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Sep 2012 · 854
The Cage!
The new owner had heard the cottage was haunted
thinking it was simply old wives tales.
Ignoring the stories and how cheap the price
buying what she thought was a bargain.
Born in the area had decided to move back
thinking she was on track!

Passing the small cottage appeared so quaint
she had been drawn to it.
But had an odd name being called the cage
once it had been a prison!
Women accused of being witches were held
where torture and misery excelled!

Today many locals feel those spirits remain
souls of the young tormented1
Footsteps on the stairs shadows and shapes
haunt the tiny cottage.
After three years could not stay any more
uncertain of what she saw!

Since then endless tenants have come and gone
driven out by unexplained events!
Even when a paranormal group came to stay
feeling disturbed some were pushed.
Many images  caught on cameras and monitors
scratching from under the floors!

The cottage stands empty no answers yet found
ready for the next tenants to hound!

The Foureyed Poet.
Aug 2012 · 964
The Disc!
The airport was at its usual daily peak
thousands wanting to fly away.
Frustrations mounting with each delay
but eventually this flight.
Departed late evening on runway 201
glittering in the dusky sun.

From the ground it looked a perfect take off
but it was not alone!
Besides the sleek aircraft was a disc like object
keeping pace as it rose!
Ground crew were afraid it could be a missile
at least for a short while.

The air force were alerted it stayed along side
passengers saw the disc.
Silver in colour no markings they could see
none of the crew had a clue.
Speeding ahead it turned on a collision course
towards them at G force!

The plane started to take emergency evasive action
to avoid a fatal impact!
In the control tower nothing showed up on radar
even though it could be seen!
After about twenty minutes it started to glow
then seemed to slow.

As witnesses watched silently it split into two
instantly into space it flew!
The plane crew decided to continue their flight
no air force jets caught the UFO that night!

The Foureyed Poet.
Had the ground crew, pilots and passengers witnessed a UFO sighting? The Foureyed Poet.
Aug 2012 · 927
The Ancient Town
The ancient town of Glastonbury stands proud
known for its famous Tor.
And leylines that converge in fertile earth
surrounded by human history.
Mystical, today commercialised they flock
soaking up power and to rock.

As this isolated Somerset town is engaging
colourful characters thrive.
Bringing the past and its history to life
as Pagan and Christian mingles.
Once an island surrounded by marshland
an aura of magic is at hand.

Here there's a sense of timeless wonder!

The Foureyed Poet.
Just a glimpse at an ancient town within the Somerset countryside. Glastonbury! The Foureyed
Aug 2012 · 956
The Chair!
The elderly man sat reminiscing over his life
now unable to walk far.
Breathing in oxygen through a nasal tube
he knew it wouldn't be long.
Shortly after in his sleep he quietly passed
at his funeral the truth masked!

Outwardly thought of as a charming man
inoffensive and kindly.
Nobody knew he had once been in prison
for an unsolved ******!
Evidence against him they tried to seek
but it was too weak!

For all those years he had kept his secret
the body was never found!
They knew he had committed the crime
but they had no proof!
He had put it in the large leather chair
nobody guessed it was there!

Playing on his mind sitting with the victim
who was not at rest.
And in the end hounded him to his death
as in the chair it still laid!
Before long the furniture had to be sold
the dark secret still untold.

To the furniture auction the chair was taken
there a young woman was thrilled.
A real brown leather chair for sixty pound
what a bargain she thought.
Always wanted one of these she shouted
of this none doubted.

So pleased when it arrived at her new flat
it did look out of place.
Keen to show her boyfriend the purchase
he was on his way.
As she smelt the leathers strong scent
it made her content.

Sitting in the plush chair she felt important
for a short while.
A sick feeling filled her retching throat
through blurry eyes!
There a man stood struggling to her feet
managing to retreat.

Blurting out what had happened to her friend
together they returned.
Nothing was there on the chair saw a tear
pulling it a body part fell out!
Soon the police arrived to the address
to clear up the mess!

The chair for evidence was soon removed
the case against the old man proved!

The Foureyed Poet.
For years the elderly man had kept his dark secret! The Foureyed Poet.
Aug 2012 · 1.5k
The Cinema Gunman
Excitement filled the cinema waiting for it to start
with anticipation amongst the fans.
As the cape crusaders new adventure began
nobody expected what was to come.
They settled  in to see the spectacular action
then came a violent interaction!

Joy turned to terror as in seconds he fired
randomly with an automatic gun!
A man gave no mercy to those in the dark
red hair dressed in black!
Not caring whose life spark was taken away
no compassion on display!

Another mass murderer there was created
at least twelve slaughtered!
Many more badly wounded caused by one
a lone young gunman.
Another massacre to analyse how it could be
evidence the authorities didn't see!

Then you realise how easy it could happen again
a possible scenario of death!
Loners who are not all psychotic beings
but clever devious individuals!
That for a cause a grudge or even sick pleasure
they have no decency or measure!

May I send my deepest sympathy to all the families
those lost should be remembered not the killer!

The Foureyed Poet.
Yet another massacre of the innocent by a lone gunman! Is he really mad? The Foureyed Poet.
Jul 2012 · 1.1k
The Security Was Not Tight!
Security was not tight staff numbers very low
nobody saw them go in.
An unlocked gate that was not secure
a camera not checked.
The suspects just walked in unobserved
nothing was seen or heard!

Upon their backs suspicious brown rucksack's
no soul around to challenge.
This action would bring so much regret
as several hours later.
In the railway carriage their bombs discharged
they would never be charged!

No discrimination for any of those injured or killed
from different backgrounds.
Hopelessness added to the chemicals in the air
silence followed the bang!
The innocence of the victims and their kin
the aftermath would now begin!

The Foureyed Poet.
How often are these terrible bombings reported now and how helpless do we feel? The Foureyed Poet.
Jul 2012 · 486
That DefiningMoment
That defining moment at the final flag
in the motor sports.
Or the last long blow of the whistle
at the end of a ball game.
The preparation the long journey made
their focus displayed.

Training to be an athlete on the track
like in every sport.
Dedication and sacrifice to win a prize
amateurs aim for medals.
Professionals focused on the money gain
increased wealth to maintain!

Countless fans pursue their heroes on this quest
even though they struggle.
Passion is high in sport each split second counts
or every goal the aim.
To reach that peak the best in your sport
perfection is sought.

