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18.3k · Oct 2015
Air vif by Paul Eluard
Laurent Oct 2015
J’ai regardé devant moi
Dans la foule je t’ai vue
Parmi les blés je t’ai vue
Sous un arbre je t’ai vue
Au bout de tous mes voyages
Au fond de tous mes tourments
Au tournant de tous les rires
Sortant de l’eau et du feu
L’été l’hiver je t’ai vue
Dans ma maison je t’ai vue
Entre mes bras je t’ai vue
Dans mes rêves je t’ai vue
Je ne te quitterai plus.

In English :

I looked in front of me
In the crowd I saw you
Among the wheat I saw you
Beneath a tree I saw you
At the end of my journeys
In the depths of my torment
At the corner of every smile
Emerging from water and fire
Summer and winter I saw you
All through my house I saw you
In my arms I saw you
In my dreams I saw you
I will never leave you.
Paul Éluard born Eugène Émile Paul Grindel 
(14 December 1895 – 26 November 1952), was a French poet who was one of the founders of the surrealist movement.
Laurent Oct 2015
Aimons toujours ! Aimons encore !
Quand l'amour s'en va, l'espoir fuit.
L'amour, c'est le cri de l'aurore,
L'amour c'est l'hymne de la nuit.

Ce que le flot dit aux rivages,
Ce que le vent dit aux vieux monts,
Ce que l'astre dit aux nuages,
C'est le mot ineffable : Aimons !

L'amour fait songer, vivre et croire.
Il a pour réchauffer le coeur,
Un rayon de plus que la gloire,
Et ce rayon c'est le bonheur !

Aime ! qu'on les loue ou les blâme,
Toujours les grand coeurs aimeront :
Joins cette jeunesse de l'âme
A la jeunesse de ton front !

Aime, afin de charmer tes heures !
Afin qu'on voie en tes beaux yeux
Des voluptés intérieures
Le sourire mystérieux !

Aimons-nous toujours davantage !
Unissons-nous mieux chaque jour.
Les arbres croissent en feuillage ;
Que notre âme croisse en amour !

Soyons le miroir et l'image !
Soyons la fleur et le parfum !
Les amants, qui, seuls sous l'ombrage,
Se sentent deux et ne sont qu'un !

Les poètes cherchent les belles.
La femme, ange aux chastes faveurs,
Aime à rafraîchir sous ses ailes
Ces grand fronts brûlants et réveurs.

Venez à nous, beautés touchantes !
Viens à moi, toi, mon bien, ma loi !
Ange ! viens à moi quand tu chantes,
Et, quand tu pleures, viens à moi !

Nous seuls comprenons vos extases.
Car notre esprit n'est point moqueur ;
Car les poètes sont les vases
Où les femmes versent leur cœurs.

Moi qui ne cherche dans ce monde
Que la seule réalité,
Moi qui laisse fuir comme l'onde
Tout ce qui n'est que vanité,

Je préfère aux biens dont s'enivre
L'orgueil du soldat ou du roi,
L'ombre que tu fais sur mon livre
Quand ton front se penche sur moi.

Toute ambition allumée
Dans notre esprit, brasier subtil,
Tombe en cendre ou vole en fumée,
Et l'on se dit : " Qu'en reste-t-il ? "

Tout plaisir, fleur à peine éclose
Dans notre avril sombre et terni,
S'effeuille et meurt, lis, myrte ou rose,
Et l'on se dit : " C'est donc fini ! "

L'amour seul reste. O noble femme
Si tu veux dans ce vil séjour,
Garder ta foi, garder ton âme,
Garder ton Dieu, garde l'amour !

Conserve en ton coeur,
sans rien craindre,
Dusses-tu pleurer et souffrir,
La flamme qui ne peut s'éteindre.

In English :

Let us love always! Let love endure!
When love goes, hope flies.
Love, that is the cry of the dawn,
Love, that is the hymn of the night.

How does the wave tell the shores,
How does the wind tell the old mountains,
How does the star tell the clouds,
It is with that ineffable phrase: "Let us love"!

Love dreams, lives and believes.
It is to nourish the heart.
A beam greater than glory
And this beam is happiness!

Love! That one may praise them or blame them,
Always, great hearts will love:
Join this youth of the soul
To the youth of your brow!

Love, in order to charm your hours!
In order that one can look into your beautiful eyes
With those voluptuous interiors
Of mysterious smiles!

Let us love always and more!
Let us unite better each day,
Trees grow their foliage;
That our souls should grow in love.

Let us be the mirror and image!
Let us be the flower and the perfume!
Lovers, who are alone beneath the shade,
Feel as two and are but one!

Poets search for beauties.
Woman, angel of pure tastes,
Loves to refresh beneath its wings
These large blazing and dreaming brows.

Come to us, touching beauties!
Come to me, to you, my own, my law!
Angel, come to me when you sing,
And, when you cry, come to me!

We alone understand your ecstasies,
For our spirit does not mock;
For poets are the vases
Where ladies send their hearts.

I, who has not found in the world
That single reality,
I, who lets flee like the wave
All that is only vanity.

I prefer rather than that which enervates
The arrogance of the soldier or the king,
The shadow that you place upon my life
When your brow inclines to me.

All ambition kindled
In our spirit, that subtle brazier,
Crumbles to ashes or flies in smoke,
And one says: "What will remain"?

