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Beverly D Bryant Sep 2010
AUTUM days are here again.
Time for tress to go bare .
They will change from green,to red,
to orange to yellows,until they have all
fallen to the ground.
There they will be raked up in
to piles,thrown across the yard
thrown up in the air ,by a child.
Ran over by the mower or ran over by a dog
just trying to hide a bone.
But autum is another time ,when the cooler
weather comes in and kitchens begin to smell
good once again,.
Time to break out sweaters or just another blanket.
And even time will change once again.
YESautum is here ,so tell me what
does it mean to you ?
I hear autum leaves under my feat crunching
I see the leaves falling off and no more leaves are left on the trees
I feal the cool breaze on my face

I love god's creations of Human beaings, Holiadays, Spring, Summer, Fall, winter, and finally animals
This if so fun to do i just started this so im new so thanks for reading
Cassiel Moore May 2012
Shall I compare thee to a midsummer’s day?
No I shall not
For thou is nothing like it
Thou’st temperance is nothing short of fair
A summer’s day is hot and vicious
But thou’st soul is of utmost gentility
A sweet cool temperance is thous heart
Thou is more like an autumn afternoon
With eyes the color of the clear blue sky
And temper of the soft cooling breeze
Thous beauty’s only competitor is the changing leaves
Unique and changing
Vibrant reds, greens and yellows that each tree holds
The warmth of the sun is thous love
A love that only I receive
That warms my own soul to the heat of the burning hearth
Where we lay in passion and love
For if I were to compare thou to a midsummers day
It would be an insult
Thou is more beautiful
Far more fair
Thou is like an autumn afternoon
With eyes like the sky in the clear afternoon
It is Hell for you.
I'm told to stay.
You have lips near my neck.
A season so known for rest.
Feeling free without appetite.
A human man without a brother.
Without a womb to cradle.
I'm unloved by your father.
I'm alive.
It is a slow descent.
Rest easy knowing your noose is pulling me down.
CJ Turk Jul 2017
Clouds, a breeze of change
Breaking of the old age
Tranquility comes in tides and waves
Changing leaves on crisp cold days
Melting down to the frosty ground

Mist shourded mornings
With bleary commuters yawning
As the fresh days dawning
At lofty heights the early birds soaring
The misty valley like a coast
A great while ghost
Wrote on a train one frosty autumnal morning
AW Nov 2015
Winds march over boulevards
As winding as his wanderings
Leafs leave branches barren
To make the grey skies seen
Clouds cry bitter raindrops
Soaking sour solitude
The puddles promise solace
To drown in to his waist
Torso left to nature’s whims
And storms to wear him out
Car alarms laugh in his face
Howling mockeries his way
Loudly, thunders call him
To give in to the fogs and mist
Life was never as redundant
As in autumn’s heady lists
RV Sep 2015
Why are you red
And yellow
But still so cold?
when the autumn falls and all the trees are bare
gone now have the leaves that were hanging there
grass starts turning brown gone now as its green
frost is all around to create an autum scene

robins on the fence as they bob along
chirpy and so cheerful with there winter song
happy and content on an autum day
making autumn cheerful as they sing away.
lost Jun 2019
i feel
wasting away like petals on an autum day
wasting away into the cold shadows in a peaceful bliss
letting it envelop me in its numbing embrace
the darkness of my mind, slipping out
caressing me
telling me to stop trying
to just
tryi n g
lost Jun 2019
hurting everyone around me
while i hurt myself

t o x i c

everyone is being punished
for my stupidity
my scaredness
my lack of control
my complaints

it's all me

but i'll fix it,
ill re-gain control


you wont be hurting because of me

youll be smiling as i watch in the distance,
overtaken by the shadows

my blood falling to the ground like leaves on an autum day

i had to leave
i couldnt stay

all i can do is try take other peoples pain away and make it mine

you all deserve better
That perfect moment when your between steps
When you dare to look at the sky
And watch the marshmallows floating by

That perfect moment when time stands still
As you watch the birds on the window sill

That perfect moment when you meet for the first time
And you can't catch a gulp of air
As you wonder how someone so perfect is there

That perfect moment when you walk under the autum tree
The falling leaves a perfect sight
Like colorful birds taking flight

That perfect moment when that first snowflake falls
Gently coating your chilly head
And you forget the winter dread