There are the few greats classed as the elite
who seldom know defeat.
We watch with desire and that revered awe
then are honoured evermore!

The Foureyed Poet.
Sport the dedication and sacrifice, then add achievement success. Not forgetting the passion of the fans! The Foureyed Poet.
Jul 2012 · 403
They Said!
They said it would happen yet nobody believed
the end of mankind!
How many times had we heard that prophecy
and took no notice?
The dates came and went without major trouble
no increase in laying rubble!

The predictions continued then the weather changed
disasters became more regular!
At first we thought nothing a little concerned
but soon became alarmed.
Temperatures rose and the solar flares began
could it be the end of our life span?

More quakes and floods swamped more countries
communication came to a stop!
The fire storms engulfed more of the dry land
civilisation quickly died out!
Small communities kept going on somehow
but I am with the last group now!

Why we have been spared is really a miracle
maybe god chose us few!
The pioneers of a new cycle of human birth
with more respect to mother earth.

From the ashes of a corrupt civilisation we come!

The Foureyed Poet.
Prophecies came and went with nothing happening! But one day it did! The Foureyed Poet.
Jul 2012 · 712
In And Out Of Debt
Through out his life in and out of debt
and never ending regret!
Who can he blame nobody but himself
one of those without wealth.
Worked for everything owned in life
like most moments of strife.

Working for fifty years for his pension
not very much to mention.
Respect for the elderly does not exist
statistics today insist.
They keep raising the age we can retire
hoping the people will expire!

Those who have money the pensions great
not for them the NHS wait!
Though it's easy for everybody to moan
each day is the unknown!
Times may seem hard in this day and age
what's on man's next page?

The Foureyed Poet.
Working all your life struggling with debt. If you live to get your a pension the elderly find it's not much. The Foureyed Poet.
Jul 2012 · 3.3k
Mayan Prophecy 2012
Could there be any truth in the prophecies
that the Mayans had written?
Over five thousand years ago about 2012
foretelling a spiritual awakening!
And the possibility of the end of mankind
is it fiction that's outlined?

Prophecies written have come and long gone
scholars say they've happened.
Were these disasters predicted as it was told
or how they were interpreted?
Whether vague and their meanings calculated
their accuracy debated!

Many are sceptical of those who say they foresee
from past times to present.
Though a lot of predictions of the natural type
what of mankind's folly?
If there's a way that the future can be seen
to know seems obscene!

Usually nothing can be done to prevent it
causing fear and uncertainty.
Prophecies of the past make no difference
those of the future no comfort!
Whether the Mayans is true it's a short wait
if not next year let's have a debate!

The Foureyd Poet.
The Mayans prophecies are suppose to occur on the 21 December 2012. Not long to wait to see if they come true! The Foureyed Poet.
Jul 2012 · 676
The Pack!
They gathered like packs of wild hounds
forever in a drunken stupor!
Numbers growing in every built up area
permanently socially disengaged.
Usually a can in their hands they hover
often causing lots of bovver!

Wandering amongst those who do labour
living off government benefits.
Often with a dog they seem to drag around
most pathetic and scruffy.
To society they are a becoming a rising cost
on life's path they're lost!

This growing number who do not give a toss
roam like a dysfunctional army!
Contributing nothing but causing strife
a constant disorder threat!
Growing as society begins breaking apart
from the bottom it will start!

Corruption envy and greed the old tale
society it will derail!

The Foureyed Poet.
How often do you see groups hanging about drunk? Often causing trouble and the police called! I call them 'The Pack'.The Foureyd Poet.
Jul 2012 · 1.4k
In area 51 they selected a large patch of desert
for their nuclear tests!
Fencing off the ground in a desolate spot
where they estimated.
The plutonium would come safely to rest
the experts knew best!

Many explosions were carried out in the fifties
no public knew the truth!
But one crucial fact about the contamination
as it lay in the dirt!
Worms were not bound by their fences
so undermining their defences!

How far would the plutonium have been taken
transporting the lethal load?
Birds to feeding on the worms in the earth
what was their contribution?
Too much secrecy and failed containment
and tax dollars spent!

It will end up destroying a once ****** earth
what now are the experiments worth?

The Foureyed Poet.
Area 51 always a mystery and in many peoples thoughts! This is but one of those thoughts! The Foureyed Poet.
Jul 2012 · 876
The Rain Persisted
As the rain persisted the waters soon rose
never so much fallen before.
No records showed that much flowed
penetrating the deep caverns.
Disturbing what should be left in the dark
the outcome would be stark!

******* of the deepest levels went critical
awakening creatures from sleep.
Pressure pushing them into the underground rivers
guiding them ever upwards.
Wakening from their long forced hibernation
this deeply buried alien creation!

Fearsome! ****** into our world by the floods
able to swim to catch their prey!
The torrential rains causing such destruction
would be facing a new predator!
But for the rain would not have been freed
allowing the slaughter to proceed!

What would be discovered in the coming days
they were robotic beings!
Indestructible an advanced force that crashed
into deep caverns millenniums ago!
Their functions disengaged until the floods came
reactivated our destruction their aim!

Decimated by natures fury resistance was zero
those not drowned or starved.
Were obliterated by these mechanical marauders
their civilisation no longer existed.
They were the last of their immense soulless kind
our fates to the end entwined!

That day the rain and floods came!

The Foureyed Poet.
From the deep forced up after millenniums buried! The alien mechanical monsters came! The Foureyed Poet.
Jun 2012 · 1.7k
She laid on the varnished wooden floor observing
nothing seemed different.
The children played and jumped on her back
as normal sighed getting up.
Walking away keeping a quiet presence
the love for her immense.

Part of the family they had called her Jess
not one of the illegal breeds.
A golden labrador with a gentle nature
but on that day it changed!
An urgent call to the police was received
the scene they hadn't perceived!

Jess sat calmly on the wooden front porch
covered in blood wagging her tail.
Inside the house two badly mutilated bodies
as if attacked by a savage beast!
They heard children whimpering nearby
an awful sobbing cry.

Two children were found in a walk in wardrobe
both in a state of shock.
Jess offered no resistance when she was handled
licking and barking loudly.
The Police were very wary putting her in a cage
there was no sign of rage.

The dwelling was sealed the children taken to safety
after tests it was proved.
Jess had killed her owners the only witnesses told
of their friend going crazy!
The once beloved pet was quickly put to sleep
sadness in the county was deep!

