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May 2016 · 914
surpratik May 2016
this here
is a saga of a child
lonely and sad
seeking faith in the wild

born of fear
forbidden to love
but loves everything
he sees and touches

claps his hands
but didn't know it's war
growing up was hard
with peace no more

was told of fairy-tales
of an imperil utopia
then given guns
in place of arcadia

the boy remains
a boy no more
with ****** khakee shirts
and bones sore

shown a path to hate
and misery
but tears in his eyes
missing his family

prays to a god
who does not exist
grudges on leaders
and failed politics

finds his savior
in an stranger's bullets
they said it was the enemy
but it was just people
Apr 2016 · 560
a message from a lousy poet
surpratik Apr 2016
distance could grow all the "i love yous" to "i miss yous"

this may not even be a poem but
i miss you
p.s. come back
surpratik Apr 2016
I love you
and I'll stay

I know it's cold at times, but I'll cover you with a blanket of warm words, and you could close your eyes and I'll hold your hands tight.

I miss you
and I'll wait

I know you were crying hopelessly at night, but I'll collect your tears and will drink them like holy water, and tell you, we'll survive.

I need you
and I'll pray

I know nothing feels real, and You're afraid that I'll break you, but what I would only ever want to break is this silence between us.

I feel you
and I'll always

be there, to understand you, to read you, to see you, to aid you, to hold you, to be with you, to kiss you, to love you
surpratik Apr 2016
maybe the night isn't really a bad time to stay awake
maybe you meet the best kind of people at 4am
the kind, that you could laugh with until the morning
and then go to bed again, thinking of them

maybe, sunrises aren't so bad
if i got to spend every single one of them with you
and maybe you're glad as well
that i was with you during your sunsets

and even though i am here and you're still a little far away
boy oh boy, you still feel so close to me
like, you were right here all the time, sitting next to me,
whispering in my ear, ever so softly
it's kinda hard to write about something/someone you admire so much... either you'd be speechless or you'd write pages and pages about it. i feel like being both, except i only have time to be speechless.. because i'm spending all my other time with you
Apr 2016 · 594
Under the staircase
surpratik Apr 2016
You may forget me one day

But I will always remember

The love that you showed me for a single moment

Under the staircase.

I miss you so much.
I miss you so much.

That wasn't just a dream.
Apr 2016 · 529
disappearance at 4am. pt. 1
surpratik Apr 2016
days, weeks, months

the postman did not bring much good news
the weatherman only predicted rain
ink ran dry out of all the poet's pens

envelopes bloomed to paper boats
floating in the muddy puddles across the street

a window open in a café
with a lightning view of the melancholic painting

the girl who disappears at 4am
running away with the painter's words,
wearing shiny golden heals
surpratik Mar 2016
You said there are two people inside of you. One that loves him, and the other one that wants to keep me, as your best friend, as a lover, as a secret.

You didn't speak of me to anyone, you formed fairy tales and mystical lands in your mind, and carved an imaginary place in your heart for me. And even though I spent every second of my time there, loving to be your fictional muse, being happy with just being together in a fairy tale, you were happier with somebody else in the real world.

When I seek you from inside the looking glass, I feel sad each time, because I see people outside who are happier with someone, and then I see you, happier with him. Sometimes I see your smile, and I'm fine, nobody will be happier than me. Then I see your hand in his, and tears fall, even though I know you're happy, but somewhere I will never be completely, not without you. You never see, this bunny also loves you back, and he wants to hold your hand and take you on adventures too. You never see that he is crying, he yearns for you.

When your man pushes you away or suddenly the weight of the world becomes heavier, you jump back inside the rabbit hole. You find me in our secret chamber, and I shout and scream when I see you there. Not because I don't want you here but because I hate why you had to come back so late.
But then I quickly throw away my anger and you manage to turn my frown upside down and we go, away on our adventures. We go, away to a place in the fields where you love me back too. And I don't want to leave that place. I don't want to leave. But you always have to go. Back to reality. And I don't say a word.

