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Apr 2019 · 463
Young lives are being slaughtered by knives
law and order seems to have no power
to contain the gangs creating such strife
brutality grows not by weeks but the hour
these crimes getting rapidly out of control
with no logic to the mounting toll!

The gangs culture has been allowed to expand
cities towns and villages none are immune
in the present climate they are in command
too often on the roadside flowers are strewn
lawlessness spreads as people are oppressed
helpless we stand as a society transgressed!

A bleak future violence escalates and discipline
is now lost allowing worrying complacency in
surely it extends far deeper into our culture
where nobody can see that hovering vulture!

Now nobody is safe from the threat of violence
as corruption destroys human tolerance!

violence seems out of control peace and understanding forgotten!#TheFoureyedPoet.
Dec 2018 · 534
Happy New Year!
Another year has come to a violent end
yet again the people do not disappoint
death destruction chaos misery abound
nothing different to those times before
as always nature the master of mankind
with other malicious forces is entwined!

Another unknown year is about to start
here we go again into the twilight zone
full of uncertainty where nothing is clear
so may I just add Happy New Year!

In a society of perpetual war! Is there any light at the end of the tunnel?
Nov 2018 · 195
My Death!
How in seconds our lives can change
remembering when we met what fun
it was incredible just being with you
how your love simply filled my heart
thought your feelings were the same
that view changed as hate came!

Felt a sharp pain in my back that night
with disbelief  in me you ****** a knife
your emotions had gone into reverse
sweet so kind thinking we were close
soul mates sharing our lives forever
now its my death we share together!

Nov 2018 · 370
As if directed by dark unseen forces
spreading from an acrid domain
flames ignited consuming everything
flames ignited consuming everything
once arid forests and homes
swiftly succumbed to the raging fires
rising into black smoke spires!

Devouring all living matter in its wake
nothing sacred with such heat
those grasslands now totally destroyed
nothing left but smoldering ashes
in communities no matter their prestige
as each became under siege!

Ferocious and hungry any daylight masked
their lungs gasping to breath
trapped as they perilously tried to escape
the routes to safety fading
facing ahead death anguish and disbelief
victims united by loss and grief!

From the ashes soon comes another dawn!

Through the inferno their bid to survive!
Nov 2018 · 367
Always had the obsession he was being followed
even before the digital generation
that familiar figure whom he had seen before
not certain this was his imagination
a click on the phone as if somebody listening
an uncomfortable sensation inside
now that object in his own home had moved
thought must be getting confused!

Atheist in his beliefs so no angel was by his side
yet felt a tingle of uncertainty
as if eyes were peering at him twenty four seven
over a couple of years  it was constant
technology had begun to advance as a brisk rate
intrusion of privacy a big debate!

Became bedeviled that some agency was listening
checking his data did not feel free
being a conspiracy theorist was often outspoken
many colleagues had been shut down
just told the truth of what he saw in this society
but this simply increased anxiety!

Filled with doubt about everything around him
sat one night staring very attentively
at his laptop screen when an image appeared
several days later he was discovered
by his worried girlfriend absolutely stone dead
face hideously distorted and crushed head!

What really had been watching and ended his life?
Never an investigation to ease pain or strife!

What is out there watching and listening?
Mar 2018 · 544
He had been a vocal critic of the government
trying to expose their lies
that the people accepted as the gospel truth
knew he was being watched
certain it was not paranoia nowhere to hide
his privacy was denied!

His video channel censored and taken down
found it hard to be heard
began to feel his life maybe in grave danger
still determined to speak out
as agents began rapidly closing in on him
knew getting real facts out slim!

Began to shut himself away kept in contact
with others in his circle
who became known as the hard resistance
telling what was really going on
with little success as the public in a bubble
unable to see they were in trouble!"

Most wrapped up in themselves unable to see
a bigger picture of a society
those divided and trapped by social injustice
wars destruction of nations
where the innocent were continually dying
as upon us all they were spying!

He was a sincere man who loved his family
but he was found with his wife
daughter and pet dog slaughtered at home
the official line he was the killer
murdering them then committing suicide
but his friends knew they had lied!

All his files and documents were missing
yet the conspiracy was accepted
for most of the population it was shocking
a tragedy but what happened
main news outlets clearly said it was true
so no official enquiry would ensue!

Is this another conspiracy theory or a fact?

They all felt the truth was not being told!
Feb 2018 · 296
Was he going crazy had not been drinking
taken any drugs or ingested pills
yet certain his car had been parked here
contacted the duty attendant
also angry at the difficulty in locating him
after coming out of his local gym!

Eventually an irritated middle aged male
met him outside of his office
after returning from having his late lunch
followed this concerned driver
guided him back only to see it was there
in disbelief could only stare!

With a grunt the man left the confused driver
to ponder his sanity and eyesight
as still sweating he drove cautiously home
deeply puzzled at this latest glitch
these episodes had happened to him before
were these illusions he must not ignore?

Was this earth that he had known all his life
until now had believed it solid
realised matter was atoms tightly linked
but was it really a scientific fact
as increasingly objects were disappearing
could outside forces be interfering?

What was real anymore he thought glancing
around the street in which he lived
once in his house at the furniture and closely
at the fabric of his dwelling as well
was he alive or controlled by a puppet master
reality true or fabricated disaster!

