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Nov 2015 · 343
What now?
Hanna Mae Mata Nov 2015
What now?
- now that
we have grown
of each other?
too much for growing up, don't you think?
Nov 2015 · 383
This sick Goodbye
Hanna Mae Mata Nov 2015
I've been through a couple
of motorcycle accidents-
breaking my ankles,
bruising my rib,
putting my flesh into
giant assaults of hurting.

I've been pinned down
by horrendous silver needles
on cheap hospital beds
for times I have lost count on.

All of these and more,
were like nightmares
and they still are.
All of these and more,
were sickening phases of agony
I don't even want to remember.

on how is it that each of those ache
resembles the echoes of your Goodbye?
I don't know.
I wish not to know.

I have never been sick enough to die,
before you.
I have never been in an accident
more disastrous,
than you are.
Nov 2015 · 442
Too deep
Hanna Mae Mata Nov 2015
If you ever wonder
how deeply
I feel for you-
Know that
I am shaken enough
by the depth
of whatever doom
I have fallen to-
with bruises clinging to me
as tattoos-
with hurt breaking me
like bones-
i'll never see the sky close enough again, will I?
Hanna Mae Mata Nov 2015
One day,
I realized that the night is dark
-pitch black amidst the stars
I realized that the sun appears by the horizon
-but it drops there too and never really stays
I realized that the beach has millions of galactic sand,
Like constellations formed on the bareness of earth
-and still, not a grain wants to be grasped by my cold touch
I realized that the ocean is blue, so blue, and too blue
-wild with its waves, but truthfully sad too.
One day,
I woke up realizing all these things,
And I realized the same about you.
Nov 2015 · 2.0k
Hanna Mae Mata Nov 2015
There is no such thing
as a bad writer,
just one who isn't sad
- not sad enough.
Nov 2015 · 654
Hanna Mae Mata Nov 2015
I see
the saddest colors
in your eyes
I hope
you wont see
the death
in mine.
Nov 2015 · 427
Messy Soul
Hanna Mae Mata Nov 2015
There’s a half-empty cup on her nightstand,  
random sweaters piled behind her door,
endless stacks of books on her dressers,
crumpled pieces all over her floor -

She’s all too messy for one soul.
Nov 2015 · 386
Hanna Mae Mata Nov 2015
You’re not even a disease.
But ****,
did you **** me well.
- aiming right at my heart.
Nov 2015 · 811
Nov 2015 · 337
Hanna Mae Mata Nov 2015
Hand me over the wine - the strongest kind.
And I’ll show you how the happiest creature lives
until the dawn locks
and the hangover comes.
Nov 2015 · 384
Hanna Mae Mata Nov 2015
Let us be the barest stones dented with life's toughest surges, resting upon great heights that we never knew existed, sleeping while breathing typhoons and hurricanes - sad but grateful, grounded but fierce, tender but dangerous.

Let us be the ones the sometimes kick for the warmth of love and sometimes kiss because we hate each other.

Let's be this and that with all the twists that make us not a great phenomenon but a precious secret.

Let's sleep under the stars whenever the sky shares them, and let's sleep under the stairs when the clouds give us rain.

Let's be different like there is no such thing as red for STOP on street lights. And ice cream is delicious only if warm.
Oct 2015 · 369
Lets save us
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
Let sleep blanket itself
on every tangible inch
of ourselves.
And let it be
the strongest hindrance
on us ever waking up
on this neighborhood
of cheap wine, guilt-cigarettes and eternal hatred.
Oct 2015 · 410
Love as words
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
How am I supposed
to word the things
that have already
been elucidated by my eyes
and that have already been yelled
by the pounding of my heart?

Uttering these feelings as words
proves nothing more than me
I refuse to be redundant.
Oct 2015 · 350
Love on rare days
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
I want our story to be written in a book.
I want us to have a chance to be remembered.
Because love like ours does not walk by the street
or ride the subway
on normal days.
Oct 2015 · 298
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
it’s not the cold
that you hate,
the absence
of the warmth
a certain somebody.
Oct 2015 · 542
The truth with forever
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
But we are all
meant to die.
And your heart, all of ours
  will never
live beyond us.
It will never pursue
or chase or recognize
without us.
And so
the kind of eternity
or forever or immortality
we all lust for
is meant to lose its breaths
whenever, wherever
we lose ourselves.
Oct 2015 · 441
Lost ideas
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
There are ideas
within me
that demand
to live
as words and letters,
that long
to be entwined with
the blandness of paper.
But as soon as
I grab hold of my pen
to make these true,
those ideas
leave me
just like everybody else.
They leave me
just like everybody else.
Oct 2015 · 334
Love stays
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
I guarantee you
Love always stays,
to hold you
until the last of your days
or at least
old photographs
fading scents.
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
I can never
really complain
of being hurt
when I know
we both are.
I can only ask --
"What have we done to each other?"
Oct 2015 · 1.0k
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
Some feelings
are just like echoes
-heard by nothing
but air
and returned
by nothing
but walls.
Oct 2015 · 343
Lonely & Broken Hearts
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
Do you know
the difference
a lonely heart
and a broken one?
A lonely heart
is seeking for
its missing half
that is yet
to be found.
A broken one
had already
found it
and lost it
Oct 2015 · 874
Why I want to hear you
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
When the moon stares on earth like this,
when the vastness of the sky fondles
too well on my loneliness,
when the horizon limits me
with only you to wonder about,
I wish I'could hear your voice
even from an unfathomable distance
even just in a kiss of a minute
- perhaps to see if you're doing well,
Even though I need no further clue
that you’re doing great without me.
And my wanting to hear your voice,
is more of me
not doing well without you.
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
Because I kept on falling
for the ones I can never have,
I chose to stop falling
and to  finally reach the ground,
only to find myself
broken by the impact.
Oct 2015 · 400
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
She's like a classic scene from a movie,
that will forever play on your head.
She's like a vinyl you'll always opt to,
for tunes to soothe the ache of your soul.
She's like your favorite book
that will always grace
the insipidity of your shelves.
She's your evening nostalgia
like a bedtime story
you'll never outgrow.

