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23 · Jun 2023
newborn Jun 2023
sometimes the pain sits lightly atop my hair
never flowing past my shoulders
never dipping down below my collarbones
but sometimes the pain envelops me, knee deep
it buries itself in my shabby shoes
touching each toe and its nail, not leaving a part of me out

sometimes the pain leaks into my mouth and becomes a weapon wielded with regret
stains form on my clothes from ****** bullets ricocheting
sometimes the pain becomes my voice, hijacking my speech and blending it into violence

my flesh the proof that pain once owned me

but it doesn’t
it doesn’t own me
i let it think that it owns me as it terrorizes
each and every salty tear i let tumble bears witness,
but they know it’s just a way to get me to stray from the stability i deserve

the pain isn’t who i am
it doesn’t define me at all
it doesn’t make me any less strong or brave or fearless
it gives me reason to believe
that although pain does not own me
neither does happiness
a state of limbo, sometimes suffering
i own my pain, giving it power ever so often
giving it the chance to destroy me, yet it never does
it never comes with blades or doubt or anger

no matter how brutal the battle,
the pain will always crumble beneath my feet
and i will not let it crawl up my spine
and rest atop my hair from now on
i can be free from the pain that confines me
from the false happiness that life begs you to accept
i can be free in the choice to believe
to believe
to believe
it doesn’t own me.

newborn Jun 2022
houses becoming space stations
for the next generation
oxygen in a limited supply
looks like the economically disadvantaged
aren’t going to live in the future
sadly, bye bye
about climate change i guess. i wish people would take it seriously
23 · Sep 2023
newborn Sep 2023
just a line
just some item to buy
to place your grubby fingers upon
when the reflexes get
too repulsive not to surrender to
then lay those surfaces upon my heart
greasy fingerprints
then disown me,
only an object of desire

let the rhythmic pause of neurons
define your sense of being
don’t infect me
um…this is a very visceral feeling for me. and it hurts to be seen only one way. i want people to like me, but then i get scared when they do.

newborn Mar 2022
the horizon is becoming multicolored
the bitterness of the wind whips through my hair
my heart is empty
mind blank, but full of memory
regrets, and sadness
only i am in the wilderness
looking over the cliff
trapped in limbo
the sun would never know
as it disappears into the horizon
good night.
i was listening to an Air Force band at my school and they started playing heat waves. i have loved that song ever since i heard it on never have i ever (the Netflix show). it made me sad tho, it reminded me that i might never have a boyfriend and i felt unlovable. anyways, enjoy <3

newborn May 2022
the night was young
the rooftop sang in the wind like a little kid
she twirled her hair as the sun became the hills
she pirouetted with flames in her eyes that
flew to the treetops and grew like a blossom
beneath the early summer sky
she smiled like she could have lit up the whole
entire world
the nightingale cooed, watching her fly
and i don’t even mean metaphorically
she was risen twelve feet into the air that’s how majestic she is
sporting a minidress that was populated with flowers of all sorts
she was a daisy, a wildflower, a tulip, a lily, a rhododendron bush, a whispering oak tree
the starlight saver who sparkled so vibrantly
even the moon bowed down at her bare feet
i watched her transform into an angel and she
soared like a bald eagle; her only purpose in life was to be freer than the ocean who held her down to make her drown
she was ferociously alive by the standards of the sky
i just observed her from the rooftop
captured by her looseness and her freedom and how she left the hindering feeling behind, opening the gates of the reformed prisoners who morphed into tiny stars that night as she beamed and twinkled with ecstasy
angel, i can’t believe i am able to be in your presence, in a five step radius from you
it’s an honor
i wish i was her and that you would stare at me all night and just tell me i’m your stars in the darkest night sky.
prob my favorite song of the album, go listen while you read<3

23 · Jul 2022
mechanical monster
newborn Jul 2022
a familiar chirp of a machine
a fever dream lodged into my lungs
buried underneath surface tension
enough to swallow a bus

a familiar whine of a machine
hollering like a tea kettle
ready to be placed onto the burner
so so loyal, ain’t it?

a familiar wail echoing in every room
clogging the circuit systems of the opinionated
brainwashing the center of gravity
coursing in these veins of mine

if you only call me a monster, the only trait you’re gonna get out of me is monster
and if you only call me a monster, then monster i will be
i’m so proud of myself for this one ahhhhh

newborn May 31
on the water
i feel so alone
no friends
no shoulders to lean on
why did i ever think i was special?

my heart aches to be loved
or just noticed.
loneliness is so alone.
the aching of my heart to be held and cherished.
on the water, the ripples beckon me
must be sweet to be with someone just like you
every bubble combined to make a better system.
i want to combine with you
and be who you’ve always wanted me to be.
i’ll never steal the show,
i’ll never be the girl who belongs
i want to dance; i really do,
but my feet will not pick up or stomp or walk or move.
i only wanted to be soft in your hands
so you could mold me in any way you desire.
and i would comply
because who wouldn’t when they realized that they are so difficult to love.
i wanted to be easy.
easy to understand,
easy to speak with,
easy to love:
that is all i’ve ever wanted to be.
not even a “yours”
just someone worthwhile enough.
the water is beautiful this time of evening
i’m wasting it.
i waste my life
and my youth
and the love i get.
i waste it all,
but i’m so terrified.
so terrified of being alone
it keeps me awake at night.
and then i dream of you
and it’s all better because you patch up my wounds
and you leave my bones just as they are.
i dream of you
and that’s so enormously stupid of me.
i’m ashamed for loving you the way that i do,
but it’s just so simple to.
i’m weak and i’ll never be good enough
but please don’t leave me like this:
completely alone
and wasting my own life
being so scared of everything.
i loved you and i never told you.
i’m so alone;
i couldn’t even convince myself to change that
by allowing you in.
i am a terrible friend. all i ever wanted to be was accepted and loved and actually wanted. and i was and i ruined it. i want to lay in water and wash away.

