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Many nations of the world have a
   Sovereign Wealth Fund to hold value
      Over many years for the country’s people.
         Just as with individual savings, it’s a problem
            When much value is lost through debasement.
               Nations need a savings tool that holds value!
               Many nations and states are adopting bitcoin
            For a part of their sovereign wealth fund so
         That the value is preserved for generations.
      Bitcoin is independent of any one nation,
   Permissionless, decentralized, liquid,
Easy to store, and highly secure.
You can see this poem on a background here -
The Triffin Dilemma shows the conflict
    Between a nation’s domestic monetary
        Policy and international obligations when
            Its money is the global reserve currency.
                The US must supply dollars globally to
                    Meet demand, leading to trade deficits
                        And issues such as inflation and debt.
                        Bitcoin offers a potential solution by
                    Operating outside of any one nation.  
                As a decentralized currency, it halts
            The need for any one country to bear
        The burden of reserve currency status.
    Bitcoin’s fixed supply stops inflation and
The global reach serves every nation.
You can see this poem on a background here -
Fiat money - designed to fail
Over the years, will surely derail
Those at “the top”, print to debase
Theft from the workers, a bold disgrace

Every country -  it’s to no avail
Fiat money is designed to fail
Some can print the money for free
What does that mean for you and me?

We need a money, in every detail
Designed to succeed, and not to fail
Bitcoin - money designed to succeed
What people and nations truly need

Bitcoin, it can’t control or surveil
Or basic human rights assail
But keeps the value, safe and secure
And allows our freedoms to endure

History shows - all fiat fails
In spite of propaganda’s tales
Move to Bitcoin, made to succeed
Bitcoin’s growth is gathering speed
You can see this poem on a background here -
Across the world, there are many
     Energy production sites that produce
         More energy than can be used locally.
              This is stranded or isolated energy since
                   Electricity is difficult to send over distance.
                   We need a power consumer who can use
               This stranded energy anywhere on earth.
          Bitcoin is providing solutions right now
     To this problem, and here are the top
Six where Bitcoin is a working solution.    
Stranded Natural Gas - typically flared, Bitcoin miners use the energy, reducing methane.
Geothermal Energy - often produces more energy than a local grid can use. Bitcoin steps in.
Hydropower - seasonally variable, Bitcoin is a flexible consumer when supply is high.
Solar and Wind - intermittent, Bitcoin mining consumes surplus during high production.
Landfill Gas - produces methane, and Bitcoin captures this methane for mining.
Remote Locations - such as small hydro dams, biomass plants, or remote oil fields.
You can see this poem on a background here -
We have an Internet Protocol (IP)
And a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP),
Which together make up
The base of the Internet (TCP/IP).
But we needed a money protocol

We have HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Which structures data into a readable format.
But we needed a protocol to send economic value

We have File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
To publish web pages, images, and documents.
But we still lacked a money transfer protocol

We have Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Which allows us to send emails to each other
And NOW we need a way to send money

Bitcoin is this Money Protocol -
And the missing piece to the puzzle.
Bitcoin enables the secure transfer
Of economic value across the world
You can see this poem on a background here -
Millions of people, mostly women, live
     In abusive or controlling relationships.
          They aren’t “allowed” financial power
               And can’t even control their money.
                    In this way, abusers can maintain
                         Control as they deny the way out.
                         We need a form of money that is
                    Open to all people, with no abuse.
               Bitcoin is permissionless and can
          Be used by any person or entity.  
     In this way, Bitcoin gives financial
Power to those who really need it.
You can see this poem on a background here -
Economic ladders
Now broken and destroyed
No way to climb the rungs
That people once enjoyed

Bitcoin rebuilds our hope
And restores the ladders new
Giving opportunity
And dreams for me and you

Bitcoin makes a way
To slowly climb and rise
The economic ladder
You can see it in our eyes

Economic ladders
Built sturdy, strong and high
Bitcoin brings them back
Come climb, and touch the sky
You can see this poem on a background here -
Growing stronger every day
The Bitcoin ledger
Is here to stay.
Come and get some
Without delay.
Start, and keep on stacking

