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Ariana Mar 2012
I am the moth, you are the flame.
I am blinded in the darkness,
Surronded by the cold.
I am fragile, weak and fleeting.
I am the moth.

You are the flame.
You burn bright and true,
Chasing away shadows with your light.
You draw me closer and closer,
Enticing me with the heat you exude.

I am the moth intoxicated by the flame.
You are forbidden, yet irristable.
The fire is seductive, untameable, and wild.
My desires are undeniable.
But to touch is to be burned.

I am the moth, killed by your flame.
Zowie Georgia May 2015
There's a mermaid that waits under the sea,
she waits in hope that a brave soul shall surrender to her and in doing so she'll rescue them in return and embrace them into her watery world.

The sea belongs to The Mermaid, she's delved the underworld, lives for discovering and has left the surface for those that are not ready to meet her yet.

Maybe it's part of her enchanting beauty that she is always so immersed in the intensity of the water,
the darkening depths of the sea, her own emotions, the womb of her world giving sustenance.

In my curiosity to go deep into the abyss I met The Mermaid and there she asked me to plunge to the depths of the sea with her.
The water was no longer blue, the rays of the sun no longer illuminated,
it was cold and dark and I knew that I could just about reach the surface of the waters again to leave, but I also knew I'd done that many times before.

I begin to sink but apart of me still resists,
my legs slightly kicking and my hands unsure as I struggle to know what to do.
'Let go' -I hear The Mermaid echo through the water,
her patient voice holds me, I feel safe but still I'm in conflict with all that I'm confronted with above.

My mind continued to battle here as my body naturally slipped down some more,
the deeper under water I went the more everything felt still.
I felt The Mermaid on the periphery,
in a distant part of me I think she's always lived, I've just not been able to trust in her.

Everything feels longer underwater,
time isn't of importance once you've abandoned your anxious breath.
you begin to feel apart of it all,
as though you're a small ripple of an imperminant wave and an untameable current bound into One.

This place feels like I've been here forever now, it's so cold it actually begins to feel warm. The deeper I allow myself to sink the less I seem to contemplate. The less I struggle to let go the more peaceful I feel and the deeper I slip into the unknown the closer I get to her.

I soon reach the bottom, the deepest place I can go and here I meet her where I always knew I would;
It's too dark to see so I wait in the unknown for her to show herself but she didn't appear outside of me, in fact she spoke through me and with my own inner voice I heard ...'If you do not connect to the depth of yourself then you'll never know how you really feel. Just as a Mermaid swims so deep she can no longer see.. You must swim too, even when It's dark and scary and you might not even know what you feel or you feel too much and you feel as though you're drowning.. You must trust. Trust in yourself beyond anything and you shall always find your treasure here...

...There's a Mermaid that waits under the sea,
she waits in hope that you shall meet here and to see without having to see. <3
Michaela Ferris Mar 2014
I'm an untameable beast,
So ferocious and vile.
I will burn you with my wicked stare.
I've changed into and evil monster,
There's no going back.
This fiery temper consumes
The now faded light of life.
N Paul Jul 2015
I want to write it all; all of it. Every last word, sentence, phrase, poem, story, tale, feeling, joke, song, garbled hunk of nonsense streaming from my mouth hole like from a tap until the whole world drowns in just what I want to say; to let them know that expression is here, in my mind, in theirs, whispering in the trees outside, singing from every atom that can bump and grind and make things feel or see or sigh.

I want to sit within friends late in the night heads bobbing nod nod nodding as we agree or disagree or pedigree our intellect as we refine the phrases that make us sound like we know. Cos when you sound like you know, that's when you get heard, and if anyone's gonna get heard, ain't no one better nor worse than us. Cos nobody really knows; no Oxbridge don could ever write the wind, measure my kiss on my darlin’s skin, capture what the rosy points of her cheeks do to my brain, my body, my soul, my Attachment to this world.