written yesterday
published: 5/30/24
23 · Jul 2022
death for the loners
newborn Jul 2022
snapped out of existence
in a rustic flannel
lying at the bottom of a pit
far into the mushy ground
the core of the earth
pinned against my ribs
lips as cold as the Antarctic
stomach as empty as words
left to rot
as rain descends
on my emaciated corpse
your ghost is probably more beautiful than the real and authentic version of yourself. shame.

newborn Oct 2023
i’m so terrified
of the dawn that creeps up behind this cabin in the woods
i’m so scared of the violent rush of seawater
pinning me to the sandy shore—slamming my body, so rough that my esophagus stops for a second
when there are people in front of me,
i push them away
so violently, so quickly
immediately losing sight of everything in front of me
and i’m so sorry.
what should i do?
watch as the things i wish for fly away into the dark atmosphere?
watch as the flame i ignited dim in front of my very eyes?
i’m decision-less
so perpetually confused
what should i do?
should i love you?
so, i went to homecoming last night and i had so much fun. we snuck out of the school and we sprinted towards our cars. i’ve never felt more alive. and i went with someone and now i don’t know how i should feel. i always wanted love to knock at my door, but now i’m just frightened. ahh.

“i get overwhelmed and confused if only you knew what i felt like.” -Laufey

22 · Dec 2021
newborn Dec 2021
You remind me of summer and delinquents and the end of the world
Of cars crashing and ashes and lips licking swords
Of concrete and Outer Banks and distant cold
Of silence and sadness and charcoal stones
I remember those days so vividly
It’s almost like I can touch them
And you
22 · Jun 2022
no regard
newborn Jun 2022
bouncing cars
no regard
for anyone
on the block.
chase your
you’re almost
you’ll never
frame me
like the
mona lisa
i won’t be
the reason
you drive yourself
off the road.
reckless driver
careless person.
the smoke
doesn’t rise
over your home.
it must be cold
for a june.
hearts and
veins and
to flee
from out
of your body.
your poor little
duh, i’m using
no regard
but i have
a mind
and i am
not a ditzy
you can’t
me to
serve your
every move.
get a servant
for that type
of excursion
you have no
there was an ad for beer and it inspired this lol. it had no creative direction

22 · Sep 2023
newborn Sep 2023
those deep fangs
pressing upon pale purple skin
that poison,
damp on your tongue,
hitting the roof of my mouth
violently and persistently

you patronizing pain inflicter
with that wicked soul
pursing red velvet lips
drooling at the sight
of a fresh-blooded miss

the girl with a smile carved upon her cheeks
those golden-stalactite eyes
dripping rain residue on this coarse body

that cold-blooded smirk
impermanent generosity,
one side grinning,
the other frowning

you vile human  
with hair oddly blond like blinding light
those fluids dripping from your lips
irregular breathing patterns

you’ve made this fever festering inside me
feel like happiness
you’ve made this uninhabitable cavern
into something so familiar one can’t quite place
you’ve made me bleed from these eyelids

and feed it straight to you
like i am some chess piece
in some childish game for you
but i cannot stand this
and no i will not keep humoring you
i will use this body
for something other than for you
true story.

22 · Apr 2022
last year feeling
newborn Apr 2022
it hurts cause i remember those nights when my favorite song blared on the ipad and i laughed and cried with you. i miss feeling alive while dancing around my small room, dreaming in color, not just in black and white. i feel the longing in my body to go back home- to you. weeks passed and i still smelled your scent in every corner, everywhere i turned. i remember happiness like it was some foreign good, so beautiful yet horrifying. i miss that feeling. the winter frost was frigid and i was miserable, but at least i was having fun, making memories. life grew stronger and stronger and i became weaker with a busted back. now all i want is my last year self back.
sometimes i despise the past and sometimes i miss the past

22 · May 2022
the one
newborn May 2022
i’ll make an effort to write good poetry for you. my work is average at best and you look like a red moon in the most haunted night, so that won’t do. you reflect when light is shining on you. i turn to rust underneath your fingertips. when i find the one, i’m gonna scrap all my old works to make room for the newest editions. when i find the one who is a full moon filling every corner of my tiny room. maybe you can spend the night outside of my window. when i wake up, you’ll tell me to put on some clothes and i’ll greet you as if i had no clue that you were outside my window the night before. when i find the one, maybe i’ll start loving myself or write better poetry that is actually enjoyable to read. maybe i’ll start reflecting light, even in the rain.
inspired by madisen kuhn’s poetry
22 · Dec 2022
newborn Dec 2022
roses don’t sprout to the sound of your name
the seas don’t foam when you wade into the waves
there’s no one original anymore
it’s hard to be anything worthwhile
when your skin wishes to be shed like a snake’s
and the blue eyes you once loved are being used as a missile
the words spit from my tongue
are 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 wrong
you’re 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 wrong
wrote this in class, but i can’t remember the specific reason. i guess i was mad at the world again
written 9/15/22
published 12/10/22
22 · Nov 2022
newborn Nov 2022
i slowly walk to the porch where the flags stand high and the windchimes chime. 
the ground is damp, i bet it would speak if it could. 
there’s no point in running from the mountain monster of inevitability.
if i stand here with the rain will i eventually weep?
if i don’t use capitals, i don’t have the right punctuation
what does anyone truly have correct anyway? 
if i comment that i’m like the rain, i’m depressed
and that just doesn’t make much sense to me.
if i say the sun and i aren’t compatible,
i don’t have a positive view on anything. 
but i do wish i could see the
good in something. it’s just all too much
22 · Aug 2022
parent’s chosen name
newborn Aug 2022
isn’t it strange that we don’t name ourselves?
because if i had the choice, i would be named: the girl with wavy or curly hair that never belongs anywhere
or the girl who believes in God more than herself
the girl who fears rejection like it is Covid-19
the girl who wished upon a star, but is still waiting on her delivery
the girl who is senseless who knows nothing about anything
the girl whose best friend left her when she was thirteen
the girl who associates made up or distant people with safety and security
the girl who listens to too much music and it clouds her judgment
the girl who re-enacts movies after she sees them play onscreen
the girl who gets lost in Disney movies and doesn’t enjoy reality
the girl who died after eighth grade and is despising the high school experience
the girl who purposely curses herself on friday the thirteenth
the girl who lost her mind and has lost all her glory
eruption, disaster, ugly, failure, useless, dramatic, romantic, not even close to funny, unintelligent, boring, exhausting to be around, psychotic, waste of space, crazy
the girl who is anyone, but what my parents named me
the girl named…
i was gonna text my friend, “isn’t it weird that we don’t get to name ourselves,” but i chickened out lol. why do our parents get to name us tho?