Is what you wake up to each day and remember
actually happening or green screen images
an electronic society where anything can be made
by different types of artificial intelligence
can you be certain that the voice  or faces are real
on your devices is it truly the honest deal?

Be careful out there you never know whose observing!

Feb 2018 · 564
The actor was so thrilled to be offered a part
uneasy that two suited men
told  him he had to sign a binding contract
no disclosure or go to prison
realised there was no choice had to agree
but offered him a huge fee!

Pressurised signed was told to wait for a call
they would not disclose details
life put on hold regretting that offer of work
could not contact agency
what had he committed to it blew his mind
wishing time he could rewind!

Several days later his house phone rang
a voice gave a short message
outside ten minutes apprehension grew
picked up his bag and waited
at precisely the time stated a van arrived
from then on freedom was deprived!

A side door shot open abruptly told to enter
once inside the vehicle sped away
within not alone three other men squatted
nobody spoke on that journey
what seemed like hours being thrown about
he was filled with fear and doubt!

At last it stopped they were greeted by a man
smartly dressed and well spoken
apologised  for covert action and no information
found themselves in a large hangar
on one side changing rooms and catering truck
it dawned on him here they were stuck!

It was cold as they were shown to a huge room
chairs were placed facing a screen
sitting the smart man went to the front lingered
until they were all quietly seated
explained he was the director of this project
with those present was about to connect!

From behind them armed guards now entered
please do not be alarmed he said
they are here for our protection and security
you have been chosen to participate
in a conspiracy that must never be exposed
the screen lit up the secret disclosed!

Images of a barren landscape was dispalyed
this is the set built-in this hangar
here the moon surface has been recreated
because we are going to hoax
for the want of a better word the moon landing
with astronauts on surface standing!

This is the first meeting of our brave flight crew!

Just another conspiracy theory?

What is the truth so many unanswered question! Could the moon landings have been a hoax?#TheFoureyedPoet.
Oct 2017 · 597
Green Hills!
From the top of the steep sloping green hills
they sat relaxed on horseback to marvel
in awe at the natural beauty of unspoilt land
uncorrupted by the destruction of progress
taking away the virginity of the landscape
where creatures safely interacted unharmed
by callous hands in pursuit of immoral gain
the countryside balance they did not retain!

With no tall grotesque buildings to sully the view
nor chimneys from factories that regularly
spewed more deadly toxins to choke our lungs
then the air above clear from human impregnation
from more suspected elements of depopulation
weather harsh but the seasons were well defined
there before pollution and technology encased
our lives and the nightmare future to face!

It is said once the air and landscape was unpolluted by mans hand!#TheFoureyedPoet.
Sep 2017 · 246
Never Looked Back!
She never looked back on leaving the house
ten years older her hair grey
wore the same clothes as the day she arrived
eyes now cold and empty
also carrying the same battered brown suitcase
mascara ran down her tearful face!

Early before the light strolled into the distance
later neighbours reported hearing
raised voices in the evening and during the night
but nothing to indicate the scene
stating nothing unusual they were an odd pair
but for each other appeared to care!

No witness came forward who saw her leave
walking away on that fateful day
no idea who she was nor what happened here
only the cries of his mother
discovering the body of her beloved perfect son
knife in his chest the foul deed done!

A detailed search and forensic examination followed
but there was never proof
of her identity no DNA fluid samples or fingerprints
were ever matched to a human
it seemed as though the woman had never existed
to this day the gossip persisted!

Who was she and where from still unanswered!

May 2017 · 684
Savage Streets!
Cruelty and savagery explodes upon our streets
violence multiplies in every part of society
nobodies safe in the urban jungle or their homes
promises to cure the soaring carnage has failed
deaths go on as the young rule many no go areas
where is the law and order to protect the people
why are the taxpayers pockets endlessly drained
there is still too much ground left blood stained!

Emergency services being attacked on their call outs
hospital staff assaulted in Britain's A and E units
trying to help all the thousands of drunken revellers
as those giving support are being put under pressure
decision makers seem to live in a different dimension
as their statistics down play just what is happening
out in the harsh concrete and tarmac jungle no control
if gangs and criminals power grows evil will take its toll!

Law and order has been dissipated society breaks down
as with official bureaucracy we all shall drown!

This could apply to anywhere on our overburdened earth!

Who really is in control where the few rich rule the majority!
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
The desert was flat you could never tell
that below where you stood
was a military bunker and missile silo
from a time years passed
built here on this lonely barron latitude
that had a bad attitude!

An everlasting reminder of mans ingenuity
negative approach to peace
of times that have gone but do still exist
creation of terror and destruction
yet for many this factor has disappeared
to die is no longer feared!

Thinking foolishly that all conflicts will end
is only in dreamers minds
always there simmering the spark of war
lay in wait in human culture
where somebody is ready to light the flame
so conflicts in history doth remain!

The Silo is but one symbol of the ****** past
forever on humans the shadow cast!

The Foureyed Poet.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
In the underpass sat a hunched male figure
wrapped in an old blanket
a woollen hat pulled down over his head
beside him his scruffy dog
his sad eyes following those walking by
listening his silent cry.

In front a small sign written in large letters
simply read please help me
a chipped tin mug placed close to his feet
some people showed him pity
putting loose change in before moving on
never asking what was wrong.