Bitcoin, stronger every day
A better way
To store and pay.
My words, I pray
Will some folks sway.
Start, and keep on stacking

More adoption every day
Learn the basics
Then join the fray.
You’ll be glad
You found the way.
Start, and keep on stacking
You can see this poem on a background here -
Traditional stock markets are only
     Open on weekdays and for limited
          Hours even on those days. At 6.5
               Hours per day, with about 252 days
                    Trading annually, that’s 1638 hours
                         Open.  Given 8760 hours in a year,
                              Trading is open 18.7% of the time.
                              We need a liquid asset that easily
                         Trades 24 hours a day, and seven
                    Days per week, on weekends, and
               Holidays, and on every stormy day.
          Bitcoin has 99.99% uptime over its
     Lifetime, and 100% uptime since
2013.  Bitcoin is Always Open!
You can see this poem on a background here -
This is number 33 in the Problems and Solutions Series
With legacy financial options such
     As gold or fiat we have no way to
          Send and receive lightning quick
               Micropayments across the world.
                    We need a way to send secure
                         Micro transactions of fractions
                              Of a penny nearly immediately
                              Let’s continue adopting Bitcoin
                         And expanding the use of the
                    Lightning network that enables
                These incredibly small amounts.
           Each Bitcoin is divided into 100
     Million units called Satoshis, or
“Sats” used for micropayments.
This is number 32 in the Problems and Solutions Series.  You can see this poem on a background here -
As stores of value, two titans stand
One old as time, one new in the land
Gold gleams with an ancient lore
Bitcoin opens a brand new door

Yellow metal, mined more each year
Still has too much inflation, we fear
Its authenticity, hard to prove
By ship or plane, it’s forced to move

Bitcoin, child of a digital age
Finite and quick, enters the stage
At light speed, traverses the globe
New frontiers of freedom to probe

Choose the one that you think is right
Gold from the earth, or digital light
Or some of both, for each in their way
Stores up value for a future day
You can see this poem on a background here -
Through history many things have
     Been used as money.  These also
          Had other uses.  Homes, tobacco
               Salt, gold, beads, shells, feathers.
                    We’ve never had just pure money
                         Which is also scarce and portable.
               ­          Let’s use a money that acts only
                    As money, not a commodity that
               Is sometimes money and other
          Times used as something else.  
     Bitcoin is pure money, and also
Scarce, portable, and divisible.
You can see this poem on a background here -
My mind is like a garden
And I tend to it each day
Choosing what I plant inside
And what must leave or stay

I sow the seeds of kindness
And water with gentle care
Weeding out the hate and fear
With confidence and prayer

I pull the weeds of worry
That choke the seeds of love
So only good grows in my plot
With warmth from God above

I harvest what I daily plant
But after time has passed
For gardens require patience
To reap the prize at last

Your mind is like a garden
So tend to it each day
Choosing what you plant inside
And what must leave or stay

For every thought is like a seed
That shapes your joys or fears
So tend well to your garden’s heart
For blessings through your years
You can see this poem on a background here -
Fiat money and central banking
     Bring about perverse incentives
          Such as stealing via debasement,
               Economic manipulation & distortion
                    To benefit those in power and control, &
                         Seeking unearned money (seigniorage)
                         We need a system with only aligned
                     Incentives, where rewards are based
                On work and value delivered to others,
           Price signals are true and accurate, &
      Assets are assets, & money is money
  Bitcoin establishes aligned incentives
You can see this poem on a background here -
One of the historical challenges
     Of money is transacting across the
          Borders of our world’s many nations.
               Money in one nation or area is often
                    Not accepted in another nation, and
                         Requires expensive (and controlled)
                              Exchanges in order to transfer value
                              We need a digitally native, borderless
                        Money permitting near-instantaneous
                   Global transfers of value. This peer to
               Peer electronic cash system is now
          Operating successfully, started in
     2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto. This
Is the truly open Bitcoin Network.
You can see this poem on a background here -  This is number 30 in the Problems and Solutions Series.
Debasing money is not just wrong
And generally suspicious
It’s personally destructive
It’s insulting and malicious