22 · Mar 2022
newborn Mar 2022
sometimes i write to no one
nobody is filling the void deep in my soul
so i make up fantasy men to take up the space
to fill in the cracks with their vibrant smiles
cheekbones accentuated
i instruct these prosthetics to heat my freezing
cold heart
stuck in a plain old reverie with kisses and children dancing in a ballroom
these fake and imagined life forms leave behind a vestige of fantastical beauties
these creations are flowing like water in secret caverns
dancing around my empty body
healing my blemishes but they still return to the creations’ surprise
they lift my limp limbs and lower me over the ancient greek pond
letting me drink the rich and luscious stream
filling my body with water, weighing me down
more mass and a bigger center of gravity
btw i am almost dead by the time they finish these rituals
these fantasy men care for me day in and day out, but they are sculpted from my mind
not real, this is not reality
they make me feel “happier” and “fuller” in my eyes but i know this is all a façade
naked and no one shall know
that the girl who waits here for fantastical sculptures to touch her and clothe her is a deep and dark disappointment
some say, “what an ingrate.”
some don’t even bother to care
nobody truly cares
and i figured this out many months ago
i am finally letting go
and as i turn to these creations i have created inside of my head
they blow and dissolve into the wind
therefore i have virtually no one
so i weep into my pruny hands
then draw the conclusion that i will never be loved
at least i know one thing for certain  :/
i want to fall in love. i really just want someone to be my other half. i want to be tied at the hip to someone. chasing rainbows and happiness and fulfilling memories. someone to share moments with and laugh at our own displeasure.  i wanna ache for somebody other than me. i want someone’s compelling fire to burn every inch of my skin. ****** but on fire and engulfed in the flames. let me be with someone. let me heal with someone. let me hold someone. it hurts too much to be alone.

and i wanna stop making up fantasies inside of my delusional mind. i wanna start living and loving in real time.

22 · Dec 2021
What Is Life?
newborn Dec 2021
What do I do with my life?
Running so far my feet can’t touch the floor
I’m lost
I don’t enjoy anything but writing
The pages that call my name
Keep my secrets between their pursed lips
No person is like this
What things do I like to do?
What do I love?
What does my heart throb for?
My heart calls for the expression
The words I can’t express unless I’m surrounded by my emotions
What do I like to do?
I never understood why
I never understood how
I was never my own person
One who only paid attention to herself
I’m the side character in my own life
Why is that?
Do I have to like everything?
I don’t know what to do
Besides write
And the paper will welcome me
Even after a day of ****** and claustrophobia
I’m safe in the arms of the pages
Safe forever:)
The only thing I like to do is write poems and look at you.....
newborn Aug 2023
you think you are entitled to me 24/7. sorry, that’s not how this is going to work. i do not have to pick up the phone every hour of the day. i do not have to ditch my priorities for you and only you. i do not have to apologize if i can not speak to you. i do not need to write about you so you can be immortalized. i will stop imprinting your name on every word. i will stop talking about you. you’re real good at talking about yourself anyway.
some people are so entitled like oh my gosh. who do you think you are? my friend never asks about me and then suddenly it’s my fault if i can’t pick up the phone because i’m busy. i can’t anymore with selfish people.

just a rant lol.
21 · Feb 2023
newborn Feb 2023
the lights they glowed a ruby red
the stars inside your irises inside
my head. i saw you on the stage
and wept. the comets above our
heads, i saw mars, but i have to
forget. and i apologize for my
lack of communication, it was
just that your eyes were like an
emerald and i forgot the words
to say. i bet losing memories will
bond us, for now i sit alone on my
couch. i loved you once, i love you
forever. i will never let you go. the
lights a melancholy indigo. i saw
your hair and then your face and i
just couldn’t stop. you sat there
playing on the piano. so i just sat
eerily still and sobbed. for now, a
woman without a cause, her sunken
eyes, her remembrance of a someone.
but i had forgotten the words to your
favorite song, though still i managed
to sing along. without a word, i left
the table, you saw me leave, i’m sorry
i had to go. i know you’ll understand
just had to let you know. you just sat
there playing the piano. and the
lights turned black and then it all was
wrote this after watching la la land. it was an emotional rollercoaster, but it’s such a good movie. the ending was so tragic, but it inspired this poem.

written: 2/3/23
published: 2/5/23
21 · Feb 2022
death wish
newborn Feb 2022
i want to die
but honestly not actually.
it’s things like forgetting my headphones after having a bad day at school
or not plugging in my phone as soon as i wake up that ruin my days.
or the quick and rapid chatter of bigmouths and their gossiping pinecone personalities. things like taking five more seconds than usual to get ready in the morning
or when my friends text each other and i was not included in that conversation even if i didn’t actually want to be in it in the first place, i just wanna fit in.
things like seeing the sun peek from behind the clouds just to taunt me
or freezing cold weather when i just wanna be warm.
things like my stomach grumbling in a dead silent room
or when the static in my hair becomes so excessive that i have to douse water on it until it stops being so disagreeable.

it’s things like these that make death seem so simple and delectable
it’s things like these that remind me that i shouldn’t die so i can relive happy moments and not always surrender to the depression
welp I forgot my headphones one day
and i wrote about how i wanted to die

I don’t actually want to die (wait...maybe sometimes)

newborn Aug 2023
there is music made by the delicate
cadence of my mortal heart when your name
is spoken from this constructed abyss
absent of the means for real happiness
there is a chapter of my life that is 
undisclosed, there are seeds planted in the
soil where your heavy feet once trod by day
there is a rose bush neglected by soft
gardening hands by the landfill where your
hollow corpse lays, as ***** rainwater trickles
down my spine, in places your fingers will
ne’er reside, confiding in your shadow
dare say if the infrastructure faces a
sudden hurricane surge—friends forever.
now i love sonnets hehe. enjoy.