She's not supposed to stay with you,
and she didn't mean to anyway.
But some love just remain- unfading and still,
amidst the longest distance
this world can bestow,
amidst the most suffocating stretch
death can ever chastise.
Oct 2015 · 1.3k
I love you anyway
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
They say that
true love is
to give without
asking for anything
in return.
So perhaps,
that's the reason why,
I love you
even though
you love her
And why
you allow me
to foolishly do so,
every day.
Oct 2015 · 1.7k
I hate you
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
It's true
that I hate you
every time
you do not call
but what
I hate more
is the idea
of forgetting,
and the relief of
moving on.
Oct 2015 · 1.5k
Toy heart
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
I'll give you
something else
to toy with,
so you can leave
my heart
Oct 2015 · 490
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
She gets her alcohol
and gulps it in,
as if
that’s how you teach
a wound to heal.
Oct 2015 · 794
Everything at risk
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
With you standing at the edge of the cliff,
leaning over as if you'd fall
is how I have absolutely everything
at risk.
Oct 2015 · 378
Her heart
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
Her heart is a cotton ball
made of steal around the edges
- roughly molded to go against
and beneath the stormy waves
but tenderly so,
to stay out on the rain
catching pours
that were meant
to soak others.
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Something to write about
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
And if in the end
he happens
to break your heart
thank him
for giving you
to write about.
Oct 2015 · 812
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
Don’t you ever make claims that you’ve moved on,
when the scribbles on your notebook will prove otherwise.
Don’t you ever assume that you have forgotten,
when a phone number you should have gotten rid of,
will prove you ridiculous.
Oct 2015 · 469
Revealed feelings
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
“When will you know if you like a person?” I asked him.
“Well, when you're constantly thinking about that person- that you may even forget about important things when you’re with him.”
“Like what important things?” I asked again.
“Like your cooking, now burning in the kitchen.” He pointed at the kitchen, infused with smoke.
Oct 2015 · 2.3k
The dishes
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
If you want me
to do the dishes,
you need to leave
your heart
beside the sink.
Oct 2015 · 941
Old Mantra
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
Until now,
I have been
in my head,
like an
old mantra,
I just cant lose you.
Oct 2015 · 1.5k
My hurt
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
Do not ask me
why I am hurting.
Do not ask me
questions that are
answerable by
your very existence.
I am only hurting, because you are.
Oct 2015 · 762
False Hope
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
You made me hope
for something
that only exists
on the pages of a book.
The most brutal thing.
Oct 2015 · 483
My Heart
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
It's not you
that I want back,
but my heart
that you stole.
Oct 2015 · 874
fall in love with me
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
There is something with the way he looks at me.
It’s like he’s saying-

"Hey, you have dirt on your face.
Your lipstick is awkwardly traced on your lips.
Your dress highlights the layers on your tummy.
And it is no question that your hair is not having the time of its life.
But I wont judge you for those.
I wont judge you for the mess that you are and for the messier that you’ll be.
So yes, I’m hoping that you can also fall in love with me."
Oct 2015 · 1.9k
Love X Choice
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
I want to believe that
to love is a choice.
For when I glanced at you
for the first time,
I had all the chance
to look away.
I chose to look
a second longer
and there my world
has alienated
every single concept
that I knew about choice.
Oct 2015 · 359
Drunken heart
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
She has a tender heart
branded as the classic fool.
She seeks nowhere further
than the textbooks on her floor.
But she has palmed
death upon death upon death of hopes.
She’s hiding five empty bottles under her ragged couch
-convincing herself that
alcohol can make her whole enough.
Oct 2015 · 717
the one you lost
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
I want
to be the one
you're afraid
to lose.

But you lost me
way before
you became
Oct 2015 · 471
Love and pain
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
Of whether or not pain is even a feeling,
she’s not sure anymore.
And if it ever differs in some way from love,
she doesn’t have a clue.
Oct 2015 · 440
Hers to keep
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
He is not just handsome
or tall or undeniably perfect.
Because more than anything else,
he is hers.
All along.
Ever since.
Oct 2015 · 1.3k
Giving up
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
And sometimes
Giving up is as simple as
Pressing the red button
Of your ringing phone
Oct 2015 · 494
He loves her
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
Then he asks her
the heaviest riddle
he carries
from the start,
of why
the lines written
her eyebrows
the calmness
of his heart.
Oct 2015 · 763
Wishing whispers
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
She fantasizes of falling stars
breaking the bleakness of the night.
And as she closes her eyes,
she opens her heart- she then whispers
through the echoing space-

‘Lead him back to me.'

-ever so quietly, ever so longingly.
Oct 2015 · 2.5k
If love fails
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
If love fails you, don’t hate it. Instead,  thank it for giving you laughs, tears, goodnight texts, and dates on Saturdays

- when you were supposed to be alone in your kitchen, chopping an ugly potato that looks lonelier than you could have been
Oct 2015 · 911
Long Distance
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
It finally occurred to me
that some spaces
have the ability
to be mean
- brutal, even.
Like the spaces
between our lips.
Like the spaces
by oceans
and countries
and pure **** air
that limit us
from fitting
our hands
Oct 2015 · 549
Say you love me
Hanna Mae Mata Oct 2015
Just say that you love me '
if you do.
And tell me
if you don't.
all these
running in circles
are breaking me
in cycles.
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