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Jun 2019 · 332
Vinyldarling Jun 2019
just like me
there is a shortage of time
or perhaps
a sensation
of running out of it.

much like you
nobody seems to notice me until I'm gone

the wind shifts
the flowers have already blossomed
yet the sun becomes too warm to allow pleasantries

and in a blink of an eye
you are gone
much like me
when nobody looks long enough to notice.
Feb 2019 · 1.4k
an ode to nighthawks
Vinyldarling Feb 2019
we always think about what we did with our lives
and what did it get us.
for me I gained nothing more than musings at 3am
in a forgotten spot in a forgotten town.
I was always welcomed with the smell of stale coffee that hadn’t been brewed fresh since lunch merely ten hours before.
It wasn’t a friendly welcome but it was a welcoming.

here, in this small lit up space,
I found myself disappear into something else
No longer was I was person in a cubicle, answering phones,
submitting numbers into a tired system.
I was someone who although couldn’t beat insomnia,
I made it apart of my life.
I would learn about others
and mold myself from my own clay into something new.
I made it a point to learn from my tired mind and thoughts,
I made sure I made not sleeping soundly through the night worth it.

It was always somber; just a tear stained cheek away from being devastating;
I found my home here
in the lit up shop on the corner of Sullivan and Orchard;
Where I would always be greeted by the smell of stale coffee that hadn’t been brewed fresh since lunch merely ten hours before.
Feb 2019 · 806
It is okay to be grounded
Vinyldarling Feb 2019
It is okay to be grounded
This is something i must tell my soaring heart
Every second of every day.

When the world seems to open to you
Like it’s yours for the taking,
“Oh, but you must hold back”

That is something that I wasn’t used to hearing
For I was the one who had to make my own path
And holding back was never an option for me

I was told to always bite my tongue and never let others understand what I was feeling
So the expression of words got stuck in my mind
And could only be freed when I placed a pencil in my hand

It is okay to be grounded
This is something I tell others
When they worry about where life may take them

I still have no idea where my own life is taking me
But every second of every day
I must tell my soaring heart it is okay.

This will all be okay one day,
And perhaps my okay is different from yours
But one day it’ll all work out

You’ll get the promotion you always talked about
And maybe we’ll fall in love
And have a nice colonial somewhere we make our own

But for now we must tell our hearts that while it is okay to dream
We can stay grounded for the time being
Until we both sprout wings and have the ability to soar
Feb 2019 · 323
being & being
Vinyldarling Feb 2019
being lonely can be wonderful
but being lonely can be terrible

when all I want to do is escape into your arms
and breathe in your scent
so I can soothe myself

but also be home alone
so I can listen to my own music
and take up the whole bed
May 2018 · 753
the curse of my soul
Vinyldarling May 2018
they say it's hard to let go
but watch
as my fingertips
unlatch from the side of the rock
and fall into the pit.

to be by myself
to rely solely on myself
because you
and the rest of the world
is incapable of taking care of a soul
that creates earthquakes
starts floods
rattles the trees with a strong and intense breeze

these are things you'll never understand about me
because you didn't want to let me in.
but maybe it's better this way.
from the beginning of April.
Feb 2018 · 239
seeing myself
Vinyldarling Feb 2018
That's all it took to easily drive me insane.
Even the proposal of having to deal with him any day longer than the next was unbearable.
He was the one that brought
into my life
and tore me apart until
was left
But what made it so more more unbearable was the fact that I couldn't leave this nightmare-
he followed me around
Dec 2017 · 448
dependency and moons
Vinyldarling Dec 2017
i hate you.
not because i have an ounce of spite in me.
i hate you because you made me miss you.
because you just had to time it so perfectly
for my lonesome, wondering soul
to want something again.

it is restless nights like these
when i stare out my window and peek through the blinds
watching as the moon hides behind the surrounding buildings
and the stars twinkle ever so slightly in the frosty atmosphere
that i feel alone.

i grew dependent on myself
and yet here i am,
writing something because you
made me
dependent on you
living is hard, but loving can be impossible
Vinyldarling Sep 2017
for a while, I was dissatisfied
with the way the clouds shifted to cover
the minimal shine of the sun
to hide my brighter days
in a captured realm of warmth
and simultaneous rapture of frozen temptations


but now that a new sun has
arrived in my circle of planets and stars,
a galaxy surrounded in a smile
wrapped up and presented in a beautiful
bow made of velvet and adorned in loving


the sunflowers in my mind finally had a place to call
home and a place to find comfort in
as they searched for the love and happiness
that took an eternity to find
and only a moment to hold onto
for  my  own.
wanting happiness and needing to write is a contradiction because a poet can never truly be happy
Mar 2017 · 666
my uninhabited wishes
Vinyldarling Mar 2017
There was an old saying that used to always slip through my mind from time to time
And although I can’t remember it now,
I can remember what I used to see when I thought about it -
But then I’d be lying.

