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Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
To get her so close
Finally to see her undress
To see her pose
A relief from her stress
The moment to strike
Is before my very hands
I let out my pike
To fulfill her demands
With no more rest
I plunge in my knife
She wasn't ready for the test
Ecstasy begins to flow in to her life
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
Can you hear him sing
The voice of Innocent Percy
Who knows no such thing
Of a belief called mercy
Nicholas Fonte Aug 2018
Keep in mind
That it is at the center
Of the rain
Is where you will find
Mixed in with the pain
And every tear
And fight
And even more
Remains untouched
There is no fear
Just joy
All is great
Is blessed in corruption
Sewn with despair
Drenched in the same rain
That is where you will find
There is nothing to compare
From within the disruption
Yet out there is a place to be touched
Just like a dream or nightmare
Are what decides this fate
He who is locked in the dark
Looking for her light
The choice is ready to embark
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Haven't you seen what sins the light
is capable of?
Embrace the dark
Make your mark
Go and rise above
To finish this fight
This goes with its counterpart "Intriguing Light"
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Why did the dark
cause all this pain?
Within the light
We will give you insight
To keep you sane
As you stand in this holy park
This poem goes along with it's counterpart "Intriguing Dark"
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
Here I am once again
Picking up this dainty pen
To write about that pain
That crawls within the muddy rain
The day where I picked up that rose
The moment where I  froze
Eternally at every social strife
Because I realized, I stole its life
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Bananas are Purple
Apples are Green
Oranges are Blue
Apples are Yellow
Blueberries are Orange
Apples are Red
I may not be a scholar
but who's to say they need color?
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
Come and join the parade
Make no mistake
We march for heartache
For when it all comes down to fade
So take each step in the state
Where there is no fate
To follow along
So come and join our song
Trust me this is what you need
As long as you stay here
You'll never disappear
That is certainly garunteed
On this march tonight
Trust me your host
As our song burns each face alight
So come on down
Let's make a toast
To the town
Of no faith
Where we will bless
Them out of this mess
Trust me the wraith
Who marches with no shame
In the parade
That made
No name
But try to stay
Before it hits five
On this very day
Trust me
And trust in what you can see
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
My rage continues to build
Behind this glass of a cell
This is not what I willed
My soul will burn endlessly by this window sill
But I suppose I should be thankful
My flames will not be able to burn you
And its glow is insightful
I will remain here amidst my blue
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Why is this tragic?
"We reap what we sew"
Even if it ended in failure
Did you not see your face glow?
As you held that fabric
And then started to weave....
You made that suit
Not only that, it's cute
That's why you became a Tailor
You must believe in your own sleeve
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
I choose to walk this line
Not in the inside
Neither the outside
I love this path
It has this shine
Avoiding all wrath
Which is quite divine
I choose this side
To walk on this line
Because it is simply mine
Nicholas Fonte May 2018
We each all fly
Just like a dove
To come together and sing
This special song
For our dear mother
For you are like no other
You always stand strong
You always guide those with your voice
And you always bring
Us Joy
Now it is your day
And we want to say
And thank you
For you choice
In doing what you do
Because this love
Will never die
Wrote this one nice and early for Mother's Day. It's incredibly early but y'all get to see a sneak peek at what I wrote for my mother.
Nicholas Fonte Aug 2018
Summer, home to maturity.
We feel change and peace.
Fall, home to hope.
We feel amazed and proud.
Winter, home to renewal.
We feel love and redemption.
Spring, home to reflection.
We feel warmth and friendship.

Summer, home to failure.
We feel regret and disappointment.
Fall, home to loneliness.
We feel loss and forgotten.
Winter, home to decline.
We feel deprived and depressed.
Spring, home to death.
We feel old and despair.

Seasons tell more. they?
Summer, home to reflection and loneliness.
Fall, home to maturity and decline.
Winter, home to hope and death.
Spring, home to renewal and failure.
Is that so?
Anything can happen, ya know.
That's your reality check of the day
That we live in now.
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
I've been lost in my mind
For as long as anyone can remember
And I was nothing if not kind
Only because I didn't possess that ember
I run off of oil
Not the desirable heart
Even within this turmoil
Everyone found there start
That's why I look up above
Because it is my dream
To soar like a dove
Without a voice that can scream
About tomorrow's endless sorrow
Just a small note about the title, its a stupid pun on "Mechanical Device". Just wanted to share a small bit of my thought process on the title.
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Look at them scatter, the mice,
Running through that maze
Seeking their cheesy paradise
Eventually, they end up in a daze
Only wishing for peace
What they once craved
Was that sinned cheese
But now they will never be saved
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
Is it necessary to sin
Just in order to win?
For we see cheaters and beaters
Out on the top?
And those covered in the drop
Of lust stand
With their own hand?