All pleasure, a flower hardly in blossom
In our dark and tarnished April,
Sheds it's leaves and dies, lily, myrtle or rose,
And one says to oneself: "It is finished"!

Only love remains. O noble lady,
If you want to remain in this base state
Guard your faith, guard your soul,
Guard your God, guard love!

Conserve in your heart, without fearing anything,
If you should cry and suffer,
The flame that cannot be extinguished

And the flower that cannot die!
Victor Marie Hugo (26 February 1802 – 22 May 1885) was a French poet, novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic movement. He is considered one of the greatest and best known French writers. In France, Hugo's literary fame comes first from his poetry but also rests upon his novels and his dramatic achievements. Among many volumes of poetry, Les Contemplations and La Légende des siècles stand particularly high in critical esteem.
6.5k · Mar 2016
Happy Holi
Laurent Mar 2016
Year after year
purity of fire
is challenged by evil,
appeased with offerings

A full moon looks on
as winds stoke embers,
flare flames
to a flickering dance

Right in the center
of crimson blaze
sits Holika,
Prahlad in her lap -
her arms a circle of heat

White sparks fly from her hair,
eyes smolder in fury;
her mouth ***** in air,
engulfs rice and wheat

Wood chars,
coconuts splinter,
flowers singe
smearing earth with ash.

Year after year
faith survives.
Holika burns to death.

By Unknown
Holika Dahan also Kamudu pyre is celebrated by burning Holika, the devil. For many traditions in Hinduism, Holi celebrates the death of Holika in order to save Prahlad, and thus Holi gets its name. In olden days, people use to contribute a piece of wood or two for Holika bonfire.
On the eve of Holi, typically at or after sunset, the pyre is lit, signifying Holika Dahan. The ritual symbolises the victory of good over evil. People sing and dance around the fire. People also perform parikrama of fire.
In spite of being such a colourful festival, there are various aspects of Holi which makes it so significant for our lives. Though they might not be so apparent but a closer look and a little thought will reveal the significance of Holi in more ways than meets the eyes. Ranging from socio-cultural, religious to biological there is every reason why we must heartily enjoy the festival and cherish the reasons for its celebrations.
So when, its time for Holi, please don't hold yourself back and enjoy
The next day people play Holi, the popular festival of colors.
In India, Holika dahan will be on 23rd march 2016: 18:30 to 20:53, Duration = 2 Hours 22 Mins
4.8k · Jul 2015
Sparkling Smile
Laurent Jul 2015
What if she gives you her smile again ?
Is she gonna feel for a while without pain ?

What if you put her in your dreams tonight ?
Is she gonna stay until it's bright ?

What if you offer her your heart ?
Are you never gonna be apart ?

What if you try to pacify the butterfly ?
Is she gonna want to fly with you ?

What if you share her the rest of your life ?
Are you gonna accept as you are each other ?

You are still right here and waiting for her,
You were both in, you hope not too much.

What if she is still ignoring you ?
Will you just walk away and say goodbye ?

You are both out, you fear too much,
Just keep breathing for a while.

Because she will be always your half,
In that souvenir of her sparkling smile.
Never Try To Test Good People..Because Good People are Like Mercury..When you Hit Them They Won't Break But They Just Slip Away From Your Life Silently...
Laurent Apr 2016
and Live.
A nostalgia for innocence and an appeal to the essence of being
Laurent Apr 2015
The way she came in,
She glanced at you,
She drank her black tea,
She smiles at you,
To change your Satori,
As a new awakening.
Sensitive people should be treasured. They love deeply and think deeply about life. They are loyal, honest, and true. The simple things sometimes mean the most to them. They don't need to change or harden. Their purity makes them who they are.
3.9k · Apr 2015
Keep going
Laurent Apr 2015
In this night you sink,
You wait for an answer,
which will not come any more.
How far are you gonna take
this strange carousel,
You turn around aimlessly.
Love is a spell,
created by mortals,
Don't forget,
You are alive.
And It is time to shine.
Laurent Nov 2015
Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine
Et nos amours
Faut-il qu'il m'en souvienne
La joie venait toujours après la peine

Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
Les jours s'en vont je demeure

Les mains dans les mains restons face à face
Tandis que sous
Le pont de nos bras passe
Des éternels regards l'onde si lasse

Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
Les jours s'en vont je demeure

L'amour s'en va comme cette eau courante
L'amour s'en va
Comme la vie est lente
Et comme l'Espérance est violente

Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
Les jours s'en vont je demeure

Passent les jours et passent les semaines
Ni temps passé
Ni les amours reviennent
Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine

Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
Les jours s'en vont je demeure

In English :

Below the Mirabeau bridge there flows the Seine
As for our love
Must I recall how then
After each sorrow joy would come again

Let night come toll hours away
Days go by me here I stay

Let us stay hand in hand and face to face
While down below
The bridge of our embrace
Roll the waves weary of our endless gaze

Let night come toll hours away
Days go by me here I stay

Love goes away the way the waters flow
Love goes away
How life is long and slow
How hope of life can deal so strong a blow

Let night come toll hours away
Days go by me here I stay

The days the weeks are passing from our ken
Neither time passed
Nor love can come again
Below the Mirabeau bridge there flows the Seine

Let night come toll hours away
Days go by me here I stay
Guillaume Apollinaire (26 August 1880, Rome – 9 November 1918, Paris) was a French poet, playwright, short story writer, novelist, and art critic of Polish descent.

