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Douglas Scheurn Oct 2014
At first,
Words were literal.
Hearts were broken,
I mean literal.

You were a brother,
Never meant to get mixed up.
Between a million lies,
We got mixed up.

They see you as a child,
Yet I see more.
I wanted to see the rage
You had stored.

Like a tornado,
Things got out of control.
Like a crescendo,
The damage took it's toll.


I want to show you worlds,
Where imagination is real.
Hours are but golden candles,
On a cherrywood wheel.

But we lost our faces,
And fingers were pointed.
Caught in mazes,
We were the unholy anointed.

My apology.
I write it in blood.
My reasoning?
Was a broken love.

A bond,
Shattered by blind hate
Until even holy water became taint.

What happened between us and Her,
That's old.
A hatchet lost forever,
Shattered in the cold.

We were labeled,
Yet I don't see you as a child.
With skills like yours,
It was fun to be wild.

You called out names,
Of course we obliged.
Naturally with these games,
We piled the fire high.


Perspective was lost.
Or was it?
I don't care.
Bury the hatchet, Arcassin.
Lets clear the air.
Let's end this...
1.9k · Jun 2014
Cryptic Prophesy
Douglas Scheurn Jun 2014
Darkness Emits from one.
         His pyramid Blocks the sun.
            Built on souls of light,
Now drowned in his artificial night.

         A vision quest to save you,
   For your dreams are not yet true.

     Clowns cry before a broken mirror,
     For who They were fades each year.

        Bodies line the streets at dusk,
           Choked out by money lust.

     The banks hold the seat of power,
      As I hold to them my tarot card:

                      The Tower.
1.9k · Oct 2016
Chrystal-rift Orgasm
Douglas Scheurn Oct 2016
Ten million bombs,
In an organism,
Single of cell.

The nucleus becomes nuclear,
The ironic cliche.
Instructions to life is unclear,
Resurrection per touch'e.

The ground breaks and falls away,
Supernatural universe all around you,
Leading yourself away,
Venomous vapor clouds you pass through.

Written texts whisper secrets,
"They're secrets for none exist to hear it!"

Ink fills the veins in challenge,
Blood carresses the paper before you,
Eyes stare in mallace,
Rebellion is the potential in truth,

The light dims as you suffocate the beautiful lie.
Thirteen dice becames synchronized with your soul,
Chances are you will die,
Before your art feeds your home.

As sad as this is,
It brings us boundless joy.

From the darkest possible chasm,
Ascends our Chrystal-Rift ******.
1.3k · Oct 2014
The Arrowhead Creed
Douglas Scheurn Oct 2014
A crescent moon,
A glowing spoon
Dipping into the wells of my mind.
Inspired ink swells;
Eternal Aphrodisiac.

Take a bite off the apple,
For the arrow peirced the skull.
Force fed trees,
Dying in a hole.

The fire burns this morning,
Brighter than last night.
External complacency,
Is it worth the fight?


Because as Carpe Diem,
My creed of me,
Means I can't stop,
Until the bow string snaps again,
And my heart bleeds.

Carpe Diem
My soul for you to drink from
1.3k · Sep 2014
Im broken...
Douglas Scheurn Sep 2014
My breaking point;
You've discovered it.
My mind sounds like falling coins
Like a mirror it cracks and chips.

Your crimson lips
Once spoke to my heart,
But like an eclipse,
These two eventually part.

I begged you,
But I can never tell you this.
It's true,
I'll always long for your kiss.

I'm nothing,
A soldier with no cause.
Isn't that something?
The way my soul falls.

Carpe..... Not today.....
At a loss
1.1k · Sep 2014
Astral Lullaby
Douglas Scheurn Sep 2014
Camp with me
Between the valleys and sunsets.
Watch with me,
The universe's dance the closest.

The sky,
day and night as one.
The stars only know what we've done.

The shadows beneath
Every blade of grass,
As the light breathes,
Time still as glass.

Hope crosses it's heart,
As we see the planets spin.
Life is born apart
From death who is destined to win.

Close your eyes,
So maybe you can see,
The entire world as it was meant to be.