So Hear me, O merry gentlemen! For I am alive and feeling and that is all the PhD I need.- If only you could see what’s dancing around in my skull... but you don’t have to! Use your own ivory mug! Really stop and think and you’ll see more than in a million poems roar within an eyeblink. Know it and feel it and see it all; the whole stupid shining racing roaring- untameable- restlessness of it all! Put down your pen and paper and rush out in the air and rejoice truly in the warm company of lovers and friends, in the sweet hum of guitar strings and in the savage itch of the insect's bite. In loneliness and mourning. In boredom and steady working with clever hands. And love, never stop loving, or hating, or appreciating, or caring, or crying, as long as you are feeling. For sometimes it seems we should always be in pain from one thing or another, yet mostly from the bubbling exasperation of positive go-get-em ***** for life.

For we read this clunky tongue of ours and say it’s what should be but there is more! For life through all its prisms can impress upon your vision a beauty neverending, yet to sense it quivering within a page is a spectacular sight indeed. So let’s leave the rigid, the impersonal, the stymied words behind and let's form a new expression, devoid of convention, one that cries joyous face-first directly into our souls!

So, Cry, onwards! And let's weave this tender tongue of ours, golden! Let's stack this world full of less-than-sane streams of speech tangled images driving shards of true experience into each other’s minds, until we drop dead deep in our bones from exuberant exhaustion. Let’s follow Kerouac to the grave; cheering, and keeling and full of tender feeling and find a meaning in words that can transcend into being. Let’s **** and watch and listen and do and learn and laugh and notice laughter and mark it for the concentrated joy that it is. Let’s sit quietly and attend to those things around us and ruminate without ever forgetting our surrounding- which include, of course, the ever flipping ever spinning and unwinding tapestry of our mind and others'.

Let’s find joy, or the maker, or whatever, same-meaning trap clap-trap of a name he (or she) has in your sticks, in what we can touch and feel and see, and inside those we know and those we don’t. Let’s make language a human thing that radiates warmth for all, and bridges us to those around us so that none may feel alone or scared unless they long to for glorious masochism, or curiousness, or any things they so do please. Let us travel, and dance, and loose hope, and find it, and live it.

And write tenderness into this world.
There are worse places to be
There are better

Avenues of everything I’ve ever dreamt of
Stretch out before me like a baby’s crumpled arms
Rugs pave the broken road
Soothing the wavy maze of souks and bazaars

Covered in blemishes
Riddled with secret treasures
Untameable animals scour the pathways
Searching for forgotten scraps

Shadows live in contrast to the midday sun
Hiding fallen beggars
Lying twisted on the ground
Juxtaposition of beauty and pain unfolds

Poised in the blameless blue sky
A tower rises over the horizon
Desperation pours out of every cracked brick
And a prayer floats out to the market

It is perfection, of a kind.
The streets are not innocent
They have seen and heard and felt
Every wrong in the world

Afternoon heat of the square suffocates me
I’m lost in an array of people and materials
Drowning in the swirling language
Eyes stinging amongst the dusty chaos

Eats away the market’s life,
Dampening red-hot brick walls.
Corrupted skies cry.

There are worse places to be
There are better
Ambika Jois Sep 2016
No job is beneath you,
For the necessities you need to fulfill,
No qualification is too little,
For the benevolence you can give another,
No house is too small,
For you to help the underprivileged,
No mind is too untameable,
For you to bear thoughts of goodness.
No heart is too small,
For you to love greater than fear.
We are so attached our fears, 'cannot's and lack of self-belief. We all have strengths. Even our flaws are our strengths. Weakness only applies when we are stubborn to not change for the better. The reasons why we are attached to our negatives is because we KNOW our positives are so strong - we just don't know how to hold ourselves together through all that strength. Well... all it takes is love and faith in ourselves :-)
Amanda Jul 2015
My hair is an untameable wave that cascades
down my back and is an even flowing river that drapes
onto my shoulder blades and biceps.

As I sit in the swivel chair waiting for the scissors to
shear off the last dead ends, I think of you.
With these ends, you'll be disappearing, too.

