around

The blood the tears we throw around
The joy in my heart when I see you

I love you

I can trace the lines of your face
The shape of your smile imprinted in my mind
I look for the circumference of your head
I can see the width of your heart

The one thing I can measure is my love for you
Thank you Geometry
I love you
Kinda weird how love works ain't it.
Sep 2018 · 613
Jack Sep 2018
We talked and talked all afternoon
We talked about everything from us to the moon
I wasn't until everyone had left
That I finally asked

Why do you cut

She looked stunned and suprised
She had a glossy look in her eyes
She pulled up her sleeve and there on her wrist


Lines and lines
Never ceasing
Some fading

She told me why she cut
To feel she said
To quell the voice in her head
To fill the void in her heart
To color her soul red instead of black like tar

All these things inside her heart
Having no end
Having no start

So now she continues to cut
She continues to bleed
She didn't stop and now shes gone

All because
She cuts
This is written for a friend of mine who cuts. Please leave any and all advice for what to do.
Sep 2018 · 36.5k
Jack Sep 2018
I'm jealous of the rain
It gets close to you
Closer than I ever will
It touches your skin
It combs your hair
It comes when you're sad
It stays when you're happy
I love you but you don't love me
So I say
I'm jealous of the rain
Sorry I haven't written anything as of late. I have been really busy with school. I really hope you enjoy.
Edit: thanks for the comments the original song is Jealous by Labirinth
Sep 2018 · 255
Jack Sep 2018
A light in the distance
Smile in your eyes
You say your ugly
That everyone lies
The truth is you're gorgeous
No one can take it away
The beauty in your smile
The one when you laugh
The beauty of your personality
The one thing they cannot take
Your beauty
Inside and out
So love yourself
Just as I do
Sep 2018 · 234
A Hero
Jack Sep 2018
I believe that everyone has a hero inside them
Whether that hero is big or small
He lives within you
To help you stand tall
You may not always know
Why did I bit that bullet
Why did I say say what I believe
I always think there's my hero
Come to save the day
What would you think if you were someones hero
The idea that you move other's mountains
All with a single push
What an idea it may seem that you can be a hero
That you can save someone's life
So be the hero you look up to
And please be kind because
You never know when you can be
A hero
Sep 2018 · 285
Time to go
Jack Sep 2018
Everyone has a time to go
When it is no on one know
One things for sure
We always chase for more
Never do we look
Try to grasp what we run for
We just keep on chasing
We keep on looking
For money and time is all we want
We really should be spending what we've got
With the ones we love
Because everyone has a time to go
So cherish it
Before you must go
Sep 2018 · 480
I'm in love with you but
Jack Sep 2018
I'm in love with you but
The universe doesn't want me to
It moves and grinds it's gears
It tries to make me give up
It make you unapproachable
It makes my tongue tie
It makes my heart skip a beat

I'm in love with you but
I don't know how to tell you
I write to express
So this is how I will
This is my I love you
I don't think this is all that good but I think it makes sense to anyone who has loved but can't get it out to the person they feel that love for.
Sep 2018 · 488
Jack Sep 2018
When you find a friend
You hold and help them
You lift them up when they are down
You hold them up when they feel good
You help them find who they are
They help you find you
They love you and you love them
You are family
Family isn't who you're born to
It's the people you love and who love you
So find your friends
Because they just might be your family
Sep 2018 · 354
Love is a dream
Jack Sep 2018
What if love was just a dream
No one really cared
No one asked how ya doin
No one loved you

What if love was just a dream
Something to hold onto
Something to comfort you
Something to make you feel good when you don't

What if love was just a dream
All of it is just tears

Love is a dream
One we all have
Something we use to cope
Something to keep us moving
Love is an idea
Love is a story
Love is the hope we all share in our hearts
Love is the reason you live
Love will tear you apart

Love will always be a dream
Unless you can change
Show to your neighbor
They will go out and do the same
Love will be a dream but only if you want it to
So go show love and make it true
What if Love was real
This is for people that think love is only in fairy tales, meant for someone but not for them. I'm here to tell you that love can be for you if you make it and show it to others.
Aug 2018 · 348
A light
Jack Aug 2018
I see my life
All playing before my eyes
The colors the sounds
They are all there
Something is a miss
There is always a man with me
The smile on his
The anger in his eyes
The blood boiling in his viens
All leading to this one moment
Then dark
No light exist
Only my black soul remains
The knife pierces my flesh
For a brief moment I can see the light
It shines so bright in the endless dark
The joy and life I feel
The release of death
I now know my mistake
I ask for one more chance to see the light
I ask to hold it one more time
In the end the light returns
The dark goes away
I feel the joy of a child
Happiness of being on a cloud
I will hold the light and never let go
Thank you
The Light
Aug 2018 · 238
This World of Mine
Jack Aug 2018
This world of mine
What a dazzling place
A wonder of beauty
A wonder of awe
A magical space

This world of mine
Its home to many
A place of joy
A place of creation

But what of the world outside my own
No happiness there
No place to roam
No joy inside
No beauty
No awe
It's home to many
But dead to all

So I say welcome to my world
To joy
To creation
No death here
Just an open invitation
I'm glad you could join me in this beautiful space
I hope you stay
If you don't that's fine
I know the world is dead outside
But some prefer it that way
Just remeber
You are always welcome in
This World of Mine
This poem should help you to help others in your own way. It doesn't have to be amazing or special but if you just say hi you could save someone's life. So help others into your world and maybe someone will help you out of yours.
Aug 2018 · 259
Today is a present
Jack Aug 2018
Today is a present
No matter how bad it may seem
The good the bad
They are but only moments
They are small
Today is big
Today is present
You are alive
To this I say thank you
To my family and friends
Without them I may not have today
Without them I may not say
The words inside my head
Shed the tears I shed
Love who I love

So to them
I say thanks
They gave me a gift
A gift I could never return
A gift I can only reciprocate
So again I say
Life is a gift
So thank you for today
Today is a present

— The End —