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235 · Mar 2020
Dark lover Mar 2020
drowning he was
Falling he was..
Losing sanity he was..
Derailed he was..
Frustrated he was..
Confused he was.
Lost he was.
Deserted he was..
Buried he was...
And the slanderers rejoiced..
Thinketh they..
Never will he rise again...
Then he felt a paradigm shift..
A shift like none other..
A shift accompanied by everything benevolent...
It is,  the slanderers whispered, a phantom bone disease..
Let they wander and dawdle for they are steeped in a quagmire of visibility lest a veil is upon all their sensory nerves, depriving them the beauty and the quintessence of the invisible...
But he is/has...
No more drowning, but drinks from the fountain of knowledge,
Spiced with milk and honey..
No more falling but floating in void..
No more losing sanity but unravelled the mystery of true sanity..
No more derailed but dandified...
No more frustrated but ferociously inspired..
No more confused but concentrated..
No more lost in darkness but guided by light..
No more deserted..
No more Buried but sprouted..
El magnifico... He is..
The power of believe...
225 · Jun 2020
Soul fire..
Dark lover Jun 2020
Hearts filled with glorious candor upon perceiving it..
Skins gladdens upon it's rays..
Nature is rejuvenated upon it's sparkle..
It envelops the vast gloomy soul into a singulate bloomy hyperbole.

Sleep in the eyes,
Hunger in the belly,
Straying memories augmented with dreams,
Striving to relegate the soul into a limbo.
The fire in the soul strives to keep it alive..
I can't say exactly how you can, forwhy,  everyone acts according to his/her disposition... But in the name of your greatest fear, pleasure and languor  never allow the soul fire to be extinguished.
225 · Aug 2021
Dark lover Aug 2021
In as much as he miss and would love to behold thy innocence and seraphic radiance. He don't just want to create a seen without pulling the string..
Longing in distress
205 · Mar 2020
Dark lover Mar 2020
Dwell with me, in my craziness..
Walk with me,  in my walk on the dusty track.. And let's make admiration upon our dirtiness..
A track,  no amount of canniness can avail a passer from being dust stained..
Walk a tightrope with me,  through the precarious and drier than a dead dingo's donger deserts, through the most Arctic temperate regions of the universe, we would keep each other warm...

Stay with me,  even if scanty my lot is of present..
Dance with me, amidst the wildest of chaos..
Dream with me, my wildest of dreams..
Play with me, like a child, hold not a thing back..
Swim with me,  in the river of life, together we can make it through the current flow..
Let thou and I take the sorry scheme of things entire and diffuse, stir and neutralize it.. To the desire of our soul..
sail with through the roughest of seas,  in search for a world, not in existence, yet..
Let thou and I take the sorry scheme of things entire and diffuse, stir and neutralize it.. To the desire of our soul..
193 · Aug 2021
Dark lover Aug 2021
It's Amazing how swift and down slopping  things and ways, rolls and drift into the abyss of obsolete without a brass fading of affection immersed in the darkness of time..
But thrilling how that which reaches out to the soul of humanity and  universe reemerges more illuminous from the abyss of time..
Poetry all the way
192 · Jul 2020
Better side.
Dark lover Jul 2020
Betterside. By Sanusi @mrpoeticuniverse .