You haven't touched me in over two years, now.
As wisps of hair drop off onto the tile below my feet,
I can be rest assured that a new beginning has dawned.
Amanda Feb 2018
My femininity is not found in submissive glances to the handsome gentleman standing next to the apples. And as I’m gingerly picking up bananas, hoping he notices how I slowly caress the yellow skin.
My femininity isn’t found in hours spent in front of my mirror every morning putting on a face full of makeup, enhancing my natural beauty amongst the lipstick and perfectly applied winged eyeliner.
My femininity isn’t found in clothes that hug my curves and accenting my child bear hips; inviting you to take a second glance.
It isn’t found in a well placed compliment and a giggle and a smile that’s strokes your ego and make your testosterone burn in your veins.
It’s found in my laugh, my tears, my passionate screams when the rest of the world lay quiet. It’s found in bubble baths and empowering women and teaching little girls that their power isn’t held in the palm of a man.
It’s found in my presence as I walk in a room, unapologetically powerful as I need no compliments from you.
It’s found in my words, nurturing ways and my refusal to let you not be accountable for your *******.
My femininity smells of tears, whiskey and cigarette smoke; if it makes your eyes water I implore you to leave the room.
It’s laughs that are too loud, words that are too offensive and a mind that will make you question your ideas of the world.
I smell weakness and I revolt out the back door, I have no use for the likes of small minded individuals. I know my worth and I refuse to lower my standards so your ego can swell.
It’s found in leggings and sweats and braless brigades. It’s found in wild untameable hair that is full of secrets that I guard with a seething vengeance.
It’s found in arms outstretched to my children who I will raise to be good men, who if they so much as make another woman feel uncomfortable will deal with the wrath of their mother and they will be sliced into hero’s. My boys will know how to find a woman, and if found she must be treasured and held to the highest of respect.

My femininity’s foundation is found in power and preservation. It is found in a smart forked tongue with a wild and brilliant mind; you will feel it as I walk through the door and I do not need to prove it to you.
Travis Green Nov 2022
Your sparkling top-tier swagger is perfectly masterful
And worshipful immersiveness, treasured tender flex
Untameable advertisable kryptonite in the limelight
Mad hot star attraction on the map, diplomatic debonair splash

So adventurous and worthy of mention, so eccentrically
Quintessential and sensual, my sultry, smooth seducer
I pine to lie before your errorless earthy allure
Drown in your head-turning and swirling artfulness

Marvel at how you climb out of your dazzlingly white vestments
How you excite and mesmerize my submerged mind
Cajole me closer to the effervescent edge of sweet, hot ecstasy
Where you etch your brilliant honeyed handsomeness all over me

Drape me in your radiant amorous dreams, your soft, luxurious
Peerlessness, let me trace your fragrant **** lips
With my enchanting hands, breathe in your effortless refreshingness
Surrender to your exalted macho suaveness
Alexsandra Danae Jun 2013
Standing, soaked, out in a storm, gusts of wind whipping my hair around wildly
Unruly strands sway with the song of chaos, pulling at my scalp, snapping, lashing at my face
My existence is all reality as this whirlwind tempest frantically thrashes about my flesh
In the complex puzzles and foolish games, a simple madness lives, and therein lies my freedom

My tongue and lips sometimes flap boisterously from their spot on my face
And the noises risen up from my throat, and passed through my mouth are meaningless blubberings
Involuntarily, I grin, tasting the nonsense's unique sweetness, and I swallow
My laughter rings out, a vociferous and untameable sound; humor, the voice of a crazy woman

And I spin! Oh, I spin and spin and spin, savagely, in ellipses, ovals, and circle shapes
I've no shame, and this dance is all mine, so I maniacally fling my arms through the air
And as my body makes its revolutions, a fierce smile curves the shape of my lips, wrinkles the corners of my eyes
Inside my mind, wandering - wondering if there's any real difference between elated insanity and that which I crave...

Most people use words such as eccentric, strange, whimsical, and peculiar for what they cannot understand
So very often I hear these such words being used from those who speak of me
But it is them whom I perceive as being rather off, so habitual and boring, living like routine enslaved, joyless zombies
So unfathomable to me, why most everyone seems to desire nothing beyond a passionless, hollow schedule to, every day, just repeat

Me... I'll race barefoot down a gravel path, through lightning, thunder, and rain, only to feel my hair being twisted and tangled up in the wind
I'll jabber absurdities, laugh like a loon, all while I spin contentedly around and around, until, stupidly dizzy, I crash and fall
Madness pays little mind, stands without worries or concerns, because it believes - it knows, most nothing matters
This is my freedom, freedom that cannot be shared, for what it is, is something that's only freeing for me...