**Carpe Diem
Open your eyes, open your mind.
1.1k · Sep 2014
Coils of Gluttany
Douglas Scheurn Sep 2014
Monster with a bomb,
I saw into your mouth.
Lying to a brother is so wrong,
Deception your paramount.

You walk a road you Pave.
You made your family your slave,
Your people to blame.

This isn't a Game, Melanie.
Your snake lips still hiss that same melody?
Your shame should be a felonie
Like mine the day you fell on me...

This is in no way right...
This is your fight
Remember that when you feel the knife,
The same one you put in my back twice!
You took my light,
But its okay now that shadows guide my sight
In their hands my eyes reside tonight
At least the things told me aren't coated in spite.
You were innocent that night?
Ha... Yeah right.

Arcassin... *
I almost pity you with passion
As I'm amused by your blastin
Your treatery is my cash in
Your sexting Satan's assassin
Watching and salivating,
Waiting to pull your *** in.

You were the newest kin to me.
Now you find yourself as enemy.
You ran from my family,
As a victim instead of a man free.
In time you'll see...
She'll abuse you and use you so she doesn't have to bleed.
Steel your seed
While riding another steed
She has you on her tongue...
On her breath her greed...
Please listen to me...
*Do not follow her lead.
For those who lie with snakes.
Douglas Scheurn Jul 2014
Church bells ring,
One gray rainy day.
Congregation began to sing,
Not I,
Hit by a car on the way.

Sirens and yells,
a numb jolt on my chest.
My vision failed,
As I exhaled my last breath..

I am no longer tethered to my mortal shell as I am swiftly taken into the depths of hell. All around flame burnt walls rose, and the sky was blackened by wings of crows.

Flames at my feet tickled and lashed,
Billions screamed, withered, and churned.
Demons simply pointed and laughed.
For some reason my naked skin wouldn't burn.

I coughed once then twice,
Choking on something freeing itself from my throat.
I fell to my knees and cried,
As a sword flew from it's fleshy abode.
1.1k · Sep 2014
Washing Our Shield
Douglas Scheurn Sep 2014
Good ending
To a bad week
Break from defending,
I feel tired and weak.

Armor to repair,
Blades to sharpen.
Wash the gore from our hair,
To sweet drink and music we hearken.

Weary bones,
Time to rest.
The battle zones,
Now wear our crest.

Hug your children,
Make love to your wives.
Against the odds of a million,
We survive.

Carpe Diem
996 · Jun 2014
The Dead Homestead
Douglas Scheurn Jun 2014
I am a torso,
With the heart exposed.
Given a single morsel,
That shrieks and floats.

"This place is dark, "
Says my flying eye.
"Did My head go to the park? "
Responded I.

The woodgrain tables,
Coated in dust.
Homestead cables,
Plagued in rust.

The ghosts are sick,
And cannot move.
The air is thick,
Within each room.

No one lived here for years,
No windows in it's place.
The home sat empty with fear,
As apparitions pace.

Screams echo through the night,
As the front sorry creaks.
The brave cry with fright,
As the walls speak.

The boards rot away,
The clocks all stopped.
The curtains away,
Occasionally a head pops.

I roll into my place of death,
In hopes yo find my skull.
I got myself into this mess,
As I couldn't pay the toll.

Carpet Diem.
957 · Nov 2014
Disembodied chapt. Five
Douglas Scheurn Nov 2014

The wind blows them to needed places
Embracing broken children's faces.
We ascended.
We were defended.
Light hearted the ceiling transcended
Repairing the reality...
Long offended.....

Grey my soul as I rest on this fence
Holy water burns as I began my rince
Of horrible days....
They hung the prince ....
Ages ago bells rang
Ever silent since.

Burn the witch....

Flip the switch.....

Light off in a flooded ditch
Red as blood to embrace a lynch.
Death is a nervous snitch..

Flip the switch...

Burn the witch.... *

Carpe Diem
920 · Jun 2014
Thyne Truth
Douglas Scheurn Jun 2014
You walk through the sands,
an eclipse red in the sky.
A temple lies at hand,
Wherein truth reveals the lie.