Apollinaire is considered one of the foremost poets of the early 20th century, as well as one of the most impassioned defenders of Cubism and a forefather of Surrealism. He is credited for coining the term Cubism (1911) to describe the new art movement, the term "Orphism" (1912), and the term "Surrealism" (1917) to describe the works of Erik Satie.

This poem functions as a touching record of the end of Apollinaire's long love affair with Marie Laurencin.
3.5k · Apr 2015
The Price of Arrogance
Laurent Apr 2015
How could you say sorry,
Through shades of words hiding.
How could she forgive you,
And all the fears you bring.
Why she would give you one clue,
With all the tears of the untruth.
Look at this closely,
Beyond all that she can feel.
Tell her there's a place
Always as an empty space,
For life inside you to fill.
We must be strong enough to realize it, our mistakes have to be turn as inner strengths to grow up.
3.1k · Nov 2015
Liberté by Paul Eluard
Laurent Nov 2015
Sur mes cahiers d’écolier
Sur mon pupitre et les arbres
Sur le sable sur la neige
J’écris ton nom

Sur toutes les pages lues
Sur toutes les pages blanches
Pierre sang papier ou cendre
J’écris ton nom

Sur les images dorées
Sur les armes des guerriers
Sur la couronne des rois
J’écris ton nom

Sur la jungle et le désert
Sur les nids sur les genêts
Sur l’écho de mon enfance
J’écris ton nom

Sur les merveilles des nuits
Sur le pain blanc des journées
Sur les saisons fiancées
J’écris ton nom

Sur tous mes chiffons d’azur
Sur l’étang soleil moisi
Sur le lac lune vivante
J’écris ton nom

Sur les champs sur l’horizon
Sur les ailes des oiseaux
Et sur le moulin des ombres
J’écris ton nom

Sur chaque bouffée d’aurore
Sur la mer sur les bateaux
Sur la montagne démente
J’écris ton nom

Sur la mousse des nuages
Sur les sueurs de l’orage
Sur la pluie épaisse et fade
J’écris ton nom

Sur les formes scintillantes
Sur les cloches des couleurs
Sur la vérité physique
J’écris ton nom

Sur les sentiers éveillés
Sur les routes déployées
Sur les places qui débordent
J’écris ton nom

Sur la lampe qui s’allume
Sur la lampe qui s’éteint
Sur mes maisons réunies
J’écris ton nom

Sur le fruit coupé en deux
Du miroir et de ma chambre
Sur mon lit coquille vide
J’écris ton nom

Sur mon chien gourmand et tendre
Sur ses oreilles dressées
Sur sa patte maladroite
J’écris ton nom

Sur le tremplin de ma porte
Sur les objets familiers
Sur le flot du feu béni
J’écris ton nom

Sur toute chair accordée
Sur le front de mes amis
Sur chaque main qui se tend
J’écris ton nom

Sur la vitre des surprises
Sur les lèvres attentives
Bien au-dessus du silence
J’écris ton nom

Sur mes refuges détruits
Sur mes phares écroulés
Sur les murs de mon ennui
J’écris ton nom

Sur l’absence sans désir
Sur la solitude nue
Sur les marches de la mort
J’écris ton nom

Sur la santé revenue
Sur le risque disparu
Sur l’espoir sans souvenir
J’écris ton nom

Et par le pouvoir d’un mot
Je recommence ma vie
Je suis né pour te connaître
Pour te nommer


In English:

On my school notebooks
On my school desk and the trees
On the sand on the snow
I write your name

On all the pages read
On all the blank pages
Stone blood paper or ash
I write your name

On the golden images
On the warriors’ arms
On the kings’ crown
I write your name

On the jungle and the desert
On the nests on the brooms
On the echo of my childhood
I write your name

On the wonders of the nights
On the white bread of the days
On the engaged seasons
I write your name

On all my rags of azure
On the pond mildewed sun
On the lake moon alive
I write your name

On the fields on the horizon
On the birds’ wings
And on shadows’ mill
I write your name

On every puff of dawn
On the sea on the boats
On the insane mountain
I write your name

On the foam of the clouds
On the sweat of the storm
On the thick and dull rain
I write your name

On the scintillating figures
On the colors’ bells
On the physical truth
I write your name

On the awake paths
On the unfurled roads
On the overflowing squares
I write your name

On the lamp that comes alight
On the lamp that dies out
On my combined houses
I write your name

On the fruit cut in halves
Of the mirror and of my room
On my empty shell bed
I write your name

On my gourmand and tender dog
On his pricked up ears
On his clumsy paw
I write your name

On the springboard of my door
On the familiar objects
On the flood of the blessed fire
I write your name

On any granted flesh
On my friends’ forehead
On every hand held out
I write your name

On the window of the surprises
On the attentive lips
Well above the silence
I write your name

On my destroyed shelters
On my crumbled beacons
On the walls of my boredom
I write your name

On the absence without desire
On the bare solitude
On the steps of death
I write your name

On the health returned
On the risk disappeared
On hope without remembrance
I write your name

And by the power of a word
I start my life again
I was born to know you
To name you

2.9k · Nov 2015
Les Pas by Paul Valéry
Laurent Nov 2015
Tes pas, enfants de mon silence,
Saintement, lentement placés,
Vers le lit de ma vigilance
Procèdent muets et glacés.