You say we're best friends and you'll always come back, that You'll always have me in your heart. And I look away because I can't show you my tears. All I want to tell you is that, I'll always have you in mine too, but the only difference is I have nobody else, but you.

And you go, and I stay, because this is my home, the place where you and I belong together. But you leave me alone, and I have to fall asleep. Because I don't know how to have fun alone, I don't know how to go on adventures without you. I tried, I was able to explore other spaces and sounds, but I never was happy, because I always wanted you around.

Sometimes I grow tired, sitting here waiting alone. I climb up the hole you dug, and enter the real world, and chase every nook and cranny to find you. And sometimes I manage to give you a surprise, sometimes I manage to take you back. But sometimes you shut the door on me, sometimes you don't want to be anywhere near me. Sometimes you act like I'm a plague, you pretend I'm just a stranger, and shoo me away.

Sometimes, I weep and quietly go away. And you come back and never say sorry, but I know you are, I know you care because you came.
But sometimes it feels too much, and then one day, one moment i got too selfish, I wreaked havoc in your real world, I was that upset. I went crazy, because isn't that life without you, a handful of insanity? The crazy rabbit. Don't believe him, you tell everybody. "He is just making up stories." What do you expect me to do? I cry and go back home. I have nothing to prove to the world; how do I tell them, you're my friend, when you can't even tell that to your close ones sometimes. How do I prove to people you love me too, when you can't even tell that to yourself sometimes.

And yes, for a moment I got selfish. For a moment I wanted your world to crumble. But you see the anger for a moment and say I'm evil, you don't see the sadness when you're not there, you don't see the care when you used to come back hurt.

Now you don't want to come back anymore because you are scared of me. But is it okay, you can be selfish all the time, and I got scared of losing you, tried to cause the damage, only for a while?

I'm been hoarding "I'm sorry" signs next to every street you pass through, but you ignore them like they were never meant for you. You think I'm not sorry, because friends don't hurt friends, right? But I didn't mean to hurt you. Hurricanes don't know they hurt people, and I was just rain.
And now I've flooded my own place, and I can't go anywhere from here. I'm screaming, come back, because you're sunshine. You make this place come alive. Don't you see, there were only thunderstorms here since you last left? But oh, how would you? You did not even dare to come back.

I miss you now, I need you now. I'm sorry. Even though I said it a million times, I'll still say it again and again. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm terribly sorry. Please don't hurt me like I hurt you. I just lost my sense once, please don't punish me repeatedly. Come back Alice. Come back, come back.
I love you.
this isn't a poem, it's just words flowing out of me. i am not much of a poet, but i didn't know how else to write this. :(
Jan 2016 · 488
surpratik Jan 2016
I shouldn't have left Toronto
Oct 2015 · 313
R for Recovered
surpratik Oct 2015
It took a while
to find my place again
amongst the distant stars
of poetry and painting
where my heart belonged
Aug 2015 · 2.3k
All about you
surpratik Aug 2015
I've wrote enough about your eyes,
and how they mesmerize me,
how I try to look into them and read
everything you hold inside you
and how I never could.

I've wrote enough about your lips,
and how they whisper,
beautiful things,
how I need them close to mine
so they could cure my every illness.

I've wrote enough about your skin,
which I believed was carved by Angels
a perfect imperfection, (sort of)
the way you glow against the sun,
rejuvenates every part of me.

Now let me write about your freckles,
little stars they are,
how they make the universe feel so
adorable, beautiful..
making me find my universe in you.

Now let me write about your scars,
which have become every part of you.
But, they rhyme with me now,
they're a part of me now,
that's why I love them too.

Now let me write about your veins,
running down your neck
visible through your fading skin,
I could kiss you, and feel your heart beating
but I'll be the one who'll feel alive.