Two figures block the door,
you release a note.
Whatever lies in store,
may be your last hope.

A book lies on an altar,
also a chalice of clear substance.
Your heart beats faster and harder,
so full of suspense.

You open the cover gently,
the pages crinkle with age.
Each sheet was empty,
same on every page.

In confusion you look around,
Eyes falling on the reflection in the cup.
Now your truth has been found,
But the news has your heart sunk...
871 · Oct 2016
By The Old Pillar
Douglas Scheurn Oct 2016
Around the old pillar we used to dance,
         I gaze at its worn face.
Is it odd I sit in a trance,
            picking my mind with a turn of fate?

"Take my hand and dance with me!"
your ghost whispers oon the wind.
the trees move and softly sing,
illuminated grass bows and bends.

Stars fill the violet sky like a projection,
I smile at the haunting voice,
"But you are my memories' reflection"
I chuckle and rejoice!

no clouds swim
in the waters of the sun
I'll go on a whim
I am the only one.

Carpe Diem
839 · Oct 2014
Dreamland Of Poets
Douglas Scheurn Oct 2014
Let me show you what a poet can do.
I'll write us a door so we can walk through.

See the words of pain,

Words so vain,
But never plain.
Words reverberate into your brain.
Words of a man so insane
Ink flows through his veins.

After we die,

Our voices will forever speak.

The willows so high,

Watch us sleep.

Forever stargazing,

We see through the soil.

Heart ever blazing,

Death, victory over turmoil.

Carpe Diem
Life, Is the first chapter in the empty tome.
813 · Sep 2014
Some Kind Of Girl
Douglas Scheurn Sep 2014
Some Kind of Girl.

I need a girl who likes to play hard.
A girl who bumps korn in the graveyard.
I need a girl with scars matching mine.
a girl with a little darkness on her mind.
I need a girl who isn't scarred of death,
A girl who cherishes every breath.
I need a girl with an infatuation of blood,
A girl like this I'll truly love.
I need a girl with a forgotten past,
A girl to make each moment my last.
I need a girl with the world in her heart,
A girl with the mind to tear it apart.
I need a girl with eyes of a blazing torch,
A girl rolling joints on the porch.
I need a girl with a broken soul,

So the pieces of mine can make her whole.
812 · Jul 2014
Disembodied Chapter Two
Douglas Scheurn Jul 2014
I spoke to the shadow last night,
    the one connected to all.
Something wasn't right.
    It couldn't explain what it saw.

A room with no windows
a breeze caresses nothing.
The sound of weeping widows,
Last words they sing.

Shattered Mirror upon the wind,
Eyes Gazing upon you.
You feel your every sin,
You see your every virtue.

"Leave this place..."
An angel's voice...
Chains begin to lace,
pulling you into a void.

You hold the key,
as you fall asleep.
You're already free,
falling into the deep.

Colors whisper their legend,
as you become the map.
You Know every universal segment
As you weave your trap.

A Card Burns before your eyes,
A devil on it's front.
You hear scattered lies,
A Demon on a witch hunt.

You hold your cross close,
As darkness reaches forth.
You remember what you live most,
as you fall into this storm.

Carpet Diem
Douglas Scheurn Oct 2014
Take this pill,
The man said without a mouth.
He stared at me,
Yet eyeless was he.
The northern point,
Shadows south,
Across the drowned; dry sea.

Plant the seed here,
Prance your steed here,
The branches are very near.

Time without memory,
Memory without time,*
Blood drips from every line.

The line a poet creates,
Upon many things relate.

A line of words,
Or a hanging man's last,
Does he see life in a flash?

Is greed, lust what guided him?
Or did love shine out from within?

With actions,
Yet he atone?
Undying fractions,
Does he die alone?

Carpe Diem
The fourth chapter erupts...
768 · Aug 2014
Prelude to Love
Douglas Scheurn Aug 2014
Her eyes peer into the ocean waves,
truth and happiness hidden away.
Life glows in abyssal caves,
Two souls come to play.