That’s not a good way to begin a conversation
Is it?
Lying. Such a fickle thing.

My thoughts are always flowing, always surrounding me
As they translate into things around me -
And I etch my fingers across it,
But there’s nothing there.

An empty vase is not a metaphor
For a heart without love completing it
For flowers
Can do damage
Their thorns against the pure glass.
Just like empty thoughts and verses
Can damage the human soul
My soul
A singular soul

& simply dissipate
Into the vastness of the void
Empty and no less barren.
I submitted this for young authors and got in, enjoy. x
Oct 2016 · 397
the girl I adored
Vinyldarling Oct 2016
I clasped my hands together
but not to pray.
I did it for the perfume she left on me
when she accidently doused me with her perfume.

That careless act took her from me-
she now distantly waves in the back of my mind,
as dormant as an alleyway long forgotten
deep within the streets.

Tears don't do a thing but make the pity
grow stronger
the ancient ruins of her past flooding a
gate as a memory reappears

If there was a God he would have saved her
and for all the good in the world.
I wouldn't believe that deity
for a ****** second.
Oct 2016 · 1.0k
porcelain kiss
Vinyldarling Oct 2016
The aching skin of hers vibrated and filled the room with a coldness unbearable

It was an awful sight to anyone who wasn’t understanding

Anyone who wasn’t an artist wouldn’t see the beauty behind the suffering

In her blue eyes

They kept the waves of oceans left to crash back into her mind

Flooding her thoughts like a tsunami


And so breakable.

She may of been weak overall,

But I saw the beauty in it all.

She was a perfect painting to me

Sculpted in lust and passion

*My perfect porcelain.
Oct 2016 · 818
A texted essay
Vinyldarling Oct 2016
Hi, it's me.
But, I mean, you probably already know that.
And you probably already know what I'm about to say, but now you can have proof of the words that run around in my mind endlessly while you enjoy your mothers pasta dinner.
Yes, I miss you. And maybe you don't know it yet, but one day you'll realize what it really felt like.
I've never held a gun between my hands before, but it felt like I was pulling the trigger, guiding the bullets through my heart as you watched and didn't stop me. As I placed the blade between my chest to ensure the only thing that was really keeping me alive was ceased from pounding and then you cleaned the weapon clean so I couldn't remember what happened if I somehow survived.
And although these are things that didn't happen, it's what I feel. And my feelings may be metaphors, but they feel far more than just a figurative language used to compare a thing that has meaning and something that is just simply there.
But maybe you already knew that.
Maybe I'm just saying it for the hell of it.
Jul 2016 · 765
The Devil in My Angel
Vinyldarling Jul 2016

I put the devil in my angel
and in all of her innocence,
she accepted the fact that I had sent her to a burning eternity.
I may of put the devil in my angel,
but god has she never looked better.
With a gun pointed to my head,
and her lovely sweet smile,
I wouldn't mind burning such a masterpiece
if it smelled as sweet as her.


The venom is sinking in
and I don't think she'll last much longer than spring.
A simple burn from the candle down the hall left her in such agony
I have to ask myself if I'm to blame.


The flowers are here
and still is she
but the gun rests like an old friend upon her nightstand
only making me ask the question
was it m y f a u l t
was it h e r s


The first rain came,
and just like the raindrop that fell down my window
it fell down my cheek
her body on the floor
and yet I didn't
s t o p h e r.
I didn't tell her
n o t t o d o i t.


When I visited her grave
she surprised me
if she was alive or dead
I didn't mind to see the smile on her face,
and painted or not
she never made death look better.

She made me want to d i e.
Jun 2016 · 555
The differentiating me's
Vinyldarling Jun 2016
Restrictions were never a true forte
For those who grew up
Destroyed by the echo inside their head

But it wasn’t imaginary at all
The only thing that was a fragment of
Our own imaginations
Was that someone actually loved us

It was a day to day lie
We carried it on our shoulders
They didn’t actually love us
They just wanted to watch us

With tainted souls we carried ourselves
Through our own lives
The broken record stuck on repeat
The deafening silence of the needle


Jun 2016 · 548
waves to roads
Vinyldarling Jun 2016
Memorization was never the key to anything
Seeing that she changed so much.
So often.
With only hands to guide over her curves
As my eyes, sewn shut at her merciful kiss,
I memorized absolutely nothing.

The key was to explore - gain a new sensation
Every delightful time you had the permission.
The permission to graze that complexion of black and blue and the
Rosy cheeks that were out glowing the slight tan you had on
Your face and scalp because we went swimming
Last week.

We never really got wet though, vigilantly dipping our
Toes in the chilly water, a book in my hand,
Not speaking but letting the words drip over
My lips to poison them with the writings
Of O’Hara, Ginsberg, Kerouac.

I hope you plan to travel the world
Because it's the least you could repay me
For not memorizing you like a road map
To nowhere.

— The End —