Believe,  U awesome, just keep writing and living, obliterate suicidal thoughts, commit negativecide, inferiorcide, lonelicide, depressioncide, memoricide impregnated with suicidal thoughts adopt loveside, generosityside, charityside, happyside, joyouside, succorside, humanitarianside and feel the rays of the betterside. Here is a little work for you let it accomplish a smileside upon heartside.
Obliterate suicidal thoughts.. Never stop living and writing..
190 · Apr 2020
Dark lover Apr 2020
The burden of the sky..
The burden of the sky is the replenishment of the earth..
Replenishment, burden
190 · Aug 2020
Dark lover Aug 2020
Much love to my fellow poetz, I haven't been here for a while.. It's hard to understand by many but few will understand.. It's an environmental thing, it's hard to write when the heart is diverted,  when the eyes distracted, when all the senses capitulate with the dominant sense of survival...
Dead men don't scribe.
184 · May 2020
Mr Boon.
Dark lover May 2020
"Mr Boon"
It's really been a while I came across that adorable senile man " Mr Boon", maybe he's just too vexed with me,  maybe he's not pleased with the last encounter, cause I was too rash on the dusty.
Oh dear good senile man "Boon" don't be too ******* m
e not to pave on my pavement again. I know, I might have just been quite juvenile the aforetime, and we never learn. But does not everyone deserve a twoth?
#mr boon
183 · Apr 2021
Dark lover Apr 2021
Hail out to the inverts.
Hail out to the ones that are actually godlike, the once that describes reality in the inverse direction..
Even the creator shapes the universe in the inverts.
In order to be godlike one must step into the inverts shoes,
Walk in the inverts realm and dwell in the inverts dimension.
Poetry gives an inverted image of things.. Which makes it more beautiful and challenging...
183 · Apr 2020
Dark lover Apr 2020
Morrow of yes-terday.
I found myself in the Morrow of Yes-terday.
In the future of the past, it's foriegn to me cause it's never like what I had dreamt in the yesterday.
what are dreams anyway?
If not an extravagant conceit of some imagination, hallucinations, a facade..
It's Not real
183 · Feb 2020
THE WHO, HE Became. ..
Dark lover Feb 2020
The who I have become ..

Sometimes it's quite forlorn to be extensive with words in ur head, never can one be able to utter them, I feel so frustrated, I guess I will just have to train myself to be outspoken, no matter how well I train myself to be outspoken, can never be enough.
Can't tell how got here, but he is loving it..
But avoid loving it just a little too much, else you get lost in what's never really yours.

There are words I don't think I can utter at the moment, the who I have become.. But that's fine..

One who foster too many words but hardly say a word.. But that's lovely..
One who spent hours with himself searching for knowledge, stealing a glance at the sunset, half blurry half full moon.
Lost in admiration ere interrupted by a shooting star..
One consciously or unconsciously programmed to be congruent with societal or cultural influence..
One whose formed series of programmed strands which governs it's existence without being the programmer...
One whose mistakes uncountable yet still much to make, learnt so much yet learnt nothing..
One formed from nothingness into somethingness of impulses and desires, never ending desires that leads to absolute emptiness...
Like one left in lurch in the middle of a spacious dry desert, dehydrated, so weary of taste.
Continuous increase in weariness of taste by the passing seconds.
Continuous search for an oasis to quench his hankering, yet only find mirages which only increases his taste.. Buts that's still fine..
Open books all day and night in a constant note..
All with the one message harmonize yourself with the oneness of God..
Yet so many dogmas and misconceptionists spreading mischief for their selfish gains..
The who he became..
171 · Dec 2020
A god
Dark lover Dec 2020








167 · May 2020
Nowhere found
Dark lover May 2020
You will need me more than you think you would ever need me...
You will retire into tears, when you reflect on my words and realize it's the truth all the while..
You will curse the beings that has clothed the truth with lies and led you astray.
You will feel the spectres of truth, the ingenuity of the soul behind the scrivener and be immersed in unexpected chill....

But then it will be too late cause I will be nowhere found..
More than ever
164 · Oct 2021
Dark lover Oct 2021
Poems upload is showing me bad gate ways, hope the site is still in order or it's time to move my poems.
161 · Mar 2020
It's time
Dark lover Mar 2020
It's Time...

For so long,  consciously or unconsciously, I have given you the access..
Allowed you to shape and mold me to your heart desires..
Like a clay upon the hands of the sculptor.. Oh, what a beauty you have constructed...

Graciously, the gift of breath have been granted unto the figure you have molded..

Allotted the wheel to you..
Like a vehicle, you have driving me, crazily, calmly,  moderately, to the vissicitude of your heart desires..
But it's now Authomatum.
Like a skilled architect, you've crafted me to your desideratum, into a perfection but not my perfection.

Like a weaver, you've weaved me into  a marvelous fine silk, radiating quite a beauty to the beholder of utmost perfection yet so imperfect..

For so long, you have succeeded in assembling me,  yet feeling so disassembled...

Verily, Like a mosaic artist, you have drafted an incredible piece of work, perfect, yet so imperfect..