It was never disclosed that in the dogs blood sample
an unknown virus was found.
But it just disappeared before its origin was traced
so the mystery remained.
The case was closed a tragic accident and filed away
until the following Sunday!

Now the authorities began to fear the worst!

The Foureyed Poet.
Jess the beloved pet and friend. Became savage what had caused this to happen? The Foureyed Poet.
Jun 2012 · 706
First Mission
He sipped that ice cold drink so refreshing
outside of a quaint cafe.
Watching the people particularly the girls
tapping the table he was tense.
This his first mission as a covert operative
trying to be positive.

Just told to expect a package to be delivered
nothing more disclosed.
His earpiece buzzed as a young woman sat
placing her coffee down.
Using trigger words in their conversation
she responded without evasion.

Getting up she smiled politely saying goodbye
then quickly went away.
Under her saucer he saw a piece of paper
pulling it out he read.
Look under my side of the coffee table
difficult as it was unstable.

Nearly tipping it over pulling the sticky tape
being firmly held.
Concealing it trying not to look awkward
joining a passing group.
Concerned there was somebody stalking
he started quickly walking!

His fears were confirmed when he heard a pop
a bullet fired close by!
Through a silencer then there was another
taking evasive action.
Informing the surveillance team in the van
then into the underground he ran!

Planning a route for his own safe escape
he knew the terrain.
Finding the spot he had put a gun and torch
now he was prepared.
Shaking from the cold and possibly fear
there were footsteps near!

As they came along side he jumped out
the bright beam on.
At the same time firing his magnum gun
a grunt and a thud.
Then at his feet a body laid motionless
no emotion did he express!

He informed the team of what had occurred
continuing with his task.
Others could be close behind for the cargo
so delivery was vital.
The destination was at last radioed through
knowing what he had to do!

First mission and first blood his career had begun!

The Foureyed Poet.
The young spy was on his first mission! He had not expected so much action! Certainly not his first ****! The Foureyed Poet.
Jun 2012 · 830
Why are there governments today so blinkered
and so narrow minded?
Intent on power and their self preservation
ignoring those suffering!
Amongst the people they should safely rule
but often oppressive and cruel!

Millions of refuges forced to flee across borders
unwanted into other countries.
Causing more threats and possibility of escalation
Because they have their troubles to.
that endless cycle of never ending brutality
will remain a shocking reality!

A process to most of the humans that's unacceptable
when these wars spread!
With nuclear weapons that could be used
where nobody can win.
But through this misery to many do proceed
it's the psychopathic breed!

Our society still survives but with uncertainty
at what could happen.
World finances crashing more becoming poor
yet even more billionaires.
Anger and discontentment begins to fester and blow
what happens tomorrow we don't know!

If these government attitudes stay the same
when it happens none will take the blame!

But of course by then it will be too late!

The Foureyed Poet.
Many governments are corrupt and greedy. Who are too often cruel and oppressive to their own people! The Foureyed Poet.
Jun 2012 · 531
Twenty Now
Twenty now no longer a child she brooded
was she ready to share?
Her life with a man she'd known six months
to move in together.
Possibly not until Christmas or the New year
in her mind not yet clear.

By that time realising she'd be twenty one
still was it right?
Wanted to leave home got on with mum
not the same with dad!
Always been distant and a little afraid
the atmosphere a little frayed.

He'd been in the army when she was small
maybe this was why!
Was the youngest of four other siblings
and the last at home.
Her parents said she didn't have to leave
there was always a reprieve.

That lack of tenderness from her father
magnified her insecurity.
But had to give the relationship a chance
feeling she was in love.
If that moment was allowed to pass her by
she'd always wonder if or why!

The Foureyed Poet.
A young woman contemplated moving in with her first love! The Foureyed Poet.
Jun 2012 · 478
Snake Like Thing!
He was sure it was there only had two drinks
yes it was really dark.
He'd been scared it was certainly unexpected
that snake like thing!
It was there in the village he was born
his own opinion torn.

Worrying he had started seeing objects
was unstable on his feet.
So pleased to get to his own front gate
stopping there was a sound.
Certain something had followed behind
even his path felt confined.

Reaching his door step turned in the porch
sweat running down his neck.
There was a weird noise that got closer
yet he could see nothing!
Waiting to cry out his cords were frozen
the victim had been chosen!

The snake like thing rose high and menacing
engulfed the man'd taught body!
Nothing was left but a pool of body fluid
the alien killer moved on!
In search of more flesh to sustain its being
this thing few were seeing!

By the post office a man thought he saw a snake
must have been a mistake!

The Foureyed Poet.
The man thought he was either drunk or imaging he saw something. He soon found the answer! The Foureyed Poet.
Jun 2012 · 734
Droplets Of Rain
The droplets of rain fell on your pale arm
a wonderful lady there within.
Soft and warm your touch on my face
wrapped in your shawl of lace.
A smile to warm anybody's beating heart
no way did I want to part.

That smile so bright you couldn't feel sad
with you nobody could be mad.
Like your lipstick that smouldering red
blue eyes that said take me to bed.
An angel in human form is what you felt
as beside you I knelt.

The rain making you glisten in the day light
such an amazing sight.
But in the back of our minds we both knew
was fresh like the morning dew.
Then the time came when we had  to part
that did break my heart.

I had to go off to war on the early train
knowing you would remain.
As our love we passionately expressed
together tightly we caressed.
Knowing pat of me I was leaving behind
certainly one of a kind.

That feeling starting to drive me insane
we would not meet again.
At the station parting I got on the train
from sad thoughts did refrain.
Kissing your lips for that one last time
saying I love you in mime.

This image I remembered as I was dying
tears of joy crying.
Now alone you sit on my military grave
from heaven I frantically wave
Excitedly knowing the day will soon arrive
when together our love to revive!

Again droplets of rain fell on your pale skin.

The Foureyed Poet
The couples love went beyond the grave. The Foureyed Poet.
Jun 2012 · 667
The Birthday Party
The birthday party as in full swing
laughter and music blaring.
Coming form the northern city pub
not a hint of trouble.
Everyone enjoying the celebration
they slipped in no hesitation.

Dressed in a suit a mask over the face
a revolver exposed.
With a target directly in his eye sight
raising the deadly weapon!
For none in the lively bar did he care
at the victim a blank stare!

Several others by his side fell wounded
as the large crowd split.
He had vanished in the ensuing panic
definitely a professional hit.
Evermore body fluid on another floor
more deaths to even the score!