I may never understand
How that style
Makes others smile
Even though it's so vile
But what I cherish
In each virtue
That I thought true
Has made me perish
Leaving me with a lust
To walk on the path of disgust
For the path of the sweet
Is covered in boundless heat
And falling down the Hell
Will wish me well
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
Don't worry about me
You are off the stage
So don't look back to see
The shadow you left in the cage
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
Was it all Meaningless?
Did this act make me Worthless?
I Fear I will never Understand
What happened to my Hand
What I do Know is this
I will Never find Bliss
No one will show me Affection
I Deserve no Protection
I will be Forever Alone
Until I Atone
But the World becomes Tougher
So I shall continue to Suffer
I can't do anything
So the World will look at me and Sing
They were Stronger
So I cannot Deny this no Longer
I Deserve to Die
And this is no Lie
For this Problem called Life
Has no Solution except for the Knife
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
I see you decided to Pick
This dumb poetic Flick
So let me tell you about this *****
Who doesn't happen to be pickle Rick
He can't even Kick
Anymore since he is Sick
He is as dense as a Brick
Watch for his Stick
He possesses many a Trick
And the metallic Lick
Used to be his happy Tic
Many have called him a ****
That's how it goes for a man named nick
...But hey at least my name rhymes with Legolas
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
I am the one
Who is never seen
The one who walked away
And who locked the door
The one who couldn't even scream
Within his own room
You all assume
That my birth
Held no worth
But now I realize
That I'm the one confused
I could only see one sky
When you all can see multiple skies
I can't understand why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
It was never fun
To end up so far
Now I remain inside
This tightly locked room
But it was that night
When I was with my friend
Even if we were the abused
There was no need to fight
On that day
Where he didn't choose
For his life to end
Now I'm the one that falls
I was the one
Who controlled fate
I hurt much more
Than any time before
I was left feeling unsure
I cried
In that room
For a long time
I needed a cure
That I knew could never be found
Because everyone that was around
Couldn't get into the locked room
I've looked at the same walls
All this time
While carrying this crime
I've dealt with all their views
And I still don't comprehend
I know I will never be alright
But now I have some clarity
To stand up in that room
There is light
Flowing from the open doorway
Where with sincerity
I can finally show them the walls
And I can see all of their skies
I will proudly bear this scar
And join everyone in this life
Even if I can't bear all this strife
I know I will eventually find my way
A special long poem for the 75th poem I'm posting on here! (In case people are wondering, I do have a lot of long poems, but they are the most special to me so I tend to not post any. I will eventually though!)
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
I was never able to comprehend
Why it was she had to send
Me down to fulfill the end
She didn't even try to defend
Her people or me, her friend
Even while I met my end
For my one and only friend
But I guess some things never mend
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
I never really knew
Amidst all this sacrifice
I could find paradise
Whenever I'm with you
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
Would you follow his will?
To patiently stand still
And accept everything you're told?
To live in a world where the bold
Are sent down to Hell?
Go ahead, ring that bell

I will form my own way
With no need for him
I am able to prevent the sway
And I will slowly trim
My path forward
There is no other way to proceed onward
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Awaken o' youth of legend
It is time to bring evil the end
On your own accord
you will raise your sword
-Oh, wait is that a rapier?
I'm sorry things got hazier
over on the scri-what? It's a claymore
now? This is getting really sore
Excuse me? It's apparently an estoc
Those aren't very easy to block
with but-wait nevermind, I think it's a katana?
Ok, whatever, do you just wanna
"cut" to the chase?
Woah wait it's not a mace
Dont expect me to rhyme
every line... all the time
Sorry this has gotten out of hand
But, I hope you understand
That it doesn't matter what it is
You are our hero who will finish this
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
I must put on that cloak
That ever so familiar disguise
Veiled only in lies
That has only ever made me choke
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Let's make some rhymes about a dove.
Did you know they represent love?
If that's so, then do you think it is right
To go ahead and cage that white?
They fly for their part
But little did they know it was over from the start
I wrote this one to define what I my poetry is about.
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Our own care is always there
We flare up out of the chair
To stand even if we don't understand
Our tree will grow free
We never flee in order to see
A new day within this fray
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
Do you know what it's like to be worthless?
To constantly be the unproved?
I can't begin to tell you how remorseless
They are when they see the disapproved
Yet, I will hold no spite
Because I have this dream
That will win my fight
To prove myself in this grand scheme
Nicholas Fonte May 2019
No matter what's wrong and what's right
The pouring heavenly light
Will continue to rain
She shows not a drop of refrain
We know you live for the thrill
So go on and drink your fill
Enter the field of doom
As it enters full bloom
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
This is my mistake.
Not yours. Not anyone else's. Mine.
This was my doing.
I'll take all the booing;
That's just fine.
I'll show what this mistake
Is able to make.
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Take a look at this filled glass
Does your gaze not see the drop?