Personne pure, ombre divine,
Qu’ils sont doux, tes pas retenus !
Dieux !… tous les dons que je devine
Viennent à moi sur ces pieds nus !

Si, de tes lèvres avancées,
Tu prépares pour l’apaiser,
À l’habitant de mes pensées
La nourriture d’un baiser,

Ne hâte pas cet acte tendre,
Douceur d’être et de n’être pas,
Car j’ai vécu de vous attendre,
Et mon coeur n’était que vos pas.

In English:

Your footsteps, children of my silence,
Saintly, slowly placed
Towards the bed of my watchfulness,
Approach, muted and frozen.

Pure one, divine shadow,
How gentle, your cautious steps are!
Gods! …all the gifts that I can guess
Come to me on those naked feet!

If, with your lips advancing,
You are preparing to appease
The inhabitant of my thoughts
With the sustenance of a kiss,

Do not hurry this tender act,
Bliss of being and not being,
For I have lived for waiting for you,
And my heart was only your footsteps.
Ambroise-Paul-Toussaint-Jules Valéry (30 October 1871 – 20 July 1945) was a French poet, essayist, and philosopher. In addition to his poetry and fiction (drama and dialogues), his interests included aphorisms on art, history, letters, music, and current events. Valéry was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 12 different years.
In this classical yet sensual and very musical poem, Valéry describes two people: the “I” who represents the poet (who is in his bed and not sleeping) and a feminine entity who is approaching.
2.8k · Apr 2015
Laurent Apr 2015
It is necessary to know how to tame her,
Shy, careful, secret and reserved,
Not very comfortable in a crowd.
She possesses this discreet charm,
You cannot forget as a viral load.
Natural, simple, reliable in her feelings,
She needs proofs to be reassured.

Her attitude is sensible and direct,
An inner life is rich of her life's striking,
Where her intellectual sphere takes it,
By the elegance of her sparkling creativity,
Under the power of her own meditations.
She is so rational, ironic and critical,
By her genuine metaphysical reflections.

She is constantly building on her intuition,
In the area of integrating life's solutions.
She thinks of being late, but just accurate,
Worried in pleasing and in being loved,
But just forgets she is part of human being.

You can trust her blindly,
Because in spite of her side to part,
So different and so warm,
That can perturb you,
And walk away from both of you.

She remains your half for all eternity,
Even if today this Love has dried up,
Keep her sharing gift to love yourself,
To be yourself, and nothing else !
2.5k · Jun 2015
Against Philophobia
Laurent Jun 2015
Sunrise and tide were getting brights,
He was heading somewhere,
She didn't even know as well,
Accidentally stopping on the shore,
Hoping she didn't mind, and more.
Tipsified by that kind of exhilaration,
Seeming steady to erase their philophobia,
They opened up their hearts full of passion.
Expecting to be forever on the same shell,
To live their shared dreams full of lights,
Letting the waves sing them where to go...
The beautiful Mermaid is still in his heart, despite the Sailor failed against himself...
2.5k · Apr 2015
Parental Alienation Syndrome
Laurent Apr 2015
Your mum wants to be remembered to you,
That you do not love any more your dad,
I know that you don't think,
With this fear which we suppose
If you do not comply her,
But don't worry,
I know it is heavy,
My boy, don't cry,
Dry up your sadness,
No, I don't blame you.
Listen your inner voice,
Time will proved us to be right,
And keep us close for ever.
I will always be there for you,
My son, wherever you are.
Someday you will understand better,
You will be free of your own choices,
And I know that this day,
We will be together as before,
With the pride and the happiness
which build our lives and more.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort...
2.3k · Jun 2015
Untractable Choice
Laurent Jun 2015
It makes you deeply sick in a lot of ways,
And makes you happy before sad always,
It keeps your eyes open everytime and overtime.

You see it in the steps it takes,
You hear it in the sounds it makes.
Falling in with joy and hope, is it still a crime ?

Remind you how both of you got this far,
Remind you how both of you fell apart,
Do you really want it and share more than a taste ?

Can you give it enough space in your heart again,
With that risk and maybe getting hurt again !
You sure don't mind,  you learned from your past.
The strongest, most full, deeply overwhelming emotion that your soul can feel.
2.2k · Jun 2015
Butterfly & Dragonfly
Laurent Jun 2015
Like butterfly she is,
Forever in your mind.
You see her in all,
The pieces in your life.
Though she wasn't yours,
She was your true love.
You wanted to go away with her,
And you will leave all you troubles here.
You wanted to run away with her,
And you will bring all you beauties and fears.
You wanted to start again with her,
And you will leave all your worries here.
You wanted only her as she is,
You know that you felt with her.
Like Dragonfly you are,
The guard of her dreams.
Infatuation or pure and selfless Love ?
1.9k · May 2016
Rat Race
Laurent May 2016
Don't be discouraged
Its hard to take courage
In a world full of rage
Shining through
True beautiful thoughts
Against hearts so darked.
1.6k · Nov 2015
Le Lac by Lamartine
Laurent Nov 2015
Ainsi toujours poussés vers de nouveaux rivages,
Dans la nuit éternelle emportés sans retour,
Ne pourrons-nous jamais sur l'océan des âges
Jeter l'ancre un seul jour?