Let me write all about you,
Your chubby toes, your sleepy voice,
Your breathing, your gaze,
Everything I can touch, everything I can feel.
Let me try..
every detail, every tiny bit
Let me write..
All about you
yet still find
that endless poem,
sunsetpoem, she's just a girl living in my head.. and I'm madly in love with her, despite all I never said.
surpratik Aug 2015
As I lay here, I pretend
it all ended happy in this age old narrative.
As I lay here, I imagine
a world with just the two of us, a twinkling melody.
As I lay here, I wish
we were always so closer, and nights weren't so colder
and it wasn't so gloomy, and we could step outside
and nothing was so gray,
and we would only see the blues and greens
As I lay here, I think
what if, time had a way of turning around,
and I could see you one last time,
turning around to see me..
As I lay here, I only think of you
and how far away you are and how I start measuring
distance across oceans on world maps,
pretending you're inches away from me..

imagining, you were right where I could see.
As I lay here, I weep..
in the dark, turning the night lamp on and off
realizing, it was all too good to be true and that
all good things don't last forever and
like a record that's ended, *our stories have too..
Jun 2015 · 5.2k
inside my galaxy
surpratik Jun 2015
my mind is blank.
like space?
but space has stars..
or galaxies,
or planetary systems,
or planets,
or earth-like environments,
or people living
on these earth-like environments,
or extraterrestrial intelligent beings,
or intelligent minds or perspicacious thoughts
on how things narrow down to a single idea..
that everything is **void
this isn't a poem

surpratik Jun 2015
a girl who says be right back
but you didn't know she went to *pack her bags
and she left for good
the last message,  "goodbye" she said

Jun 2015 · 938
igniting faith
surpratik Jun 2015
girl of country forests
and dusty magical roads
and the calm on hurricane streets
a tint of pink
sitting on maroon carpets
turning pages of a novel dream

her pale hand on an age old paper
bleak ink and words,
pouring an ocean
with her dark brown eyes
penning thoughts
sending letters into the future

writes notes on sticky pads
in a library of broken hearts
where the rule is to stay quiet
to only scream inside
and just like the books she borrowed,
never let herself fall apart

lazy afternoon adventures
seeking rainbows and smiles
barefoot, feeling cold
on play dates with her dog
which apparently talks to her
when the boys in her school won't

now there could have been someone
who made her dream of a heaven somewhere
but he only took her to a really hot place
something 'hell' said a sign before the door
he let go of her hand, pushed her in
returned back and left her there

this was what she had to become
just like this lonely burning place,
she started within her a fire
a fire no one could douse
she burnt her dreams but never
the forest that grew behind her house

for in the forest, she had to burn
pages, words, letters to the boy
she wrote with bleeding ink
until she had burnt
all the dark memories of yesterday
and found her fiery smile in those flames

she couldn't sleep at night
while everyone dreams, her thoughts loom
spells on the poignant calm in the air
something magical, exciting about this darkness
and when she plays with her pretty dark hair
yet still it remains a lonely, desolate room

but even the night passes
a girl, now in love with sunrises
because even those are just the embers
from a burning sun, a million miles away
oh boy, she still loves a beautiful fire
and waits for a boy to burn in her desire

a girl who used to be the calm
has now become a storm
but she keeps reminding to herself
there are souls who still love art and light
so that's why even broken pieces, ashes and fires
can make a beautiful home
Jun 2015 · 712
dream drafted
surpratik Jun 2015
Hey Insomnia,
Take me to my beloved

These pointless nights
You keep me awake,
I'd rather spend them
with someone else

Take me to the beach, Insomnia
Where she spent her summer break
I wanna watch her play
on sandy dreams

You don't know
How much I'd like to see her
But all you show me
are starry nights, darkness and.. you?