For those who store their value
The hard working and ambitious
To have their value stolen
Is insulting and malicious

Whether it happens quickly
Or slow and surreptitious
It’s pure and blatant theft
It’s insulting and malicious

For those who don’t have assets
It’s particularly vicious
But for ALL who use the fiat
It’s insulting and malicious

That dollars can store value
Over time, is quite fictitious
In not much time, the value melts
It’s insulting and malicious

With Bitcoin, we have a choice
It’s purpose quite auspicious
You can choose between the two
I hope you’ll be judicious
You can see this poem on a background here -
Millions are flowing to Bitcoin
And joining this stable ship
But almost none are flowing out
As Bitcoin is a one way trip

Many are coming for safety
From debasement’s steady drip
They stay as their value grows
Thus Bitcoin is a one way trip

Some flow to bitcoin for freedom
From the tyrant’s desperate grip
And then grow more committed
As Bitcoin is a one way trip

Sometimes the price will bore you
And sometimes the price will rip
But over years, the value soars
For Bitcoin is a one way trip

It’s a one way trip for people
So far, a one way trip for price
Make the trip over to bitcoin
You won’t need to make it twice
You can see this poem on a background here - Fiat will go down in value over the coming years.  Bitcoin will go up in value over the coming years.  It's not chance - it's the way each one is issued.
Dilution risk exists for nearly every
     Money and asset on this planet now.
          Dilution risk happens when a person’s
               Share in an asset is decreased due to
                    The issuance of new shares.  This risk
                         Brings about a huge loss of real value
                         An ideal asset would be one in which
                    There is no dilution risk possible, ever.
               Bitcoin fulfills this unique property of
          Money because the supply of bitcoin
     Is preprogrammed to 21 million coins.
Bitcoin has zero risk of share dilution
You can see this poem on a background here -
The insanity of the world
Tries vainly to quell our might
But we arise and support
The momentum of the light

Though tyrants wish to rule us
And crush our money rights
Our actions and solutions build
The momentum of the light

Freedoms must be protected
And sometimes we must fight
In a peaceful revolution for
The momentum of the light

Though darkness gather round us
Our futures shine so bright
If we maintain and foster
The momentum of the light

Bitcoin remains our standard
Ere the evil powers benight
Bitcoin & NOSTR help promote
The momentum of the light
You can see this poem on a background here -
When you’re weary of inflation
And you want to cry and pout
Take a stand, and take a step
Get Bitcoin, and opt out

Are you tired of censorship,
Where your freedom is in doubt?
Make a concrete choice today
Get Bitcoin, and opt out

Do you want more hope in life?
More confidence, strong & stout?
Then choose accountability
Get Bitcoin, and opt out

When you’re sick of seigniorage
This theft that comes with “clout”
You can claim your power now
Get Bitcoin, and opt out

Bitcoin provides a better way
So stand up with joy and shout
That it remains permissionless
Get Bitcoin, and opt out
You can see this poem on a background here -
Most assets have counterparty risk,
     Which is the risk that the other party
          In an investment or contract may not
               Fulfill their obligation, resulting in loss.
                    All stocks, bonds, and other securities
                         Contain counterparty risk in many forms
                         We need a bearer asset with absolutely
                    No counterparty risk in order to remain
               Secure in our wealth and our freedom.
          Bitcoin is the asset with this property
     Of no counterparty risk, but sovereign
Ownership secured by private keys
You can see this poem on a background here -
With the fiat system of money printing
     It’s possible to receive money without
          The creation of any value for anyone.
               These messed up incentives entice
                    Some in politics and power realms
                         To get close to the printing of new
                              Money in order to steal this wealth
                              Let’s move to a money system with
                         Aligned incentives where people only
                    Receive money as they create real
                Value and wealth for others in the
           Free market, leading to prosperity
     Based on hard work and creativity.
Bitcoin is this aligned value solution
You can see this poem on a background here -
Money represents
My time
And my life
Which comes from
My labor
My tears
And my strife

I get to choose where
To store
Up my wealth
Where it won’t be taken
By inflation
And stealth

Bitcoin’s the best place
It’s robust
And secure
So my time and my life
And my wealth
Can endure