Graciously, the gift of breath have been granted unto the figure you have crafted..
It's time to be in charge..
Break Free from the programming of society.. Get  Lost into the word of
160 · Sep 2023
Dark lover Sep 2023
That's where the twist lies or truth. The point of no return or
maybe that's the actual point of return,
the point of death.
Who is the actual monster,
you or the dark or the dead.
asked, a sage.  The answer is where the twist lies or truth..
life is a highway of twist even the typos get confused.
it's beyond regular, get it twisted and dive into the point of no return.
maybe just maybe that's the point of return with solution or dissolution..
Absolute understanding
158 · Oct 2020
Self note.
Dark lover Oct 2020
I almost lost myself to the petty traumatic battle of the boundless infinity.
I almost surrender to the battle array of the mind game.
Oh how often the game turns against the owner, in the arena of petty distractions.

I was loosing myself.
I'm a poet..
It lives in me...

I write not because i am sad but because i'm inspired.
Dont give in to the challenges, its all in your mind..  #Don quixito
157 · Sep 2024
Dark lover Sep 2024
The rebels in me..
Why does the rebels have to dwell in me..
It's just so exhausting being a rebel sometimes, draining and energy burn..
Being alone among millions is tormenting sometimes..
Being broken over and over again is depressing sometimes.
Feeling deluded and abandoned is suicidal sometimes..
Not knowing your fate is mental torture all times..
Crying alone and in the dark is heart-rending..
Betrayals are worst sometimes..
150 · Oct 2020
The pain, the lesson
Dark lover Oct 2020
What she earned, i consumed...
She was...
My world, when i have none.
My eyes, when i have no eyes
My legs when i have none.
My strength, when i have none.
My mouth, when i have none.
My form, when i'm formless.
My breath, when i'm breathless.
My warmth, when the nights are cold.
My shade, when there is none.
My bones, when i was just a morsel of flesh...
Where i'm she was,
Where she is i will be..

Missed Mama...
Best mama in the world, forgive my naivity. How can i forget
145 · Oct 2020
The Ritualists.
Dark lover Oct 2020
I dreamt of a home where the head of the home practices Ritualism, who in order to sustain is life and wealth suffocates the life out off his children. Thus he got married to too many a wife and gave birth to too many a children, so he will always have a substitute for life and wealth. As the head of the house he used his power to repress the commentary of the wives, he even forced to stay without any terms of agreement the wife that got tired of the marriage cause they do nothing but bear children which they never get to enjoy.
He mastered the act of fakir, thereby basked in crocodile smile and silence he operates..
He paints the building with a whitish paint on the outside to derail the mind of the observer but the cracks and red stains betrays him and discloses the crooked and deformed nature of the inside.
The leaders of nigeria they are like this ritualist, who for his selfish gains and to sustain is life, takes the life of his children one after another, even while the child is struggling to save his life closed his and suffocate them, for that reason he got married to plenty a womsn of differrent size and shape, color and background.. He uses is power as the head of the house to suppress all.. His accomplice are his fellow ritualists and sons who assists him in committing this barbarian act of the post-babarian epoch..

In my dream, with the aid of the sons that assists in this act of savagery, this time he was able repress and suffocate the child but this child he suffocated was so tough he had a hard time completing it ****** to an extent that it drag some attentions from the wives and neighbors, but quickly the sons assisting cleared every trace of the mess and finally he suffocates the child, after a lot of struggle.. We have brothers and sisters in nigeria that assists in the suffocation of their brothers and sisters, sons and daughters that contribute to the suffocation of mothers and fathers....
It took place in the midst of darkness there was no moon and stars in the sky but all of a sudden after this particular suffocation, in darkest, creepiest, and cruel of nights, a shooting light quickly transformed itself into a moon accompanied by a light that translate itself to a star, both illuminated this blackest of night, and conquered the mystery of this blackness.. Giving the light of lead..
We are tired of all the mess..
142 · Jun 2021
Dark lover Jun 2021
One who believes in everything is likely to suffer from the disease called believedietis.
I.e be prone to die of misappropriation of believe, leading to mediocrity and hypocrisy.
Just believe in what you love, inspires and motivates and drives you.. But don't mistake believing out-of necessity and survival with the later.
Dark lover Feb 2020
Daddy's little deary.
Daddy will never cut ties with his dearie on purpose
verily he's proud of her for never given up on him,
though, she's now a fully grown, young seraphic beauty, attracting tons of challenges, stress and strains..
  Things did go ironically from what daddy planned, and the track back home is just too crooked,
having darkness similar to the pitch of a moonless night not even a star to pave  daddy's way home, even the little lamp of daddy no longer lit, but daddy will never give up on making his way back home to his little dearie..