Hey Insomnia,
I would like to call her
by this name as well, she shall be my Insomnia
I shall be her Insomniac

Because.. Silly Insomnia,
We both know,
She keeps me awake at night
More than you'll ever do!
*silly girl, I can't sleep.. im not saying it's your fault. but it probably is :p :* xoxo*
May 2015 · 1.1k
are you really living?
surpratik May 2015
if you haven't figuratively died a few thousand times
are you really living?
a door slams shut.
she waits for him to knock and
he's outside waiting for her to open up.
the door
remains closed.
pieces & parts,
it's all in the art of loving you
But is he as deliberate about you
as he is with his words?
Losing bits of sense like the
paintbrushes that lose
bits of paint with every unavoidable drip;
was it loving you or was it keeping
old bus tickets that killed me?
And as the soldiers bore dead bodies by,
**can we just love one another & still survive?
a poem by the following twitter users:

@deIuge @bluehiatus @harboredlight @archetypecast @bellan0va @blankpoems @IAM_SHAKESPEARE @utopiarchitect

May 2015 · 873
The world and its ploys
surpratik May 2015
What do you want from me!?
**I'm just a boy
Sometimes, they expect too much of us. Sometimes, all we can do is try. They still mock us, they still question us. They say we're a disappointment. And all I can ask them, "What do you want from me? I'm just a boy."
We run out of time, we run out of ideas. We can't set our minds right, on things they require of us. Still we struggle. Still we try. All we plead, "I need more time."
May 2015 · 505
surpratik May 2015
A wall clock, slowly ticking on the side table
A ceiling fan, hurling with the lowest speed setting
A sudden breeze, rushing in through the windows
tiny LED lights, like ghosts illuminating in the pitch black night
All these sounds, stirring in the air
The screeching of cars outside
And rustling of nearby trees
A heart thumping, calm, inside a body on the bed
Sudden thoughts, saddening and exciting
The duality of the melancholic mind
A face looking up, staring at nothing but darkness, thinking
"Will I see the morning?"
surpratik May 2015
I'm not in the mood to write a poem
I'd rather look at you, I'd rather read you
Your body is poetry!* I can't challenge that
I'd rather not break my darling gaze
You are the most beautiful poem yourself
May 2015 · 565
Dotted Lines
surpratik May 2015
Don't write his name in poems
Don't even speak to the walls
Keep your love a secret
If he doesn't care at all

Don't go engraving his name
on the canvas made of your skin
Hide him inside the hollows of your chest
Fade him behind a smokescreen

Don't christen his memories
You don't label them with dates
What worth were these days anyway
If he didn't dare to stay

Don't antagonize if the world does not know
Let me tell you what to do
If you think you really love him so much
(And Unless he's telling to wait
or you know for a fact he'll change)
And move the !%&# on.
I wouldn't agree to this myself. Cause maybe moving on is so terribly hard. What the hell on earth does "moving on" even mean.!? You don't forget someone, never ever! You WONT forget anything. God, you can almost wish you had amnesia, but until that happens, nope.. you can never just delete someone from your hard drive. You... JUST STOP LOOKING BACK. You'll always cherish them and their memories and that is a good thing. It's good not to hold grudges against someone who never loved you back. I mean, yes hate them.. Hate them as much as you love them. But if you will just plain hate them now, just think about it, was it even love in the first place. Or was it just obsession? So, yeah. Stop looking back. In the future, when someone asks, you tell them "Yes, there was someone. Someone dear to me." But you don't tell them who they were or where they are. You don't, because you're just reviving them in your mind.  If you never had them in the first place, and if they never liked you even once, then maybe being in love with them is a lesson. A lesson that, if someone loves you so much, you shouldn't ignore that. You shouldn't ignore what you went through, and you shouldn't let anyone else go through that for you.! Because if someone does love you so much, they'd always make sure you stay happy. Even if they had to keep their distance to do that. But if you find someone who loves you mad, more than any person ever did.. you don't let them go. Because they will never do that too.

But of-course, there are cases that have exceptions. Being in love with your best friend, still in love with your ex-wife/husband. Sometimes, holding on is okay too. Leave that to another poem someday.