Rivers guide them to intertwine
He grasps her waist as she kisses him.
Illuminating in a place without time,
Love blooming within the wind.

Golden essence bind them,
as ancient drums beat.
old petals fall of the stem,
yet new ones grow from a seed.
748 · Oct 2014
Greatest of Shadows
Douglas Scheurn Oct 2014
Downing aspartame,
In attempt to drown the pain...
False hope in a can of spray,
Bleeds through to the next page.

In a world where everything is poisonous,
And everyone wants to **** you,
How can I be joyous?
Is what I see true?

My heart is in a bird's nest,
Within the embrace of a dying tree.
I try, try my best,
In effort to break free.

Shadows dance,
Demons prance
In circles
Leaving me in a trance,
Impaled by a lance,
The destruction of a world.

We did this,
Spread hate faster than we could procreate.
How can I forget this?
More wars than forgiveness,
A place people become more ignorant
I become ever vigilant
There are those who down chemicals
To drown their vengeance
And those who take a weapon
Become a menace...

Bullet holes in my chest
Smoking out my final crest
These words outlast my final breath,
Smile with the release of breath,
I know u did my best...

I loved,

I hated,

But I forgave.

Satisfaction that cloaks my grave.
Even in death,
I live in grace.

**Carpe Diem
It's not hopeless..
Douglas Scheurn Jul 2014
The Blade of Micheal, the angel of old and bringer of God's wrath. Has passed his weapon on to me, and set me on my path. The blade sings of the truth and what had once use to be. Now it thirsts for evil's blood and the souls to be set free. It feels perfect in my hand as it continues to shine bright. Given me the strength I need to win this hellish fight.

As I grip the handle
Of the red sword.
it illuminated like a candle,
Reflcting light like a Ward.

It filled me with new strength,
As I feel God's gift.
Looked the imps on the face,
As the edge was lifted.

Demon eyes blazed bright, as I raised the sword in my hand. I howled at the top of my lungs and took my final stand.
I stood in a sea of many, embraced by God's grace. Time to get it right and earn my rightful place.

I swung down,
With all my might.
Chopped his crown
With a single smite.

By hundreds they attacked,
And by many they fell.
Until the legions blood, pitch black,
Painted the floor of hell.
734 · Apr 2015
Douglas Scheurn Apr 2015
If I weighed your heart on a feather,
Which would be heavier?
Ten priests together,
On the cross your sins you teather.

I tasted the road of the father,
The path of fear.
I saw farther,
What I see Crystal clear.

Forgiveness is great,
Kindness is good.
But you cling also to hate,
The bible you said you understood.

A church of witnesses,
Pews filled with the blind.
As the preaching liar finishes,
Your fear becomes your bind.

This is a warring society of malice
Soldiers fire a gun for them.
The Illuminati has control of your phallus,
All that is natural becomes a sin.

*Carpe Diem
726 · Jul 2014
Invisible Obelisk
Douglas Scheurn Jul 2014
The heart unlocks any lock,
Beside time.
The key I lost,
I cannot find.

Pomegranate trees grow
The scent travelling across Babylon.
Of finer days they show,
Now deserts riddled with carion.

Listen to the echoes,
The mirage would say.
The path glows,
Save for the toll pay.

Sands golden,
Yet worthless; undesirable.
Tombs lay frozen,
A state most admirable.

In the center,
The silver stone hidden from sight.
Meant to render,
The hope to Fight.

Carpe Diem.
723 · Nov 2014
Modern Day Martyr
Douglas Scheurn Nov 2014
Mixing metal shrapnel
With my ******* powder.
Reality; lost its handle.
Death; surrender Your power.

Listening to them
Is **** at gunpoint.
I only follow him,
The rest burns in my joint.

Pigs squeal for your green,
Or to join them in their stye.
Surrender to greed?
I'd rather die.

Ill swollow the hollowpoint
Rather than society's pill.
Burn the faces of the coined,
Resist the demons on the bill.

Fight with me.
Bleed with me.

Die with me.

Victory is ours,
No matter the outcome.
Monsters by the hour,
This is what we've become.

