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3.4k · Jul 2023
Dark lover Jul 2023
It's well even in the land of well..
It's well even in the kingdom of well ..
It's all garbage in garbage out all from garbage . Just like the name, the thoughts of many are, like in most.. it's garbage to those  in the same vibration but below exceptions makes it seem godly and magnificent.
I wish.
I understood.
things, words, language the fingers  scribes some times...
Trying to make sense but making nonsense, ha, I get it, sense takes one third of nonsense,
twisted for the disabled.
It's just too twisted for the disabled but not for the ables.
Twisted scientists making clones..
So they say...
So they feel..
So they remain...
Twisted it is and twisted it will be..
Cause, it's believed that twisted is for the unbeing..
It's the outwordly.
It's the unreal..
Few escapes, the fews that grasp twisted and make it a friend and a guardian..
A partner and a mentor...
Hence they sleep with twisted..
Pray with twisted..
Worship twisted..
Eat with twisted..
Eats twisted..
Marry twisted..
Bond twisted
And starts delivering twisted babies.. everything rolls down with the understanding of twisted..
Never could end this infinite theorem.. cause the source is twisted and twisted is goodness and goodness is in all but all isn't in goodness...
Even fates are twisted..
Cause our fates are being changed in per second not discovered yet but now or soon..
By the
Steps taken...
Choices made...
Thoughts expressed.
Thoughts conceived..
Conceived, oh, I remember a line in one of the forgeten books of agony..
Agony in processes.
Agony in delivery..
Once again twisted it is.
Sense is one third of nonsense..
Days are very slim here and nights are very colossal..
So awaken and prepare, for the rainy days might seem no end.
Drought might be handy.
Sorrow might be arrowed through the heart.
Preparedness toughens and Patience exonerate..
Patience can be twisted with weakness, it's okay, Patience is weakness to the extent that weakness compels strength....
That's the TWIST..
Many fight to distance weakness yet run after strength but never realize that strength is the shadow to weakness.
Shoma morita's..
Embrace with..
Accept it..
Adopt it..
But never tolerate it from the weak..
Else excuses will be made from it.
Procrastination will be fashioned.
And discouragement will be manifested..
The resulting culmination of things..
Things precipitated by TWISTED...
Now Wakeup.