Have an amazing day reader. Fall in love!! Maybe the first time, maybe again. Maybe, you just might be loved back. :)
May 2015 · 627
Hey, we're dreaming again
surpratik May 2015
Me & You
Can we just be everything, imaginary?
Like two miniature figurines
Dancing inside Snow Globes
traveling to exotic places
staring at our faces
all the wonders of the world,
never blinking, a little divination
Oh, so romantic
your hair on my laces
Here we go, little beings,
visiting heavens in the tiniest spaces
Like Alice & the Rabbit
marching through Wonderland
Wizardry and magic,
and Kisses in the attic
Touching cold skin
and all that heavy breathing
Hearts racing fast
Piercing the clouds
Outstretching the rainbows
in double dash karts
Just me and you together,
in our field of enchantment
this entrapment
Forever, the satisfaction
Desire.. endearment
Intimate sweetness
Your lips on mine,
Can you even feel this?
How do we describe
this imaginary feeling!?
inspired by a poet who writes letters to her imaginary boyfriend :)
surpratik May 2015
and now she's hurt
and she's screaming at me
she needs to erupt the anger
on someone other than him
because he made her cry
he made her sad
he abused her
and he treated her bad
and now she's calling me
and shouting
asking questions i cant answer
"why are doing this to me?!"
she can't say this to him
he won't apologize
he won't listen
so she vents out on me
and pretends i am him
a ritual of throwing stones
to a man made of straw
but she won't stone him
apparantly he's made of copper
no actually he's not
because copper dents too
he's just a bigger rock
and i'm still a man of straw
look how i fall
the rocks are crumbling me
every word she says
in her trembling voice
i feel her pain so much
but i dont have a choice
i have to listen to her
i have to keep at it
i'll take all her curses
if it makes her feel better
or if it solves anything
i'm still echoing her in my head
her pain has become mine
but she was on the bus
with her phone dying
and i was at home
silently crying
not my best work because honestly, i cant write more. i'm actually crying. i should never have left her.
May 2015 · 381
surpratik May 2015
Why is it you love someone when they're gone?
Why do we keep repeating them in our heads, like a song?
Why are we always so late to realize?
Why are they the only dream we dream every night?
Why does it hurt when we've not been hit?
Why are we ill but still not sick?
Why do our hearts still race at their imaginary sounds?
Why do we keep going in circles, like on a merry-go-round?
And why do we still care when they cry?
Why are we still with them every time?
Why do we still keep falling?
Or why pretend they're still calling?
Why does it always rain on the sunniest day?
Why is it that not holding someone at our worst, makes us afraid?
Why do mornings feel the same as night?
Why do we forget such a thing called time?
Why does every little thing, reminds us of them?
Why do we shed fawning tears and sink into our beds?
Why do our breaths slow down and we feel like dying?
Why do we end up silent after the endless crying?
Yet why do we think of them and immediately smile?
Why do they still make us happy at desperate times?
Why do we still feel closer when they're far away?
Why do we still keep hoping, they'll come back one day?
May 2015 · 2.4k
surpratik May 2015
Just another broken heart
To heal mine
*(and vice versa)
Fall in love with me, someone, anyone. And I'd love you the same. I'm tired of chasing heartbreaks
surpratik May 2015

A cover picture that says "Not Pretty"
but believe me, she is...
The prettiest!

May 2015 · 596
surpratik May 2015
A girl who is perfect for me
But doesn't want to be perfect with me
May 2015 · 788
A letter to a poet
surpratik May 2015
Dear stranger,
I am in love with your beautiful words
Maybe we should talk? But I am too afraid, afraid you'll be just as beautiful as your words. And when you're in front of me, I won't be able to look away.
surpratik May 2015

Today I woke up with my pillow on the floor.

Tomorrow it might be my dreams, fallen and shattered on the cold tiles.

Maybe things get worse when I stop looking,
Maybe things get worse when I'm asleep.

May 2015 · 390
a strange night
surpratik May 2015
O Stranger
come talk to me.

I sit by the fence on a midnight park
trying to chew words I desperately want to speak.
There's no one to listen,
There's no one to tell,

No one to read to
the hundred and one pages
of my twenty one year old story.