It is merely sitting on the top
Separate from the mass
The more you watch
The more time you spend
The drop seeps down with no end
The drop goes on because it has found the match
Nicholas Fonte Oct 2019
A word I was given
The provider to isolation
The basis of frustration
It was the one thing
How Death likes to sing
Friend lost but gave
All that I crave
I am afraid
What People said
Friend's scar I bear
I must go there
Can it be forgiven?
Nicholas Fonte Aug 2018
A world of only harm
This never melting ice
A will of shaking might
To let born the new light
In the world of only pain
Filled with those fools
Embrace the ice
Lay down your arms
Know what it means to bear
Lay down your life
Give meaning to that knife
Now let fall the rain
Washing over all our pain
Now sit in the pool
Where the liquids collide
On this heavenly divide
Breathing in new life
Because of the only one who cared
Lived and learned
And look at what he earned
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
We aren't quite done.
We still have to do this one.
Aw, look at those eyes.
They just saw their demise.
Don't be terrified my child.
We are just releasing you into the wild.
Thought I'd try something new compared to what I normally write about. It was early on in my career, but I wasn't quite sure if this writing style suited me. I hung on to this poem though, so I thought it was worth sharing.
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Forever Alone
Forever Silent
Born in the light
Blessed by the darkness
Forever standing with you
This was my first poem I wrote on my own time. I didn't intend for it to be super great poetically. I wanted it to have a super ambiguous meaning. That way, anyone can come up with a meaning for it.
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Forever I shall remain alone
Forever I shall remain silent
Gifted with light
Greeted by a corrupted darkness
Forever I have suffered
Forever I will learn
Forever I shall remain with you
This is a revision of my first poem. I talked with an english teacher of mine about the original, and she wanted me to be more clear on the message of the poem and play with the words a little. This is what I did.
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
There is no need to be fake
It's not like we judge you anywhere
In fact, we don't even care
So come on already and lets go shake!
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Lend me your tear
For there is nothing to fear
Leave it on the shelf
Never doubt yourself
I shall lend you my brave
To you who can save
Now, use that mind
Lend them your kind
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Embrace this blue
To drop what I knew
Seeping down into the dark
Just like a shark
Who is ready to embark
Onto the true
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
I want to
Leave a message for
My fallen about a
Legacy that brings an end
To all of our pain.
You can see it now, can't you?
Uncover the secret message if you can.
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
It's time to go down this *****
They all look down with disgust
But it is only myself whom I trust
With that ding, it's time for me to go
Speeding down all that snow
With my bravery in my hand
I leap off the ramp in order to understand
Why they didn't just hand me the rope
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
Those hijackers on that plane...
Were they people, too?
They wanted to hurt others,
**** people, burn people, terrify people
How can we say they are people?
What about our beloved soldiers
They had similar intent
To **** people in order to prove a point
Were they people too?
Where does that leave me at?
The world took my friend
My ******* only friend
I wanted to hurt people
I wanted everyone to die
Each and every person that drove him
Straight out of this world
I wanted it to burn
The building, the people, all of it
And now everything is my fault
I've done so many bad things
I've hurt people
I was just like them
So am I a person, too?
Would my friend say that I am?
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
I wonder what is in those eyes
They have never given me lies
But they do hide behind a pair of glasses
It's like she is wearing a mask
To persuade others off her task
But she is finished with her experiment
Now it is time to reveal
What she had to conceal
The feelings she found in the results
Nicholas Fonte May 2018
I'm a shining star
And I'm not that far
It's just that within the day
I can't be seen
So I runaway
Into the dark
So everyone can see this spark
In this glorious scene
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
I wish I was strong
if not for myself
But for her sake
If only I could raise my voice
To sing this song
So she can dance
Let her be herself
And let it all out
To have my voice give me a chance
I want her to see my choice
To know what it's all about
But my voice never gets a break
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Zippity Zappity Zap
  Jolt yourself awake
    Zippity Zappity Zap
      A spark of inspiration
        Zippity Zappity Zap
          Bolt over to the goal
            Zippity Zappity Zap
              Shocking that you failed
                Zippity Zappity Zap
                  Linger in my thunder
                    Zippity Zappity Zap
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
I'm sorry I didn't give you a say
But this is where I'll stay
I'm not going to run
I can't fail everyone
With this plan
I'll end this where it all began
Bonus points if you catch what this is referencing!
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
The stream starts to flow
Gentle at first but will soon
Be a raging flood
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
I know all I said
Was always red
In response to you trying to help me let go
By giving me yellow
You did this to stop blue
That I know is true
But now there is no going back
Now that we are covered in black
For I seek the might
To find white
Nicholas Fonte May 2018
And that's the third strike.
I'm out.
I never knew about
What it is like
To scream and shout
By standing in dislike
In my heart's strikeout
But now everything had rearranged
Even though nothing has changed
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