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Feb 2019 · 436
Start to Greatness
Dark Jewel Feb 2019
Has it's troubles...
It's challenges.

It's testing,
To see who is worthy.
To see who is strong...

To bring them forth,
Into the light.
To make them believe.

Is what we hunger for...
Is what we want...

We want to believe in ourselves.
As one being...

Under the watchful sky,
We stride forth..
One foot after the other.

To start our journey to greatness....
Nov 2018 · 333
This is For you
Dark Jewel Nov 2018
This is for you,
My love, My darling.
My words shine above the darkest hour.
Ripping through that fog,
Like lightning.

Life has ways,
Putting its blade to our throats.
Demanding surrender.
Killing our very souls within.

We remember.

We remember!


There you are,
In a corner,
Surrounded by darkness.
Your body breaking under the pressure.

Your eyes bloodshot,
Heart racing.
Breathing erratic.

I tear through this storm,
Searching for you.
Whispering your name,
Along the waves.

Reaching you,
Hasn't been easy.
Has had hardships.

Even in my regret of past mistakes,
Your love for me shines bright.
Guiding me through the dark.
To you.

Who calls out my name.
Begging for me.
Desperate to break free of the dark.
That caresses your skin.
Calling for your Jewel,
That you hold dear.

Fear not this night,
My love.
My soulmate.

My hand reaching out to you,
As the mist clears.
I kneel.
Your eyes meeting mine.

"Don't be afraid,"
"Don't give in to this.. I am here."

Tears splash our faces,
We embrace each other.
Letting all wash away.

Darkness has no place here.
Life will not break us down.

You and I,
Are One.
Forever And Always.
#My Zahe. Even in the worst times I will always be there. Forever and Always.
Sep 2018 · 332
Born for Greatness
Dark Jewel Sep 2018
Aspire to Desire,
The Change..

Reignite that Fire!
Flowing through your veins.

You are Born for Greatness.
thought I'd give a spirit lifting poem.
Sep 2018 · 201
Dark Jewel Sep 2018
When you feel Remorse,**
That sting..
Within the tendrils of your mind.

Run far...
Run fast...

Before it consumes you.
Sep 2018 · 202
Dark Jewel Sep 2018
The Only One,
Unbelieving of their lies.
Relentless to their tests.

She tasked with,
The final Act..
The Sweet Sacrifice...

Her blood,
Strikes fear into their eyes..
She Fades Away..

To her Eternal Fate..

She will love,
Until Eternity...

Her soul burns,
As it enters the gates...
To the other world..
One where it may seem light..

Maybe she was wrong?
Sep 2018 · 243
Only one with Memory
Dark Jewel Sep 2018
Till my Last Breath,
Memories will fade..
The sensation fades away.

They are Howling,
Singing a song of Remorse.
Wishing to Decode.

In the Middle of the Night,
Midst the crusade.

My one fear..

I am Only One.
Mar 2018 · 891
Apocalyptic Valkyrie War
Dark Jewel Mar 2018
Dreading thy screams.
Blood on the hearth,
Of all evil beings.

The gates have opened,
So comes the war.
Where Dragons and demons,
**** each other for sport.

Valkyries spread their wings.
They bang their drums,
Matching their heart beat.

This is a time to defend,
Thy precious country.
They are warriors of God.

Light... and Divine.

Now comes the start,
Of demons awakening within.
The hybrids are known.
To only their kin.

Warriors awaken their soul.
May their hearts burn,
Like a phoenix through it all.
Kekay has awakened...
Mar 2018 · 261
Storming Roar
Dark Jewel Mar 2018
My heart skips a beat,
The rain crashing around me.

Lights flash,
Across the dreaded black sky.
A storm rolls in.
Thundering the drums on high.

Even in its majesty,
A destruction has laid its course.
The light flashes again,
No remorse.

Mother nature,
Is precious and kind.
within her fire however,
Is destruction divine.

Never question thy mother,
She will bring you a storming roar.

She is to not be toyed with,
Or she might forget you all.
Mar 2018 · 208
Dark Jewel Mar 2018
Spirits may fade,
They may burn down in remorse.

Just remember thy course.
Your light burns brighter,
Than anyone in your family known.

Just remember,
You have a home.
Mar 2018 · 204
Another Year
Dark Jewel Mar 2018
Another year,
Another day.

A newer,
Brighter future.

So close to the new year,
Marks the day I was born.

I don't feel much happiness,
Though I should...

Milestones come and go,
everyday is just the same.

Now I remain,
No different than yesterday.
Sep 2017 · 612
Broken Trying to be saved
Dark Jewel Sep 2017
Lone wolf,
In the storm.

