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I have a true friend her name is Cheyann Leigh Smith she is awsome this poem is based on her

Roses are Red Vilots are Blue I have a good friend and it is you
I love you chey in a friend way
bunny boo
bunny boo, bunny boo, bunny boo were are you? a little girl called
whats wrong little girl??? I shouted from almost 5 feet away
I lost my bunny.. The little cried" can i help in any way?? Yes you can yell Bunny boo he should come right to you but he isn't for me here are some carrots brake them up into small peices he will follow the trail
                                                  2 hours later...
Almost the whole town was searching I FOUND HER i screamed!!!! thank goodness he was following us all along ha ha ha ha a woaman shouted Then i spoke up and said it's a good thing i looked back
      Then the girl that lost her bunny asked w-will you be my friend?
ofcourse Cheann  I will
i love this this is a true story about true friends...
I hear autum leaves under my feat crunching
I see the leaves falling off and no more leaves are left on the trees
I feal the cool breaze on my face

I love god's creations of Human beaings, Holiadays, Spring, Summer, Fall, winter, and finally animals
This if so fun to do i just started this so im new so thanks for reading

— The End —