O lac! l'année à peine a fini sa carrière,
Et près des flots chéris qu'elle devait revoir
Regarde! je viens seul m'asseoir sur cette pierre
Où tu la vis s'asseoir!

Tu mugissais ainsi sous ces roches profondes;
Ainsi tu te brisais sur leurs flancs déchirés:
Ainsi le vent jetait l'écume de tes ondes
Sur ses pieds adorés.

Un soir, t'en souvient-il? nous voguions en silence;
On n'entendait au ****, sur l'onde et sous les cieux,
Que le bruit des rameurs qui frappaient en cadence
Tes flots harmonieux.

Tout à coup des accents inconnus à la terre
Du rivage charmé frappèrent les échos;
Le flot fut attentif, et la voix qui m'est chère
Laissa tomber ces mots:

"O temps, suspends ton vol! et vous, heures propices,
Suspendez votre cours!
Laissez-nous savourer les rapides délices
Des plus beaux de nos jours!

"Assez de malheureux ici-bas vous implorent:
Coulez, coulez pour eux;
Prenez avec leurs jours les soins qui les dévorent;
Oubliez les heureux."

Mais je demande en vain quelques moments encore,
Le temps m'échappe et fuit;
je dis à cette nuit: "Sois plus lente"; et l'aurore
Va dissiper la nuit.

Aimons donc, aimons donc! de l'heure fugitive,
Hâtons-nous, jouissons!
L'homme n'a point de port, le temps n'a point de rive;
Il coule, et nous passons!

Temps jaloux, se peut-il que ces moments d'ivresse,
Où l'amour à longs flots nous verse le bonheur,
S'envolent **** de nous de la même vitesse
Que les jours de malheur?

Hé quoi! n'en pourrons-nous fixer au moins la trace?
Quoi! passés pour jamais? quoi! tout entiers perdus?
Ce temps qui les donna, ce temps qui les efface,
Ne nous les rendra plus?

Éternité, néant, passé, sombres abîmes,
Que faites-vous des jours que vous engloutissez?
Parlez: nous rendrez-vous ces extases sublimes
Que vous nous ravissez?

O lac! rochers muets! grottes! forêt obscure!
Vous que le temps épargne ou qu'il peut rajeunir,
Gardez de cette nuit, gardez, belle nature,
Au moins le souvenir!

Qu'il soit dans ton repos, qu'il soit dans tes orages,
Beau lac, et dans l'aspect de tes riants coteaux,
Et dans ces noirs sapins, et dans ces rocs sauvages
Qui pendent sur tes eaux!

Qu'il soit dans le zéphyr qui frémit et qui passe,
Dans les bruits de tes bords par tes bords répétés,
Dans l'astre au front d'argent qui blanchit ta surface
De ses molles clartés!

Que le vent qui gémit, le roseau qui soupire,
Que les parfums légers de ton air embaumé,
Que tout ce qu'on entend, l'on voit ou l'on respire,
Tout dise: "Ils ont aimé!"

In English :

So driven onward to new shores forever,
Into the night eternal swept away,
Upon the sea of time can we not ever
Drop anchor for one day?

O Lake! Scarce has a single year coursed past.
To waves that she was meant to see again,
I come alone to sit upon this stone
You saw her sit on then.

You lowed just so below those plunging cliffs.
Just so you broke about their riven flanks.
Just so the wind flung your spray forth to wash
Her feet which graced your banks.

Recall the evening we sailed out in silence?
On waves beneath the skies, afar and wide,
Naught but the rowers' rhythmic oars we heard
Stroking your tuneful tide.

Then of a sudden tones untold on earth,
Resounded round the sounding spellbound sea.
The tide attended; and I heard these words
From the voice dear to me:

Pause in your trek O Time! Pause in your flight,
Favorable hours, and stay!
Let us enjoy the transient delight
That fills our fairest day.

Unhappy crowds cry out to you in prayers.
Flow, Time, and set them free.
Run through their days and through their ravening cares!
But leave the happy be.

In vain I pray the hours to linger on
And Time slips into flight.
I tell this night: "Be slower!" and the dawn
Undoes the raveled night.

Let's love, then! Love, and feel while feel we can
The moment on its run.
There is no shore of Time, no port of Man.
It flows, and we go on.

Covetous Time! Our mighty drunken moments
When love pours forth huge floods of happiness;
Can it be true that they depart no faster
Than days of wretchedness?

Why can we not keep some trace at the least?
Gone wholly? Lost forever in the black?
Will Time that gave them, Time that now elides them
Never once bring them back?

Eternity, naught, past, dark gulfs: what do
You do with days of ours which you devour?
Speak! Shall you not bring back those things sublime?
Return the raptured hour?

O Lake, caves, silent cliffs and darkling wood,
Whom Time has spared or can restore to light,
Beautiful Nature, let there live at least
The memory of that night:

Let it be in your stills and in your storms,
Fair Lake, in your cavorting sloping sides,
In the black pine trees, in the savage rocks
That hang above your tides;

Let it be in the breeze that stirs and passes,
In sounds resounding shore to shore each night,
In the star's silver countenance that glances
Your surface with soft light.