Howling a broken melody,
Uncertain where to trek.
Uncertain of herself.

She plays strong,
She plays cool.
She plays wise.

She knows.
She's broken.

Trying to reach,
That hand outstretched.
Trying to pull her into his arms.

He's trying to understand.
She's trying to explain.
Why it happens...
Why she's broken..

She can't explain,
Life just pushed her down.

Into the darkest hole,
It could find.

He's trying to save her,
She's trying to save him.
Not herself.

She doesn't think about herself,
Maybe that's the issue.
The burden she has.

The anxiety,
The mistrust.

It's all because,
Those she thought.
Could be trusted.

Sep 2017 · 338
Rise broken girl slandered
Dark Jewel Sep 2017
Time to bring,
A beast.

To the surface she creeps,
To the field she rises.
She brings destruction,
She brings beauty.

She is the anointed,
To seize life from others.


The call her.

Nightmare beast,
They name her.

When they don't see,
The broken heart behind the mask.
She's only human...

Not a perfection.
Apr 2017 · 386
Time for Fire
Dark Jewel Apr 2017
My tears,
Shall burn the flames.
Brighter than the sun.

My hope,
Will challenge thy love.
My time is now.
Apr 2017 · 431
Dark Jewel Apr 2017
Blazing Nile,
Jordanian blood.
Youthful spirit.

Wild and Free.
Right down to the core.

Where did I come from?
Dark Jewel Apr 2017
A fathers love,
For his son...
Is greater than anyone understands.

If it was a choice,
I would step down because,
I love them both,
Despite not meeting the son yet.

My love for them,
Is farther than anyone would know.
I will gladly sacrifice for them both,
For Family.
Mar 2017 · 1.0k
Home in each other
Dark Jewel Mar 2017
Time goes by,
Fluttering in the breeze.
On the wings of a butterfly.

Gently caressing,
Smooth hair.
Red like fire.

She stares,
At her timeline.

Much to do,
More time to spare.
Less stress to be there.

Her hand in her mates hand,
They stare at the setting sun.
Looking into each others eyes,*
They are home.
Mar 2017 · 508
Journey to new chapter
Dark Jewel Mar 2017
Adrenaline kicked in,
The drive begins.
Darkness settles over the horizon.

Music blaring,
Car flying.
I must get there.
To him.

Pepsi caffeine,
A thing to stay awake.

Cross state lines,
Background changes.
Mountain region,
Powerful storm.

Must persevere,
Tempest protects me.
Fly little corolla.

I'm home now.

A new chapter,
A new story.
To this ever changing life.

One to spend it with,
No regrets.
Mar 2017 · 594
Who I am
Dark Jewel Mar 2017
Wings spread,
Fangs bared..
Protective has taken its toll.

A wolf,
A Valkyrie.
A hybrid.

Different from mortal.
Different from immortal.

Two rules.

Mess with me.
You get the snarl and pain.

Mess with those I care for.
You will die painfully.

Isn't always a curse.
Mar 2017 · 851
Elemental Feeling
Dark Jewel Mar 2017
Dancing in the waves,
Feeling the water rise.
Above the rocks.

The energy spiraling,
Out of control.
Wild and free.

Let the waters rise,
Beyond the fire sky.*
Feeling one with the element.
Feeling loved.

My god,
Thank you.
Mar 2017 · 459
Forever with my mate
Dark Jewel Mar 2017
This life,
Has more rays of sunlight.
More purpose and meaning.

My heart beats rapidly,
Every touch.
Every breath.
Feeling more alive than before.

Meaning to fight,
Meaning to love.
I have found my mate.

Forever and Always,
Ain't a bad thing this time.
May it last.

For happiness has come.
This weekend has been amazing, this feeling is something I have never experienced before. I think I have found meaning in my life. Alongside him, I see a brighter future. No regrets.
Mar 2017 · 290
Wolf howl, Battle Begun
Dark Jewel Mar 2017
Wolf howl,
Challenge came forth.
Barriers switched.
Uncertain mends.

Wolf howl,*
War has begun.
You have a battle ahead.
No time to run.

A duel between Alphas.
Mar 2017 · 244
Dark Jewel Mar 2017
As shy as I seem,*
The mate before me I see.
I fear nothing with us.
Our paths are aligned.
To bring something forth.

Buried beneath the gates,
Love is born.
When one steps forward.
Protect those you love,
Remember who you are.

I'll always love you.
We have a future ahead.
Mar 2017 · 261
To the Ones
Dark Jewel Mar 2017
To the ones,
That walk in the dark.
To the ones,
That fight for us.