Not until that day man and dog were gone
was it noticed the empty space
at the same moment on a lonely riverside
a dog was barking frantically
running alone along the slippery wet bank
where a body had recently sank.

A blanket laid half submerged at the edge
definitely something was wrong
a couple ran oven concerned about the dog
spotting a body drowned
another life lost where nobody really cared
yet sadness they both shared!

The Foureyed Poet.
The man  went unnoticed only missed when he had gone!
Jul 2014 · 955
How real a dream can be
when your mind has no limits
a spirit wandering free
with no human laws to bar you
paradise and exotic places
where you can find happiness
without fear of reprisal
pleasant dreams to nightmare
time and space ours at last
the physical body no resting
travel to the future or past
be in a blockbuster the big hero
or the villain even a pop star
limitless imagination to explore
what we see is for us alone
personal dreams only we own!

The Foureyed Poet.
Dreams our own personal adventures! The Foureyed Poet.
Jul 2014 · 3.7k
A Strong sense of unease fills my mind and soul

my body trembles is it fear or the cold night

looking around at seemingly quiet streets

what waits in this darkness that engulfs me

once feeling safe and secure now I want to flee

evil exists all about in the form of human beings

cruel calculating driven by what often a mystery

few cause so much misery and horror in society

overpowering subtle in their persuasive false way

most want to live peacefully keeping evil at bay

do  you not feel it to that unseen lingering unease

always there ready to attack like a viral disease!

The Foureyed Poet.
Can you not feel the unease as humans blunder towards their destiny? The Foureyed Poet.
Jul 2014 · 818
The Return!
High on the desolate cliffs a woman cried
pleading for her man to return
captain of  a navy frigate two centuries ago
on hearing his ship had sunk
no survivors threw herself into the angry sea
in this life no more wanted to be!

From that day of sorrow felt by many families
the loss of husbands and sons
to the sudden storm the day before Christmas
it's said pleading voices are heard
on the winds at the very hour the ship was lost
with such a terrible cost!

Drawing many to have the sensation to jump
while walking on the cliffs
a soft sobbing cry as they to look out to sea
and come across the grave
where she lay forever for her lover waiting
for his return always aching
The young wife waits forever for her navy husband to return! The Foureyed Poet.
May 2014 · 2.3k
She knelt by the dark grey  marble headstone
once again on the anniversary
of the day she had happily buried her husband
six feet down in the ground
eight years since she had caused his demise
for a man she did despise!

As the widow gloated behind a false facade
the same figure watched
behind her the deceased husband stood
turning could not see him
thinking once again how good and thrilling
never a suspected killing!

No idea her good life would come to an end
as supernatural forces gathered
this time he followed her back to a plush car
the long dead husband was back
what had changed to allow him the power
to be back at this hour!

Angry sat next to the wife who murdered him
driven back to his own home
familiar items brought back good memories
from when he lived here
now a ghost haunting the house he loved
before down the stairs shoved!

Whether there is a heaven or a place called hell
he had prayed so very hard
from a dark pitiless limbo it changed to hope
now with a new man argued
started by the woman who had meant so much
now he would loath to touch!

****** to the floor berating of him was bored
scrambling to her feet ran
up those familiar stairs shouting more abuse
pursued by this enraged man
like a replay saw her violent death as she fell
her neck broken he could tell!

Instantly was at peace free no longer in turmoil
a tunnel so bright he could see
looking down at her lifeless body he passed on
but a faceless evil took her soul
engulfing it for that overdue journey to hell
righteousness had created this spell!

Jutsice it seems had at last been done!

The Foureyed Poet.
She thought it was the perfect ******! But justice was eventually done! The Foureyed Poet.
May 2014 · 404
Without You!
Why is it so lonely
without you
what have i done
feeling helpless
feeling blue
i am in the dark
every day
to end in a sudden way
no reason why
you seem to hate me
now so confused
no words to really say
truly insane
why not explain
so sad so sad
being so cruel
was i such a fool?

The Foureyed Poet.
The sudden end of a relationship! The Foureyed Poet.
Apr 2014 · 633
More stories of real people are told
too often the young
end their lives by taken them away
shock and dismay
without explanation or portent shown
reasons often unknown!

To friends relations work colleagues
they appear stable
no hint of the fateful impending act
outwardly coping
inside unable to express true feeling
leaving everybody reeling!

Is it life's to complex and demanding
something within
society has always created conflicts
that can overwhelm
most contain each sombre thought
support is sought.

Regrettably some cannot converse
themselves conceal
maintaining that perfect false facade
locked in their minds
not until they are found deceased
too late the soul released!

The Foureyed Poet
Often too late and unrecognised the depression of a denying soul! The Foureyed Poet.
Apr 2014 · 2.3k
She Sat with her bank statements and other bills
mass of paper and debt
too easy spending using credit cards realising
after several years of denial
pressure from debt recovery firms increased
just wanting to be realised!

Eviction from her home was almost certain
yet still had the urge to spend
from a young age she never went without
brought up n a material way
never knowing hardship so grew to expect
with money came respect!

But those days went when her father died
and mother had a breakdown
committed to an institution and remained
leaving a young woman
totally unprepared for a harsh actuality
she to struggling with sanity!

Never making friends and the only child
the family home a trap
yet containing many happy memories
deepening the melancholy
beside her containers of different pills
some laying on the bills!