Not a single soul can ever feel safe or free
always somebody on a vengeful spree!

The Foureyed Poet.
How often do you hear in the news of an attack in a crowded function! Always the only answer many humans have is revenge and death! No mercy or thought for the innocent! The Foureyed Poet.
May 2012 · 2.8k
Spy Plane!
From the edge of our atmosphere it flew
nobody knew the craft existed.
Invisible to radar screens out of sight
the spy plane didn't exist.
At the period in history myth or fact
then proof they lacked!

A plane flying at seventy thousand feet
thought an impossible task.
Designed to spy undetected at  this height
against their powerful old foe.
But the intrigue when they started to fly
a surge of UFO's reported in the sky!

Was this what pilots were reportedly seeing
and civilians on the ground.
Not alien but man made flying saucer craft
but maybe not all were!
Could it have been this secret spy plane
or something we can't explain!

Strange lights that change shape and colour
blending into one then dividing.
Triangular shapes seen all over the planet
often over groom lake!
So are they secret and developing planes
created on barren salt plains!

Is there a need for mankind to be very afraid
if we knew the secrets being made?

The Foureyed Poet.
The mystery of Area 51 past and present continues on! The Foureyed Poet.
May 2012 · 595
A Dark Shape!
As they stared through night vision binoculars
lights lit up the desert.
A dark silent shape took off at high speed
the base was cloaked once more.
They stood many miles away on a distant hill
their mission they had to fulfil.

Watching the secret and famous classified base
risking detection even from here.
Their time had not been wasted as they saw
amazing aerial acrobats.
From yet another top secret flying craft
zooming in an up draft!

Are there man made unknown flying objects
or is it an alien intervention?
Countless sightings over many decades
reported without confirmation!
What truths lay hidden beneath the sands
controlled by secret hands!

The centre of our attention is area fifty one
in the Nevada desert.
So much mystery of fact and fiction
intrigue deepens each year!
Nothing confirmed and certainly denied
what do they really hide?

The Foureyed Poet.
What strange object took off from the base that officially does not exist! The Foureyed Poet
May 2012 · 842
I'm A Pensioner
That feeling of being trapped in his own home
unable to go far.
Alone and now afraid to pick up the telephone
why do so many ring?
I can't afford it he tried to mention
relying on his pension.

Yet the persistent aggressive and rude men
continued to phone him up.
Now in his seventies what could he do
nobody seemed to care.
Struggling to look after himself nowadays
on the elderly the villain preys!

So here he sat few visitors entered his home
almost forgotten by most.
Yet the calls continued to hound and pursue
they didn't listen to his words.
He had no money yet they continued to ring
treated as just a thing!

Yesterday he didn't answer the telephone
depressed he'd gone to the spiritual zone!

The Foureyed Poet.
The pensioner could not understand why he was always being telephoned to invest! He had no money yet it still rang! The Foureyed Poet.
May 2012 · 879
The Copse
In the sunlight the copse seemed fine
there had been tales.
Of ghostly sightings within its fencing
this was hard to believe.
Shadows cast as the sun shone down
leaves turning brown.

I had come on a field work investigation
requiring no equipment.
But observation of the sights and sounds
it was so natural in daylight.
Altering as darkness  took over at sunset
and that sense of threat

The copse began to feel cold and sinister
we had worked out a route.
With areas for each session to be held
many natural sounds filtered.
At least for several hours it was good
then before me a figure stood!

Now we felt confused nothing was the same
our planned route not there!
It became dense the dark solid and thick
wandering around in circles.
Ending back in the same spot we started
sad and downhearted!

Each thinking they saw shadows darting
as torches were aimed.
It was like the beams had hit a solid wall
trapped in another reality.
Spiritually our essence was draining away
we were here to stay!

Then within an instance it had disappeared
in the copse the air clear.
Shocked and unsure of what had happened
we just had to leave.
Back to normality of a starry clear night
shouting out with delight.

What each of us had experienced I have no idea
but in the copse an unnatural atmosphere!

The Foureyed Poet.
The field work paranormal investigation turned out far more sinister than we had predicted! The Foureyed Poet.
May 2012 · 763
Barron Ground
Through the barren ground there was hope
a tiny plant grew!
The drought wiped man from the earth
mined of all goodness.
Without water the human race declined
few were left to find.

Warnings ignored but the wealthy hoarded
while most were denied.
Rain became just a word in our history
so from billions alive!
Numbers fell to less than a hundred thousand
a child's cry a rare sound!

Two centuries went by the numbers dwindled
the earth like a huge prune!
Vegetation withered sand replaced fields
the seas paddling pools.
The survivors huddled in the many cool caves
the dying planets slaves!

Then that day early before the unbearable heat
two young humans saw.
Under a shaded rock overhang rarely visited
life they'd never seen.
How could it be growing in this dry soil
without water or toil?

Had nature at last regenerated starting to heal
the air seemed to blow.
A trickle of water bubbled up by the plant
the small group gathered.
Looking at the plant growing on barren land
each touched it with a hand!

What none knew was from an underground lab
in a secret city.
Genetically designed plants and creatures
were being unleashed!
Deciding earth's only purpose experimentation
before it's total deterioration!

Then the wealthy would move to a new earth
they'd found for their rebirth!
Even to the end the wealthy still won! The Foureyed Poet.
May 2012 · 826
I Once Belonged
I once belonged to a paranormal group
just wanting to see a *****.
Sitting for hours in buildings in the dark
even in a country park.
At first it was fun and a fantastic team
but now a faded dream.

Plenty of investigations to get that thrill
but I am waiting still.
To see a single shadow or spectral entity
or was I too thick to see?
Being an ordinary guy the fun was gone
as technology came along.

From investigations as a tight working unit
technology became the remit.
And in the end I felt like a bystander
the equipment handler.
Unable to embrace the wonders of science
or it's clever appliance.

It must have been seven years I was involved
the problems never resolved.
Hoping for a positive and rewarding result
a little proof sought.

With regret that period in my life has passed
but a wider net is now cast.
My interest in the paranormal is very strong
and new adventures I long!

Thus my personal journey carries on!

The Foureyed Poet.
Apr 2012 · 4.8k
They said there was a drought water was short
not enough for domestic use.
At first declaring it was nobody's fault
it had not rained for a long time!
Committing an offence by using a hose pipe
truthfully was a load of tripe.