That perfect moment when you watch the children play
And you remember when you were young
And all the crazy things you did for fun

That perfect moment when you roll down a hill
As your head hits the soft plush grass
You realize how small the world may be
And your a tiny speck of happy impossible to see

Then all these fleeting moments are gone
Forgotten verses in life's unending song
Please like if you've ever felt a tiny moment like this for just a second ( or if you like my poem) and please repost, not enough people appreciate the small things in life
Annie Jan 2019
days are getting longer
colors, warm and bright
as flowers bloom,
I wonder
Is it spring outside

sweat and tastes of icecream
sunlight in my back
burning nights and feverish dreams
it's summer in my flat

rain and whirling, falling leafes
tea and halloween
wandering birds and deepest grieve
it's autum so it seems

damping breath and snow
scarfs and woolen coats
powdered, white wonderworld
and winter's shadows grow
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Majesty's Thereupon
Apr 10
to j_blayze2002
Majesty’s Thereupon

Region wifery taken role witnesses smart

Forthwith ‘ Sufficient’ Sureties wedlock confraternity

Basses  bound over protocols.

Sessions same facets subsequence crown intends before

Nativity respect marginalization prior stating ‘Rosencrantz’

Magistrate provisions continue committal within the holy recognizance state of restaging/ Once discharged in rewritten accounts writing the entry palace of provincial domains/ Proper echoes where ‘Orderliness’ Ordinations/ Procedural in the ‘Continuous’-Prospect Fuel Constants/ Mirror Convictions Loggerheads/ Sufficient ‘road-map’-Territories Summon Arms

Validity/ Description Variance ‘ within the athletic of allergic/ Ceasing holds-all dying gloomy/ Distress ‘insanity’-irregularity illegality/ Redoing the ‘hyper-dialecticians’-Therein/ Deemed ‘reasons’-beginning shore ‘whisper’-The prejudices/ Receptacle grounds ‘ Bishop’-The Reliving descendants/ Appoints in the behalf asylum wherein ‘Rope Such Likeness’-District Components/ Zoe Potency  ‘Third-Parties’ Labourers Velocity/ Residence minority by natives of activations/ Observant ideology acres void of felonies.

Retaining the unpredictable  ‘Co-Existence’ of Overalls/ Inhabitants

‘One-Litre’-Imagination Drills….’



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autum comes
I am a lone leaf on a tree
holding for dear life
last one to

winter comes
and I am huddled
on the ground with my
fallen brothers and sisters

I return to the earth
and absorbed back into the great source
the giver of life
the tree

spring comes
I am reborn again
budding, growing
and no longer alone on the tree
I had forgotten that I was never alone
I was holding on when I should of let go
to join the great connection
of life
Poem written upon Joe's request.

"many leaves, one tree: we're all individuals, but we're all connected."--epic (movie). Great wisdom is in children's films and literature.
Cedric Dec 2018
A heart cold as ice,
Melts when treated nice.
A few drops of ******,
Put on your lip balm,
Risk and roll the dice!
Let’s not care about your vice!
A few **** of nicotine,
Needles filled with morphine,
Drink your codeine,
Destroy your veins with ******.
Maybe twice,
Maybe thrice.
Forget all your worries,
Burn your autum leaves,
Forget how to live,
Like breath’s stolen by thieves.
A poem about drugs. I’m just an 18 year old boy that hasn’t tasted drugs, or even alcohol and tobacco. It’s just a product of my endless self-control I guess. Except for caffeine, I’m addicted to that.
Faeri Shankar Mar 2012
White lilac atmosphere
Laced with Autum’s farewell
A fragrant kiss whispered into his lover’s ear
Moistening the staid air
With a sweetness
Of chlorophyll.

A green so rare
A jade for writhing.
Lilacs bloom, daffodils, roses
She fearfully forebodes the night
And waits for him.

Too cruel for snow
An icy caress of stoney lips
An arrogant tease of affection
Crimson petals
Frosted in the blackness
Only to be comforted by mother’s loving arms
When morning blooms.
Nastar Apr 2022
Hello poetry
It's been long since my last golden autum leaves falling down on earth
I lost the feelings maybe
I laugh with the world too much
Because my days were dark with glimmer of lights

I come here again today and found my old self young age
Life was not nice
But now I can be proud
She is still here by faith
Dreams are her wings

She is a diamond now
Strong, rare and brilliantly sparkling
She is wiser
I am glad to be her
#life #woman #girl #pain #strong #past #diamond #love
pookie Nov 2013
Think I might just let go this time.
Say good bye.
And fall away like the autum leaf.