The doctor did not seem to understand
said take the medication
for a few weeks and return just a phase
was his not so wise words
leaving with her a dilemma unanswered
her desperation not heard!

In a daze took the tablets lonely confused
going onto a deep sleep
the mobile rang loudly it seemed distant
as her worries began to fade
it became bright and there was her dad
to be with him again so glad!

Debt would not bother her any more!

The Foureyed Poet.
The young woman found herself alone and in debt with life could not cope! The Foureyed Poet.
Feb 2014 · 773
Their relationship had been torn apart
by his growing jealousy
certain his childhood sweetheart shared
her love with another male
once the thoughts were embedded within
a brooding hate did begin!

Always that chance of a love turning sour
when two humans matched
trust can be a hard emotion to control
if their connection is frail
misunderstanding is a dangerous mood
where thoughts become crude!

From the passions of a close tender embrace
to the loathing of that person
where instead of wanting to love and protect
the wish is only for harm
as often those closest are the most feared
if loving feelings disappeared!

This couple split with misconstrued jealousy
the boyfriend assaulted a friend
accusing him of sleeping with his girlfriend
terminating in a jail sentence
ending his long relationship with his soul mate
realising the mistake too late!

There is only a silk thread between love and hate
just one more human trait!

The Foureyed Poet.
Through jealousy love became hate! The Foureyed Poet.
Jan 2014 · 2.0k
That Smile!
That smile will be with me forever
on the day it all went wrong
the two of us trying to be clever
our journey was too long
deciding to take a different trail
thus must recount the tale!

That smile will be with me forever!

Desperate to try and save our marriage
after both drifting apart
had we passed that irreversible stage
our love was there a start
yet the tension high I drove to fast
and our destinations cast!

That smile will be with me forever!

Into a tree we rammed I was powerless
to avoid the collision
the anger had created this foolishness
shaping the final decision
my side undamaged just shaken
realising I was mistaken!

That smile will be with me forever!

Why had I been such a stubborn man
had shock awoken me
you the only one in my earthly plan
at first what I did not see
there hurt with that angelic smile
how bad I was in denial!

That smile will be with me forever!

Somehow got a signal to call assistance
talking more than before
why now could we seem to be consistent
doing my best to reassure
that any problems we would transform
our love overcame any storm!

That smile will be with me forever!

As the rescue team arrived we tenderly kissed
such a magical moment
how such tenderness for so long I had missed
she had been sent to me
that smile I shall never forget or guilt fade
too late true feelings displayed!

She died from her injuries soon after!
that smile will remain with me forever!

The Foureyed Poet.
Too late they both realised their love was true! The Foureyed Poet.
Dec 2013 · 849
Snatched from the grasp of my slippery hand
as we were being evacuated
the hardship to reach the borders and safety
the pressure at last released
such noises of gun fire and the inevitable panic
pitiful humanity scared and sick!

Surging forward afraid they were being deserted
trampling upon each other
screams of many children and mothers separated
soldiers callous and cruel
degrading those forced from their homelands
all they owned in their hands!

My wife forced from my grasp in the wave
of such utter chaos and despair
snatched like a tree branch in a fast moving river
now not water but human misery
without hope stability or permanent destination
my search I start in desperation!

Searching for her betwixt the endless conflicts!

The Foureyed Poet.
So near to the chance of safety the man's wife is snatched from his grasp! The Foureyed Poet.
Dec 2013 · 814
No Christmas!
The children sat shivering alone in the house
cold and hungry in a squalid home
no Christmas tree or decorations were here
in their short lives never known
to have warm clothes and much food to eat
it would be a miraculous treat!

Dad came around to hurt and shout at mum
and was always very drunk
but they saw many uncles coming and going
when their mum was there
never gave any cuddle's nor showed kindness
they never knew happiness!

Alone once more on the eve of Christmas day
left to see it in with nothing
they only had each other no presents for them
rummaging in the ***** kitchen
such a pitiful sight listening to the happy voices
of neighbouring children with choices!

They held hands staring longingly out the window
hoping a kind person would come
to give them compassion some love and food
their mum did not seem to bother
to tired went to their ******* strew bedroom
a drunk mum would soon loom!

As children woke to see what Father Christmas
had brought for each of them
these three little ones dreaded yet another day
empty miserable and without care
at a time that is supposed to be filled with joy
on the birthday of a holy boy!

The Foureted Poet.
At Christmas there are many children that will have nothing not even love! The Foureyed Poet.
Nov 2013 · 544
He sat muttering to himself his cup empty
the coffee drained he longed more
others avoided him thinking he had issues
in fact he was lonely and depressed
no money for another drink life was aimless
with living could not careless!

It had been forever since he had lost touch
with his three young children
a career and future ended in the recession
stress became unbearable
the wife he loved left him he could not cope
for Ted there was no hope!

He was just one in a whirlpool of many!

He disappeared and was never found!

The Foureyed Poet.
Ted was a victim of modern life! How his children miss him! The Foureyed Poet.
Nov 2013 · 530
By The Ruins!
By the ruins of her home the child dazed
high winds had blown it down
terrified lost the behaviour crazed
nothing could save the town
from the force of natures mighty power
survivors could only cower!

Nature takes no sides without mercy strikes
that mankind cannot control
as the instruments alarm showing the spikes
millions pay the toll
as leaders battle to dominate in their wealth
affecting stability and health!