Water companies are making a financial killing
everyone encouraged not to waste water.
More fancy gadgets the public would be willing  
to buy water use multiplied.
As the buzz was building more on any land
telling us there was a demand!

Thousands of houses built was there a big need
statistics only the government held.
Groups tried protesting for it not to proceed
but fields were still built on.
Heavy rains came with more depleted drainage
so did the despair and rage.

A state of increasing taxes with nothing to show
more became classed as poor.
Communication with voters becoming very slow
the authorities had a strangle hold!
As the ban on a non existent drought dragged on
more doubters joined the throng!

Was there a danger of a growing national threat
from people against the elite.
Basking in luxury as the masses increasing in debt
the drought added more fuel.
Restrictions taking away their dignity it turned sour
there would be a defining hour.

Or is this just a modern nightmare tale?

The Foureyed Poet.
Apr 2012 · 1.0k
Become A Loner
The man alone sat in the restaurant
as people talked about him.
Somehow he had become a real loner
nobody talked to him.
He never spoke to anybody close by
losing the will to try.

The man alone had not always been like this
he'd been married twice.
Blessed with four children and socialised
yet lacked something.
He was not considered a long term friend
lacking a chemical blend?

The man alone began to feel more depressed
watching others socialise.
What lay ahead the past didn't cheer him up
questioning his purpose.
Isolation was becoming more of an issue
his future not even he knew!

The Foureyed Poet.
He was used to being alone yet it began to depress him was it his age? The Foureyed Poet.
Apr 2012 · 611
Is Life
Is life new from our start
a clear sheet at birth.
Or yet another added part
if reincarnated on earth.

Is it just one visit here
for us to get it right?
To most this isn't clear
do we go into the light?

Do we have a purpose here
academics this considered.
Can religions make it clear
before our bodies withered!

Heaven must be a crowded place
with all the souls there.
Could this be in outer space
or another slot they share.

Do legends have real meaning
ancient text and fairy tales.
Somebody has been scheming
we've been fed false trails!

Occult magic and other arts
is there a real mystery?
In our brain unused parts
missing sections of history.

So much we just don't know
and believe what we're told.
What next insight will show
a date for life to fold?

So many unanswered questions
as this planet turns.
Loads of speculative suggestions
as the sun brightly burns!

What is the real truth?

The Foureyed Poet.
Is life new from the start just the one shot? Do we reincarnate? So many questions not answered! So much to ponder about! The Foureyed Poet.
Apr 2012 · 537
A Simple Pleasure
A simple pleasure that I enjoy
to sit and look about me.
With fervent beliefs to employ
just to be here and free.

Doing nothing but observe
absorbing with my senses.
Enjoying each turn and curve
as every moment commences.

No use of physical energy
let your mind roam.
Nobody's a friend or an enemy
viewing even from home.

All around there's love and hate
violence and peace.
Mingled in lifes big debate
as instability's on the increase.

Violence infiltrates our souls
nobody's immune from dying.
As life takes many roles
on each hope I'm not prying.

Trying to be in a neutral position
watching earthly evolution.
A bystander in natures mission
for which we have no solution!

A grain of sand in a desert
all I can be is alert!

The Foureyed Poet.
I often like to just simply observe life around me. The Foureyed Poet.
Apr 2012 · 1.1k
As he opened one eye a new existence awaited
it was cold and he was semi naked!
A salty smell filled his sensitive nostrils
wearily he sat up.
Blood ran down his arm from a savage ****
clothes strewn about like trash!

No memory of how he ended up in this spot
a watery sun began to shine.
Standing it was though he had a hangover
how his head throbbed.
Gathering his clothes and putting them on
he heard a clock on seven ****!

That splitting headache rampaged his thoughts
trying desperately to remember.
He was sure it was a celebration with mates
must have had too much *****.
Finding it hard to even remember his address
how had he got into this mess?

His parents thankfully had already left for work
weak had a job climbing the stairs.
Couldn't even recognize himself in the mirror
more zombie than human!
Still early so dizzy collapsed on the bed
soon his duvet had turned red!

In a deep slumber awful images started to form
of wolves ripping his flesh!
The next thing he knew his mum was shouting
shocked at his appearance!
Evening when he was rushed to hospital so ill
that ambulance siren shrill!

A month passed now resting healed in the garden
darkness was ascending.
A full moon shone that night he was twitchy
as his hearing became acute.
Starting to sweat his entire body began to ache
the wolf inside began to awake!

The Foureyed Poet.
Waking up semi naked in the early morning the young man just could not remember what had happened the night before!
The Foureyed Poet.
Apr 2012 · 806
At that moment my mind was not focused
caught my hand in a car door!
Intense pain thought I'd broken a finger
decided to go to casualty.
It was quiet as I entered in a lot of pain
knowing I'd have to explain.

The lady on the desk said I'd have to wait
hopefully not for long.
Surprised it was only about half an hour
saw a triage nurse.
Took me to a small cubicle to be seen
through a curtained screen.

I laid down on a couch resting my eyes
a sound made me aware.
Very surprised a nurse stood besides me
she was very pleasant.
Her uniform seemed an unusual style
not speaking for awhile.

Then she spoke in a soft gentle way
that made the pain ease.
Said I'b be fine touched my hand
such kindness no demand.
Went to thank her but she'd gone
surprised but felt strong!

Then another nurse came quickly in
to say I needed an x-ray.
Before the doctor was able to see me
could I follow her.
I said the other nurse had been kind
walking closely behind.

She turned telling me she was on her own
giving a description.
A blank expression she didn't work there
the uniform not used for years!
Very perplexed I said no more to her
but who was my nice comforter?

Was it pain making me hallucinate
or had it been a ghost?

The Foureyed Poet.
To this day I have no idea who that nice nurse was that had spoken to me when I visited casualty! Was she really a ghost? The Foureyed Poet.
Mar 2012 · 376
Really Lonely
When you don't even admit to yourself
your really lonely.
Telling others you're an independent soul
inside wanting friendship.
Outwardly trying to show confidence
this is your defence.

Every day becomes a tedious repetition
as you can get isolated.
Meeting few people who actually speak
as the cycle goes on.
Love and any contact is only in your mind
a relationship you'll never find!

There are those who've never been married
or had close friendships.
Who have never known that wanted feeling
which you do miss.
Somebody at home company when out
that's what your life was about.

Too many hours to self analyse yourself
you observe others around.
But in the end you've become invisible
blending into the surroundings.
Hoping somebody will hear you calling
before you start falling!