March Forth.
720 · Jan 2015
Disembodied Chapter Six
Douglas Scheurn Jan 2015
Breathe in the toxic aroma,
Pills of pnemonia...
the suffocating Lullaby.
Yell into the flashing sky.
Dark affliction,
My addiction.
Shadow hands ascends from the deep seated,
Rows of dirt remain unseeded.
March rolls in as the month of January,
A live child born at the mortuary.

Open your eyes to another color,
Inject within a syringe of thunder. *

Carpe Diem
716 · Jun 2014
Jig of the Jolly Rodgerette
Douglas Scheurn Jun 2014
Dried phalanges point at me,
Creaking with blame.
Skeletal In a dirt sea,
Coating me with shame.

There's cobwebs in your rib cage,
Where warmth used to show.
Inside there's a tattered page,
Where your heart used to go.

You still feel love,
And your wounds still hurt.
Out of your coffin you shoved,
Wearing your wreath for mirth.

I love you now,
Like I loved you then.
With pearly brow,
Chest cavity full of wind.

Your jaw creaks
With a voiceless tune.
An epitaph you speak,
Stories of doom.

You're thin frame
Twirls in a dance.
Sockets a'lit with pale flame,
Knee caps groaning In stance.

But why are your bones exposed,
Prancing across the room?
Are You possessed by a ghost,
Growing tired of your tomb?

Lie back on your vertebrae,  
Your skull needs a rest.
I think your Mind is strange,
It takes time to pass the test.

As you grind yourself to dust,
I still attempt to atone.
As I betrayed your trust,
I feel cold; alone.

Carpe Diem
713 · Apr 2015
Broken Feather
Douglas Scheurn Apr 2015
Look around,
      What do I see?
13 Dead Men
                   Looking at me

Wave my hands through the ink filled air,
life has been unfair,
But I am happy so long as I get my share.
Stress and suicide always on my mind,
A smile on my face is all you will e'er find.

For my tears fall in a secret place
So far away from earth's face.
In the pursuit of happiness I do give chase
Post haste!
On a Red horse it cannot escape.

Is this heaven or is it hell?
Halls of confusion I know so well.
I see the pain but I still leave my shell,
On my way to count how many angels' fell.
How can I tell?

Oh, with memories the Crystalline doth swell.

I hear echoes here.
here are the things I fear,
the things so far that they're near.

Pages float weightlessly,
As if e'er timeless.
I live Fateless, See?
Read this well, your Highness.

The grass is so green,
The skies so grey.
For many years I haven't seen
Night or day.

I Await the rain,
to wash away the stains
of blackened grains.

There was fire,
Here remains desire,
In my eyes lack the dire

At least here I am Maskless..

Carpe Diem
653 · Jul 2014
Douglas Scheurn Jul 2014
****** mess
Red white dress.
Heaving breast
Bleeding chest.

Red on white...
A color so beautiful..
To make things right.
Makes us feel so Dutiful.

Grab a Knife
And a pen.
Use the ink of life
In the end.

Flash like a bolt.
Run while you can.
Poetic cult.
Now you understand.
Now you understand, Street Profit. You could never beat us. Started a war then backed out last minute.
611 · Jul 2014
Disembodied Chapter One.
Douglas Scheurn Jul 2014
My eyes Wide.
      Grey pupils dilate.
          Blade buried deep inside,
               where dry waters Hide.

Mind like a jungle,
Each leaf a different story.
The clouds gently mumble,
Caressing sweet dreams of glory.

The world was red,
it will be so again.
For now rest your head.
your tired from what you went against.

Walls here in this open valley,
aren't meant for restraint.
Green on a turquoise gallery,
picture these words I paint.

Grow your grave,
from a willow seed.
As the dirt slowly begins to cave,
you comes upon a black steed.

Drunk from honor,
Lust for pride.
Not much longer,
Your corpse your bride.

My wounds bleed
to tell a tale.
Donate your greed,
As I turn pale.