The pitiful sight of children and adults pleading
for basic necessities of living
increases as the climate begins to destabilize
yet sharing for many unforgiving
even images of devastation and the dead
on humanities path will not tread!

Those secure in their bubble of comfort and joy
should remember nature can easily destroy!

The Foureyed Poet.
Mighty nature has no mercy and takes no sides when its power is unleashed!! The Foureyed Poet.
Nov 2013 · 761
A Windy Morn!
It seemed so fitting a windy morn
saying goodbye to a friend
the draped coffin looked splendid
always kind words a smile
for him nothing bad ever said
he leavers a void instead.

For us all that moment will arrive
many avenues we tread
an allotted journey for each to face
reflecting on our time
some the trip is short full of pain
unable to takes life's strain!

Do we have a measured lifespan
when reached expire
joining our families in a heaven
souls reincarnated again
maybe ascend for infinity in space
part of natures atom race!

Creating the ever expanding universe
one day will we know the truth!

Or is there simply nothing?

The Foureyed Poet.
At a friends funeral thought ran through his head! The Foureyed Poet.
Nov 2013 · 864
Looking Down!
Looking down at my young clear skin
full of energy and hope
innocent not seeing any fear around
a life time ahead of me
then no internet or mobile phones
robots and human clones!

Less complicated not the pressures
vinyl records and cassettes
shops closed Sundays families spoke
safe for children outside
being able to grow in natural stages
not endless exam pages!

Today I look down at my ageing skin
struggling to keep warm
nobody calls or ever bothers to visit
harder to pay rising bills
families split lacking close support
respect no longer taught!

The elderly are considered a burden
in this faltering society
where corruption affects everybody
greed no compassion
services shut for lack of funds its said
on egg shells we tread!

Life may have been hard but people cared
kindness and help freely shared!

The Foureyed Poet.
An elderly person reflects on the past and the present! The Foureyed Poet.
Oct 2013 · 659
Birth Of A Child!
That joy at the birth of your child
the harsh reality of life
many children born into misery
where they struggle
to survive or get the love and care
no hope just despair!

That gift of life should be cherished
not allowed to die
born into poverty or loveless homes
neglected or forgotten
created through an act of violence
a child with no defence!

Just an unwanted living human being
given no love or compassion
around war torn places and poverty
families pushed around
like herds of frightened cattle driven
and no compassion given!

This may not be in countries of conflicts
children find no care
such awful crimes do happen anywhere
they are our future
and deserve the chance of a decent life
without constant strife!

Most children are wanted and happily grow
but too many that love never know!

The Foureyed Poet.
Are children not a wonderful gift our futures? But this for some is not how they are thought or treated! The Foureyed Poet.
Oct 2013 · 558
Locked Within!
Locked within his own mind he just laid
after the heart attack
that came suddenly without warning
in a comatose condition
to those around him motionless in bed
nothing direct could be said!

Had always hoped to retain his dignity
not gazed upon with pity
only lingering on for his families sake
after the years of hard work
certainly not his choice to visibly decay
laying there on display!

Not for him to be unable to communicate
prolonging their deep grief
this loving father wanted peaceful release
remembered as an active man
if only he could smile and talk as they sat
instead of being helpless and flat!

He waited for his merciful release!

The Foureyed Poet.
After years of hard work and happiness. Now locked within himself! The Foureyed Poet.
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
Our Destinies
Time has become part of our destinies
after meeting three years ago
from the first moment we saw each other
we both were truly blessed
our eyes locked and that gaze has stayed
nothing for you would I trade.

Like a dream we married in magical Hawaii
now my husband wants to come
to be with me in England to make our home
kind and gentle who cares for me
to have my true love always here by my side
tears of joy I could not hide.

Antonio you do make my life mean so much
soon I shall be back in your arms
my heart skips a beat waiting for that moment
remembering our special song
so one more night I can't live without you
our bond is strong and true.

Together forever that moment draws near!

The Foureyed Poet.
I never thought I would find love until I met Antonio. The Foureyed Poet.
Oct 2013 · 965
Hayley And Me
Now when I think of Hayley it gives me
that vision of my future
nearly three years since we first met
never did we realize
how deep our love and commitment
with her I am content.

Together we have a truly special love
being friends for so long
but realizing our interests matched
drew us ever closer
always there by my side for support
my heart firmly caught.

Temporally apart we are getting engaged
a ring on your finger will place
on a warm sunny beach our love to seal
a dancer beautiful and kind
working so hard to achieve the dream
to be a ballerina supreme.

Our special song I Will Always Love you
and forever I will be true.

The Foureyed Poet.
Love has blossomed for the young couple now the commitment they desire. The Foureyed Poet.
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Above our heads and below our feet
electricity surges through.
Power lines linked like huge arteries
giving life to a rising public.
Increasing demand for easy existence
could end with persistence.

Man never stable nor servile creatures
always wanting dominate.
All other species living on our planet
like gods in his approach.
Not respecting earth his only base
as more dangers we face!

Continues conflicts and power struggles
divided between rich and poor.
Tribal and sectarian  violence and greed
as the power starts to falter.
Resources are dwindling as the need rises
a future filled with bad surprises!