Poem to daddy's little dearie......
Poem to daddy's once little dearie......
The music has stopped playing but the rhythm still echoes in my head. It saddens me to know our paths have to abruptly end this way. I guess fate was bound. Even before we started. The souls aligned but the bodies speak a different language. Thanks for the memories.
I wish all was better.  But I can't change you.
118 · Feb 2020
Stay alive..
Dark lover Feb 2020
Stay alive..
Stay alive is what, I was designed to do,  until eventually exhaust the very life I'm meant to keep alive..
Maybe I might require some stimulants to keep me out of this slumber, anytime the system  grows weak and weary falling into a slumbering state, hoping it's not the slumber of eternal, have a long way to go on a track so short and narrow and a system so weak, undoubtedly unable to withstand the pressure of "against the current flow"
"Against the current flow"why go on against some thing that never gets weary and never takes a time out...
Blessed are those who seek to create
114 · Jul 2020
Dark lover Jul 2020
Our fears so often pushes us off the precipice than the treat itself  just as our fears drown us  faster than the water shrouds us.
112 · Feb 2020
Dark lover Feb 2020
IF THIS IS NOT LOVE, nothing else can be love..
If this is not love, love,  existence is falsified.
Emotions beyond words!
Beauty beyond perception and appearance!
Effect so strong from a distance, quite imponderable.
Orator looses his sense of speech when in contact,  audio or visual.
An entire topic of discussion conceived, changed at sight..
Mere thought of thee transforms a state completely.
Ignites all plans with just a little flu of hope from thee.
Do everything for the sake of thee even at the absent of thee.
For thee sake the world is not enough, ready to steal the afterworld,  at least that might satisfy and assuage his inflamed desires.
Spend hours composing messages and notes just for she sake.
Influences all act of me without impact..
Even this scribbling is not enough,  forgive and accept the token of a scribe, cause he found no better way yet..
Spend hours composing messages and notes just for she sake.
Influences all act of me without impact..
  Still rummaging through the earth and heavens for the perfect replacement of inscription..
If this is not love
102 · Feb 2020
Dark lover Feb 2020
He wants to be like the wind
the breeze ever present, yet not all ways felt ever blowing, ever so soft and translucent, it voiceless  rhythms with such a fine melody that it makes even the mighty oak tree dance to its tunes, ever so underrated yet more precious than all the finest lucre known to all, it's a void, vortices of ether,ever so empty yet none can exist without its  presence..
Though never seen, it stirs up and agitates the most calmest of seas to a magnitude unclassified..
The memories of the wind..
101 · Sep 2020
Dark lover Sep 2020
Will you still love me, when I have nothing but my aching sores?
The wretchedness of the child attracts the love of a mother,  the wretchedness of the young boy attracts the love of the young girl vice-versa. Most disturbing the wretchedness of the old attracts nothing..

Copyright.. Les Miserables.
Les Miserables,
Care and love The old.
98 · Mar 1
Dark lover Mar 1
Ah, Love! Could Thou and I with Fate conspire
To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire,
Would we not shatter it to bits—and then
Re-mold it nearer to the Heart’s Desire!”
—The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
96 · Jul 2023
Dark lover Jul 2023
The whirl wind is gradually calming..
maggot transforming to a python..
Distortion gradually clarifying..
Darkness fading out for light..
Centrifuge approaching stoppage..
The portal of spa is ajar...
Either oscillation halts or not depends on level of circumstances  compression..
#sad #happy #purpose #stir #distorted
84 · Jun 2023
Dark lover Jun 2023
He happens to be in his highest when he is in the lowest.
Oh how sublime is the lowest that it has and house the godliness or the beastly nature of a being,  
fret not of the sublime.
Fear not of the dark.
Eliminate not the dark..
Desist not the lowest...
For only those that embrace
the  sublime and darkest cesspool of the lowest,
gets to live and exist..
#finding #thyself #lowest #darkest. #highest
68 · Aug 2024
Conflicted 3
Dark lover Aug 2024
The 3 are in conflict..
The No 3 represents all the elements that Control the universe..
3 dimensions the 4 and 5 are illusions.
3 degrees the forth is fakir.
3 is trinity in divine.
3 is trinity in person soul and mind..
But there's always a conflict in between.

— The End —