No way for the looters
To steal
And debase
The thieving from fiat,
Can replace
You can see this poem on a background here -
Bitcoin is open, for all, and free
A better money, for you and me
Satoshi’s gift, growing each year
You can help this new frontier

Donate!  Help the Bitcoin teams
Help the world with hopes and dreams
Send some dollars or sats their way
Big or small - it will make their day

Many are working day and night
Share a few sats to help the fight
All together - we can win the war
And open wide the freedom door

Some great Bitcoin teams below
You can see this poem on a background here -
Join the peaceful revolution
Bitcoin shows the higher way
To a more efficient solution
For our money has gone astray

Yes, come join the revolution
As we forge our path in peace
With a confident resolution
That our savings will increase

Join the peaceful revolution
Feel the changes in your soul
As you make a contribution
To making our money whole

Join the Bitcoin revolution
Freely bring along your friends
Help increase the distribution
As this better money ascends
You can see this poem on a background here -
Bitcoin is my lifeboat
In the midst of raging waves
Specifically designed
As a tool that builds and saves

Bitcoin is my harbor
For the value that I earn
Secure and well protected
Once I take the time to learn

Bitcoin is my lighthouse
Marking where the dangers lie
And showing me the benefits
Of a firm and fixed supply

Bitcoin is my anchor
Giving focus to my days
Improving daily habits
In so many helpful ways

Bitcoin is my haven
As I rest in nightly sleep
And plan for many years
With the funds I safely keep
You can see this poem on a background here -
Choose a USER centric money
Bitcoin is the best around
It’s the money built for YOU
And the best that’s to be found

For YOU, as it’s permissionless
Your use can’t be denied
Unlike a nation’s fiat
Which can limit and divide

For YOU, as it’s immutable
Transactions can’t be changed
Gives confidence and clarity
As they can’t be rearranged

For YOU, because it’s finite
And the value won’t debase
Since Bitcoin keeps its value
It’s USER centric on its face

For YOU, as it’s decentralized
You can send it peer to peer
This was Satoshi’s vision
So no one can interfere

Choose a USER centric money
For the advantages to YOU
Designed to help your lifestyle
And the dreams that you pursue
You can see this poem on a background here -
Users of some exchanges based in the United Kingdom need to pass a quiz (to show understanding of the risks) before they can buy Bitcoin.

Perhaps people should also pass a quiz before using fiat money, just so they also understand the risks. Here is a United Stated based quiz.

75% score required, 15 out of 20 questions.

What is the Cantillon Effect?
Describe seigniorage?
Who benefits most from seigniorage?
How much value has the dollar lost since 1913?
What is the #1 cause of inflation?
What is “fiat” money?
What does fiat mean in Latin?
Who prints money in the United States?
What is Quantitative Easing (QE)?
What is a Central Bank?
When was the US Central Bank created?
What happens to the value of fiat over time?
Describe the Bretton Woods agreement?
Why does the US borrow money it can print?
What monetary event happened in 1971?
Why was it made illegal to hold gold in 1933?
What is fractional reserve banking?
Why do governments prefer fiat money?
Who benefits from “setting” interest rates?
What is the M1 money supply?
You can see this poem on a background here -
Why do I Bitcoin? Taint no mystery
Wanna have a good finance history!

My brain tells me Bitcoin is great,
Helps my blood cells circulate

Great for my eyesight
Great for my ticker
Can’t nothing fill me
With love and hope quicker!

It feels so honest, feels so sweet
Bitcoin just makes my mind complete

Knowing the code is sure and tight
Makes my toenails feel just right

Great for my future
Great for my teens
Great for my Grandma
And all “in betweens”