21 · May 2022
ohio hills
newborn May 2022
someday far from now,
i’ll be sitting on my porch with my soulmate
watching the grass blow in the wind
we’ll go to church
eye the maple leaves as they fall swiftly to the ground
our hands will be glued together
and we’ll watch our dog frolic in the yard
but, that’s someday very far from now
inspired by taking a car ride through ohio.
everything i do turns to poetry lol

21 · Oct 2022
young (spoken word)
newborn Oct 2022
you know,
when i was young
i saw the world as a canvas.
a blank sheet of material waiting for my curious little fingers to touch,
to sculpt, to model.
and oh, did i paint.
i moved mountains with my palms, i made rivers flow with the touch of my hands
and you know what?
i thought myself a pretty esteemed artist.
i imagined my future living in a huge penthouse in the biggest city in the world i could think of at that age and that was
i would tower over the laborers and the tax workers and the mailmen and the street performers because i was the new “it” girl.
glistening in pearls above the city people who always take life so seriously.
inside of my kindergarten classroom,
i believed everything to be possible.
we learned about Noah’s ark and what two plus two was and i was smart
and quick on my feet
meanwhile some other child was crying and i couldn’t understand why because everything i could have ever wanted was displayed on the chalkboard in that very moment.
the world was a thousand colors in that classroom.
there were always crayons at my disposal, in which i used them to sketch part of the planet that was still blank on the canvas.
i believed.
i believed that Santa still existed and that the tooth fairy would bring me money instead of a tooth under my pillow but guess what?
i didn’t lose my first tooth until second grade.
back when the only worry i had was that my teeth weren’t loose and wobbly
back when the world looked friendly and the only things that were hostile were my pugnacious teeth that wouldn’t budge.
i saw skies where there were vicious mirrors, blessings where there were flaws.
my classmates were foolish but i-
i knew what i wanted my canvas to be.
and cancer was a real thing. violence was a real issue not just something i saw in a batman comic. society turned her back on the very children she birthed.
my hands stopped painting with bright colors.
highlighters were stolen out of my hands, pencils placed in them.
gray graphite with no emotion except “do this math problem or you will fail at a future.”
what future am i exactly preparing myself for at this speed?
what happened to the coloring books
and the watercolors and the all about me posters i made?
where did they go?
did they disappear into the void of shame?
because once the authorities took away my liberties; my freedom, i started slacking.
the world became a barren wasteland like the one after simba left the teeming pride lands.
bulldozed over.
all that creativity pent up in had to be slaughtered.
it had to be executed.
so i breathed smoke to **** the formation inside of me
it choked, and so did i
and i
felt bad for it.
creativity was the one driving force, the one constant in my world that was falling apart and making room for the erratic world that punched through the walls of my love for the old world.
what would i be without a classroom full of tools that i could use whenever i saw fit?
this is insane.
people started coming into my life and out and i could not hold their hands and beg for their stay; they would leave me kicked and scarred
and maybe they whispered “sorry” to me because some of their empathetic nature still existed.
some of their light still hadn’t been stomped out.
it was fully wrecked when their parents got divorced
and there were screaming battles
and that’s when they heard that vile swear word that comes up in every conversation now as a teenager
and that word makes them upset
they can’t remember why
just like their parents never understood why their child got so depressed jumping from house to house.
whiplash to the extreme.
and i can’t breathe without the creativity that connected the dots in my childish brain
and now being childish is an insult and i cross out all my experimental portraits and replace them with whatever the teenager next to me is drawing
because being original is easy to pick on.
and i didn’t want to be 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 kid.
no one wants to be 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 kid.
the canvas i once held in my hands is ashy and blackened and
its poor soul destroyed by a tiny bonfire by the woods
because no one likes when you decide you want to create the world in your image
cause it’s corrupted in everyone else’s
and they want you to suffer just like they did, to discover that innocence and ignorance are apparently now synonymous with each other and you can’t think otherwise!
what was looking at another kid’s artwork as a child?
there was only seeing that john had the color purple drawn on his paper
and sofia had the new stamps that were put up near the bulletin board.
that was all.
none of this body dysmorphic garbage.
the world isn’t beautiful as it was before on poster board and i don’t remember the last time i was truly physically and emotionally happy.
i now found the art of wanting to rip the hair out of my skull and there are times that i contemplate if i should just end it all,
but then i think back to all those years when i was younger and how big the world felt in my tiny fingers,
though i know—some tiny fingers build rocket ships, some tiny fingers get involved in cancer research to save other people from the same thing their grandparents had to battle with and lose to, some tiny fingers become doctors and nurses and good people with good hearts with hope for the restless world.
some tiny fingers might have lost the canvas and the poster board,
but they never lost sight of what world they were gonna leave an impact in,
what world they were gonna make great one day—one child with a crayon at a time.
you’re looking at my first spoken word poem i have ever written. i am so prouddsdsdddsjwj