It's well even in the land of well..
It's well even in the kingdom of well ..
It's all garbage in garbage out all from garbage . Just like the name, the thoughts of many are, like in most.. it's garbage to those  in the same vibration but below exceptions makes it seem godly and magnificent.
I wish.
I understood the things, words, language the fingers  scribes some times...
Trying to make sense but making nonsense, ha, I get it, sense takes one third of nonsense,
twisted for the disabled.
It's just too twisted for the disabled but not for the ables.
Twisted scientists making clones..
So they say...
So they feel..
So they remain...
Twisted it is and twisted it will be..
Cause, it's believed that twisted is for the unbeing..
Is the outwordly.
Is the unreal..
Few escapes, the fews that grasp twisted and make it a friend and a guardian..
A partner and a mentor...
Hence they sleep with twisted..
Pray with twisted..
Worship twisted..
Eat with twisted..
Eats twisted..
Marry twisted..
Bond twisted
And starts delivering twisted babies.. everything rolls down with the understanding of twisted..
Never could end this infinite theorem.. cause the source is twisted and twisted is goodness and goodness is in all but all isn't in goodness...
Even fates are twisted..
Cause our fates are being changed in per second not discovered yet but now or soon..
Steps taken...
Choices made...
Thoughts expressed.
Thoughts conceived..
Conceived, oh, I remember a line in one of the forgeten books of agony..
Agony in processes.
Agony in delivery..
Once again twisted it is.
Sense is one third of nonsense..
Days are very slim here and nights are very colossal..
So awaken and prepare, for the rainy days might seem no end.
Drought might be handy.
Sorrow might be arrowed through the heart.
Preparedness toughens and Patience exonerate..
Patience can be twisted with weakness, it's okay, Patience is weakness to the extent that weakness compels strength....
That's the TWIST..
Many fight to distance weakness yet run after strength but never realize that strength is the shadow to weakness.
Shoma morita's..
Embrace with..
Accept it..
Adopt it..
But never tolerate it from the weak..
Else, excuses will be made from it.
Procrastination will be fashioned.
And discouragement will be manifested..
The resulting culmination of things..
Things precipitated by TWISTED...
Now Wakeup.
Twisted inspired,   live is twisted  and only the twisted enjoys it.
1.1k · Mar 2020
Dark lover Mar 2020
By the pleasure of the flesh and
By the the discharge of a dispersed fluid, a leech-like cloth was formed.
He was conceived in warmth void, delivered into a space betwixt paradise and hell in a night of oblivion, then baptised with all impurities of hell and paradise.
Impurities infringed from all baptism, the dominant one will determine the direction of his life...
1.1k · Jul 2023
MAD.. unsensored.
Dark lover Jul 2023
Considering some pages I've covered, quite immersed I can be in nonsense.
Nonsense, immaterial..
Nonsense, derailed..
Nonsense, abnormal..
Nonsense, beauty..
Nonsense, imperfection..
Nonsense, is doglike..
Doglike is godlike... Yeah, thought crime, alot of things considered too sacred to ponder.. that's the program, the matrix.. But with poetry, THOUGHT CRIME is godly.
Thought crime.. is
the universal law of creation.
the wonders of the world are born.
Civilization is born.
Solutions are discovered.
Guilty and escape or innocent and bound. Your choice.
Dog is uncleanness yet godlike in all ramifications.
Ever accommodating..
But most important it's ever forgiven and never complaining..
It's the friend I crawl back to after given up myself to the sharp edges of sins,
as others fled seeing me down with bruises, it cleans my sores without disdain and accompanies me.
Can you be with a
MAD man. He asked.?
Not in violence,
MAD in words..
MAD in poetry..
Oh mad,
Have he just unlocked the portal..?
Making a difference with words is the "IKIGAI".
Orders might follow suit,
Breakdown one..
Two in the process..
Immersed in nonsense finding it hard to discover myself in the sense..
The MAD lines..
First timer in the MAD lines, old-timer in the LOVE and SORROW lines..
MAD lines are..
Dark humor..
Liers can't make heaven they say,
But even when he lies he made it to heaven...
Why lit candles while going to the source of light, little ounce...
Are u trying to compare your Shadow with God's?
An object coming between a ray of light and a surface.
The twist is in the rays of light and the surface, which do you belong..?
Don't understand?
You are not meant to, just flow along the lines..
Until you get to the end of the rope just then a glimpse of light might appear, Hold on to the rope..