The Foureyed Poet.
Power! Through electricity and man's greed! The Foureyed Poet.
Sep 2013 · 506
Warfare in the twenty first century
brought on a bigger threat.
Weapons to obliterate mankind
many stand on the line.
Antagonists looking at each other
once called them brother!

Tension was high no more rifles
or small cannons to fire.
But huge deadly arsenals ready
without a second thought.
To wipe whole civilisations away
for ******* to display!

Never ending conflicts few remember
those times of peace.
Refugees constantly torn from homes
and the threat of violence.
Disrupting chances to bloom and grow
natural balances cannot flow!

Often many opposing forces are on alert
each thinking they are right.
Glaring at radar screens from a distance
as the ground is mined.
Lives forever lost as time drifts onward
where nobody wants accord!

Will man ever learn before the bomb drops?

The Foureyed Poet.
Throughout human history wars have ravaged. Peace just a word. But now in the twenty first century all that has changed is the weapons are more lethal! And the misery continues! The Foureyed Poet.
Sep 2013 · 2.2k
A Pure White Feather
A pure white feather floated to the ground
it made no sound.
Was this from my guardian angels wing
comfort to me bring.
Picking it up felt really soft and so pure
now lonely no more.

Or was this just my active imagination
creating this sensation.
Hoping angels were watching over me
that I could not seed.
Maybe fantasy yet nice to think this way
comforting each day.

In truth simple a molted bird feather
but hope that lasts forever.

The Foureyed Poet.
Was the an angels feather that fell at my feet? The Foureyed Poet.
Aug 2013 · 741
The Gallows!
High on the gallows he stood his death near
the rope tight around his neck!
Reflecting on how he ended in this position
from a respected shop keeper.
To conspirator against his beloved country
his innocence no bargaining plea!

Within just a few seconds would live no more
conversations with customers.
Were overheard and misconstrued by some
as plotting against the crown.
Speaking his mind on the increasing unrest
mostly said only in jest.

Word soon got back to parliamentary forces
and action followed swiftly.
He and the few other so called conspirators
were dragged into court.
Tortured to confess to what they'd not done
freedom would not be won!

Humiliated and shunned by those once friends
his family had to escape.
Within those endless unbearable few weeks
each one anded up here.
With his last breath shouted out it was not true
trap door opened he dropped through!

Innocent or guilty to him it mattered no more!

The Foureyed Poet.
The man just before he was hanged reflected how he ended up there! The Foureyed Poet.
May 2013 · 746
Narrow Lane!
Even as a young child the narrow lane
was a place of fear.
I'm never at ease when I come back
and travel the route.
Nothing has changed that I can tell
a path to a dark spell.

My parents farm is situated at the end
called hangman's noose!
Which made me curious why this name
had always been used.
Often I'd seen a lone woman walking
but faded as I tried talking!

My friends had seen her to and reluctant
to tread that path again.
None of the locals ventured along there
the superstition ran deep.
Strangers often took the wrong turning
tyre rubber soon burning!

Though not all got safely back on track
some swerved and crashed!
Into an old tree halfway along the lane
none of them survived.
Stories written of malevolent forces
told to me by reliable sources!

Never in my memory did I ever feel alone
going down the narrow lane.
Oppressive and barren voices in the breeze
my parents still live there.
They knew more of its past than they'd say
our ancestors under the lane lay!

My father said for sinful deeds they'd done
this would be your curse to son!

What these were the answers I've yet to discover!

The Foureyed Poet.
The young man was always scared to go down the narrow lane to his parents farm! The Foureyed Poet.
Feb 2013 · 575
Deep in thought life's adventure has begun
finding when to be serious.
And when you should be having some fun
bombarded by modern living.
Feeling the pressure laid out in front of you
who is genuine and true.

Forming relationships with great expectations
but Tess at your tender age.
Surely the challenge of living can be thrilling
learning how to be let down.
Your horizons are widened now you own a car
time to follow that guiding star.

Explore and refresh each and every new sunrise
focus and enjoy the wondrous world.
Most decisions are defined by our endeavours
highs and lows part of the course.
Be determined in your destiny always smile
travel through life mile by mile.

The Foureyed Poet.
The teenager realised she was rapidly heading for adulthood! The Foureyed Poet.
Jan 2013 · 770
Desert Trip!
A couple on holiday in Las Vegas city
decided to hire car.
And take a trip into the vast desert
objects they hope to see.
Hearing much about the secret base
their journey gathered pace.

Racing away from the city excitedly
without expectation.
But hoping there could be a sighting
for them to remember.
Excited with the anticipation and fun
roof down enjoying the sun.

Near the perimeter of the vast area 51
their car came to a stop.
Thinking the fuel had actually run out
stuck on the hard shoulder.
Sitting taking in the shimmering view
as in the sky a dot of light grew!

Becoming aware of this pulsating object
closing in on their position!
No noise could they hear as it got near
rapidly changing shape.
Then it was hovering above their heads
their nerves torn to shreds!

Now a reddish hue and an elongated form
they felt a searing heat.
It moved hovering above a sandy floor
for what seemed hours.
Afraid to move could only watch in awe
chilled to their bony core!

Within a blink it shot straight up and vanished
at incredible velocity!
Their hired cars engine just started once more
in shock got out of there.
Their desire had unexpectedly been fulfilled
but this show had not been billed!

That  day they were not the only witnesses
but no explanation was ever found!

