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Dec 2014 · 366
burial ground
y i k e s Dec 2014
every memory you left is in a box

with the lid glued on
to keep them trapped inside

a hole is waiting for the box
in the yard

and it's hungry for every single memory of you

are you ready to be buried?
so long & goodbye
i won't miss you
Dec 2014 · 457
y i k e s Dec 2014
you said you loved me

                                                   but you really meant you loved my attention
Dec 2014 · 2.4k
the end (10w)
y i k e s Dec 2014
so i guess that's it

                                                        maybe i'll see you around?
Dec 2014 · 265
with or without (10w)
y i k e s Dec 2014
the sun will always rise


with or without

but that does not mean

i will rise

with it
Dec 2014 · 367
Daily Routine.
y i k e s Dec 2014
-i really can't sleep, nothing is working

                                                -that's okay, close your eyes and count to ten

-no, i can't sleep, my mind is not functioning.

                                              -that's okay, i'm here. close your eyes and rest

-i need help, no one is listening

                                           -you should rest. close your eyes and go to bed.
                                                                                            -see you tomorrow.
you mean well

but youre not helping.
Dec 2014 · 238
you & i both
y i k e s Dec 2014
i just want you to notice that i'm hurting



please open your eyes
Dec 2014 · 953
so sad
y i k e s Dec 2014
one day,

we won't be so sad
i love you
Dec 2014 · 699
y i k e s Dec 2014
every love song i listen to is always dedicated to you
Dec 2014 · 501
before & after
y i k e s Dec 2014
as we stand there

hand in hand

falling back

so gracefully

i want you to

remember me as i was

before i turned into

what you were
this is so ****** idec
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
As I Used To Be
y i k e s Nov 2014
i lost my touch, but that's okay

that just means, i'm not as sad

as i used to be
Nov 2014 · 2.4k
sister (10w)
y i k e s Nov 2014
you're an idea that only makes sense from a distance
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
cat (10w)
y i k e s Nov 2014
happiness and love

wrapped up in fur

on four legs
Nov 2014 · 586
(I Hate You #6)
y i k e s Nov 2014
dearly beloved,

we are gathered her today in this moment

where i tell you the honest truth,

but you smell gooood
Nov 2014 · 227
i t ' s o k a y
y i k e s Nov 2014
it's okay

to be


because i am afraid,

but let's not be afraid,

t o g e t h e r
Oct 2014 · 339
y i k e s Oct 2014

Oct 2014 · 217
10/15/14 11:27pm
y i k e s Oct 2014
i just want to rip the scars you left on me off

i just want to remove the thoughts of you from my mind

i just want to burn the image of you out of my thoughts

i just want to pretend like you no longer exist
its almost been a year
Sep 2014 · 526
y i k e s Sep 2014
Little girl,

do not believe
not even for a second

that you matter to anyone.
Sep 2014 · 738
y i k e s Sep 2014
so i guess you

but i should have
    ­                      w

this is how it would be.

everyone else already
                              ­       n

i just wish i didnt
                           ­         w
i was right.
this isn't how i really wanted to play this idea out, but i guess it won't get much better.
Aug 2014 · 664
a realization came that
y i k e s Aug 2014
you're so beautiful,

but you're not meant for me.
i guess i have to deal with that

inspired by a death cab for cutie song
Aug 2014 · 276
i sort of missed you?
y i k e s Aug 2014
Now that my poems aren't about you

they have no true meaning.

Please come back.
why was i so hung up on you
Aug 2014 · 2.2k
sun burnt
y i k e s Aug 2014
it's such a shock that skin can burn on a person so **** cold
Aug 2014 · 692
And Your Total Is...
y i k e s Aug 2014


i'm ringing up your items
answering your questions
and bagging your items

because the only way to be able to make it in life

is to be a slave for someone else
Aug 2014 · 4.2k
Photographic Memory.
y i k e s Aug 2014
toes buried in the sand

smiles painted on faces

frame this memory

because you'll never see it again.
Aug 2014 · 584
i hope you rot.
y i k e s Aug 2014
dont get my hopes up

                 and pull them down to earth
                                   ­  and stomp them into the ground

                                                      you­ inconsiderate ****
y i k e s Jul 2014
it's 12:25 am

and i'm starting to miss you again
Jul 2014 · 821
O Subscript 2
y i k e s Jul 2014
just like my lungs need oxygen,

i need you to hold my hand and tell me that everything will be okay
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Summertime Clothes
y i k e s Jul 2014
sun burned skin
scrapped knees
overly heated air
ice cream truck tunes heard in the distance
rain pouring onto the streets

*******, it must be summer.
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
y i k e s Jul 2014
set the pencil down
close the book
put it back on the shelf
sit down on your bed
inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale

you have nothing else to say.
Jul 2014 · 713
(I Hate You #5)
y i k e s Jul 2014

Jul 2014 · 2.8k
Beach Day
y i k e s Jul 2014
As I stepped foot on the beach for the first time this weekend, my head was spinning.

This was such a great experience for me, I've always wanted to go to the beach. And I was extremely jealous of everyone who got to go, multiple times in one year.

The sun was beating down on to my sunscreened filled skin.
My toes were submerged in the sand, which was sticking to my feet.

And then it hit me, this is such a normal experience for someone. Walking on to the beach in the blazing heat, splashing in the ocean with their best friends, jumping into waves; it's all normal things.