               ~A. D. Smithson   MARCH 2013
Axiana Jun 2013
Her motions bare the essence
That envelops you
Like a river

Her whispers reveal the smoke
That blinds you
Like a mirror

Her aroma awakens the heart
That warms you
Like a fever

Her touch reaches the soul
That cures you
Like a healer
nanda Jan 2018
my heart is an ocean
calm and stormy
a blue force
that hides thousands of secrets

many have wandered
out on my untameable seas
but my waves have dragged them
my love drowned them

but you
you are the only one
that can sail through my heart
the only sailor
who knows the ways
knows what will happen next
you know the semantics
know the secrets bellow
you know what places to approach
and which ones are better to stay far

and it pains me so much
that after months of sailing around
you always go back to the land
haven’t written in so long... i’ve been lacking inspiration; but the other they i cruised by the shore, and this is what came out of it
Rapunzoll Sep 2014
Loving you is synonymous with setting yourself on fire
It seems the only way to stop the fire is to drench yourself in tears
And as it burns; the passion spreads wildly, untameable
Racing amongst gasoline veins during restless nights

The fireworks have exploded in my head this time
Flamboyant paint splashes the blank canvas of my mind
I'm feeling dizzy from the taste of electric lips and metallic tongue
Skin touching; your fingers dance a brief ballet across my skin

Unrequited love can only blossom so long without water
But will my showers of affection cause our withered love to grow
Or become waterlogged while we drown?
I stamp out my words and bury them in the dirt with a harsh finality
They rest in peace but my mind won’t settle
There is a raging inferno eating at my heart
And I'm not sure I want to put it out.
© copyright
Gabryela Speaks Feb 2015
Today, i decided to rhyme to honor thy death
I shall reveal what I have hidden underneath

I hid a love so great, brighter than the sun
Wider than the untameable bluest ocean
But you slipped between my fingertips
Like how a silky, luxury cloth on my skin slids

Gently, smoothly, flawlessly
As flawless as how the sun drowns in red cotton
As graceful as the mesmerizing rise of the moon
I hid a love, existing ceaselessly, my love

So today, I decided to rhyme to honor thy death
To reveal what I tried to hide underneath

I still hold a love, a love so great
feel its warmth escape like angel's breath
And hear me rhyme to honor such beautiful death
And reveal the truth I covered underneath

Beautiful than the crashing of meteorites in the sea
More majestic than the regal clothes a princess can plea
An immeasureable worth, worthier than diamonds
But you tossed it away like cold, dull weightless stones

Yet, I rhyme and honor your death
And reveal what I have hidden underneath
To honor such love's last breath
A love I hid in so much warmth and faith.
For the Prince of Rhymes
Joyce Feb 2016
A tear in your eye.
By words in this life.
They can feel so humble.
Your soul so breakable.
Your love so untameable.
Sometimes my heart
can feel so brittle.
I can cry out in words.
So I can spread my wings
and fly like an eagle.
Inspired by Traveler
You could be miles away
an untameable distance
impossible to reach
tomorrow or today
yet you sit two feet that way

Your could be slipping
falling of a cliff
into a darkness i can not follow
one hand dangling on the edge that is ripping
yet you stand firmly on the ground without tripping

You could be blinded
Sight blocked out by an unpenetrable veil
hiding me from you, unable to see the present,
memories forgotten as you go unreminded
yet your eyes shine, filled with confidence, decisions decided

Perhaps it is me
an impossible treck away

Perhaps it is me
slipping from the edge today

Perhaps it is me
blind folded, hidden from you

Perhaps it is me,
a small candle,  wishing to burn anew,

yet I battle for every breath to pass
as the oxygen is taken by your inferno
my speck of light, shining through miles of darkness
your blazing fire, through clear glass
snuffs out my flame, turning it to gas
I am not a soft caressing breeze
I am the howling wind
That overturns houses in fury
I am not freshly laden snow
Delicate and yielding
I am the frozen expanse
That splinters bone
I am not the glowing ember
I am a wildfire after drought
I will ravage forests that oppose me
The air will be black in my wake
I am as untameable as the ocean
Swallowing islands and cities
Before retiring to my ebb and flow
I will lay waste to the world of men
Should need call of my rage
I will tremble the sun
And swallow the moon
I am the fire and the water
And the wind and the dry earth
*No ones thrives unless I will it
Written from the POV of mother nature, from whom all life stems.
Blake Rogers Oct 2014
My thoughts were untameable.
In a single moment, I changed gears.
I started struggling to keep up.
And my thoughts no longer
Everything moves too fast anyway.
My mind is thick, my thoughts are
Viscosity-defining a liquids resistance to flow.
Goodbye, he said. I knew at that time I'd rather be dead.