lowkey inspired by mrs. Ribiero by Sarah Kay…

21 · Jul 2023
newborn Jul 2023
and suddenly,
a burst of sunset licks the tops of the buildings
i am a young lady wearing silk
that dips down below my hips and my knees
he’s wearing black leather
tailored suit and wrinkled button-down
he leads me up to the rooftop
on spiraling staircases twisting fate inside their creaks
he drapes his suit jacket over my shoulders
as the dusky chill sweeps between our bodies
my hand clutched in his
resting my head on his powerful chest
the riviera unraveling the stealthy secrets of night
little sweat beads cling to our foreheads
the dry air enters our mouths
and we are speaking so eloquently
in different languages
swallowing our egos
as a haze splits the atmosphere
and i start to see your brown eyes fill with reminiscence
the moon caught in your eyes
like your pupils are the ocean waves
and their changing tides
and i’m smiling with my eyes
with my cheekbones
and i’m laughing at every single one of your jokes
and i don’t feel alone
and suddenly,
i’m wading in the water up to my ankles
and you’re grasping my hand
as if you’d never even think to let go
and i’m splashing around like a overgrown child
frolicking as you stare at me with such peace
and contentment
your embrace comes over me like the foamy waves
and i don’t hesitate

21 · Jul 2023
newborn Jul 2023
hold me because it’s achingly difficult.
you jumped out a window
and landed face-first into the squishy grass
i would have caught you,
but it was too late.
somehow it always is.
i jumped into your arms,
but your body was so cold.
a starved mind, a clueless nomad
i sink into bathtubs
and i don’t have organs
i am an invisible skeleton.
i wear shoes
that are too
tight around my ankles
and my legs hate each other
and i hate them too—
what a disgraceful feud.
somehow when i touched you,
you melted into the background
of the stage i wasn’t aware that i consented to.
permission overlooked
forgiveness not a given.
this is the end.
perhaps not what i had envisioned—
not that it matters.
it doesn’t.
i’m picking blots in my bloodstream.
the popping forehead ventricles
the insanity so familiar
and so homely.
home-cooked meals, hearts drawn out onto my back.
it’s too late for me to me to say i’m sorry
or to pray for myself.
it’s too late to love.
i insist
but the road i walk down is dusty chemicals
and your hand is not placed precisely in mine.
it’s too late this time.
somehow it always is.
i just can’t do anything.
it’s almost my birthday, but who wants to celebrate.

21 · May 30
newborn May 30
i pray i will be able to love those who i am afraid of loving
for fear of seeming too sensitive.
i pray i will be able to pick up the phone for someone who really appreciates my time
because he will not hurt you.
i pray i will be able to confess my emotions
not cowering behind a facade.
i pray i will be able to love you
and i pray that i will not push you away.

—he will not hurt you. you will only hurt him.
wrote this yesterday after senior banquet. high school *****, man. even if someone comes along and is so nice to you, it still *****.
this isn’t really a poem either more like me just getting out my emotions.

written yesterday
published: 5/30/24
21 · Jan 2022
my number one insecurity
newborn Jan 2022
i am pale because my ancestors took a ship to the land of opportunity
don’t curse the bones
curse the soul.
i am gorgeous no matter what color my skin is
it’s time we outcast our differences
place them in library books as markers
beneath the heavy binds
hidden away until the end of time.
maybe you should stop calling me “pale” and call me beautiful instead
or joyful
cause that word starts to crawl on my insect ridden skin
making its way up
and there is no way i can stop it.
i have tar painted words all over me
sketched out for everyone to see
deep cut, lingering
no bandaid can heal a mental block.
maybe stop calling me by my name
maybe stop referring to me as “white”
because i can be any color of the rainbow anytime
and maybe today i don’t wanna be white
i wanna be red, maroon, or mint green
and i am so sorry to those who were ever hurt by someone thinking their skin cells meant they were more important than someone else
at least today we realize the mistakes and blood spilt all over the battleground
from our ancestors in barns and farmhouses
but i don’t come from the folds of a vicious man
i come from a famine
that wiped out half of the population
something spite and greed could always do so easily
should i be ashamed that the sun didn’t shine harshly on the fields of our crop?
should i be ripped apart by the core because of a past generation
or haunted by the phantoms of the roots of a corrupt country?
and yet i will apologize on behalf of every sin of my “kind” and make your heart out of collapsed steel
and bankrupt policies
cause i love you.
you ain’t any less me than i am
and any less human than my skin color tells you.
I spat those facts
And that’s that on that

20 · Jun 2023
newborn Jun 2023
in a floating metal box in the air,
i put things into perspective.
like our friendship.
a fading crisis murdered by a mistake.
sharp blades twisted against allies.
like words, exhausted and spoken with the threat of misinterpretation.
without your perfect band t-shirts and childlike bickering,
it was an empty place.
you only knew two AC/DC songs,
when i asked you to name three,
but that’s totally ok,
i wouldn’t have known or cared either.
friendly waves and funny conversations;
miss them most when there’s no one to talk to.
we starved the host and shattered slowly, but brutally.
against the ocean’s mighty waves, we were washed with white sea foam onto different beaches
on different coasts,
on different inhabited islands.
we lied hazily on tanned sand until the sun burnt holes in our dresses and melted us.
i search for you on the humid land mass,
calling your name into the neptune blue sky.
it’s always hope a new day, fire lit and burning, but nothing to come and rescue me.
scurrying in the hot sand praying for even just a mirage of you.
but we were swept away
to different islands,
unaware of the current,
unaware of the consequences of simple mistakes.
i’m sorry we had to burn out this way.
so slow and heavy.
so sorry, emery.
to e. i love you and i miss you and our friendship. stuff happens i guess.

newborn Jan 28
i never liked myself.
barely picking
off the shower floor.
now there’s a storm
and it’s within me—
a dull buzzing
of a radiator
and a quiet alarm
singing its apocalyptic peace.
i dislike who i am around others. some people are so kind and i don’t feel like i deserve it. for some reason, i find it so difficult to talk to people. i make my own ending.