We are here.
You are loved.
No monster lies here.
Mar 2017 · 751
Turned for Better
Dark Jewel Mar 2017
This life has taken a turn,
A yearning well deserved.
Though a heart may cry,
Another is given life.

No remorse,
For what I've done.
I've made my choice.
This time it's done.

A soul crossed my path.
I've shown him the way.
To the life ahead.

The numbers shown,
The way to love.
The stars aligned,
To bring us together.

There is purpose,
To us.
It's been an interesting couple months, I do not regret anything. I've found my Zahe.
Dark Jewel Nov 2016
Just because you think something is wrong,
Doesn't mean that its not right.
You don't see perspective,
But your own.

It's pitiful.

Open those two-faced eyes.
See from others lives.
You worship god.
See others role.
Nov 2016 · 473
It's Love
Dark Jewel Nov 2016
Love is quite sweet,
It has no boundaries.
It's a free feeling.
It's a beautiful discovery.

It's Love.
Nov 2016 · 540
Fairy Fly
Dark Jewel Nov 2016
Fairy fly,
High upon the setting sun.
Soaring high,
Higher than the moon.

Fairy fly,
Glittering across the dark.
Lighting your way.

May your path,
Guide you.
The the dreams of celestial.
To the lullaby.
May this song be a lullaby.
Nov 2016 · 443
No return beware the heart
Dark Jewel Nov 2016
No return,
From the legacy.
Gifted to the chosen.
To follow without fear.

Hidden secrets,
Cannot be protected.
Though the memories last,
The jealousy never fades.

Beware the Heart,
Everything is permitted to love.
Nov 2016 · 635
Hearts just clicked
Dark Jewel Nov 2016
Sometimes the heart,
Has ways of igniting a flame.
Between two souls.

Though just together,
Both hearts sing.
Beating in unison.
I wasn't afraid to say....

I love you.
I am truly blessed.
Nov 2016 · 325
Life Flies
Dark Jewel Nov 2016
Remember to not blink.*
Life flies right before your eyes.*

It will startle you,
How fast it flies.
Dark Jewel Nov 2016
Heart sings a beautiful song.
Whispers in the breeze.
Whistling the tune.

Love is a famous thing,
Sometimes it has to break you.
To help you rebuild.
Something old to new.

To age, to mature.
It forever will beat.
Kicking like a drum in your chest.
You walk with its beat.

Love is a strange thing,*
It's shows its face in oddest places.
Sometimes right infront of you,
Sometimes in the corner spaces.

Though Love isn't for me now,
I see it down the road.
Perhaps a long while,
Perhaps shorter than I knew.

We will see.
Just something I wanted to post since my followers havent seen me for a while. It's on my mind, but down the road. Not for a while.
Dark Jewel Nov 2016
Thy dovah is mighty.
A fellow drakir.
One of peaceful iniquity.
One of elemental mirrors.

Take flight,
The time is now.
To freedom.*
To the world below.
Drakir means Dragon.
Dark Jewel Nov 2016
I see him daily,
He caught my eye.
I wonder in thought.
Maybe a try?

I always like,
Those who act their age.
They show their greatness.
In this day and age.

Regardless of age,
He has caught my eye.
Perhaps my heart someday.
It's worth a try.

Onto the train,
Of slow and happy court.
I prefer it this way.
It's one of my perks.
Nov 2016 · 511
At Peace
Dark Jewel Nov 2016
When you come to peace,
Your body is lifted of all sin.
Of all burden.
Of every emotion except happiness.

You have come far young one,
Keep striding to be great.
Your wings are there for you.
To help you fly.

Guiding your flight.
Oct 2016 · 329
Broken bond
Dark Jewel Oct 2016
When the bond breaks,*
I suddenly feel free.
The pain has passed,
The crime is done..
Sep 2016 · 329
Bloody hell?
Dark Jewel Sep 2016
The moment you realize,

What the ******* did that mean?

Is it a story?

A poem?


The *******?

Hah, I'll never know.
Sep 2016 · 1.4k
Tevahni Aurora
Dark Jewel Sep 2016
Means thank you.

Tevahni Aurora,
Moon of ever glow.
Shining so bright.

Rays of white,
Like sunshine.
Shine the path before thee.

Tevahni Aurora,
For creating a path so vivid with color.
So extravagant to the senses.
To where a heart may reside.

My heart is alive...

Flowing tears,
Freedom of moonlight.
The call...