It's good to be independent and stand on your own
but it can be hard being alone!

The Foureyed Poet.
Loneliness can be even hard when to others you are invisible!   The Foureyed Poet.
Mar 2012 · 521
Crowded Skies
How often do we glance at the skies
either it's cloudy.
Or a bright clear pastel blue image
sometimes odd things to.
Within our vision this is what we see
are we alien free?

Unseen objects flying we just can't detect
only by infra red light.
Not by the naked eye are they visible
where they're from unknown!
One more of life's mysteries to brood
on this world to intrude!

As we **** each other and nations divided
are the skies busy?
Not with our rising air traffic but space craft
from another distant star.
Maybe from a different dimension or time lines
we don't recognise the signs!

On the internet there are many films shown
of craft flying around.
That our limited visual spectrum blocks out
observing you and me!
Is this phenomena real or simply a camera trick
surely the experts aren't thick?

Is there nobody there and it's imagination
none of the sightings real!
This I feel is certainly not the whole truth
something is very much near!
Gazing upon us as we upon ourselves spy
yet the question remains why?

The Foureyed Poet.
Our visual spectrum is very limited. Are there alien craft in our skies that we can't see? The Foureyed Poet.
Mar 2012 · 511
The Tree!
The young female driver headed on her journey
the satellite navigation switched on.
Which led to a very desolate rambling road
passing through a thick wood.
Happily singing to the music on the car's radio
not going very slow.

The car she said seemed to take over steering
as a woman materialised ahead!
Approaching very fast it swerved into a tree
she could only watch.
As what felt like an eternity before the collision
no time for revision!

The air bag was deployed and it came to a stop
a moment of noise and pain.
A depth of silence never before encountered
steam poured from the radiator.
Realising the danger unhurt stumbled to a rock
being in a state of shock!

From where she sat a figure appeared again
a woman dressed in red.
Arms out with a pleading gaze then faded
frightened just wanted to run.
Found herself on the road weary confused
her body aching and bruised!

Collapsing waking up in a small hospital ward
questioned there by the police.
Though not taking her story seriously
saying there was no evidence!
After extensive searches nothing was found
of this haunted ground.

Taking months to get better for her own search
she to never located the spot.
It must have been real her precious car had gone
haunted by that ghostly face.
Was there a split in the fabric of time and space
lucky not to be lost without a trace!

The Foureyed Poet
The young female driver never expected the nightmare that happened to her while on a long journey! The Foureyed Poet.
Mar 2012 · 830
At first a few ornaments shook in the apartment
in that modern city block.
Complacent the warning ignored by the people
then a more violent shudder.
Running out fearing the buildings destruction
outside was total ruction!

Not from an earth quake they had first thought
but there had been a crash!
The unrecognisable craft fallen from clear skies
huge of an unknown design.
Fire and flames spread along a devastating track
there was no going back.

More appeared firing weapons into the fleeing crowd
masonry falling crushing many.
Helicopters gunships and fighter planes approached
being of no match to the foe.
On the ground weird creatures herded those unhurt
driving them precise and covert!

In those early days man had nothing ready to fight
to stop this alien massacre.
These battles were coordinated around the globe
an unprovoked desecration.
Secret protocols had been formulated by governments
on the possibilities of such events!

Satellite signals had been disrupted the attack a surprise
but the resistance had been planned.
Now to be implemented the fight back had begun
hidden basis and weapons brought onto line!
Powerful nations telling us aliens didn't really exist
yet were prepared for the time to resist!

The people don't really know what's going on!

The Foureyed Poet.
What they first thought was an earth quake. Was the first wave of an alien attack! Yet plans had been drawn up years before for such an event! The Foureyed Poet.
Mar 2012 · 642
Up Until Now!
Up until now I thought my town was rural
the same problems as anywhere else.
But more sinister things were taking shape
as gun dealers arrived!
Lived in the place all of my days so far
this has raised the scary bar.

Thought other countries had this headache
realising there is no safe haven.
Nobody can be certain of their well being
the chances maybe low.
Yet with uncertainty around it can change
human activity is strange!

People fear the threat of those with a knife
guns are a danger from any distance.
Had that creepy sensation of being watched
somebody has that sight on you.
These thoughts can stimulate your mind
there are those this way inclined.

Am I being paranoid guns on my local streets
should I be concerned?
The law seems less trustworthy than before
far more just ignore it.
A worry those we should be able to respect
often are the ones to suspect!

Always said said undermine the polices authority
the only barrier against the villain.
And we the public would pay a heavy price
big cuts and break their moral.
Would endanger the public increasing crime
we have reached that time!

The Foureyed Poet.
Gun dealers on the street in my town! A scary new concept I had not considered before! The Foureyed Poet.
Mar 2012 · 644
Onward The Battle!
Onward the battle raged where he stood
deafened by the pounding guns!
Around him comrades lives were taken
every loss the emotions it stuns.
Trapped amongst the running blood
in his eyes the tears flood!

Whichever way he rotated death is close
in the mind trepidation.
Each explosion magnified had to get away
comrades buried in the soil!
More still and silent besides him here
how he missed those so dear.

Day after day facing the same pointless hell
forgotten soldiers just statistics.
Who would become another long lost story
on official forms a few ticks.
Honoured with posthumous medals and grief
lives blown away like the autumn leaf.

Wanting to escape from purgatory to heaven
compelled to find the route.
Voices telling him to seek his lost sanity
his rifle never more to shoot.
Knowing he'd be a deserter to the crown
forcibly being brought down!

Dragged before a court martial for treason
no mercy for a shell shocked soldier!
Mentally scared by the brutality of war
a young man not getting older.
Not killed by the barrage of enemy gunfire
but firing squad he'd expire!

Classed then as a deserters not victims of the great war
never seeing their families any more!

The Foureyed Poet
A soldier in the first world war. Traumatised by the conflict could take no more! Thought of as a coward and deserter and shot! The Foureyerd Poet
Mar 2012 · 546
Two Lights!
High in the sky two lights flickered on and off
drawing my attention.
Clear and dark not a sound could I hear
fixed on watching.
This display to fast for planes yet controlled
what was about to unfold?

The silence of the night near the stone circle
in a small Wiltshire village.
Driving away that sense of being followed
just wouldn't leave me.
A few miles on the car came to a gentle rest
on a hillside crest!