The Foureyed Poet.
A couple decided to take a trip into the desert hoping to see a UFO and they were not disappointed! The Foureyed Poet.
Jan 2013 · 938
A Mother!
A mother sat in front of a computer
her daughters laptop.
Watching that happy teenagers face
and the voice full of hope.
Still unable to accept she was dead
memories filled her head.

Her wonderful child had hung herself
because of bullying at school.
Kept it from her mum she had no idea
what had been going on.
Her daughter had left a diary to explain
expressing the hurt and pain!

She said her boyfriend wanted intimacy
was not ready for this.
Left frustrated and could not understand
later sent him a naked photo.
Not thinking just trying to make atonement
her true feelings she sent.

Over night became the centre of verbal abuse
had her boyfriend caused it?
The photo for everybody to see had gone viral
and life became hell!
Called awful names and in degrading graffiti to
terrible words so untrue.

The end came finding out her best friend as well
had passed on the filth.
Nobody to trust could not tell mum the truth
arriving home so low.
Pressure now too much her life span ceased
from the torment released!

A mother sat compelled to seek out the truth
that drove her daughter to take her own life!

The Foureyed Poet.
Too late a mother found out her child had been bullied. Now she could only regret. The Foureyed Poet
Jan 2013 · 789
Walk The Underground!
On a night shift the underground worker
had to walk the tunnels.
Along the empty track in the pitch black
a torch his only guide.
And a radio to report if anything wrong
cautiously moving along.

It was just before one am he started to walk
down the ramp onto the line.
The only sounds his footsteps on the track
too nervous to look back.
Halfway along his route saw a flickering light
no work was planned that night!

Approaching saw a workman crouching down
busy on some unknown task.
Calling out to enquire what he was doing
the man stood and spoke.
He said hello called in for an urgent repair
made sense why he was there.

An hour later on his return he had gone
radioed to say all was well.
Mentioned the worker he saw in the tunnel
as on reflection thought it odd.
The radio operator told him others had to
as they had walked through!

You had seen the ghost the voice said with glee
possibly was hit by a train!
Some sixty years ago while doing some repairs
this came as a complete surprise.
Never experienced anything like this before
no longer a sceptic that's for sure!

The Foureyed Poet.
The underground worker walking the line had an experience he never expacted! The Foureyed Poet.
Jan 2013 · 1.8k
Revenge for her parents death the drive
that became her passion.
The story began when she was a child
witnessing their killing!
Every detail taken in by her big eyes
to get the killer the prize.

Seventeen years painfully trickled by her
becoming an assassin.
As the hatred coursed through her veins
revenge drove her on.
Though wanting to seek the love she craved
retribution on her soul engraved!

She had found a man making it complicated
her fine tuning distorted.
This new friend had found her mobile phone
saving her photo image.
Trying to find out about this mystery female
allowing others to find her trail.

Gangs had lost foot soldiers to her expertise
who acted like a shadow.
For the first time had to be far more aware
her parents murderer alerted.
The last pages of her diary soon completed
could this evil be defeated?

Knowing he would catch up with her soon
she prepared to strike first.
Entering his mansion in a covert manner
dispatching silently his crew.
Until he was there without support alone
recognising his arrogant tone.

From a hidden point confronted head on
glaring with a cold stare.
Going to fire the gun held in sweaty hand
diving found a hidden weapon.
A bullet went right through her shoulder
he was quick though much older.

Her shot caught him in a main thigh artery
shattering the femur to.
There before her the man she hated so much
was now at her mercy.
She had prayed for years to see him die
openly then did she cry!

One more deep breath she shot him in the head
cruelly on his face a smile as he lay dead!

Knowing she would be a target vanished from sight
revenge in the end did not feel right!

The Foureyed Poet.
A young girl sought revenge on the man she witnessed killing her parents! The Foureyd Poet.
Jan 2013 · 953
The man sat bills crumpled on the table
how was he going to pay?
Worked all his life always done his best
now had been laid off.
His wife had just left said couldn't cope
to her mums she did *****.

Their two children went with her as well
nothing he could do.
As the debt collectors hounded him daily
this was his lowest ebb.
Trying to find ways to pay what he owed
the strain in his eyes showed!

Within a few months he was on the street
now of no fixed abode.
The bailiffs came had done their duty
from a working man to this!
Reduced to sleeping where he could find
to his future was resigned.

Managed to get into a hostel for a night's break
and met a woman who cared.
Listened and offered to get his life in order
that was what he needed.
To give him hope and see his kids once more
again have his own front door.

Through finding that flickering guiding light
he helped others in a similar plight!

The Foureyed Poet
A working man whose life came crashing down. But for him there was somebody willing to help. The Foureyed Poet.
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
Upon those streets the blood did run
children playing having fun.
The soldiers came cold and callous
their hearts filled with malice.
Nobody was immune no mercy shown
seeds of hatred were sown!

That day was but another in their fight
to see the next morning light.
Food a luxury all amenities destroyed
with their lives the army toyed.
Oppression and misery all they knew
surely a reason they were due.

The bombs rained down on the meek
their bodies increasingly weak.
Resistance grew the houses crumbled
and the ground rumbled.
Their faith through adversity not shaken
though many loved ones taken!

This scenario has forever been repeated
their spirit can never be defeated.
Nothing changes in the history of mankind
always the aggressors and maligned.
Centuries have passed the coffins filled
forever the innocent killed!