Let the deep keening winds, the sighing reeds,
Let the light balm you blow through cliff and grove,
Let all that is beheld or heard or breathed
Say only "they did love."
Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de Lamartine, chevalier de Pratz (21 October 1790 – 28 February 1869), was a French writer, poet and politician who was instrumental in the foundation of the Second Republic and the continuation of the Tricolore as the flag of France.
Lamartine is considered to be the first French romantic poet, and was acknowledged by Paul Verlaine and the Symbolists as an important influence.
In 1816, at Aix-les Bains near Lake Bourget, Lamartine made the acquaintance of one Julie Charles. The following year, he came back to the lake, expecting to meet her there again. But he waited in vain, and initially thought she had stood him up. A month later he learned that she had taken ill and died. The "she" in this semi-autobiographical poem refers to Julie. The "voice dear to me" which speaks the lines of stanzas 6-9 is also meant to be understood as Julie's voice.
1.6k · Jun 2016
Prism of Life
Laurent Jun 2016
A Lighthouse to light beyond the Reasons
An Astragal to tone down the Passion
A Lantern to bright beyond the Horizons
In that permanent Love's Peregrination
Some wished him to be an Anchor
He is just a moored Beacon, offshore.
Laurent Oct 2015
Hoy en mi ventana brilla el sol
Y el corazón se pone triste contemplando la ciudad
Porque te vas.
Como cada noche desperté pensando en ti
Y en mi reloj todas las horas vi pasar
Porque te vas.
Todas las promesas de mi amor se irán contigo
Me olvidaras, me olvidaras
Junto a la estación lloraré igual que un niño
Porque te vas, porque te vas.
Bajo la penumbra de un farol se dormirán
Todas las cosas que quedaron por decir se dormirán
Junto a las manillas de un reloj esperarán
Todas las horas que quedaron por vivir esperarán.

In English :

Because you are leaving

The sun shines through my window today
And my heart feels sad
while looking at the city
Because you are leaving.
Just like every night,
I woke up thinking of you
And I saw as all the hours
Passed by in my clock
Because you are leaving.
All my love promises will be gone with you
You will forget me, you will forget me
Next to the station
I will cry like a child
Because you are leaving,
Because you are leaving.
Under the shadow of a street lamp
They will sleep
All the things left unsaid will sleep there
They will wait next to a clock's hands
They will wait for all those hours
That we had yet to live.
José Luis Perales (born January 18, 1945 in Castejón, Cuenca Province) is a Spanish singer-songwriter and composer who is very popular in Spain and Latin America.
Laurent Oct 2015
I now think Love is rather deaf than blind,
    For else it could not be
               That she,
    Whom I adore so much, should so slight me
And cast my love behind.
I'm sure my language to her was as sweet,
       And every close did meet
       In sentence of as subtle feet,
       As hath the youngest He
That sits in shadow of Apollo's tree.

       O, but my conscious fears,
               That fly my thoughts between,
               Tell me that she hath seen
       My hundred of gray hairs,
       Told seven and forty years
    Read so much waste, as she cannot embrace
    My mountain belly and my rocky face;
And all these through her eyes have stopp'd her ears.
Benjamin Jonson (c. 11 June 1572 – 6 August 1637) was an English playwright, poet, actor, and literary critic of the seventeenth century, whose artistry exerted a lasting impact upon English poetry and stage comedy. He popularised the comedy of humours. He is best known for the satirical plays Every Man in His Humour (1598), Volpone, or The Foxe (1605), The Alchemist (1610), and Bartholomew Fayre: A Comedy (1614), and for his lyric poetry; he is generally regarded as the second most important English dramatist, after William Shakespeare, during the reign of James I.
1.4k · Apr 2015
No show...
Laurent Apr 2015
Change the colors of his weather,
Adorn them with soothing words,
Take down barriers and erode that border,
To give him a hope in the adults' world.
Laurent Oct 2015
Je fais souvent ce rêve étrange et pénétrant
D’une femme inconnue, et que j’aime, et qui m’aime,
Et qui n’est, chaque fois, ni tout à fait la même,
Ni tout à fait une autre, et m’aime et me comprend.

Car elle me comprend, et mon coeur transparent,
Pour elle seule, hélas! cesse d’être un problème.
Pour elle seule, et les moiteurs de mon front blême,
Elle seule les sait rafraîchir, en pleurant.

Est-elle brune, blonde ou rousse? Je l’ignore.
Son nom? Je me souviens qu’il est doux et sonore,
Comme ceux des aimés que la vie exila.

Son regard est pareil au regard des statues,
Et, pour sa voix, lointaine, et calme, et grave, elle a,
L’inflexion des voix chères qui se sont tues.

In English:

I often have this dream both strange and shrewd,
Of an unknown girl, who I love, and who loves me
And who each time is neither quite the same,
Nor quite someone else, and who loves and understands me

Because she understands me, and my open heart
For her only, sadly, still ceasing to be a problem,
For her only, and the dampness of my pale forehead
Only she knows how to collect herself, by crying

Is she brunette, blonde or red? I am unsure
Her name? I remember that it is sweet and memorable
Like those of lives loved in exile

Her look is just like that of the statues;
And for her voice, distant and calm, solemn, she has
The affliction of voices dear which fall silent
Paul-Marie Verlaine
(30 March 1844 – 8 January 1896)
was a French poet associated with the Symbolist movement. He is considered one of the greatest representatives of the fin de siècle in international and French poetry.
Laurent Apr 2015
If you accept this woven fate,
So fearlessly you charge ahead,
There is no more time to hesitate.