Two lights coming directly at my vision
the cars electrics failed!
It was as if this was an aliens flight path
would I be abducted?
Prepared for the worst shutting my eyes
then looking clear skies!

No sign of any lights except for the stars
greeted my starring gaze.
The car started and lit up scared I went home
arriving calmly got out!
Heard countless stories of what many had seen
belief where doubt had been!

There is more going on than we are told!

The Foureyed Poet.
Two unexplained lights in the sky drew my attention! The Foureyed Poet.
Mar 2012 · 474
The New Summer
The new summer was here at long last
it was hot and dry.
No more thought of those winter days
that first cycle ride.
Into the shrinking countryside alone
nice to be on your own.

Finding a quiet lane inhaling the warm air
remembering your youth.
The population sparse villages small
you stop at a sign.
Leading to a footpath rising to a hill
a challenge to fulfil.

A faint humming boosts your senses
the moment to relax.
Easing the stresses of daily existence
and channelled thoughts.
A day of unknown futures everywhere
no time to prepare.

From that high point a panoramic spectacle
feeling like a god.
Looking down upon his flock from on high
lost and floundering.
With so much discord in his own creation
near to obliteration!

Disturbed by the thoughts of man's disintegration
making your way back.
Along the track from tranquillity into uncertainty
and dangers of living.
That short break giving you hope of a solution
to our total pollution!

Love,Respect,Care and Hope is this within us?

The Foureyed Poet.
A cycle ride on a hot day in a new summer. Reflecting and relaxing on a hill looking down on humanity! The Foureyed Poet.
Mar 2012 · 574
The Blood
He could not get the blood off himself
no matter how he tried!
It was him or that monstrous creature
not alive any more!
Just couldn't get used to all the blood
worse mixed with mud!

How he'd become a killer of these things
always been a quiet lad.
That was until he met that fantastic girl
pity then he didn't know!
She wasn't of the **** sapiens breed
spawned of another seed!

Beginning to age yet she looked the same
never knew they co-existed.
Drawn into their feud against their vile kind
had to learn how to fight.
Or by knowing her would be dispatched
head from body detached!

This race had been here long before man
form a distant galaxy.
They could only be killed by decapitation
at first not believing it.
Until the girl he loved had her first ****
that was in his brain still.

Now he had to wearily keep on the move
with each **** their powers grew.
But a moment would come when either
he would certainly die!
Either murdered or he'd simply grow old
to his lover this he told.

That day arrived sooner than he'd feared
but the way he cherished.
The two of them attacked while walking
his instincts were fast.
Always a sword at hand he protected
a fatal blow was deflected!

Striking the enemy before they hit the girl
taking the full blow!
In her arms he thought this was the end
but a strange sensation.
Hot fire surging inside the blood exploded
his mortality eroded!

Never before had this mutation occurred
he was now a hybrid!
Together on equal terms they were joined
knowing blood would flow!
Violence and tracking their reasons to exist
the quest they would persist!

Beware they wouldn't let anything stop the ****!

The Foureyed Poet.
Long before man a breed of creature from a far galaxy existed on earth! One human crossed that barrier! The Foureyed Poet
Mar 2012 · 907
Goodness Within
It is said that in each and every person
there is goodness within.
This to me I find is not easy to believe
as some are evil!
Not a hint of there being anything within
just filled with sin!

It is said that we show mercy to others
this I have often not seen.
Cruelty and torture always in the news
misery suffering everywhere!
Not that I can see any hint of mercy there
many humans don't care!

It is said we have love and understanding
willing to give to others.
All I see is selfish self centred humans
interested only in themselves.
Caring only for money no matter the cost
many good people lost!

It is said there are genuine people about
this I am sure is true.
Willing to give everything wanting to help
not out to use others.
Those with that goodness we must treasure
their worth we can't measure!

The Foureyed Poet.
There are humans in this world who have no mercy, are cruel and greedy! Think only of themselves to but there are also genuine and kind ones as well. The Foureyed Poet.
Mar 2012 · 747
Where Do I Go?
Where do I go from here a question
that maybe we all ponder.
The cost of living rises before us
how can most of us pay?
With what we earn becoming less
if wealth we don't possess!

What if you're not entitled to benefits
yet the bills still arrive.
The authorities and finance companies
often don't care.
No concern if you actually can't pay
debts wont go away!

Bombarded by how much many do earn
to you seems obscene.
You'd be happy for life when you see
what they earn in a week.
Boasting and bragging about money
something that's not funny!

Turmoil in your own mind how to pay
worry effects your health.
Wishing hard you could win the lottery
paying out on hope.
For most a dream that never comes true
as another bill becomes due!

Maybe life is a game of luck and chance
taking the right road.
Choices you made or forced upon you
the blame on yourself.
It's sad if death is your only release
the only way of peace!

Where do I go from here surely I'm not alone
the seeds of greed have long been sown!

The Foureyed Poet.
The cost of living rises but not the money we are expected to find to pay the bills and live! The Foureyed Poet
Mar 2012 · 3.0k
The New Neighbour
My last neighbours made no noise at all
never knew they were there.
But they passed away completely quiet
nothing to disturb me.
It did not last a new neighbour arrived
my tranquillity deprived!

At first not much sound came from next door
hoping it would quieten down.
Then louder noises emanated in the wall
hammering sounds too.
Worried I knocked their door to complain
from anger I tried to refrain!

Never a reply but a lot of vehicles came after dark
many arrived and went.
Few if any ever during those daylight hours
when black curtains were shut.
A nasty smell started to make me feel ill
something burnt on a grill!

I hadn't believed in vampires until the neighbour
moved in next door!
From then on my windows stayed tightly shut
who would believe me?
No animals came near which was a good thing
but what would the future bring?

The noises got worse even afraid to sleep
an atmosphere so grim!
In the end I had to leave while I could
as people began to disappear!
I knew what my neighbour was next to me
but would they let me be?

For a long time after I saw bats above my head
was it my neighbour one of the undead?

The Foureyed Poet.
My last neighbour was quiet. My new neighbour was not I'm sure he was a Vampire! The Foureyed Poet.
Mar 2012 · 458
Trapped in a city under siege no way to escape
barrage of heavy gun fire!
That never seems to stop as it gets closer
explosions shaking your being.
As death is all around at every second
your existence to could end!

Dust dirt and blood wherever you turn
cries of pain stench of death.
Hell on earth without a glimmer of hope
to even comfort you.
Government troops your people's enemy
encroaching on your territory!