The breathe.
The courage.
The life..
Yeah, hold, hold on to these lines Coz you might miss them someday..
Mad unsensored.. this a very complex poem..
919 · Sep 2023
Biggest lies..
Dark lover Sep 2023
What's the biggest lie ever told she asked:
Awaiting some general answers she waited..
With gleaming eyes he mutter say something why the halt she inquired impatient.
After a long halt the words finally metamorphosis into a single statement.
Everything is going to be alright.
Hoping for the best but keep getting worst.
796 · Jul 2023
Never forget...
Dark lover Jul 2023
Never forget being a human..
Most times in the quest and dedication of things brought about by imagination we forget the art of being human, it will be too great a catastrophe to loose humanity completely...
Stagnation is the primal curse..
Stagnation can be confused.
Not moving is stagnation, which is bad..
Moving in one direction,
disregarding other aspect is stagnation.
Excessive obsession is worst.
Not looking back is terrible..
Not looking forward is detrimental..
Not in the present is dilutions..
In this Sense focus is misappropriated...
Everything is dilutional except the art of being human..
Humanity... Is
So on the list travels into the desert of words unsaid...
Disregarding any of these is inhumane..
Excessive obsession on any of these is inhumane..
Countless bygone civilization of ages dissipates into the abyss of inhumane and never returned..
Humanity, one lost his humanity at the field of excessive obsession over material things..
Humanity is immaterial..
655 · Aug 2023
Dark lover Aug 2023
Wanted to take you on a cruise ride, but you are afraid of the waters..
Understanding beyond the ride
650 · Aug 2023
Dark lover Aug 2023
What about us..
What about us, the dogs of life..
The children that need to be loved..
The children forgotten....
The floatsams..
Existence, discarded.
586 · Feb 2020
What a man..
Dark lover Feb 2020
Oh what a man among men.
What a creature among creatures.
Like a tree He remains never changing from his good ways
Even when stones where thrown at him by the very ones that enjoys It's fruit, still, it remain, even when piled from all part of him for their own purpose still he remain. Though,  the tree had no choice but this man had a choice yet stoic he was
During the day and night he stood still..
Comes rain comes sunshine he was never changing, brought fought fruits and other endowment not for his own benefit but for those around.  he was friend to all and enemy to none he was, aware of every phenomenon and occurrence around him yet never said a word of it, just allow it to pass,
Even axed down or cut down by the very once it shades from the scorching sun rays and from the rain drops and while thought they that never will he rise again, he sprung up again with the love of all, never concerned by the past records, he lived a life of absolute serenity, he never complains about anything to anyone external from his being, but the wisest of gazers will understand the complaints from the strand it form on his branches, blissful his he for even the universe appraises its good deeds, during the wind  that carries away the roof of others blow, it stood still to protect it's very own..
He his my dad
574 · Aug 2021
Coming back..
Dark lover Aug 2021
It's a come back like no other..
For the days gone by in isolation has been full of knowledge unprecedented.
Back to poetry
562 · Jul 2023
Dark lover Jul 2023
Come ginger me,
Coz only u feel my pains..
Give me VITAMINS that will take this pains away..
Vitamins like these words dripping from my hypospadias through my finger tips. scribblings have become my vitamins, perseverance my meds,
exercise my up keep, meditation my remedy.
God my stronghold...
Myself .
560 · Nov 2021
Moon days.
Dark lover Nov 2021
So much for just a moon day..
558 · Dec 2023
Her giggles
Dark lover Dec 2023
Your giggles are the rhythms in my brain universe that forms the genetic strands that have wired the medulla for the past decades..
Love that might never be...
555 · Dec 2021
The moments..
Dark lover Dec 2021
Though completely immersed in her ocean of deception.
Carried away by her alluring appearance.
Enveloped in her chaos and distractions.
Don't forget to breathe and realize it's just another fading moment.
Note to myself and others drowned in certain moments.
529 · Mar 2020
If this is not love
Dark lover Mar 2020
IF THIS IS NOT LOVE, nothing else can be love..
Emotions beyond words!
Beauty beyond perception and appearance!
A luster she is, from a different dimension entire..
She is like the waters never fights but conquereth all,
Takes the form, shape of every container yet never loses her state..