written: 1/26/24
published: 1/28/24
newborn Oct 2023
you, a garden of hydrangeas and rhododendron bushes.
me, a nomadic soul too obsessed with being accepted in the natural slip of life.
my midnight moonlit sorrow
is eating me alive.
you, a sun-drop dandelion, too glorious to be planted near my seeds.
my tainted heart,
an obese beast lingering like a ghost that never passed to Heaven.
my inability to place value on that vessel.
you, a rose petal blowing in the wind.
me, lost little ladybug trying to find her way back home.

you wouldn’t love me anyway.
i’m sorry i cannot love you.
newborn Jan 2022
existential crisis- i am alone
sinking, then floating
in mute and pine green tones
the forest of secrets
screaming in pillows
and losing grip on the moving platform
desert crying
sidewalk skipping
and bleeding
internal deprecation
hitting my own fingers with text books
to make them stop admitting my mistakes
stop misusing the “right” words
the break of dawn over the woods
using the moon as a defense mechanism
losing a helper
a security system
and i think it’s time i run back to you
unless you don’t want me there with you
i will just be numb until you call out my name
in the tortured heat
i will be there if you need me
Listen to falling by harry styles while reading
20 · Oct 2023
the swarm of flies is
newborn Oct 2023
the swarm of flies is me
wheatgrass dry hair
regretting below the canopy

listen, i don’t want to be your only,
your stop sign in the road
the swarm of flies is you
clouding my mind
making me confused

the rapid flight of tiny bodies
all dropping dead in front of me
unaware of their demise;
only aware of me

sweet breather,
the swarm of flies is you
panicked and anxious
erratic and angsty
i’ll never need a body to complete me
never need some hands to manhandle me into emotions i do not feel

maybe you’ll always need another skeletal system to inform you of how to exist
productively killing themselves
from within
the swarm of flies is you
a cold reaching hand outstretched to my flimsy bones
warning me to jump into the abyss with no real meaning behind it

the swarm of flies is me
my fluctuation of feelings
mixed signals and pushbacks

i’m sorry, other human,
so sorry i have retreated back into my own thoughts
pacing around a maze that’ll never be completed

the swarm of flies is me
for blaming you
for my own childish fears
for leaving you a corpse
mislead and exhausted

the swarm is me
just how i feel atm. i kinda hate being liked lol.

(title and idea inspired by claude’s girl by marika hackman)

20 · May 2022
newborn May 2022
could you love the girl who is disliked by everyone? her friends grow tired of her once in a while and by once in a while i mean every single waking day. you couldn’t love her—you shouldn’t love her. she has nothing to offer, nothing to give to you. she only buffers throughout the day, internally left to suffer. could you love the girl that is sticky like maple syrup, but not corrupt? the girl who craves bleach because she is empty and needs something to fill her shrunken stomach. i get it, no one likes her, so why should you?
you know, maybe sometimes being liked is quite a joyous thing.

20 · May 2022
newborn May 2022
i don’t wanna be that girl who uses her body
i don’t wanna be a little toy for one night and one night only
i am not that kinda girl

i will not be the kind of girl you can just push around
i will not be the laughed at puppet in some circus show for morons
i will not be her

i hope i am never the kind of girl who throws away her life
i hope i am never the person who loses her head and doesn’t go to church
i hope i am never her

and right now
i don’t wanna be the girl who cries cause she’s lost and lonely
but i am
and i am sorry that i let you down
**** you, lady bird
20 · May 2022
newborn May 2022
could someone love me like i love the rain?
how i wrap myself in the mist
and dream and sparkle and...
no one can love me like the rain.
it’s so gorgeous and rambunctious
i wish i could touch it
i can...
but i can’t reach the full span of it
it’s little bit by little bit
no one can love me like the rain.
it falls too fast
and it’s impossible to grasp
but please
even if you try
a little tiny bit
you could love me like the whole span of the rain
and maybe that’ll happen someday
20 · Jun 2023
newborn Jun 2023
in the garden,
there lies my bed
cloaked in vines,
dressed in mossy sheets.
the forest floor soft beneath callused heels.
ever present silence like mist in the air.
as i try to lay on the mattress,
vines are suffocating,
twisting around my neck
and i gasp for more air, more air, more air.
feelings of suffocation.

newborn Aug 2022
i’ve never known romantic love
but i know it doesn’t belong in backseats
with short skirts thrown onto the ***** floor.
it doesn’t belong in lips that only ever persuade.

it belongs somewhere ethereal
beyond the meadows and the maples and the marshes
across the solar system
in shiny stars glittering up above
in the shaded parts of your aching heart

that’s where true love rests
i’ve given up on love, i think. it doesn’t exist in the same universe as me.

19 · Jan 2022
Crimson Platforms
newborn Jan 2022
wearing those crimson platforms
and you’re sitting in that maple tree
bending your sacrificial knees
you better stop weeping and waiting for
an olive branch to save you
sweetheart, you’re done
you are turning into ashes in my indecisive
put on that denim suit and walk deliberately
without moving your mouth too much
they will take that for weakness
think of sugar and sweet caramel
and castles and fables and snow white
get down from that tree
the worst thing they’ll do to you is strip your festive uniform off you
you can take that, can’t you?
This ain’t about you
But I had you in mind while writing

newborn Jan 2022
sapphire heart. rugged heartbeat
discovered in the sand, glittery anomalous being. you look like a traitor, a good one at least. begging you to release your wings from that cage. fly so far you forget where home is; that’s the good thing, you get to make a new one. you must be frightened, terrified. Electrified from the departure of your family. You can be yourself, but that takes so much guts. Capable man, you can become a cyclist if you want, a bird if you want, the sky if you put your mind to it. never lose that focus, the focus with which you started this. FOCUS