Each shattering explosions brings the horror closer
citizens caught in the barrage!
As the resistance fighters struggle to retaliate
with their inferior weapons!
In the end overwhelming odds tell the story
they don't speak of glory!

Conflicts blight increasing nations before our eyes
rising the crescendo of their cries!

The Foureyed Poet.
Trapped in a city with no escape as the enemy comes ever near! The Foureyed Poet.
Mar 2012 · 879
Telescopic Sight
Through the telescopic sight the ****** aimed
no emotion clouded his mind.
It was his job to protect the military force
no matter the cost.
From a high point watching and waiting
for him no hesitating!

The specially honed skills often called to assist
in the protection of the troops.
Never killing on impulse but by a strict code
a soldier loyal to his country.
Following orders if instructed would make the ****
his duty he would always fulfil.

Camouflaged hidden from view like a ghost
he haunted the enemy!
They were not safe from his telescopic sight
an angel of death!
Never seen or heard until the lethal bullet strike
confirming the **** on his radio mic!

These lonesome warriors in a war zone!

The Foureyed Poet
The ****** watched and waited looking through his telescopic sight! The Foureyed Poet.
Feb 2012 · 1.3k
Haunted Investigation
Approaching the prison the weather changed
no longer sunny.
Dark clouds and penetrating drizzle fell
as they arrived on site.
The team had come to do an investigation
standing with hesitation!

They had been here before but it seemed different
an undercurrent this was new!
An invisible barrier none wanted to go through
a veil of hate!
Something none of them had noticed before
walking onto the granite floor.

A smaller group this time only six could come
what had changed here?
Sounds echoed close by a temperature drop
movement seemed all around!
They set up cameras with night vision mode
from a corner a bright dot showed!

Watching mesmerized it began to grow bigger
moving towards them!
One group member felt pain in their stomach
collapsing on the floor.
The light just went out as each closely observed
not a sound was heard!

They were all sitting in the upper cell block
just after one in the morning!
When from inside a cell a voice began to call
there a figure stood!
One turned and saw it each followed the stare
now each was aware.

That night none were brave and ran out together
a deep voice bellowed.
Making them scream shout and swear in unison
now the investigation team.
Stood outside nobody would re-enter the jail
in torch light each very pale!

After awhile one plucked up the courage to go back
and retrieve the equipment.
Entering cautiously nothing seemed wrong
grabbed the cameras and got out!
On reviewing there were no images on the footage
though a voice full of rage!

The group knew they would have to come back!

The Foureyed Poet.
The paranormal group were revisiting the old jail for another investigation. But this time the place had an ominous feel! The Foureyed Poet.
Feb 2012 · 2.5k
How had he found himself in this dungeon
a knight thrown in here.
Sent by his king on his first secret mission
true he was dressed as a peasant.
Harshly he'd been treated a new experience
but not regretting being sent.

This awful place never inside one before
an eye opener for him.
Here he couldn't stay had to escape
report back to the king.
Noticed a sharp piece of wood at hand
shouting out a demand.

The jailer angrily came to the cell door
he banged on the grill.
In a temper the snarling man entered
within seconds he was dead!
Silently falling on to the dank stone
the knight left alone!

Few humans scurried about in passageways
of the castles lower depths.
Coming upon a sentry post a guard stood
soon his life had expired!
Putting on the uniform he was going home
with a sword he would roam.

Very lax security the knight slowly walked
into the alien countryside.
Luckily not challenged he saw a lone soldier
getting off his horse.
Never feeling the blow now homeward bound
with the information found!

Indeed the Barron was a traitor to his king
the knight an army would bring!

The Foureyed Poet.
A knight found himself in a dungeon but he had to escape. Sent by his king on this secret mission had to get home! The Foureyed Poet.
Feb 2012 · 715
Excitedly she bought a hot mocha coffee
and sat happily down.
Wondering how long her boyfriend would be
in the cafe in town.
An hour passed now sipping a cold drink
where was he she began to think?

Her mobile stayed quiet no calls or messages
she patiently waited there.
Considering another drink beginning to worry
he had always contacted!
If there was a problem he would get in touch
she did love him so much.

Customers came in and went while she sat
in the end she left.
Tim was angry his car did not want to start
when he left work.
Knowing he was meeting Gill tried to ring.
mobile lost an odd thing!

Being quiet near he ran stopped by a mate
who kept him talking.
At last arriving at the cafe Gill had gone
felt really deflated.
Decided to have a latte coffee take a break
his love was not fake.

An important date had a question to ask
would she marry him.
Checked the ring was safely in his pocket
sitting a little fed up.
A tap on his shoulder Gill had come back
his plans were on track.

It was a lovely proposal and Gill said Yes.

The Foureyed Poet.
Gill waited for her boyfriend in the cafe waiting for him drinking a coffee. But he was held up so she left. The Foureyed Poet.
Feb 2012 · 843
Unidentified Material
The desk sergeant sat at the front desk
in a small police station.
A slow day near the end of the shift
in a small rural town.
Close to a sprawling national park
outside just getting dark.

The young man walked up to the counter
holding a metallic strip.
He looked at the unidentified material
what have you got there son?
Asking as in front of him it was placed
wondering what he faced!

Found it while out walking on open ground
saw something fiery fall!
A bang a flash from the skies a craft fell
he said in a story like way.
The policeman puzzled he heard no sound
when was this thing found?

A few days ago on the other side of the moors
the lad reluctantly said.
Suspicious still the officer doubted the story
cautiously touching it.
There was a strong electrical charge up his arm
pulling back with alarm!

I do not believe your story now tell me the truth
where did this come from?
There was fear in the lads eyes as he owned up
admitting he stole it.
A week before from a friends garden shed
drawn by a loud hum in his head!

It was not a metal from this planet he was sure
knowing it was important.
How long it had been there he could not say
but was omitting a signal.
He was going to keep it but became petrified
with that noise humming inside!

The lad went quiet backed away turned and ran
hands on his ears!
Alone the policeman began to hear the sound
getting louder in his head!
Leaving his post intent on ringing the Inspector
a flash no building any more!

An enquiry followed no explanation for the blast
a mystery forever cast!

The young man nobody had seen or heard of him
missing to was the unidentified material!

The Foureyed Poet.
A young man walked into a police station in a small British town. Holding a metallic object! The Foureyed Poet.
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