Effect so strong from a distance, quite imponderable.
Orator looses his sense of speech when in contact,  audio or visual.
An entire topic of discussion conceived, changed at sight..
Mere thought of thee transforms a state completely.
Ignites all plans with just a little flu of hope from thee.
Do everything for the sake of thee even at the absence of thee..
For thy sake the world is not enough, ready to attain the other,  at least that might satisfy and assuage his inflamed desires.
Even this scribbling is not enough,  forgive and accept the token of a scribbling , cause he found no better way yet..  Still rummaging through the earth and heavens for the perfect replacement of inscriptions..
If this is not love,
Role modelling! That's an awesome understatement, thou affected his entire being, physically and spiritually.. What else can be love..
The melody of her voice sublime and caresses his entire soul..
Like the rhythm from a fine melodious masterpiece blues, she rejuvenates his positive emotions.
Blessed is thee,  thy has reconditioned all his misappropriatedly conditioned neuron associations..
Inscriptions are not worthy enough to express this feelings.
494 · Sep 2023
The monster.
Dark lover Sep 2023
Feeling the voluptuousness of the 3am seaside harmonious air, I pen down this, aroused from a brief night rest.
Quasi-her word its all Good.
Everything appears smooth, healthy, fun and apparently romantic in the heavenly format,
the loving, the caring,
the oneness, the rosy nature,
The caresses, the pleasure,
The longing, the soothing And every heavenly romantic embodiment one can ever imagine. But given birth to the statement.
The moth is to the lava, what the Gamin is to the ****, just as the lava gave birth to the moth, this heavenly embodiment begins the birth of things of terrifying nature, there horse riders accompanied each other faces covered like Taliban's in execution
Loving, caresses..
483 · Aug 2023
Dark lover Aug 2023
Lord forgive me if I ever act ungrateful, coz uve given me more than I asked for and deserved..
468 · Oct 2023
A thief
Dark lover Oct 2023
A thief breaks in and asked your money or your life.
He replied, my life and my poetry is all I have..
please if u want any, take my life and let my poetry to live and reign..
My poetry
441 · Dec 2023
Safe Haven..
Dark lover Dec 2023
At the very end he roll and crawl back into the shell of poetry to heal..
Oh swift he slide back into the sinister obscurity and get scarred over and over again everytime allowing the escape of memory of the previous scar..
Poetry has become the safe haven for his relief and bears all the burdens incurred from the sinister obscurity..
Safe Haven, sinister obscurity, burdens,
436 · Sep 2023
Dark lover Sep 2023
Sometimes, we look without seeing, no we see but the conscious is submerged....
Beyond consciousness
435 · May 2020
Mr Boon... By Sanusi.
Dark lover May 2020
"Mr Boon"
It's really been a while I came across that adorable senile man " Mr Boon", maybe he's just too vexed with me,  maybe he's not please with our last meeting, cause I was too rash on the dusty.
Oh dear good senile man "Boon" don't be too ******* me not to pave on my pavement again. I know, I might have just been quite infantile the last time, and we never learn. But does not everyone deserve a twoth?
Boon,  With,   vexed,  pavement.
434 · Dec 2021
Awakens in winter
Dark lover Dec 2021
It's as melancholic as the story of fantine and her lark in Les miserable, as heart breaking as the agony bursting forth in acclamation of a great battle lost.
always "awakens in the winters".
More heart wrenching as to he who awakens not until at final bed of repose.
Always awakens in the winters.
431 · Aug 2023
Dark lover Aug 2023
How pain is seen determines the accomplishments..
How do you see pain?
Limitations or Elevations...
Pain is evolutionary...
426 · Sep 2023
Dark lover Sep 2023
It drains too much energy 🤧 and i fret I'll burn out ere it infer coz I can't afford to burn out here or now.. 😔 hope u understand and  step on or stay with minimal draining.
417 · Dec 2023
Dark lover Dec 2023
What becomes of the handful of leaves from
the young tree which is sawed off at the root?
who even knows?--each in his own direction
perhaps, and little by little buried themselves in that cold mist which
engulfs solitary destinies; gloomy shades, into which disappear in
succession so many unlucky heads, in the sombre march of the human race.
403 · Feb 21
Dark lover Feb 21
Let the dark lead.
The dark is the light of the mind.
Take a deep breath and embrace it.
The dark is the light of the mind.
397 · Apr 2020
Devastated continuity.
Dark lover Apr 2020
Devastated continuity....