The Foureyed Poet.
Through human history mankind repeats the same pattern in their quest for *******! No mercy or compassion is shown! The Foureyed Poet.
Dec 2012 · 1.6k
From a quiet tiny stream into a raging torrent
as high volumes of rain falls with intent.
Onto the grasslands forming artificial lakes
lives property and businesses high stakes.
Swollen rivers burst their banks flooding homes
as the surge of water indiscriminately roams.

That heavy rain that never seems to stop pouring
down on the streets at speed it comes roaring!
Into many properties in its way water is merciless
cold and filthy always leaving a trail of mess.
Sodden ground unable to absorb man an obstacle
flooding becomes soul destroying and cruel!

Misery and heartache as the fast wind blows
and heavy rain saturates the water flows!

The Foureyed Poet.
Flooding too often follows heavy rain fall. Especially as more properties are built on flood plains! And drains are unable to cope with the increasing volumes of water! The Foureyed Poet.
Dec 2012 · 617
Going Back!
Going back to the place of my early youth
was a big mistake.
Remembering the luscious meadows
air so clean singing birds.
Country lanes a small running stream
sound of an engine of steam.

The thick dark smoke billowing behind
through unspoilt land.
Our heritage there for everybody to enjoy
small villages and hamlets.
Animals of all kinds living without threat
no sounds of a passing jet!

Shocked at what  I saw and what time had done
no more the countryside.
Where such beauty had been a trading estate
the small town an urban mess.
No trees the stream now under a motorway
an unkempt park in which to play!

Traffic and fumes now filled my sad gaze
as I compared my memories.
And the happy days then safe to explore
all of our natures graces.
Standing on what was once a grass hillside
now under houses this did hide!

This seems the way of life today!

The Foureyed Poet.
I was shocked to go back to the place of my youth and see what had happened to that beautiful place! The Foureyed Poet.
Nov 2012 · 621
There are countries written about in religious text
where ancient sites stand.
Identified through connection with holy books
that are wondrous and sacred.
Even after the centuries of constant hatred and war
now peace is what they need more!

But with conflicts embedded into hearts and minds
misery has become part of living.
Holy places to millions and home to millions more
in a vast ravaged landscape!
Many beliefs tearing these nations into shreds
as the violence continues to spread!

Peaceful coexistence seems to be only a theory
families killed and seperated.
Amongst the olive groves palm trees and deserts
the proud humble and the meek.
Constant fear in the lands religions hold so dear
can once again a saviour appear?

The familiar sounds of explosions and gunfire
how many more lives do we let expire?

Can mankind ever find the road to peace?

The Foureyed Poet.
Countries ravaged by wars for centuries are written about in religious texts. The Foureyed Poet.
Nov 2012 · 798
The Ancient Town
The ancient town of Glastonbury stands proud
known for its famous tor.
And ley lines that converge in fertile earth
surrounded by human history.
Mystical today commercialised they flock
soaking up power and to rock.

As this isolated Somerset town is engaging
colourful characters thrive.
Bringing the past and its history to life
as Pagans and Christians mingle.
Once an island surrounded by marshland
an aura of magic is at hand.

Here there's a sense of timeless wonder!

The Foureyed Poet.
A visit to the ancient town of Glastonbury leaves its mark in your thoughts. The Foureyed Poet.
Oct 2012 · 720
In the shadows it stood fangs dripping blood
a spectre of evil observing!
After midnight on a still crowded walkway
camouflaged in a vantage point.
Dressed in a long black coat eager to proceed
a vampire needing to feed!

That urge to hunt and track unsuspecting prey
gave it such a morbid thrill!
Leaving no clues after each savage ****
ripping flesh with its fangs.
Instinct indicating a second feed was near
their heartbeat he could hear.

A lone woman walked at an increasing pace
down a dark muddy lane.
After a row with her drunken boyfriend
distracted in her thoughts.
Too fast for any screams or make a break
as her life it did take!

Long sharp fangs sank deep into her soft flesh
soon he had his fill for now.
Lacking emotion he left her there satisfied
that this hunt was done.
Back into the dank shadows it retreated
tonight's feast completed!

Licking the blood off it's fangs! Vanished!

The Foureyed Poet.
In the shadows it waited ready to feed! The Foureyed Poet.
Sep 2012 · 653
The Bell!
The church was now derelict long deserted
in the tower the bell still hung!
Once a holy and respected parish church
left to crumble and rot!
The locals avoided this known land mark
especially after dark!

The familiar sound of the single ringing bell
echoed over the valley.
Filling them with apprehension and dread
it's tone always deep.
How it rang nobody knew there was no rope
in a place that had lost hope!

Sixty years since the sound of load singing
had filled the church.
Happy parishioners filling the oak pews
but faith faded as they died.
Others moved to find secure employment
few remained still content!

Visitors on the narrow lanes heard the bell
often they just kept going.
But attracting the addicted like a beacon
seeking a sanctuary.
Mesmerised by the rhythmic ringing bell
summoning them to hell!

The bell rang that single sombre monotonous note
a desperate soul listened before slitting his throat!

Beside him was his pathetic belongings and the
drug paraphernalia! The bell never stopped!

The Foureyed Poet.
The church from being a holy place was now a beacon to hell! The Foureyed Poet.
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