Don't be despair in your head,
Live with any more regrets,
In the face of that certain hurt.

Don't mourn on this lost love that fell,
Gentleman doesn't go only to Hell,
Celebrate your inner strengths to heal.

Maybe you will meet her again,
In the twilight of the gods,
One day against all odds.

Since birth you learned,
You know how to survive,
Because you are still alive.

A new world can reborn,
On your devastated ground,
It is up to you to spin the wheel.
1.4k · Aug 2016
The melody of time
Laurent Aug 2016
Every feeling is a  complete existence in itself,
Endowed with an infinity of nuances,
In a fractal chaos of symbiosis,
More than a harmony,
A fusion of all,
In the same duration.
That intensity shared,
Inseparable in the uniqueness,
That ephemeral eternity,
Before forgetting itself.
1.3k · Apr 2015
Laurent Apr 2015
You lived so many mornings,
So many enjoyments as sorrows,
So many laughters as pains,
Thought being at the end of these feelings,
But you learned also for tomorrow,
That there is so many dreams to live again.
Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean.
1.1k · Apr 2015
Time to wake up
Laurent Apr 2015
When you have only Love
It won't come to you
With the only resource
Than always believing.

You are unable to listen
The sound from her soul,
As a single word,
As a single reason,
And single relief,
To convince your broken heart.

So, you understand nothing
But the strength to love,
Don't keep it in your hope,
And cease to live in this painful world,
Because you have to love yourself before..
1.1k · May 2016
Beyond the Darkness
Laurent May 2016
At the night,
In its deep darkness
I see from afar it,
In this dream so fuzzy,
I see this smile,
In a world of shadows,
I feel this courage,
In this abstract reality,
I hear this voice,
Fact of this fertile silence,
I have think of the eternity.
1.0k · May 2016
Laurent May 2016
That happens in secret
Its halo of the unknown,
Always unexpected,
But deeply rooted,
In its perfect time,
Enlightened by its own,
As a new step,
Beyond your strenghts,
To lead yourself.
972 · Jun 2015
Laurent Jun 2015
We have all sublime love
Hidden in its intimate memory.
We all have a lost passion,
A dream which did not return,
Souvenir for a whole life.
Each of us knows it,
The fate never returns.
There is not more than infinite love,
Which will never sink into oblivion.
963 · Jul 2015
Laurent Jul 2015
She comes to vibrate with you
Without seeing already the meaning,
Since the time pure life thinking,
When it grows that winter afternoon,
In the reservation of the pleasure,
Simple without cruelty a life,
In the purity a dream as a treasure,
A life whole innocence comes to tell her.
That's too much but amazing as never,
You do not forget Morenita,
Neither two eyes said by you to love her,
She does not forget, Morenita,
Either you in the daytime with coldness,
You enjoyment touching the moon.
In the first time with her,
It was for you a madness,
How long for telling you,
And that beautiful moment to appear,
Dreams and longings, and happinesses, a life,
Your life, she is in, you can for her,
That's too much but still alive forever.
Ultimate poem to close the book. Thank you to all of you for your friendly care for my first writing in English . I discovered HP and came here by her and for her, remained quiet, to let her go from my soul, without success... Let me express to all of you my gratitude to read, share, learn and feel so many amazing behaviours and slices of life. Wish to all of you only the best.
955 · Jun 2015
Poets (Haïku)
Laurent Jun 2015
Rhymers are takers and readers to be givers forever deeper.
Laurent May 2015
It gets across the point if the earth really is alive,
If you were interviewing a butterfly,
Standing on the branch of an oak tree.
Now, a butterfly lives only for a few days
But an oak tree can live for over a thousand years.
If you were to ask the butterfly:
Do you precede the object of which your standing is being alive?
The butterfly would say: of course not. I've been here all my life
It is all five days, and the tree hasn't done a thing
Well, it's the same problem with the human being
If you would ask a person
Perhaps one that's lived for a hundred years
They precede the earth, which is really 5 billion years old, is being alive
They would say: of course not. I've been here my whole life, and it hasn't done a thing.
The earth really is alive.
Live to learn peacefully. Do not try to change every one . Peace of mind comes from not wanting to change others.
927 · Apr 2015
A Gift...
Laurent Apr 2015
You, who thought,
You were strong enough,
To vanquish both life and death.
You known you were, silly you,
Man enough to love her the best way,
And that wasn't the right way,
Too much love is often a flaw.
Her eyes turned away from you,
Her heart freezed over forever,
Erasing the present into the past,
Your bliss has disappeared into time.
Sadly way of sneaking up on you,
Tricky way of helping you out.
You will always love her,
Tell her that you will.
Laurent Apr 2016
I always knew it in my heart,
That so beloved woman wouldn't wish for me,
to grieve endlessly,
But to the contrary,
Celebrate the beautiful of life,
By keeping her gift alive in my healthy half.

But I saw myself derailing,
So many hours,
So many days,
So many weeks,
So many months,
So many years,
and spiraling,
Out of control.