It was a time unlike aforetime..
Eyes became heavy, lids dropping and nose running streams..

Legs became weak, hearts became broken and brains tuned to the channel of Kerfuffle like a faulty compares drifting through directions and heads became bowed..

Mouth became closed,  throats became dried and intestines got tangled..

Voices pronouncing, lamenting, grieving.. Agonies bursting forth in acclamation..

Time got suspended, sun stood still behind the clouds, moon went on a visit..

Everything seems paused for a while, yet not a  thing ever gives the slightest respite or tarry a while to console a devastated, shattered heart and soul...
Shattered, console,  acclamation, kerfuffle..
394 · Feb 2021
Dark lover Feb 2021
I fall for the devil herself, I guess we are going to dance to the rhythm of the fall together in hell.
The demons in my head throw me in hell...
374 · Dec 2021
I Pray
Dark lover Dec 2021
As the wind of glad tidings blows the ladened cloud whither and thither. So shall, my worries, my Laden's of current and on  substitute to drench my path will be blown to a far desert land where nothing sprung and no soul paves,  there it will lay waste, no aught to cast it's misery upon
#prayers for the ladened
Dark lover Sep 2024
What can a slave offer anyway...
That's the mind of the slave masters and the slaves... What an epical irony transmuted into the genes of the future.. so says, it goes The sins of the fathers...
The slave dealing of ancient times, the mill might have been removed but the wind still blows
The slave of ancient times, the mill might have been removed but the wind still blows
347 · Oct 2023
The point
Dark lover Oct 2023
My dreams have been all about u and ur innocence, hunting me all through most nights. And it has prompted this confession from the very depth of my heart, which entails the reason I have been staying away. Oh yes, I  feel quite inferior and below ur standard albeit I've covered some miles but I still feel terribly unaccomplished but alhamdulilah.. this revelation seems awkward or weird or whatever, but that's not the point and it's clear to me now that I have been missing the point from the very point of contact, not manning up to tell u this.. I understand u might not feel the same way and it's totally fine but the other time, I wrote that u r now a fuel to my drive ( if u could recall) to achieve more even that alone is okay for me(by Allah's will). I guess this may be  an old fashioned way to express things that's also fine cause this message might never have been sent  😔.. all this long note is not the point either,  the point. Hm. the point here is, I really love and adore u 💞.  But I'm limited by my beliefs of not matching up to ur standard yet, hence I decided to stay away and work on it and only Allah knows how long it will take... 😞😞 it's totally fine how u see me. so be free and let ur words fly just like mine.. ah, this is madness, typing this long note at the dead of night but it's just fine.. with u everything is a fine line cos it's my soul craving u..
She is the point in the horizon my L-O-V-E navigates to..
343 · Feb 2024
Dark lover Feb 2024
How swiftly sweetness can easily be transformed into austerity even the best of minds have their fetish...
Deflations of the mind..
339 · May 2020
No perfection..
Dark lover May 2020
Nothing will ever go completely right. As long as there will always be those who wants to hoard things for themselves even though, aware they will never live forever.
As long as there will always be those who are not ready to live right and reasonably...
What's the point?
All leads to the den of obliteration.
Let's give up!
What if we give down?
What's it about surrender!
What's it about never surrender?
No one is, an exception.
There is neither a thing I can hardly do, except to right the wrongs of the mind with my words.
Words inscribing the wrongs and beauty of the soul in a pinchbeck, puny age, is like a melodious masterpiece of a violin in a noisy throng, rarely a soul offers any attention.
A token of my contribution.
Smiles.. I hope that be enough. Though "bitter Smiles"  cause nothing is ever enough..
Verily we are spend thrifts by nature we exhausts everything.  And we! eventually gets exhausted.
Up 4am.
Having aftermath dinner.
With the most tremendous of guests,  comforting yet tormenting, thoughts and Memories.
Dining on meals and wines of,  unfathomable class and brand.
With the most tranquiling of musics, echos of emptiness.
Guarded by The magnificent majestic retinue, lugubrious phantoms.
Encompassed by The most absorbing and cimmerian paintings, mystical darkness.
"In a stead formed yet unformed by ether, the mind".
The journey of the mind.
Absorbed in mystical darkness.
335 · Sep 2023
Care for you..
Dark lover Sep 2023
Care for you..
Care for you, is underrated.
Cause in reality no one is going to care for you more than you.
Care for u
323 · May 2020
Dark lover May 2020
With every passing day i keep getting use to you,
On one, it's quasi-upwardly projected stone, it travels until it gets to a certain altitude then descends  on full tilt cause the force that pulls it up expired..
Another quasi-object with a slight weight lifted so high by a whirlwind,  floats a while in the air then descends on slow tilt but in all cases what goes up must surely come down..

You caresses my system into a state of ecstasy..
But with all these feelings, there is still a cloud of dark matter in our horizon..
It hurts, cause i don't comprehend the source of this darkness..

I dont want to make promises that i cant keep, forwhy? i care  it not just the feelings, it's hurt that is attached to it quasi-towing tug, cause  i care..
I've a lot of past promises that i fail to keep,
So dont get it twisted, if im not making  promises,
I dont want to hurt another just like the others.. cause i care, cause i care, coz i care,
Cause I care
318 · Sep 2020
Dark lover Sep 2020
The diary of a  blazing soul.....
311 · Sep 2023
Words and world
Dark lover Sep 2023
Oh, so truthful  and genuine the world would have been if everyone had the ability to hearing their own words..
Words and world communication gaps and effects
309 · Oct 2023
The point..
Dark lover Oct 2023
He seems to always miss the point or maybe it's designed that way..
Took him forever to say the three words.
Took him too late to utter.
That's beside the point,
The point is the emphasis on the words.
That's still beside the point.
The point could actually lies or truth  in the shoulders of what follows the three words.
The point is, he's a product of words and action, so one without the other is to him a soul without the body.
And no equilibrium no peace for him.
The point is I love you..
307 · Apr 2021
It frustrates
Dark lover Apr 2021
The more I try to stay distracted the more I stayed focused.
The more I try to stay focused the more I get distracted..
How can you focus inside a distraction and be distracted from a focus.
298 · Mar 2020
The track...
Dark lover Mar 2020
He have been walking on a track,
A mountainous hideous tract.
A ignorantly self created track..
A tract of which the very ground beneath his feet is made of broken bottles and everything sharp..
Piercing through his feet..
Getting used to the pain already
Not very sure, he can hold on..
The bleeding under his feet, he might pass out half way..
Piercing through,
287 · Jul 2023
Dark lover Jul 2023
As the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither,
but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, and giveth seed to the
sower and bread to the eater; so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my
mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I
please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”—Isaiah.
287 · Sep 2020
The bed of repose
Dark lover Sep 2020
Poetry.. The bed of repose.