19 · Jun 2022
four hours
newborn Jun 2022
gold drains
from the sewer
i once inhabited
sewage piles up
on the banks
of the frisky
leading to my
dizzy heart
slapping the shell
of me
with your bare
-i can put up
with this
because i won’t
be locked
in the sewer
any longer
to see your
colored eyes
scowl with scorn
praise the Lord
mañana ...yo voy a ser libre
19 · Apr 2023
newborn Apr 2023
you were whisked away on a ship, bound for the treasure of the hidden world

i traveled to a desert
sweltering heat and cracking blisters
called your name as dry sand filled my esophagus
an oasis sprouted in the middle of the sandcastle civilization
running water, blue and hopeful
sprinting like a madman, i trekked towards my salvation
but when i came across its beckoning entrance
the mirage collapsed
the betrayal
my eyes had deceived me
in my consuming exhaustion, i had forgotten the illusions, smoke and mirrors the desert plays on you
and in being so crushed beyond belief
sandstorms came from under my feet
and, you know, the mirage became some
solidified reality
ache for it
with all my bones.

if only i were a crew member
aboard your ship to the galaxy
i was seconds away from boarding
five steps away
so close i could smell the saltwater as it caressed my cheek
waving goodbye to your face, decorated with sunlight
sun-kissed and golden.

the navigator of the seas
traveler with a sense of abandonment, on a sailboat gliding over waves,
glowing, evolving, flying
the sunset disappearing beyond the horizon,
where you chase the possibility of its various immensities
a rhythmic beauty, hung up in galleries, watching the waves lap against the shore
hands on her chin as she sits cross legged,
feeling the sand swirl around her  
she cups up the sand, as it vanishes slowly underneath her palms
sobbing into a pile of grief, so confined in a state of helplessness
she tumbles on the sand, silky hair falling to her sides under crescent moon design
aches for refuge
with all her bones.
for my old best friend. hopefully you haven’t forgot about me. read these words and understand that i want to be in your presence again. i miss you so dearly.

in the end i switch up the way i refer to her, as she and i have gotten less and less close over the years. the ‘she’ is used because i do now know her by the end, so instead of using ‘you,’ a more definitive term, i used ‘she’. do with that what you will

19 · Apr 2022
ghost town
newborn Apr 2022
i wish this was the last thing i would ever write for you. i just wanna move on, but i watched you walk across the dewy lawn and i felt empty inside. ghost town vibes. it hurts seeing you be the life of the party, the happy one, the “gets out of situations so easily cause she’s so pretty.” being friends with you was so amazing and i wish i didn’t take it for granite (granted apparently) back then.
cause now i’m the loser and ashamed that i didn’t say hi to you. now i ignore your every move as if i don’t even know who you are and nobody even knows that we knew each other or were, oh my gosh—friends. oh wait, forgot one word, or two. best friends forever. bffs. we drew in notebooks together, went to the book fair and found little friendship books and wrote in them. we were attached at the hip, so incredibly close. why did we lose that connection? you have so many **** friends and i have nothing against them, i just wish they would help bring back our friendship. and i am sick and tired (exhausted) of seeing you in the halls and looking the other way or up at the ceiling. i am embarrassed that it’s come to this. avoiding eye contact because i fear you hate me, cause God forbid, you send me a single message saying, “you know, i hate to admit it, but i miss you and i wanna start over.” but no. and perhaps i’m coming to full terms with that. i guess the contract is over and the summer sun has sunken into the fortress of the creepy night. i’m fine. it’s just- you had your car and i wished to ride in the front seat jamming out to music before school and having study halls together and making friends together and being friends forever. but it’s ok. i realized true friendship doesn’t exist. it’s all an in the moment thing. they’ll say they wanna be friends forever, but once you move from the ground to the sea, you’ll never wanna be dry again. and i get it. my lungs are drowning in the water, but i still don’t wanna climb out before it’s too late. i’m so sorry
perhaps missing you is a mistake as well
19 · Aug 2022
newborn Aug 2022
i’ve watched the same show for over two weeks
and when my favorite character was falling apart,
it put a damper on my mood.
i am that attached..
to fiction.
it wasn’t even real and i still cried in my bed
with my hair concealing my eyes.
i never like to think of myself as the most empathetic person out there,
it was a sudden jolt in my nature.
perhaps i see myself in his wild eyes,
not the wicked side,
but something in him that reflects in my heart.
i’m repulsed by my poetry.
i wouldn’t even consider it poetic in any way.
i tell my close friends that i write poetry
and i like to think that they scoff at that idea.
i told my retiring teacher that i wrote poetry
and she gave me her email.
what makes her think i’m good enough to be read throughly by an english teacher of forty years?
kinda ironic since i’m posting on a poetry website.
i’m embarrassed of my efforts,
ashamed of my achievements.
see, i’ve never been good at anything
i played basketball in middle school
and my friend would always say that i bombed a shot or i needed to do something more involving.
my past crush even said i was too short to play or something.
i tried being nice for a day because my sister and mother were telling me i was too mean,
i swear i’m not.
but i tried to be nice
and bad things still happened
and i called people rude names.
i’m not good at staying prompt to journaling
like tumblr girls at their highest.
catch my drift, i have never been good at anything,
and poetry is the only thing that makes me feel like i’m alive
who cares if it’s actually well written?
it’s self expression.
i hope everyone at least tries to write one poem once in their lifetime,
it changed my life.
step one: find a muse, trust me, if you have a good one, you might not even experience writers block
(that’s an overestimate, but sure)
step two: write about anything and everything.
write about your drive to work, how the highway signs started to feel like heartbeats because they were so repetitive.
write about your dreadful day at school and about the teacher who freaked out.
step three: find a metaphor in everything.
trust me, if you look hard enough, there’s always a metaphor.
step four: see yourself in other people. capture the conversation the bus passengers had. write from different perspectives;
you’ll learn a lot about empathy.
step five: don’t listen to my advice because i’m not qualified.
don’t listen to the writer of bad poems.
there’s no use in fearing rejection,
i get rejected by myself on the daily.
you’ll never be something to someone if you don’t just say it.
tell them you like them.
tell them they make your world glimmer
and they make bad days a little more bearable.
and if they shrug, it’s ok, souls don’t have the same meaning to everyone
and that’s beautiful.
you’ll live.
rejection is inevitable.
when i’m invested in a show or a person, it becomes my obsession.
when i lie awake at night, i’m wondering what will happen next,
what character is going to get killed off next.
i want my poems to be lengthier and
luckily i can rant like nobody’s business.
i feel less anxious when i throw my feelings onto paper,
and i think things through.
no need to have to suffer through all your chaotic thoughts alone.
that’s advice to me.
write when your favorite character is stressed,
write when you feel peeping eyes on your back.
write when the world churns you out of shape like butter.
write when the music doesn’t seem to calm your inner self.
the world can be wrong,
that’s a possibility.
you are allowed to critique it,
you are allowed to believe in miracles
and you are allowed to ask God if you can’t conjure up an answer all by yourself.
that’s why they say He’s always listening.
they lie about lots of other things,
but definitely not that.
writing is not for everyone,
it picks its candidates with reasoning.
i guess i was chosen
and i won’t let my muses down.
they live inside of my heart even when i wanna tear them out.
i won’t send my poetry to my old teacher,
and i won’t live another day without the benefits of writing.
i still have two more seasons to binge watch of this show
and more and more reasons to be alive.
the world is wrong,
but i never said i was right.
i have no vendettas
and writing has infiltrated my mind.
no tickets are accepted at admission.
come another time.
just wanted to write a lengthy poem. it’s all over the place, forgive me, i never said i was a good writer