Today I make a conscious choice,
Instead of thinking about that hurt,
And fueling my own pain and misery.
I invest my efforts into doing good,
Putting smiles on people's faces,
I enjoy it, as it uplifts my soul,
And feeds my peaceful faith,
To love beyond my own voice.
857 · Apr 2015
Laurent Apr 2015
Don't give up,
Even It is hard to get back up,
To listen through the hurt,
The beats of your heart.
820 · Mar 2016
Afternoon Expresso
Laurent Mar 2016
You should rather stay inside,
Than being out tonight,
Just sipping coffee,
And nothing to look forward to her,
Savoring your healing attitude,
Even you are still dreaming of her.
Sometimes you are losing your cool,
With your everything,
You would give anything to be with her,
And you will try your best to let it subside.
You are letting go for April fool,
Without taking any part of her,
Something what your heart truly wants,
And no one will ever see but her.
The  way you now use to do,
Being so so, as your Expresso !
813 · Jul 2015
Laurent Jul 2015
Your Kiss inhales her Heart,
To touch by the edge of your Lips,
her Soul.
When you life is through, And the angels ask you to recall The thrill of them all, Then you shall tell them you remember her.
811 · Apr 2015
Shore Break
Laurent Apr 2015
Listen shells moving back and forth,
Upon the shore of this uncharted beach,
Catch that untractable equanimity.

There are no more smiles,
Only ghostly shadows of each,
In your loneliness of her silence.

Erase the swirling shades of your emotions,
As last ondulation traces of this swell,
Which streak the sand with force.

More than thousands miles,
Both of you travel on to nowhere,
In the greyness of your cogitations,

Breath deeply and take this chance,
Time to let her go, head straight,
To surf that rolling wave, intensely.
Some shore breaks are quite dangerous like falling in Love...
797 · Jun 2015
Ferry Flight
Laurent Jun 2015
Can you see the blue sky,
Birds are flying so high,
Shattered clouds are moving by.
Let shine your soul so dry,
In that pride you see yourself fly,
Her blue moon time will be your witness tonight.
751 · Apr 2015
The One
Laurent Apr 2015
Your happiness is in your weakness,
That you feel and that you abandon,
To believe and feed your hopefulness,
Could become a painful cross,
To have only one horizon,
No more boundaries to cross,
And no more cold season.
750 · Mar 2016
White Flag
Laurent Mar 2016
Think about her,
Hold her hand,
Be her friend,
Watch the  Stars,
From the Dark to the Light.
Look at her,
From above,
From beyond.
See her smiles,
Memories of her warmth.
All the seasons are the same,
Forever thine,
Forever to shine,
The might of time.
Feel it,
From above,
From beyond,
Maybe you will never see her,
Seated so close to you.
736 · Apr 2015
Illusion of Sleeping
Laurent Apr 2015
Dreaming of the past,
Haunted by her grace,
Troubled by its mirage,
Prisoner of that ban.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance...
710 · Jun 2015
Black and White Inside
Laurent Jun 2015
Not to let your optimism slip away,
No matter it's over, it's okay,
Cause as long as the sun is rising.
You can get up,  brighten up
And enjoy to make her day.
You are shining as the rays,
Inside your soul to heal this feeling,
Just in case one day, she shows up.
709 · Apr 2015
Accept and Believe
Laurent Apr 2015
In what is being given,
To you at this time,
Take this energy of living,
And deal with this alterity.
The more you give to feel fine,
It becomes your divine responsibility.
You will receive this light of heaven,
The more you feel your mankind !
704 · Apr 2015
Laurent Apr 2015
You must surrender to absence,
Through so many silences,
That you must turn the page,
Address you other messages,
Even if her heart is tightly closed,
And the sun won't rise high today,
You have to shine each new day.
683 · Mar 2016
Laurent Mar 2016
The seduction of eyes,
The most immediate,
The purest.
Expressing themselves,
In wordless language,
Only the looks become muddled
In their vertigo duel,
Of that subtle balance,
That no more carnal sensual delight,
Will equal afterward.
"fortunate happenstance" or "pleasant surprise"
is the ultimate gift against Oblivion !
652 · Jul 2016
Laurent Jul 2016
She doesn't mind if you wanna stay
With that smile upon her face
Hang around for a little while
Please don't drive away,
Even for a mile.
Different continents
Its not a thing
You know you 'll be okay
Endless borders, countless days
Your love will pave the way
You 'll be her wall
For her to lean on
And when she falls
Just try to hold on
You 'll be back in her heart
Together you’ll always be
For what may come.
You don't mind if she is far away
You 'll be waiting for her anyway
Under the sky of sunshine or rain
Together you'll always be
For what is maybe
An unconditional Love
And no more Hurt.
642 · May 2015
In a Breath
Laurent May 2015
The words fly
And return ever,
Their place of birth,
The silence...

So let you share her,
All your secret messages,
From your heart to her soul,
Will die with you...

The words fly,
Without leaving any trace,
A light beam, a little air,
Lost in the middle of nowhere...
Not one drop of my self-worth depends on your acceptance of me ! Believe in yourself always.
635 · Dec 2015
Laurent Dec 2015
The time has come,
even your past is knocking again,
How many times,
Do you want to see your broken smile?

Just one second can change your belief,
Be careful, you can be fool,
But if you never try,
How can you believe that you are strong?

Time to forget and forgive,
All the mistakenness both have done,
Time to believe and give,
Your fears won't postpone.

Make your heart free,
Listen deeply your soul,
And you will never be alone,
To trust and Love again.
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