Carpe Diem
605 · Sep 2014
I, My Own Shrink
Douglas Scheurn Sep 2014
If I was a shrink,
Looking into my reflection
Above the dripping sink
Listening to the words I, myself, speak
Listening to dark whispers
That my dreams seem to speak
Childhood nightmares
Of drowning on ink
Red blood at a skating rink,
Close your eyes so you never blink
Wake up amidst a voodoo ritual,
The answer only gets more trivial.
A case so mental,
Clearly seen on my physical,
An answer lies vertical.
The question cries in lyrical,
Hysteria is a miracle.
Listen close,
This is only half literal,

I am Zod,
My own madness.

I hear the story that I describe,
Here's the pill I would prescribe.
Made from the blood of a ****** bride,
And a rib from a demon's side.
Open your soul,
*A side in which Doc resides.
DaSH asked me what advice I'd give myself if I was my own shrink.
575 · Jun 2014
Silhouette Of a Statute
Douglas Scheurn Jun 2014
Once Upon a time,
There was this place.
Where the sweet wind chimed,
streets were lined in lace.

Sanguine stages of debauchery
Roads paved in red corpses.
The people made into a mockery,
Rages mirrored by humanoid torches.

Death and I are good friends.
We agreed their last breath
Was the very beginning
Of merciless; eternal unrest.

To their feet bare in poverty
eyes grew cold without hope.
Their teeth bared in harmony,
They feasted on throats.

Grins ripped and stretched,
Icy blood in their veins.
Skin slick and wretched,
Sickness within their brains.

Spines distorted and split,
Wings from their back formed.
Flames erected from their spit,
Their foreheads became horned.

Clothing ripped from the mob
As they sold their souls.
Policemen slaughtered like the festival hog
Hearts gaping like bottomless wholes.

The streets aflame in anger and pain,
Open graves decorated the local homes.
With nothing to gain,
Nothing left to as atone,

The demons wept,
Ruby tears lined their cheeks.
Hate was swept,
They sat alone for weeks.

Winter thrashes this town we observe,
Forms still as stone.
A life none of them deserve,
The church bell rings a tone.

They remained like that forever,
From sad spring, to summer, and fall.
Nothing left to sever
Them from the walls.

These are they;
Gargoyles in the rafters.
We cannot say,
"They lived happily ever after. "

Carpe Diem.
565 · Feb 2015
Ribbons of Demise
Douglas Scheurn Feb 2015
As the day goes on, the worse I feel.... Is there something I did? Why does it always end so construed...... I can't even look into the mirror without falling into rage and despair, to ribbons of pain that intertwine and entangle my soul, my heart, just the bare fragments I still hold of myself.

These ribbons, these cords attach like an umbilical and ***** the life out of the remaining pieces.

My mind, the once bright lantern struggles and convulses against the shadows that emanate from my eyes.

These shades asphyxiate me...

If this is truly the end,
It at least brings me comfort
That there was a beginning...

Carpe Diem, my remaining wish.
My heart, Gone.
Douglas Scheurn Oct 2014
I pull a mask off,
To show my positive vibes.
The ground was never soft.
Luckily the dice has six sides.
Extended wings of moths
Yet lunar lest you never die.

I Sigh

Transcripted society has become,
Programed by a tv show.
You know, there us a sun!
So feel it before it begins to snow!
Laugh, play, run!
Help someone through a low.
Hope doesn't lie in a trans-direct gun,
Razorblades aren't meant to flow.

Things happen but a smile is victory,
Grab an arm and fight!
The mirror is not your enemy!
Prepare to fight!
For in this war find serenity,
On this battle field find your light.

Live through the tears
Die with a smile.

Carpe Diem.
Wake. up.
514 · Feb 2015
Cracking and Hollow
Douglas Scheurn Feb 2015
The halls of my mind
Is haunted with memories
What you'll find
Is the last you'll ever see

Blood caked rooms
Whisper hurtful words
Silent tombs
On the floor rotting birds

Every window broken,
Every clock stopped.
Ghosts in the corner moping,
Every door locked.

No way out,
My mind has me tight.
Hear me shout,
Hear me fight.

No escape for the dead,
The laughs never stops.
Is this all in my head?
My heart drops.