But to me, this experience was extraordinary.

So remember, be thankful for every little thing you have.

Every experience. Every action.  

Some people would die for things like that.
Now I'm really sunburned, ahh.
Jul 2014 · 700
y i k e s Jul 2014
I love looking back at our old messages because  at one point during your life

You took time at of your day to talk to me

*fixed my typo*
Jul 2014 · 1.0k
Capricious Weather.
y i k e s Jul 2014
everyday isn't a sunny day


everyday isn't a rainy day.
Jun 2014 · 970
Sleeping the Days Away
y i k e s Jun 2014
come lay down next to me
in this little dirt ditch
and watch the world slowly wither away
as sleep the days away
Jun 2014 · 6.5k
y i k e s Jun 2014
A stadium filled with thousands of bodies

all pressed together

knowingly aware

but not caring about the abundance of sweat coating their bodies, which isn't their's

or the amount of limbs pressed against them, which isn't their's.

A stadium filled with thousands of people



the words which fuel them

give them life

and a purpose to keep going .

A stadium filled with thousands of people

all wearing the same shirt

which represents their love

for simple humans

just like them

which give their life

not too great, but it's good enough for being half awake and excited because i finally get to see my favorite band today!!
Jun 2014 · 457
June 24, 2014.
y i k e s Jun 2014
running through the woods

climbing up hills

splashing through the creek

walking through the weeds

picking up flowers

tossing trash aside

wandering down the street

devouring cake on cheap plates

today was full of adventure

and tomorrow will be new
y i k e s Jun 2014
******* for making me fall for you.

        ******* for making me notice the corruption in today's world

                ******* for making me notice you

                        ******* for being flawless

                                ******* for having ocean blue eyes

                                       ******* for having the gosh **** cutest laugh
******* for making me fall for you and not doing a **** thing about it
wait no,
**** me.

*idea for Alex's dumb notebook blurb "******* for making me love you"
Jun 2014 · 840
Forever & Always (10w)
y i k e s Jun 2014
hold me

tell me you

love me

forever and always
Jun 2014 · 375
To You, From Me
y i k e s Jun 2014
You are the rainbow that forms when the sunshine beats a rainy day
You are the painkiller that defeats my headache
You are the kiss a lover gives their lover when they come home from work
You are the family that adopts a helpless child
You are the passing grade a failing kid receives
You are my everything, and I love you
y i k e s Jun 2014
It's okay to think, friend.

                        don't trust yourself early in the morning.

When your thoughts are running rapidly in your mind
telling you that you're no better
than that bottle of pills in the cabinet, used to remedy a physical pain
                         don't trust yourself early in the morning

When your thoughts are running rapidly in your mind
telling you that you won't be missed
that you're better off dead rather than a forgotten memory

                          don't trust yourself early in the morning

Instead, get a cold glass of water
blow your nose
take a deep breath
tuck yourself in your bed
and close your eyes
then let sleep take over you
I've had this idea for a while, don't quite like how it turned out though
y i k e s Jun 2014
These words just won't go well with other words

These sentences just won't form together that well.

These deeper means just won't make sense

Nothing will go together

And I can't seem to fix that problem.
y i k e s Jun 2014
I've got sunshine in my pocket
           butterflies in my veins
                gold inside my heart
                     diamonds inside my eyes
                           and a loaded gun inside my mind

tell me again, why do I need you?
Jun 2014 · 500
(I Hate You #4)
y i k e s Jun 2014
embrace me in comfort
embrace me in discomfort
embrace me in antipathy
embrace me in love
embrace me in anger
embrace me in joy
embrace me in melancholy
embrace me in enthusiasm
Jun 2014 · 438
You're my 2am Feeling
y i k e s Jun 2014
here's a poem
for that 2 am feeling

that leaves you in bed
with all your covers on
along with those hot flashes
that cut deep
and sting hard
leaving you without an aspiration in the world
Jun 2014 · 271
Clear (10w)
y i k e s Jun 2014
it's finally became clear to me:

                                     you're nothing worth chasing
y i k e s Jun 2014
Rest your hands on my waist
        and I'll rest mine on your shoulders

Glide with me around the venue
          and tango with me across the dance floor

Buy nasty food with me
         and spill Shirley Temple on my pure white dress with me

Poss for professional photos with me
        and rest your chest against my back as I blush

Hold me close
         as I hold my breath
              hoping this moment-
                             this night-
                                     never ends.
Jun 2014 · 258
Who Do I Think I Am?
y i k e s Jun 2014
i took a risk

                                      which i really regret

who was i to think

                                     that i actually could be strong

and now as the walls of reality crash down upon me

                                      i realize that i am not strong

nor valiant

                                        i am weak

and fragile

                                     i am worth no more dead

than alive
Jun 2014 · 245
Everything Paused
y i k e s Jun 2014
because my muse is gone.
the back door was left wide open.

(i deleted the other lines because it seemed repetitive, i like this one better)
May 2014 · 1.1k
(I Hate You) #2
y i k e s May 2014
I need a net to catch all these butterflies in my stomach
May 2014 · 474
Group Projects (10w)
y i k e s May 2014
I really enjoyed having an excuse

to talk

to you
It was great while it lasted.

Thank you for agreeing to work with me.
May 2014 · 878
y i k e s May 2014
misty eyes
shallow goodbyes
numb feelings
quiet shielding

you're the king
of apathy
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