I feel all alone,
empty and hopeless.
I am extremely scared,
shivering like a naked child.
The silence is haunting.
This pitch black darkness
endeavors to **** me

I hold my cellphone,
staring at an empty contact list.
A long, ready and typed txt message
with no recipient in mind.
All it says, "I need you."
My teary eyes are calling for another soul,
Please, I beg. Anyone,
come find me.

I rub my eyes, wiping the dry tears.
With everything a fading blur,
Beneath a faint shadow, I see a girl.
She's crying across the bench to me.
On her own, she sits shaking and solitary.
What is her tale? I need to know.
Now I feel sadder, than I was

Maybe we can share our pain.
Maybe we can help forget.
Maybe we can stay up together, all night.
Maybe, from this painful world,
Maybe, together,
Maybe, we can escape.

But still, I'm afraid to call out.
I don't even know what name to yell.
Mentally, I say this to whoever she is
"I'll keep sitting here across to you,
And hope you're not as reluctant
as this desperate, sad boy."

I'll be here the whole night.
If you look up once,
and see me crying too..

**O Stranger
I'd like to talk to you
May 2015 · 607
surpratik May 2015
dusty windows
that convince you
**snow falls in summer too
May 2015 · 877
i'm all ears
surpratik May 2015
your story may not be a fairy tale
but it's worth telling anyway
now no more excuses
hey, listen
go on
i'm listening
May 2015 · 1.1k
Forgive Me
surpratik May 2015
I wanted to erase her name from an empty notebook
I burnt blank pages in desolation
But she still survived in my mind (and heart)
Like those radiant ashes at the fireplace,
reminding me of our timeless love
Now I curse the fire
for it was too late
**She was lost from my life
If you have someone who really loves you, treat them right and love them so much, give them the world, before someone else takes them away and does it for you. I have lost the love of my life for being ignorant, I was too blind and now I'd do anything to have her back.. But I'll keep my distance, because she's happy with someone else.
May 2015 · 1.0k
I see you
surpratik May 2015
You're not invisible
The sunlight isn't soaring through your pale skin
It's making you *
surpratik May 2015
There isn't enough time to stare
for the hours I do,
the time still feels short
There isn't a place to leave her alone
She makes me feel alive,
*even in the darkest corners of the world
May 2015 · 982
winters can last forever
surpratik May 2015
How much do I write
to tell the world how beautiful you are?
How many words would it take
to describe your compassionate soul?
How long do I speak for
to let them know how precious you are,
to me and to the world?
How incomplete would I be
to not find home in your embrace?
*Without you, it's always so cold
Apr 2015 · 471
make me fall asleep again
surpratik Apr 2015
bittersweet lullabies
Memories of a golden voice
Come back
she used to be my every smile of a good night's dream. now the smiles lack muscle, the dreams are gone, only haunting silence remains as I write the above to try and sleep
Apr 2015 · 708
I would stay alive
surpratik Apr 2015
I don't need the sun
to keep me warm
I don't need the atmosphere
to circulate air
I don't need a fountain
to  drink water from
I don't need a tree
to find shade and shelter
I don't need fire
to  make supper
I don't need the oceans
to travel long
I don't need any needs
If you're with me,
I'd never feel cold
If you're with me,
I'd always breathe
If you're with me,
I'd never be thirsty
If you're with me,
I'd sleep peacefully
If you're with me,
I'd never burn inside
If you're with me,
I'd find a better place
If you're with me,
*I would stay alive
Apr 2015 · 1.5k
this is a sad story
surpratik Apr 2015
A girl who calls you Alligator
but does not *see you later
from a once deleted twitter account I had
Apr 2015 · 2.8k
It never disappears
surpratik Apr 2015
Love isn't something that just disappears
People do
Love keeps finding a reason to stay
I tell her
I'll stay with you

Love doesn't see barriers
Oceans are opportunities
Across borders, my love is at war
Please don't let me leave
Not without winning

Love never closes its eyes
It only wants to believe
Beauty is inside
so love from the heart
One day
she will see it

Love isn't something that just disappears
You just stopped looking
Turn back around
You'll still find me here

— The End —