Carpe Diem.
482 · Jun 2014
Wings Upon a Sword
Douglas Scheurn Jun 2014
Deceived by those who whisper
Within lines of bliss.
My vertebrae does shiver.
Can you hear the hiss?

Pierce you like poisoned thorns.
Chains pilling to a grave dug deep.
Describe them with Minotaur horns.
In their prison corpses shriek.

Your heart like a hand grenade.
You’re not alone.
Yourself into a renegade,
Home in a warzone.

Your last breath to your brothers,
Your sword in the serpent’s abyss.
Give your life for another,
Cast away the demon’s kiss.

Carpe Diem.
470 · Jun 2014
King In Red
Douglas Scheurn Jun 2014
A blast goes off,
                     the ticking bomb in my head.
                       Yet it doesn't stop,
                     So I can't be dead.

               The red splashes forth,
A world of Crimson forms from the                     shrapnel.
A world that already ran its course,
Devil's wings surrounds its chapels.

A winged Angel with a sythe,
                      Hovers over ever vigil.
To save these people from their strife,
        Yet held at bay by a metal sigil.

The people look up at their hero,
                  pain forming in his red eyes.
They need rescue from their pharoe,
        Upon his throne constructed by lies.

Death points at the Pharoe's black heart,
        Tell the people to take up arms.
the king and his men were torn apart,
their blood of dark pitch baptised their  charms.

Death broke free from the prison in the    
descending upon them with an eagles cry.
One Swype he ended all of their lives,
They never even had time to ask why.

My head pieces itself back together,
blood pours back into my body's Nile.
Secrets remain the same forever,
as on my face a gentle smile.

                      Carpe.... Diem....
425 · Jul 2014
Douglas Scheurn Jul 2014
****** mess
Red white dress.
Heaving breast
Bleeding chest.

Red on white...
A color so beautiful..
To make things right.
Makes us feel so Dutiful.

Grab a Knife
And a pen.
Use the ink of life
In the end.

Flash like a bolt.
Run while you can.
Poetic cult.
Now you understand.
Now you understand, Street Profit. You could never beat us. Started a war then backed out last minute.
418 · May 2015
Soul(less) Search
Douglas Scheurn May 2015
Mentally lost,
I live in the land of rust.
red sand within the glass.

fill it with wine, boss,
as the deserts inwardly rush,
surely its your last.

skies exist so black
epiphany to my anxiety.
succession of my depression
the absence of his majesty
violins pivot within my expression.

reapers possess the sun
but only caresses one.
am I a fruitless tomb?
within a timeless womb?

I'd reach out a hand,
and pull back a nub.
In this mysterious world I stand
within a pyramid hub.

Crows and Ravens dance in the clouds
down comes a monster so loud...
Douglas Scheurn Jun 2014
The secret is that none can teach poetry,

You're born with it,
You're born from it.

It's like a cut on your heart
That will never heal,
That will never ill,
That cannot ****,
The blood will seal ,
into words so real,
To paint what you heal.
It is a thrill,
With it,
There's no heart you can't steal.

It can scab over,
But that can be cured with a stab.
It is not a fad,
Cat's out of the bag,
But it's not sad,
I showed you a gift you always had,
To break the curse with a blast.

Let your blood drip into the page,
Meditate over fields of sage,
It's the map to the maze,
The string to lift the haze.
358 · Feb 2015
Fall of the Grey
Douglas Scheurn Feb 2015
The emotion of rust and empty plains.
Destruction of reality is at bay,
Mirage no longer heals the pain.

It's lonely at night,
The shadows speak no more.
Towards the heavens float the last light,
The universe closed the door.

This is the path I roam,
Thorns become my bed.
This is my home,
Where so many have fled.

Wings of tomorrow
Guide my steps
Vines of sorrow
Binds the test.

The birds cry silently,
Don't give up your heart!
They then shake violently,
Then burst apart.

Black blood coats the empty land,
Fertilizing the crimson seeds.
Time dies by my hand
It's wounds exhale the seas.

As I too fall,
I feel so strange....
I hear the call,
As my pen makes the stain.

Carpe Diem

— The End —