To let my soul rest at last.
Have peace.
To stop the fighting the worrying the pain.

Lettin go is easy.
The goodbyes won't be big.
Don't have anyone left to say good bye to.

It's a bitter sweet end tbh.
With out pain there would never be.
I worry for
the man who
will one day
want to love me

I worry that he
will not know
that my love
burns like the sun
and rages
like a storm
out at sea

I worry that he
will not know
that my darkness
is only temporary
and that it comes
from living
in an ever consuming
pitch black night

it lasted decades

I worry that he
will not know
my spirit
cannot be broken
like an animal
that cannot be tamed

it lasts an eternity

I worry that he
will not hear
my arrhythmic heart
it may sound like
a whisper
but it bangs
and slams in
these ribs
like the percussions
in an orchestra

it will play songs
just for him

I worry that he
will not hear
me when I
cry out to him
for I am not
do not look through me or
past me I
am right here
before you
universes to give

I worry that he
will not feel
the moisture building
in my palms
when he grasps
my hands
out of fear
that he will
hold them again

I will hold his
like others
hold a bible

I worry that he
will not feel
my head
against his chest
like the
safe haven
I have
finally found
after all this time

I worry that he
will not see
the stars that
shine in my eyes
when I look
at his face
like the world's
most wonderous

I've traveled so
long and so
far just to see it

I worry that he
will not see
the way he
can make
every muscle in my body
fall into a
meditative state or
electrify with excitement
with his presence alone

I worry that the
man who will
one day
want to love me
will not appreciate

that I am
a complete human being
with or without him

that I am
divided between
biology and whimsy

that I am
both the
sadist and *******

that I am
broken but
the architect

and that
I do not fall
like an autum leaf
I fall
like an **avalanche
James M Vines Oct 2015
My eyes see planted fields ripe to harvest. Fall rows of corn an cotton glisten on a frosty southern morning. As I walk, I hear echos of past and sweet memories. Familiar shadows are cast by timeless beauty that does not change, held in the colored trees of Autumn. I hear the sounds of memories that are echoed in creeks and streams where as a young boy I found joy playing childish games. The spirits of the waters are too wild to tame. As I walk the old paths of childhood, I see these things in memories that bring Autumn's song back to me
Joey McNamara Mar 2010
The soap feels like rock in the shower
The water runs cold down my fingers
Like a blanket of snow over grass
It's taking too long, but I'm not really caring
I'm off with the stars and their friends
It's just the end of another hopeless cause
But I held it so close, I need you right here
It's just not the same, without your body next to mine

The trees sing their sweet sorrow
The birds calling out to the night
The stars all blink out to darkness
As with each step you get, further and further away
I'm off with the stars and their friends
It's just the end of another hopeless cause
But i held it so close, I need you right here
It's just not the same, without your body next to mine

Stepping out of the shower and into the light
The day isn't quite yet over
Theres time still for this not to be
Another hopeless cause
I'm off with the stars and their friends
It's jsut the end of another hopeless cause
But i held it so close, I need you right here
It's just not the same, without your body next to mine

Your eyes how they glisten and glimmer
Like the shine of a new autum leaf
They stare like icey blood daggers
Knocked out just by one look
And I'm off with the stars and their friends
It's just the end of another hopeless cayse
But I held it so close, I need you right here
It's just not the same, without your body next to mine

Climbing down the mountain of, my house stairs
Sprinting to the room where you, lying on my bed. I
Jump to the warm, stay there till dawn. I
know, you will be here, when I return
Oh I'm off with the stars and their friends
It's just the end of another hopeless cause
But I held it so close, I need you right here
It's just not the same without your body next to mine

The trees sing their sweet sorrow
The birds calling out to the night
The stars all blink out to darkness
As with each step you get, further and further away
I'm off with the stars and their friends
It's just the end of another hopeless cause
But i held it so close, I need you right here
It's just not the same, without your body next to mine
And you're going, going, going, gone.
Death, relationships, depression and a really bad day.
© 2010 Joey McNamara
Zoe Mae Sep 2021
Daylight is devoured
As birds catch the last flight out
Endless sun chasers
Leila Valencia Jun 2016
Blue birds peck away
The bark coils by the forest bay
In its hidden gems, a lost trail

A girl tip toeing around the bay
It's green and black, mucky, sticky
A havoc from step one
The trail.... Crumbled...