How attached I've become to something that never belonged to me.

How could this be?

I covered lips so soft in red lipstick, yet I wasn't prepared.

I fought tears that burned my not reveal itself.

It was time for him to go home...I needed him to stay, but she needed him more.

I knew deep down that there was nothing there for me...but so much that was here for you and only you. You knew.

You saw untameable passion so deep in my eyes, It hurts for you to stare...but my dare, It's time for you to go home.

Our last set of days have come to an end, I won't pretend as if I never saw it coming because I felt it.

We were wrapped up in sweet secrets.

Is she beautiful, does her touch set you on fire...gently breaks your heart, does she drives you wild?

I won't hold on any longer...I'm gonna cry and tear myself apart but I promise I will get better...maybe, who know's

...All I know, is that it's time for you to go home.

Sky Apr 2023
There's this constant feeling
of relentlessly being dragged
through any number of things;

cold snow chokes my airways,

cold water fills my lungs

dirt dances on top of my eyes

and mud leaves its messy mark.

I can't cut loose, this attachment
is just life;
Time pulls and tugs and does not care
if you wish to stop here or there.

The untameable beast, taking bites
from our bodies
Pulls me forward and through
raging seas
It doesn't try to drown me,
just expects me survive
Even as I choke and gasp,
even as I beg and cry.

I wish to rest, just give me a breath–
the passage of time
will pass me by

where am I?
Neo Madime Sep 2013
I love each and every crevice of my canvas,
Parts resonate to the one who birthed me;
exuberant in its own beauty.

My hair is untameable.
Sprouts of rich coarse darkness
are the roots embedded into my skin
speaking of the still waters which run deep.

My skin, a burden in itself
Is my Pride;
My very protection against Society’s perceptions.

The curves on my body are more than a dress size
Or the men’s heads which turn as i walk down the streets.
My curves are my heritage
A sign of where home is.

I am more than a number that blinks on a scale.
I am worth more than the whistles
which fill the silence as I enter the room.
I Am Me.

Yes, i love my body
So mirror mirror on the wall
Don’t let this girl forget her worth
For she loves what she sees.
This comes from a girl that hates what she sees when she looks in the mirror and through other peoples eyes, has seen her worth.
Amanda Dec 2014
My reflection is murky, and
I'm trapped underwater.

My mirror shines the withered
teal tides that wrap my body
in such a way that doesn't feel
too loose or too tight back
into my pupils.

My eyes stare back through
the misty fog layers
trying to dig out of my muddy-
bottomed melancholy soul as I
grip my porcelain pedestal sink.

Dirt cakes underneath my fingernails
from trying to dig you back
out of the grave in which I tried
hiding you in six feet deep.

My hair is a wild,
untameable sea of brown
plastered against my spherical face
from the dreary rain clouds above.

When you left me, there was no
other place to trap the rest of
the memories except in a cemetery
of restless souls and lifeless nostalgia.

They will never see colors as bright
as the watercolor painted sunsets
God has bestowed upon the plateaus
of this shaken up earthen structure...

Ever again.
Travis Green Jun 2022
Cosmic charming top shotta
You make a ***** hot
Thugged out marvel
Flexing hotness and thoughts
Untameable city-bred headbanger
You got solid street cred
Beset with the eclectic majestctness
Fresh with the flow

Icy cold, tight poetic soul
Lyrical lover boy
High credit score
Keep it one hundred
Never frontin’
Steady stuntin’
Hunk as ****
I might erupt
Stuck in your seduction

The illest sweetness
Applyin’ and maximizing pressure
Feels like wonderland
When I gander at you
When I scan your canvas
I am incredibly obsessed
Ready to caress and undress you
Test your adept skills
See how a ***** get down