He once thought.. He has forgotten the pathway to the bed of repose, where he deposites all weight of his troubles, uproar, burdens, aches and miseries, a bed of repose where he finds peace, a reflection from the divine stir. But literally not,  cause even a blind man will not forget the scent of his bed of repose, a place where he has no worries of crashing, stumbling or falling.. Despite all the constant tumultuous stir, the gigantic upheaval upon upheaval, Quasi-typhoon from the resulting uproar beneath, aches and miseries, he always creeps, crawls sometimes even rolls and feel his way to his bed of repose. There he lays all his burdens, cause at the end no room or heart is actually enormous enough to accommodate his burdens.
Not so blazing writes, poetry is home sweet home.
287 · Apr 2020
Bound similitude..
Dark lover Apr 2020
It's  a similitude quite like none other I have composed...

I was like a bird, upon which back there is a burden which limits it's every movement and pull it down everytime it try to take off, yet unable to relieve itself of the burden cause he feared the outcome of laying off such a burden.. It was a Burden of quintessence to him,  for it might make or unmake, destroy or bind the very home it cherished, adored and not ready to give it up for anything not even this burden, but the moment, though it required much audacity needed for a forceful abduction of ..."Donald Trump. From the White House".. he choose the option, to let down the burden.. And now with the God given broad wings and the much enthusiasm from the outcome of the relief, it will take a flight like never before, so high it will put all beholders in wonderment..
Relief,  enthusiasm, burden.
274 · Sep 2023
Dusk till dawn.
Dark lover Sep 2023
Not light, actually deeper than you think..
Inspired by dusk till dawn
270 · Mar 2020
The Chess
Dark lover Mar 2020
Once a grand master of the game chess, whose knowledge of the game of is quite vast, to an extent that he decided to challenge the creator of the game, whose name is "THE UNIVERSE" to a game of chess, hoping to have a draw or maybe a win, but it favours him not..
For ere the game begins, the opponent, knows the inevitable end of the game. However he tries to manipulate the game..
It will ends in the favour of the opponent.. . At the beginning he was attacking the opponent with all enthusiasm but to an extent he realized..
All efforts is a wasted one.  
At a point he realized all his  stratagem are nothing but an advantage for the opponent..At a point the universe even got bored and decided to make him feel he's got some upper hands..
The opponent saw all the man's picayunish   effort and found it quite inconsequential..
Hence decided to offer him a life line to seek the aid of every one he can contact and combine all the effort to play,
To have a better chance maybe..
But so unfortunately all combined effort failed as well, and due to difference of opinions it only results  to separatism between the combined forces.
What a melancholic for the man who decides to challenge the universe to a chess game.. At a point confused became is lot..
When he realized, it matters not how he plays it surely ends with the inevitable...
But it stopped him not from playing, though it stops him not from loosing anyway...
The inevitable...
261 · Jul 2023
Dark lover Jul 2023
How are we even afraid of what we cannot run from...
It's al about life and death....
260 · Mar 2020
The sunset....
Dark lover Mar 2020
Admiring the sunset with its radiating beauty, quite intriguing how it sets in ur view but to another it's still a beautiful noonday, to another it's just a rising sun.. Quite fascinating how time crawls swiftly, I found myself walking through three sunsets in oblivion, quite slow in my sight hence just turned my vision for what I could say 2 passing seconds to the North, on restoring to the west I met with a sunset again..

Starring at a beauty in its highest peak of perfection, the sunrise,
The sunset
257 · Mar 2020
Tears and Propellers.
Dark lover Mar 2020
Tears so subliminal that it quenches the scorching  radiation of the sun, that it watereth the most dreary of deserts..
Tears taken from the very ocean of life,
Ocean which is the event horizon of ships..
Ships whose propellers are naught but two elements, with the given names pleasure and fear..  
Two elements driven the ship thither and whither but to the nigh end..
End which is determined yet not determined, an interim end which transient into phases..
Transient between phases..
255 · Sep 2023
My poetry..
Dark lover Sep 2023
You are my poetry..
My poetry my world
248 · Jul 2023
Dark lover Jul 2023
Worshipy like a dog at the shrine of your lies...
246 · Mar 2020
Dark lover Mar 2020
Life is like a pyramid stairs where everyone struggles to step up, some takes few steps up and drift down-up until finally and gradually they slide down ward,  while some makes it to the top of the pyramid and tarry for a while before stepping down through the other part of the pyramid or steps down  the same path they have paved.
But there are those never privileged to take a step...
Pyramidal melancholy.
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