Face it, rather she stood by the blue bird
Ticking, picking... Much to much, Somewhat a spinning top The mind plays.
It's stays in haze, distant.....

After much to long, waits she does
For the sun to spray her morning message clear.
Her mind doesn't have to spin anymore - if they tell her what to say

Autum isn't waiting, debating - much to long
She strays her mind.
To whom to confine in the mines of breaking branches

The blistering wind pushes her body, pushes it in the forest bay trail

Now winter comes,
The forest leaves
Conceive the cold feeling, of barren trees
The emptiness sits around, within

The coldness feelings may it never leave
Not making decisions and hiding them. Waiting to make real decisions. Not making them quicker can have consequences
Fine red, grinch green leaves, fall gently from the long lived trees.
Gliding silently through the fridgid breeze, until laid with ease.
Silently they stumble down, resting amongst the humble ground.
Creating a carpet rich and rare, amongst life without any care.
LycanTheThrope Nov 2015
She was conceived of fire
And fate

Her long winter breath
Curling down
My hate

Mist on her fingers
Beach tides

Snow ladden leaves
In Autum's lie

She's sick of November
In grey

It's almost December
A wolf's prey

*Who would ever save a golden moon?
It's time to write again.
Brother Jimmy Sep 2016
Autum, teach me how to be
Colorful like every tree

Let my brightness paint a scene
Metamorphosize from solid green

Autumn, chill my fevered soul
Teach me how to be made whole

Breezes cool and comfort me
Streaks of light pierce canopy

Autumn, teach me how to die
Crisp flight, alighting with a sigh

I'll pause a moment on the ground
Then wind will lift me heaven-bound
Preston C Palmer Sep 2011
Today, I am finally free
of what used to be
dead vine around my ankles.
I remember
how I would walk
into the vision ahead,
hazy and blurry, like
the cold autum breeze
after the sun has set, like
the few damp leaves
melting as I step on them, softening
the edges of a dream, this dream
that is the present moment.
Today, I watch the eastern
horizon fade as the sun sets,
calmly, at my back. And I breath,
without hesitation, the air of peace,
the air of openness, the
air of someday-real-love. Today, I
smell the fireplaces
as the dog plants two
kisses on my cheek. And I look
up at the dark blue sky and, today;
Today, it's alright.
Ben McDermott Oct 2016
A year has past,
And I am no longer the same.
But neither are you.

You were the girl,
Who turned from autum to summer.
With golden radiance,
I found myself looking to you,
As a beacon of hope,
In my dark sea of sadness.
You showed me the magic
Of paper and pen
And I was instantly enticed.

With every word you wrote
Every comment you spoke
I felt hope,
That I could learn
To voice my concerns
And finally earn
The right to speak, in turn

Now I don't see you write,
I don't hear your words
That resonated within me.
But it's okay,
Because you're doing something greater
Than just helping me.
You're creating beauty,
For the world to see.

And I am just as guilty.
In my metamorphosis,
I became complacent.
But a little medal around my neck,
Reminded me of the gift you gave me.
So those words on paper transformed
Into the sounds of my own thoughts.

You helped me find a voice on paper
But now it's become words
Ryzeofthepoet Aug 2018
The spring reminds me of our newly found love for each other after every hurt, every hurdle and every challenge we overcome.
The summer reminds me of the warm fuzzy feeling everytime your lips touch mine and when you wear that collar i love.
Autum brings me comfort that i will always have you by my side to love and to hold eventhough the odds are highly against our cause.
Winter reminds me of the freezing cold nights when i sit alone in my bed thinking of you, wishing you could be in my arms.

Right now its raining, and i miss you.
Katelyn Billat Oct 2017
Our love was beautiful,

innocent and sweet. 

Like flower buds on a tree, seeing the sun for the first time.   

It grew into fresh fruit, refreshing everyone who encountered it.

Then autum came and our fruit dropped to the ground, taking the leaves with it. 

Although it was a sign of death, I still found it beautiful.

We were breath taking.

Our love flowed like rivers and streams hidden deep in the forest. 

Then the cold came, and she came. 

We lost our spark. You spent more time with her, and allowed her to burrow her way into our tree.