Saving Bitcoin makes me feel light
Makes people wonder
‘Bout me in the night

Bitcoin makes me bright and strong
Worldwide adoption
Coming right along

It beats using fiat
It beats being lazy
Why do I Bitcoin?
Well, maybe I’m crazy
You can see this poem on a background here -
Incremental actions
Bring monumental
With every added
Bitcoin block,
The ledger
Tick and tock,
We add a block,
The chain is fundamental.
So many problems
Fixed and solved
By entries incremental.
More love and hope -
Connection too,
I’m getting sentimental.
About sound money,
Fixed supply
Spread intercontinental.
You can see this poem on a background here -
Power grids frequently produce excess
     Energy that is wasted during non-peak
          Times of day (or week, month, or year).
               Especially with intermittent renewable
                    Energy production, there can be a lot
                         Of waste, with limited options for use
                         We need users of energy who do use
                     The excess energy when produced,
                Yet remain able to shut down quickly
           When the energy is required for users
     During peak energy consumption times.
Bitcoin solves this widespread problem
You can see this poem on a background here -
Come, Bitcoiners join
From every land
Alone we may fall
But together we stand

Stand up for rights
And freedoms for all
Stand in all countries
The big and the small

Stand for our freedom
To transact with peers
No middle men needed
To control us with fears

Stand to deny them
Their plots to debase
Our money and wealth
The plans they embrace

Stand up and tell them
We’re done with your taking
Bitcoin’s our money
It’s not of your making

Stand for the assets
We’ve built with our hands
Stand for our children
Our families, our lands
You can see this poem on a background here -
Review the code, it’s plain to see
It’s open source, for you and me
Bitcoin provides an open book
You want to see? Just take a look

If closed, we couldn’t verify
The way it works - or firm supply
We couldn’t see the security
Or if the code will make us free

With open source, we know the rules
The inner workings - all the tools
So much better than the fiat scheme
With changing rules - in the extreme

We aren’t all coders, this is true
But thousands check the code for you
Bitcoin is reviewed, every day
It’s open source, and on display

Likely the code most analyzed
So it performs as advertised
And keeps our ledger so secure
Review the code, it will endure
You can see this poem on a background here -
Quote from Satoshi Below (included on the poem)
“Being open source means anyone can independently review the code. If it was closed source, nobody could verify the security. I think it’s essential for a program of this nature to be open source.”
Don’t delay, just start today
This glad message I convey
Bitcoin’s here, so act straightway
For Bitcoin keeps on growing

Money printing never ends
For the rich, and for their friends
Government just spends & spends
While Bitcoin keeps on growing

Bitcoin brings deflation’s gains
Come break free from fiat’s chains
Hold some value that remains
As Bitcoin keeps on growing

Take some time to sit and learn
To store the value that you earn
Act right now - this is your turn
Since Bitcoin keeps on growing

More good people, every day
Move to Bitcoin’s better way
Get some now, and don’t delay
As Bitcoin keeps on growing
You can see this poem on a background here
Hundreds of items have been used
     For money over the course of history.
          Yet they cease being money when
               They cease being scarce, through
                    New technology, along with greed.
                         No tangible item has true scarcity
                         What we need is digital scarcity.
                    Digital content is usually easy to
               Replicate and therefore not scarce.
          So we need a system that is digital
     Yet also perfectly limited in supply
Bitcoin’s the digital scarce solution
You can see this poem on a background here -
Perfect Scarcity - Bitcoin Poem 095.  Number 024 in the Problems and Solutions series.  Inspired by Dante at Swan Bitcoin.  So many things used for money stopped being money when they stopped being scarce.
Who controls the ledger?
And can change an entry there?
Who controls the money?
And keeps the ledger fair?

For money is a ledger
And gets abused and hacked
By those who love control
And change what’s being tracked

Who controls the ledger?
And has kept it fair and true?
Retaining money’s value
Yes, who has done this, who?

Who controls the ledger?
We mortals will always stray
So let us use technology
For Bitcoin’s a better way

Bitcoin controls the ledger
No mortals can cheat or gain
And we can reach the fairness
No other ledger can attain
You can see this poem on a background here -

Money is just a ledger - a simple way to track who has what.  You can do this through commodity money, or a written or digital ledger.

Imagine you are playing cards with seven friends, and you each use pennies, or quarters, or poker chips, or jelly beans to track who wins and who loses.  This is an example of commodity money, where you literally give Lance 10 chips and you don't have them anymore.