*Can you hear me?
Tevahni comes from Valkyrie, It is unwritten. I thank the moon everyday for my wolf howls once more.
May 2016 · 332
Darkness is alive
Dark Jewel May 2016
Darkness comes alive,
When the soul of a wolf dies.
When her heart is ripped apart.
Before the eyes the dark starts.
May 2016 · 2.4k
Hurtful Suspension
Dark Jewel May 2016
The words hurt,
The heart hurts.
My mind is clouded..

I love him,
He's so dear to me.
Like a fire that burns brightly..

All I see,
Is a dimming light.

Repercussions he says,
Overboard on decision.
To him,
It's just another day without me.

I love you..
I am sorry.
If the repercussions become poison..
Then it ends..

As Valkyrie,
I suspend my feelings.
The bond of wolf and mate.

To go over..

To think this decision through.
To plea for sanity,
Would just give you pleasure.
No cope,
No way out.

You are on your own..
My love...
Sometimes you have to detach and watch from the sidelines how things go.. no matter how painful it may be...
May 2016 · 387
Heart of evil
Dark Jewel May 2016
Murdered heart,
Shattered glass.
It's all in the past.

The pain is great,
The words are not kind.
My mind is dark,
In search of light.

Life is harsh,
Cruel to the bone.

Yet the heart is bigger,
And more evil than the old.

One crack strikes twelve,
The other at nine.
My mate is hurting,
So am I.

Please let this end quickly...
May 2016 · 324
Control for Love
Dark Jewel May 2016
When you have had enough,
When the last line has been drawn.
The fire fed.
The blaze afar.

You only know one thing...
Get control..
Control it..
You can do it.
Depend on your heart.

The love that it bears.
The love that it shares.
The love that it shows.
The desperation as it glows.

Control it.
You may lose them forever.
Only you will be left.
In the fire.
Sometimes the anger is to great and the enemies are fair. But when its your loved one, its hard to not care.
Dark Jewel Mar 2016
I've turned into a monster,
I've done the one thing I shouldn't off.
Now I am unsure where my path leads.
Or where it may end.

I'm on the wrong side of my soul.
The Dark side has begun to spread.
Juliesen Night is reborn.
The Valkyrie known.

The mate I love,
I'm sorry..
For I love you so dear.

Promise broken,
Only me left in tears...
Feb 2016 · 16.1k
The power of Seduction lost
Dark Jewel Feb 2016
When seduction is gone,
For the mate you love.
It doesn't work like it used to.

The pride stings,
Hurts, burns.
Guess it won't return...

My power to ****** my mate,
Is lost.

He didn't respond like he should have.
Feb 2016 · 708
A Quote of Mine
Dark Jewel Feb 2016
When you think to surrender,
Remember this one thought.**

You are not alone.
Feb 2016 · 406
Dark Jewel Feb 2016
MY soul has darkened

Am I beyond repair?
I think not.

Prowling like a coward.
Come out and fight me!
Beware my power...
Feb 2016 · 2.0k
Love that may be lost
Dark Jewel Feb 2016
What is this dread I feel?
That keeps me awake at night.
That haunts my dreams?

Who else am I to lose?
In this world of  Greed.
These nightmares need to halt their attack.

Before no sleep comes forever..
I can't take this pain anymore.
This heart may surrender..

The one I love may be lost,
By many ways..
*I refuse to lose him today.
Nightmares haunt my sleep and their attack is becoming stronger.. I'm afraid..
Feb 2016 · 8.0k
White Wolf
Dark Jewel Feb 2016
Rising from the snow,
A warrior of scars remains.
Betrayed, battered, and broken..

The ****** tears,
Seek revenge on thy foes.
Beware... The White wolf.
Of the snow.
Jan 2016 · 24.2k
Into the Darkness
Dark Jewel Jan 2016
Darkness is a difficult thing,
It's a monster.
A Villain.

Maybe..* That's what I am.
A monster...
Dark Jewel Jan 2016
Stress is such a strong thing,
Controlling those.
Bringing them forth into darkness.

So many things can see,
The happiness can be brought forth.
Just learn to reveal.
The small things.
The mirth.

Stress is destruction,
slowly eating away at your insides.
Making you dark, corrupted.
Lost in the night sky.

Do not let the darkness in,
Bring forth the light.
Stress is such a strong thing,
But it will make you do whats right.

Bring forth the light!
Jan 2016 · 3.5k
Warrior in the Willowy Haze
Dark Jewel Jan 2016
In the blooming willow,
Amongst the Safron blaze.
A warrior awaits,
In the peaceful haze.

Sister to some,
Savior to all.
Rider of dragons.

She is the one they betrayed.
She is deemed traitor to them.
when will the truth be revealed?
Hey all sorry I've been gone i'll try to post more often
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