Slowly, she took our nutrition and ripped the roots out from under us.  

She froze the remains of us and eventually we died.

Then you grew a new tree with her, using our dead fruit and leaves as nutrients.

Now a new frost has spread and this new winter has killed your tree with her.

This cycle will remain until you have learned how to shelter your tree from the cold. 

But the saddest part is that our tree was not grown from the cold that killed the leaves in which your trees now grow.

Our love was sprouted from the sun, it was fresh and new, and innocent.
Salmabanu Hatim May 2018
Golden autumn,
Harmonious autum,
Delicious autumn,
Beautiful autumn,
Graceful autumn.
Colourful autumn leaves fall,
Red, green,brown and gold,
In showers ,
Over little flowers,
A carpet hue,
Moistened by  misty dew.
Unmistakable autumn sounds,
Do their rounds,
Crisp leaves along the street,
Rustle beneath the feet.
A gaggle of migrating geese,
Flock the lustrous sky in bliss.
Geno Cattouse Oct 2014
It matters not your intent nor will for a molehill is a mountain in the hiding.
To rise suddenly by a millimeter or two.

All is written some profess.

The pages rustle freely in the Autum breezes to rest and suggest with majesty.

But the story is amorphous.
Till final chapter and fullstop.
AYA 187 Jul 2013
Lost in a pool of darkness, A place unknown to me when it comes to you,I struggle to breath I struggle to voice my sadness or my greive, I watch in dispair as we drift apart like two leaves,having grown together on the same branch,now fall from the red autum oak and drift away, propelled by the cold wind of fate. As I look into your eyes I see hatred from where it blooms I cannot explain, we were the best of friends I was your clyde you were my bon bon we swore nothing would come between us,why is this hapning, why do you hate, me but tell me you love me I am confused I cannot bare the tension anymore its tearing me up inside I feel like my heart is being torn apart, I need to know where we went wrong tell me now I need to fix this ,for soon there will be nothing left to fix .
I'm loosing my best friend:(
Sav Bean Jan 2014
Bright leaves,
Cold crisp nights,
Makes me miss summer,
María José May 2018
Thanks to you I feel like I'm living a longer spring than what I thought was posible and now I've grown used to sighs that taste like roses and lavander, rainbows in every pond, and ambrosy-like kisses.
I feel summer coming, but it's warmth doesn't trick me. The melting sun feels like the ****** to the symphony I didn't know how to write until we started making music.
And right behind summer comes autum as the last breath of life. Landscapes worthy of the best museums, all nothing more than a facade to hide the smell of death.
The circle closes with winter and everything that once bloomed in spring is nothing more than a memory covered in frost, in cold, in silence, in empy words, and painful goodbyes.
But right now, we are in spring and I foolishly hope that this relationship is located somewhere in the equator line where we can stay forever in spring.
I'm in a really good relationship now and one day I couldn't shush the voice that kept telling me it would crash and burn all too soon, so I decided to write my worries away and ended up with this.
Diana Feb 2015
I will yearn for you like the sun yearns for the moon everyday,
I will need you like the ocean needs the moon when the tide is low,
And if in this moment you all of you were to be lost like a light in the shadow,  I will have your memory...
It will not grow old bitter or cold,
It will not disinagrate or crumble,
If in fact you do leave me the memory of you will be plenty,
I will not replace you with another memory or even have you sold,
Your touch, the way you laugh the way you sang,
I will have you even if just a memory until the day I die,
It will glicen like the fall autum leaves in October and never will it change with the winter breez.
Breeze-Mist Sep 2018
Summer's duration has come to an end
No longer do I swim upon the shore
The days shorten and the winds start to bend
This crisp air is what I've been yearning for
A month into my time at this new school
And it feels as though this is my true home
I finally live by my self made rule
And I no longer find myself alone
Autum has come and I'm finally free
To be whoever I should wish to be
It's the start of my favorite season in a new school, and even though chemistry is a struggle, I feel right at home.
Happy equinox!
when the autum comes the leaves they turn to brown

as they start to wither they start falling down.

grass that was so green starts to loose its shade

as tempratures start changing its green begins to fade.

trees are standing empty of foliage that was there

all we see are branches and a tree so bare

wating for the spring to grow again once more

and be green again like they were before.

a season of the year  that i just love to see

a lovely part of nature  that brings such joy to me

— The End —