OR, you can get a blank sheet of paper, and write eight names across the top, and keep track on paper.  You can each start out with 500.  Then when Lance owes you 25, you just subtract 25 from his total and add it to yours.  

Both commodity money and ledger money are simply ways to track who owns what and who owes what.  Over history, commodity money tends to develop among groups or nations who don't trust each other, and ledger money tends to work better in groups that mostly trust each other.

And, of course these days most ledger money is digital, for example, Venmo, PayPal, your bank account, and many more.  

But these require a middle man, or a company, and can you trust them?  Sometimes you can, and sometimes you can't.  

Can you trust them to accurately maintain the ledger, AND not create new units of the currency for themselves (which debases the value of your holdings)?  With Bitcoin, nobody is in control (and everybody is in control) - or more aptly, the code (or the rules) are in control.
With fiat money losing value consistently
     This leads to a proclivity for consumption
          Since the money is worth more right now
               Than it will be worth in the coming years.
                    In time, this leads to overconsumption &
                         Ostentation and environmental effects
                              Due to a constant need for spending.
                               Let’s use an option that reverses this
                          By using money that gains value over
                     Time and incentivizes the holding of
                Money because it purchases more in
          The future rather than less.  Over time
     The psychological and environmental
Benefits of Bitcoin grow and help all.
You can see this poem on a background here -
Free from the whims - of politics
And the shifting tides of state
Bitcoin remains unchanging
Impervious to love or hate

Free from the whims - of power
In any of its ugly faces
Bitcoin performs its duties
At all times and in all places

Free from the whims - of greed
From those who reach and steal
Bitcoin continues like clockwork
Holding scarcity as the ideal

Free from the whims - of looters
Who mandate the “sharing” of gains
Bitcoin rewards the hard workers
Who break from the idler’s chains

Free from the whims - of anyone
Who might alter or change the code
Bitcoin stays governed by rules
Staying firmly on freedom’s road
You can see this poem on a background here -
New coins come to those who add
Transactions to each new block
This started out as 50 coins
Every 10 minutes around the clock

7200 Bitcoin - average, each day
Over two million in each year
And at block 210,000
The first halving was here

HALF of all bitcoins already mined
Then the reward halved to 25...
Coins for each new block reward
And bitcoin continued to thrive

Four more years, block 420,000
And then cut in half once more
Bitcoin reward down to 12.5
But price continued to soar

At block 630,000, cut to 6.25
The supply continues to shrink
You may want to get some soon
As it’s catching on, I think

Now we approach block 840,000
A critical juncture in time
Rewards will “half” to 3.125
As the price continues to climb
You can see this poem on a background here -
Fiat money loses value over time
     People know this and this influences
          Their thinking towards the short term.
               Short term thinking bleeds into many
                    Areas of life leading to inferiority in so
                         Many areas of our life and our world
                         We need a money that increases in
                    Value leading to long term planning
               And greater VISION in goals, family,
          Business, architecture, and nutrition.
     Imagine nations and people planning
For generations. Bitcoin gives vision
You can see this poem on a background here -
Question: What has Bitcoin done for Humanity?
Answer: Bitcoin has helped millions of people to:

Move money safely
Across country borders
Or keep money private
Through seizure orders

Avoid the debasement
Of all of their savings
As inflation abounds
Amidst Keynesian ravings

Transfer remittances
To countries abroad
Without the high fees
That border on fraud

Own their own money
For millions the “first time”
Generations unbanked
This is truly a crime

Trade with anyone
Across land or ‘cross sea
With no “middle man”
Who might disagree

Enjoy some privacy
A basic human right
As foundational freedoms
Tyrants try to rewrite

So here you go Jim
This is just a small list
Of what Bitcoin’s done
And you simply dismissed
You can see this poem on a background here -  Question comes from Jim Cramer - an investor.
One problem in traditional finance
     Is that intermediaries are needed to
          Facilitate transactions in the system.  
               These intermediaries charge fees, act
                    As points of control or censorship, and
                         Often allow chargebacks (non-finality)
                         What we need is a truly peer to peer
                    Electronic cash system which allows
               Payments to be sent from one party
          To another without an intermediary.
     Such a system built for the internet
Exists here and now.  It is Bitcoin.
You can see this poem on a background here -
Freedom may sleep, but it will awaken
For those who love freedom
Can never stay shaken