19 · Dec 2021
HAte mysElf
newborn Dec 2021
i talk like a blinding light
  i shoot my opinions out like rockets
not asking, “do you want to hear it?”
   and i hate my voice as much as myself
            and i hate my opinions
hate my face
hate my bones
hate the way i’m obsessed with you
hate the way i’m clueless around clusters of stable fairies
hate the silence when i want to speak
hate my tongue
hate my clothes
hate my beliefs
hate my friendships
hate that i hate my friendships
hate the way i crave laughter
hate the way i ruin moments
hate the rawness of emotions
hate when i run into doorways
hate awkwardness when i can’t hear a word
hate waiting
hate the way the sun shines like a bullet
hate the social interaction
hate everything
          but i don’t hate the boldness
  the flavor that you bring me
         cause before i ate warheads
    and called them sweet like the only word in my dictionary
    but now i’m indulging in candy
  it tastes so bittersweet
             because i didn’t know anyone could love me like i wasn’t a disease
    like i wasn’t an ant to step on
    or a watermelon seed to spit out
                           and i thank you
      because it’s almost been a year
     and you make me hate myself a little less.
“It’s almost been a year and you make me hate myself a little less.”

Since you entered my world
A thunderstorm is just a small interruption
Anxiety is just an illness
newborn May 15
i wrote you a poem
where i’m scared to say everything
for fear of seeming too open.
where i loved you without embarrassment
or agitation
or sudden fear.
i wrote you a poem
where you were shining—
the sun looked like you tonight—
so i cried
staining ill-fitting clothes
on an ill-fitted body.
i wrote you a poem
where i showed you the admiration
i hold quietly inside
in tender unspeakable dreams.
i have countless dreams
sleepless feelings
of you and to my dismay
i drift to sleep
with your name floating above my forehead like counting sheep.
i wrote you a poem
where you smiled
and your tear drops fell,
up sprouted a garden.
i harvested your flowers;
put them in my hair.
i wrote a poem
where you care.
i wish i wasn’t so embarrassed or ashamed of stuff that i feel. ppl say they shipped me and my friend. this is about fearing rejection while also rejecting. idek anymore.

i wrote the first three lines on Christmas and returned to them: 5/14/24

published: 5/15/24
18 · Jan 2022
newborn Jan 2022
i remember when i waved “goodbye” to you
on that kindergarten day
and i haven’t seen you since
i wouldn’t know what to say

do you still have that blond hair and those
blue eyes?
those rimmed glasses?
i think you got contacts a while back
and i’m being ballsy
writing your name as the title
eh, you would never see

scribbling the remnants of your memories
onto a piece of paper
so when or if i have dementia
i can remember i was once happy

dedicated to you
in the back of the bus
hating each other
but wanting underneath
i would shave my eyebrows to see you
in public or around town
if you watch my “pretty” face and wonder if
i am the same girl who was always terrified to
speak to you
in first grade
do you feel strange emotions while
watching my face?
not a single thing?

i don’t even know what you look like right now
we should both keep those secrets i guess
who am i now?
who are you?
i am sweating and you are pulsating
i am getting weak and you are freezing

i bet you can’t recall
it was a competition about who got
colder easier
obviously it wasn’t me
how come i am getting hypothermia now
when you still stand out in the negatives with
a tiny tank top on?

curse you for leaving

curse you for not calling

curse you for not missing me
i mean, maybe you are, but i severely doubt it

curse you for never telling me you liked me
come on, we said we hated each other
that’s reverse psychology

curse you for becoming a memory
i always wanted you to be a present thing

and curse you for not saying goodbye like on that kindergarten day

i knew you never cared anyway
we’re getting real vulnerable here
18 · Sep 2023
ode to twelve o’clock
newborn Sep 2023
ballet slippers on legs i would rather not have
fantasize until i memorize every piece of you
i’ve danced in ovals around the feeling called happiness
a distant land, shangri-la
all for me
and now i look beyond my deformed hands
and see bridges that stop burning themselves
laughs when nothing is even remotely funny
blissfully aware yet choosing to be content
screaming, crying, vomiting

newborn Nov 2023
what does this mean?
****** palms, downtrodden expressions?
i don’t want you to **** me
with your ****** palms and deep dagger-like fangs
pulsing veins are black
i’ve lost my home
do you think of me when the silence is all you hear?
perhaps lying there do i seem worthwhile even for a second?
i feel so awful. i just **** at communicating and all i do is push people away.
written yesterday, but published 11/5/23
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