What kinda game do you contain
Step into your flame
In the fast lane
Making moves that soothe the both of us
Come get on top of me
Please don’t be easy
Let me feel your vicious street heat
Rock my world, Daddy
Spin my innerness
Make me scream your name
Tattoo your thugnes
All over my utter luscious structure
Alaska Jul 2016
I am either an untameable fountain
Or a drowsy puddle
I am either a stormy ocean
Or an abandoned pond

I am either screaming at your face
Or sitting in the corner hiding my face in my hands
I am either talking so much you can't understand a word
Or not answering your questions

I am either hyper and twirly
Or so tired that I don't care about anything
I am either talking so much **** you wish I couldn't talk
Or not talking at all

I am either full of positivity and power
Or like a lifeless shell of my body
I am either sure I want to die
Or afraid of its possibility

I am either a fighter
Or a loser

On some days I am the one
On some days I am the other

There is no in-between
Jelisa Jeffery Jun 2010
This all happened too abruptly.
Too quickly, (untameable)
This all happened too fast,
You’re gone (Unavailable)
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
Torin Mar 2016
My favorite volcano
Untameable destructive force
And through the land
I feel the tremors
I know it comes again
The same way as before
Waiting in molten lava flows
And violent outburst of debris
My favorite volcano
Cinder awaiting a spark
I'm ready to marry the fire
Jay Jul 2013
They say you reap what you sow
We planted seeds but let nobody know
If there was a way we could be the path would not show
but you brought your light to my world and I love how you glow
And despite the lack of fruitful future
We let love grow

Pumping the brakes at every turn
Just trying to keep it slow
Even amongst our selves  we kept it on the low
Over time we would ignore the alarming signs
And Against our better judgment
We let love show

When seen Our love blossomed
Uncontrollably flourished
What once was just seeds is now an untameable forest
We made a beautiful symphony from what was just a quiet chorus
a rushing stream of passion
We let love flow

Now out of fear of what Towers before us
you ask me to ignore us
And go cold cover the field in ice and snow  
Turn my back on what we have
Just go on with the show
the one question that I must know
Is how can
*We let love go?
i want to paint a picture
the canvas stands in front of us
we're holding hands
the brushes in our others
staring at the canvas we begin to paint
a picture that we love and so many others hate
we paint OUR starry night.
a nightmare for van gogh but  a dream that i know that
i want to last
no blending of colors in moments past
stars in the sky and the moon in a haze
we'ew barely breathing, comatose, but so awake
i could see the wind stirring the sky around and inside
as a torrential zephyrous blaze
so deep, so untameable, so true
and it flew.
into the page
as each stroke glints in your eye and in mine
i cry.
its so beautiful i cry
and the stars cry with me.
no color recreatable
no lie its unmistakeable.
our love is a masterpiece.
every masterpiece is incomplete.
let's paint for eternity.
Harley Jun 2012
What makes a man, a man,
What makes a beast, a beast.
Is it the way in which he lives?
Or the way his ancestor's lived.
The past haunts the present,
The present awaits the future.
Uncertainties tangled within time.
Who will become what,
Travelling down the dark valley,
Withering into the future,
As a rose withers in the winter.
Next springs fertiliser.
What will become of the master species?
The master of all,
But space,time and nature,
The three untameable beasts of the universe.
How can we control our fate,
When we can't control our present?
The grand illusion,

What is humanity?
When we praise those who ****,
For a supposed cause.
What cause can justify the malevolent killings,
Of innocent women and children?
What's humane about our nature?
When we devastate cities,
Regardless of the cost.
How can you put a price on a human life?
Especially ones so innocent.
How can we persecute those who are different?
How can we be different,
When we're all human.
Two arms, two legs.
Two eyes, two ears.
One mouth. One brain.
Speak your mind,
Open your eyes,
See the atrocities of our so called "humanity"

Why do we create,
When all we do is destroy?
Why do we work,
When all we do is spend?
Why leave a scar on Earth's face,
When it's all going to end anyway.
How can we live,
A life like this,
Filled with misery,

Because it's life.
magicbroccoli66 Mar 2018
The sunshine,
The pain.
The light,
The dark that bites.
Her fine,
My coarse.
Her untameable soul,
My awkward presence.

The smile of a thousand suns,
Her face of similarity to a Goddess.
Five years.
Five years.

And it is her.


— The End —