Freedom may pine, in chains for a night
Yet will always break through
And stand firm in the right

Freedom may kneel, but only to pray
For strength in its purpose
And hope for today

Freedom may falter, and may need to slow
But with renewed vigor
Will get up and go

Freedom may fall, but it NEVER dies
It’s part of our soul
And will EVER arise

Bitcoin is freedom - to save or to spend
The freedom of money
We will ever defend
You can see this poem on a background here - Inspired by the end of Ayn Rand's book Anthem.
Self custody your Bitcoin now
There’s nobody you can blame
When you take responsibility
Of holding your own claim

Avoid the risk of “Trust me, bro”
For trust is a dangerous game
And letting others hold your coins
Allows THEM to own your claim

Stake your claim with “Proof of Work”
For “Proof of Weapons” is a shame
Help build the world you want to see
By fostering freedom's flame

Twenty one million Bitcoin
No other project has the same...
Mission critical purpose
So get some and stake your claim
You can see this poem on a background here -
Fiat money, printed freely and wildly
     Contributes directly to big government
          Because they don’t need the will of the
               People (paying taxes) for large programs.
                    Instead the government can just use new
                         Money created by the big central banks
                          When money is not created easily but
                    Instead is only created by honest work
               And energy expenditure, this naturally
          Limits the resources the government
     Can use for their projects and ideas.
Bitcoin is the money based on work
You can see this poem on a background here -
The problem with a world reserve
     Currency is that one country benefits
          More because they are in “control” of
               The supply and interest rate of money.
                    This gives that country an exorbitant
                         Privilege and ability to abuse the power
                         What we need is a neutral base layer of
                     Money that can serve as a reserve
               Asset for the world, not controllable
          By any group or country, open to all.
     Bitcoin is this completely neutral
Base layer available to the world
You can see this poem on a background here -
When fiat money is regularly debased,
     Then people can’t save in the money
          And they must learn to be investors,
               Investing in land, homes, stocks, art
                    Merely to keep their purchasing power
                         Which they’ve worked so hard to earn
                         Let’s allow people to simply save again
                    We can do this when we have a money
               That is truly scarce and limited in issue.
          This frees people to just work and save,
     Unless they truly want to be investors
We have this scarce money in Bitcoin
You can see this poem on a background here -
Did you wait & procrastinate?
Or act ahead of the curve?
Well, you will get your bitcoin
At the price that you deserve

Start right now and do the work
Strengthen your will and nerve
And then you’ll get your bitcoin
At that price that you deserve

Keep your mind steady and firm
Stay focused and never swerve
In order to hold your bitcoin
As it becomes the world reserve

Learn about money, study well
Be quick to judge and observe
Then act to get your bitcoin
At the price that you deserve
You can see this poem on a background here -
In the Bitcoin mathematics
The equations work just right
They add up perfect every day
And they do the same at night

Adding data to the Timechain
Like clockwork, line by line
A ledger of all transactions
And it always adds up fine

Yes, the Bitcoin mathematics
To adjust the block creation
Keeps it close to six per hour
Though spread across all nations

And the math for bitcoin halving
Is elegant, exact, and true
It keeps the issue limited
Which adds up for me and you

Trust the math and trust the code
As Bitcoin keeps on growing
The equations add up neatly
So our money keeps on flowing
You can see this poem on a background here -
The bitcoin supply formula is on the background, with some explanations.  The math just keeps on working.
God grant me the serenity
To stack all the Bitcoin I can,
The courage to create more memes
That expose the thieving fiat system,
And the wisdom to know
That Bitcoin fixes this;

Living one day at a time
Enjoying one moment at a time
Accepting criticism and adversity
As the pathway to orange pilling
All people, trusting that every
Last person will get Bitcoin
At the price they deserve;

Trusting the equations of Satoshi
That my value will increase
Due to truly scarce money
And aligned incentives;
With responsibility
And freedom for all
You can see this poem on a background here -
Parody of The Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr
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